Tool Sentence Examples
The artists tool, be it brush or burin.
Now we knew we possessed an incredible tool at our fingertips.
It'd make a good bargaining tool for a deal.
He picked up a menacing looking tool.
Anyone else with have a grain of ambition would see them as a tool.
They are - normally hard and remain so, even at a faint red heat; much deeper cuts can therefore be taken at a high speed without blunting the tool.
For me, you've become a bargaining tool.
Oak was formerly largely used by wood-carvers, and is still in some demand for those artists, being harder and more durable than lime and other woods that yield more readily to the sculptor's tool.
The hollow bulb is worked into the shape it is intended to assume, partly by blowing, partly by gravitation, and partly by the workman's tool.
Under the old system the form of the bowl is gradually developed by blowing and by shaping the bulb with the sugar-tongs tool.
AdvertisementThe fractured edge of the bowl is heated, trimmed with scissors and melted so as to be perfectly smooth and even, and the bowl itself receives its final form from the sugar-tongs tool.
These varied in the different culture provinces according to the natural supply, and the presence or absence of good tool material counted for as much as the presence or absence of good substances on which to work.
An early improvement was the introduction of a tool resembling a pair of tongs, the two dies being placed one at the extremity of each leg.
In the history of the United States the politician has been too often the man who, in connexion with some other trade or profession, has taken up politics as a tool to carve out some personal ambition or manufacture a financial profit.
By introducing genuine reforms for the benefit of officers and common soldiers alike, and by laying himself out for popularity in the most pronounced fashion - notably by his fire-eating attitude towards Germany in April 1887 in connexion with the Schnaebele frontier incident - Boulanger came to be accepted by the mob as the man destined to give France her revenge for the disasters of 1870, and to be used simultaneously as a tool by all the anti-Republican intriguers.
AdvertisementDuring his short reign the young king, a sickly youth and of feeble understanding, was the mere tool of his uncles Francis, duke of Guise, and Charles, cardinal of Lorraine, into whose hands he virtually delivered the reins of government.
It sank eventually into a mere political tool in the hands first of Thebes, and then under Philip of Macedonia."
The example of Nicholas I., two centuries before, had shown the position which a pope could occupy in Christendom; but for a long time past the man had come short of the institution, the workman of his tool.
And thus the prestige of the papacy was sensibly diminished by the view, to which the jealousy of the nations soon gave currency, that the supreme dignity of the Church was simply a convenient tool for French statecraft.
That the council was merely a tool in the hands of the ambitious and adroit Baldassare Cossa, was a fact unsuspected by its members who were animated by a fiery enthusiasm for the re-establishment of ecclesiastical unity; nor did they pause to reflect that an action against both popes could not possibly be lawful.
AdvertisementSo pronounced an enemy of French preponderance did Innocent become that he approved the League of Augsburg, and was not sorry to see the Catholic James II., whom he considered a tool of Louis, thrust from the throne of England by the Protestant William of Orange.
Moreover, when depositing the concrete, a shovel or other tool must be worked between the wet concrete and the shutter.
For moving small plants the garden trowel is a very convenient tool, but we are inclined to give the preference to the hand-fork.
These include the austenitic or gamma non-magnetic manganese steel, already patented b y Robert Hadfield in 1883, the first important known substance which combined great malleableness with great hardness, and the martensitic or beta " high speed tool steel " of White and Taylor, which retains its hardness and cutting power even at a red heat.
According to our present theory, it is chiefly to beta iron, preserved in one of these ways, that all of our tool steel proper, i.e.
AdvertisementRailway car springs, which are exposed to great shock, have typically about 0.75% of carbon; common tool steel, which is exposed to less severe shock, has usually between 0.75 and 1.25%; file steel, which is subject to but little shock, and has little demanded of it but to bite hard and stay hard, has usually from 1.25 to 1 5 o %.
The best tool steel should not contain more than 0.02% of either, and in careful practice it is often specified that the phosphorus and sulphur respectively shall not exceed 0.04 and o 05% in the steel for important bridges, or o 06 and 0 07% in rail steel, though some very prudent engineers allow as much as 085% or even o To% of phosphorus in rails.
The shaping processes include the mechanical ones, such as rolling, forging and wire-drawing, and the remelting ones such as the crucible process of melting wrought iron or steel in crucibles and casting it in ingots for the manufacture of the best kinds of tool steel.
Now in the series of operations, the blastfurnace, puddling and crucible processes, through which the iron passes from the state of ore to that of crucible tool steel, it is so difficult to detect just which are the conditions essential to excellence in the final product that, once a given procedure has been found to yield excellent steel, every one of its details is adhered to by the more cautious ironmasters, often with surprising conservatism.
Its chief, indeed almost its sole use, is for making tool steel, the best kinds of spring steel and other very excellent kinds of high-carbon and alloy steel.
It is still in great demand for certain normal purposes for which either great ease in welding or resistance to corrosion by rusting is of great importance; for purposes requiring special forms of extreme ductility which are not so confidently expected in steel; for miscellaneous needs of many users, some ignorant, some very conservative; and for remelting in the crucible processAll the best cutlery and tool steel is made either by the crucible process or in electric furnaces, and indeed all for which any considerable excellence is claimed is supposed to be so made, though often incorrectly.
As, in succeeding members of this same series of cast irons, more of the graphite of the initial skeleton changes into cementite and thereby becomes part of the metallic matrix, so the graphite skeleton becomes progressively thinner and more discontinuous, and the matrix richer in cementite and hence in carbon and hence equivalent first to higher and higher carbon steel, such as tool steel of I carbon, file steel of 1.50%, wire-die steel of 2% carbon and then to white cast iron, which consists essentially of much cementite with little ferrite.
But one or other of the remaining varieties mentioned by Pliny (the Macedonian, the Arabian, the Cyprian, &c.) may be the true diamond, which was in great request for the tool of the gem-engraver.
Diamonds are now employed not only for faceting precious stones, but also for cutting and drilling glass, porcelain, &c,; for fine engraving such as scales; in dentistry for drilling; as a turning tool for electric-light carbons, hard rubber, &c.; and occasionally for finishing accurate turning work such as the axle of a transit instrument.
No other tool is so endurable, or gives such uniform thickness of wire.
Arabi, as has been said, was rather the figurehead than the inspirer of the movement of 1881-1882; and was probably more honest, as he was certainly less intelligent, than those whose tool, in a large measure, he was.
As his viceroy in Delhi he left a Rohilla chief in whom he had all confidence, but scarcely had he crossed the Indus when the Mahommedan wazir drove the chief from the city, killed the Great Mogul and set another prince of the family, a tool of his own, upon the throne.
Agricultural Tools.The hoe of wood (85) is the main tool from the late prehistoric time, and many have been found of the XVIIIth Dynasty.
Corners of signs and intersections of lines were first fixed by minute tube-drill holes, into which the hand tool butted, so that it should not slip over the outer surface.
The mould was single, so that one side of the tool was the open face of metal.
His successor in the office of first minister was a mere tool in the hands of his Mamelukes, who compelled him to institute and depose governors, &c., at their pleasure.
If a horse to be shod, or any broken tool were left with a sixpenny piece at the entrance of the cave the repairs would presently be executed.
The only ancient implement discovered on the island is a kind of stone chisel, but it seems impossible that such large and numerous works could have been executed with such a tool.
As a research tool, this 11th edition is unparallelled - even today.
This step was largely due to the pressure brought to bear by Catherine's father Ferdinand upon Henry's council; he regarded England as a tool in his hands and Catherine as his resident ambassador.
His wavering, intriguing mother, Margaret Tudor, or her sometimes friend, sometimes foe, Albany, arrived from France; or her discarded husband, Angus, the paid tool of Henry VIII.?
Darnley had taken on him (his one act of kingly power) to dismiss the parliament, but he now found himself the mere tool of his accomplices.
He has been called ambitious, turbulent, crafty, abject, vindictive, bloodthirsty and a good many other things besides, not quite in keeping with each other; in addition to which it is roundly asserted by Bishop Burnet that he was despised alike by Henry and by Mary, both of whom made use of him as a tool.
There are also iron bar, hoop and wire works, tool, soap, glass and chemical works, foundries and cotton mills.
The names generally given to the three prehistoric periods of man's life on the earth - the Stone, the Bronze and the Iron age - imply the vast importance of the progressive steps from the flint knife to the bronze celt, and lastly to the keen-edged elastic iron weapon or tool.
A sheet of metal set revolving at a high speed in a lathe is bent over into cup-shaped forms, with numerous mouldings, by a blunt hardened tool.
He was for the most part merely a tool in the hands of the Committee of Union and Progress, and though he was supposed to dislike the pro-German policy of Enver Pasha, he was unable to take any effective steps to oppose him.
The nominal head was the king's brother Charles, duke of Berry, then eighteen years old, a weak character, the tool of the rebels as he was later the dupe of the king.
The reflecting telescope became the only available tool of the astronomer when great light grasp was requisite, as the difficulty of procuring disks of glass (especially of flint glass) of suitable purity and homogeneity limited the dimensions of the achromatic telescope.
To make the teeth of a pair of endless screws fit correctly and work smoothly, a hardened steel screw is made of the figure of the smaller screw, with its thread or threads notched so as to form a cutting tool; the larger screw, or wheel, is cast approximately of the required figure; the larger screw and the steel screw are fitted up in their proper relative position, and made to rotate in contact with each other by turning the steel screw, which cuts the threads of the larger screw to their true figure.
Elected as the tool of the bigoted orthodox party in the Church, Michael diligently persecuted the iconoclasts on the northern and eastern frontiers of the empire, but meanwhile allowed the Bulgarians to ravage a great part of Macedonia and Thrace; having at last taken the field in the spring of 813, he was defeated near Bersinikia, and Leo the Armenian was saluted emperor in his stead in the following summer.
Our knowledge of the process and materials employed in niello-work is derived mainly from four writers,- Eraclius the Roman (a writer probably of the nth century), Theophilus the monk, who wrote in the 12th or 13th century,' and, in the 16th century, Benvenuto Cellini 2 and Giorgio Vasari.3 The design was cut with a sharp graving tool on the smooth surface of the metal, which was usually silver, but occasionally gold or even bronze.
He opposed Louis's candidate for the electorate of Cologne (1688), approved the League of Augsburg, acquiesced in the designs of the Protestant William of Orange, even in his supplanting James II., whom, although a Roman Catholic, he distrusted as a tool of Louis.
Agesilaus' success was largely due to Lysander, who hoped to find in him a willing tool for the furtherance of his political designs; in this hope, however, Lysander was disappointed, and the increasing power of Agesilaus soon led to his downfall.
It has collieries, and iron, steel, engineering, tool and fire-clay works, and there is a large industrial population.
She showed most favour to her reactionary generals and statesmen, to the Church and religious orders, and was constantly the tool of corrupt and profligate courtiers and favourites who gave her court a deservedly bad name.
He started business as a clock, lock and tool maker at Doncaster, and attained a considerable local reputation for scientific knowledge and skilled workmanship. He also practised surgery in an experimental fashion, and was frequently consulted as an oculist.
Owing to complications arising from the demarcation of the boundary of Afghanistan which was being carried out at that time, and the ambitious projects of Umra Khan, chief of Jandol, which was a tool in the hands of Sher Afzul, a political refugee from Chitral supported by the amir at Kabul, the mehtar (or ruler) of Chitral was murdered, and a small British and Sikh garrison subsequently besieged in the fort.
Physically and mentally deficient, Ivan was the mere tool of the party in Muscovy who would have kept the children of the tsar Alexis, by his second consort Natalia Naruishkina, from the throne.
But the absence of the long-shaped implements, so characteristic of the Neolithic and Palaeolithic series, and serviceable as picks, hatchets, and chisels, shows remarkable limitation in the mind of these savages, who made a broad, hand-grasped knife their tool of all work to cut, saw, and chop with.
Their weapons were the wooden club or waddy notched to the grasp, and spears of sticks, often crooked but well balanced, with points sharpened by tool or fire, and sometimes.
He was not a Phocion, for he never became the tool of a foreign power.
The Bengal native army was their tool, which circumstances put into their hands at the psychological moment when British power seemed to be at its lowest point.
As an historical figure, it is impossible to dogmatize concerning the personality of Joan of Arc. The modern clerical view has to some extent provoked what appears, in Anatole France's learned account, ably presented as it is, to be a retaliation, in regarding her as a clerical tool in her own day.
On the removal of the pads, or the cutting out of the face of the mortar where pads were not used, the vacant joint was gradually filled with almost dry mortar, a hammer and caulking tool being used to consolidate it.
It was made without any use of iron, and no iron tool was ever allowed to touch it.
She was as much the tool of Mortimer as Isabella her husband had been.
If he pleaded that in 1328 he had been the mere tool of his mother and Mortimer, he could be reminded of the unfortunate fact that in 1331, after he had crushed Mortimer, and taken the power into his own hands, he had deliberately renewed his oath to King Philip.
Whether he was the tool of other and more highly placed malcontents, or whether he was simply a ready-witted adventurer playing his own game, it is hard to determine.
Rotherham was the ready tool of Edward IV.
The tool selected was one Perkiri Warbeck, a handsome youth of seventeen or eighteen, the son of a citizen of Tournai, who had lived for some time in London, where Perkin had actually been born.
At seventy - five his brain was as clear as ever, arid James saw that he was no fit tool for his purpose.
The former rebel of the Romagna, the Liberal Carbonaro, was henceforth to be the tool of the priests.
But Louis was not the obedient tool she wished for.
Amid general silence it was a formidable and much dreaded body of opinion; and in order to stifle it Louis XIV., the tool of his confessor, the Jesuit Le Tellier, made use of his usual means.
Refusing to be made a tool for the furtherance of Perdiccas's ambitions, Brasidas set about the accomplishment of his main object, and, partly by the rapidity and boldness of his movements, partly by his personal charm and the moderation of his demands, succeeded during the course of the winter in winning over the important cities of Acanthus, Stagirus, Amphipolis and Torone as well as a number of minor towns.
The Italian prince had put himself into a thoroughly false position, in which the nearest approach to friends he could find were intriguing politicians who sought to use him as a tool, and where every man of honest principles, royalist or republican, looked upon him as an in- truder.
He was a mere tool in the hands of the feudal nobility of the city; he was succeeded by Benedict VIII.
The opposite opening M is the working door, through which the tool for stirring the charge is introduced.
He had simply seen her as a tool to manipulate Alex.
If they were successful in turning a normal pig into a vamp-pig, and that vamp-pig could in turn bite say, a human or another animal, and transfer the vamp bug, then you've potentially got a new tool you can use to transform the human population into vamps.
If you need the negotiation tool, use it.
It was one thing to feed Kris and the Immortals here to the demons, another thing to give the demons a tool they could use to destroy all Immortals, if not humanity, too.
It'll be another tool for Damian to use against the vamps.
He brought the tool down in a smooth effortless motion that cut the grass neatly.
It offers a powerful tool for lobbying decision makers.
It measured broadband speeds from the end-user perspective with its measurement tool.
All this is to repeat the refrain that the tool is a reflection of the mind of the tool-maker.
They also make an exceptional abdominal exercise tool to create powerful and rock hard abs.
Here is a tool, the most powerful accelerator ever built.
Find out more... Media Relations A strong Internet presence is a proven tool for generating additional PR for your company.
If you are technologically adept, the BBC provide a free tool that may be installed on a website to aid access.
Here, you will learn how to get objects from another application then use GIF animator 's Tool Panel to create more objects.
Using the option appraisal tool will help partners to assess whether the approach meets their needs.
So we assume that the human language is a perfectly good tool for rational argumentation, reflection and thought.
There is no clear evidence of corresponding shifts in tool function or the faunal assemblages.
If you just want to edit sound you can get a superb editing tool called audacity free online.
Molds & die have its own problems for collision avoidance & using shorter tool length.
Barometric pressure also changes with local weather conditions, making barometric pressure also changes with local weather conditions, making barometric pressure an extremely important and useful weather forecasting tool.
Compact and easy to handle with Li-Ion battery so the tool is always ready for use.
We provide you a full plumber's tool kit containing everything you need including a machine pipe bender.
When using a billhook, slasher or ax, always make sure there is a clear path to swing the tool.
The PTFE coated blade is available as anvil or bypass and the tool has 10 year guarantee.
I lent him, grudgingly, my special screw cutting tool with instructions not to let it get blunt.
Nick Bennet's surveying tool lives in a long, neutrally buoyant tube held at arms length from the diver.
The design was engraved onto sheets of polished copper coated with wax, using a sharp, needle-like tool called a burin.
Includes a jargon buster, legislation, benchmarking tool, factsheets and case studies.
It was, therefore, decided to investigate the deposition of chromium carbide onto the tool in question.
We will not be a bargaining chip or tool of pressure to be used against Iraq.
Attachments for tool post, Travel stops Three & four jaw chucks, sliding chuck guard with view window.
Some will say that they are just a tool to bring out the natural clairvoyance that is present in the Reader anyway.
For example, is it a public relations tool, an information clearinghouse, or a direct channel for selling products?
In the hands of experienced clinicians, shock wave therapy may well prove to be a valuable tool in dealing with chronic tendon pain.
Clive generic self-testing shells was also seen as a useful tool for immediate delivery of courseware.
We plan to make a " molecular tool box " for the genetic manipulation of the genus clostridium.
The aim is to evaluate the potential of exhaled breath condensate as a diagnostic tool for respiratory disease.
Photo effects for black and white, sepia and tinted, color sliders for RGB balance red-eye correction tool for automatic and user-guided operation.
Honest himself, he believed implicitly in the honesty of others and became the tool of political crooks and social reactionaries.
The new HE-VA TOP TILLER stubble cultivator is the tool for the large arable farmer requiring high daily work rates.
I thought this large for the tool, and wondered if the first-hand rackets were much dearer.
Plasma Quest are a British SME which manufacture a novel sputter deposition tool for magnetic materials.
But I do believe that using destitution as a tool of policy is a stick too far.
This is a useful tool for remote diagnostics, maintenance and trouble-shooting.
The tool durability increases from high speed steel cemented carbide polycrystalline diamond, but that sequence also applies to costs.
Excavation can be done by hand, or you can hire a digger from a local tool hire store.
Thus the control of dioxin level in feed is a decisive tool to reduce the human dioxin intake.
Overall it is more of an interesting tool to teach analyzing discourse than an analysis of language in comics.
It is a fundamentally discursive environment which takes the asynchronous discussion board as its central tool.
As with our other divinations, dice divis are used as just one tool for helping us let go our old habitual patterns.
Our experience over the last five years has enabled us to put together a tool kit of tender documentation.
Selecting the right tools diy drywall repair and cabinet jack Specializing in diy drywall repair, cabinet jack and cabinet tool.
Crestline's Double easel is a wood easel with a tool tray, two surfaces and a paper roll.
Using the ellipse Tool, create a circular ellipse roughly 20 pixels in diameter on the left edge of the stage.
The painful results of my indiscipline with my hammer invite inner growth, which is the only enduring gift of the tool.
The conclusion drawn is that the newsgroup is an effective aid to learning and a useful but imperfect tool for accelerating evolution.
Benchmarking for Best practice is a valuable reference tool, a treasure trove of best practice exemplars.
The tool is also built in modular form to be easily extensible.
Left-hand end of spindle is threaded to take faceplates for use with a free-standing tool rest (not included ).
Users can now familiarize themselves with the amazing linguistic features of this powerful communication tool.
It's a tool and with any tool, you need to know what you want before you decide to use feng shui.
Rainbow Maker A perfect tool to bring good feng shui into your home or business.
It is a useful tool for tweaking your green screen during setup, rather than trying to fix flaws in the edit bay.
This version of the factory tool holds the flywheel properly while you remove and refit the flywheel nut.
We present a formalism for trust which provides us with a tool for precise discussion.
I would like to ask those of you who treat it as a tool to vent frustrations and post allegations about others to STOP!
Annotation Artemis is now the main annotation tool used for analysis of microbial genomes at the Sanger Institute.
Using Artemis as a sequence analysis tool for prokaryote and small eukaryotic genomes.
The ideal tool is index-linked gilts, which guarantee to retain their value in real terms.
In addition, a comprehensive glossary provides an invaluable reference tool.
To what extent do you consider ' ecological footprinting ' to be a useful tool in pursuing the goals of sustainable tourism?
Amazingly, the species has a grapefruit sized brain, smaller than any other stone tool using species.
Tips for Effect Brushes The Effect Tool in Corel PHOTO-PAINT can be incredibly handy if you're an experienced user.
To be fair tho, I think NIN, The Offspring or Rammstien would be big enough headliners if Tool can do it.
In 1995 mobile phones were largely a business tool and still too hefty for the average pocket.
This author concludes that nurses should ensure that prescribing is adopted as a tool allowing nurses to provide holistic, patient-centred care.
Put the crochet hook or latch tool under the strand between the edge st and the next st and pull gently.
A tool that's ideal for creating hypertext, for example, may be less suitable for complex scripting or video playback.
Tracy Young, Restormelâs trainee planner comments âLaserAce® hypsometer is a handy tool and will come in useful for many height issues.
A very useful tool for checking tb incidence among badgers would the PCR.
Although OMR is sometimes thought of as being rather inflexible, it is often the best tool to use.
Finally, as a sophisticated digital communications tool, ASL's innovative WS Series digital wireless intercom will also be on display.
Our Microsoft Exchange migration tool helps to elegantly transfer your data with minimal network interruption.
The model provides a useful, yet simple tool for modeling of the perturbed ionosphere.
Sometimes this is revealed by a slight chattering of the tool and/or a slightly irregular cut.
Items produced included capstan lathes, tool and cutter grinders, and screw-cutting lathes.
The assessment tool for the Introduction to Health Psychology and Communication module is particularly laudable and innovative.
It appears to be a useful tool, therefore, for the chiral ligands that have been tested.
Knowledge of Maple as a tool for doing linear algebra.
This is the only low-cost image-editing program that has such a tool.
In the hands of a skilled investor, Internet trading is a valuable tool, offering low-cost, real-time share dealing.
The 8x magnifier is a proper tool which can help to identify or provide better clues about the nature of small particles.
A Chinese mandarin is as much the tool and creature of a despotism as the humblest cultivator.
In a rapidly evolving digital marketplace, we see 4Play as a potent tool in the marketing mix.
But most innovative of all is the unique locking mechanism which prevents tool blades from folding during use.
In the next section, some information is presented on the common tool materials and lubricants used in warm and hot metalworking.
We have universal lathes for chuck and bar work with 12 driven tool stations, for turning, milling and thread cutting.
If necessary correct any misalignment using the ' handles ' on the driving tool.
After downloading the picture to your computer, use the paint tool to give him a green Mohawk and a nose ring.
This tool is provided by Computational molecular biology at the US National Institutes of Health.
A heart rate monitor is also an essential tool for any workout.
Thus the question of whether the Difference Engine was itself a tool became moot.
The tool can be operated by both handles (or by the top handle alone ), using a rotary motion.
It is thought that schools may see these clubs as a valuable tool toward promoting international, multicultural and development education.
A useful tool for understanding neuroanatomy and its implications for learning.
Kent Police said fixed penalty notices were just one tool to help them to tackle anti-social behavior.
To give you the mathematical tool necessary to conduct research in satellite oceanography.
The primary tool for mission accomplishment in conventional military operations is the use of force directed against an adversary.
Geometrical optics are a useful tool for calculating reflections from the polygons in a 3D database.
Teacher, using template, demonstrates use of Photoshop tools; lasso tool, paint bucket, paint palette.
The ' Copy ' tool action script has been corrected to add missing right parenthesis.
Digital interactive Television Traditional TV has for a long time been an awareness creation tool par excellence.
They often used a tool called the pelican, which looked a bit like a pelican's beak.
As a dowsing pendulum it is the perfect tool!
One large basalt pestle constituted the only complete groundstone tool recovered this season.
A subsection of the resulting tree of mouse phenotypes can be seen in the tool interface example.
It is the only folding tool on the market that offers locking pliers.
They require a special tool to loosen them, that said its very easy to loosen them with a pair of needle nose pliers.
That's a tremendously powerful tool - it's called photogrammetry.
Tool for Stereographic projection - This tools allows you to draw stereographic projections for different crystal types using different poles for the projection axis.
The slide projector is more than a tool of the past.
An ice climbing tool called the pterodactyl was invented in Glen Coe.
All tool handles should also be wiped with an oily rag from time to time, using linseed oil.
A spring-tine or lawn rake is a different tool altogether.
The 2m (6'6 ") post rammer is a sturdy all-steel tool with a neat head.
Photography was, of course, quite real, but it has proven to be a favorite tool of hoaxers since its invention.
Online RMA requests The RMA tool allows partners to submit online return requests for faulty goods.
The technique of fluid dynamic gaging, developed in the group, is now being used as a surface rheology tool.
Checklists are a useful preliminary tool for expert assessment Full evaluation ultimately required road tests.
Gouge A cutting tool with a ' U ' shaped cross-section used with the bevel rubbing.
The best tool for most of your cutting needs is a surgical scalpel.
Even if the very person training him was the same man who slashed the tool kit and nearly scuppered his qualification dive.
Google - The leading search engine and the best travel tool around.
The development of intensity as a tool thus predates instrumental seismology (although really not by very much ).
Our knowledgebase is a tool that offers fast online self-help for technical problems.
The Pipe browsing semantics is used to define a tool that can handle a hypermedia application by using Pipe structures.
Sirius web is a useful tool for calculating staff costs within the University sector.
For a professional it is an essential tool, but it may be the proverbial sledgehammer to crack a walnut for many.
With the Shape tool selected, you can access the Curve smoothness slider from the property bar.
Engraving involves cutting into the plate with an engraving tool, which removes a thin sliver of metal.
The voice recording function, MP3 player, exercises and sample tests make this an incredibly smart and effective language learning tool!
Lowest geico auto insurance nj rates tool light has smith of bear.
This time his skill was greater or his tool was better, for there was a sudden snap and the creak of the hinges.
The next step was to try to undo the bush using a socket spanner on the tool, however it wouldn't budge.
This is very easy to make and is an essential tool for making a round spar.
To remove the damper spindle you should take Moto Guzzi Special tool 10 90 48 00.
People of all backgrounds need to appreciate how race has been used as a tool to assert the superiority of certain groups over others.
Therefore, perhaps supplementary prescribing should be seen as a tool to implement evidence-based medicine, which does improve outcomes.
A set of local ordnance survey maps is an awkward tool for discovering the quickest way from Boston to Manchester.
What you are looking at could be the tool that elevates you from magician to mind-reading swami.
This web based tool is used to stimulate increased collaboration between organizations and facilitate industrial symbiosis.
Moreover, as tenor trombonists developed greater facility in the higher tessitura, the alto was increasingly dismissed as an outmoded upper-register tool.
With the bionic hands ' amazing tactile agility, Scott easily strapped on his bulky tool belt and attached the safety tether line.
Then tighten up the center screw further with the aid of the tighten up the center screw further with the aid of the tightening tool.
The title tag The title tag is used by many search engines as an indexing tool.
What advice would you give to someone who has choose an authoring tool to build a multimedia application?
Sudoku puzzles online, or use the tool to print any Sudoku puzzle.
The Pizza Explorer - is fantastic learning tool created by Bruce Watkins from Purdue University.
The spatial linear model provides a powerful tool to model such behavior.
They are a useful tool for carrying out a wide range of activity.
These will suit certain business models highlighted by our diagnostic tool.
The WRAP eQuip scheme was therefore a valuable tool in enabling this project to be built.
The technique is particularly powerful analytical tool for obtaining compositional depth profiles.
Word of mouth has proved to be a powerful marketing tool.
The council is offering free trials of the RoSPA Driver Profiler on-line risk assessment tool via the website.
We offer a fully CNC equipped tool room and we are able to manufacture tooling up to 2.5 tons.
Berger Tools Ltd formed in 1977, is a respected supplier and distributor of high quality precision tooling components and machine tool standard parts.
A tool leasing scheme has been started by the Gage and toolmakers Association to help both toolmakers and molders.
Mass spectrometry is used both as an analytical tool and for metabolic studies using stable isotope tracers.
Forward Plan This is a new tool arising from the Local Government Act 2000, to make decision making more transparent.
On retrieval, the pressure corer was returned to its position on the tool trestles for disassembly.
An effective abs tool designed by Gaiam with certified personal trainer and six-time ironman triathlete Jonathan Roche.
He hastily flung some brushes into his tool kit, then straightened up and gazed at news undertaker wwe her with deep compassion.
The tool kit includes a 50mm (2 inch) long mini bullet vibrator with five soft, rigid, jelly sleeves.
Swiss made, high quality construction by Bergeon, the world's foremost watch tool maker, and the preferred choice for professional watchmakers.
This tool shed has been manufactured using smooth planed white pine from sustainable forests.
I mean, if you want to look at it as a tool, yeah, you can have a sophisticated word processor.
There is no consistency between maps of different regions, and as a ' navigation tool ' they are essentially worthless.
Tools for Interactivity - Chris Jennings Introducing the authoring tools Tool metaphors making choices WYSIWYG or HTML?
X-ray crystallographye determination x-ray protein crystallography is still the best tool available today.
The bottle maker heats the fractured neck of the bottle, binds a band of molten glass round the end of it and simultaneously shapes the inside and the outside of the neck by using the tool shown in fig.
Purposive interpretation of a contract is a useful tool where the purpose can be identified with reasonable certainty.
The 2m (6'6) post rammer is a sturdy all-steel tool with a neat head.
Check over the coat daily and remove any ticks found, preferably with a tick remover tool.
Mog is a powerful teaching tool that can bring discussion alive and entice a reticent child to offer their thoughts and opinions.
The tool is worked all around the edge of the rivet head, to drive the edge tightly onto the inner firebox.
Rubrics tool The tool can be assigned to any gradable activity such as assignments, graded discussions and anything with a gradable column.
If the back of the plate is shaped for the screw fixings, use a countersink tool to bore out a recess for these.
Using a screwdriver or similar tool, gently pierce truck bolt holes in the tape from above.
The black scrying mirror, or magick mirror, is a powerful psychic tool.
Healing tool, scrying tool, balancing crystal, bringing together the yin and yang in harmony.
Automatic segmentation in medical imaging is an important tool.
Smart Compositor offers you a powerful tool to create expressive opening sequences or segues with pre-made masks, frames and moving paths.
The development of intensity as a tool thus predates instrumental seismology (although really not by very much).
Proactively promote the use of e-learning among my staff as an effective self-development tool.
In the standard set up each simulation tool about 4 days to run !
The singular value decomposition is a very useful tool in this chapter.
The voice recording function, MP3 player, exercises and sample tests make this an incredibly smart and effective language learning tool !
The next step was to try to undo the bush using a socket spanner on the tool, however it would n't budge.
Let 's take the example of hammer and its superordinate term, tool.
Alongside the better-known anvil, forge and hammer, the swage block was an important tool.
The tabu algorithm is a powerful optimization tool that allows the search process to escape from local optima whilst avoiding cyclical behavior.
Once again, my trusty telescopic carp rod was the tool of choice.
Then tighten up the center screw further with the aid of the tightening tool.
This in-depth, timesaving legal research tool has a number of built-in features to make your search easier.
The Title Tag The title tag is used by many search engines as an indexing tool.
Bobby is a tool developed by the Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST) in the US.
Each team member also received an individual tool kit.
Search tools Having thought through your search strategy, you need to choose the best search tool to use.
A tool leasing scheme has been started by the Gage and Toolmakers Association to help both toolmakers and molders.
An effective abs tool designed by Gaiam with certified personal trainer and six-time Ironman triathlete Jonathan Roche.
Animated dictionaries, a sparkling, full-color display and advanced trilingual speech synthesis combine to make this an indispensable learning tool.
They measured how far they had walked using the on-screen trundle wheel tool.
But Melodyne also goes much further... as a remix tool it offers access to undreamed of creative possibilities for the manipulation of audio.
Trusted Mail utilizes the latest techniques in spam detection to provide a powerful tool against the growing problem of unsolicited email.
The late John Rawls, the Harvard philosopher used a tool called " the veil of ignorance ".
Drawing polygons Use the polygon tool to click points representing the vertices of the required polygon.
An online ' clinical tool ' developed by Waltham and aimed at veterinarians in small animal practice.
Swiss made, high quality construction by Bergeon, the world 's foremost watch tool maker, and the preferred choice for professional watchmakers.
Over the last decade or so, the wavelet transform has emerged as the dominating tool in image processing.
A decision support tool will be developed for determination of wellhead protection areas around groundwater sources in the weathered fractured aquifer system.
Therefore, fossil charcoal provides a unique tool to assess the extent of wildfires ignited by the K/T impact.
A winnowing fork is a long handled tool with an array of wooden prongs fanning out at one end.
Such wedges were once an important woodcraft tool, because they were used in splitting trunks and poles.
Tools for Interactivity - Chris Jennings Introducing the authoring tools Tool metaphors Making choices wysiwyg or HTML?
In protein structure determination x-ray protein crystallography is still the best tool available today.
For many newborns, the sense of smell is an important comforting tool.
Because you can shape it into anything at all, and color it nearly any color, it is a versatile tool for cake decorating.
If I had had such a tool back when I gave birth to my daughter, she would probably have grown up with a different name.
Having a rocker is also a tool to helping baby sleep.
Use this tool to double check that your favorite name is offbeat and rare.
Infant percentiles are one tool used to track how your baby is growing.
If you're having trouble coming up with the perfect name for your daughter, a list of baby girls names may be a helpful tool.
Baby Zone has lists of girl names by origin, as well as a fun "baby name inventor" tool that lets you choose something very unusual as the name for your daughter.
An infant swing functions as a tool to rock baby to sleep when mother's arms are too tired.
Parents can use this tool to document the baby's first smile, the first time the baby goes to his grandparents' house, the first baby bath and other types of important moments.
You can make their lives easier by creating a gift basket that is designed to be a tool for this common issue.
This is an excellent general guideline and negotiating tool used by the insurance industry to set rates for different models.
You can also locate the Home Depot nearest you using the Store Locator tool.
An office desk is an important tool for any business.
Bibliofind Amazon's Bibliofind's search tool will help you comb through Amazon's massive selection of out-of-print and rare books for sale.
A tool like this will help give you a salon-quality facial!
More than a carry-all for papers and pens, a briefcase is an indispensable tool.
When the semester is over, you may be able to sell your books back too. has an easy search tool to help you determine if they will buy your book back.
This is a very useful tool for the consumer.
Mystery shopping is a great tool that businesses use to determine how well their service and personnel performance measures up to industry standards.
Mystery shopping is a great tool for companies looking to improve their products and services.
The Internet is a great tool to help you find your new truck.
Epinions, the first and largest product review Web site of its kind, is a useful shopping tool.
A checklist for used car buying is a good tool to help you make the right purchasing decision.
Other defects that are minor can be used as a tool to help you negotiate a better price.
Plus, there's a tool that you may use to compare any particular two units.
A power washer (also known as pressure washer) is a tool that projects water at a high pressure.
Although you may think that you can peruse classified ads and visit boatyards yourself, a broker can be an invaluable tool in the search for your new vessel.
One of the biggest features of the iPod Mini was the use of the "click wheel" , which was an easy-to-use navigational tool.
Save money and still complete your tool kit.
The problem with this, though, is that sometimes you just need a specific tool for an immediate job.
However, it does pay to stroll through the stores every now and then or keep an eye open for sale papers because you may be able to pick up a tool kit "necessity" that you just haven't needed yet.