To-come Sentence Examples
Well, do you want me to come back home?
Just let me know if something comes up and you think I need to come home.
Soon she would need to come back home to get ready for college.
It's a good thing I decided to come here first instead of go home.
Well, if Brandon wasn't going to come to her aid...
Even your parents had to come up to see you.
No, it needs to come from him.
Anyway, maybe he decided not to come back.
I had to come and see if it was you.
You decided to come back and talk to your father.
AdvertisementBordeaux said he couldn't get you to come back with him, but I guess he was wrong.
You hired him to come get me.
You said he hired you to come get me.
I know she wanted him to come back.
This would be a good place to come to relax, though - when the weather warmed.
AdvertisementOh, I'd love to come here and fish sometime.
I forgot my rope in the barn and had to come back yesterday.
I twisted Cade's arm to get him to come out here with me for a picnic lunch.
I was going to come out this weekend and talk to you.
We never travelled much except to come up here to New Hampshire a few times.
AdvertisementI volunteer to sleep there tonight, if the love of my life is willing to come along.
When my aunt practically insisted he visit me, I was scared to death wondering what he knew or why he wanted to come.
You and Betsy have to come back up here!
It took a lot of soul searching to come to you.
We're trying to come to grips with our day to day problems like the rest of the masses.
AdvertisementAre you still there, waiting for me to come to you?
I don't suppose you're going to come out of the closet and give me an exclusive.
Martha had asked to come in late as baby Clair had a bad night.
I listened until the silence below was interrupted by conversation and called loudly for the others to come up.
I'd planned to ask Quinn and Martha to come in so I could tell them what I'd learned but the more I considered it, I decided a phone call was sufficient.
I didn't want to come right out and say Betsy was frightened to stay alone so I just shrugged.
Was it because all the stupid clones out there who read this trash lack the brains to come close to finding her?
It took us two hours to come ten miles from the airport and Julie had to direct him the last mile and she just got here herself.
Are you ready to come out in the sunshine; or at least take a peek?
Julie wants desperately to come back east but Howie wants to talk to Martha and learn the truth before he leaves.
Once I entered the woods I had only dead reckoning to come out near my quarry.
I was trying to come up with an exit excuse when a gong sounded from above.
It was as if I hadn't had time to come to grips with that tragedy with the world wind swirling around me.
Your time is yet to come.
He hadn't changed a thing, as if expecting Papa to come home at any minute.
I didn't want to come here but I know about … he told me-- and I never told anyone, I swear it-- about your healing ability.
She waited for the end to come.
And if this Miami thing gets as bad as we both think it will, he might have to come back soon anyway.
She hesitated then asked, "Can you call someone to come get me?"
Do you want to come by for tea and cookies?
Darian tell you to come get me?
I can call someone to come get you and then I think you shouldn't try to find me anymore.
It was good of you to come yesterday.
The gravity in his voice made her afraid of what was to come.
I'd love to come in.
Either they were all huge enough to come straight out of an action movie, or her drugs had not yet worn off.
She didn't want to disappoint him or Damian and couldn't help but dread the conversation to come.
On what soul I have, I swear never to allow harm to come to kiri.
Like it was just waiting for her and her boyfriend to come home.
Instead of waiting for Gabe to come around, why don't you go to him?
You want to come?
We'll donate it for good luck so's you're sure to come back.
If I get to come back I want everything I love to be together in the place I love.
Trust them to come to the right decisions—on their own.
It will take years for them to come back to life at this elevation.
It seemed to come from behind them but it could have been anything—a dislodged rock, an echo of their own movements.
He closed the door to Brandon Westlake and told the old photographer-antique collector to come back after nine o'clock, claiming a need to do his own Internet work.
Dean sensed his wife looked forward to the service and it helped her to come to terms with her son's sudden marriage.
He wanted to ask her about the bones but knew any such discussion would be the height of tastelessness for a long time to come.
Do you want me to come along?
Paul felt responsible for Josh's quick exit and when Ed talked about leaving Ouray with his family, Paul arranged for the Plotkes to come to California.
You expected him to come storming after you.
We didn't want to come up here but he wouldn't listen.
Aunt Helen invited us back the next summer, but we were still too frightened to come.
He'd agreed to come down to help Deidre.
He's supposed to come by this afternoon.
He went missing and refused to come when any of us summoned him.
You will have to wait for my soul to come to her.
Maybe it was a mistake to come here.
You want to come in, you can't bring Hell with you.
Maybe that was what inspired her to come back to get her daughter.
You're welcome to come see her as long as we feel that it is in everyone's best interest.
It was strange sitting beside him and longing for him to come back.
Jonathan wanted to come see him, but she told him to wait until Alex was better.
I just want you to come home.
Was he ever going to come to the point?
Even Alex shook his hand, though he didn't invite him to come back.
She pressed herself against the warm, humming swamp cooler and turned a corner, only to come face to face with Gabriel again.
In the meantime, he had to come up with a plan to make Deidre miserable.
You were supposed to come for brunch tomorrow.
She spun, the action rocking her precarious balance, only to come face-to-face with the American nerd.
Amusement was deep in Molly's gaze, though she made no effort to come to her rescue.
He wasn't sure what he felt toward the woman, but he didn't want her to come to harm, and he didn't want her out of his sight.
Even when she knew she was dreaming, she couldn.t wake herself up or shake the fear that this time, Rhyn wasn.t going to come.
I respected Andre, but now that he.s gone, lucky I agreed to come at all.
Jade hadn.t wanted to come; he.d asked a personal favor of Darkyn not to come.
The guy I spoke to said he beat the ever-living shit out of them all at once, until they agreed to come back and do what Kris says.
Hannah, I promise to come back soon.
I'd like for you to come.
I'd like for you to come with us.
And you're welcome-- encouraged-- to come.
But we will work with them to come to some sort of terms.
You want Romas to come in here and explain things?
It was not her choice to come here.
She looked at him curiously, and he rolled his shoulders back, prepping himself physically for the verbal discussion to come.
You made the effort to come.
I don't know what happened, but I want to come home.
I want to come home.
That's why we were so excited to come out here, to visit where it really happened!
He called the local sheriff in Ouray and said he plans to come out and haul his 'mentally stressed wife' back East with him.
I wanted them to come out even.
With the dough we made on the room, we can afford to come over from Denver for another weekend!
I don't feel the same as I used to come Monday mornings.
When do you think you might be able to come home?
They were all gathered, either in Edith's room or nearby in the hall—Corday, Fitzgerald and a number of uniforms who seemed to come and go.
He agreed to come back and testify if CBI needed him, when they pinned his accident on you.
I missed you too much not to come home.
However, he was even less inclined to leave Cynthia, perhaps alone, if Shipton were to come by for the stored belongings.
I'll have Sarah wait until then to come back down.
He couldn't even be certain he wanted the guy to come around.
You were supposed to come and get me if you couldn't sleep.
He sat up in bed, waiting for her to come in and show him the shoes she inevitably bought.
He could see she was ready to come unglued, but why?
Speaking of Sarah, she wants you to come for dinner Saturday.
Yes, would you like to come?
I'm really glad I decided to come tonight.
Connor do you want to come?
Do you want to come back tonight?
He tried to come up with something to say that made sense, but failed.
Do you want me to come with you?
Jackson fixed his eyes on the ceiling, bracing for the lecture about responsibility that was sure to come from Sarah.
Was he just biding his time waiting for her to come into his life, or did she come into his life when he was finally ready for her?
Not well, though she's starting to come around.
Perhaps you'd like to come to Fairhaven tomorrow for dinner?
You'll have something special to come back to.
I can't ask you to come with me.
I told you it was his idea to come up to see me.
And if you'd gone down there one of the zillion times he's invited you in the last two years, he wouldn't feel obligated to come up now.
Alex concocted this ridiculous trip to coax Katie to come back to Houston.
That's a strange thing to come from your lips.
I'm sure he has enough sense to come in out of the cold.
I want you to come to me all sweet and willing - without dragging Josh along.
Sunday night Alex left again, but this time with a promise to come back for Easter.
And he expected her to come to him all sweet and willing.
When she sent me the picture, I had to come see for myself.
Then I have to come back here and I'll be out of the country for about three weeks on a sales trip - the last one.
Brady's arm of the militia, the Appalachia Branch, stretched from northern Georgia up through Virginia and was one of the largest in the PMF, the only thing good to come of the East-West Civil War.
She gasped, waiting to feel the pain certain to come.
Dammit, Rhyn, I'm serious. What if you bring down both worlds just by forcing us all to come here?
One person can help us. I just encouraged her to come find us.
After offering his condolences, Dean asked if it might be convenient for him to come by and speak with Mrs. Byrne.
Are you sure you don't want me to come back later?
Fred's answer came just as the music switched to a shrill voice pleading for her lover to come back to the hills.
Will you be able to come?
The plane was scheduled to leave in 45 minutes but one look at the departure board was indicative of things to come.
She came up, motioning for him to come into the room.
While Dean was tactful enough not to mention it, it had, however, taken two weeks for Billie Wassermann to come home to port.
If Dean himself had been bound and gagged, it would have been the joke of the squad room for weeks to come.
Maybe waiting for papers to come.
If she wanted him to come in, she didn't suggest it and he wasn't about to rush matters.
On June 10, plans for his trip west began to come together, but not in the way Dean expected.
He got pushy on the phone—wanted to come forward himself.
He must have considered that before he decided to come get her tonight.
They were supposed to come out and fix that next week.
Next week we'll have to come up here again.
Bill is going to come over tonight and do the chores so we can have the evening to relax and talk together.
Maybe he was working in the south pasture and decided to come see you.
There was little she could do other than put the food up so it wouldn't spoil and wait for him to come home.
He wasn't going to come home tonight and find her gone again – if he came home tonight.
I don't want it to come between us.
I don't want anything to come between us.
It didn't take long to come to a decision about the baby.
It's a bad omen of things to come.
You've saved me some trouble, but you're too stupid to know what is to come.
She wanted to sprint until her body gave out then wait for her death to come.
Nothing seemed to come out of them.
Sofi grudgingly took it, terrified of what was to come.
If nothing else, she'd have a much better vision of what was to come after a full day in the immortal world.
You wouldn't have allowed them to come here if you didn't trust them.
It must be nice to be able to come out here and see them anytime you want.
Aaron says Rob invited himself to come here.
I can see why Alex wouldn't want you to come up here alone – and why you would want to visit.
Yes, I understand why Alex doesn't want me to come up here alone.
Are you sure you don't want to come?
Is Daddy ever going to come home?
Don't you think it's a little late to come to my rescue now – or is there some other reason you're asking?
I'm glad you got to come.
The children all hugged her and begged her to come back soon.
Would you like to come with us?
I'll have to get Bill to come here with me.
No doubt, he expected her to come back - begging his forgiveness.
Barely. Are you ready to come home?
He shouldn't be concerned, but he also knew better than to assume any good was going to come of whatever Jonny was doing.
Your temporary babysitter was supposed to come by at noon today so I could run through things with her.
He had to be waiting for the blonde to come by again.
Tell your assistant to come down for a shot.
Frustrated, Jessi sat and stared into space, trying to come up with a plan.
Until she got what she wanted, she'd continue to come back.
Meet up in ten to come up with a plan?
Or that she was asking Jonny to come get her.
Jessi whirled and ran, only to come face-to-face with him once more.
In 1886 he became proprietor of the San Francisco Examiner, the first of a long chain of papers to come under his control.
At Bordeaux Bertrand was formally notified of his election and urged to come to Italy; but he caused his coronation to take place at Lyons on the 14th of November 1305.
Commodore Chauncey showed a preference for relying on his long guns, and a disinclination to come to close quarters.
Albany's longer absence in France permitted the partyfaction of the nobles to come to a head in a plot by the earl of Arran to seize the earl of Angus, the queen's husband.
The common people, whom he had always favoured at the expense of the boyars, thereupon implored him to come back on his own terms. He consented to do so, but entrenched himself within a peculiar institution, the oprichina or "separate estate."
Greece might now be trusted to lie quiet for some time to come.
The result came to be that many small lines were begun by companies that had not the means to complete them, and again the state had to come to the rescue.
He was to seize the old city, and they were to come to his aid on the same day with seventy vessels.
In the course of the proceedings it was announced that Queensland desired to come within the proposed union; and in view of this development, and in order to give further opportunity for the consideration of the bill, the convention again adjourned.
But when the Panama "scandal" has been forgotten, for centuries to come the traveller in saluting the statue of Ferdinand de Lesseps at the entrance of the Suez Canal will pay homage to one of the most powerful embodiments of the creative genius of the 19th century.
He was invited to come to Brussels, and after some hesitation, and not without having first obtained the approval of the states of Holland and Zeeland, he assented.
Meanwhile the failure to come to terms with Charles and provide a settlement appeared to threaten a general anarchy.
During the next few weeks Cromwell appears to have made once more attempts to come to terms with Charles; but the king was inflexible in his refusal to part with the essential powers of the monarchy, or with the Church; and at the end of December it was resolved to bring him to trial.
We must arm, he said, since we have overturned the papal throne, and he pointed to France as the quarter from which attack was most likely to come.
The conduct of Italy in declining the suggestions received from Count Andrssy and General Ignatiev on the eve of the RussoTurkish Warthat Italy should seek compensation in Tunisia for the extension of Austrian sway in the Balkansand in subsequently rejecting the German suggestion to come to an arrangement with Great Britain for the occupation of Tunisia as compensation for the British occupation of Cyprus, was certainly due to fear lest an attempt on Tunisia should lead to a war with France, for which Italy knew herself to be totally unprepared.
Vologaeses, however, thought it better to come to terms. It was agreed that both the Roman and Parthian troops should evacuate Armenia, that Tigranes should be dethroned, and the position of Tiridates recognized.
Cesare, who could still count on the Spanish cardinals, wished to prevent the election of Giuliano della Rovere, the enemy of his house, but the latter's chances were so greatly improved that it was necessary to come to terms with him.
A bishop refusing to come to Rome was to be brought there by the civil power.
The rough surface of the bark of many trees is due to the successive phellogens not arising in regular concentric zones, but forming in arcs which join with the earlier-formed arcs, and thus causing the bark to come off in flakes or thick chunks.
While the tendency is for the living forms to come into harmony with their environment and to approach the state of equilibriumby successive adjustments if the environment should happen to change, it is to be observed that the action of organisms themselves often tends to change their organisms environment.
Ethnologically the Bulgarians ought perhaps to come here; but, as a large admixture of Slav blood flows in their veins and they speak a distinctly Slav language, they have in this table been grouped with the Slays.
But while the forces were besieging Bethzur and the fortress on Mount Zion, a pretender arose in Antioch, and Lysias was compelled to come to terms - and now with Judas.
The righteous could only flee or hide, and so wait dreaming of the mercy of God past and to come.
Unsuccessful in his attempt, he invited the Teutonic Order to come to the rescue, and bestowed on the Order Kuim and some of the frontier towns in his territory, with such lands as it should conquer (1228).
Moreover, all these subjects hang together, so that it seems impossible to come to a decision about one of them without knowing all about the others.
If we go to Mill to discover what it is, we find that " it is not pretended that the law of diminishing return was operative from the beginning of society; and though some political economists may have believed it to come into operation earlier than it does, it begins quite early enough to support the conclusions they founded on it."
The English rear was either unable to come up in the narrow space, or got entangled in the broken ranks of the van.
The French police certainly knew of the plot, allowed the conspirators to come to Paris, arrested them there, and also on the 16th of February 1804 General Moreau, with whom Pichegru had two or three secret conferences.
It was clear that the spiritual forces of the time were also slipping out of his grasp. Early in January he sought to come to terms with the pope (then virtually a captive at Fontainebleau) respecting various questions then in debate concerning the Concordat.
After the disastrous defeat of Leipzig (r 7th-19th Dctober 1813), when French domination in Germany and Italy -vanished like an exhalation, the allies gave Napoleon another opportunity to come to terms. The overtures known as the Frankfcrt terms were ostensibly an answer to the request for information which Napoleon made at the field of Leipzig.
The interior, a basilica with nave and two aisles, contains columns said to come from a temple of Minerva and a fine mosaic pavement of 1166, with interesting representations of the months, Old Testament subjects, &c. It has a crypt supported by forty-two marble columns.
The emperor Julian went to him by the advice of Aedesius, and subsequently invited him to come to court, and assist in the projected resuscitation of Hellenism.
But the final stage in the conquest of the city was yet to come.
If in the latter case the spider be afraid to come to close quarters, various devices for securing it are resorted to.
Fully aware of the danger, he pays his addresses with extreme caution, frequently waiting for hours in her vicinity before venturing to come to close quarters.
Demands for yarn cannot be expected to come always at the most favourable time socially for the distribution of the cotton.
Mr. Harding resigned from the U.S. Senate in Dec. 1920, and was inaugurated March 4 1921, the sixth President to come from Ohio.
The men now take hold of the bull-wheels and draw up the slack until the sinker-bar rises, the ' play ' of the jars allowing it to come up 13 in.
During the 10th century this intercourse still continued; but in the 11 th century interruptions began to come.
He had not those rights of sovereign which the Norman kings of England inherited from their AngloSaxon predecessors, or the Capetian kings of France from the Carolings; nor was he able therefore to come into direct touch with each of his subjects, which William I., in virtue of his sovereign rights, was able to attain by the Salisbury oath of 1086.
Attempts were made to come to terms with Moshesh and the justice of many of his complaints was admitted.
Originally a nature goddess (like Venus the garden goddess, with whom she was sometimes identified), she represented at first the hope of fruitful gardens and fields, then of abundant offspring, and lastly of prosperity to come and good fortune in general, being hence invoked on birthdays and at weddings.
King Ludwig of Bavaria was much struck with it, and in 1864 invited Wagner, who was then at Stuttgart, to come to Munich and finish his work there.
Antigonus Gonatas, bluff soldier-spirit that he was, heard the Stoic philosophers gladly, and, though he failed to induce Zeno to come to Macedonia, persuaded Zeno's disciple, Persaeus of Citium, to enter his service.
The king made various attempts to induce Pitt to come to his rescue by forming a ministry, but without success, and at last had recourse to the marquis of Rockingham, on whose agreeing to accept office Grenville was dismissed July 1765.
This defection decided the pope to come to terms, and on the 31st of December Charles entered Rome with his troops and the cardinals of the French faction.
But a promise of French help at once forced the confederates to come to terms, and Cesare by an act of treachery seized the ringleaders at Senigallia, and put Oliverotto da Fermo and Vitellozzo Vitelli to death (Dec. 31, 1502).
He went with Nero's suite to Greece, and in 66 was appointed to conduct the war in Judaea, which was threatening general commotion throughout the East, owing to a widely spread notion in those parts that from Judaea were to come the future rulers of the world.
The emperor John Palaeologus, pressed hard by the Turks, showed a great desire to unite himself with the Catholics; he consented to come with the principal representatives of the Greek church to some place in the west where the union could be concluded in the presence of the pope and of the Latin council.
The time has at last arrived for this book, so noble in its ethical side, to come into its own."
Looking back on these days in 1777, Wesley felt "the Methodists at Oxford were all one body, and, as it were, one soul; zealous for the religion of the Bible, of the Primitive Church, and, in consequence, of the Church of England; as they believed it to come nearer the scriptural and primitive plan than any other national church upon earth."
When the churches were closed against him he spoke to the Kingswood colliers in the open air, and after six memorable weeks wrote urging Wesley to come and take up the work.
He contented himself therefore with establishing in his paradise (vara) a heavenly kingdom in miniature, to serve at the same time as a pattern for the heavenly kingdom that was to come.
The last things and the end of the world are relegated to the close of a long period of time (3000 years after Zoroaster), when a new Saoshyant is to be born of the seed of the prophet, the dead are to come to life, and a new incorruptible world to begin.
The finest work is said to come from Unst, though each parish has its own speciality.
The unified bonds and coupons are exempt from all Turkish taxation existing or to come.
But the Ottomans, though the negotiations continued throughout 1738, were in no hurry to come to terms; for the tide of war had turned against both Austrians and Russians; Ochakov and Kinburn were recaptured; and the victorious Turks crossed the Danube and penetrated far into the Banat.
The general reform on which the council had failed to come to an understanding had to be adjourned, and the council contented itself with promulgating, on the 9th of October 1417, the only reforming decrees on which an agreement could be reached.
During the 17th there was only indecisive skirmishing, Schwarzenberg waiting for his reinforcements coming up by the Dresden road, Blucher for Bernadotte to come in on his left, and by some extraordinary oversight Giulay was brought closer in to the Austrian centre, thus opening for the French their line of retreat towards Erfurt, and no imformation of this movement appears to have been conveyed to Blucher.
His early military education was the best and most practical then attainable, primarily because he had the good fortune to come under the influence of men of exceptional ability - Baron du Keile, Bois Roger and others.
Villeneuve, who was to have co-operated with Missiessy; did indeed leave Toulon, at a moment when Nelson, whose policy it was to encourage him to come out by not staying too near the port, was absent, on the 17th of January 1805.
The, pasha and the higher officials in general come from Constantinople, but a very large portion of the other Turkish officials seem to come from the town of Kerkuk.
At the time of the reformation under Josiah, represented by Deuteronomy, the attempt was made to turn the family thank-offering of firstlings into a sacrificial rite performed by the priests in the Temple with the aid of the males of each household, who had to come up to Jerusalem but left the next morning to celebrate the Feast of Unleavened Bread in their homes.
This reply complained of the high words of the Latin envoys, and commanded the pope to come in person and submit to the Master of all the Earth (the Mongol emperor).
This fiscal policy he pursued during his three Federal premierships (1903-4, 1905-8, 1909-10), and he was also a strong supporter of Australia's cooperation in Imperial defence, being responsible for the acceptance of the measure authorizing Australian naval construction in 1909 and for the invitation to Lord Kitchener to come to Australia to report on the question of defence.
The great object of 17th-century moralists had been to find some general principle from which the whole of ethics could be deduced; common-sense, by turning its back on abstract principles of every kind, forced the philosophers to come down to the solid earth, and start by inquiring how the world does make up its mind in fact.
An insulting decree was passed in the Cortes, ordering the prince Dom Pedro to come to Europe, which filled the Brazilians with alarm; they foresaw that without a central authority the country would fall back to its former colonial state subject to Portugal.
The mother invented some plea to send the wife to the trysting-place, and then, dressing herself in male clothing, prepared to come suddenly on the scene as the lover, trusting to be able to make her escape before she was recognized.
Advancing with extreme caution, he occupied Buda on the 12th of September, but speedily returned to his own dominions, carrying off with him 105,000 captives, and an amount of spoil which filled the bazaars of the East for months to come.
The Liberal party, however, realized the abyss towards which they were hurrying the country, and united their efforts to come to a constitutional understanding with the king.
It was hoped that, in the circumstances, Dr Lukacs, a financier of experience, might be able to come to terms with Mr de Justh, on the basis of dropping the bank question for the time, or, failing that, to patch together out of the rival parties some sort of a working majority.
The theory of inequalities is closely connected with that of maxima and minima, and therefore seems to come properly under this head.
This was the beginning of a pretended correspondence between Rohan and the queen, the adventuress duly returning replies to Rohan's notes, which she affirmed to come from the queen.
If the eye, provided if necessary with a perforated plate in order to reduce the aperture, be situated inside the shadow at a place where the illumination is still sensible, and be focused upon the diffracting edge, the light which it receives will appear to come from the neighbourhood of the edge, and will present the effect of a silver lining.
This invitation was refused by Louis on his nephew's behalf, but after Manfred's fall in 1266 envoys from the Ghibelline cities came to Bavaria and urged him to come and free Italy.
When the Orinoco is reached its lower basin is contracted between the Guiana highlands and the northern sierras, and its tributaries begin to come in more nearly at right angles, showing that the margins of the actual valley are nearer and higher.
Nicator to come to their deliverance, although he was much pressed in Syria by the pretender Diodotus Tryphon.
Its habits much resemble those of the rest of the group to which it belongs; and, like the leopard, when it happens to come within reach of an abundant and easy prey, as the sheep or calves of an outlying farming station, it kills far more than it can eat, either for the sake of the blood only or to gratify its propensity for destruction.
One such unfulfilled prophecy Ezekiel takes up and reinterprets in such a way as to show that its fulfilment is still to come.
But the inconsistency has in part been explained by Gunkel, who has rightly emphasized that the writer did not freely invent his materials but derived them in the main from tradition, as he held that these mysterious traditions of his people were, if rightly expounded, forecasts of the time to come.
The message of the prophets was primarily a preaching of repentance and righteousness if the nation would escape judgment; the message of the apocalyptic writers was of patience and trust for that deliverance and reward were sure to come.
He also summoned 300 leading citizens on the pretext of wishing to consult them, but fearing treachery they refused to come.
Peace was made when the pope agreed to come to terms in 1486, and in 1487 Lorenzo regained Sarzana, which Genoa had taken from Florence nine years previously.
All attempts to come to terms with the pope were unsuccessful, and by October the siege had begun.
It was agreed " to suppress the direct and indirect bounties which might benefit the production or export of sugar, and not to establish bounties of this kind during the whole duration of the convention," which was to come into force on the 1st of September 1903, and to remain in force five years, and thenceforward from year to year, in case no state denounced it twelve months before the 1st of September in any year.
They did not have their origin in economic considerations, but were either intended to mark the vassal's tenant relation, like the relief, or to be a part of his service, like the aid, that is, he was held to come to the aid of his lord in a case of financial as of military necessity.
The union of merchants abroad was beginning to come under the control of the partial union of towns at home.
They were always ready to come to blows, and gave still more signal proofs of their enmity during the Sicilian War in behalf of the emperor Henry VI.
Montmorin did not dare to come to a decision without consulting his masterful friend, but on the other hand neither Mirabeau nor La Marck were under any illusions as to the broken character of the reed on which they had perforce to lean.
Hence, if a prism is placed in front of the eye with its base towards the nose, a ray of light falling upon it will be bent inwards, and seem to come from a point farther out from the axis of vision.
Conversely, if the base of the prism is turned towards the temple, the ray of light will seem to come from a point nearer the axis, and will induce the eye to turn inwards, to converge towards its fellow.
If Lagrange were to come to the United States, he could only earn his livelihood by turning land surveyor.
He grew less than ever willing to come forward and face the world; his health became "variable and his spirits indifferent."
Lands and privileges were granted to prelates, additional bishoprics were founded, and some years later Magdeburg was made the seat of an archbishop. In 960 Otto was invited to come to Italy by Pope John XII., who was hard pressed by Berengar, and he began to make preparations for the journey.
The plan was to overthrow the Lincoln government in the elections and give to the Democrats the control of the state and Federal governments, which would then make peace and invite the Southern States to come back into the Union on the old footing.
If these advantages and requisites are observed, perhaps in time to come some one might know how better to utilize our sketch and cause some addition to be made so as to accomplish that which we can only suggest.
Augustine found a justification for these penal measures in the "compel them to come in" of Luke xiv.
The revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685, and the death of his father led him to come to England; but, unable to find employment there, he crossed to Holland and enlisted in the company of French volunteers at Utrecht commanded by Daniel de Rapin, his cousin-german.
After the Revolution of 1688, he commanded 1 The bird, however, does not inhabit Iceland, and the language to which the name belongs would perhaps be more correctly termed Old Teutonic. From this word is said to come the French Freux.
It is, however, probable that the North-Western Territory will continue to yield gold in important quantities for some time to come.
Adamson (Perth, 1638) are the lines "For what we do presage is riot in grosse, For we are brethren of the Rosie Crosse; We have the Mason Word and second sight, Things for to come we can fortell aright."
The efforts of European diplomacy succeeded in inducing Austria and Turkey to come to terms by the treaty of Carlowitz, whereby Turkey was shorn of her chief conquests (1699).
The campaign was carried on with varying success, but usually to the advantage of Louis, and the French victory at Marsiglia and the selfish conduct of the allies induced Victor to come to terms with France, and to turn against the imperialists (1696).
And the life of the world to come.
Unmindful of the experience of the 16th, he decided to execute an artillery surprise on a grand scale, and sent orders to his corps artillery to come into action on the long spur overlooking the French camps from the westward.
Cases of crypto-Mahommedanism continued to come before the Inquisition till the 18th century.
As England withdrew from her alliance with Louis XIV., the other powers of Europe, frightened by the growth of the aggressive French power, began to come forward to the support of Holland.
All parts of the apparatus are open to the air, and the mercury in the manometer is adjusted so as to come to a fixed mark a.
First of all John is bidden to come up into heaven and see the things that should be hereafter, the vision of iv.
The closing of the intermediate stage of the history of created things is committed to the Christ who will also be Lord of the age to come.
This letter, professing to come from "Presbyter Joannes, by the power and virtue of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, Lord of Lords,"claimed that he was the greatest monarch under heaven, as well as a devout Christian.
All the wild beasts and monstrous creatures commemorated in current legend were to be found in his dominions, as well as all the wild and eccentric races of men of whom strange stories were told, including those unclean nations whom Alexander Magnus walled up among the mountains of the north, and who were to come forth at the latter day - and so were the Amazons and the Bragmans.
The return air from fiery workings is never allowed to approach the furnace, but is carried into the upcast by a special channel, called a dumb drift, some distance above the furnace drift, so as not to come in contact with the products of combustion until they have been cooled below the igniting point of fire-damp. Where the upcast pit is used for drawing coal, it is usual to discharge the smoke and gases through a short lateral drift near the surface into a tall chimney, so as to keep the pit-top as clear as possible for working.
On arrival in England Lugard found that the British Government had decided not to come to the help of the company, and Uganda was to be left to its fate.
The first step in clarifying the situation is to come to a full realization that the medieval Church was essentially an international state, and that the character of the Protestant secession from it was largely determined by this fact.
Fighting cautiously at first with his leading line to gain time for his second to come up, he then charged and broke up the hostile right wing of cavalry, while some battalions of infantry scaled the hill and captured the Bavarian guns.
Balak, king of Moab, alarmed at the Israelite conquests, sends elders of Moab and Midian to Balaam, son of Beor, to the land of Ammon, to induce him to come and curse Israel.
In compensation the coal and gold, which form the chief mineral wealth, are found in the broken and less practicable west and centre, and these portions also furnish the water-power which may in days to come make the island a manufacturing country.
In June 1792 he returned home, and, breaking his journey at Bonn, was presented with a Cantata by Beethoven, then aged two-and-twenty, whom he invited to come to Vienna as his pupil.
And why should God choose to come to men as a Jew?
Journey to the feast of tabernacles; invitation to the soul athirst to come to Him (the fountain of Life) and drink, and proclamation of Himself as the Light of the world; cure of the man born blind; allegory of the good shepherd.
The majority of the white farmers in Kok's territory sent a deputation to the British commissioner in Natal, Henry Cloete, asking for equal treatment with the Griquas, and expressing the desire to come on such terms, under British protection.
In the war the advantage rested with the Basutos; thereupon the Free State appealed to Sir George Grey, who induced Moshesh to come to terms. On the 15th of October 1858 a treaty was signed defining anew the boundary.
At the first of these conferences, held in Pretoria, the object of the Free State deputies were to arrange a general treaty of amity and commerce which would knit the states more closely together, and to come to some agreement with reference to the scheme for building a railway across the Free State from the Cape, to connect with a farther extension in the Transvaal to Pretoria.
Then the advocates of passivity regained the upper hand and kept the squadron in harbour, and henceforward for many months the Japanese navy lay unchallenged off Port Arthur, engaging in minor operations, covering the transport of troops to the mainland, and watching for the moment when the advance of the army should force the Russian fleet to come out.
When Henry of Navarre came to the throne of France, he wished Montaigne, whom he had again visited in 1587, to come to court, but the essayist refused.
It was not till towards the end of the war that the Austrian Government, in response to the wishes of the Ruthenians, began to come round to the idea of a separate status for Eastern Galicia; but it was then too late for such changes within the old territory of the empire.
There was no revival of industry until the orders of the military authorities began to come in, which gave lucrative employment.
Milwaukee was on the direct route of travel between Fort Dearborn (Chicago) and the flourishing settlement at Green Bay, and at once after the treaties between the United States and the Menominee in 1831 and 1833 for the extinguishing of the Indian titles, settlers began to come to the neighbourhood.
Ultramontanism, too, labours systematically to bring the whole educational organization under ecclesiastical supervision and guidance; and it manifests the greatest repugnance to allowing the future priest to come into touch with the modern spirit.
Accordingly, the prime ministers of all the self-governing colonies, with their families, were invited to come to London as the guests of the country to take part in the Jubilee procession; and drafts of the troops from every British colony and dependency were brought home for the same purpose.
French influence made futile his attempt to come to an understanding with the emperor Louis the Bavarian.
He received a hundred louis for it, and he was ordered to come to court next day.
His restless and dissatisfied nature led him to press or intrigue for other posts, and to embark in risky business enterprises which compromised the fortune of his family for many years to come.
In December 1807 the latter sought to come to an arrangement by which Lucien would take his place as a French prince, provided that he would annul his marriage.
Printing, in fact, has supplied a great incentive to the development of literature, the output has increased enormously, and will doubtless continue to do so for a long time to come.
Unable, however, to come to terms with the French government, he once more went into retirement in 1666, - this time to the south of France.
His father was now very ill, and after much difficulty Sidney obtained leave to come to England in the autumn of 1677.
In the general anarchy Charles succeeded in escaping, defeated the Neustrians at Ambleve, south of Liege, in 716, and at Vincy, near Cambrai, in 717, and forced them to come to terms. In Austrasia he wrested the power from Plectrude, and took the title of mayor of the palace, thus prejudicing the interests of his nephews.
From the mass thrown out by the blast, or loosened so as readily to come away by the use of crowbars, the men select and sort all good blocks and send them in waggons to the slate huts to be split and dressed into slates.
We remember that the Christian preachers were preaching before all things a Person, but a Person whose interest for these new converts lay chiefly in the fact that He was about to come and establish a supernatural kingdom for which they had to fit themselves.
This is a lectionary which was once thought to have come from the neighbourhood of Jerusalem, but has been shown by Burkitt to come from.
It is also true that Neoplatonism sought to come to an understanding 1 Porphyry wrote a book, lrfpi T Aoyi a' CALAof001as, but this was before he became a pupil of Plotinus; as a philosopher he was independent of the Aoyca.
We have to come down to Iamblichus and his school before we find complete correspondence with the Christian Gnosticism of the and century; that is to say, it is only in the 4th century that Greek philosophy in its proper development reaches the stage at which certain Greek philosophers who had embraced Christianity had arrived in the and century.
Such tables can scarcely be said to come under the head of logarithmic tables.
Next spring nine of the party, headed by the chief malcontent Thorhall, Red Eric's huntsman, sailed off northward, intending to come to Vinland by rounding Keelness and thence working round west (and south).
During the long stay at Munich (1806-1841) Schelling's literary activity seemed graduall