T&l Sentence Examples
The metals may be arranged in a series according to their power of displacing one another in salt solutions, thus Cs, Rb, K, Na, Mg, Al, Mn, Zn, Cd, Tl, Fe, Co, Ni, Sn, Pb, (H), Sb, Bi, As, Cu, Hg, Ag, Pd, Pt, Au.
The cells of tl ommatidium are a good deal larger than the neighbouring common cells of the epidermis.
A contemporary t ccount of this event has been preserved in two letters of the tl ounger Pliny to the historian Tacitus.
The words introducing this form (6Tav bE TO '&TL Tptrov irpoo-KaTnyopijTac, chap. so, s 9 b s 9), which are the origin of the phrase tertii adjacentis, disengage the verb of being (g un) partially but not entirely, because they still treat it as an extra part of the predicate, and not as a distinct copula.
Things are substances (oioiam), each of which is separate individual (Xcopu rTOv, TO& TL, Kae' 'KaQTov) and is variously affected as quantified, qualified, related, active, passive and so forth, in categories of things which are attributes (ovy13€07paiTa), different from the category of substance, but real only as predicates belonging to some substance, and are in fact only the substance itself affected (avr6 it€irovObs).
General Gordon, questioned on the point, telegraphed from Khartum, on tl,e 7th of March, that he might be cut off by a rising at Shendi, adding, I think it, therefore, most important to follow up the success near Suakin by sending a small force to Berber.
Thallic sulphate, T1 2 (SO 4) 3.7H 2 O, and thallic nitrate, Tl(NO 3) 3.8H 2 0, are obtained as colourless crystals on the evaporation of a solution of the oxide in the corresponding acid.
He moved towards tl e door, calling to them to support his tottering steps.
After passing the gatehouse TL at the TJ (9.3) for Cumwhinton.
Each natural substance is a compound (ov6Erov, vuvNTn ouvia) of essence and matter; its essence (Ethos, i top01 7, Tò TL krL, TOri i i' Etva6) being its actual substance, its matter (An) not; its essence being determinate, its matter not; its essence being immateriate, its matter conjoined with the essence; its essence being one in all individuals of a species, its matter different in each individual; its essence being cause of uniformity, its matter cause of accident.
AdvertisementThe Honda Fit showed an increase of twenty-eight percent and lows were the Accord losing thirty-eight percent; however, Acura's TL saw a boost of twenty-two percent.
Affected cars included 2001 and 2002 Honda Civics and Accords, as well as some 2002 Acura TL vehicles.
The operator, whose attention is thus attracted, inserts a peg in the jack, then throws over the speaking key of the cord circuit, and having ascertained particulars of the requirement places the other peg of the pair in the nearest multiple jack of the wanted subscriber, whom she proceeds to ring up. In the meantime the callinglamp has darkened; and each subscriber's line being equipped with a cut-off relay whose function it is to disconnect tl, e calling apparatus while the circuit is in use, the insertion o r a peg is immediately followed by the disappearance of the calling signal.