Tonight Sentence Examples
He is very busy with Tessa tonight, do you think?
I will stay with you tonight so you can rest.
No, not too far, but the party is tonight, so we need to stay close.
Nothing is going to happen - not tonight or any other night.
His stunt tonight was nothing short of jealousy.
We can rest tonight and head for Ashley in the morning.
Maybe she was spooked tonight, but long ago she had learned to listen to that instinct... gut feeling, some might call it.
Starting tonight, she would.
Why don't we go out for pizza tonight?
I'll go back to being good old Martha but indulge me tonight, will you?
AdvertisementThere would be no moon tonight.
I volunteer to sleep there tonight, if the love of my life is willing to come along.
Did you really come here tonight to start trying to win me over?
Will you stay with me tonight?
We need to travel as far as we can tonight.
AdvertisementBe at peace tonight, both of you.
She snuggled next to him, usually an invitation for love, but tonight he sensed she just wanted to be held.
I'll send someone up tonight.
Sarah said, I thought we would make individual stone pies tonight.
Tonight it felt comfortable.
AdvertisementYou're not going to sleep a wink tonight.
At one point, he'd called her beautiful and tonight, he'd called her strong.
The possibility tonight could be their last together pained him so deeply he shuddered.
You seem far away tonight.
Get a good night's sleep tonight, boy.
AdvertisementWe're the first ones here tonight.
There would be no further questions tonight.
After the telephone call tonight, he wasn't so sure money was an asset.
Well tonight we continue our sermon series in the Psalms.
The specialist he flew in from Zurich arrives tonight.
Assuming she survives tonight.
The quarterly council meeting is tonight.
He'd hurt her tonight.
Everyone and their mothers are here tonight.
I don't even expect to let you live tonight.
If only he didn't have to tour the Sector tonight!
Just consider you got lucky tonight.
Probably when they realized why they're here tonight.
I'll wear it tonight.
You want to know why I came by tonight?
Her legs grew heavy, but she pushed herself onward into the forest, away from everything that could hurt her and everyone who could stop her from ending this nightmare tonight.
Some small part of him cared enough to sit with her tonight.
They should be here … tonight.
What happened between last night and tonight?
And I won't leave your side tonight.
Don't decide anything tonight.
I was wondering if you'd let Donnie sleep down here with you tonight?
She doesn't want us to worry if she sleeps elsewhere tonight!
There's no prayer meeting tonight.
I don't really feel like chess tonight.
I love you, and I will call tonight, we'll make plans for tomorrow, okay?
Tonight, I'm going to curl up with a book and wait for Connor to call.
Should I go find a little afternoon delight or kill some time here and wait for tonight?
No settling tonight, he had all the time in the world.
Please, please have dinner with me tonight.
We're having dinner tonight.
He had promised to keep tonight light, and would, but it was killing him.
The band had started to play The Way You Look Tonight.
She said, "Thank you, I enjoyed tonight very much."
And we danced to 'The Way You Look Tonight'.
Would you mind terribly if he joined us tonight?
I planned to work on some music tonight anyway.
I'm really glad I decided to come tonight.
The two were at the door and Sarah crooned, Jackson promised he would play for us tonight.
You don't have to wear them tonight.
I predict tonight will be a huge success.
Oh no, really, all I have to do tonight is put the dishes back in the caterer's boxes.
She did not pull away tonight, but pressed her body to his and he felt her pulse quickening.
I think tonight's outcome will be much more to your liking.
Tonight I started to lose control, and panicked.
Do you want to come back tonight?
Jackson laughed, "I love that you are so willing, but if my fangs didn't make an appearance tonight, I doubt they ever will."
Oh, is that tonight?
Please stay safe tonight.
I'm guessing you don't want a glass of port tonight, but believe me, I could use a drink.
How about we go out dining and dancing tonight to celebrate?
Not tonight, let's go to bed.
Elisabeth rubbed her eyes and yawned, "Let's not go there tonight."
I'm meeting someone at eight o'clock tonight for a final sitting.
She is going south for the winter, and tonight is the only time available.
Tonight has been an education for me.
It's supposed to rain tonight.
I don't know when Katie intended to tell you, but we made arrangements to take you out for supper tonight.
I took care of the goats this morning and Josh will take care of them tonight.
I'll walk the rest of the way home and have Bill help me tonight when he gets off work.
Do you want me to stay here tonight to watch him?
Now just to show you what a nice guy I can be, I'm inviting you to an engagement party tonight at Fred's Hickory Inn.
Would he be here tonight?
Home was in Arkansas now, over five hundred miles away, and he planned to sleep there tonight.
You know tonight I had to prevent the VP's commo guy from using the emergency network to order gin?
I promise to sleep with you tonight.
Yep. I can move the girls tonight so they're not stuck without a tent to sleep in.
You can stay here tonight.
Anything on patrols tonight?
Then he said, "I'll tell Toby to leave you alone so you can get some sleep tonight."
There was no way she was sleeping tonight, even if she didn't feel any threat from the phantom.
Let me guess. That happens tonight, if I don't get to wherever it is Gabe was taking me.
If they didn't leave tonight, they may never escape with Katie alive.
It's just us tonight. I've gotta go kill some demons in the morning.
The insurance boys at the local office are picking it up tonight.
And the next time you pull a fast one like tonight, I'm going to personally stick you in an old folks home!
You should have been at Byrne's house tonight and seen the warmth of that family.
Why miss out on the magic of tonight?
If I stay any longer, I'm afraid I might not go home tonight.
The reason for his lack of response tonight was suddenly clear.
He must have considered that before he decided to come get her tonight.
Alex said he was going to work late tonight and then they would go out for dinner.
Tonight she would keep her emotions in check so that Alex wouldn't get so frustrated.
You've been quiet tonight.
Bill is going to come over tonight and do the chores so we can have the evening to relax and talk together.
It wasn't his fault she was in such a rush tonight.
Had this happened any other time, she would have suggested they go out for supper, but the roads weren't the only thing icy tonight.
He wasn't going to come home tonight and find her gone again – if he came home tonight.
When he came home tonight, she had been wearing blue jeans and a short blouse.
She wanted to know if I could pick the boys up from the sitter tonight.
She had to face that chair — tonight.
I'll watch over you tonight.
Tonight she's yours, slave.
Tonight, I make no choice.
Taran needs tonight to repair our defenses.
My line dies with me tonight!
Tonight, we ride to the forest to find her.
Everyone he met tonight was aware he had been gone for two weeks.
Do you want me to watch the kids tonight?
Tonight was like that.
You must have had a lot on your mind tonight.
You're looking especially nice tonight.
I think Jonathan really enjoyed the play tonight.
You look lovelier than ever tonight.
Tonight she was having fun, but it wasn't something she would enjoy doing on a regular basis.
He didn't seem to mind it tonight.
Tonight they were enjoying the evening as a family unit.
They had to work it out, and if she made love to him tonight, she'd cave in for sure.
Tonight her parents were throwing her a twenty-fifth birthday party.
Tonight she would tell him.
Tonight she would break the engagement with Denton... then she would face her father.
I'm going to tell him tonight.
As a matter of fact, I think I saw one of your listings in the newspaper tonight.
We'll talk tonight and set a date.
Tonight she would return his ring.
Thanks. She said she'd be in to pay you tonight.
He said to bring your car by tonight and he'd put them on.
Thanks for the offer, but I think I'll go to bed early tonight.
Do you think there will be any more tonight?
It probably won't get this bad again tonight, but you can never be sure.
Do you want to sleep here tonight?
They had covered more topics tonight than she and Denton had discussed in their entire relationship.
I've got to get a roast in the oven - company coming tonight.
The best thing to do was go into town tonight and call him - and this time leave no question in his mind.
Tonight would be another lonely night in her apartment.
If you want me to follow the rules, I've gotta fix that tonight, she said.
What was going to happen tonight when she went home?
He'd saved her tonight from Jonny's goons.
Tonight, however, the two worlds she wanted to keep apart smashed together.
She winced, unable to fathom what kind of penalty she'd face tonight.
He didn't take anyone to bed last night, but he'd have no trouble tonight.
I need you to make sure Xander is at home tonight.
We're fuzzy on the dates and times, but he's planning something tonight and Friday afternoon.
Jessi's sudden change of heart about wanting to go out tonight made more sense after Jenn's warning.
You're staying with me tonight.
Especially because I want to know what's going on tonight that has you spooked.
You're also quitting again tonight, aren't you?
You deserve everything you have coming to you tonight.
Whatever Jonny was doing tonight, it was probably the beginning of the end.
We'll evac the kids tonight, Jenn texted.
Got plans for tonight?
You're gonna need it tonight.
Alex was going to be surprised tonight.
Tonight she told me our life sounded dull - and then left the room.
I'm thinking maybe I should stay here tonight, but Jonathan...
If Yancey didn't suspect anything now, he would if she didn't show up tonight.
He was merely feeling lonely tonight and kissing would only arouse him.
It's too late for spooky games tonight.
I hope Quinn doesn't have a head ache tonight.
He'd treated her like shit tonight, and he was at a loss as to how to prevent the tortured existence that became the fate of most Oracles.
Yeah, the serial killer lunatic was probably going to kill her tonight.
They should be here … tonight.
He sat helpless, against the wall with his arms resting on his knees, aching for her; fearful that tonight would forever change all they had become to each other.
We need to replace the blood we spilled here tonight...
He didn't care much for birthdays, yet somehow Elisabeth leaving tonight bothered him.
There was no way she was sleeping tonight, even if she didn't feel any threat from the phantom. She definitely didn't feel safe without Gabriel there. She hesitated before going to where the ghost indicated, not wanting to continue without Gabe. Popping a food cube, Katie huddled in the hollow of the tree and waited.
And tonight was perfect—it was just what I needed.
The weather's shitty so you'd better stop by your place and pick up some clothes in case you get stuck and can't fly back tonight.
He wasn't going to come home tonight and find her gone again – if he came home tonight.
She had to face that chair — tonight.
Tonight, I take the warlord of Tiyan as my mate.
So as I digitize, my ankle is caning, another physio before tonight's show, all say aah for poor old Rhino.
It's the kind of place for the Admiral's banquet and tonight it is host to Joan Baez who seems ageless.
Tiny teens with their eyes all aglow Know their parents won't be home tonight.
He dominated the airwaves with his 1985 double platinum debut album, ' Rock Me Tonight ' .
So there you go amigos try a bit of Mexican cooking at the old hacienda tonight.
Modern performances often include both the concertos and the plainsong antiphons, but tonight we will be omitting the latter.
Simon Parke looked awesome for the first 23 minutes of tonight's match with Nick Matthew.
Is the phrase that springs to mind tonight - got that lovely late pregnancy backache - bleurgh.
The women's 200 meters backstroke final will now be tonight, the semi-finals of the 200m free this morning.
Tonight (March 13, 1997) we are having a blizzard!
The Royal Astronomical Society has predicted that the moon is to turn blood-red during a lunar eclipse above British skies tonight.
Tonight, I'm trying some locally brewed wheat beer.
Cooking outside sounds brill, bit we've got 12 " of snow and more at mo, and more forecast for tonight.
Tonight we camp at the Old Farmhouse, a beautiful rustic campsite in rural Tanzania.
He always wore a green carnation (which Gwen wore tonight) and had a passion for lilies.
Tim Keegan is sat on a chair alongside the drummer who only has congas and shakers tonight.
Coming off a best ever cross-country season, she led tonight's race from start to finish.
It goes, " Can't we just cuddle tonight?
And tonight I am making char-grilled lamb cutlets with cumin and thyme, plus sprouts, roast potatoes and glazed parsnips.
Bosses on standby for the 999 deluge AMBULANCE executives are preparing to join paramedics in responding to the deluge of emergency calls expected tonight.
This game showed that we used that many players tonight without looking disjointed.
Maybe tonight you're aware that you're holding back some area of your life from God, deliberately disobeying him.
He suggested that Baptist ministers are not considered Kosher - speaking in an Anglican church tonight [albeit with a truly ecumenical audience] .
Tonight promised to be like the others; I would go home empty-handed.
Who tonight needs to repent and throw off the sin that so easily entangles and run with perseverance the race marked out for you?
For me there were two critical moments in tonight's episode.
Spicy beans for when I do my chicken fajitas, which is on the menu tonight.
Tonight the audience faced a dilemma; attend the gig or watch the series finale of The OC on E4.
I'm still looking for match fitness, I'm seven or eight games behind the other guys who were out there tonight.
This is a really political one called Geoffrey Ingram, we are being very flippant tonight, we have been eating lots of bran!
Anyway two new fluters (or flutists to use the correct terminology) were out for the first time in Markethill tonight.
Dario G might not have former North Ender and former Burnley target Colin Murdock available tonight.
They phoned on Saturday to cancel for tonight's gig, " he spits.
Hope you get a good night 's sleep tonight knowing you're OK.
Sunday morning - hangover, Monday morning hangover - quiet night tonight I think!
Concert Notes - The single-manual anonymous Italian harpsichord The single-manual harpsichord being used in tonight's concert is unfortunately neither signed nor dated.
Finally we had tonight's headliners, those American music loving Swedes, ' Herman Dune ' .
Bonnie's Interview " It was time to go " Tonight Bonnie become the first housemate to be evicted from the Big Brother house.
So, tonight was the final hustings of the campaign, at St Aldate's Church in Oxford.
Tonight's show â incidentally their biggest UK headline gig to date â is a particularly incendiary affair.
Let us celebrate tonight the fifty years of Indian independence.
Anyway, enough background info & on to tonight's gig.
The free sampler he brought along tonight sounds most intriguing.
Or that in dancing tonight we started learning the jive!
A woman in tonight's audience had a laugh like a hyena and she laugh like a hyena and she laughed all the time.
Tonight, I'm attending a lecture by a guy who makes architecture look like web design - Will Allsop.
In particular In The Air Tonight, which actually sounds dangerously deranged and eminently listenable.
The perfect way to work up an appetite before tonight's gourmet meal.
But before we get to tonight's headliners Five O'Clock Heroes deserve an honorable mention.
Brandberg Mountain is an ancient Bushman spiritual site and tonight we will sleep under the shadow of this giant granite monolith.
I get angry when I see right wing moralists, like some here tonight, decry our relationships.
On for the she joined a tonight quot Noah jason augustine ceo.
Fifthly are you and Chis having a curry or pizza hut tonight as I'm actually quite peckish.
On the radio club in january the issue tonight the payback percentage.
Not every man can think about sex and then peruse, " oh well, I'll have some tonight then " .
Tonight he takes us on an entertaining northern odyssey, illustrated with some stunning photography.
Training on Monday and tonight have been an absolute pleasure.
Visitor Monday, November 21, 2005 Bob Rowley from Amber Videos was tonight's guest presenter.
Their holy rockfest, bad puns and spectacular pyrotechnics saw them run away with the cheesiest music prize tonight.
First to tout their wares tonight are Dublin based quintet Bell X1, a band who have had little or no favorable press.
Tonight she recalls the odd quirks of her first UK visit.
Tonight they brought their show to newly revived venue, the Classic Rock Bar on Ecclesall Road.
The stage in the corner has a bar which for tonight has been turned into a drum riser.
Often dressed in naval gear, tonight they are wearing matching red scarves.
Such a situation is found in the new six-part Sunday thriller serial, The Sleeper, which begins tonight.
Got a little sidetracked tonight & started lookin ' at icons.
Dinner tonight is low-carb salmon wraps, a mozzarella and tomato salad, and soy milk smoothies.
Tonight, the twenty of us still here are going to celebrate the winter solstice with a big party.
He could head down to the local bierkeller should he so desire tonight and sink a stein to the legal system.
Tonight's winners, (thought I'd spoil the surprise) Blindsight, employ good heavy rhythms, hard rifts and unforgiving vocals!
They were due to sail aboard an oil tanker to film for tonight's episode.
Felt knackered all day today and tonight I feel really tearful.
I wonder how many of us here tonight are feeling timid about the work we've been called to?
The regular Mogul stars are joined tonight by Ronald Fraser in a brilliant performance which is both immensely funny and deeply tragic.
Tonight Scott Bennett will play on stage with the mighty trivium.
Usually when using maggots you get the odd tweaks and line pulls from small Roach and Tench, but tonight there was nothing!
Moreover Ahith'ophel said to Ab'salom, " Let me choose twelve thousand men, and I will set out and pursue David tonight.
The storms caused at least 35 deaths, and new twisters are expected tonight.
Once again the ravers were on form and made tonight very tremendous bringing pure party vibes as expecting and not forgetting the noise!
I feel very weepy, sweetheart, tonight, but I can't help it.
Tonight I finally resolved the network connections (including a messed up setting on my laptop ), and ran yum again.
Just a quickie blog tonight to chuck a couple of piccys on of the concert....
Ringleader of the Tormentors will be getting heavy rotation from tonight.
Having managed to scrounge a lift off Dan from Xms3, who are also on the bill tonight, I was somewhat early.
A simple philosophy but a very effective one as the band achieved both aims tonight and seduced a new audience.
I will sleep there, by the black ship 's hull, tonight.
Dinner tonight is included, along with a sleigh ride along the snow trails around the village.
Barenaked Ladies have a huge army of fans in the U.K. and tonight they were seats away from a sold-out venue.
Olly Allen took his first ride back on a speedway bike tonight following his nasty shoulder injury sustained whilst riding for King 's Lynn.
That settles matters, tonight we leave the bimini up to protect us from any wayward spewed volcanic rocks.
Tonight, why not splash out at a Parisian cabaret?
Tonight we are guests of the White Thai in a traditional stilt house.
Portsmouth Reserves fell to their fourth straight defeat after getting caned by Chelsea Reserves tonight at Fratton Park.
Tonight's winners, ( thought I'd spoil the surprise) Blindsight, employ good heavy rhythms, hard rifts and unforgiving vocals !
The Grapes is packed tonight, causing a sweltering heat aided by the fact the crowd is wrapped up for winter.
They were due to sail aboard an oil tanker to film for tonight 's episode.
Anyway - what else can you find on telly tonight?
I wonder how many of us here tonight are feeling timid about the work we 've been called to?
Meanwhile tonight, Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, Archbishop of Westminster, is due to speak at a Mass at his titular church in Rome.
The Bill before the House tonight traduces these principles.
Tonight Scott Bennett will play on stage with the mighty TRIVIUM.
Usually when using maggots you get the odd tweaks and line pulls from small Roach and Tench, but tonight there was nothing !
Moreover Ahith'ophel said to Ab'salom, Let me choose twelve thousand men, and I will set out and pursue David tonight.
An unusual combination can be found this week on the new release of ' In The Air Tonight '.
Once again the ravers were on form and made tonight very tremendous bringing pure party vibes as expecting and not forgetting the noise !
I feel very weepy, sweetheart, tonight, but I ca n't help it.
Tonight we dine at a restaurant in the vibrant woodcutter town of Knysna.
Tonight I finally resolved the network connections (including a messed up setting on my laptop), and ran yum again.
It’s been such a long time since we went dancing. Let’s go tonight!
I just can't decide whether to go out or stay at home tonight.
I totally lost track of time, and I'm going to break my curfew tonight.
Don't worry, I won't be drinking any absinthe tonight, it has a strange effect on me.
Tonight, he had a half hour of convulsions, and foaming at mouth (after a couple seizures) and then died.
Owning a home or sending your children to college is more satisfying than those new shoes you want to buy tonight.
Combining an eclectic fashion sense with chiseled good looks, Pattinson was named Entertainment Tonight's Top Hunk of 2008, and earned the top spot in Glamour magazine's Sexiest Man Alive poll.
Clooney boycotted Entertainment Tonight to protest paparazzi.
During an interview on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, a fan (later known as Dessarae Bradford) came onto the stage.
Featuring the number-one lead single "If You Had My Love" and the hit "Waiting For Tonight," it signaled the start of a promising career.
Ross Matthews - better known as "The Intern" from The Tonight Show.
In recent months, he's been romantically linked to Laguna Beach's Kristin Cavallari and Entertainment Tonight reporter Vanessa Minnillo.
Celebrity Jeopardy! is seen as a regular skit on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno.
His show, Piers Morgan Tonight, began in January 2011.
Former Entertainment Tonight and Extra anchorwoman Leeza Gibbons will get a taste of being on the other side of the camera.
Entertainment Tonight cameras were the only media allowed into her funeral.
Richard Jeni, the popular stand-up comedian who was a regular on The Tonight Show, died of an apparent suicide March 10, 2007.
He first arrived on the comedy scene in 1990 with a series of specials on Showtime, which led him to appearances on The Tonight Show.
The Tonight Show host Jay Leno auctioned a Harley-Davidson motorcycle signed by various celebrity guests.
In 1986, DeGeneres made history when she was asked to perform on The Tonight Show.
In 1993, he began hosting Late Night with Conan O'Brien, and in 2009, he will take over the legacy at The Tonight Show.
Following that, he will take over hosting duties for Jay Leno on NBC's The Tonight Show.
One of his most famous early appearances was on The Tonight Show in 1981 with then-host Johnny Carson.
Letterman appeared on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson a total of 22 times, and even guest hosted the program on many occasions.
After being well-groomed for late night by Carson, Letterman began his talk show career in 1982 with Late Night with David Letterman on NBC, which aired after The Tonight Show.
While The Late Show initially won the ratings for the time slot against The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, in 1995, Leno's program began to pull ahead.
At age three, he appeared with his mother on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson.
During that time, he also acted in sketches on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno.
She has been a reporter on Entertainment Tonight.
He originally started out as a stand-up comedian, getting his big break on The Tonight Show With Johnny Carson in 1991.
Additionally, she has been a guest on numerous television talk shows, including Entertainment Tonight, The Late Show with David Letterman, Live with Regis and Kelly and several others.
Entertainment Tonight - One of the most watched entertainment news programs features a revamped web site that provides information in a blog format.
He has appeared on numerous television talk shows, including Live with Regis and Kelly, Oprah, The Jimmy Kimmel Show, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, The View, and others.
Entertainment Tonight - The online version of the popular entertainment news program features photos throughout the main page's blog, as well as in the movies, television and fashion categories.
She has appeared on the cover of Maxim and as a correspondent for Showbiz Tonight on CNN, Fox News Live and Ryan on Air with Ryan Seacrest.
Kimberly was interviewing David for the show Idol Tonight when he said "I've been hearing you say all these nice things about me all season.
When making an appearance on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Leno asked him about turning down dinner with the President, to which Cowell replied "He wanted to have dinner and our diaries didn't quite match.
He was featured the week before his death on the new Tonight Show, hosted by Conan O'Brien.
In the meantime, NBC plans on airing reruns of The Tonight Show until Jay Leno returns as The Tonight Show host in March 2010.
Ashton Kutcher discussed quitting smoking on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno in 2006, and he did indeed stay smoke-free for almost 18 months.
After he retired from Entertainment Tonight in 2004, fans have wondered what happened to Bob Goen.
In 1993, Bob Goen made his first appearance on the hit celebrity-focused show Entertainment Tonight.
In 1996, co-host John Tesh left Entertainment Tonight to pursue other endeavors, including a radio show and his music career.
One of the reasons that Bob Goen left Entertainment Tonight was that he wanted to spend more time with his wife.
In 2011, Seymour covered the Royal Wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton as a news correspondent for the television news show Entertainment Tonight.
The popular clothing company was a resource for Michelle Obama throughout the campaign, most notably during her October 2008 appearance on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno.
Well over fifty songs are available here including some of Young's most famous hits like The Needle and the Damage Done, Old Man, Hey, Hey, My, My, Tonight's the Night, White Line and many more.
The Songs of Bob Dylan Guitar Tab Songbook from Hal Leonard publishing, includes tablature for I Shall Be Released, I'll Be Your Baby Tonight and Just like a Woman out of 121 songs total.
That's 2 more than what we have in Xbox's, so I can't wait to see what will happen tonight.
Why not surprise your loved one with one of these delicious recipes and cook a romantic meal tonight?
He has been a featured performer on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Late Show with David Letterman, The Rosie O'Donnell Show, Saturday Night Live, Russell Simmons Presents Def Poetry and Dancing with the Stars.
Fancy up like you're single and on the prowl because for tonight, you are.
It's probably not worth it to look for a long-term relationship on a site that advertises "hot, sexy singles want to meet you tonight."
We are supposed to have a talk tonight and I think my best bet is to end the relationship.
Let him know that tonight is all about him and that he doesn't need to reciprocate the massage.
Tonight is going to be wonderful, just because I get to spend time with you.
Do you wish you had a date or just someone to hang out with tonight? provides you with a great new way for you to meet someone in your area and go on a date tonight.
Keep reading for some romantic things to say that will please both your partner and your own heart tonight!
Tonight, you are right here with me, I feel your hand on my shoulder, your fingers in my hair and the soft breath of your kiss on my cheek.
Now, as a well-informed celiac you've become all too aware of your environment, to the point that you'll be up later tonight Googling as to whether or not the very oxygen you breathe contains gluten.
Most parents who have more than one young child have heard a whine similar to, "Mommy and Daddy, can I sleep in Johnny's room tonight?"
When he asked why she was calling so late she told him "if I'm not going to sleep tonight, neither are you."
In addition to their long reign on The Muppet Show, the Muppets also held court on Sesame Street, Fraggle Rock, The Jim Henson Hour and Muppets Tonight.
I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible."
Stay in tonight and watch a few funny flicks.
He thinks she might "meet Jesus tonight" and wants her to have something nice to leave the Earth in.
It was also featured on the wrist of Roger Moore in Octopussy and seen worn by Ed McMahon on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson.
The Gators (your team name) are goona win tonight--there's not doubt about it!
For example, it may not be realistic to start cutting up the veggies for tonight's dinner when it is 7pm already.
You may have the intention of doing that yoga video when you get home tonight.
Along this same sexy line, you may also enjoy Diesel's "Tonight I Am Your Patient" logo trunks.
The album sold 16 million copies and pulled in numerous Grammy nominations for tracks such as Tonight, Tonight, 1979, and Bullet with Butterfly Wings.
Featured songs included 'Heartache Tonight', which hit the Number 1 spot, 'I Can't Tell You Why' and 'The Long Run', both of which made it to the Top 10.
She also works as a correspondent on Entertainment Tonight.
Appearances on The Tonight Show, Late Night with Conan O'Brien, and Jimmy Kimmel Live continued the band's momentum, and their song "Spin" was chosen for the popular Madden 07 video game.
Andersson most recently finished his fourth tour with the band, which included a marathon 26 shows in 30 days and a much talked about skit on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno.
Clapton wrote another love song for Boyd called "Wonderful Tonight".
Although the lyrics don't blatantly discuss sexual activity, it does hint at it with the words "Maybe I'm wrong, I'm feeling right/ Whenever I'm alone with you tonight."
Misheard as - All I need tonight is a beer.
The fans obviously responded to The All American Rejects singles like Dirty Little Secret, Move Aong and It Ends Tonight, by buying up CD's and downloading them onto MP3 players in droves.
Wang Chung is best known for their Everybody Have Fun Tonight.
One of the elimination ceremonies during the fourth cycle of show caused viewers (and late night comedians) much amusements when eliminated suitor Ron said, "Deanna didn't reject me tonight.
She has worked as a correspondent for Entertainment Tonight and models for many magazines and advertisements.
In February 2010, it was announced that Rycroft would also be a special correspondent for the entertainment news program Entertainment Tonight.
If you've ever missed an episode, you might have been dying to know who got voted off Dancing With the Stars tonight.
The results shows don't pull in as many viewers as the performance-based episodes, however, leaving many people wondering who got voted off Dancing with the Stars tonight.
If you've ever missed an episode of this popular reality show, you've likely wondered, "Who won America's Next Top Model tonight?"
Why don't we go out for supper tonight - just us and the kids?
Tonight, when it was dark, she could pretend they were at home.
We're the guests of honor tonight.
You are the most beautiful woman in the room tonight.
I never thought of him as being anything else but a salesman until I saw him tonight, but he seems so... comfortable now.
Why did he hide the fact that his first love would be here tonight?
You're certainly popular tonight.
My, aren't you the night owl tonight - the boy who has been dancing with me half the night.
But he wasn't her concern tonight.
The way he acted tonight was a little too much like he did when he came home from the hospital.
If you don't get some sleep when you go home, you won't be able to relieve me tonight.
It's supposed to snow tonight.
Any idea where she is tonight?
I should have been with them tonight.
Where did you plan to sleep tonight?
She'll have to stay here tonight.
I'll cook supper tonight.
How about going to a dance tonight?
I heard you talking to Sarah tonight.
And the conversation I overheard between you and your mother tonight?
I'm in no mood to watch a cat fight tonight.
My, aren't we in a good mood tonight.
She watched his retreating back and knew there would be little sleep for her tonight.
There was nothing she could do tonight.
One and a half or two if you leave the wagons - and leave tonight.
Hey, you'll never guess what happened tonight.
Are you feeling puny tonight?
Would he prefer she wasn't here when he got back tonight?
Tonight she would have to call her - after she and Cade returned from their ride.
I was as nervous tonight as usual making the tip call.
Tonight will be different.
Let's get to work today and talk tonight.
I hope Quinn doesn't have a headache tonight.
You need to rest tonight, sleep as much as you can.
I'll watch over your brother tonight.
He went to see her yesterday, and he asked me to stop by and meet all her friends tonight.
The sexy woman was on edge tonight, her gaze restless.
Remember I'm dining with the McDonalds tonight.
I can't stay more than tonight.
We're going to the site tonight.
Whatcha got for me tonight?
I had made up my mind to just leave after I came here tonight and not say anything, but you've both been so nice, I shouldn't be so selfish.
Tonight, she'd take comfort in the arms of the only man she ever loved.
Tonight, he was alone, but he needed to be for a while.
Where do I sleep tonight?
No, I think I'm going to town tonight.
You're not on my list tonight.
I don't know why our paths crossed tonight, but I'm glad they did.
Or maybe, he planned on coming back for her tonight.
I can.t stay tonight.
She.d enjoy this tonight and then do what she must the next day.
The party tonight would be a perfect way to start.
I'm sure tonight we'll have scads of fun!
It's booked tomorrow but it's empty tonight, Cynthia answered.
There goes any chance of Mr. and Mrs. Dean doing any hugging and squirming tonight, Dean thought.
They're going back to Grand Junction tonight.
He left a message, saying he wanted to make sure she got the address and still planned on coming tonight.
Are you going to tell her tonight?
And tonight was perfect—it was just what I needed.
I won't call you again on it tonight.
You look especially nice tonight.
That will make tonight even more special.
He's working a little late tonight, but he should be home any minute now.
She would take the trash out before he got home tonight.
What are you doing tonight?
She would talk to Alex about it tonight.
What if they attacked tonight?
If Alex had been where he could hear that for the second time tonight, it probably would have bothered him.
That made progress tonight crucial to their escape.
At least he was certain Jessi was safe at home tonight, with Gerry's Guardians there to rid her place of any of Jonny's goons.
Tonight, why not enjoy a Parisian cabaret or dine in a cozy left bank bistro?
He asked me for tonight, but I won't go.
What is it tonight?--But I have to tell you...
I want to go away tonight or early tomorrow morning.
What was Dulce upset about tonight when she was talking to you?
I'll see you tonight.
Tonight he divided his attention between the knife and her face - no doubt waiting for her to broach the subject.
That meant she would have to drive to town tonight, and she wasn't feeling up to it.
Tonight, I lose him forever.
Tonight, you're nothing to me.
But if this guy wasn't supposed to die tonight, where is the soul I came for?
I'd never killed an adult before tonight but he deserved to die.