Ton Sentence Examples
He bought a ton of stuff.
It was daylight, and there were a ton of people around.
She had a ton left and began sifting through her drawers for jeans.
This corrected pull is then divided by the weight of the vehicles hauled, in which must be included the weight of the dynamometer car, and the quotient gives the resistance per ton of load hauled at a certain uniform speed on a straight and level road.
He had a shit ton of work to do the next couple of days.
He sensed secrets in people, and this woman had a ton of them, which was at odds with her clear gaze and the shimmer of innocence around her.
The net effective work of lifting that can be performed by a man turning a handle may be taken, for intermittent work, as being on an average about 5000 foot-lb per minute; this is equivalent to 1 ton lifted about 24 ft.
From Aspinall's experiments it appears to be about 17 lb per ton, and this value is plotted on the diagram.
Peat is largely used as fuel, coal being obtained only at a cost of £3 a ton.
In the cattle classes, aged beasts of huge size and of considerably over a ton in weight used to be common, but in recent years the tendency has been to reduce the upper limit of age, and thus to bring out animals ripe for the butcher in a shorter time than was formerly the case.
AdvertisementAs illustrating heavy weights, there were in the 1893 show, out of 310 entries of cattle, four beasts which weighed over a ton.
In the 1895 show, out of 356 entries of cattle, there were seven beasts of more than a ton in weight.
In the 1899 show, with 311 entries of cattle, and the age limited to three years, no beast reached the weight of a ton, the heaviest animal being a crossbred(Aberdeen-Angus and Shorthorn)which,at three years old, turned the scale at 19 cwt.
Using average prices paid for nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash when bought in large quantities and in good forms, these ingredients, in a ton of cotton seed, amount to $9.00 worth of fertilizing material.
Cotton seed meal, in the absence of sufficient stock to consume it, is also used extensively as a fertilizer, and for this purpose it is worth, determining the price on the same basis as used above for the seed, from $19 to $20 per ton.
AdvertisementFor a long time these shells or hulls, as they are called, were burned at oil mills for fuel, 22 tons being held equal to a cord of wood, and 43 tons to a ton of coal.
The indigo plant is grown in large quantities in the plain country to the north of Mukden, and is transported thence to the coast in carts, each of which carries rather more than a ton weight of the dye.
For each ton of soap to be made from 12 to 16 cwt.
By this time Welling- nees,?u1y25 ton had reached it from the allied left; reinforcements to August2, were pressing up on both sides, and about 12,000 allied 1813.
The cost of smelting a ton of ore in Colorado in a single furnace, 42 by 120 in.
AdvertisementIn the United States the cost of desilverizing a ton base bullion is about $6.
In many experiments, however, different inductions and frequencies are employed, and the hysteresis-loss is often expressed as ergs per cubic centimetre per cycle and sometimes as horse-power per ton.
Since t horse-power= 746 watts, and r ton = 2 240 lb, the factor for reducing horse-power per ton to watts per lb is 746/2240, or just 1/3.
If 4 tons last year cost 1045., how much does a ton cost this year ?
His dramatic work includes La Lepreuse (1896); Ton Sang and L'Enchantement (1900); Le Masque and Resurrection (1902); Maman Colibri (1904); La Marche Nuptiale (1905); Poliche (1906); Les Flambeaux (1912); Le Phalene (1913).
AdvertisementThey hold from a few hundred pounds up to i ton.
This left the Ems after special preparation for the long voyage, on April 25, and reached Cattaro with only half a ton of fuel left on May 13.
The poem was technically known as a Bar or Gesetz, the melody as a Ton or Weis.
The factory expenses are taken at £30,000 per annum, or £3 per ton on a crop of 10,000 tons (the sugar to cost £8 per ton all told at the factory) - equivalent to £300 per day for the loo working days of crop time.
In the best days of the so-called Jamaica Trains in Demerara, three-quarters of a ton of coal in addition to the megass was burned per ton of sugar made, and with this for many years planters were content, because they pointed to the fact that in the central factories, then working in Martinique and Guadeloupe, with charcoal filters and triple-effect evaporation, 750 kilos of coal in addition to the megass were consumed to make woo kilos of sugar.
Therefore, roughly speaking, one ton of beetroot may be considered 'to-day as of the same value as one ton of canes; the value of the refuse chips in one case, as food for cattle, being put against the value of the refuse bagasse, as fuel, in the other.
And that is paying full retail prices in an air-conditioned Western supermarket; by the ton, this food costs much less.
These cakes, sold as food for cattle, fetch as much as £4 per ton in Rumania, where four or five beetroot factories are now at work.
The total saving effected is stated to be equivalent to 3 francs per ton of beetroot worked up. This system is also being tried on a small scale with sugar-cane juice in the West Indies.
In the case of fair average farm crops it has been shown that for the production of one ton of dry matter contained in them from 300 to 500 tons of water has been absorbed and utilized by the plants.
Quicklime is best applied, perhaps, in spring at the rate of one ton per acre every six or eight years, or in larger doses-4 to 8 tons - every 15 to 20 years.
In roasting a ton of rich blende containing 60 per cent.
The light dues were reduced in 1898 from 22 cents to 1 cent per ton.
Tallow candles as a substitute for whale-oil had been introduced, and the British market was closed by a duty of £r8 a ton on oil; a bounty offered by the Massachusetts legislature (£5 on white and £ 3 on yellow or brown spermaceti, and £2 on whale-oil per ton) was of slight assistance.
The gold carries, on an average, £2 per ton, and is worked by ordinary methods of goldmining, stamp-milling and cyaniding.
Under the most advantageous conditions the loss of gold may be estimated at 15 or 20%, the amount recovered representing a value of about two shillings per ton of gravel treated.
The total cost per ton of ore treated is about 6s., of which the cyaniding costs from 2S.
In the Transvaal the operation occupies 32 to 4 days for fine sands, and up to 14 days for coarse sands; the quantity of cyanide per ton of tailings varies from 0.26 to 0.28 lb, for electrolytic precipitation, and o 5 lb for zinc precipitation.
In the process employed at the Worcester Works in the Transvaal, the liquors, containing about 150 grains of gold per ton and from 0.08 to o 01% of cyanide, are treated in rectangular vats in which is placed a series of iron and leaden plates at intervals of 1 in.
Sonnstadt 2 detected gold by means of a colour test and roughly estimated the amount as i grain per ton of sea-water, and on this estimate all the projects for extracting gold from sea-water have been based.
Coinage bronze consists of copper 95 parts, tin 4 parts and zinc I part, and a ton yields X44 8 in pence or £ 373, 6s.
The Devonian system is well exposed in the Reef ton mining field.
Roughly, if expansion is prevented, a stress of one ton per sq.
In the earlier girder bridges the live load was taken to be equivalent to a uniform load of 1 ton per foot run for each line of way.
Trains of wagons did not weigh more than three-quarters of a ton per foot run when most heavily loaded.
If a footway is added about o 4 ton per ft.
Between January and August 1889 a single dealer at Minot shipped 1200 tons, which sold at $8 the ton.
Of the little love songs in Klon metre, called Klon pet ton, there are many hundreds.
Meanwhile the successful sale of Matthew's Bible, the private venture of the two printers Graf ton and Whitchurch, was threat.
The mineral nearly always contains a small amount of silver, and sometimes antimony, arsenic, copper, gold, selenium, &c. Argentiferous galena is an important source of silver; this metal is present in amounts rarely exceeding %, and often less than o 03% (equivalent to 104 ounces per ton).
From 2 to 3 tons of green are required to produce one ton white or buff.
Instead of pressing Washington further, Howe then returned to Manhattan Fort Island, and on the 16th of November captured Fort Washing- ton.
In 1905 a home on the model of the Row ton Houses in London, provided by Lord Iveagh, was opened in Bride Road.
This has been a means of reducing the ocean freight per ton.
From its pages are culled the following facts relating to the changes in the rates of freight up to the year 1897.1 In Table 3 the average rates per ton per mile in cents are shown since 1846.
For the Fitchburg Railroad the rate for that year was 4.523 cents per ton per mile, since when a great and almost continuous fall has been taking place, until in 1897, I Valuable information will also be found in Bulletin No.
Putting the rates of the twelve returning railways together, we find the average freight in the two years 1859-1860 was 3 o06 cents per ton per mile, and that in 1896-1897 the average rate had fallen to 797 of a cent per ton per mile.
To make a ton of pig iron needs only about 1.9 tons of ore in the United States, 2 tons in Sweden and Russia, 2.4 tons in Great Britain and Germany, and about 2.7 tons in France and Belgium, while about 3 tons of the native British ores are needed per ton of pig iron.
The reason why the frictional resistance would be further increased is the very simple one that the increase in the rate of production implies directly a corresponding increase in the quantity of blast forced through, and hence in the velocity of the rising gases, because the chemical work of the blast furnace needs a certain quantity of blast for each ton of iron made.
But, on the other hand, when only a relatively small quantity of a special kind of steel is needed, very much smaller charges, in some cases weighing even less than half a ton, have been treated with technical success.
These regenerators are the essence of the Siemens or " regenerative furnace "; they are heat-traps, catching and storing by their -11, Ton Traver 7s 20 Tan Tra y.
First, they treat a larger charge, a ton or more, whereas the charge of each crucible is only about 80 pounds.
The per capita consumption of iron in Great Britain, excluding exports, has been calculated as 144 lb in 1855 and 250 lb in 1890, that of the United States as 117 lb for 1855, 300 lb for 1890 and some 378 lb for 1899, and that of the United Kingdom, the United States and Germany for 1906 as about a quarter of a ton, so that the British per capita consumption is about four-fold and the American about five-fold that of 1855.
August he was offered, and accepted, the presidency of WashingHe was himself a voluminous contributor to the work, writing ton College, Lexington (now Washington and Lee University), a some Boo articles, mainly on Elizabethan authors or statesmen.
Curie obtained only a fraction of a gramme of the chloride and Giesel 2 to 3 gramme of the bromide from a ton of uranium residues.
At the low rate of £40 per ton, this means an annual increase to the wealth of Lower Egypt of £5,128,000.
The veins are small, but contain native silver and other rich silver ores running sometimes several thousand ounces per ton, the output being 5,500,000 oz.
This instrument was made with a pendulum weight of I loo kilos or over a ton; and with a modified construction the weight was increased to 17,000 kilos or nearly 19 tons, portability being obtained by replacing the solid pendulum of the smaller instrument by a shell which can be filled with barytes, a heavy mineral readily obtainable in most places.
Contract to be, if possible, for so much per ton military stores and supplies and men carried, per mile.
In this branch more than a ton of mail matter was censored every week, exclusive of parcels; (3) the trade branch, which censored commercial correspondence with certain foreign countries, amounting to nearly four tons per week.
He was the author of The Military Obligation of Citizenship (1915, lectures at Prince ton and elsewhere); Our Military History, Its Facts and Fallacies (1916); and Universal Military Training (1917).
In Lake county, for example, very much of the argentiferous ore that is too low for remunerative extraction (limit 1903 about $12.00 per ton) is used for fluxes.'
If we take £25 as the value of the base mark, the value per ton for The following Prices, taken from the Dundee Year Books, show the Change in Price of a few well-known Varieties.
C. grade has been as high as £40 per ton, while its lowest recorded price is £12.
A Cape rood equals 12.396 English feet, and a Cape ton contains 2000 lb.
It stands on the small estuary of the Grey or Mawhera river, has a good harbour, and railway communication with Hokitika, Reef ton, &c., while the construction of a line to connect with Christchurch and Nelson was begun in 1887.
A little more than 62 poods go to the ton.
Instead of expressing the amounts of gold and silver in percentages of the weight of ore, they are expressed in ounces to the ton, the ounce being the troy ounce and the ton that of 2000 avoirdupois pounds.
The cost of treating a ton of ore in the western part of the United States is from $3 to $7.
I ton Wine.
Lea clien - r -t.Ma rav Ra nh .o pewin ton Fave ? ?ittingbo? ?
In size they vary between wide limits, from minute sparkling points encrusting rock surfaces and often so thickly clustered together as to produce a drusy effect, to large single crystals measuring a yard in length and diameter and weighing half a ton.
The Cape ton is 2000 lb.
These assumptions are probably not nearly correct and, as the stresses caused by the cooling of the casting are unknown, it is necessary to choose a low working stress of about one ton per square inch.
This method of firing results in the saving of about one-third the weight of coke used in the old form of furnace per ton of coal carbonized, and enables higher temperatures to be obtained, the heat being also more equally distributed.
As much as one-third on each ton of coal carbonized is saved by the use of machinery in the retort-house.
The market value of the salt varies, but an average figure is ±12 per ton, whilst the average yield is about 24 lb of salt per ton of coal carbonized.
The yield of ammonium sulphate is 75 lb from a ton of coal (slack with 11.5% ashes and 55% fixed carbon).
The cheapest transportation in the world is found upon these lakes, the rate being only three-fourths of a mill per ton of wheat per mile.
Lord Harting ton and Mr Goschen were not included in this administration.
Nd is reduced ton (demanar, comanar for demandar, cornandar).
Provisions were scarce and dear, communication with the rest of the world was infrequent, and in 1807 the community was threatened with starvation, and flour was sold at £ 200 per ton.
With a wellconstructed can ice-plant of say 25 tons capacity per day, from 15 to 16 tons of ice should be made in Great Britain to a ton of best steam coal.
Then why is a crap ton of her bad karma killing me?
The 25 ton axle load may have been just two high for industrial lines in the 1950s.
A 14,000 ton battleship, she was sunk as a blockship across the southern entrance to Portland harbor on November 4, 1914.
Each point will take a two ton load, giving a total distributed load bearing of 12 tons.
You make a futures contract in which they agree to sell you 10,000 tons of pork belly at?1,000 a ton in three months.
Also, the feed is mainly composed of food waste, which has a relatively high biogas yield per ton.
Tattersall's Surprise 60 ton coal brig was scarcely bigger than a local modern day shallow water fishing vessel.
The difference is, if car drivers want to play silly buggers with a 40 ton artic, that's up to them.
In all over a ton of tear gas was used, many canisters aimed directly at demonstrators to cause maximum injury.
This view does, however, disprove the notion that the said farmer's actions had caused the collapse of the 9.3 ton capstone.
Every ton of freight carried by rail, rather than road, produces at least 80% less carbon dioxide.
John Finch also had a good day catching 27 carp to 8lb for a good ton bag.
But the current FOB price for raw cashews on the world market should not be less than $ 650 a ton.
One ton of timber suitable for producing large woodchips for outside corrals is approximately 1m 3.
The last ship to be built at the Royal Dockyard was a 1,322 ton corvette, the steamship ' Druid ' .
Accidents that cause ton crossbar transfer little changed for drivers in a rugged.
Lash This experimental system used a host ship containing up to eighty-nine 435 ton lighters for Atlantic crossings.
The lower rate of tax, which applies to inactive wastes disposed at landfill, remains at £ 2 per ton.
A 12 ton OPICO batch drier should remove around 5% moisture from 6 tons of wheat in an hour.
This installation shows a fully automatic dryer with a 24 ton loading hopper.
Is there anyone out there who could give us a 1 or 2 ton dumper with four-wheel drive and a roll bar?
Go to a hardware store and by some form of all purpose 2 Ton clear epoxy.
Standing on the half-built bridge is the 43 ton excavator - this is to test the bridge!
Steve and Richard unloading 44 ton truck at the warehouse in Pristina John Winyard became chef extraordinaire, which kept everyone going.
This 1,200 ton freighter was purposely sunk in 1999.
Parked vehicles also have to be taken into account as nothing riles people more than a 26 ton freighter colliding with their car!
Each ton of glass returned to the melting furnaces reduces our demand on raw materials by 1.2 tons.
In a few clicks create hierarchical a menu with special effects, menu style, ... and a ton of powerful parameters.
Large warehouses were built to house American hogsheads of tobacco, each weighing half a ton.
The problem was overcome by using a 1 ton chain hoist for the raising.
Perhaps the 135 ton monster rolling on to its tracks put the Western Region off diesel electrics to build diesel hydraulics.
And change my proposed target to involve a ton of live leeches.
They contained seven ton Tetrarch tanks, gun limbers and jeeps.
In this case the value, or price, of a ton of carbon also becomes limitless.
For the most common large 38 ton lorry that's around £ 1300.
We carry our own custom built sound system in a 7.5 ton lorry, which consist of nearly 20,000 watts of power.
Crane (12.5 ton) can be used for lowering masts.
The Lord Stewart was 248 foot long, 1445 ton armed merchantman.
These effects are examined in a 1.5 ton niobium resonant bar antenna.
Inside was half a ton of ammonium nitrate, an easy to buy fertilizer, the same material used in the Bali bombings.
The mine has ordered 28 haul trucks of 32 ton payload capacity to replace the current 180 much smaller contractor trucks.
Nigel Adams had a blinding session mid week off peg 14 catching 28 bream to 6lb 10oz for a good ton bag.
An old prospector will judge from six ounces of stuff within a few pennyweights what will be the yield of a ton.
The final product is transported to the 50 ton capacity finished product silo by a dense phase pneumatic conveying system.
Making one ton of bleached chemical pulp requires 120,000 or more liters of water.
The Americans achieved a reputation which guaranteed them higher freight rates, £ 6-£7 against the £ 3-£4 per ton paid to British shipowners.
This 1411 ton steamship was wrecked on the 16th April 1874 on her maiden voyage.
The whole show, including over a ton of secondary steelwork, was installed during a period of three weeks in September 2004.
Any sugar imported at a cheaper price must pay a surtax that brings the final price up to $ 385 a ton.
The pit yielded 12 tons of water to every ton of coal drawn.
The James Barrie was a 666 ton Icelandic trawler at 45 meters.
He's succeeded in pushing, single-handed, his 19 ton articulated truck for a distance of 80ft.
In addition, there's a ton of extras, all extremely well-done, and described below.
The large plant is costly, while the biogas yield is relatively small per ton of wet feed.
An organist, instead of transposing a whole ton g down from the Cammerton, would for the tertia minore have to transpose a minor third.
If the starting resistance of the whole train be estimated at 16 lb per ton, this engine would be able to start 1.163 tons on the level, or about 400 tons on a gradient of I in 75, both these figures including the weight of the engine and tender, which would be about 100 tons.
Public sentiment in the North was deeply stirred by the Uncle Ton's Cabin (1852) of Mrs Harriet Beecher Stowe, which, as Senior said, under the disguise of a novel was really a pamphlet against the Fugitive Slave Law.
There are two steel-clad series-wound motors of 36 B.H.P. For a test load of 120 tons the tractive force is 70 lb per ton, which is sufficient for acceleration, and maintaining speed against wind pressure.
They are sometimes made with a sliding poise weighing I ton, which has a run of 200 in., and the steelyard can exert a pull of Ioo tons.
Walker says rapeseed oil can cost up to £ 373 per ton to buy, compared to used cooking oil at just £ 175.
Urban regeneration brings congestion by the lorry load A 44 ton refrigerated lorry is blocking the road ahead.
Government had also proposed a duty of forty shillings per ton on iron, a large per centage upon its total value.
The nuns would be down on them like a ton of bricks.
The first set of sidings were sandwiched in-between the level crossing and platform, complete with a five ton crane.
No amount of psychological or psychic manipulation can undo the over tightened wheel nuts on a 3.5 ton truck !
I have already progressed onto driving a 7.5 ton lorry.
Maximum 12 ton payload mounted in ISO compatible containers.
Around 18 billion ton kilometers of freight was carried by rail in 2000.
It was erected onto its bearing using an 800 ton crane on 07 September 1998.
In addition, there 's a ton of extras, all extremely well-done, and described below.
Even experienced yachtsmen will be amazed at the speed and agility of a 100-year-old, 100 ton Thames sailing barge.
You'll save yourself a ton of stress by this simple bit of planning ahead.
Manufacturers offer everything from boxes that blend into your decor to ones that come with a ton of accessories to help you with clean up.
The large number of drink mixes on the market makes it easy to throw a party without having to spend a ton of money to make exotic and fun drinks.
It has three shelves and will provide a ton of storage.
They allow you to use your books as decorations, keep them on hand, but avoid dedicating a ton of space to housing your collection of literature.
You may not have a ton of space if you're choosing one of the smaller styles, but you will be able to better utilize the space and have more control over how you display and store your items if you choose a cabinet with adjustable shelves.
In that same length of time it will keep nearly half a ton of CO2 out of the atmosphere.
A ton of paper manufactured from recycled paper can save about 4,000 kilowatt hours of energy.
A ton of paper made from recycled materials can save a total of over 500 pounds of air pollution.
For example, paper recycling saves over three cubic yards of landfill space for every ton of paper made from recycled materials.
A ton of paper made from recycled paper saves 17 trees.
Glaciers, which weigh approximately one ton per cubic meter, place pressure on the Earth's surface.
A ton of recycled paper uses 50 percent less water and saves almost 17 trees.
Put simply, countries and individual companies can earn carbon credits, each of which allows the industry to produce one ton of carbon dioxide gas over and above their limits.
There are a ton of interior decorating magazines on the market, and they all feature beautiful interiors and fabulous decorating ideas.
On the other hand… As funny as it may sound, even though I feel as if I'm wearing a ton of makeup, my eyes lack the dramatic look I usually get from my regular eyeliners.
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You feel as though you are walking with a ton of bricks.
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She has a whole ton of projects in the works and from the looks of things, seems like a pretty busy girl.
Jamie Spears seemed to do just fine caring for his family before Britney was a pop superstar, Jamie Lynn was an actress and his wife was an author and they all were making a ton of money.
Along with a ton of other celebs, Kiefer Sutherland was a guest at a fancy party given by the Costume Institute at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.
Turned out that Jackson did, indeed, have a ton of debt, but he also had a ton of assets.
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You can often have luck making the repair at home and saving yourself a ton of money.
Despite the demand for them, you usually won't find a ton of Riddick goggles for sale.
If you are going to be at Hershey Park from sun up to sun down, then you might not want to drop a ton of money on an expensive hotel room.
Whatever you call it, there is a ton of wet and wild fun to be had in the watery oasis.
Each day, one rock in your village holds a ton of bells.
There is a ton of replay in Fable game and as many mini-gripes as I had, the whole of the game was more than the sum of its parts.
Then it's highly recommended to draw a TON of magic from enemies.
These handheld gaming systems offer a number of great games that pack a ton of fun into a small, less pricey package.
I used to get shirts, boxers, and a ton of pens, Frisbees and other stuff...
The Wario Ware games contain a ton of mini-games --Wario Ware, Inc. Mega Microgame$ contains over 100.
Head over to their website to get a ton of other songs, including their stellar Booster's Tower remix.
Finally, you'll land a ton of bonus points if you manage to clear away the required number of cubes and leave no cubes left on the board (a Perfect round).
There is a ton of behind-the-scenes coordination going on that makes the harvest successful.
Now, one thing should be mentioned, if you are a self-described Jimmy Buffet "Parrothead", (and there are no doubt a ton of you out there), a parrot wine holder is for sure a must have for your wine accessories collection.
The Ultimate Camp Resource website has a ton of useful information for campers, so of course there's a dedicated page for stories that'll scare the daylights out of those not careful.
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The Basic Samba video is divided into a series of segments, and all of them together will provide you with a ton of samba steps and good styling to go with the steps.
These cuts are a ton of fun to highlight.
Teasing, mousse and a ton of hair spray held the big styles in place.
If you're seeking a cool and hip new mens style, this east coast style rocker has got a ton of tips to share.
If you have a ton of hair, why not try a choppy cut to break up the weight and add some edginess and lift to your style?
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You can't expect a ton of volume and waves if your straight hair is heavy, long or damaged.
Regardless of which style you choose, there are a ton of flattering haircuts for curly hair that will make you want to toss all of your straightening products and rock your curls on a daily basis.
Diabetic Mommy is a website that offers a ton of information about pregnancy and diabetes as well as gestational diabetes.
San Francisco has a ton of intimate spots to get a bite to eat, and if you play your cards right, maybe your date will hang around for dessert, too!
Many of us loathe having to spend a ton of money on a suit we know we'll only wear a handful of times.
Searching for outlets that sell beach towels online will save you a ton of time and energy.
Not only will you save some valuable time, but if you play your cards right, you'll save a ton of money too!
SkinzWear is another great online site with a ton of exotic looks to choose from.
Doing this will ensure that you have a ton of fun in the sun and look great while you're at it.
It also provides a ton of fashion choices!
Granted, anyone who wants to wear a micro swimwear look to the beach or pool undoubtedly has to work very hard to stay in top physical shape, but once they do, it's a ton of fun to be able to flaunt one of these suits!
Aside from all the attention you'll receive and the thrill of seeing a hard-won body clad in skimpy, almost non-existent material, there are also a ton of fabrics and styles to choose from.
This wireless push-up halter tankini top gives the bust a slight lift and creates a ton of cleavage.
Best of all, these shorts offer a ton of pockets and a zippered/Velcro waistband for the ultimate in comfort.
For example, if you eat a ton of tomatoes, almonds and sunflower seeds on a daily basis, you're pushing it with the vitamin E intake already.
Healthline has a great page with a ton of information about L-arginine and how you may use it to improve your health.
Otherwise, those in the 5'4" and under bracket can spend a ton on alterations.
Your sisters, aunts and best friends all probably have a ton of dresses in their closets.
Most department stores like Old Navy, Gap, Banana Republic, American Eagle, Aeropostale and the like have a ton of summer dresses in the latest trends and at reasonable prices, too!
Nordstrom - Another department store that has a ton of summer dresses to choose from.
If you want to look like you just stepped off the red carpet but don't want to pay a ton for a dress, check out a gown by ABS to look like a star and turn heads.
The first commercially available microwave, the Radarange, was nearly six feet tall, weighed almost half a ton, and cost about $5000-a fortune in 1947.
It can be pretty annoying to have a ton of kernels at the bottom of the machine after the popping process is finished.
Besides the usual suspects from the classic, there are a ton more new faces to tease you--120 new faces!
If you're fairly new to candle making and don't feel like spending a ton of money on expensive molds you may only use once or twice, there also are several items in your kitchen that may be repurposed as floating candle molds.
If you normally mail out a ton of Christmas cards, you might be surprised at just how much you'll save sending online greetings.
Whether you buy, borrow or contrive, you can save a ton of money and still look as great, or scary, as you hope to this season.
If you cannot afford to spend a ton of money on a pre-made animal costume that you or your child will likely only wear once or twice, then consider making your own.
You don't have to spend a ton of money outfitting your favorite girl in a vampire costume.
From Marc Jacobsesqe boxy external pockets to slouch Dior-like hobos, Johnson slams a ton of fashion nostalgia into the look of one handbag.
Another excellent online shop selling a ton of fashion tote bags is Funky Chunky Handbags.
Yes it may be a mouthful to say, but besides offering a ton of room, you'll love the exclusively designed recessed telescope handle and patented soft-grip! - This site has a ton of Piel products from briefcases and backpacks to handbags and money clips.
For the most part, drawstring backpacks offer a ton of quality, without the price.
Kathy Van Zeeland items can be found locally in department stores like Macy's, Dillard's, Boscov's, Bon Ton and Belk.
Some people think, oh my gosh you're making a ton of money, but if you look at the amount of employees we have to have we're doing okay, but when you base the majority of your income on six weeks it's rough.
They don't come with a ton of features, but they are extremely affordable, portable, and they offer enough power to sustain Internet browsing, word processing, spreadsheets and a PowerPoint or two.
Many people donate items that are in very good condition, so you'll save a ton of money if you spend a little bit of time browsing through the store.
It features a generous 15.4-inch screen size, which is ideal if you spend a ton of time on the computer and suffer eye strain.
Not one to have a ton of shoes scattered in the bottom of your closet?
You may not be shelling out a ton of money for the cleats, but you want to get as much mileage out of them as possible, right?
It has a ton of cushioning and comes with a breathable upper mesh that allows your feet to breathe as you run.
As we all know, there are a ton of running shoes on the market.
These shoes are totally functional in water, and they are sized to allow your foot a ton of room.
They are sold in most department stores, such as JC Penney, Macy's, Boscovs, The Bon Ton, as well as other department, shoe, and accessory stores.
Save yourself a ton of aggravation by making sure that you can exchange those shoes if the need arises.
Sure, you may be giving out a ton of party favors to your guests, but this one is just for you!
Knock off Uggs are ideal for those wanting the trendy look of Uggs boots without spending a ton of money.
Today, Vans is an internationally recognized brands with a ton of great designs.
You can also find them online, but look for reputable sites (such as the department stores listed); you don't want to spend a ton of money and end up with a Gucci knockoff!
This flip flop boasts a ton of comfort as well as its own source of illumination.
Grilling your own hamburgers and hot dogs can help save a ton of money and you can have fun in the process by swapping stories with fellow travelers who are also making pit stops on the side of the highway.
An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of cure.
There are a ton of services online for both the jobseeker and the employer and both need to research which will work for them.
Unless you've found a really unique niche in your field and have a ton of free publicity dumped in your lap, you will not likely see a drastic direct increase in sells immediately.
Soap Delicatessen has a ton of great recipes, including some interesting things like beer soap and dog shampoo bars.
If you're still on the fence about trying soap making, or you want to get a friend hooked, consider buying a kit before you spend a ton of money buying ingredients separately.
In addition to your local bead shop, there are a ton of places online to buy glass beads.
Create for Less has a ton of supplies for all sorts of crafts, including yarn, rubber stamps, kits and much more.
Beginners to advanced crafters will find a ton of easy and challenging projects that will be fun to create, either for themselves or as gifts.You can also visit the Red Heart site for even more free patterns.
Using paper cutting designs in your crafting can be wonderful way to embellish your projects without spending a ton of money.
If you're drinking several regular sodas a day, that's a ton of empty calories that your body doesn't compensate for.
You don't have to spend a ton of money to get a good selection of fitness apparel, however.
Cooking lobster tail on grill doesn't require a ton of work.
There's no doubt about it, there are a ton of bridal negligees out there to choose from.
While you may not save a ton of money, you will still get what you want for less.
In short, an elegant cami gives you a ton of fashion options and extends the life of your current wardrobe.
This can save to a ton of time once you do hit the store.
There, you can browse current lingerie sales before you go shopping, saving you a ton of money in the long run!
If you like your lingerie collection to be varied and don't like to drop a ton of money on any one piece, you may want to consider looking into vinyl instead.
Dillards - This department store carries a ton of full cut briefs both online and in the store itself.
Unless you're going for vintage pieces like those listed above, you won't necessarily have to shell out a ton of money to feel luxurious.
You are bound to find a ton of things you like here!
When you're shopping for a brand new Calida nightgown, you have a ton of options.
This tiny cubical MP3 player boasts a ton of features found in its more expensive brothers but at a fraction of the price - between $60 and $100!
The sleek portable music player is functional and comes with a ton of bonus features you never knew you couldn't live without.
The U10 has a ton of great features hiding beneath its shiny exterior.
Those people can help spread the word to others and before long you'll have a ton of guests.
On the Internet, you'll be able to tap into a ton of different options your local shops couldn't even begin to think of carrying.
Why spend a ton of money on invitations when you can send them for free?
Todd Herzog hasn't drawn a ton of attention since his win.
You have to remember that those shows are not necessarily going to pay you a ton of money, but the exposure of being on a hit TV show is amazing.