Tolerate Sentence Examples
She said she couldn't tolerate his moods.
There's one creature who can tolerate you, and that's me.
But no state could long tolerate the affronts which English seamen offered Spain.
This, however, like the service itself, represented a compromise which the more extreme reformers would not tolerate, and in the second Prayer-book, together with such language in the canon as might imply the doctrine of transubstantiation and of the sacrifice, the word Mass also disappears.
Steeped in absolutist ideas, James was not likely to tolerate religious dissent.
He didn't tolerate betrayal, and she'd walked out on him.
As a man of fashion, I'm afraid I won't be able to tolerate this clothing long.
This grandiose project was unexpectedly destroyed by the energetic resistance of Japan, who had ear-marked the Hermit Kingdom for herself, and who declared plainly that she would never tolerate the exclusive influence of Russia in Manchuria.
Latterly, free irrigation of the bowel with astringents, such as silver nitrate, tannalbin, &c., has been attended with success in those cases which have been able to tolerate the injections.
Most parents will not tolerate sassy children.
AdvertisementMr. O'Hara wouldn't tolerate discord in the office.
The constitution having been destroyed by the Blind, the elector proclaimed one of his own making; but even the chamber elected under the provisions of this despotic scheme could not tolerate his hateful tyranny, and there were incessant disputes between it and the government.
The drongo is a fierce and powerful bird which will not tolerate a strange bird of the size of a cuckoo near its nest, yet on account of its resemblance to the drongo, the hen cuckoo is enabled, it has been claimed, to lay her egg in the nest of the drongo, which mistakes the cuckoo for one of its own kind.
He would not tolerate any of the " barbarous " generic terms adopted by other writers, though some had been in use for many years.
He and Jessi alone would be able to tolerate the crystal's magic without being killed.
AdvertisementHaving thus recovered the central part of Asia Minor - for the dynasties in Pergamum, Bithynia and Cappadocia the Seleucid government was obliged to tolerate - Antiochus turned to recover the outlying provinces of the north and east.
Elizabeth did not mean to marry, and although a defensive alliance was concluded between England and France in April 1572, the French government perceived that public opinion in France would not tolerate an open breach with Spain in Protestant interests.
The ministry naturally refused to tolerate this conduct, and Lord Palmerston was summarily removed from his office.
I will not tolerate that bellicose attitude!
In general, a dog that is relatively calm is more likely to tolerate a costume than a high-strung animal.
AdvertisementCeliac disease is a condition that occurs when an individual cannot tolerate the protein gluten which is found in most grains.
Kris won.t tolerate what you do to them.
For anyone who owns a dog that will tolerate wearing a costume, there are many safety and comfort tips that dog owners should keep in mind.
Find out if you can tolerate the behaviors that bother you about him.
The problem is that processing and cooking can add gluten to them, making them harmful to persons who cannot tolerate gluten.
AdvertisementCeliacs who can tolerate sprouted grain breads such as the Ezekiel varieties should still be on the lookout for ingredients like "malted barley syrup".
What grains or grain-like substances can you tolerate?
You may also be able to tolerate oats in your diet.
If you can tolerate your partner's pedantic nature and fits of criticism, it's because you also appreciate his steadfast nature and the security that accompanies dating an earth sign.
Since they tend to be serious, they may not tolerate a lot of goofiness or fooling around, and they don't generally do well with spontaneity.
People of this sign cannot tolerate clutter or filth, no matter how little or how much it might be.
This can become a breaking point if he carries the green monster too far and his lover can no longer tolerate the constant questions and suspicions.
He has a limitless capacity to love, yet he won't tolerate being taken for granted or having his kindness to go unreciprocated.
Many Aries individuals simply cannot tolerate the dissolution of excitement.
He was able to tolerate it for the hour a day during the season when they shot his show.
Newman a protest that they took "a liberty which no Christian can tolerate," and carried him to "conclusions which were often heathen rather than Christian."
The Bracco requires training and firm handling as they do possess a stubborn streak, however they will not tolerate any harsh handling.
As a result of this she has become very streetwise and doesn't tolerate fools gladly.
You should note we do not tolerate usernames containing swearwords.
The parent cannot bear the thought of a " deformed " child, nor can the engineer tolerate standing by helplessly.
Emperor and king of Sicily, he was the natural enemy of popes, who could not tolerate so overwhelming a rival, After Fredericks death, the popes carried on their war for eighteen years against his descendants.
Preserves are used to conceal deformities or to protect the eyes in the many conditions where they cannot tolerate bright light, such as ulceration and inflammation of the cornea, certain diseases of the iris, ciliary body, choroid, and retina.
Now, a prince or legislative assembly that accepted the doctrine of Luther, that the temporal power had been " ordained by God for the chastisement of the wicked and the protection of the good " and must be permitted to exercise its functions " unhampered throughout the whole Christian body, without respect to persons, whether it strikes popes, bishops, priests, monks, nuns, or whoever else " - such a government could proceed to ratify such modifications of the Christian faith as appealed to it in a particular religious confession; it could order its subject to conform to the innovations, and could expel, persecute or tolerate dissenters, as seemed good to it.
Little girls do not tolerate hot and sweaty feet well, so save yourself an afternoon of whining and crying by purchasing something comfortable.
They like soil that is healthy and full of nutrients, but they can tolerate less than perfect soil conditions.
In 1999, Dr. Reinhold Vieth proved that the human body could tolerate and filter out much higher amounts of vitamin D than previously thought.
More important to know is what kinds of clothing your child can tolerate for an hour or more of walking up and down the streets.
If your dog will tolerate a headpiece, a nice hat and collar combo is a wonderful alternative to a full-fledged costume.
The message being, you will not tolerate poor boyfriend behaviors, nor will you let a boy hurt your feelings without him knowing about it.
This, however, does not mean that all celiacs will be able to tolerate oats.
Oats are the subject of some controversy among doctors and dieticians when it comes to gluten-free food choices, but with careful shopping and a hint of caution, many gluten-sensitive individuals are able to tolerate oats quite well.
Additionally, condoms are recommended for breastfeeding women or those who can't tolerate the side effects of hormonal birth control pills.
The United States government does not tolerate fraud in relation to SNAP benefits.
It's very difficult to cover a neck tattoo, the favorite location for this design, and not all employers will tolerate your body art.
The fact that there is no pain or needles involved is a plus for those who love the look, wouldn't mind the commitment, but just can't tolerate pain or the sight (or thought) of needles.
Individuals may not be able to tolerate certain situations.
With help from intensive auditory integration therapy, he was eventually able to tolerate, and even love, music.
This will improve her visual focusing skills and her ability to tolerate different levels of light and dark.
Show that support by not serving forbidden foods to other family members in the presence of the dieting teen, by joining in exercises such as walking or cycling, and by providing as much positive reinforcement as your teen will tolerate.
If you can tolerate cabbage, this cleansing regime may be tolerated well.
Research from years of various studies show that human bodies can tolerate short term fasting.
Their plan focuses mostly on an ancestral diet type of approach, basing the science behind what our bodies tolerate based on what we ate before agriculture became a way of life.
Keep in mind that each patient is different, and while you may be able to eat almost all of the foods on the "good foods" list, you do need to pay attention to your body and avoid foods that you don't tolerate well.
Listen to your body and only proceed if you can tolerate the movements.
The lotion soothes the skin, but beware if your hands aren't particularly dry-this is a thick lotion that some find too greasy to tolerate.
Her voice was quiet, and he couldn't help wondering if she'd Seen something important enough to tolerate a vamp in her household.
The mansion's heavy drapes on the ground floor were closed and the lighting in the library dim enough for her to tolerate.
By nature, he didn't smile, but would he turn away from her or tolerate her?
He and Fred did not enjoy the same music so when both were home the five-disc machine usually contained two jazz selections for Dean, two country and western for Fred, and a pop group neither liked but both could tolerate.
Resolved to behave as naturally as she could, she stripped and turned up the shower as hot as she could tolerate.
He ignored it and went to the kitchen for coffee, the only human beverage he was able to tolerate.
In the middle ages, owing to various causes, the better wines of France and Germany could not be obtained in England except at prohibitive prices; but when this state of things ceased, and foreign wine could be imported, the English consumers would no longer tolerate the inferior productions of their own vineyards.
The usual dose, at starting, is one or two drachms, but the oil should be given eventually in the largest quantities that the patient can tolerate.
A crisis was evidently imminent, for Portugal would not tolerate an absentee sovereign who was far more Brazilian than Portuguese.
The younger men of letters regarded Castilho as the self-elected pontiff of a mutual-praise school, who, ignorant of the literary movement abroad, claimed to direct them in the old paths, and would not tolerate criticism.
The earlier and even greater tragedy of Marion de Lorme (1828) had been proscribed on the ground that it was impossible for royalty to tolerate the appearance of a play in which a king was represented as the puppet of a minister.
The king and his prime minister were equally agreed about the necessity of showing the Vatican and the Church sufficient favor to induce them to cease coquetting with the pretender Don Carlos, but not so much as to allow the pope and the clergy to expect that they would tolerate any excessive Ultramontane influence in the policy of the Restoration.
The ignorant polytheism of the time could not tolerate such explanation, and the enemies of Pericles used the superstitions of their countrymen as a means of attacking him in the person of his friend.
A day and a half with her sister was as much as she could tolerate; faced with the alternative of returning to her creepy apartment with its creepy occupants, she'd tough it out.
It was one thing to have him bark at and disapprove of her, but she wasn't going to tolerate him being short with the children.
But really, if someone isn't salvageable, I don't think your … people would tolerate him or warn him or help me when I'm associated with him.
If the patient does not tolerate an ACE inhibitor (usually due to cough ), an ARB should be substituted.
All tolerate a mildly alkaline soil and partial shade tho they thrive best on a neutral, sandy soil in full sun.
Because the computer can't think, it can't tolerate ambiguity.
Yet much of the British public have been willing to tolerate just such austerity in the field of healthcare.
However, children are thought to tolerate chemotherapy better than adults.
You could tolerate the dreaded sodium cyanide at many millions of times the concentration.
Your doctor will give you medication through a vein to help you relax and better tolerate any discomfort.
The Council will not tolerate any form of racial discrimination, either direct or indirect.
Indeed, there is a danger it will arouse suspicions that the management committee is unwilling to tolerate dissent or justify its actions.
In grasslands, most threatened birds appear to tolerate some disturbance from cattle.
In dry areas, choose plants that can tolerate drought - such plants often have gray or silver foliage.
If I could just find an emollient that his skin would tolerate, I'd be a happy bunny.
Other drugs are available for patients unable to tolerate erythromycin.
Industrial contaminants can be particularly harmful to the aquatic fauna, with some species unable to tolerate the change in water quality.
They are true show jumping horses strong, tall, slightly scarey and they certainly don't tolerate fools.
Friday 5th December if you can tolerate 5 metal bands btw, if you're up for it.
Large showy blooms ideal in patio containers will tolerate moderate spring frosts.
A good greenkeeper knows the heights of cut his swards will tolerate.
Panels will tolerate quite loose groupings, as long as there is some reality to them.
Knowing that their crops will more or less tolerate an herbicide, farmers are not likely to reduce their applications.
The risen Jesus is not prepared to tolerate the immorality and the false teaching in Thyatira.
Living a disciplined life himself, he found it difficult to tolerate indiscipline in others.
The IWF will not tolerate any infraction under any circumstances. As Dr. Ajan was speaking, the situation began to degenerate into utter farce.
You have to tolerate intolerance, otherwise you are no better than they are.
He argued that ' we should never tolerate mediocrity in our ambition ' .
Plants, which tolerate dry shade, were then carefully chosen.
The Blue Room does not tolerate racial, ethnic, sexual, or religious slurs.
Campto contains sorbitol, which is unsuitable for people who cannot tolerate fructose.
Although starry stonewort appears to tolerate slightly saline conditions, its performance may decline if salinity levels increase.
The power thirsty king Philippe le Bel could no longer tolerate their power.
The global economy will not tolerate high tax systems of the kind Gordon Brown is building.
We cannot tolerate the creation of an information underclass.
Other marine forms are Rhizopoda (Rotalia and Textillaria), the sponge Amorphina, the Amphicteis worm, the molluscs Cardium edule and other Cardidae, and some Amphipods (Cumacea and Mysidae,), but they are forms which either tolerate variations in salinity or are especially characteristic of brackish waters.
The new German empire, consolidated through wars with Catholic Germany and Catholic France, was of all countries least likely to tolerate Roman attempts to dictate to its subjects.
Twelve bishops, headed by the primate Ussher, solemnly protested that " to tolerate popery is a grievous sin."
General Rules. * We will not tolerate rudeness, insulting posts, racism, personal attacks or purposeless inflammatory posts.
We will not tolerate any form of racial harassment.
We stand for the realization of this freedom and we shall not tolerate any injustice made toward the LGBTI community.
Best in moist soil but reputed to tolerate wide range of conditions.
This is acutely problematic among elderly patients who are frequently unable to tolerate the rigors of more intensive treatment approaches.
As a result of this she has become very streetwise and does n't tolerate fools gladly.
Grow in moist, fertile well drained soil in full sun will tolerate light shade.
We aim to help the children develop self discipline and will not tolerate bullying in any form.
Make sure the patient can tolerate lying flat if a simple spinal is used.
Like Christianity, Islam at the height of its power will not tolerate even the vestiges of a former religion.
I will not tolerate another tirade regarding whatever you choose to be angry about today.
The man could tolerate his companion's foible because it was covered by his many admirable qualities.
He was so committed to the success of the enterprise that he wouldn't tolerate anyone who couldn't do a great job.
If you have an innate ability to take rejection, learn from it and then push forward, you'll be able to tolerate the naysayers without it dampening your energy or enthusiasm.
On the other side, soy infant formula like Nestle Good Start Supreme Soy is a good choice for infants who can't tolerate lactose or milk proteins.
It is best to train cats to tolerate this as kittens, but adult cats can be taught as well.
Their stomachs cannot tolerate such substances.
This breed has developed an ability to tolerate the long, cold winters and thrive in the harsh climate.
Follow these steps, repeating any you feel are failures, until the animals will tolerate one another.
Your goal is to get them to tolerate one another.
Although soy is listed as the second-most allergic substance for humans, coming in second only to peanuts, for those who can tolerate it, soy provides a dense plant-based protein source.
Certain individuals cannot tolerate nuts and seeds at all due to allergies.
If you find you are unable to tolerate Chantix, you should stop taking it and ask your doctor for further advice.
If they can tolerate the discomfort long enough they will see that the anxiety associated with the exercise will generally diminish over time.
Make sure you understand exactly what is wrong with the bedding and that it's something you can tolerate.
Younger girls will likely tolerate fancier duds, while teens may balk at anything with too much lace or velvet.
Smart parents know that this really is only for the very young set - it's the rare boy who will tolerate wearing an actual romper past a certain age.
If your baby will tolerate it, a matching cap makes this outfit even cuter.
Do you need your dog to tolerate hot and cold weather?
Corn is used in many commercial brands of dog food, and there are dogs whose systems simply can't tolerate it.
We told them, do not to let him out and please do not feed him anything at all, as he has a very sensitive stomach and he cannot tolerate human food.
Not every dog will tolerate it, although it seems a great majority of dogs do.
They do not tolerate isolation well, nor are they "outside" dogs.
Bulldogs do not tolerate high heat, especially with high humidity.
Stem color is more vivid when the shrub is grown in full sun, but it will tolerate some shade.
Healthy plants can tolerate a small number of aphids, but large numbers of aphids can wreak havoc.
It doesn't like boggy conditions, but it will tolerate some dryness after it is established.
Even moisture is best, but an established shrub will tolerate some drought.
If you develop a problem that you can't tolerate, there are safe ways to deal with it.
Plants should be spaced 10 to 12 inches apart, though pinks will tolerate being a little crowded.
While strawberries can tolerate a bit of dappled shade, especially in the late afternoon, too much shade reduces or stops fruit production.
While they can tolerate a bit of dappled shade, the more light they get the healthier they'll be.
Most plants tolerate a pH anywhere from 5.5 to 7.5, but certain plants such as gardenias, azaleas, and blueberries like soil that's acidic, or close to 5.5 or so.
Many people who are unable to eat gluten due to an allergic reaction often can tolerate spelt.
As you get older, you may find it harder to tolerate cold and to deal with ice and snow removal.
Some kids are unable to tolerate water in their eyes and due to this reason may want to avoid swimming.
Swim goggles make the whole experience more enjoyable and easier to tolerate.
You can try the do-it-yourself methods, but be advised that they may not work for everyone and you should only try them when you can no longer tolerate the scratches and you're prepared to purchase a new set of lenses if necessary.
You won't have to tolerate contacts if you're not normally a fan of wearing those either, in order to have a safe trip on your bike.
Prior to inhalation testing, children with asthma who can tolerate it may be asked to stop asthma medications.
This bacteria breaks down the lactose, or milk sugar, in the milk so that the child can tolerate it.
Different people can tolerate different amounts of itching, and the threshold of tolerance can change due to stress, emotions, and other factors.
A hot compress (as hot as an individual can tolerate) is applied for three minutes followed by an ice cold compress for 30 seconds.
Frequency and length of chemotherapy treatment depends on the form of cancer, types of drugs, how the patient responds to the treatment, and the patient's health and ability to tolerate the drugs.
Most fetuses, however, tolerate intrauterine hypoxia during labor and are delivered without complications.
Such children usually can tolerate acetaminophen and non-acetylated salicylates such as sodium salicylate and salsalate.
Older children can adjust their intake of lactose, depending on how much and what they can tolerate.
It is important for the person's family to know that they do not have to tolerate violent behavior, destruction of property, harm to pets, or abuse of smaller or weaker family members.
Infants with PDA may not be able to tolerate a large volume of breast milk or formula and therefore may need to be fed more frequently.
To replace calories quickly during acute illness, food should be given as soon as the child will tolerate it.
Patients who are unable to tolerate or are unresponsive to drug-based treatments are treated with concentrated factor VIII obtained from blood products.
Neglected or abused infants have a high-pitched cry that is difficult for adults to tolerate.
The most typical time for fussy times is between 6 p.m. and 11 p.m., often when parents are tired and less able to tolerate crying.
Responsible parenting does not to tolerate violence or use it in any way.
While the pachira aquatic tree can survive in 50 degree temperatures and even tolerate up to 100 degree temperatures, the plant will suffer.
While they do provide benefits such as making the task easier and less damaging to skin, people with extremely sensitive skin may not be able to tolerate the chemicals that cause cream to foam so generously.
See how well you tolerate the pain and hair re-growth, and then move on from there.
After a certain age, a boy may not like having to wear a coverup, so the trick is to find him one that appeals to his individual taste and is comfortable, so that he will be that much more ready to embrace, or at least tolerate, it.
These characteristics make it a great choice for poor sleepers and insomniacs who can't tolerate the side effects of heavier narcotics and who don't want to risk becoming dependent on sleep enhancing drugs.
In general, people tolerate folic acid extremely well.
Many plants require more light to grow, but will tolerate a lower light for the few weeks they are in bloom.
While some dogs will not tolerate any sort of clothing or accessory on their body, others thoroughly enjoy the attention they get for looking cute in a costume.
Some cats are very easy-going and will tolerate just about anything, whereas others will make sure you never come near them with fabric again.
If he already has low self-esteem, I can't imagine him being able to tolerate the wrath of his family's humiliation.
This is especially true when you don't even know if you can tolerate his behavior.
No matter what the process, sensitive individuals may not tolerate the sprouted breads despite assurances to the contrary.
After all, if swearing is the worst thing little Sammy does in this age of sex, drugs and alcohol, parents may be relieved and tolerate the behavior.
Ritualistic patterns can interfere with the child's ability to tolerate changes in routine.
An allergy to dairy is most often an allergy to the protein casein, goat's milk has a very low casein content which is probably why the author is able to tolerate it.
What the body cannot tolerate is long term and or frequent fasting.
The bariatric clinic usually instructs patients to introduce one food at a time in order to see whether they can tolerate each or not.
Unless your skin is especially sensitive and simply can't tolerate fragrances, you can probably comfortably apply scented products to your body.
Promising as it sounds, it's important to conduct a patch test if you suspect your skin may not tolerate something new very well.
For those who can tolerate the application of lemon, it's still an open question as to whether the lemon juice will lighten freckles.
If traditional web hosts won't tolerate the content that you have to offer under their terms of service.
But really, if someone isn't salvageable, I don't think your … people would tolerate him or warn him or help me when I'm associated with him.
He will not tolerate the stagnation and tedium of a dull uniformity by mechanical reproduction.
Luther, for instance, would not tolerate Zwingli's view on the Lord's Supper, while Zwingli was willing to fraternize with him notwithstanding this difference."
On the other hand, the State, which could count upon the support of an ever-increasing number of prosperous and loyal subjects, sought to protect its own interests and showed itself less and less inclined to tolerate the extreme claims of the pope.
English moral philosophy cannot long tolerate a metaphysics which by merging all minds in one would destroy personality, personal causation and moral responsibility, as James Martineau well said.
Internally it is useful in certain forms of dyspepsia, but as some patients are quite unable to tolerate the drug, it must always be administered in very small doses at first, the quantity being slowly increased as tolerance is shown.
Many people are prepared to tolerate pain following surgery and some, particularly the elderly, can be remarkably stoical.
It is unpretentious enough to tolerate hiking clothed patrons.
The Russian emperors, having established themselves as heads of the Church and the Holy Synod as a state department, were not likely willingly to tolerate their existence.
Provided that the preaching of the gospel was free and full, Luther was willing to tolerate episcopacy and even papacy.
The stern simplicity of Calvinism, indeed, would not tolerate religious processions of any kind, and from the "Reformed" Churches they vanished altogether.
He knew that love of novelty and contempt for the gouty old king and his greedy courtiers had brought about this bloodless triumph; and he felt instinctively that he had to deal with a new France, which would not tolerate despotism.
Only when able to tolerate the floor did she cross to the French doors.
No man she'd ever been with could tolerate the part of her that refused to be caged.
The most powerful states in Europe condescended to make payments to them and to tolerate their insults.
But if you can tolerate it, what follows will explain why free trade sometimes hurts the (net) world economy.
He has abandoned himself altogether to this mysticism (Pierre could not tolerate mysticism in anyone now).
In a world of economic superabundance, people will no longer tolerate poverty.
Considering how much Gabriel couldn.t tolerate sunlight, Rhyn was surprised to see him during daylight at all, let alone without his shades.
There is only one method of birth control that sure, and I doubt your husband would tolerate it.
Last night's confrontation with Denton was proof enough that she couldn't afford to tolerate any more interference in her life - from anyone.
No wonder Gabe hated her one day and tried hard to tolerate her the next.
Silently, he began to think he wasn't going to tolerate the ghost in his house long enough for him to figure out what was going on.
Although the civil rights were conferred upon the freedmen, Congress would not tolerate the political incapacity and social inferiority which the legislature had assigned to them, and therefore Georgia was placed under military government, as part of the third military district, by the Reconstruction Act of the 2nd of March 1867.
Meeting with less and less resistance,Napoleon went still further and would tolerate no neutral power.
Destiny had finally reached the point that she would tolerate being held by Lori, but after a few minutes she was ready to get down or go to Alex, Carmen or Jonathan.
Its governing conception is that noble character may be associated with the most diverse creeds, and that there can, therefore, be no good reason why the holders of one sect of religious principles should not tolerate those who maintain wholly different doctrines.
Instead, she marched to the bathroom and took the hottest shower she could tolerate to try and take off the alcoholic edge.
In the older and larger towns it soon went beyond what the bishops thought proper to tolerate; conflicts ensued; and in the 13th century several bishops obtained decrees in the imperial court, either to suppress the Rat altogether, or to make it subject to their nomination, and more particularly to abolish the Ungeld, as detrimental to episcopal finances.
I do not think Americans would tolerate widespread, untreated hunger in this nation as long as it could afford otherwise.
But he knew too much of the English to suppose they would Tolerate an armed invasion, and he accordingly made it clear that he would not undertake active interference unless he received a definite invitation from leading Englishmen.
This greatly extended the British territorial influence in western India, but led directly to the second Mahratta war, for neither Sindhia nor the raja of Nagpur would tolerate this abandonment of Mahratta independence.