To-a-man Sentence Examples
But they were polite, to a man.
Alex was talking to a man in his office.
Never in her life had she been so attracted to a man – so totally out of control in his presence.
The confusion was partly due to the fact that everything was happening so fast and partly because she had never responded to a man that way before.
Jonny wouldn't listen to his nagging sister, but he'd darned well listen to a man as terrifying as Dusty could be.
No woman would ever be more than second to a man like that, but being the woman who was second in his world sounded better than anything else she'd ever wanted.
The bones—there's a chance they belonged to a man who may have gotten a high school girl pregnant.
Leave it to a man to avoid expressing how he felt, but it had to make him feel less of a man.
Why was it that anything dead was dead meat to a man?
Their history was too personal for her to feel uncomfortable standing near-naked to a man who'd had a crush on her for a while.
AdvertisementRomas had tossed her in bed more than once over the past three months, though he had stopped lecturing her on how unbecoming a lush was to a man looking for a wife.
She hadn't felt instant attraction to a man since high school.
I tremble as I wait, more so than even when first I gave myself to a man.
One worker talked to a man about biking in Colorado.
As she walked out with the full cup, she noticed Alex talking to a man in a white smock.
AdvertisementThere was, of course, no hindrance to a man having more than one job.
It was the course that would readily suggest itself to a man of timid nature who wished to secure himself against such a fate as Wolsey's.
In his later years his small alert figure was one of the most distinguished in the society of Berlin, and every honour open to a man of letters was conferred upon him.
More than a modicum of rusticity is needed as a protection to a man who attempts such colossal reforms. This necessity had its consequences in the disquieting inequalities of Wagner's early work, and the undeniable egotism that embittered his fiery nature throughout his life; while the cut-and-dried system of culture of later Wagnerian discipleship has revenged him in a specially sacerdotal type of tradition, which makes progress even in the study of his works impossible except through revolt.
Religion, indeed, is common to all men, but its pure form is that revealed through Christ; and the teaching of Christ is sufficient to a man in all circumstances of life.
AdvertisementThe place-names became entirely Germanic; the Latin language disappeared; and the Christian religion suffered a check, for the Franks were to a man pagans.
This severity to a man who was generally thought innocent, is one of the dark stains on his career.
But at this moment the archers, taking their hatchets, swords or other weapons, penetrated the gaps in the now disordered French, who could not move to cope with their unarmoured assailants, and were slaughtered or taken prisoners to a man.
On the other hand, the advocates of admitting the feed into a vacuum pan in many minute streams appeal rather to the ignorant and incompetent sugarboiler than to a man who, knowing his business thoroughly, will boil 150 tons of hot raw sugar in a pan in a few hours, feeding it through a single pipe and valve io in.
Dositheus taught that the existence of bishops is as necessary to the Church as " breath to a man and the sun to the world."
AdvertisementRobespierre, who hated the Girondists, whose lustre had so long obscured his own, had proposed to includethem in the proscription lists of September; the Mountain to a man desired their overthrow.
From the very beginning of his reign Eric's morbid fear of the upper classes drove him to give his absolute confidence to a man of base origin and bad character, though, it must be admitted, of superior ability.
Its members have been keen evangelists, trusting largely to "revivals" for their success, staunch Radicals in politics and total abstainers to a man.
The constitution provides for absolute liberty of conscience and there is no state religion, but the people are almost to a man Roman Catholics.
The moderate party distinguished itself from the other Moslems only by their doctrine that the imamate belonged legally to a man of the house of the Prophet.
It is inconceivable that, to a man with his type of mind and his extraordinary experience, the practical sagacity, farsightedness and aggressive courage of the Federalists should not have seemed to embody the best political wisdom, however little he may have been disposed to ally himself with any party group or subscribe to any comprehensive creed.
For, if the ultimate ground, of obligation lay in a refined sensitiveness to differences between right and wrong, what should be said to a man who might affirm that, just as he had no ear for music, he was insensitive to ethical differences commonly recognized ?
We do not know whether his influence was brought to bear in this sense upon Spinoza; but it has been suggested that the writings of Bruno, whose spirit of enthusiastic naturalism and fervid revolt against the Church would be especially dear to a man of Van den Ende's leanings, may have been put into the pupil's hand by the master.
Meantime Mithradates was again in Pontus, and in a disastrous engagement at Ziela the Roman camp was taken and the army slaughtered to a man.
He appears to have laid even more stress on this point than Aristotle himself, being doubtless led to do so, partly by the heat of controversy and partly by the importance which leisure and freedom from harassing cares naturally assumed to a man of his studious temperament.
Owing to the silladar system, under which the Indian sowar provided his own horse and provender in return for a monthly wage, the Indian cavalry were almost to a man in debt, and therefore favoured any attempt to upset the existing regime, and with it to wipe out the moneylender and his books; and the general enlistment order passed in July 1856, for the purposes of the war in Persia, made the Hindu sepoys afraid of losing caste by crossing the sea.
Forgiveness was easy to a man of Temple's elevation and temperament, and he not only despatched the necessary recommendation but added a personal request which obtained for Swift the small prebend of Kilroot near Belfast (January 1695), where the new incumbent carried on a premature flirtation with a Miss Jane Waring, whom he called "Varina."
A small patrol of military was cut off to a man.
In any,case it was a cruel blow to a man already broken by racking illness and domestic sorrows.
Flaith (flah = noble chief) was a term applied to a man of this rank.
He had the style of his subjects; the amplitude, the weightiness, the laboriousness, the sense, the high flight, the grandeur, proper to a man dealing with imperial themes, with the fortunes of great societies, with the sacredness of law, the freedom of nations, the justice of rulers.
The duke of Bedford and Lord Lauderdale made some remarks in parliament upon this paltry reward to a man who, in conducting a great trial on the public behalf, had worked harder for nearly ten years than any minister in any cabinet of the reign.
Even adulterine bastardy was no bar to a man becoming chief of his tribe, as in the case of Hugh O'Neill, earl of Tyrone.
This great office, which he held for 32 years, gave to a man of commanding ability and industry unbounded influence in a many-headed republic without any central executive authority.
These conditions were very painful to him, for Savoy was the hereditary home of his family, and he was greatly attached to Princess Clothilde and disliked the idea of marrying her to a man who gave little promise of proving a good husband.
Never in her life had she been so attracted to a man – so totally out of control in his presence.
It's the greatest honor to be bound to a man like Damian.
The bones—there's a chance they belonged to a man who may have gotten a high school girl pregnant.
I sat down next to a man wearing a brass deerstalker, white cricket boots, and a shredded cardboard wig.
The talking heads were, with a few honorable exceptions, dull and uninformed to a man jack.
Allah is closer to a man than the man's jugular vein.
He worked himself into a fine breathing heat; in which, to a man of his temperament, action became needful.
There was, of course, no hindrance to a man having children by a slave girl.
Isn't the road wide enough? said he, turning to a man behind him who was not pushing him at all.
In response they stood up to a man and nearly raised the roof thumping the tables and walls in support as they did so.
This was largely due to a man by the name of Dr. Benedict Lust.
Jack was out enjoying a day of shopping in London, when he bore witness to a man snatching a woman's purse.
British author Mark Ebner who is currently (and inexplicably) penning the book Six Degrees of Paris Hilton claims that he has spoken to a man that owns hours and hours of Hilton's bedroom escapades.
Say the words "Christmas" and "sweater" to a man and he's likely to cringe - even if he's not exactly known for his fashion prowess to begin with.
This self-timed pop-up toaster invention was credited to a man named Charles Strite who patented his pop-up toaster in 1919.
Listening to a man is one way to not only make him feel important and cared for, but also to really hear what he is saying.
Note that this type of promise ring can also be given to a man.
If your heart belongs to a man ruled by Mars, there are a few things you can do to get him interested and keep this active sign from becoming bored.
It could be nothing more than you looking at the waiter or bestowing a smile to a man you pass on the street.
Stephanie Courtney remains in Los Angeles and is married to a man she met while appearing regularly on stage with an improv group.
Clapton sings to a man treating a woman poorly, suggesting that Clapton's going to take the woman from him.
Kiera would never agree to marry someone in so short of a time, but to agree in any amount of time to a man as lethal in appearance as this?
A woman turning her life over to a man is...
She'd never been so close to a man.