Told Sentence Examples
I told you not to give my number to anyone.
Has Alex told you about the party?
I've told myself that a hundred times.
They told him about the wonderful things they had seen there.
Mom told me that Dad forgave her for her affair with Señor Medena.
I wish you had told me.
Has anybody ever told you that you're beautiful?
He knew exactly what he wanted and I told him we would buy it for him.
Because you told me to, remember?
At first, when my teacher told me about a new thing I asked very few questions.
AdvertisementTowards evening he told his men to ride home by the main road while he went by another way that was somewhat longer.
How many times have I told you not to leave the house at night in your bare feet?
He didn't act concerned when she told him she had looked at them - not until she questioned the source.
Alex must have told the carpenters to stop working so she could sleep during the day.
On moving to the drawing room he handed the letter to Princess Mary and, spreading out before him the plan of the new building and fixing his eyes upon it, told her to read the letter aloud.
AdvertisementThe memory was poignant, overshadowed by events that took place after she told Alex she was expecting.
Howard hadn't told her.
Then they told him dinner would be served directly and he replied that they could not serve it too quickly to suit his convenience.
Otanes answered, I have already told two of your men that I have forty pieces of gold in my hat.
She immediately told him about the incident with Jonathan and Alfonso and he simply nodded.
AdvertisementI told Morino last night that I would look at them before we left.
The man told him he needed to get rid of me and Yancey told him he'd deal with me in his own way.
How much had he told Señor Medena - or how little?
I asked a few questions and was quickly told to mind my own business.
Maybe she should have told Len about the exchange.
AdvertisementShe told him about everything but the kiss.
Dulce motioned to Carmen from a hallway, so Carmen told Alex to take the children up and she would be up shortly.
No doubt he told them that Alexia had died, because after Jonathan's statement, that would be easiest.
Once she asked for daddy, but went back to sleep when Carmen told her he was asleep.
He says he thinks he has a cold, but the doctor told me he could get pneumonia real easy.
Instinct told her his threat wasn't simply the liquor talking.
On the way to town, she told Len about the car and how she had come to meet the Giddon family.
I told you that I was very happy because of your happiness.
I told you there was nothing going on between us.
It was something she had been told often, but never expected to be asked.
Connie would have told Len about the fact that Yancey didn't want to give her his phone number.
She thought he was a friend and told him you were at the house.
I told you it was bad.
While Cynthia didn't answer, her eyes told him if he did poke around, he'd better not get himself in deep do-do doing it.
Some time later, the shepherd went to the city and told the king that the children had learned to speak one word, but how or from whom, he did not know.
The prattle of the little ones and their pleasure in the stories I told them of elf and gnome, of hero and wily bear, are pleasant things to remember.
I told them all I knew about them.
He simply said he would have told her to bring something else.
She just told us yesterday.
It came in the form of a drone who told him in her second language that information of that kind was not available.
The judge told us not to discuss the case.
One look told her he'd been up to no good.
They were so nasty when he told them about me we both found it simpler to ignore the jerks.
I told her about the back entrance to the mine.
He told Simonides he was only going to pay him half the fee and if he wanted the other half, he should collect it from Castor and Pollux.
So they told some young child about their find, assuming he'd report it and get them off the hook.
I don't know how it came up—maybe he asked where I was born—but when I told him, he said how he knew Ouray and loved it out here.
He'd only been here once, years before, but he told me he owned land and one day he'd settle in the town.
I told him I'd take care of it for him when I came out.
When the child he told about the bones didn't come forward and report what he saw, Billy still felt wrong about the skeleton remaining undiscovered.
He told us we'd never get out if we didn't—do things.
Pumpkin told me they thought he chased Billy down the mountain to his death!
Her mouth was agape again, as it had been when he told her he was expelled.
I told you, if you wanted to be exactly like me, to walk through that door, she said.
Gabriel knew the secrets of all the brothers on the Council; there were things people told Death that they never revealed to anyone else.
His own mother had been far from beautiful, and his father had told him the signs he'd found the right woman were unmistakable.
Yes. But Weller told me in the hospital that in the confusion of getting Shipton out of the gorge, no one examined the bottom of the cliff, where he landed.
You will do as you are told or be destroyed.
He would never say 'I told you so' at a time like this.
I told you I'm not going to kill you!
I told him you would be down in the morning.
Maybe Sarah told him she would protect him, but still it was pretty ballsy.
They always told people they were brother and sister.
I told you, today is all about you.
I told you, I'm not interested in a relationship.
Get ready to say I told you so.
Jackson told her that he and his sister moved back to Fairhaven three months ago, and their home had been in the family for generations.
Jackson knew he had to give her something or she would burst, and, truth be told, he was proud of her for acting so casually when he knew every fiber of her being wanted to jump up and down screeching, 'Tell me, tell me!'.
Sarah told Jackson she didn't see how she would be able to get Elisabeth's attention long enough to influence her.
Oh, my mistake, I thought you told me red.
He must have told her.
I told her I am a vampire.
I know, she told me.
I have never told you how old I am.
In the closets he discovered many fancy costumes of rich velvets and brocades, and one of the attendants told him to dress himself in any of the clothes that pleased him and to be prepared to dine with the Princess and Dorothy in an hour's time.
Men have told me that there is no riddle so cunning that you can not solve it.
She showed them the beautiful pictures, and told them how they had been drawn and painted.
Then he told them what laws he would require them to obey.
He told his wonderful story to the king; but the king would not believe him.
And many other stories are told of this man's great love and pity for the timid creatures which lived in the fields and woods.
Many other stories are told of this wonderful slave.
Each one told of some plan by which to keep out of her way.
They told him about the strange lands they had visited far over the sea.
Then the merchant told him how the eagle had flown away with his money.
And one ran quickly and told the good abbess, or mistress of the abbey, what strange thing had happened.
They told him that there were beautiful things at home--why go away to see other things less beautiful?
So they carried the tripod to the governor, and each told his story.
So the governor called two of his trusted officers and told them to carry the tripod to Priene and offer it to Bias.
They told him about their errand and showed him the beautiful prize.
They told him that it was not for sale, but that it was to be given to the wisest of the wise.
The famous men of whom I have told you in this story are commonly called the Seven Wise Men of Greece.
As my professors told me the first day I started studying economics in college (and never tired of repeating), scarcity is the central underlying assumption of all economic theory.
Imagine if all the people with boring, dead-end machine jobs were told they never had to work another day in their life at a job they did not like.
So yeah, if you told them to choose between working and not working, many would choose to relax.
In a speech to the House of Representatives at this same time, Congressman Davy Crockett told the story of getting chewed out by a constituent for voting for a $20,000 emergency relief bill for the homeless in a city just wiped out by a fire.
Mr. Endicott told me about the great ships that came sailing by from Boston, bound for Europe.
Something I said made her think she detected in my words a confession that I did remember Miss Canby's story of "The Frost Fairies," and she laid her conclusions before Mr. Anagnos, although I had told her most emphatically that she was mistaken.
Then she told me that she had a beautiful story about a little boy which she was sure I should like better than "The Scarlet Letter."
There was an odour of print and leather in the room which told me that it was full of books, and I stretched out my hand instinctively to find them.
My teacher told me Tuesday that you wanted to know how I came to wish to talk with my mouth.
My friends have told me about your great and magnificent city, and I have read a great deal that wise Englishmen have written.
Once the Earl of Meath came to see me, and he told me that the queen was much beloved by her people, because of her gentleness and wisdom.
Miss Sullivan always sat beside me, and told me what the teachers said.
I have told Captain and Mrs. Keller that they must not interfere with me in any way.
She remembers all that I told her about it, and in telling her mother REPEATED THE VERY WORDS AND PHRASES I HAD USED IN DESCRIBING IT TO HER.
After a time I became discouraged, and told her I was afraid she could not make it stand, but that I would build it for her; but she did not approve of this plan.
This morning I took a bath, and when teacher came upstairs to comb my hair she told me some very sad news which made me unhappy all day.
You know I have told him all about it.
Prince Andrew and his sister, hand in hand, kissed one another, and he told her she was still the same crybaby as ever.
Had he not told her, yes, told her to make a list, and not to admit anyone who was not on that list?
No, I told him about them.
Alpatych went back to the house, called the coachman, and told him to set off.
Napoleon told him to ride by his side and began questioning him.
As I see it you were quite right, and I told Natasha so.
That's what happens when you don't do as you're told.
Who else had he told?
Mertz said she told him she didn't know who Yancey was or what he did.
I went to Lathum and told him what I had.
It also told me he was willing to make a sacrifice for her protection.
Connie caught her breath So you were the one who told him how to get to the house.
She was the one who told me that he was a child prodigy.
She told me she thought she loved Giddon, but at the same time she was having Howard investigate him.
Mom always told me to watch out for those fast talkers.
I told her we had house rules; no hanky-panky, but she didn't believe me.
The doctor said his cholesterol was high and told him to lay off the fats.
We were delighted when Brandon called and told us he was bringing a friend.
Brandon should have told them, and when they finally made it to the barn, she said as much.
I told Julia and Rachel that I'd come back if I didn't find you here.
And yet, his lips had already told her in another way.
When Julie & Rachel returned, she told them that Brandon would be out at the ranch for a while.
You told me you were tired of trying to scratch out a living from this ranch.
I told you sooner or later somebody would take that whip away from you.
An old prospector told me about a woman he met in Ashley.
I wish someone had told me he was a Mormon.
So, Bordeaux had told Darcie about the ranch.
I told him I wasn't going back to the ranch.
I told you how I felt about my father.
I told Bordeaux if he wanted to buy it, he'd have to talk to you.
He told me he got on a ship in Galveston and sailed for three years.
You've told me a zillion times.
I told you the house was drafty.
She leaned forward to examine his face, but his expression told her nothing.
I told you that.
You're the one who told me I shouldn't come out here in the first place.
And why had he told Chet that she was his girl?
I guess that's what you meant in the diner when you told me to hold that thought.
If you'd only said something - told me how you felt.
I never told anyone, but I avoided getting involved with any woman because of what happened to Mom.
He added nervously, "Tell me you haven't told anyone!"
I told him he wouldn't be involved and I'd only ask general questions but he's adamant.
And I told you I don't like going there!
I'd not told my wife about Howie's sister Annie's abduction and murder.
You told your husband?
He asked if there were others and I told him about two.
I confessed what I'd told him.
Besides the couple you told me about.
I told him I had no idea how you accomplished what you did but you were a crystal ball of an asset to us.
A few moments passed before he told me to go ahead.
I didn't believe what Dan Brennan told me and I'm not sure I do now but I'm no fool.
Teaching classes was unexciting to him and Martha recently told me his summer plant testing project was a major disappointment.
So was Merrill Cooms who told us his investment was paltry compared to getting, as he called him, "that monster Cummings."
I told her Howie hadn't yet arrived at the office, but she seemed to know.
I guess it means he hasn't told anyone about me.
Mr. Singer told you I was the one they interviewed for that talk show?
Mr. Singer told me not to.
Quick witted Betsy laughed, and told the man who was a frequent visitor, that it looked like a childhood picture of Howie in a Halloween costume.
No, I told you all I know!
What could Brenda have told this creep?
From the looks on the glum faces before me, he had neither told them anything nor was there success in their search for the killer.
It's what he told me when we had our walk-talk.
I told him we'd get right on it.
I gathered them in the conference room and filled them in on what Merrill Cooms had told me.
I told him we were trying to trace the electric bike by its model but asked about checking hospitals.
I hadn't told him of our miss information ploy to Ethel Reagan.
When I was discovered, I told the young fool who found me I'd been shot and mugged, my money clip stolen!
I didn't give them the time of day, except to confirm what you told me on the record.
I turned on the light, calmed her down and slowly explained step by step what Julie had told me.
She would relate everything I told her to Quinn.
I told him the same thing.
Shut up; I told you not to interrupt... anyway, the damn thing went too fast for the old folks... over two miles an hour, I guess.
I told you he was smart.
As she'd never even visited an airport much less flown, frequent traveler Betsy carefully told her the dos and don'ts while she printed her boarding pass.
I told Julie Howie would meet her flight as soon as she landed in Santa Barbara.
After abbreviated greetings, I told them what I'd discovered.
It suddenly came to mind I hadn't told them Julie was on her way west and Molly was at our house.
I told Agnes about my concerns for Ethel Reagan's safety.
I told Betsy about the flare up between Quinn and Martha before Quinn decided to go to Santa Barbara alone.
You don't want to do this; you never cheated on Quinn; you told me so.
I telephoned my wife and told her of the situation.
She told me one time; she'd never cheated on Quinn.
I was impressed and told him so.
After telling me the contest was over, something I'd just told her, she reluctantly transferred me to Irv Goldman who was in charge of the contest while it was running.
She told our neighbor Mildred she'd done something she regretted 'cause now she really liked this guy and thought maybe she'd messed things up between them.
Martha exclaimed when I told her Julie had entered the million dollar hunt for Howie and her letter might have fallen into the wrong hands.
I told you because you're here and with Molly knowing, you'd find out anyway.
I told her fine and considered informing her Molly knew about the contest entry.
I then told her I'd called Brennan.
I told her we escaped the Vermont abduction attempted, if it really was one.
I told Brennan about Frank and the help we were getting from him.
You asked about a con named Willard Humphries a while back and I told you he was out of prison and floated off in the breeze.
I told him the year, the Santa Barbara, California location and the fact Annie was abducted and murdered.
Apparently that's what the authorities told the family.
I gave him Frank Vasapolli's phone number and told him I would pass along his number to Frank if I thought it was needed.
When I heard his voice, my heart jumped, not knowing if he'd been told by Martha of Julie's earlier treachery.
I told him I'd have her call him first thing in the morning.
Have you told Martha?
I told her I'd asked the same question of Martha earlier and she'd been noncommittal.
I told her about the food in the refrigerator not being spoiled.
As soon as I related the news of the prior evening attack he told me he agreed it was time to call it quits.
I told her Owen Bryce was killed while attacking someone he thought was connected to the tipster.
My aunt; my great aunt Doris; she told me!
I told her Julie was sleeping after a distressing funeral service.
Howie is a mess over what that relative told him about his sister.
How did Martha react when you told her I'd been attacked?
While I waited for my, wife's return I sifted through the startling news she'd told me.
I told Julie everything that happened, my being attacked at Howie's house and that the assailant was shot dead.
I waited until we were in bed for the night before I told her.
I considered calling Howie and learn what he'd told the detective before I blurted out something that totally contradicted what my former partner in crime had related.
He told us so if he heard the child crying, we'd no he had company.
I was basically told to keep off your back but no one mentioned I should run errands for you.
I never did find out what Howie told Detective Jackson but whatever was said, it put Jackson in a tizzy.
Daniel Brennan had told me the list of true serial killers on the loose at any one time was limited.
I told them what you said; they're like hiding out.
Your friends have been dead some time, probably from when you told me they had gone into hiding.
A voice from the other stall cried out the name Julie, but I had opened it too, and with knife at the woman's throat, calmly told her to adjust her clothing and come with me.
I lifted the sleeping child to my arms, and holding a concealed knife against her body, told the frightened woman to follow me, in silence.
One look told me few kids had dared make fun of his name.
I told her when I returned from my preparations in the cabin I'd better find my little angle quiet or she could watch her mother die before her eyes.
My mom told me; promise it won't happen to me.
I asked where the house in question was located and was told it was several blocks away and this was a staging area.
The detective seemed unconvinced until I told him John Luke Grasso wanted something from my friend and he might have contacted him.
We told stories, sang songs, laughed and almost never tolerated silence.
Adults would argue with her if she told them she wasn't leaving her brother, Jonny's, side until he was healed.
I wish you'd told me he died when you left last year.
I didn't want to come here but I know about … he told me-- and I never told anyone, I swear it-- about your healing ability.
Have you ever told anyone?
We'll meet soon, brother, his long-dead sister had told him right before he awoke.
Sofi told me your name is Bianca.
Dusty didn't pry; she shouldn't have told him what she did.
He looked up, a surprised expression crossing his face, as if he'd told her something he wasn't supposed to.
I told Bianca about Jenn.
Her evolving power told her more than she wanted to know, even before she faced him.
I told Darian not to let you help him.
Sofi had told him when he dumped her in the divine world.
I told you not to leave Sofi, came the chiding reply.
It's time, his sister told him.
His own body told her he was spent.
Yully Hughes stayed in her room, where her father told her to, not wanting to upset him.
I always told you, my daughter, that you were destined for greatness.
When she was younger, she'd loved it when he told her this.
It's been ten years since I first told you this.
Yully concentrated on the small itch in her mind that told her Jule was near.
Sofi said to tell you 'I told you so.'
His instincts told him the Magician was in danger—and needed to stay alive.
One thing at a time, he told himself.
His instincts told him he needed to find the woman, and he closed his eyes.
The guardsman struck with nonchalance that told Jule just how much he was being underestimated.
She felt he was weakening with the same strange sense that told her where he was.
The sense that had told her where he was intensified within her, as if they were close enough for their souls to touch again.
Nothing of what Jule told her made sense with what her father told her.
Xander gave a quick bow in response before meeting her gaze with a look that warned her she wouldn't like what Jonny had just told him to do.
They're the ones who told me to kill the girl.
I told you once, sweetheart.
She looked down, both thrilled by the idea of an eternity with the man who made her feel whole and horrified at what her father told her.
He still couldn't remember much more than what the Watcher and Original Vamp had told him.
The funny thing is, the Watcher told me that any Original Being that was set free would destroy the world.
Do as you're told.
Keep quiet, and do as you're told.
Jenn bit back a retort and left, unable to shake the sense he'd told her something he didn't mean for her to know.
Hey, hon, Jake told me you quit work?
Nothing more, she told herself.
She didn't know these men, but her instincts told her they were 100 percent predators.
He was always right, even when he told her to ask Damian something he knew very well.
And if she told Damian who to kill, did that make her worse than them?
Damian caught his eye and looked pointedly at Dusty, silently asking if the Guardian had done as he asked and told his boss that the Natural was more than a new recruit.
Did you remember to do as I told you?
Dusty told me everything.
She said nothing, realizing she'd told him something he didn't know.
Traci told him not to think about asking her to marry him just because she's pregnant, and he said she had no choice and he'd drag the priest to her.
She'd seen the dark side of Dusty in his home videos in the library before she told Damian about Claire.
Have you told your friends?
We've got to start moving everything within twenty-four hours, Lon told them, slinging a machine gun over his shoulder.
You will become the Grey God, who you were born to be, the Watcher told him.
No one attacked her or told her to stop.
Something told her Darkyn wasn't so considerate.
The same instincts that warned her against the last deal with him told her she'd never win any bet with the devil I'll give you the terms first this time.
You interpreted what he told you in a way that gave you hope.
She didn't think she could trust anything he told her.
She glanced back over her shoulder to see Darkyn standing where she left him, hands clasped behind his back, watching her with the cold smile that told her there was more going on than she suspected.
He'd told her she wasn't able to travel via portal when she was human.
But if they told her she was in danger, she was going to listen.
You can always walk away, she told him, repeating the words Darkyn used to lure her into the deal they made originally.
I even told you.
At one point, Fate had told him a story about how he tricked the goddess into a series of agreements that landed her out of a job.
He told her that she was destined to be the mate of the Dark One.
Neither had told him what exactly it was.
She'd told him the truth, because she wanted them to have a relationship built on trust and love.
She's not broken like we are, Wynn had told Deidre before she left Hell.
But she couldn't help feeling as if she'd never truly known the man she loved until someone else told her what she missed.
It was a cold, knowing smile, one that screamed I told you so.
Deidre took the first step down the path of their future when she told him her secrets.
He had paid for the car and told her it was hers.
You told me I could have her back when I...
I shouldn't have told her she could have her back when she...
When she signed the adoption papers she was told that it was permanent.
I know she was because I told her so.
I also told her that I wasn't in agreement with your terms.
I know, you think he had his hands full raising me, and I'm sure he did, but if I had let him, he would have told me which side to chew my breakfast on.
I told her I was the one who insisted on adoption.
Well, actually, I was speaking for myself when I told her that wasn't I?
You told me that, but Josh was interested in you, not Lori.
Lori, I know I told you in the hospital that I would let you have Destiny when you were ready, but I hadn't talked to Alex about it yet.
We both made the decision to adopt her and we told you it would be permanent, remember?
Have I ever told you how much I enjoy being married to you?
Have I ever told you?
I told you all I know.
But if he does some more freelance work after I told you what happened, you will be responsible.
I told him you would be there.
I was shocked when they told me.
Alex hasn't ever told you about him before?
Jonathan wanted to come see him, but she told him to wait until Alex was better.
Alex continued to improve and Thursday the doctor told him they would release him the next morning.
He'd told her the chances were slim long ago, but she wasn't ready for him to admit defeat quite yet.
I told you I got a bad vibe from him when we had dinner a few weeks ago.
We've got to figure out this shit, he told the female death-dealer beside him.
At least, he told himself he was.
His predecessor once told him that if he entered, he'd become like her in every way.
I told her to lay off the ice cream.
She told him a million times there was no way she was going to marry him then turn around and die.
A status check on their relationship, the one he hadn't told her he couldn't have, because he was trapped into mating with a formerly sadistic psychopath-turned-human he was trying hard not to kill.
This is totally karma, she told herself angrily.
She didn't let herself listen to the instinct that told her the body she'd seen was wearing the clothes she bought him.
Daniela had told her the kitchens would serve at any time of day.
She breathed deeply then told him everything.
Thank you so much for taking me in and not throwing me out after what I told you.
So then, one day you told him to kill Katie and her baby, because you were mad at Rhyn and the demons were coming.
But he told me he'd give me a choice about whether or not I wanted to be with him, even though he's obligated by those laws.
He'll be safe this way, she told herself again, hoping that was the case.
Who told you what exactly?
I will find a way to stop it, now that Wynn told me what's wrong.
Someone told me I had a long line of enemies.
The look he'd given her after she told him she was leaving made more sense.
Wynn told me what he did and about the soul encased in her tumor.
You told her about me, and she spazzed.
You think I told her the truth?
I told her to walk through the portals, and where she ended up, was up to me.
Each spoke to him as he swam, filling his head with visions as they told him their stories.
He'd just told Harmony he had a mate.
As he started away, he realized Fate had told him something else this day.
I want to hear the woman who lives by the motto of no apologies, no regrets, who told me once that her own soul searching taught her to live, doesn't want my help turning that three months into eternity.
She was trying hard to push away the gathering emotions that told her Wynn was not the man she wanted, needed him to be.
Something Darkyn told her returned to the forefront of her thoughts.
He resisted the instinct that told him he needed to peek into her thoughts.
She'd told Gabriel she wanted to live.
She repeated the sentence over and over to try to block out what her senses told her about the size of the monster.
As much as they hate me for aligning with the Dark One, they hate you more for our father's death, Sasha had told him smugly more than once.
I didn't want to go to school today and stayed home but we're out of marshmallows and Gabriel doesn't have any money so I told him that we could ask you to pick up more marshmallows because we both really like them.
Sasha had told him many things before to try to break him, but this time, he sensed the truth behind the words.
She hesitated, reviewing what the inmates had told her about grabbing the robed man's necklace.
She'd been terrified since being told she had amnesia, but she'd stayed strong.
I told my friends about your tat.
Who told you this?
Can you tell him I told you to tell him?
He told me he chose me.
Kris told us you both were coming.
Even as she spoke, her thoughts went to what Gabriel told her.
She told herself he'd gotten there after she'd wrapped the towel around her.
She didn't doubt that the only creature Rhyn would listen to was Gabriel, and that Gabriel had told him to leave her be.
I told Gabriel I didn't want you around.
Hannah told me about Katherine.
Gabriel had told him just how small and cluttered her apartment was.
You were told to take Ully with you.
Father, I did as you told me not to do long ago.
For once, she wished she.d paid attention when her sister told her about travel plans.
And no one had ever told Kris.
Gio told me about the Immortals.
Then he told me about the Immortals.
He told me so.
She.d been so pissed at him, she.d told him what she.d planned to keep from him.
Sasha told me how to break our mating.
No matter what lies Katie had been told, he couldn.t believe what was said about Lilith.
A good man once told me sometimes all the choices we have are bad.
Said he.d done what they told him and given them you and the castle so they.d leave him alone.
Something was drastically altered about his friend, and the thin collar around his neck told Kris everything he needed to know.
He told me many things, such as he.d let you go.
Sasha told me how to un-mate her, and I did it.
I told you about the loophole, and she won.t like that.
She relaxed into the comfortable black desk chair in front of her computer, wondering if Romas had told Evelyn of the half a dozen kids he expected.
But the planet chose for him, according to what his father told him long ago.
She tucked in her shirt in the way Evelyn had told her was customary.
I'm sure Romas told him he wouldn't want to deal with my fiery tongue.
I told them all so.
I've told my family she is your sister.
It was as his father had told him, as if the suns burned a hole straight through his head and the ground beneath him shook.
Other thoughts were skittering through her brain, those that reminded her she was no longer on her own territory and he hadn't told her something she hadn't heard before.
She went to the battle game to play until A'Ran called, wondering what he'd say when she told him her news about his sisters and wondering just how safe it would be to talk about Ne'Rin's conversation with his father.
She told me this morning and asked me not to tell anyone, but you probably need to know.
Even though he'd just met her, the bond between them was as strong as his father told him it would be.
She wanted to go home, though a part of her had told her upon meeting this fierce warrior her that she'd never go home again.
His tone didn't change, as if she'd just told him she was going shopping instead of sacrificing the rest of her life for his people.
I guess they told A'Ran you were killed, not taken.
I told Romas not to bring me back here!
You dragged me to space, Evelyn, and you told him to drag me back here.
I told her it would be nice and quiet here.
Cynthia told Fred as she rose to pick up the dishes.
Told him if he wanted to get my attention, just whack me on the arm.
When she told them the valuable stuff I had, they asked for my telephone number.
Told 'em what I paid for the merchandise and they didn't bat an eyebrow.
You told these ladies that this Annie Quincy woman probably lived here in Bird Song?
I never told the ladies for sure the gal lived here.
I told him we didn't have an Edith Shipton registered here.
At first he feared it was a telephone until its uninterrupted sound told him otherwise.
Dean tried to minimize Edith's story but Fred pressed them until Cynthia related, in broad detail, all Edith had told them.
Dean told her Donnie was a guest at Bird Song and explained the lad, only slightly older than Martha, did not speak.
Said you told him his wife wasn't staying at Bird Song.
I told a man on the phone, who didn't identify himself, that Edith Shipton wasn't registered at Bird Song.
I just told the guy we didn't have a Mrs. Shipton listed.
Janet told me not to 'impose'.
I tickled him and told him I wouldn't stop until he told me to.
I told him men didn't hit women but he nodded 'Yes they do.'
I wouldn't tell that to anyone else but you so don't tell him I told you, okay?
When Dean told his wife about the bearded man who seemed to be following Edith Shipton, Cynthia just shook her head.
I'd already told Miss Worthington down at the museum she could have the pen and ink bottle.
Cynthia answered, another guest confirming his room while Fred told his new skiing partner he'd see him in the morning.
She told us she's left her husband and you're Donnie's father.
She called me a couple of days ago and told me she'd taken off and flown out to Colorado with the boy.
He told her of his meeting with Donnie's father.
I told you'd I'd solve it!
When Janet told him she was going to home-school Martha, Weller suggested rather firmly it might be a good idea if Martha went back to a more formal setting.
And Miss Turnbull, the author, when I told her, said she feels things, too.
He told Cynthia about Effie's apparition, then added, "I'm sure it was poor Edith Shipton strolling around the place."
Ouray, he told them, was unique in the world.
That's a must nowadays, when everyone is scared of getting sued, Ryland told them.
He wanted a room, but you told him the inn was full and sent him away.
Even after Dean's rhythmic breathing told her he was sleeping she remained awake, her mind alive with thoughts of their discussion and all that had transpired.
I told Edith we had no future together.
But that's all I told her I'd do—just drive her there.
Miss M was much nettled when I told her I'd no longer dance to her music and I saw her talking about me to the man who owns this dreadful place.
Jerome told her if she had the baby and gave it to him, he'd grant her a divorce and leave her alone.
I told him to stuff it.
I think that awful man Mr. Shipton told her the truth about Annie.
Finally someone from back in Parkside told them.
Dean told her about Cynthia's mother.
Janet O'Brien had just told me my wife's mother had a heart attack, for God's sake!
Her voice told him she was as bone-weary as he from her exhausting trip.
Cop two remained a dozen steps behind them as if to let the pair know they'd better do as they were told.
I didn't lie to him when I told him no one named Shipton was registered at Bird Song but I saw no reason to go out of my way and help him either.
I wish I knew Shipton's condition and what, if anything he saw or told them he saw.
Has your sister given any indication Shipton might have told her the truth about Annie Quincy?
Shipton's told them I'm in bed with you against him and if they haven't bought what he said in total, they've sure banked the down payment.
Dean told her the police wanted to question her.
His version of the accident was entirely different from the story Ryland said Edith told him.
He's the one who told me—not Edith, even though he claims that was what she told him.
The police are still here, but I haven't told them.
Effie told me about the prostitute whose diary you're reading.
My mind was all awhirl and then Janet came up and told me mother was ill—I didn't know what to do.
Do you think Annie ever told Rev. Martin she was carrying his child?
But instead, her told Cynthia the story of the message Annie scratched on her windowpane.
She told Cynthia she'd have Martha carry over her 'stuff '.
And God knows what lies Janet told the school to get her in!
He already told me.
He would have told me.
He told me he took the knife, didn't he?
I told him it was okay for him to be happy.
He then related what Martha told him about Donnie.
She hadn't been able to sleep, she told him, wondering what his reaction would be, if in fact she might be pregnant.
I already told you I'm not interested in your job.
Only back when I told him his wife was dead.
She told Franny that Donald had dumped her as his fiancée when he never considered doing any such thing.
Abruptly the scratching sound of the crampons beneath his feet told him he'd reached the first mounds of solid ice.
That told me how you did it.
The key told me Shipton could have been here that night.
She told Franny Mulligan that Ryland was dumping her.
Sheriff Weller told me that later.
She told me she's a werewolf.
Yeah, Sarah recently told him.
I have already told you that my inability to feed on you does not change how I feel.
He told Sam about the dream and how it had changed.
Elisabeth told her about Sarah and how they would never hear the end of it if she knew what had happened here.
I'm told I'm quite tasty.
I know I can't do anything to plead your case, but what if Samantha spoke to them and told them what happened here.
I just told her about the soul-mate thing, and protection.
Jackson gave Elisabeth an 'I told you so' smirk, then blew her a kiss.
Yes, I do… when you told me you planned to marry Sarah; my foremost concern was how difficult your death would be for her.
Jackson had called Consuelo and told her they had plenty of help, so she needn't come.
Has Jackson told you his birthday is next week?
She told me you are expected to have children.
Jackson thought she had fallen asleep when she said, "Thank you for not saying I told you so."
At the time she had told him if she never saw him again, it would be too soon.
I told you it was his idea to come up to see me.
How much had Katie told Alex, and why?
You'd be surprised at the things he's told me.
I told Katie I'd be right back.
Yet according to Katie, she had told him she would never move back to Houston; that she intended to marry Bill.
I told them they'd have to strap you down to get you into it.