Today Sentence Examples
What are we going to do today, Dad?
At any rate, today was no different.
That was all today amounted to - a manipulation.
Today, there are more than one hundred million.
I saw something today that bothered me.
So if a battle today were similarly costly, the proportional number of casualties would be 230,000.
Honestly, if we all spoke the same language today, would you want to change that?
Yates plowed yard today to plant grass.
This came for you today.
Today she would have to eat crow along with the dust.
AdvertisementLike today; you obviously didn't know who to call.
You're no fun today, Han.
Today he would be different, and so would she.
The woman Gabriel touched today wasn't the one he touched last night.
If the scientists of today had all I describe.
AdvertisementToday, it is hard for us to imagine what that time was like.
I see us today in a situation like those historical ones.
Today I feel so frightened!
The urge almost seemed stronger with her today than when he left her last night.
I'm going to ride you today.
AdvertisementIt feels warm today, but I always keep a light jacket in my saddle bags.
How are you today?
He seems so much better today.
I don't have time for explanations today.
A woman identified herself as Mrs. Fryatt and asked if Martha had telephoned today, or if we'd heard from her, or from her mother, or anyone else concerning Martha.
AdvertisementSometime today would be good.
What do you want to do today?
Bill had to work today.
You're so quiet today.
I'm going to miss you today.
What is special about today?
She didn't seem happy today.
Clearly, this already happens today, in a primitive form.
I base that expectation in part on the fact that today, many of us already live in more comfort than the richest king in the world did two hundred years ago.
Deciding to end hunger today saves the lives of millions, and we have the technology to do it.
Friedman goes on to point out that almost anywhere in the world today, it would be impossible to get away with this fraud.
In Central and South America in 2000 were eighteen million Internet users; today, more than two hundred million.
When the old man tried to engage him in further conversation—this time about Pumpkin Green and the general irresponsibility of today's youth—he excused himself on an important errand and left Westlake standing in the hall.
She'd done something today he didn't expect and uncovered something he and all his dealers had overlooked for months.
I didn't wave today, which means you saw him at the strip mall.
Sorry. New client brought in a dump truck full of receipts and needs his return done by close of business today.
We tested them today.
I guess my biggest reason is I don't want to lose her and let's face it, when I'm toothless and bald and she is still as beautiful as today, she's not going to want me.
I went to see Elisabeth today.
I skipped lunch today.
What do you want to take today?
I didn't leave you today.
You didn't see him today, did you?
After today, everything would fall into a pattern.
I think he finally accepted that today when he saw us together.
She had specifically selected her clothing today to please him.
That's not today, he snapped.
Soon it will be the year 2002 I wonder how many people today remember the Star Cinema and the acid jar two volt accumulator?
Scotland Road today is an urban freeway, landscaped with grass.
Today you may stand up before the school and read what you have written about the turnip.
Thanks to Jenner, Nelmes, Blossom, and Phipps (which sounds like a rather odd law firm), today we have the word "vaccine."
He created many of the medical terms we use today, such as acute, chronic, endemic, epidemic, paroxysm, and relapse.
Today we are on the cusp of a substantially more profound shift in work life.
We could decide today to end it—by, well, simply deciding to.
Today she wanted to see the window to space in the galley Evelyn wanted her to see.
I see you're not wearing black today.
Today his gaze fell to the white-eyed, small man that had addressed nishani the prior day.
Today was difficult, but normally I do much better.
Today, she returned to the drawing she started long ago on the portrait she had intended to give Evelyn for her wedding.
In the eighteen-nineties Ouray had three thousand people living in town, three or four times as many as today.
Dean questioned Janet's scholastic ability to himself and cynically wondered if today's class was Vacuuming For Beginners or Dusting 101.
I've raced through nearly four thousand words just today!
My monthly condition excuses me from duties today so I donned my finest dress and strolled the streets of Ouray like the lady that was once Annie Quincy.
I know in my heart it can never be, but for today, it is.
We have enough to be concerned with today's problems without having to clutter my mind about the happenings of a century ago.
Then he muttered, "I've seen enough ice already today."
My baby stirred within me today and were I not so bundled in winter garb the few times when I venture out, surely all the wagging tongues in town would know of my maternal state.
Us upstairs maids are on duty today.
Today I'm delivering information, not collecting.
It was if Annie bade him turn his thoughts beyond her long forgotten cares to the no less pressing concerns of today.
And we were wondering if we could take Martha back to Grand Junction with us today?
With a chuckle and a deep breath of crisp, clear air, he mused, Today would be perfect, were it not for the human locked in the basement.
On top of everything else I received a letter from the SEC today.
He was very much in the mood for a fun, air headed bimbo after all the drama today, but that would be near impossible.
All would be said and done within fifteen minutes then, but damn, did he not deserve a little fun after being the go-to guy for everyone today?
Normally, he would have had a bottle of scotch and some ice sent to the room, but today there was no time.
Between his conquest today and the crisp fall air, he felt on top of the world.
Can you just make me forget yesterday and today?
So, what's on the agenda today, Princess?
Sarah said, Something's come up and I need to stay home today.
He couldn't even think about feeding on another woman today.
No awkwardness existed today.
Today, Mount Greylock will be better.
He wanted to tell her all he felt, but knew he had pushed a little too far already today.
As they sat with their breakfast he said, "I have some things I need to take care of today."
I probably should get things organized around here today anyway.
Did you accomplish everything you needed to today?
Now, your majesty, what would you like to do today?
You know, you don't have to do it today.
Fine, I thought I would start up stairs today.
I expected to be convincing you to accept me today.
Did things go well today?
Today I'll probably be more nervous with you there.
Yep. Sarah and Connor are going to Maine today and we have a date in my music room, remember?
We can get a head start on carving today.
Jackson knew she would not move on this today, but he had a month to convince her, so let it go.
Elisabeth sighed, "Jackson behaved very irresponsibly and he is lucky to be sitting here today."
Brushing the hair from his forehead, she asked, "Will you sit for me today?"
He had grown accustomed to women acting this way, yet today, in this atmosphere, it made him uncomfortable.
That's right, she's one year older today.
I know it's a major expense, so I made arrangements today.
I didn't have any classes today and I decided to take off work.
She was supposed to call today about her doctor visit.
The goats were staying close to the house today.
I didn't notice she was a female, today.
I started learning to shoot a laser gun today, she said.
Did anyone try to blow you up today?
I was thinking today that I wish my dog was with me, so I don't die alone.
Check all the systems and find that damn battalion we were expecting today!
Open it at sixteen hundred today and close it at seventeen twenty.
His voice sounded stronger today, and his southern drawl struck her as oddly familiar.
Move them to the nearest underground site today.
Dan's going to move you somewhere safe today to one of our permanent sites.
We had another refugee wander into the town today, Kelli said, motioning to Lana.
A few of more of the feds' secret supply facilities were found today.
Rhyn thought of Kiki, suspecting his brother went to Kris. He wondered who Kris sent after him to make sure he didn't follow through on his threat to confront Death. "We only have today," he said.
Today she was absent, home nursing child number five, down with a spring fever, or just plain Spring Fever.
Norfolk called three times today.
But he was so cute today.
They're inspecting today and we can't go forward until some bureaucrat clears us.
The thought passed Dean's mind that he'd already carried her to bed once today but he held his tongue.
I settled one item for you today.
It was six weeks today since Jeffrey Byrne's disappearance and ever since, Dean's world had revolved around that happening like a long-playing record.
If Jeff had confided in me that he'd found the money, I'd have walked him straight to the police and he might be alive today!
Josh must be working in the field today.
Lori would be there today.
I thought you were going to work late today.
Something happened today that has you worried.
If we see anything today, I'll tell him about it.
No. We went riding today and didn't see any sign of wild dogs.
Anyway, after today we'll have the rest of our lives to eat breakfast together.
Because you're getting married today – or do you still think it's no big deal?
The reverend began, "We welcome you today to the marriage of Alexander Matthew Barnett and Carmen Natalie Pulock."
I think we need to go to the store tomorrow - today, but I can fix us a snack.
What was special about today.
I don't mean to be insensitive, but I was so busy today that I didn't eat lunch.
Today I signed my name Carmen Pullock and then had to mark through it and sign it with my new name.
So what have you been doing today?
Katie got to bring the babies home today, so I followed her home and helped her with them for a while.
One thing she didn't need today was Josh stirring up trouble.
Alex had the shed built so that she could feed the buffalo without going into the pen, but today she wanted to check on the cow.
They were at church camp with Katie today.
Public opinion today, Saudis say, is a far cry from the largely passive acquiescence to a massive US military presence in 1991.
Get online today for 50% less than the big guys are charging, without annoying pop-up ads or hassle.
Just comparing today's prices in the classified ads isn't enough.
We do know he was born in the 4th century ad in an area which today is part of Turkey.
And today, as culturally adaptive as a missionary may be, there is that need for connectiveness with his home culture.
There's no question that that's a valuable adjunct, a valuable facet of today's pedagogy.
They are still failing to come to terms with today's political agenda, never mind thinking ahead to tomorrow's.
There's still the part about hunting down secret agents which is probably comparable to any FPS game around today.
I have an air conditioner in my bedroom, so today I've spent most of the day in there.
In our opinion, this is the best looking and well designed portable air conditioner on the market today.
Outraged attacks on the Prince of Wales filled today's airwaves and press.
Applied to the situation in Great Britain today, this of course sounds grossly alarmist.
Bible alive - the January issue is available from the porch today at £ 1.75 per copy.
Today, over 400 hotels in the Caribbean and Mexico are either all-inclusive resorts or offer all inclusive packages.
Today rafting trips are among the favorite amusements in Jamaica.
Each module uses today's hottest marketing and financial analytics to underscore the importance of making quality management decisions.
Today we pride ourselves for having shaken off such primitive animism.
Therefore, today's announcement is good news for our friends who are local micro brewers.
We control rats today with modern second generation anticoagulants.
Most are made today around Mandalay in Myanmar, tho the vendor will try to persuade you that they are authentic antiques.
Today as sisters with an active apostolate, we perpetuate this tradition by maintaining a fervent life in common.
Sticklers for correct punctuation were rejoicing today after a government body declared war on the greengrocer's apostrophe.
I today received my golf apparel in the Falkland Islands.
The By Laws were revised in 1926 when the pattern of meetings which still appertain today was adopted.
They are bringing Doonesbury back, but I thought today's cartoon was so apposite.
Today the English are widening their taste in food and becoming appreciative of Italian pizzas and pastas.
To get a rough approximation of how much sums in the 1890s would be in today's terms we multiply by 60.
Today, losses in the salmon aquaculture business in Scotland alone are estimated at several millions of pounds annually.
Today the members decided to invite management to binding arbitration in a final attempt to resolve the dispute.
In today's electronic world all this would seem archaic.
John Matthews shows you how to use these archetypes of the shamanic tradition to relate to your life today.
Given the small size today of the electronic full-text archive, citation linking on a meaningful scale requires a secondary database of abstracts.
It is therefore arguable that an analysis using these deprivation categories today may be less accurate than it would have been ten years ago.
Today, there is virtually nothing in the medical armamentarium that can stop the damage unleashed by moderate-to-severe head trauma.
Some of the original art deco and architecture can still be seen today and has featured in several movies and television period dramas.
For example, pulverized fuel ash from power generation is widely used today.
Loopholes closed Today's government has been equally assiduous.
This technique is commonly used today in ground-based radio astronomy.
Only two out of ten people who claim asylum in Britain today are genuine refugees.
It was an unsuccessful attempt to ensure that we all got today off.
The last three chapters, the 1950s until today, are in part autobiography and, therefore, ensure an original contribution.
Resolution 1441 (2002) adopted today by the Security Council excludes any automaticity in the use of force.
Moving inland shady avenues lead you to magnificently restored castles and gentlemen's country estates, which are today open as hotels for guests.
Film today is already in a sense digital, since it's all edited using an avid.
Repeating their Christmas Day victories, the Uppies took both ba 's today.
And the bloody Bacchanalia taking place in Chechnya today is called a counterterrorist operation in the language of Russian chekists.
Such a complaint was made by Lib Dem backbencher Evan Harris on the Today program this morning.
Among the national newspapers in the UK today only the Star and the Sport don't have a solid backbone of serious news.
Today the national economic interest took a back seat.
Today the inner bailey is entered via a bridge over the moat toward the south of the castle.
In the 1950s there were 18,000 master bakers nationwide; today there are only 3,500 left, compared to 34,000 in France.
Today, we try to restore the balance a little.
Today Gone to earth stands with precious bane as the best-known and finest of Mary Webb's novels.
We left the island with his words Like nails banged through the head Almost a year ago today.
Today not only was he introduced to wet weather racing, but he also had an introduction to a crash barrier.
But many of today's most eminent barristers tend to feel this trend is unhealthy and that a wide range of experience is important.
Am I a nosy bastard for wondering what the hell was going on next to me on the train today?
DoCoMo is addressing this issue in part by increasing the capacity of its lithium-ion batteries, the most commonly used battery in handsets today.
Even today, Windows file systems exhibit the same behavior.
Conclusion Try it on People today often bemoan what's happened to society.
Even where these needs are today addressed by voluntary organizations the funding is largely by public grants rather than private benefaction.
Their album, which is released today, is a safe bet for the top spot in the UK album charts next Sunday.
More than 1,250 homes and one of Shropshire's biggest retail parks were left without electricity earlier today during a massive power blackout.
We got caught in a downpour unexpectedly today and we all shivered while I wrapped our picnic blanket round the Mutsy!
I read an interesting article recently about him being a bleeder and his over-breeding causing more bleeders today.
Today, it is largely barren, hampered by swamps and salt lakes and prone to fierce blizzards.
Quot today going coverage are does n't bode well do know what's.
Do today's steel bollards have the same solid design consistency of their cast iron ancestors?
Plus today she had Gymnastics training and 3 hours off the pump, connecting up every so often to give a bolus.
Today young people are constantly bombarded by ' music ' .
Today, there are many Internet bookmakers who offer odds on the outcome of the same event.
I've got today to myself so I'm checking out downtown Boston.
Data handling presents a severe bottleneck for today's science, without new strategies it might prevent future progress.
Inside the loft walls are visible today the metal bands installed to prevent further bowing.
Parsley is still used today to counter bad breath.
Today has been quite breezy, which I love.
Wedding product and service providers are delivering powerful and informative websites that specifically cater to today's tech-savvy bridal demographic.
Pause I would like to thank the three bridesmaids, who have all done a great job today.
The front page of The UK national daily broadsheet, The Independent, is excellent today.
Today's is going to be about the two handed European broadsword.
Had a 35 week old baby in at work today talk about feeling broody she was lovely.
The view out over the loch from our terrace is fantastic today - sparkling blue against a backdrop of a yellow broom covered hillside.
Over 100 hectares of predominantly brownfield land will be released for redevelopment by the move, Defense Minister Derek Twigg announced today.
No need to rush down today as a leisurely brunch will be served all morning.
My caffeine fix was served by a rather brusque Italian woman today.
In 1980/81, I had the pleasure of painting a new standard for the exhibition budgerigar, which is still in use today.
Websites designed to suit all budgets - visit my site today to see examples of sites I've done for business like yours.
A " jacket " used to be a coat of mail, and today a jacketed bullet has something of the same meaning.
English Nature today launches an appeal for reports of our latest invasive species - the North American bullfrog.
Ok just a bit on the extreme side but isn't all this happening today with all the pc bullshit that's ongoing?
Cynics of today regard this as metaphysical bunkum, yet it might be pragmatic realism tomorrow.
So well have copper compounds controlled bunt that today this seed-borne disease is no longer of any economic importance.
Simon regularly busks in the square and it had been felt he should have the chance of playing here today.
Today Lewisham Telegraph Hill ward by-election tomorrow err where exactly max?
As with all parks, Victoria Park has original bylaws some of which by today's standards would be seen as quirky.
You got through another packet of Jaffa cakes today!
Objects The first computer programs were simple affairs, a little like the program you would use on a pocket calculator today.
It will feature calligraphy, painting, sculpture, photography and ceramics by some of the best artists working in Japan today.
Despite a late start, the library today has a large collection of modern calligraphy of the kind promoted by Johnston.
It is a foul calumny that we do today.
I teamed up with Bob Paynter - who is here today, I'm happy to say - who was an assistant cameraman there.
I got your letter today saying the camisole had arrived safely.
But she doesn't want to be seen today, perfect camouflage!
Today it investigates why modern candles don't fit into older candlesticks.
Group three called the canines includes the dogs we know today.
The ancient well was subsequently enclosed within an ornate stone canopy which still may be seen on the park's boundary today.
Today we have only six per cent of the early stage high tech venture capital of the United States.
That competition in both its free market and state capitalist form have combined to produce the economic disaster we see across the globe today.
Let us yearn for resurrection power in our lives today that we may walk in newness of life, spiritual beings and not carnal.
The long vaulted casemates that today face the parade were known as Eighteen Gun Battery.
Today Summer Lightning is not only a cask ale, but also comes bottle conditioned and in an eight pint mini cask.
For today we have Big Brother; gentleman Ben and the other castaways are last-year's loves.
According to the legend, vast lengths of the tunnels still exist today; the rest have been destroyed by cataclysms.
This is still the root cause of all the unhappiness in the world today.
The line of of the lane can still be identified today by the slightly raised causeway both sides of the railroad line.
Today, the best caviar is obtained from the sturgeon fishes of the Caspian Sea.
Today the standard is methyl cellulose or some variation thereof.
County Hall marks centenary Tuesday 31 January 2006 The imposing Grade II* listed County Hall building in Northallerton is 100 years old today.
Today, in the 21st century, the Society is for people who value the rural areas of Scotland.
The British Sovereign today plays a mainly ceremonial role in the running of the country.
Today the continued supply of wonders looks less certain.
At the North end of the room stood the stage, as today, suitably sized for a small chamber orchestra.
Indeed, will today's terrestrial TV channels transfer to the mobile device?
The most complicated sets seen today have 5 drones with a switch for easy key changing, and up to 21 keyed chanters.
Today, with the empire long dismantled, a rearticulated national chauvinism is a much more useful weapon.
Walking the 18 km path through the longest gorge in Europe has today become more like joining the queue at a supermarket checkout.
August, 2004 Keegan had his 3 month checkup with his Cardiologist today.
Today we tried to pull a slightly cheeky one.
It will be led by Chief Executive Steve Robertson, whose appointment was confirmed today.
January 9th A new discovery today was a tristis chiffchaff seen on the Blacknor housing estate at Weston.
The Samurai water-cooled chiller is available from 120 kW to 740 kW and is one of the most efficient water-cooled chillers available today.
Ideas of world revolution appear profoundly chimerical to virtually everyone in the Soviet Union today.
Traumatized and sickly, she was rescued and today lives with other orphan chimps at the new island sanctuary.
It has been designed to help you make informed food choices in today's busy lifestyles.
Sunday Today I went to a family christening in Bournemouth spending the day in the sun.
I had a long chuckle at some of his material during my lunch break today.
Beta 6 was released today, and mighty fine it is too... Its a fairly chunky download but well worth it.
So terrestrial latitude would have to be 63 north for a lunar standstill north to be truly circumpolar today.
Today the powers of the majority of nations are severely circumscribed by the need to attract inward investment.
In Burma and Nigeria today, civil resistance offers the one slim hope of avoiding all-out civil war and new killing fields.
Thursday 23rd May A very lazy morning, and the weather wasn't looking quite so clement today.
The manor castle dates from the 18th century, upgraded in recent times to meet the needs of today's informal yet discerning clientele.
The company still exists today but fortunately making watches for a more passive clientele.
Today his acclaimed designs are sold internationally attracting a celebrity clientele.
We had a number of days during the tour which began clear but soon clouded up; today remained virtually cloudless all day.
There are many proven technologies available today for reducing air pollutant emissions from pulverized coal fired power plant.
Yesterday morning, Anthony Browne was interviewed on the Today program along with Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, the independent columnist.
Today, we are reviewing their latest low profile keyboard and optical mouse combo.
Do we today for instance break the second commandment by having pictures of created objects on the walls of our church?
Terriers are described by the commentator as « working dogs with character », but today the only criterion of judgment is beauty.
Let's be clear today, following Jesus requires us to receive from Him a genuine compassion for people.
Back to reviews " invaluable compendium of information on the most pressing challenge in business today " Sean Kelly Comhra " At last!
Today, we face an added challenge - deep, institutional complacency.
Today's Pentagon shows no such compunction to put a rein on Graham.
No change today Today the basic concept of the zoo has remained the same.
We may even see our first Andean condors of the tour today.
Over the next 100 years the various territories of Canada became the confederation that forms the state of Canada today.
It is vital that we do not conflate today with tomorrow.
Given the disastrous consequences of warfare today, any reduction in conflict between states is positive.
Today, leading conservationists are asking for their help to save protect these vulnerable birds from accidental poisoning.
Early astrologers recognized only one constellation of ' the Dog ', that which we call Canis Major today.
Even today they cannot question the constitutionality of any statute - with one exception.
Let Coddan ' experienced tax consultants optimize your tax position today!
This workshop today marks the start of informal consultation on the children's strategy.
How we need to pray for people today so many of whom are consumed by consumerism.
What he would say of Oxford literary criticism today hardly bears contemplation.
The histrionics of today's mostly continental players are a direct result of what began that summer of '74.
In other news, I found out today that some of my recipes made it into a recently published local cookbook.
Today, we are reviewing their latest product, Black knight copper cooler AK-688.
But today, just a single mine, the workers ' co-op Tower Colliery, is still in business.
On the question of copying errors, in the many and various manuscripts that remain today, a large number have copyists ' errors.
Today she wears a coronet of boiling cloud, Yesterday above a sea of mist her head stood proud.
The Manchester Conference Center, with its wonderful theaters and meeting rooms and highly corporate ambiance is every inch a conference center of today.
This route was not feasible today tho, partly due to a Category 4 avalanche warning for the headwalls of north-facing corries.
Today the village has around 380 houses ranging from listed manor houses and quaint cottages, to modern town houses and octagonal architect-designed dwellings.
London, which hosted the Olympic Games in 1948, today began the countdown to welcoming the flame to the capital on 26th June.
We picked the first courgettes in the vegetable garden today.
The hi-tech courtroom being unveiled today at Kingston marks a key milestone.
Early on he said that cowardice is the biggest threat to the world today, but pressed on this he refined his point somewhat.
This would be an extraordinary proposal in normal times; in today's context, it is barely credible.
Today's pension crisis is the equivalent of the perfect storm.
To claim ancient crocodilians were more " fit " to survive than today's is nonsensical.
Today it's canola, tomorrow it could be the staple food crops of the poor.
So test your wits make free crossword puzzle and tickle your brain everyday with the USA TODAY Crossword 2006 Calendar.
Download it today and you can be making your own crossword puzzle in minutes!
None of these cultural crucibles exist today and I wasn't able to find anything that resembles them.
Today we import American blame culture by the sack load.
Today, most cheeses are made by cutting the curds using mechanical blades, which slice, rather than tear, the curds.
Technologies advance so rapidly that today's meaningful examples can quickly become tomorrow's historical curios.
I came across this cool plugin today for anyone who struggles making cutouts the old fashioned way.
The ' heart czar ' is expected to announce today an imminent change to the Government's guidance on caring for cardiac conditions.
Today's modern miniature smooth dachshund is a very intelligent, lively and courageous to the point of brashness.
Thoughts today, memories always of our much loved dad.
I've actually done a tiny bit of work here today but it's still deathly quiet.
And that is very hard to do today because the Western world has grown so decadent.
Today, he turned back Stewart once again in the Open, this time by overcoming a five-stroke deficit.
Conversely today's spiritual degeneracy is having negative effects.
To varying degrees each of these technologies today exist in some form.
Today the selection for February arrived and looks delicious.
The first week of April saw a deluge of product announcements timed to coincide with the JavaOne Today exhibition in San Francisco.
Today the internal weakness and corrosion of capitalism are so evident that they serve as the main theme for fascist demagogy.
Things going on today in our country are so deplorable, that up is the only way to go now.
Today, of course, such an attitude can seem deplorable.
Not only sobbing, for which he isn't often derided today.
Even today the indigenous folk express their independent spirit by claiming direct viking descent.
Research of today's would-be FTBs, carried out on behalf of Yorkshire Building Society, has revealed the extreme desperation of many.
There are many Terrorists in the world today and some of them are guilty of some truly despicable crimes.
Today, as if to compensate for the Cultural Revolution's wanton destruction, refurbishment is almost complete.
Aside On my way here today I took a detour by Baker Street to pay homage to Sherlock Holmes.
I rode a trout today, and drank the dew from spiders ' webs.
Somewhat rambling diatribe against the education offered by Balliol as being unsuitable for today's young men. [8] H. Fairbrother to BJ.
Today one has only to go to Russia, eastern Europe or the Arab countries to hear the same anti-semitic diatribes.
Our small country is more threatened today than ever by the superpower now seeking to impose a fascist dictatorship on a global scale.
This is happening by sheer dint of circumstance today.
This means that Cambridge is today the cheapest university in England for someone from a financially disadvantaged background.
Today, however, advances in technology have made it possible for military regimes to survive indefinitely in the face of massive popular discontent.
Although they are somewhat complex in their background we have been concerned with a fairly discreet number of issues before your Lordship today.
Today's automatic dishwashers are more efficient than ever, requiring very little energy to run.
That said, there are some technologies available today that make a notebook dispensable.
Inflation at the present rate has a seriously distorting effect on company profitability, given the methods of accounting generally employed in Britain today.
Today's leaked memo on inward investment is therefore a grotesque distortion of Britain's inward investment success.
Today a number of leading evangelical thinkers consider such a definition to be too narrow, too divisive and too doctrinaire.
But today, the patchwork of land around has been thoroughly domesticated by its sale for ranch-style housing.
The Department of Health today launched a new campaign to raise public awareness about the need for egg and sperm donation.
We don't wear doublet and hose today, but we can still make jokes about people who wear anoraks or Armani.
They've been in a steady downtrend since Mid-late 2005, and getting hammered further today.
People today are simply not aware of the magnificent stories on which the Greek dramatists drew and which they enhanced.
Jason Bittner is one of the most influential drummers on the scene today.
Bellingham News ONE of the longest serving teachers in the North Tyne hangs up her blackboard duster today.
Today in many Asian countries silk filled duvets are preferred for their comfort.
The city of Guadix with the cave dwellings, where people still live today, is 1 hour away.
Today, there are a range of different drugs and treatments which can be used to combat erectile dysfunction.
Today it seems like a hands-free earpiece is part of the human body.
Today's lunar eclipse could coincide with benefits coming your way.
The effects on the fragile desert ecosystem are still being felt today.
They are important, often dominant elements of many wetland ecosystems, which today are severely threatened by the human activity.
Today, there are also peer educators among the men to interact with customers.
Many women prefer the handsome middle aged man he is today, to the young, slightly effeminate man he was.
Also today there is some gospel preaching which relies on human eloquence rather than on the power of the cross of Christ.
Today he's a kind of living embodiment of the form, a sort of one-man world heritage site.
Today's Assembly to some extent represents the very embodiment of integration.
Emma called in today, we can just turn up on the night but they say its better to book in advance.
Many of today's popular icon compositions can be traced to their origin in the era of the Byzantine empire.
Looking at the emplacement today, you would wonder why have an emplacement here in the first place?
Today, The Brady Bunch lives on in American social culture, thanks to more encores than just about any sitcom in history.
There are some very encouraging success stories out there today, even in Europe.
Today the majority of Scottish Lodges are not encumbered by owning property.
The field of the labor movement is today still encumbered with huge remnants of the old bankrupt organizations.
Still, in today's work environment you need a notebook.
This is an explanation of today's epistle, part of Romans 4, in the form of a dialog with St Paul.
Today we crossed the equator in the Indian Ocean our Long being 79 East.
Today's audience wants more escapism - not that they want just dumb films.
The wooded escarpment of Wenlock Edge, today managed by the National Trust, is the remnants of the Royal ' Long Forest ' .
Today, domain names are considered essential to mark your Internet presence.
Today it is a sprawling sink estate characterized by acute poverty and deprivation.
Today many run down areas and ' sink estates ' are neglected by social services, by employers, and by police.
Today, for fear of its desecration, Stonehenge is usually shut off to public access on midsummer's eve.
Compression standards are in a state of continual change so anything written today will be overtaken by events.
Making Gould today's leading evolutionist makes the job much easier than it might otherwise be.
You can convert them to your own currency at today's exchange rates.
Land values would fund the exchequer and today's taxes would be lifted or substantially abated.
Where Baird failed, today's TV execs have prospered.
The Bible tells us about His life, mentioning what He said and did, and then expounds these teachings for the world today.
Today, some of the yeast extract used in Marmite still comes from the Bass brewery, along with other breweries in the vicinity.
Spectacle wearers Most binoculars today are fitted with soft rubber eyecups.
Britney Spears pops a false eyelash on the Today show crying about how badly the press treats her.
However, playing it today, it sounds fabulous.
Today the business occupies a 15,000 sq ft factory with two production lines in Corwen, North Wales.
Are today's environmental concerns really a big deal or just fashionable fads?
Today was a particularly good day because there was a mini fun fair set up there.
Today, trapping is known only to a few older British falconers.
Perhaps today you have an antagonist spreading falsehood about you.
To a degree that his heirs can only fantasize about today, a lawyer in Rome might become a superstar.
They built a farmstead with two vast barns which still stand today.
Research into the many aspects of sport has never been so far-reaching as in Scotland today.
This week's awards The man who invented the zip fastener was today honored with a life peerage.
Hi girls Just feeling a little fed up today.
The process for making fuel from biomass feedstock used in the 1800's is basically the same one used today.
Going back at 2.15pm today to have two little fellas put back.
Even today the finest woolen fabrics, used for billiards tables, piano felts and Guardsmen's tunics are finished using natural teasels.
Sad to say, the majority of the practice today is centered around new age feng shui.
As it exists today, the third era was enriched with minerals dominated by ferric oxides.
But that does not make lent or Easter into a pagan festival today.
Remember that a typical 18th century fiddler would have played for a greater variety of audiences and situations than today.
Politics today is about fiddling, making a tweak here or there but not changing anything much.
The three Gemmell sisters have proved their seeding and are all in the semi finals today, Girls U 13, 15, 17.
Sunday 19 March 2006 Today - quarter finals day - saw some great matches.
So today's sad news is about financial engineering, not steel engineering.
Now today, the modern method is to call the fire brigade out, which all comes out of the rates.
Today the village has a purpose built fire station, complete with a full equipped appliance with breathing apparatus, ladders and pumps.
The Mesolithic hunters may have carried the firewood from lower slopes up to the campsite, which today stands far above the treeline.
He is one of the very major and historically innovative stars in the jazz firmament still active today.
It appeared to be constructed like today's plumbing fixtures.
The media sector today As an industry, ' the media ' seems to attract more flak than most.
People returned to churches all over the land and kindled flames of revival that are still burning today.
Opal ventured out of the cat flap for her first wander round the garden today.
Maybe it will kill the fleas that showed up on the pet today.
Today, Dundee captains and the city's whaling fleet have a permanent place in the geography of the world.
This low-budget exploitation flick is unbelievably relevant by today`s terms.
See report PQs and Motions New Written Answers published today include health (eye operations) and torture / rendition flights.
Today it still produces organic stoneground wholemeal flour using French burr stones, a quartz which produces the finest quality flour.
Today there was very little fluff left behind so no extra smoothie.
Even today Chester has its own water supply, not fluoridated yet regrettably.
April 8th Very little to report, with only the most minor flurry of new arrivals today.
Iâm not proud of this, but back in the very beginning, when TV Today was but a prancing foal of...
Today the livestock market has moved from the town center, although a new covered market sells foodstuffs and general produce.
Scottish politics looks very different today (alas, the same cannot be said for Scottish football ).
The world today is not one in which military forces are the most effective means of power.
Today's evangelicals are surely no less concerned than their illustrious 19th century forebears for holistic societal reform.
Compared to their Victorian forebears, today's local administrations lack the powers to govern in the round.
Our spiritual forefathers avoided this expression through the centuries and we, who follow in same path, avoid it today.
He is a musical forefather for popular music as we know today.
The immediate forerunner of today's transistor portable was the Personal Portable of the late 1940's and early 1950's.
The attempts to prevent forgery from a skilled engraver were certainly not on the scale of today's complex designs.
Medicines for heart disease, for example, are still produced today from wild foxgloves.
In Oxford today, fighting is confined to the occasional late night fracas, although the interests of town and gown are still divergent.
One of the things I do feel about today's films is that they are too frenetic.
The ancient villa of a noble family is today a small hideaway and relais hotel, with magnificent frescoes in every room.
Today in the crater many active fumaroles can be observed.
Future generations will still fumble to understand what happened today.
Hollins was still furious today with the lack of respect shown for one of the game's greatest players.
Today, through the use of an online art gallery, we can buy, or just enjoy, works of art.
At least the link for vic Galloway 's interview with joey burns of calexico is working today.
Today, there are some 5,000 full-time gamekeepers employed in the UK.
Although criticized at the time for being too garish, it's a far cry from the bleak functionality of today's Budapest malls.
All that remains of the priory today is the magnificent 16th Century gatehouse.
The BBC director general, Mark Thompson, is also talking to staff today about the wider implications of the Creative Future review.
They exist today only because a cat-lover who recognized pure genius was thoughtful enough to save them for posterity.
Only today I received a call from Physics wanting to open a discussion on a joint research bid with cultural geographers!
The subject, needless to say, is very germane to our society today.
Like many other small towns in Iowa today, it resembles much more an inner city ghetto than a Norman Rockwell painting.
I'll get the sloe gin started once I've been to Tesco later today.
I insisted we play today and called him a big girlie, to his face!
My old classmates would today be forced to shatter so many glass ceilings they'd probably retire hurt.
Today, our skilled glassmakers are continuing a time-honoured tradition at our thriving, working factory.
We had 4 flights in the Falke motor glider today.
From the depths of despair before the Lincoln game to a sudden glimmer of optimism today - so our roller coaster season goes on.
But today the high-tech glitz is often a cover for a void of imagination.
Today, here in Edinburgh, we are part of a powerful movement - truly global, truthfully about our shared humanity.
Today, we are living in the era of economic globalization.
Today Henley's Market cross is a mere shadow of its former glory.
What you see today in the feminist agenda is a repackaging, a reincarnation of ancient Gnosticism.
In today's world, women are up there with men, slaughtering the goat and cutting it in to pieces.
Manage the risk quot today going has ridden my own a machine.
Dock Today in the Garden We have four goldfinches at the niger seed feeder this morning.
Today we see the successful graduation of 4 of our students who have spent a minimum of 3 years on their reserach studies.
The picture I have painted today may have seemed somewhat grim.
Portrait of grocery employe holding employe of the month plaque... Grocery News from the Grocery Trader Magazine including all Grocer news today.
Wednesday, December 28th, 2005 Today I'm feeling pretty groggy.
The question that arises is why the architecture of today ignores the solid groundwork or previous years?
No longer is France inexpensive, today the Euro buys little decent grub for your money.
Today the Scots guards are proudly carrying forth this heritage.
It's the same today, almost thirty years later, as I sit writing this guff.