To-go Sentence Examples
I need to go to the bathroom.
Pleasant as it was, they had to go back.
Is it too far to go to Austin? she asked.
If she was invited, it was as a guest of Alex, so he would tell her when and if he decided to go.
You're supposed to go down to be measured in the morning.
He didn't want to go and he had made no effort to get along with his father.
You don't have to go to the trouble.
I have to go get Destiny.
She grinned up at Alex as they left the room to go downstairs for breakfast.
He was right about the coat, but she wasn't about to go back and get it.
AdvertisementI've got to go.
You said to go ahead.
You and Jonathan wanted to go.
He asked her to go back to Houston with him, enticing her with rides on the beach - and love all night.
Let's get the kids ready to go.
AdvertisementThis wasn't about what he had hidden from her or the fact that he had left her alone for two weeks to go to Columbia.
Sometimes, but it's a long way to a restaurant and a lot of hassle to go.
If he decided to go back to Texas, they would all go together.
It was only two thirty in the afternoon, but she didn't want to go back to sleep.
He was rarely sick, and even then it was hard to get him to go to bed.
AdvertisementSeñor Medena would take care of him and see that he got to the hospital if he needed to go.
She imagined all kinds of reasons why he wouldn't want her to go - none of them good.
As she turned to go into the room, she glanced back at him.
Normally he would have asked if she was ready to go to bed, or even if she needed help.
You shouldn't have to go through this alone.
AdvertisementIn those last moments when it was too late, she had decided to go with them.
And yet, she had honored her promise to go with him to the party the next night.
Maybe Nick and Angela would like to go with her to visit the old place in the mountains after she graduated.
I don't want to go to the hospital.
You need to go to the hospital, Lisa.
Ask Len to go with you.
If you'll just point the way, I'll be glad to go by myself.
Are you ready to go?
So, you're ready to go?
Are you sure you want to go through with this?
I don't need to go to the doctor.
I don't want to go to the doctor.
I don't need to go to the doctor and I'm not an invalid.
Lisa retrieved the book from her room and decided to go read out on the patio.
Sure, I'd love to go explore the woods with you, but let's forget about my legs.
I'd love to go.
Do you want to go or not?
He hadn't even considered that she might not want to go.
I thought you might want to go with Mom and Tammy.
Well, if you want to go that bad, then go.
And so it was that she decided to go in the opposite direction.
I'm going to go to the house this evening and get a few things.
When Sarah learned of her plan to go to the house and pick up some things, she insisted there was no reason to stay.
Look, I'm going to go back to the house and pack my things.
Lisa, I don't want you to go.
If Brandon hadn't shared his plans with the other girls, it wasn't her place to go blabbing them now.
I'm supposed to go up to Bartlesville this weekend.
This side when you want him to go right, that side when you want him to go left.
Do you want to go?
We decided to go see a movie.
How could you not know, when he invited you to go see his parents?
If his father was that ill, maybe she could encourage him to go to the doctor.
Still, by refusing to go up there with Brandon, she was standing between him and his parents.
Are you angry with me because I didn't want to go up to see your parents?
Would it be such an imposition to take just one day off to go see my parents?
He refused to go to the doctor.
But you have less than a month to go.
Everything has to go according to your plans, doesn't it?
Adrienne waited for the woman to go on.
The team was harnessed and ready to go.
Maybe it was time to go home.
She had to go back to get them.
The mules were harnessed and ready to go.
It wasn't wise to allow a canteen to go empty in this country, but the water supply was getting low.
He didn't seem concerned that she had refused to go back.
You feel betrayed, but you need to go back and talk to him.
What was there to go back to?
They won't expect us to go that way, and we can move around in the lava field without leaving tracks.
Cassie, I'm not leaving you, so you might as well try to go on.
She curled into a ball and tried to go back to sleep.
Are we ready to go now?
But we don't want to go.
Why had it never occurred to her that the twins might not want to go with her?
I had another reason to go to Ashley.
Sure, you had a reason to go to Ashley.
You ought to go out once in a while.
This would be one Saturday she wouldn't have to crawl out of bed and get ready to go to the diner.
Some of the money she had saved would have to go into new clothing - and soon.
Do you want to go back?
I'm going to go get a part.
If you think you'd be happier with Claudette, I won't stand in your way, but I want to make it clear that I don't want you to go.
I need to go to town for something so I'd better get started.
He was merely trying to get her to go out more.
Why didn't he simply say he wanted to go see Mary?
She turned to go back to the house and realized she wouldn't be able to make it before the storm caught up with her.
If you want to go into town for pizza, please don't feel obligated to invite me.
I'm going to go wash up.
That would leave him free to go alone.
But she didn't want him to go.
You still don't want to go?
I rationalized myself right into his bed – right where I wanted to go.
The money she had saved would have to go toward doctor bills now.
I swear, I never intended for things to go that far.
We commenced another session without even bothering to go upstairs.
I'm not about to go on your honeymoon with you or watch Martha undress!
Where do you want to go?
This is what I'll do; I'll let you take me where I don't want to go.
Howie directed the four of us to go someplace nearby, inside or outside, and not divulge the location.
You have to go there!
Even Quinn seemed to have forgotten his desire to go public in the tension of our impromptu to act.
I don't care how frightening it will be, I want to go ahead.
I'll have to go upstairs and somehow convince someone higher.
A few moments passed before he told me to go ahead.
I want to go to a place where I can settle with my family and feel we truly belong to the community.
As each of us spent five full days a week together, we agreed to go our own ways on weekends, establishing an outside life.
It's your call if you don't want to go there.
I told Betsy about the flare up between Quinn and Martha before Quinn decided to go to Santa Barbara alone.
As soon as she got here, she and Howie had to go private and talk things over and test the bed springs.
I got to go.
It's all a little scary but I helped by getting Howie to go to sleep.
Molly and Betsy elected to go home leaving me to mind the store and deal with Daniel Brennan's phone call without interruption.
I would have been as nervous as a mouse on a cheese hunt at her age but Molly is raring to go.
Quinn feels that way too and they know deep down it's time to go into hiding.
You don't need for Howie to go off the deep end.
Four down; four to go.
Howie doesn't want you to simply telephone Willard Humphries; he wants you to go down there and look him in the eye when you ask him.
Rhyn clamped his mouth shut. He'd done what Kiki asked him to, and Kris didn't believe him. He was ready to go silent on it again for the rest of eternity. He turned to leave then stopped.
It's hard to find a good place for teenagers to go.
Does that mean I have to go to another group home?
But, if this one doesn't work out, I'm sorry Kairi, you'll have to go to a group home.
Mrs. Armstrong always got a call that 'it just wasn't working out' and could she please find another place for me to go?
Do I need to go to school?
The Byrne family had finally scraped aside enough for Cynthia to go back to school.
He didn't want to go but I felt it was important for him to be around friends his own age.
I have to go check it out.
Why would they be responsible because Byrne acted like a jerk and decided to go for a midnight swim—drunk or sober?
Naw. You have to go that alone.
Dean could hardly keep his eyes open as he rose to go to bed.
Everybody wants to go to their own funeral!
Can't I just sign for them without having to go through everything?
You get to go out there with them.
We had these two big-ass suitcases in the trunk of the Caddy and we was to go down this highway 'til someone phoned us and told us what to do.
He'd need a place where he was supposed to go frequently, so's no one would get suspicious.
He got me to go back to school.
Leland wants you to go down there with Mrs. Byrne so she can identify her husband.
Your buddy Detective Norman Hunter is off fishing somewhere so you're supposed to go directly to the morgue on your own.
Why did she have to go and tell Cleary we were hot on his trail asking about him?
No one should have to go through this, no one....
As he turned toward the house, Mrs. Reynolds was preparing to go up the steps.
Well, call me when you're ready to go home and I'll come get you.
He didn't want her to go up there alone - but then, she had never gone alone.
Drenched in sweat and covered with dirt, she decided to go swimming in the creek.
I'm going to go home now.
I just want to go home and rest.
I really need to go.
Showering again, she decided to go to bed early.
When Carmen asked to go along, he instantly agreed, saying he might need Princess too.
She couldn't be sure he wanted to go for a walk.
The next morning Carmen decided to go down to the house and mow the lawn in the cool of the day.
After a shower and lunch, she decided to go back down to look at the inside of the house.
What I meant to say was; it's time to go to bed.
Somehow those two statements don't seem to go together.
If you don't tell me, I'll have to go to the police with what I do know.
Give him time to go home and get pretty.
He might need to go home and clean up, alright.
After a sleepless night, he had to go to work in the morning.
Friday morning Alex called and said he was picking her up to go out for the evening.
But I don't want to go anywhere.
She started to go check and then decided to see if his truck was outside.
Yeah. I was calling to see if you wanted to go out for breakfast.
I think we need to go to the store tomorrow - today, but I can fix us a snack.
It was actually a bit of a nuisance to go out to breakfast at times, but mostly they had completed chores and were on their way to some outing.
If you want to go up there, I'll ride with you.
She finished chores and decided to go look for evidence.
I didn't mean to go up there.
If you don't want to go to church, I guess it's alright.
I'll have to go down there and look at it.
Would you like to go with me?
If he only knew how much she wanted to go with him.
It was a good thing she decided not to go.
He had tried to be happy for her when the twins came along – even accepted it gracefully when she had declined to go with him to Texas.
I wanted to go with you to Texas, but...
I don't want you to go.
He didn't want her to go because he would be concerned about her safety in South America.
Of course he wasn't going to cancel a business trip simply because she didn't want him to go.
Yet there had been enough love to go around.
You asked me not to go.
She thought when she asked him if he wanted to go with her for the twelve week ultrasound that he would say no, but he didn't.
I've got to go down to the buffalo shed.
You don't have to go to that room any more, Carmen.
I just want to go home.
She was weak and the pain was excruciating, but she was determined to go home.
I don't want to go.
You don't want me to go to a shrink?
I just wanted to go up to that room.
I'm ready to go back to the house.
Lori says she's afraid to go back with you.
I did tell her to go someplace public if he did it again.
No, I said I didn't think it would do any good because you didn't want to go.
Jonathan was supposed to go back to his foster family next week.
Jonathan has to go back day after tomorrow.
Right now she wanted to go there — to get away from this fear.
He doesn't need to go through this too.
You've wanted to go since you were as tall as your sword.
No mother should want to leave her child to go to some other world, her mate said.
There was no immortal world to go back to now.
You want me to go with you?
Jonny turned to go and joined the four.
In the meantime, she wasn't about to go down without a fight.
You want to go into Jonny's lair?
When the cameras get here, you'll have to go with them to make sure there are no ugly surprises.
Speaking of which, I need to go set up monitoring shit and kill some Others.
She wasn't about to go through losing someone she cared about or letting Darian go through his loss again.
Jonny waited for Xander to go before he, too, disappeared.
There might be others like him who want to go back to who they were.
Before she could ask to go with him, he Traveled.
They can choose to go home, before the Others destroy the mortal world.
I need to go.
I get to go with you to hunt Others.
He forced himself to go.
Too weak to go far, she settled on the edge of the bed with some frustration.
Are you ready to go home?
School was out for the summer, but by the time they could get a band going good, it would be time to go back.
The session was mercifully short and they decided to go to check out the renovated house and make sure it was ready for the new renters.
Obviously he resented having to go to dance school.
Gerald was easy to talk to and his conversation generally led her in the direction she needed to go.
Pulling Ed to the side, he allowed Carmen to go through the gate first.
He offered to dig the grave but his friend was supposed to pick him up for an overnight, so she told him to go back to the house so he wouldn't get dirty.
Still, Carmen was surprised when Felipa, Aaron and Rob decided to go for a moonlight walk.
Did he want to go back?
He always seemed to know what he wanted and how to go after it.
Who wants to go along?
He'd probably want to go with her.
When do I get to go home?
I'm sure he would have been glad to go up there with you.
What I don't understand is why you didn't get Rob to go up there with you.
Why didn't you ask him to go with you?
Alex didn't have to go to the clinic, but he wanted to complete some paperwork at home so he declined the buggy ride.
If you don't need me for anything else, I need to go home and shower.
I think that's my cue to go clean up.
You're not going to go over there in that, are you?
I picked some yellow flowers to go in her hair, but she said they looked better in a vase.
It would probably be easier to go back and get a stool, but it was only a few more inches.
Gerald wanted to go with me so I had him meet me here.
No. I was getting ready to go back to the house.
As if that weren't enough, the guests were supposed to leave tomorrow and wanted to go on a final ride.
How would you like to go out for ice cream with Felipa when she gets back?
On the way home she decided to stop at the clinic and see if Alex wanted to go out to lunch.
I have tickets – two of them if you want to go.
She looks for a place to go.
Tomorrow they would fly back to Arkansas and for once she wasn't ready to go.
You must be ready to go.
What did he need to discuss with his father that required him to go while she was asleep?
Of course – unless you don't want to go.
It isn't any more dangerous for me to fly out there alone than to go to the beach alone.
If only she had invited someone to go with her.
With any luck she could give him the slip, and he'd have to go back to Dad and tell him he'd lost her.
She turned to go back and stopped, catching her breath.
Anyone stupid enough to go wandering in the woods deserves this.
Unwilling to go on, she stopped and hugged herself, watching Keaton plunge into the water.
Obviously he wanted to go.
We've all come a long way, son, but it's how far we've yet to go that concerns me.
Isn't that enough to go after him with guns blazing?
They want to go easy on this and not make any mistakes.
I knew he wanted to remain close to Julie so I said nothing further about trying to go back.
While he never owned up to it, Betsy and I knew he retained records of ventures into the deeper past, where Howie refused to go.
That was the scientist in Quinn, frustrated that within grasp he held the partnered ability with Howie to go where no one before them had ventured.
Back last fall he knew I didn't want to go there.
He appeared to search for an excuse, anything not to be forced to go back.
He didn't come back, even when it got dark and it was time for them to go inside.
That level of agony was something she never wanted to go through again.
Or tell him to go to hell and never come back to Miami.
I have to go.
Don't you have to go?
I've always wanted to go to Europe.
Tomorrow is the one-year anniversary of our father's death, and we made a pact a few months ago to go there every year at the same time.
Get ready to go.
It gave her no real direction as to where to go.
I need to go home.
You must clean house, Jonny, or you'll never be able to go on the offensive.
Damian will tell them to go to hell.
She willing to go?
Most women were too intimidated to go near him, let alone get close enough to throw their arms around him.
But he was so handsome, and she so amazed he wanted to go out with her, that she ignored the instincts warning her it would never last.
You'll be able to go outside once you transform.
Don't wait until tomorrow to go to him or you'll crawl to him on your knees.
I don't like being hungry and not being able to go to the kitchen.
Pierre, am I allowed to go Christmas shopping?
You threw me out with nowhere to go after the man who was meant to be my husband was killed.
It's time for us to go.
She went to the key locker and chose one of Damian's sports cars, her instincts urging her to go somewhere, though she didn't know where.
We need to go!
This place, him, her situation – they couldn't be, or she was going to go insane.
She felt compelled to go there.
She crossed the shadow world to the glowing portal that would take her where she wanted to go.
Harmony was granted access to use Hell to go to your underworld.
If Darkyn ever, ever hurts you, you have a place to go.
She was in Hell, because there was nowhere else for her lost soul to go.
You have to go easier on yourself.
She'd spent five days with him, silently fighting him, only to realize there was nowhere else to go.
Eternity is a long time to go unsatisfied.
Then she added, We don't have time to go all the way to the end.
I went skinny dipping in the quarry where I'd been told not to go.
And because some little snot-nose has a vivid imagination, or thinks it's fun to tell whoppers, I'm supposed to go traipsing off in some god-forsaken mine on the taxpayer's expense on a treasure hunt?
We used to go there to bail out the old man.
She rose to go into the building.
What gives you the right to go poking around up there?
You're just grumpy because you have to go to court instead of playing in the woods with us.
From what I hear, it's not worth enough to go through all this hassle.
Dean didn't want to go there.
We were just about to go up in the mountains now.
Then why would the heirs think the mine was so valuable to go to court over it?
No. It was afternoon and I had to go back on duty.
I thought she had years to go.
Look, all this conversation is neatsy-keen, but I have to go to work.
She took Joseph's gun along because she was afraid of bumping into a bear when she agreed to go up the mountain with Faust.
I really ought to go down to the jail and visit with the old guy.
I knew we couldn't get away for long but Patsy needed to leave and wanted me to go with her.
He wanted us to go into the mine with him but when he saw you coming he went up alone.
I believed him—I was only twelve and wanted to go with him.
The next day we were supposed to leave to go back home, so we just did.
They figured he'd left to go fishing by himself just after we returned to Kansas.
We just didn't want to go near the place.
If you're going to go to work for the woman—and God knows she needs your help—she has to agree to the rules of engagement.
Deidre wasn't expecting to go through it with the human.
You did not tell me to go through it!
Cora was loyal to Gabriel but wanted to go home, and right now, the only way there was through Darkyn.
He chose to overlook Cora's disappointment at how close she'd been to home without being able to go back.
We've got a long way to go.
Would you like to go home?
He was rumored to go through five to ten blood monkeys a day and was said to have single-handedly wiped out whole villages.
How would you like to go to the underworld?
It crossed her mind to go in and find him, but he didn't need assistance and probably needed the time to himself as well.
I had to go out for a while.
Is the bus bringing him, or do you have to go get him?
He said she needed to go home and get some rest.
No one wanted to go back to the house until the man was apprehended.
He was only supposed to pay attention to you, not hurt you – he wasn't supposed to go into your house.
One day, when Destiny was with Grandma Reynolds and Jonathan was at staying with a friend, she decided to go down to the house before she went to the hospital.
She opened the front door, which was still unlocked, and allowed Brutus to go in first.
Right now she would love to go up there to Mom & Dad's graves to talk to them.
I'm going to go back down the road and look.
Ignoring the urge to go see if Lori was at the house, she continued down the road.
He said he wanted to go to the bathroom!
It's time to go get Destiny.
All the crying had left her exhausted, but she didn't want to go back to their bed.
The school was planning a summer fund-raiser and she had volunteered, so she was getting ready to go to a meeting.
If you think the specialist might be able to help you, I think it would be a good idea to go.
Now she wants to go down there.
You want to go there for vacation?
Wherever you want to go.
We all have to go at some point.
He'd wanted to tell her not to go to the beach with Logan, to spend the weekend with him instead of some stupid human that had no idea how to appreciate a woman like her.
While he envied them, Gabriel really didn't want to go through all that shit with his own mate.
You need to go.
He flat out refused to go out after dark last night.
I want to go