Tonics Sentence Examples
When the secretion of gastric juice is deficient it may be excited by gastric tonics, such as ten grains of bicarbonate of soda and a drachm of compound tincture of gentian in water shortly before meals, and may be supplemented by the administration of pepsin and hydrochloric acid after meals.
When the nervous system is below par, and both secretion and movements are deficient in the stomach, nervine tonics, such as nux vomica or strychnine, are most useful.
Others (in addition to some already mentioned) are medicinal; as the palms, calabash, manchineel, pepper, fustic and a long list of cathartics, caustics, emetics, astringents, febrifuges, vermifuges, diuretics and tonics.
And drink Gan Bei tonics (21 ), the herbal elixirs that Gwyneth Paltrow swears by.
Frozen vodka tonics were served up a flight of broad mahogany steps in a nearby tree.
The circulation in the brain may be lessened by warmth to the feet, cold to the head, warm food in the stomach, warm poultices or compresses to the abdomen, antipyretics, which reduce the temperature and consequently slow the beats of the heart in fever, and cardiac or vascular tonics, which slow the heart and tend to restore tone to the blood-vessels, so that the circulation in the brain may be more efficiently regulated.
Immune tonics are herbs that support you between bouts of ill-health and which hopefully prevent illness or reduce the severity.
Take endocrine herbs and uterine tonics to balance the system such as agnus castus berry, squaw vine herb and wild yam root.
They are an herbal mushroom used in tonics, teas and elixirs.
The Mojito has rapidly become the quintessential drink of the summer, challenging such classics as gin and tonics, margaritas, mint juleps, daiquiris, and the ever-popular martini.
AdvertisementSheep Sorrel Leaves - This herb is eaten in salads and dried and used for herbal teas and tonics.
Many scam artists were selling so-called tonics and drugs that offered no real benefits out of the backs of wagons.
Below you will find a few of the industry leaders, as well as tips for keeping your skin healthy and youthful outside of the miracle tonics!
Prescriptives - The Prescriptives company skincare line offers moisturizers, eye treatments, cleansers, tonics, and more.
Many species had a great repute as demulcents, febrifuges, astringents, tonics, purgatives and anthelmintics.
AdvertisementTonics are drugs which increase the muscular tone of the body by acting either on the stomach, heart, spinal cord, &c.
As tonics, a root decoction of [bauhinia] is taken orally; .