Tit for tat Sentence Examples
You'll feel so much better taking the higher ground instead of going tit for tat.
He supports his friend in a tit for tat exchange that turns murderous.
Most of these are tit-for-tat killings between IFP supporters and members of the ANC.
Whatever were their views as to the relations between ecclesiastical and secular jurisdiction, the French clergy, ruined by the dues levied by the papal court, ranged themselves on the national side with the nobility and the bourgeoisie; whereupon the king, with a bold stroke far ahead of his time, gave tit for tat.
We must avoid tit-for-tat protectionism that could lead to global recession.
The audience has a fine time booing this haughty pirate and enjoying a tit-for-tat repartee when Hook asks us for advice.