Toes Sentence Examples
Wiggling her toes in the plushest carpet she'd ever felt, she leaned against the window sill, exhausted yet wired.
She wiggled her toes.
The ocean was cold, and wet sand squished between her toes.
There are four functional toes in front and three behind; while the calcaneum, unlike that of the other three groups, articulates with the fibula.
The simplest kind was a pad or sole of leather or papyrus bound to the foot by two straps, one passing over the instep, the other between the toes.
No hump. Feet narrow, the toes being more separated than in the camels, and each with a distinct plantar pad.
In the Sheep and the Camel the long compound bone, supporting the two main (or only) toes is the cannon-bone.
The primitive Artiodactyla thus probably had the typical number (44) of incisor, canine and molar teeth, brachyodont molars, conical odontoid process, four distinct toes on each foot, with metacarpal, metatarsal and all the tarsal bones distinct, and no frontal appendages.
Outer toes small and rudimentary, or in some cases entirely suppressed; their metacarpal or metatarsal bones never complete.
They derive their name of Tylopoda ("boss-footed") from the circumstance that the feet form large cushion-like pads, supporting the weight of the body, while the toes have broad nails on their upper surface only, instead of being encased in hoofs.
AdvertisementIn Anoplotherium, some of the species of which were larger than tapirs, there were either two or three toes, the latter number being almost unique among the Artiodactyla.
The Suidae include the Old World pigs (Suinae) and the American peccaries (Dicotylinae), and are characterized by the snout terminating in a fleshy disk-like expansion, in the midst of which are perforated the nostrils; while the toes are enclosed in sharp hoofs, of which the lateral ones do not touch the ground.
The Dicotylinae differ from the Suinae in that the upper canines are directed downwards (instead of curving upwards) and have sharp cutting-edges, while the toes are four in front and three behind (instead of four on each foot), and the stomach is complex instead of simple.
The short and broad teeth terminate in four subequal toes, protected by short rounded hoofs, and all reaching the ground.
In the fore feet the three inner toes have large claws, while the two outer ones are rudimentary and clawless; in the hind-limbs the first toe is wanting, as in Megatherium, but the second and third are clawed.
AdvertisementIn North America Mylodon was accompanied by another gigantic species typifying the genus Megalonyx, in which the fore part of the skull was usually wide, and the third and fourth front toes carried claws.
The toes are enclosed in hoofs, and the under surface of the foot rests on a large pad.
The weasel is an elegant little animal, with elongated slender body, back much arched, head small and flattened, ears short and rounded, neck long and flexible, limbs short, five toes on each foot, all with sharp, com - pressed, curved claws, tail rather short, slender, cylindrical, and pointed at the tip, and fur short and close.
The number of toes is four, unless the hallux is more or less reduced.
The hind-feet have only four toes, owing to the suppression of the first, in place of which they have a fleshy pad on the inner side of the foot, between which and the toes boughs and other objects can be firmly grasped as with a hand.
AdvertisementBut the limbs show with regard to development great variation, and an uninterrupted transition from the most perfect condition of two pairs with five separate clawed toes to their total disappearance; yet even limbless lizards retain bony vestiges beneath the skin.
The same beautiful adaptation to the surroundings exists also in Ptenopus (with fringed toes) and Stenodactylus, which are likewise deserticolous.
A peculiarly wedge-shaped snout, and toes provided with strong fringes, enable this animal to burrow rapidly in and under the sand of the desert.
In Philodinacea accessory toes are found, unfurnished with cement-glands and distinguished as spurs.
Other ciliated organs to be noticed are the proboscis cup of Bdelloidaceae, and the toes of Pedalion.
AdvertisementBdelloidaceae; foot with two toes and accessory spurs or a simple perforated disk; body telescopic at either end, with an antero-dorsal proboscis ending in a ciliate cup and bearing the proximal antenna; corona usually bilobed, very wheel-like.
Although the more typical goats are markedly distinct from sheep, there is, both as regards wild and domesticated forms, an almost complete gradation from goats to sheep, so that it is exceedingly difficult to define either group. The position of the genus Capra (to all the members of which, as well as some allied species, the name "goat" in its wider sense is applicable) in the family Bovidae is indicated in the article Bovidae, and some of the distinctions between goats and sheep are mentioned in the article Sheep. Here then it will suffice to mention that goats are characterized by the strong and offensive odour of the males, which are furnished with a beard on the chin; while as a general rule glands are present between the middle toes of the fore feet only.
In size they may be compared with cats; the long slender limbs are connected by a broad fold of skin extending outwards from the sides of the neck and body, the fingers and toes are webbed, and the hind-limbs joined by an outer membrane as in bats.
Feet narrow, with four completely developed toes on each.
Hoofs of the two middle toes with their contiguous surfaces flattened.
The outer toes not reaching to the ground in the ordinary walking position.
The other genera have five toes, of which only the middle three are functional, and smooth incisors.
The Spalacidae are burrowing types, allied apparently to the ancestral Jaculidae, and characterized by the second and third molars being equal in size, the presence of enamel-folds in all these teeth, and the superiority in size of the claws of the second, third and fourth front toes over the other two.
Vandeleuria, ranging from India to Yunnan, has flat nails on the first and fifth toes of both feet, and a very long tail; while the Indo-Malay Chiropodomys has a flat nail on the first toe of both feet and a tufted tail.
Many of them, like ungulates, are specialized for swift running, and have unusually long limbs, with ridges developed on the articular surfaces of the lower bones; the clavicles are more or less reduced; the thorax is more compressed than usual, with a narrower breast-bone; and there is a marked tendency to the reduction or loss of the lateral toes, more especially in the hind limb.
It is a large rodent known to the Tupi Indians as the paca-rana, or false paca, in allusion to the resemblance of its coloration to that of the true paca, from which it differs by its elldeveloped tail, the absence of cheek-pouches, the full development of all five toes and the wider thorax.
In the fore foot, the three middle toes are subequally developed, the fifth is present, but smaller, and the first is rudimentary, although, in one species at least, all its normal bones are present.
The hind-foot is very like that of a rhinoceros, having three welldeveloped toes.
It is now possible to define the suborder Hyracoidea as including ungulates with a centrale in the carpus, plantigrade feet, in which the first and fifth toes are reduced in greater or less degree, and clavicles and a foramen in the lower end of the humerus are absent.
On the fore-foot the two (second and fifth) outer toes are equally developed as in pigs, but on the hind-foot, although the inner (or second) is present, the outer or fifth toe is entirely wanting.
The wings are somewhat feeble, and the legs have the toes placed in pairs, two before and two behind.
They give the part of the tongue on which they occur the appearance and feel of a coarse rasp. The feet are furnished with round soft pads or cushions covered with thick, naked skin, one on the under surface of each of the principal toes, and one larger one of trilobed form, behind these, under the lower ends of the metacarpal and metatarsal bones, which are placed nearly vertically in ordinary progression.
There are five fingers and four toes, provided with claws, excepting the outer digits.
Ladies use slippers of yellow morocco, and abroad, inner boots of the same material, above which they wear, in either case, thick shoes, having only toes.
The nervous paths in the brain and cord, as they attain completion, Toes Ank,e Knee
Titanotherium, of the Oligocene of the Dakotas and neighbouring districts, was a huge beast, with the hinder upper premolars similar in character to the molars, a pair of horn-cores, arising from the maxilla, overhanging the nose-cavity, four front and three hind toes, only twenty dorso-lumbar vertebrae, and an almost continuous and unbroken series of teeth, in which the canines are short; the dental formula being i.
With the exception that the right antler is malformed and partially aborted, and that the bones of the lateral toes have been lost, the skeleton is practically complete.
In the absence of any trace of the lower extremities of the metacarpal and metatarsal bones of the lateral toes the skeleton differs from the American deer, and resembles those hollow-horned ruminants in which these toes persist.
The lateral toes may be completely absent, but more often are represented by the hoofs alone, supported sometimes by a very rudimentary skeleton, consisting of mere irregular nodules of bone.
From the Mid-Miocene to the Oligocene of France are known several species of Palaelodus, Elornis and Agnopterus, which have relatively shorter legs, longer toes and a complicated hypotarsus, and represent an earlier family, less specialized although not directly ancestral to the flamingos.
Fuerbringer and Gadow, while others prefer the goose-like voice and the webbed toes as reliable characters.
The ears are short and rounded; the toes of the broad feet very imperfectly separated; the tail is well developed, with a terminal tuft; and the straight hair is not woolly.
Unfortunately, the skull is incomplete, and the rest of the skeleton very imperfectly known; but sufficient of the former remains to show that the socket of the eye was open behind, and of the latter to indicate that in the hind-foot, at any rate, the upper bones of the two functional toes had not coalesced into a cannon-bone.
The tail is very long; and the feet have five functional toes, with complete but short metacarpals or metatarsals.
Homacodon was an animal of the size of a rabbit, with five toes (of which only five were functional to each foot) and 44 teeth, of which the molars are tuberculated (bunodont), with six columns on those of the upper jaw; the premolars being of a cutting type.
The hind-limb is typically avine, with intertarsal joint, distally reduced fibula, and the three elongated metatarsals which show already considerable anchylosis; reduction of the toes to four, with 2, 3, 4 and 5 phalanges; the hallux is separate, and as usual in recent birds posterior in position.
This cut of shoe is most in vogue amongst Moslems. (2) Gol panje ki juti, like English slippers, but rounded at the toes.
In all the more typical members of the family the three middle metatarsals of the long hind-legs are fused into a cannon-bone; and in the true jerboas of the genus Jaculus the two lateral toes, with their supporting metatarsals, are lost, although they are present in the alactagas (Alactaga), in which, however, as in certain allied genera, only the three middle toes are functional.
In both groups, for instance, the lower part of the hind-leg is formed by a long, slender cannon-bone, or metatarsus, terminating inferiorly in triple condyles for the three long and sharply clawed toes, the resemblance being increased by the fact that in both cases the small bone of the leg (fibula) is fused with the large one (tibia).
It may also be noticed that in mammals and birds which hop on two legs, such as jerboas, kangaroos, thrushes and finches, the proportionate length of the thigh-bone or femur to the tibia and foot (metatarsus and toes) is constant, being 2 to 5; in animals, on the other hand, such as hares, horses and frogs, which use all four feet, the corresponding lengths are 4 to 7.
Their colour is black, their skull decidedly round, their hair thick and frizzly, their legs thin and almost without calves, and their toes so prehensile that they can use them nearly as well as their fingers.
The feet have broad, naked, tuberculated soles; the forefeet with five distinct toes, each furnished with a long, strong and slightly curved nail, the first and fifth considerably shorter than the other three.
The hindfeet have a very short nailless first toe; the second, third and fourth toes partially united by integument, of nearly equal length; the fifth distinct and rather shorter; these four are provided with long and curved nails.
This last is the beautiful roseate tern, Sterna dougalli; the other is the black tern, Hydrochelidon nigra, belonging to a genus in which the toes are only halfwebbed, of small size and dark leaden-grey plumage.
Again and again it has been proved that the human great toe can be by constant practice used as a thumb; artists exist who have painted pictures grasping the brush with their toes, and violinists have been known to play their instruments in the same manner.
The most obvious distinctive character presented by the ostrich is the presence of two toes only, the third and fourth, on each foot - a character absolutely peculiar to the genus Struthio.
In South America another large Ratite bird, the rhea, is called ostrich; it can be distinguished at once from the true ostrich by its possession of three toes.
The pain which is felt at first a little behind the hip-joint steadily increases in severity and extends along the course of the nerve and its branches in many instances as far as the toes.
The middle toe is greatly elongated, and the hinder one but slightly developed, while the talons of all the toes are comparatively straight and blunt, and are thus of little use as organs of prehension.
Close to the outer side of this lies a smaller fifth digit, and to the inner side two excessively slender toes (the second and third), bound together almost to the extremity in a common FIG.
The two little claws of these toes, projecting together from the skin, may be of use in scratching and cleaning the fur of the animal, but the toes must have quite lost all connexion with the functions of support or progression.
The fore-limbs are small with subequal toes, armed with strong, moderately long, curved claws.
Forefeet narrow; the three middle toes considerably exceeding the first and fifth in length and their claws long, compressed and but slightly curved.
Agoutis are slender-limbed rodents, with five front and three hind toes (the first front toe very minute), and very short tails.
The legs and toes are comparatively feeble, but the wings are large.
Of about the size of a turkey, it is remarkable for the curious " horn " or slender caruncle, more than three inches long, it bears on its crown, the two sharp spurs with which each wing is armed, and its elongated toes.
From all other large Carnivora except the African hunting-dog, hyenas are distinguished by having only four toes on each foot, and are further characterized by the length of the fore-legs as compared with the hind pair, the non-retractile claws, and the enormous strength of the jaws and teeth, which enables them to break the hardest bones and to retain what they have seized with unrelaxing grip.
The priests wear a white jacket with loose sleeves, a head-cloth like a turban and a special type of shoe with turned-up toes and soles projecting at the heel.
Silver rings on fingers and also on toes are common.
It differs from the true crocodile principally in having the head broader and shorter, and the snout more obtuse; in having the fourth, enlarged tooth of the under jaw received, not into an external notch, but into a pit formed for it within the upper one; in wanting a jagged fringe which appears on the hind legs and feet of the crocodile; and in having the toes of the hind feet webbed not more than half way to the tips.
There were three toes to each foot, and the femur lacked a third trochanter.
Similar experiments upon models with rounded toes but otherwise of the same form showed a considerable reduction in the magnitude of the tensile stresses.
Between the two middle toes, in most species, is lodged a deep glandular bag having the form of a retort with a small external orifice, which secretes an unctuous and odorous substance.
If mankind had had six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot, we should be using a duodenary scale (base twelve), which would have been far more convenient.
As the latter is due to finger-reckoning, so the use of the fingers and the toes produced a vigesimal scale.
The beak is large, strong and sharp-edged, the upper mandible terminating in a large hook; the wings are narrow and very long; the feet have no hind toe, and the three anterior toes are completely webbed.
Gaudry suggests, to the reduction in the number of the toes, as otherwise it should not be found in the rhinoceros.
These ancestral mammals, in addition to their small size, were characterized by the presence of five toes to each foot, of which the first was more or less completely opposable to the other four.
Accordingly, it was at this epoch that the small ancestral insectivorous mammals first forsook their arboreal habitat to try a life on the open plains, where their descendants developed on the one hand into the carnivorous and other groups, in which the toes are armed with nails or claws, and on the other into the hoofed group, inclusive of such monsters as the elephant and the giraffe.
There are five toes to all the feet, but the first in the fore-feet is rudimentary, and furnished with a flat nail.
The former, for instance, has three instead of two toes on each foot, it has no apparent tail, its wings are far better developed, and when folded cover the body, and its head and neck are clothed with feathers, while internal distinctions of still deeper significance have since been 1 What prompted his bestowal of this name, so well known in classical mythology, is not apparent.
Not infrequently instances occur of domestic horses being produced with a small additional toe with complete hoof, usually on the inside of the principal toe, and, though far more rarely, three or more toes may be present.
The genus Rana may be defined as firmisternal Ecaudata with cylindrical transverse processes to the sacral vertebra, teeth in the upper jaw and on the vomer, a protrusible tongue which is free and forked behind, a horizontal pupil and more or less webbed toes.
Some of the species are thoroughly aquatic and have fully webbed toes, others are terrestrial, except during the breeding season, others are adapted for burrowing, by means of the much-enlarged and sharp-edged tubercle at the base of the inner toe, whilst not a few have the tips of the digits dilated into disks by which they are able to climb on trees.
Among these may be mentioned the hairy frog of West Africa, Trichobatrachus robustus, some specimens of which have the sides of the body and of the hind limbs covered with long villosities, the function of which is unknown, and its ally Gampsosteonyx batesi, in which the last phalanx of the fingers and toes is sharp, claw-like and perforates the skin.
In standing these birds preserve an upright position, sometimes resting on the "tarsus" 2 alone, but in walking or running this is kept nearly vertical, and their weight is supported by the toes alone.
Except in some of the Stegocephalia, there are only four functional digits in the manus, but the Ecaudata have a more or less distinct rudiment of pollex; in the Caudata it seems to be the outer digit which has been suppresssed, as atavistic reappearance of a fifth digit takes place on the outer side of the manus, as it does on the pes in those forms in which the toes are reduced to four.
His hands were then bound, and he was cast into a den of venomous serpents; but he played so sweetly on the harp with his toes that he charmed the reptiles, except one adder, by which he was stung to death.
The otter has an elongated, low body, short limbs, short broad feet, with five toes on each, connected together by webs, and all with short, moderately strong, compressed, curved, pointed claws.
Some, with the feet only slightly webbed, and the claws exceedingly small or altogether wanting on some of the toes, and also with some difference in dental characters, have been separated as a distinct genus, Aonyx.
A third modification is the increasing length of limb (as well as in general bodily size), accompanied by a gradual reduction in the number of toes from three or four to one.
She smiled mischievously as she kicked off her shoes and dug her toes into the soft cool dust.
They had six legs with little pads for feet instead of toes and claws, a delicate snout not quite the length of an anteater's lined with fine hairs and tiny teeth used to vacuum up mold, dust, and dirt that was its main food source, and an odd habit of climbing walls with hidden suckers in its padded feet.
Sarah sat on the sofa, facing him, hugging her knees, careful not to smudge her toes.
The x went between two toes and straddled the pad on the one he drew to represent Brutus.
On the other track, the x went between the toes and through the pad.
Toes can become gangrenous and can appear black in dry gangrene or when infected becomes covered in pus and slough in wet gangrene.
His foot and toes are heavily bloodstained and continue to drip blood.
Check gently between the toes to remove nail clippings.
She loves the smells of spring and the feel of the fresh dew on the grass through her toes.
His youthful exuberance always manages to keep the family on their toes.
The socks were of a plain, soft fabric, white in color with black toes.
In plantar flexion, the toes move away from - rather than toward - the shin.
In the case of poor knee flexion the measurement taken should be to the tips of the toes.
She later lost the nail from both big toes, and it is possible that she suffered mild frostbite.
Athlete's Foot is caused by a fungus that attacks the sole of the foot or the skin between the toes.
Get rid of unsightly toenail fungus by soaking your toes in Listerine mouthwash.
It does not wish to tread on local or regional toes on, what is, a complex matter where feelings may run high.
Why does the skin of the fingers and toes become wrinkled after prolonged immersion in water?
Our repertoire mainly comprises well known Irish folk songs to get the audience singing and lively jigs and reels to set the toes tapping.
That doesn't necessarily mean pointed toes, a pink jumpsuit and a plastic smile.
Even when the rhythm's heavy, he has a lightness of touch, he's always on his toes.
In Tunisia stroll around an ancient walled medina or perhaps sink your toes into the silky white sands that hug the coastline.
From the tip of their heads to the end of their toes these little rag doll playmates are very special in every way.
From the top of their fun fleecy heads to the tips of their toes, Lily Dolls are very special playmates.
Within a few minutes my toes (poking out from my open-toed sandals) were beginning to burn in the searing heat.
The bird has webbing between the toes, a feature shared only with Semipalmated sandpiper in the small peeps.
The hair on and around the ears and between the toes, needs to be kept in check usually with thinning scissors.
Isn't the best way to get a man to do sit-ups be to put the remote control between his toes?
Don't apply cream between your toes, tho, as it tends to make the skin there soggy.
Brazilian tapirs are hoofed mammals, with three toes on each hind foot and four on each front foot.
Of course I don't, I'm sure he knows I'd rather have a tickle on my toes.
With their non-slip soles they're ideal for keeping tiny toes toasty and for those first tentative and precious steps.
I get pain in the ball of my foot - caused by deformed toes?
The feet should be short, round and compact with well-arched toes and thick, hard pads.
Radiographs revealed 2 fractured toes, one of which may need amputation.
Gents have you gained a tubby tummy and lost sight of your twinkle toes?
Stand gazing into shoe shop windows at pretty pinks and Summer greens with narrow straps, peep toes and sling backs.
I'll dip my toes but you'll just have to use camera trickery and CGI for the rest.
But there's a constant undercurrent of peril, real or imagined, that keeps them on our toes.
The bird has webbing between the toes, a feature shared only with Semipalmated Sandpiper in the small peeps.
Your standing position should be left foot forward, toes facing 2 o'clock, with your right foot double shoulder width apart behind you.
Squirrels of this and the' other arboreal groups have the bodily form slender and agile, the tail long and bushy, the ears well developed, pointed and often tufted; the feet adapted for 1 ' climbing, the anterior pair with four toes and a rudimentary thumb, and the posterior pair with five toes, all the toes having long, curved and short-pointed claws (see Squirrel).
The hind-limbs are elongated, with four toes, of which the metatarsals are separate; the tibia and fibula are welded in old age; the calcaneum and astragalus of the tarsus are elongated; and there is a perforation on the inner side of the lower end of the humerus (see Jumping-Hare).
In the last two genera the feet have four toes, in place of the five of Erethizon (see Porcupine).
Modern research has discovered no crab to surpass Macrocheira hampferi, De Haan, that can span between three and four yards with the tips of its toes, but at the other end of the scale it has yielded Collodes malabaricus, Alcock, "of which the carapace, in an adult and egg-laden female, is less than one-sixth of an inch in its greatest diameter."
It looked as if Nature no longer contained the breed of nobler bloods, but stood on her last toes.
Curving her arms, Natasha held out her skirts as dancers do, ran back a few steps, turned, cut a caper, brought her little feet sharply together, and made some steps on the very tips of her toes.
His rapid-fire delivery, huge breadth of knowledge and hilarious asides kept us on our mental toes throughout.
You could also try the reflexology technique of squeezing the tips of your big toes.
Is n't the best way to get a man to do sit-ups be to put the remote control between his toes?
Do n't apply cream between your toes, tho, as it tends to make the skin there soggy.
These cute early 70's vinyl shoes are a light taupe color and have gently pointed toes and 2.5 heels.
Of course I do n't, I 'm sure he knows I 'd rather have a tickle on my toes.
The other is an effect on the nerves which can cause constipation and numbness and tingling in the fingers and toes.
With their non-slip soles they 're ideal for keeping tiny toes toasty and for those first tentative and precious steps.
Toasty Toes are comfortable, slip-resistant & stylish, coming in a sealed plastic pouch.
Three of them had fingers or toes amputated and their wounds took months to heal during the dark Arctic winter.
Apes have five toed feet and at least four toes should be distinguishable, unless the tracks are hopelessly poor quality.
Dipping their toes into something more glamorous, the sisters developed a naked trapeze act that soon became the circus 's star attraction.
We are too eager to tread on the toes of the prosperous peasant.
This all culminates in an extravaganza of a show at the end of the year letting you show off your amazing twinkle toes !
But there 's a constant undercurrent of peril, real or imagined, that keeps them on our toes.
And shoes that push the toes together, force the big toe into a hallux valgus position.
You can easily recognize the paw print of the otter by the webbed toes.
We even have the discovery cards and 'Mimi's Toes'....
Toes and hands - Especially as babies get older, toes and hands are fun to photograph.
Place your baby on his back and see if he will grab his bare toes.
Extremities-Your doctor will examine your child's hands, arms, legs, feet, fingers, and toes, looking for any abnormalities or any signs that might indicate a medical condition.
Wrap the tulle loosely around the wire, making sure to leave the toes visible, and tie some ribbon over both the tulle and the floral wire, leaving ribbon ends in place.
Arrange the sock toes to resemble a floral bouquet and attach additional lengths of ribbon in varying lengths.
The shoe should feel natural when you put it on and not pinch your feet at any side or at the toes.
See that there is no pinching of your toes or at the heels.
If you are prone to blistering apply vaseline to your toes before running.
Wiggle your toes a bit to make sure you have enough room up front.
If your toes press uncomfortably against the tip of the shoe, then the shoes don't fit.
Slipping heels can cause blisters, and too tight shoes can make for smashed toes.
Just stay on your toes to find the good companies and don't fall off the ladder when putting up those inexpensive lights!
Its bare toes, face and ears give the chimpanzee its human-like appearance.
The paws are large and round with five toes on the front paws and four toes on the back paws.
Tufted feet give the cat an appearance of having snowshoes and help him easily walk through drifts of snow.Many of the original Maine Coon cats from New England have multiple toes; this is known as polydactalism.
For many families, kittens are the perfect pet to love and are sure to keep you on your toes day after day.
The cover is made from durable, washable fleece, so your cat will delight in the fluffy texture between her toes.
Another book for children ages 0 to 2 that teaches counting along with other valuable lessons is Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes.
The winning combination makes Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes a top pick that is certain to become a classic nursery rhyme over time.
I Love You Through and Through by Bernadette Rossetti Shustak is written from a parent's point of view about all the things loveable about the child, from their bad moods to their toes and hair.
Even if you officially decided it is time for a home makeover, virtual decorating programs are fun to play around with and may just inspire you to dip your toes into new home decoration waters.
Do the toes taper in a way your wide feet couldn't handle?
However, there are ways you can make the process as exciting as possible without stepping on anyones toes.
Once the snow is cleared, align your toes with the toe piece on your ski binding.
Unlike traditional alpine skis, in cross-country skiing the boots are attached at the toes, but the heel remains free.
A board that is too narrow compared to the boot size will cause drag from the heel and the toes.
He may place additional stones between your toes, in the palms of your hands or on your spine.
Hip hop fashions included mainstream athletic brands, who offered the aforementioned shell toes in classic styles.
These pranks will keep your parents on their toes, and looking for revenge!
Sometimes you want your toes covered, like when you haven’t been able to get a pedicure or when the temperatures are unusually cool at nighttime.
Sandals and strappy heels expose the most of your foot, including all of your toes.
For those who want a smaller wedding, try their Toes in the Sand wedding ceremony, which starts at only $2,800.
If you're looking for a place to not only view pictures of the stars' toes, but also connect with others who share your interest, the Celebrity Feet Forum is a site that allows you to do both.
Simply put a pair of socks on your little one's feet to keep his toes cozy and comfy.
There are endless ways to redo the sundress concept and designers are always improving on old concepts to keep consumers on their toes.
However much the toes may wiggle, the socks will stay in place.
The Chesapeake Bay Retriever was bred to retrieve from the water, so these dogs actually have webbed toes that help them swim more efficiently.
So, if your dog is not used to having his nails trimmed or is frightened, simply begin slowly and hold his toes firmly for 15-30 seconds during practice sessions.
You can then progress from holding his toes to actually trimming them.
When you trim your pet's nails, inspect the pads for cracks and trapped debris, and look between the toes for cysts.
If not, just give him or her a good scrub down, and be sure to really get in between the toes and legs.
Be sure to touch his tail, toes, ears and open the mouth everyday so he gets used to this also.
When the fungus is present, dogs may exhibit anything from general to severe irritation on their feet, and most will lick and chew around their toes in an attempt to soothe the itch.
They wore rings on their fingers and toes, they wore arm bands, bracelets, necklaces and torcs.
The wolves' heart and toes contain magnets so the two halves can become one.
Keep your toes warm and cozy in a pair of Wigwam wool socks for men.
These rugged wool socks have a ribbed top and reinforced heels and toes.
Take some care in how you clothe your feet, and you'll get both comfort and style all the way to the ends of your toes!
Sizes range from 7.5 to 15; styles can be knee or thigh lengths with open or closed toes.
Point your toes while inserting your foot firmly into the sock.
Your baby deserves the best, and organic infant socks will bring a little warmth and comfort to tiny toes without the risk of any harmful chemicals or toxins getting close to your baby's precious skin.
They are designed to be wider at the ankle or calf, as well as in the toes.
Do you like the feel of toes in your hose?
There are socks with cushioning across the length of the foot, or socks with cushioned heels and reinforced toes for extra padding in the most important areas.
You may also find seam-free toes more comfortable, since they eliminate the extra stitching that can rub or cause blisters.
Pantyhose designed with reinforced toes and crotches help prevent runs.
Pay particular attention to the fingers, toes, ears, and face, since these are the areas most often affected.
Always wear shoes with closed toes when working with heavy or heated items or any liquids.
Then, lift both legs out in front of you, with your toes pointed forward.
Movement - The muscle may uncramp more quickly if you pull your toes up, stretching your calf muscles.
Avoid pointing your toes as that encourages the muscle to shorten and contract.
Many riders love the feeling of the wind rushing through their toes while they flip upside down at high speeds.
It's a surprisingly tough game with some really tense moments sprinkled in to keep you on your toes.
Who knows what kind of game you will play, so you will have to be on your toes at all times.
Filled with cool weapons and slick moves, Perfect Dark Zero will keep you on your toes!!
Filled with magic, dungeons, mythical creatures and dangerous enemies, this game will keep you on your toes.
The nunchuk accessory lets you move about in the world as well as duck and stand on your toes to find hidden Elebits.
The many puzzles, obstacles and monsters keep you on your toes.
A new edition to the intense shooter game series, Rainbow 6 Vegas will keep you on your toes.
The action in King Kong will keep you on your toes.
A great sequel to Crusaders, it keeps you on your toes by throwing you into situations where you fight numerous troops of Dark Elves, Orcs, Half Vampires and others.
Thirty different incentive items will keep you on your mental toes.
Text Twist is a quick and fun game to learn, and keeps you on your toes with the time limit.
The dark shadows and creepy corridors keep you on your toes.
The storyline will keep you engaged, and the monsters will keep you on your toes.
This mission-based game will keep you on your toes.
The 18 inch doll had very realistic features including tiny curved toes.
Now, alternate the heels and toes of your feet to produce a pumping action.
As the excess bilirubin builds up in the newborn, jaundice appears first in the face and upper body and progresses downward toward the toes.
Both large joints, such as the elbows and knees, and small joints, such as toes and fingers, are affected.
The fingers and toes may be long and slender, with loose joints that can be bent beyond their normal limits.
Marfan syndrome is sometimes called arachnodactyly, which means "spider-like fingers" in Greek, since one of the characteristic signs of the disease is disproportionately long fingers and toes.
Children with Marfan are more likely to develop pes planus (flat feet) or so-called "claw" or "hammer" toes than people in the general population.
Arachnodactyly-A condition characterized by abnormally long and slender fingers and toes.
For unknown reasons, recurrent respiratory infections lead to digital clubbing, in which the last joint of the fingers and toes becomes slightly enlarged.
The most serious consequence of this condition is the potential for amputation of toes, feet, or legs due to severe infection.
The bleeding may appear as small, red or reddish-violet spots on the face, lips, inside the mouth and nose, or the tips of the fingers and toes.
The anesthesia is usually a regional anesthetic (epidural or spinal), which makes her numb from below her breasts to her toes.
Similarly, the plantar reflex occurs by placing a finger against the base of the neonate's toes and the toes curl downward to grasp the finger.
The infant responds by hyperextending the toes; the great toe flexes toward the top of the foot and the other toes fan outward.
In this stage, the amoeba or tadpole people may have faces, hands, and even toes, but no bodies.
Severe poisoning can also lead to tingling in the scalp, fingers, and toes, muscle contractions, an elevated heart rate, rapid breathing, large drops in body temperature and blood pressure, vomiting of blood, and coma.
Fingers or toes can be exercised as much as can be tolerated after casting.
The arthritis of RF rarely strikes the fingers, toes, or spine.
These signs include not walking by 15 months of age, not walking maturely (heel to toe) after walking for several months, walking only on the toes, and not being able to push a toy on wheels by age two.
Fine motor skills generally refer to the small movements of the hands, wrists, fingers, feet, toes, lips, and tongue.
Uncorrected clubfoot in an adult causes only part of the foot, usually the outer edge or the heel or the toes, to touch the ground.
The ball of the foot, the heel, and the plantar part of the toes are the most likely locations for the warts because the skin in those areas is subject to the most weight, pressure, and irritation, making a small break or crack more likely.
One to three weeks later, patches of skin may peel off, as might occur with a sunburn, especially on the fingers and toes.
The child may have clubfeet, and toes may be webbed or fused.
Apert syndrome-A craniofacial abnormality characterized by abnormal head shape, small upper jaw, and fusion of fingers and toes.
Pfeiffer syndrome-This condition includes craniosynostosis, shallow eye sockets, underdevelopment of the midface, short thumbs and big toes, and possible webbing of hands and feet.
Frostnip affects areas such as the earlobes, cheeks, nose, fingers, and toes.
Septicemia or blood poisoning and infection may also be present, as well as the possible need for amputation (the surgical removal of appendages such as fingers, toes, foot, or leg).
Homeopathic Hypericum (Hypericum perforatum) is recommended when nerve endings are affected (especially in the fingers and toes) and Arnica (Arnica montana) is prescribed for shock.
If blood without much oxygen is being delivered to the body, the legs and toes will turn blue or cyanotic.
In children under the age of one-and-a-half years, the big toe will extend out with or without the other toes.
In adults and children over the age of one-and-a-half years, the myelin sheath should be completely formed, and, as a result, all the toes will curl under (planter flexion reflex).
Polydactyly and syndactyly are congenital malformations of the fingers and/or toes.
Polydactyly is the presence of extra fingers or toes, and syndactyly is the fusing together or webbing of two or more fingers or toes.
Syndactyly may be either a complete fusion of fingers or toes or a looser webbing of skin between them.
Polydactyly of the toes, especially of the little toe, is also a common malformation, occurring in approximately two in 1,000 births.
The extra fingers and/or toes are usually removed for cosmetic reasons.
After surgery most children will have full use of their fingers and toes.
Between the fifth and eighth weeks, the limbs (first the arms, hands, and fingers, followed by the legs, feet, and toes) begin to extend and take on a definite shape.
Hips, back, fingers, and toes are frequently affected.
This response usually occurs on the extremities, fingers, toes, and parts of the head, neck, and face.
If your right foot is in front, your right heel should be in front of your left toes and your left heel behind your right toes.
Touch your right foot next to your left, keeping your weight on on your toes.
Place your weight on your right foot without moving your body, and slide your left foot back until your left toes are next to your right heel.
Line dances can be tons of fun because you dance with multiple people at once and if you mess up the steps, you won't be stepping on your partner's toes.
Alternate feet to travel across the room, and focus on pointing your toes while in the air and bending your knees with each landing to bring more grace and form to the step.
Audiences leave the show singing the title song and swinging their umbrellas, tapping their toes and in love with the world, largely because of the happy dancing and singing in this scene.
Next, put your left heel out in front of you, so your toes are up in the air, and cross your left foot over your right leg.
Touch your left heel forward, so your toes are pointed up toward the ceiling.
For example, pointing the toes, straightening the knees, relaxing the shoulders, and searching for the perfect arm and head angles are all done during this section of the class.
Counting on fingers and toes, for example, helps children learn how to count, but more in-depth concepts such as decimals and fractions can be made easier through the use of games and tools.
Start with your toes and work your way up, moving on to the next set of muscles only after the previous set has relaxed.
By the end of week 12, the end of your first trimester, your baby has fingers, toes, fingernails, toenails, and fingerprints.
I had time to examine every skin cell, count fingers and toes, gently massage their backs, and hold their tiny hands.
Fingers and toes form with the beginnings of fingernails and toenails.
Even though there will come a time when you won't be able to see your feet, let alone tie or buckle any shoes you put on them, you can still pamper those toes with something pretty.
The feet and hands have toes and fingers, but they are not fully developed and may be webbed.
The feel of sand between your toes is one of the best parts of going to the beach, so hot and heavy shoes are definitely off limits.
Find that tonga style that toes the line between traditional bikini bottom and something racier than you'd want to wear--and also makes you look phenomenal.
Pair a silky camisole with a leather vest come fall, and slip into a lacy frock while flaunting your favorite pair of leather peep toes.
Match hosiery to the color of the skirt, and pair with shoes that have closed toes and heels.
If you are having a hard time finding a human opponent, you can find many computer games with varying difficulties that can keep you on your toes.
Pay attention to the signal and it's like watching Dancing with the Stars, graceful and light on your toes.
One of the first toes dipped in the water of acceptance was on the Ellen DeGeneres comedy show, which in 1997 had Ellen's character realizing her homosexuality in a famous "coming out" episode.
Learn how to have a good time without stepping on anyone's toes!
Learn how to avoid stepping on any toes.
Choose from open top, tie toes or zippered totes and even beach inspired totes.
As you can see, you're going to need to stay on your toes if you've set your sights on a Gemini romance.
If you're interested in a relationship with an Aries, you'll quickly find that they'll keep you on your toes.
The small, flexible suede and leather shoes, called Robeez, allow babies' little toes to grip the ground, which helps tone and build muscles.
Take the hammer, and making sure there are no fingers and toes in the way, give the wintergreen candy a good whack!
This is usually done by starting at the toes and working your way to the top of your head in a conscious relaxing of each muscle group on your body.
Although spindly heels and pointed toes form the mainstay of the collections, Manolo's come in all shapes and sizes.
It makes shopping online safer for your toes!
While it's true that dress shoes are supposed to look good, it's just as important to remember that blisters and bleeding toes are not a good look.
The toes must bear her entire weight, often for long periods of time.
You'll lessen the need to, "Watch your toes!" if you're wearing a boot with a sheet of metal inside.
Steel or alloy toes are available in this version.
Toes should be able to wiggle inside the shoe, and the fit should be snug but not loose.
You want plenty of wiggle room for the toes and comfort right off the bat.
Make sure the toes have plenty of room to move around.
With a pencil, freehand or stencil a few holly leaves, a snowman, or a gift onto the toes of the shoes.
Check for wiggle room for your toes and also see if your heel slips in the back.
Flip Flops used to be just a flat, foam rubber bottom with a matching piece of rubber that threaded between your first two toes for security.
Thong Sandals Similar to slip-ons, thong sandals also feature a thin piece of leather or plastic which slips between your toes when your wear them.
Scrunch them down, insert your toes, push down your heel, and slide them back up your leg.
It's as simple as that!While the classic Mary Janes are the flat-soled, round-toed variety most often seen on little girls, high heels and pointed toes are also popular.
They're often a "sit and look pretty" type of fashion, due to their pointy toes and skinny heels.
Point your toes up, shifting your weight to your heels.
If you start to fall, simply put your toes down.
Elongated toes, heel narrowness, and higher in step have all been taken into consideration, making for a considerably comfortable shoe.
The fun, yet elegant styles of his namesake shoe line have won the heart strings and toes of customers from around the world.
Rubber cups the toes and heels for extra protection, while thick lugs prevent slipping on wet or icy surfaces.
The fit should be snug but not painful; it should never push your toes over one another or pinch at any point.
This does not mean that your toes should be crowded together or have too much space on the sides, but rather, your feet should feel supported and properly enclosed.
Regularly check to make sure their toes are not pushing against the tip of the shoe, and that there is enough breathing room on the sides.
In the same manner, toes that stick up or seem to be shaping uncomfortably is another sign that it is time for a new pair of child shoes.
Diabetic shoes should never fit tightly as to cause ingrown toenails or pressure on the toes.
Extra room near the toes is a far safer option than a snug fitting shoe.