To-the-point Sentence Examples
The man came right to the point.
She stepped in between them again, distracting Alex to the point that Josh came close to hitting him.
By the time the group stopped for lunch—two large five-cheese pizzas at Big Billie's—Donnie had progressed to the point of being able to ski alone from the top of the beginner slope.
Besides, the long day had blurred both their minds to the point of uselessness and Fred punctuated every sentence with a yawn.
The guy exuded confidence to the point where Dean felt as if he had just dropped a plateful of mashed potatoes in his lap while this tall, dark stranger was toasting the queen.
The first curve frightened the hell out of him and he knew the brake pressure necessary to slow him from this speed could not be engaged all the way down the mountain without overheating the tiny pads to the point of ineffectiveness.
It crossed her mind not to answer it at all, but maybe he had learned something from the last call and would get to the point.
His voice startled her to the point that she squealed.
Nobody gets to the point that they can't use more money, sweetheart.
She placed another clip and came to the point.
AdvertisementWhen algebra had advanced to the point where exponents were introduced, nothing would be more natural than that their utility as a means of performing multiplications and divisions should be remarked; but it is one of the surprises in the history of science that logarithms were invented as an arithmetical improvement years before their connexion with exponents was known.
In a very short period - within three or four hours after infection - there appears to have been a message conveyed to the defenders of the body both as to the point of attack and the nature of the invasion.
Darian was lean as a whip, his body honed to the point where instinct and reaction were one.
Ed climbed the hill and sure-footed it through the switchbacks to the point where she had to continue on foot.
I tried to get over you and I succeeded to the point of being numb.
AdvertisementObviously we have misinterpreted each other to the point of total confusion.
His features were beyond pale, to the point of translucent, his gaze unblinking.
This is the highest point in the northern Apennines, and belongs to a group of summits of nearly equal altitude; the range which is continued thence between Tuscany and what are now known as the Emilian provinces presents a continuous ridge from the mountains at the head of the Val di Mugello (due north of Florence) to the point where they are traversed by the celebrated Furlo Pass.
It is usual to distinguish between the general coast-line measured from point to point of the headlands disregarding the smaller bays, and the detailed coast-line which takes account of every inflection shown by the map employed, and follows up river entrances to the point where tidal action ceases.
The same principle of maintaining an intervening width of neutral territory between the two countries is definitely established throughout the eastern borders of Afghanistan, along the full length of which a definite boundary has been demarcated to the point where it touches the northern limits of Baluchistan on the Gomal river.
AdvertisementNevertheless the mountain tribes who inhabited the higher parts of the Caucasus were still independent, and their subjugation cost Russia a sustained effort of thirty years, during the course of which her military commanders were more than once brought almost to the point of despair by the tenacity, the devotion and the adroitness and daring which the mountaineers displayed in a harassing guerilla warfare.
That the series of natural animals is continuous, forming, as it were, a circle; so that, upon commencing at any one given point, and thence tracing all the modifications of structure, we shall be imperceptibly led, after passing through numerous forms, again to the point from which we started.
When he comes to the point where his memory has been clouded by Hagen's spells, Hagen restores his memory with another magic potion.
Discontent at this arrangement increased to the point of rebellion, which broke out the following year, provoked by Judith's intrigues with Bernard, count of Barcelona, whom she had installed as her favourite at court.
Rowland, believing that the curve would continue to fall in a straight line meeting the horizontal axis, inferred that the induction corresponding to the point B-about 17,500-was the highest I Phil.
AdvertisementWhen the curve after its steep descent has almost reached the axis, it bends aside sharply and becomes a nearly horizontal straight line; the authors suggest that the critical temperature should be defined as that corresponding to the point of maximum curvature.
It was proposed to include in Natal such portions of the Harrismith and Vrede districts as were comprised by a line following the Elands river north from its source on the Basutoland border to its junction with the Wilge river, and thence drawn straight to the point where the boundaries of Natal, the Transvaal and the Orange River Colony meet on the Drakensberg.
Y is represented by the length of the ordinate NP, so that the representation is cardinal; but this ordinate really corresponds to the point N, so that the representation of X is ordinal.
The path of a ray from the wave-surface A 0 B 0 to the point A is changed; but in virtue of the minimum property the change may be neglected in calculating the optical distance,as it influences the result by quantities of the second order only in the changes of refrangibility.
In health these cells, belonging to our first army of defenders, are found continually circulating in the blood stream in fairly large numbers; they are ever ready to rush to the point of attack, where they at once leave the blood stream by passing through the vessel walls - emigration - into the tissues of the danger zone.
These then pass into the blood stream in very large numbers, and appear to be specially attracted to the point of injury by a positive chemiotactic action.
Economy in handling makes it desirable to bring the mine-cars as near as may be to the point where the mineral is broken.
The working-place in such case is considerably narrower than in rooms or stopes, and there is also greater difficulty in supporting the roof because the projecting beds tend to break close to the point of support where the strain is greatest.
Vienna extends along the right bank of the Danube from the historic and legendary Kahlenberg to the point where the Danube Canal rejoins the main stream, being surrounded on the other side by a considerable stretch of land which is rather rural than suburban in character.
Then the electric force due to the point s' charge q at distance x is q/x, and the resolved part normal to the element of surface dS is q cos0/x 2.
Until corroboration was found in the Egyptian inscriptions themselves, not only were Manetho's lists in doubt, but scepticism had been carried to the point of denying that Manetho himself had ever existed.
The extension of this great barrier southwards to the point at which it met the limes Raetiae was undertaken by Trajan, though we cannot say how far he carried the work, which was not entirely completed till long after his time.
The pumps, placed close to the point where the water accumulates, may be worked by an engine on the surface by means of heavy reciprocating rods which pass down the shaft, or by underground motors driven by steam, compressed air or electricity.
In fiery mines, however, a very much larger amount must be provided Distribu- in order to dilute the gas to the point of safety.
The essence of this process is that the coke and lime are only heated to the point of combination, and are not 3 to 82 5 to 72 13 to 75 4 to 22 5 to 13 colours.
This is navigable for native boats throughout the year to the point where it sinks underground in Karen-ni.
His course, bold even to the point of rashness in the eyes of the traditionalist exegetists, was at length suspended.
Following the increase of population north of the Columbia, the territory was divided, and Washington Territory was established on the 2nd of March 1853, with the river as the southern boundary to the point where it is intersected by the forty-sixth parallel, and thence along that parallel to the summit of the Rocky Mountains, thereby including portions of the present states of Idaho and Montana.
But there is always leakage of energy either through friction or through wave-emission, so that the vibration only increases up to the point at which the leakage of energy balances the energy put in by the applied force.
H = wL2/8y, or, calling x the distance from the vertex to the point of support, H = wx2/2y.
They are rarely metamorphosed to the point of recrystallization, though locally shales are altered to roofing slates, sandstones are indurated, limestones slightly marblized, and coals, originally bituminous, are changed to anthracite in northern Pennsylvania, and to graphite in Rhode Island.
On the political and administrative side the struggle of the Poles was weakened by the faults which had been the ruin of their kingdom - f action pushed to the point of anarchy, want.
He did not live to complete his poem, but happily he carried it up to the point where the original fragments 1_.
This sketch of the critical movement has now been brought down to the point at which the comprehensive conclusions which still dominate Old Testament study gained clear expression and were shown to be drawn from the observation of a large body of facts.
It rises from the Indus basin near the village of Kiara, up to its watershed by Bruddur; thence it runs northwest by north to the point on the crest known as Chittabut.
The mountains also introduce controls over the local winds; diurnal warming in summer suffices to cause local ascending breezes which frequently become cloudy by the expansion of ascent, even to the point of forming local thunder showers which drift away as they grow and soon dissolve after leaving the parent mountain.
The descending winds on the eastern slopes of the ranges are frequently warm and dry, to the point of resembling the Fhn winds of the Alps; such winds are known in the Cordilleran region as Chinook winds.
His writings in tone and character are always alike " rich in thought and destitute of form, passionate and hair-splitting, eloquent and pithy in expression, energetic and condensed to the point of obscurity."
The words of Wace, the Norman poet who translated the Historia into verse, are here admirably to the point.
The scene at Canossa, which had at the moment a merely relative importance, remained in the memories of men as a symbol which was hateful or comforting, according to the point of view from which it was considered.
The solution then freezes, until the heat liberated is enough to raise the tern perature to the point of equilibrium given by the tendency of the solution taken in contact with ice to approach the true freezing point on one side and the temperature of the enclosure on the other.
The south side, running nearly due east and west, is about equally long, if measured from the end of the west wall to the point which the east wall would touch when produced due south in a straight line from the place at which it was demolished to make way for " Nero's house."
Hence in making steel rich in carbon it is not possible, as in the acid Bessemer process, to end the operation as soon as the carbon in the metal has fallen to the point sought, but it is necessary to remove practically all of the carbon, then the phosphorus, and then " recarburize," i.e.
All this is to the point with regard to Sumerian, because these very principles of inversion and substitution have been ' Prince, Materials for a Sumerian Lexicon, p. 14.
Large sluices of stone, with strong doors, to be shut when it is wished to exclude the tide, may be seen on both banks of the river, and from these great conduits are carried miles inward through the flat country to the point previously prepared by embankment over which the muddy waters are allowed to spread.
The issue of legal tenders, the greatest financial blunder of the war, was made contrary to his wishes, although he did not, as he perhaps ought to have done, push his opposition to the point of resigning.
This method was carried on up to the point of getting contact with the facingplate at every inch of the surface; the cuts cross in various directions.
The congress, of course, had no power to decide or to legislate for the Church, its main value being in drawing its scattered members closer together, in bringing the newer and more isolated branches into consciousness of their contact with the parent stem, and in opening the eyes of the Church of England to the point of view and the peculiar problems of the daughter-churches.
We have followed St Mark's narrative up to the point at which it became clear that conciliatory argument could have no effect upon the Jewish religious leaders.
In 1819, after long negotiations, Adams succeeded in bringing the Spanish minister to the point of signing a treaty in which the Spaniards abandoned all claims to territory east of the Mississippi, and the United States relinquished all claim to what is now known as Texas.
Meanwhile the delimitation of the northern frontier, up to the point where it meets Chinese territory on the east, was completed and fixed by arrangements between the governments of Russia and Great Britain; and the eastern border of the Afghan territory, towards India,was also mapped out and partially laid down, in accordance with a convention between the two governments.
In order to answer this question we must remember that there are many degrees of probability, and that induction, and therefore deduction, draw conclusions more or less probable, and rise to the point at which probability becomes moral certainty, or that high degree of probability which is sufficient to guide our lives, and even condemn murderers to death.
The rejoinder, however, though partly true, is not to the point.
It is remarkable that in Barbara, and therefore in many scientific deductions, to think the quantity of the predicate is not to the point either in the premises or in the conclusion; so that to quantify the propositions, as Hamilton proposes, would be to express more than a rational man thinks and judges.
It is the mistake of exaggerating exceptional into normal forms of thought, and ignoring the principle that a rational being thinks only to the point.
In order that OX may be a permanent axis it is necessary that there should ne a suffIcient number of weights attached to the shaft and so distributed that when each is referred to the point 0
Then tb represents the angular acceleration of the point B relatively to the point K and hence tb/KB is the value of A, the angular acceleration of the link.
The oil for ink-making is prepared by heating it in an iron pot up to the point where it either takes fire spontaneously or can be ignited with any flaming substance.
His earliest championship of protection was a resolution introduced by him in the Kentucky legislature (1808) which favoured the wearing by its members of home-made clothes; and one in the United States Senate (April 1810), on behalf of home-grown and home-made supplies for the United States navy, but only to the point of making the nation independent of foreign supply.
Shortly it may be said that he was essentially a mass of contradictions - brilliant, passionate to the point of mania, but utterly weak and unstable, capable of developing into a saint or a monster, but quite incapable of becoming an ordinary human being.
To find the work done when m is brought to the point P in the neighbourhood of a solid body, the density of which is a function of the depth v below the surface, we have only to write instead of a pdz, and to integrate ?
This expression, when integrated, gives (I) the work done on a particle m while it is brought from an infinite distance to the point P, or (2) the attraction on a long slender column normal to the surface and terminating at P, the mass of unit of length of the column being m.
In the earlier stages of approximation the obstacle thus arising may not be important; but when the thickness of the layer of air is reduced to the point at which the colours of thin plates are visible, the approximation must be sensibly resisted by the viscosity of the air which still remains to be got rid of.
Boccaccio carried his admiration for Petrarch to the point of worship, Petrarch repaid him with sympathy, counsel in literary studies, and moral support which helped to elevate and purify the younger poet's oversensuous nature.
Recent discussion, however, has gone rather to the point which Adam Smith neglected, that of inequality generally, not merely as between different sorts of income, but as between individuals and classes.
There can be little doubt that the puddle at the right-hand angle j was also strained, but not to the point of rupture, as owing to the rise of the sandstone base there was comparatively little room for settlement on that side.
In open places that height is seldom more than about one and a half times the square root of the " fetch " or greatest distance in nautical miles from which the wave has travelled to the point in question; but in narrow reaches or lakes it is relatively higher.
Driven along a narrow ledge of rock to the edge of the sea, they preferred capture to escape by swimming, while if thrown into the water they immediately returned to the point from which they started.
He was affable to the point of familiarity, quick-witted like a true Gascon, good-hearted, indulgent, yet skilled in reading the character of those around him, and he could at times show himself severe and unyielding.
The unfinished poems, Dieu and La Fin de Satan, are full to overflowing of such magnificent work, such wise simplicity of noble thought, such heroic and pathetic imagination, such reverent and daring faith, as no other poet has ever cast into deathless words and set to deathless music. Les Jumeaux, an unfinished tragedy, would possibly have been the very greatest of his works if it had been completed on the same scale and on the same lines as it was begun and carried forward to the point at which it was cut short for ever.
It was for some time debated as to whether naphthalene added materially to the illuminating value of the gas, and whether an endeavour should be made to carry it to the point of combustion; but it is now acknowledged that it is a troublesome impurity, and that the sooner it is extracted the better.
Philae is the nearest island to the point where the ancient desert road from Assuan rejoins the river south of the cataract.
In the middle division, or from the mouth of the Voronezh to the point where it makes its nearest approach to the Volga, the stream cuts its way for the most part through Cretaceous rocks, which in many places rise on either side in steep and elevated banks, and at intervals encroach on the river-bed.
But when these arrangements were brought to the point of completion, Disraeli dropped out of the scheme and had nothing more to do with it.
There was no trace of a political idea in these disputes; the mutual hatred of two women aggravated jealousy to the point of causing terrible civil wars from 561 to 613, and these finally created a national conflict which resulted in the dismemberment of the Frankish empire.
Even then Napoleon would not decide on immediate hostilities, and it required all Cavour's genius to bring him to the point and lead Austria into a declaration of war (April 1859).
By continuing the walls of the hearth above the tuyere, into a shaft or stack either of the same or some other section, we obtain a furnace of increased capacity, but with no greater power of consuming fuel, in which the material to be treated can be heated up gradually by loading it into the stack, alternately with layers of fuel, the charge descending regularly to the point of combustion, and absorbing a proportion of the heat of the flame that went to waste in the open fire.
Like the stairs, it was finished to the point of being usable, but not completed.
From what he knew of demon blood bonds, they were restrictive on the two bound together to the point that they could never have another mate.
For the next few days, he steadily improved – even to the point of walking on his own.
More than one went beyond polite disdain and glared to the point of hostility.
By the time the group stopped for lunch—two large five-cheese pizzas at Big Billie's—Donnie had progressed to the point of being able to ski alone from the top of the beginner slope.
The sole immortal able to disable Others and Watchers, the Grey God – Darian – was known for being fearless to the point of reckless.
After February 1917 they were extremely amorphous, to the point of having a large and influential petty-bourgeois component within them.
We then set off downstream through the ducks to the point where the twin avens come in.
The ants went berserk their tails flicking high, all swarming to the point of contact with the bush.
The settings of the film are dark, but never to the point where they become bleak.
When the band returned to the UK their reputation had grown to the point where many of their concerts here too were heavily bootlegged.
I didn't quite figure them out to the point of being comfortable with them until I was forced to with the last colossus.
He has seen the industry develop to the point where screw compressors now dominate the industry.
I'd got to the point where I'd got a 20-minute, 40-minute, hour-long set that built crescendo and got laughs.
Today's modern miniature smooth dachshund is a very intelligent, lively and courageous to the point of brashness.
Frankie became depressed to the point where he thought his showbiz career was over.
The main symptom of ME is utter exhaustion to the point of collapse which is not relieved by sleep.
Argument of extremes The argument of extremes simply extrapolates each side of the argument to the point where they become unreal.
They can guzzle champagne till it runs from their ears, and become facile to the point of dumbness.
The refusal to disclose seems groundless to the point of being ridiculous.
The work investigates the notions of beauty with the wig being excessive to the point the wearer becomes almost immobile.
You bet, but never to the point where I would hesitate to inform on them for the slightest infraction.
I was feeling lousy to the point where I didn't want to get up in the mornings.
My usual symptoms were extreme tiredness to the point I was convinced I had narcolepsy.
Verse 8 says, " By becoming obedient to the point of death.
The trouble is, the British media obsession with fluffy PR has fed our celebrity obsession to the point of overload.
He was always prolific but at times his painting lacked passion and became repetitive or obscure almost to the point of self parody.
It just got to the point where we were feeling restricted by it.
It's raw and rocky, it gets straight to the point with choppy guitar riffs and a solo which is pure Weller.
Could this process of ' thinking ' develop to the point where a computer becomes self-aware?
It is purposeful self-sacrifice, even to the point of death.
The restaurant also has a young French sommelier from Normandy who is knowledgeable almost to the point of obsession.
The Bank's view for some time has been that house price rises will slow down to the point where they reach standstill.
The zonal offices are independent to the point where even strategic decisions can be taken by them.
The teacher was extremely talkative, almost a bit too much, to the point that he barely let the girls speak!
When she starts with her screaming tantrums it gets close to the point where only dogs and bats can hear her!
However, West Lothian Council advised that the system should be resourced to the point where nine month time limits can be reduced.
The view we see is from the canal towpath looking to the point the bridge reached the bank of the wharf.
I turn and taxi through the slight wake turbulence to the point where I will start my take-off run.
His first song successfully combined vigorous strumming, impassioned singing and lyrics which were direct and to the point.
If a zero fare is charged, consumers will demand bus journeys up to the point where the demand curve cuts the x-axis.
Some of these will be stricter, and some laxer; but on the whole all tend to "aggravate" the law - down to the point of forbidding the faithful to wear a girdle, or to kill a noxious insect on the Sabbath.
His manner was brusque, and his advocacy of the causes which he had at heart, though always perfectly sincere, was vehement to the point sometimes of recklessness.
Passing to the point Xefa we find two known forces, the load XA acting downwards, and a push from the strut XE, which, being in compression, must push at both ends, as indicated by the arrow, fig.
The difference proceeded almost to the point of war; but at the last moment Ranjit Singh gave way, and for the future faithfully observed his engagements with the British, whose rising power he was wise enough to gauge.
The boiler is heated by a furnace, and the oil is brought gradually to the point of ebullition, at which it is maintained for two hours, during which time moisture is driven off, and the scum and froth which accumulate on the surface are ladled out.
Any teacher of composition knows that he can bring his pupils to the point of writing without errors in syntax or in the choice of words.
He came to the point at once, treating her ceremoniously.
That way we shall be saying there is no God--nothing! shouted Nicholas, banging the table--very little to the point as it seemed to his listeners, but quite relevantly to the course of his own thoughts.
But still he pitied Prince Andrew to the point of tears and sympathized with his wounded pride, and the more he pitied his friend the more did he think with contempt and even with disgust of that Natasha who had just passed him in the ballroom with such a look of cold dignity.
With Pfuel was Wolzogen, who expressed Pfuel's thoughts in a more comprehensible way than Pfuel himself (who was a harsh, bookish theorist, self-confident to the point of despising everyone else) was able to do.
All that Denisov had said was clever and to the point.
They interrupted him, for this was not to the point.
The proportion of freedom to inevitability decreases and increases according to the point of view from which the action is regarded, but their relation is always one of inverse proportion.
In all these cases the conception of freedom is increased or diminished and the conception of compulsion is correspondingly decreased or increased, according to the point of view from which the action is regarded.
When she starts with her screaming tantrums it gets close to the point where only dogs and bats can hear her !
The Bank 's view for some time has been that house price rises will slow down to the point where they reach standstill.
Despite nearly starving himself to the point of death neither of these helped him find the peace he desired.
The teacher was extremely talkative, almost a bit too much, to the point that he barely let the girls speak !
She was being evasive to the point of secretiveness, a drastic change from her usual candor.
You need to get to the point where it's obvious that this company will generate cash flow immediately or at some certain point.
In fact, due to nursing, some women's breasts will nearly triple in size which can be uncomfortable to the point that aerobic exercise seems impossible.
In this event, the sebaceous glands excrete an excess of sebum to the point that it builds up into a waxy plaque on the scalp and sometimes the face.
It is easy to overwork a paper shredder to the point that it collapses!
This condition is difficult to diagnose until it has advanced to the point where the heart muscles thicken and prevent the cat's heart from pumping or contracting normally.
It has gotten to the point that we have to clean his butt for him most days.
It's also not a good idea to work your cat to the point of exhaustion, so limit play sessions to about ten minutes at a time.
It's only natural that cost will be a primary concern for most pet owners, but it is also important to consider that your cat will likely enjoy his tower to the point of destruction.
In an almost opposite mechanism to dilated cardiomyopathy, the hypertrophic condition results in heart muscle tissue that has thickened to the point of being unable to pump and function properly.
If you ever get to the point where you haven't paid a bill or there is a dispute, you may find yourself on the bad end of the phone with a collection agency.
Consolidating your unsecured debt can be a great financial tool only if you change the financial behavior that initially got you to the point of needing to consolidate debt.
These feelings overflow into other areas of the person's life to the point of generalized unhappiness with everything in life.
Dating may sometimes anger the other parent to the point of irrational or erratic behavior, which further damages children of divorce.
These have improved to the point where you might find your shower is more powerful and refreshing, not less.
The technology is improving to the point where it makes economic sense for many families to make the investment in this clean source of energy.
These fibers inclusions give wrought iron a grain similar to wood which is visible when bent to the point of failure.
I've heard that brown is the best color, but not for me because when I apply it my eye color turns dark to the point that they look brown and I want to show my true eye color.
Keep things brief and to the point without being overly formal or businesslike.
The first method is typically easier to read since you are focusing on one segment at a time, and you can easily return to the point where you left off by simply following the correct link.
Most virtual pets act the same way as their real life counterparts to the point of even getting sick and passing away.
Years ago, no one could have imagined that the world of online freelance work would have advanced to the point where it is today.
If being in social situations stresses you out or just hanging out with family is enough to make you cringe to the point of almost having an anxiety attack, don't feel obligated to deal with the situation for more time than you can.
There are physiological reactions to stress that cause you to feel anger to the point of outbursts.
They may also refuse to eat after a binge or exercise to the point of exhaustion trying to work the calories off.
When faced with a pretty girl in front of them, many young men are intimidated to the point they easily forget she just may be as nervous as they are.
Even if you get to the point that you are the highest scorer on the team, there are still techniques you can learn from any player.
The demand for meat is producing an enormous environmental strain, to the point where a United Nations report cited meat as a significant contributor to environmental problems at every scale.
I have not gotten to the point of meditation.
Keep in mind that hoarders don't completely recover, but they may be able to scale down their level of collecting to the point that it doesn't negatively affect their life as much as it did before treatment.
Typically, what separates shopping addicts from regular shoppers is that people get to the point where they cannot control their own actions despite the hazardous implicaitons.
New York has a way of pressing your buttons to the point that you become something else.
Pitt's ex Jennifer Aniston was once a big smoker as well, to the point of being a chain smoker.
While it can be difficult to size your child to the point where you're guaranteed to get a good fit with clothes you cannot see in person, many discount retailers sell basic items that will fit well.
Girls around the world have embraced Miley Cyrus and her TV character Hannah Montana to the point where Disney has now come out with an expanded Hannah Montana fashion line based on the character from the show.
Online learning has advanced to the point of offering the same rigorous coursework as on-campus programs and people's perceptions have grown much more favorable in regards to this type of education.
The number one rule to follow regardless of whether you are driving from your home to the point of embarkation, or you are flying there, is to pack light.
The primary goal is to encourage the dog to accept the box to the point where he will enter and exit the box on his own.
It will likely take you years to get to the point where you can really feel comfortable playing the bass guitar, but the more you practice, the quicker this will happen.
Tighten them to the point where they are secure without putting too much pressure on them.
Hong Kong is also famous for the quality of its tailoring, to the point where some professional men and women will schedule one or two trips a year there to have new suits made from the old ones.
Perhaps you'll even get to the point where you're in such good condition, you might just go ahead and join up.
The result has meant immense growth and even commercialization of the punk lifestyle, to the point that the clothes once associated solely with a small group have become much more mainstream.
The company is dedicated to sustainability to the point that flower seeds are embedded in the boxes which can actually be planted rather than thrown away.
It is wiser to slightly size up than down, but not to the point that the garment hangs loose on the body.
Some people may drink to the point they become ill or suffer from a hangover the following day.
A senior needs assisted living when they get to the point where they need help with basic daily activities such as personal grooming, cooking and caring for themselves medically.
Once you get to the point where you are looking at apartments, be sure to ask a few of the current residents how long they have been living there and what their impressions of the place are.
This recurring dream is usually startling, often to the point of being frightening or nightmarish.
This lack of resolution disturbs the dreamer to the point of dreaming about the situation repeatedly.
Some people who travel often and experience jet let will also find their sleep is disrupted to the point of causing daytime sleepiness.
Because readers don't usually stay perched on your nose all day, every day, it's easy to place them somewhere they're likely to be crushed or in the very least, bent out of shape to the point that they don't function when you wear them.
It was said that Walt Disney was found Abraham Lincoln to be one of the most influential figures in history, to the point where he recited the President's Gettysburg Address as a child.
Before too long, most gamers will either get bored or frustrated to the point where it simply isn't that much fun to play anymore.
The constant flashbacks, obscure pop culture references, and the innate ability to be funny to the point of being disgusting drives the show to its success.
Going further, Maxis Spore eventually progresses to the point where the gamer takes on an intergalactic perspective, having its creature civilization invade those on other planets.
Their movements and behavior are accurate and life-like, almost to the point that it's spooky.
Put on the surround sound, turn down the lights and if you can just get her to watch it for thirty minutes it may actually get to the point that she will be pissed off at you for playing it while she's not around.
At what point will video game realism erode that line to the point where gamers feel killing is a natural behavior?
Good structure holds the smooth wine together that has a quick and to-the-point finish.
Winemakers vary in their choices of when to harvest the grapes; some pick them earlier to keep the wine on the lighter side, while leaving the grapes on longer-nearly to the point of becoming overripe-results in a jammier tasting wine.
Rather than having to spend a portion of their vacation time circling back to the point of departure, they can spend their entire trip traveling from one spot to another before flying home.
From the third month to the point of delivery, the individual is called a fetus.
In other cases, the inflammation causes the blood vessel to narrow, sometimes to the point that blood can no longer flow through the vessel.
Parents should call the doctor when a child in kindergarten or older shows extreme reluctance to separate from the parent to the point where it interferes with the child's normal life and social development.
It requires immediate treatment by a dentist, since pain can increase to the point where eating and swallowing become difficult, and the inflammation can spread to nearby tissues of the face and neck.
Scoliosis should be watched carefully by a physician for signs of worsening, but it usually does not progress to the point at which treatment is needed.
As a person with beta thalassemia intermedia gets older, however, the need for blood transfusions may increase to the point that they are required on a regular basis.
Teens may also react by becoming sexually promiscuous at an early age, sometimes to the point of addiction.
For example, a child who fears dogs may first be asked to look at pictures of dogs, then perhaps play with a stuffed dog or view a dog from afar, ultimately getting to the point when she is able to pet and play with dogs.
Rarely do children vomit to the point of becoming dehydrated.
Masturbation is the self-stimulation of the sex organs, most often to the point of orgasm.
Cerumen impaction refers to the buildup of layers of earwax within the ear canal to the point of blocking the canal and putting pressure on the eardrum.
Impaction-A condition in which earwax has become tightly packed in the outer ear to the point that the external ear canal is blocked.
When the epiglottis (the flap that covers the trachea during swallowing so that food odes not enter the lungs) is infected, it can swell to the point where it blocks the windpipe.
By high school, however, their social acceptance diminishes to the point that their only "friends" are other bullies.
They eat quickly and to the point of discomfort even if they are not hungry.
However, the process of osteogenesis (development of bone) has not progressed to the point where the bones are "bony."
People with anorexia nervosa (excessive dieting to the point of starvation) also may have central hypogonadism.
Chemicals are added to prompt the cells to go through normal development, up to the point where the chromosomes are most visible, prior to cell division.
The dance became incredibly popular, spreading through the working class to the point where street barrel organs would inspire impromptu dances in the slums of the Argentinian melting pot.
Be sure to maintain a good balance of colors and not allow one to dominate your décor to the point of overpowering or overwhelming.
They theorized that there must be a spot on the DNA chain that controls eye color, but they needed to determine what it was that caused some people to have brown eyes and some to have lighter eyes, even to the point of a pale blue color.
Many Gothic hairstyles actually demand long hair, to the point where a lot of Goths get hair extensions.
Hair color and other chemical services such as perming and straightening damage the hair, at times to the point of no return.
The language used should be short and to the point and should accurately reflect the position.
This type of spotting is no reason for concern, but if bleeding increases to the point of soaking a sanitary napkin, there may be reason for concern.
The family had a party when she got to the point of keeping down 4 cc's at feeding.
You will also want to make sure you drink plenty of water, wear layers of clothing to prevent overheating, and never exercise to the point of exhaustion.
The overall look of this swimsuit is charming and playful, to the point where you can almost see a short, curly-haired, doe-eyed beauty frolicking in the waves.
Never swim until you're tired, or swim to the point of exhaustion.
According to the tests done on the Zhu Zhu pet, the levels of the two metals chromium and antimony were elevated to the point of concern.
Food prices are going crazy these days, and ingredients for those healthy meals may simply add up to the point where Burger King is the only affordable option.
Big hair was all the rage in the 1980s, to the point where one wonders how much all that hairspray affected the current air qualities.
You can ask any question you can think of as long as it is succinct and to the point like "Is your character male?"
In fact, highly motivated agents can increase their sales to the point that their small business evolves into a full-time career.
Although the actual candle making process can be simplified to the point that many candle makers choose food jars and cans for molds, those desiring to make more ornamental candles may need to purchase pre-made molds.
Clothes should be washed and folded before dropped off, and anything that is stained and torn to the point where you feel guilty donating it - probably shouldn't be donated.
People will not want to read more than a page of information, so be direct and to the point.
Look for examples that are short and to the point.
Full trees are the traditional cone-shaped tree, tapering from a wide base to the point.
Eventually, you will get to the point where you will talk about the film.
It has been rocky and I am thinking that it may be nearing the end because so much has happened that I am getting to the point to where I can't remember why I fell in love with him.
This honesty should be just to the point of feeling a little awkward or a little uncomfortable.
The difference is that it is a simulation of speed dating - so you are expected to ask questions quickly in order to get to the point where your partner wants you to take their number for a second date.
In modern society, humans have evolved to the point where dominance is defined in far different ways.
Many movies imply that lesbians are more emotional than others - for example, the movie Cruel Intentions features bisexual women portrayed as vicious and manipulative to the point of death.
With the hyperstimulation and multiple stresses of everyday life, actually getting to the point of being able to really focus on your partner and the act of lovemaking can be difficult.
As many as one in three courtship relationships were sexually active to the point of the bride being pregnant as she walked down the aisle.
These cards are usually shorter and to the point.
Now, as a well-informed celiac you've become all too aware of your environment, to the point that you'll be up later tonight Googling as to whether or not the very oxygen you breathe contains gluten.
If you find yourself searching for a church which uses gluten free communion wafers, you have a good idea how deeply gluten intolerance can affect your life, even to the point where it touches upon your spirituality.
These replica handbags are usually convincing, sometimes to the point that only designer employees can recognize the difference.
Roosters are honest in all circumstances and often to the point of being too blunt.
It may take them time to get involved with a partner to the point that they feel free and relaxed, but when they finally do, the love and passion they feel will be evident every day.
He's loyal to the point of being blind to threats of personal danger.
You'd never think to look at the goat that he would care what anyone thought of him, but he does to the point of being obsessive at times.
Now, twelve years later, he has fought with his name, his record company, and his religious beliefs to the point where he only releases music via the internet but still sells out concerts any time he decides to perform.
One part science fiction, another part horror, the film definitely says something of being scared to the point of tears.
Many urban legends are real stories that have changed over time to the point where they are no longer recognizable as the original story.
However in recent years, this controversial subject has seeped into what Carl Jung termed "the collective unconscious", to the point where even Dr. Brian Weiss, a respected therapist, was featured on Oprah to discuss the topic.
If you get to the point where you have more bargains than storage space, consider donating some of your excess to the local food bank or a nearby homeless shelter.
It has gotten to the point where the majority of designer items on eBay are truly replicas.
Although many consumers feel overwhelmed by the price tag of high-fashion goods to the point of cynicism, it should be noted that part of the inflated cost of these products is tied into the quality of materials used and the craftsmanship.
Slip them on for your warm up or cool down, and gradually get to the point where you wear your FiveFinger's for the entire routine.
Of course, if you have no interest in beating around the bush, you can go get straight to the point with a lettered tattoo that proclaims to the world that you are an Aquarius and proud of it.
This also means treating your body with respect, and not pushing yourself in any way to the point of tension.
In certain circumstances, yogic ideas lost meaning altogether, to the point that people considered yoga outdated and unprogressive.
The pain of monthly menstruation can be devastating to some women, to the point where they can't function.
Then, affected children abruptly begin to regress, losing language, social, toileting and self care skills to the point that they exhibit symptoms similar to severe autistic disorder.
Copy should be tight, engaging, to the point and smooth flowing.
A memo is a short, to the point communication conveying your thoughts, reactions or opinion on something.
Malware can hijack your browser, redirect search attempts, provide endless pop-up ads, track Web sites you visit, and make your PC unstable to the point of being unusable, or run slower than a moving glacier.
Nothing gets deleted faster than a voice mail that doesn't come to the point.
When using a letter or email to introduce a product or service, get right to the point.
Quickly get to the point of your letter and don't be long winded.
One of the most important things you can do is to make a conscious decision not to let small situations and issues escalate to the point where they stress you out at work.
When composing your objective statement for your resume, keep it simple and to the point.
Keep the communication relatively short and to the point.
A resume objective is not something that you must include on your resume, but if you decide you want to add one, you need to be sure that it is clear and to the point.
Regardless of the reason for your request, you should get to the point right away.
Keep the tone of the letter professional, crisp and to the point.
Create a letter that is pleasant and to the point.
Be sure that every portion of the executive summary is short and to the point.
This statement should be brief and to the point.
Thank you letters can be brief and to the point.
Express your appreciation succinctly and specifically and get to the point.
Keep your request letter short and to the point.
Just restate everything that is important, and keep it short and to the point.
This should be short, sweet, and to the point.
This sound indicates that you've worn down the brake pads to the point where they are gone, and you have metal on metal contact between the brake caliper and the rotors.
The whole purpose of cheerleading is to make it seem easy to be enthusiastic about the team, even to the point of flying through the air.
None of the trainers is what you might call "easy" on the contestants, often pushing them to exercise to the point of exhaustion.
This happens if the pills reduce your appetite to the point that your caloric intake is too low and thus slows your metabolism.
Lean slightly forward as you lower yourself to the point where your upper arms are parallel to the floor.
To combat this, you can either exert yourself to the point where you overdose on endorphins and drop with a silly grin on your face (not recommended) or get creative with your regular routines.
Interval training involves some anaerobic aspects, meaning you crank up the intensity to the point where you tap the stored energy within the muscles rather than go through the lengthy process of utilizing body fat.
Of course, even if you can't get to the point where those fabulous female abs are visible, your body will be healthier and stronger once you've developed abdominal muscles, whether you can see them or not.
Your spine will begin to curve when you get to the point where your fingers point to the wall in front of you.
Having said that, having a strong midsection comes with a slew of benefits, and you'd have to put in a lot of effort to actually grow the abs to the point where it made any real visual difference.
Training obliques in particular can help visually "tighten up" the waist by acting as the body's own girdle, just don't overdo it to the point where they get too bulky and take away from the flat abs you've worked so hard for.
It works by placing a body part on the roller, and then gradually rolling down to the point where you feel the most tension.
In order to get to the point where it is burning fat, you must burn sufficient calories.
According to Mayo Clinic, you receive the health benefits of doing a strength training workout as long as you exercise to the point of muscle fatigue.
Ever listen to someone drone on wishing that they'd just get to the point?
Some say it is the most comfortable bra they've ever worn, to the point where they've gone ahead and bought several and say it's now the only bra they intend to buy in the future.
Rather than flatter the female form, medieval corsets flattened breasts almost to the point of nonexistance!
Corsets of the day were highly restrictive and tightened to the point of being dangerous.
While the puncturing or eruption of the water or inserts is unlikely, it is possible that leakage can occur if the lining is severed with a sharp object or pressure is applied to the point of bursting.
The upsurge in pet products has made it easier than ever to reveal how much we love our four-legged friends, even to the point of wearing clothes sporting their furry faces.
The battles elevated to the point where Janice got fed up and walked out during the season finale.
Her family was concerned about her pregnancy and about her relationship with the father of her baby, who was allegedly harassing Farrah to the point that she was forced to change her phone number.
He drained her to the point of death and left her face down in a puddle of water.
Fahrenheit 451 (1953) is a tale in the vein of Brave New World and 1984; a tale of an unpleasant future in which independent thought is suppressed to the point where books are banned and, when discovered, burned.
We think of holograms as visual transmissions without substance, but in the future world of Star Trek, holographic technology has advanced to the point where holograms can have temporary substance and interact with real solid objects.
The poem is as much allegorical as it is allusive to the point that any Elizabethan of high station could see themselves in any number of the characters presented in The Faerie Queene.
While texts of Norse and Germanic texts mention them briefly, fictional stories elaborate a great deal more to the point where few people know where the myth ends and the fiction begins.
They are usually gentle and happy beings, often innocent to the point of naivety.
Many patients undergoing chemotherapy will develop Hand Foot Syndrome, meaning that their hands and feet will eventually crack and peel to the point where daily tasks become unmanageable.
For example, if I post "Lisa has a cold," within 10 minutes, five people may respond by saying "get better," drink some tea," drink some vodka," etc. In general, conversation these websites are short and to the point.
If the money involved is to the point where it'd hurt to have your faith dinged, use an escrow service.
However, it takes a lot of study in order to get to the point where you can use those tools effectively.
The menu is simple and to the point and serves up easily recognizable items like gumbo, oyster stew, crab claws and fried calamari.
The restaurant's atmosphere is casual to the point that you can order to-go; the food and service are impeccable.
Actually, what I said was that no one got to the point that they couldn't use more money.
Mary, on the other hand, was vocal about her opinion of Cade, even to the point of stating that he would be the greatest catch of the century - no doubt, even an exaggeration in Mary's mind.
Her heart raced to the point of pain, and she felt sick enough to puke.
Despite the water, her mouth was dry and aching almost to the point of pain.