Tired Sentence Examples
I know you must be tired, so I will let you rest.
The toddlers were both tired and cranky.
She was so tired that she has fallen asleep on the sofa in my room.
I think you must be tired, Princess.
She wasn't actually tired, but reading was relaxing.
You are tired--try to sleep.
I'm tired of waiting.
She was also tired of being afraid.
Perhaps it's not so pristine, like most of this tired city.
The doctor seemed tired and in a hurry.
AdvertisementI'm kinda tired of having my brain cut open.
I am tired now and I do want to go down stairs.
My eyes are tired from all this reading and culling, discarding the inappropriate ones.
The light green scrubs made his long features look sallow and the pale blue eyes that fixed on her seemed more tired than interested.
I was really tired, so I went back to bed.
AdvertisementShe was worried and tired already, and his latest jab didn't buoy her spirits at all.
After half an hour, she grew tired of the internal argument.
As my professors told me the first day I started studying economics in college (and never tired of repeating), scarcity is the central underlying assumption of all economic theory.
Destiny grew tired of trying to get her attention and finally went to her room to play.
He was getting tired of all this cloak-and dagger nonsense.
AdvertisementAn hour of sleep was the longest he'd managed in over a week, and he felt more tired than when he lay down.
You can teach me how to defend myself against monsters if you get tired of bailing me out.
And in it were some odd little pictures, which he never grew tired of looking at.
I asked him once if he was not sometimes tired at night, after working all day; and he answered, with a sincere and serious look, "Gorrappit, I never was tired in my life."
Didn't he know how tired she was?
AdvertisementWell guys, I hate to leave such good company, but I'm so tired that I can hardly keep my eyes open.
I was tired of being his crutch.
She was tired, frustrated, and, worst of all, scared.
I'm just tired of the labels we slap on people who think independent of the 'in' crowd.
You won.t get tired of it here or bored?
Why are you so tired?
Now I am too tired to write more.
You told me you were tired of trying to scratch out a living from this ranch.
The day kiri grows tired of him, he's going to my behavior modification training, Dusty assured him.
He was tired, he was vexed, he hardly knew what he said.
I do think I could work all day long without feeling tired if they would let me.
I guess I was tired of looking for gender neutral pronouns.
Tired, she wiped her eyes, an ache fluttering through her at the lingering scent of Dusty on her skin.
As if sensing she was tired, he didn't tease her when she reached for his hand.
It wasn't high enough for her to see exactly what she wanted, but she was tired from effort.
He had tired of playing games.
If he returned her affection, would she grow tired of him?
After sobbing herself to sleep, she was almost too tired to appreciate the fact he was alive.
I don't mean I'm tired!
I'm tired of thinking about it.
She was hungry, tired, and dirty.
She was tired of feeling that way.
I think I might've entertained her until she grew tired of me.
She got tired of your humanness and dumped you?
This consists in governing by the aid of the superiority of a centralized organization to the unorganized masses of the people, and the superiority of military power, arising from the fact that the armed force of the Government is opposed to a people who are defenseless or tired of the armed struggle.
After awhile they came to a great forest and, being tired and hungry, they thought they would rest a little and look for nuts before continuing their journey.
After receiving her visitors, the countess was so tired that she gave orders to admit no more, but the porter was told to be sure to invite to dinner all who came "to congratulate."
But if you are tired, come and lie down in my room and have a rest.
I'm tired of travelling and," she smiled at me and added, "I want a baby and a place to raise her."
Sunday morning she was stiff and tired.
Despite feeling tired, she couldn't sleep.
She's been a mite tired lately.
Come on, I'm too tired for this.
You are very tired and want to go to bed.
I'm tired and I have a splitting head ache.
You're tired because you work too hard.
When he's tired of playing house with you, I might not be available any more.
I'm getting tired of your threats and insinuations.
She was getting tired and her efforts were less productive.
Gabriel glanced over his shoulder at her with a look of tired amusement.
He faced his dead mate. Her blue eyes were large, and she looked tired.
It was bright and I was tired.
Exhausted. I don't know why I'm so tired.
He was tired and hungry.
The poor child was so tired after his night's work that he could not keep awake.
His arms felt numb, his legs almost gave way, it seemed to him that he was tired out.
Rostov noticed by their faces that all those gentlemen had already heard that story more than once and were tired of it.
She did n't feel tired, she just looked tired.
It's easier to patient when you're not hungry or tired.
It's late, and I'm tired.
Still feel a little tired.
If you've forgotten this, you're tired.
When she awoke, she was relieved but tired.
I started but grew tired.
His white hair was streaked red with blood, his roving gaze tired.
Katie waited until he was gone then shook her head, tired of Immortal surprises.
She wove her way to her bathroom through the maze of boxes and took a long shower to ease her tired body.
I'm feeling tired, Evelyn.
Evelyn rose, looking as tired as Kiera felt.
Donnie had paid no attention to their conversation but having tired of his puzzle, picked up the notebook of letters and numbers and began to study it, turning the binder page by page.
While there remained much of the afternoon, the shortened days of winter dipped the sun below the towering mountains as the tired couple finished the loop, returned to their jeep and left for home.
The building sat amid a cluster of cottonwoods that had grown there for an old man's lifetime, while a weather-beaten barn stood off to the side, showing its tired age.
Dean asked sharply, tired of Weller's game playing.
He admitted none of the mental scenarios circling his tired brain made a lick of sense.
I've still got some friends and these two will get tired of messing around out here in the boonies.
He never tired of the surprise on people's faces when they got a good look.
I'm usually quite tired the next day.
Oh my, I guess I was pretty tired.
I was so tired last night I didn't even wake up to add wood.
I'm sick and tired of you guys butting into my financial affairs.
I don't know what it is about you that inspires women to defend you, but I'm getting tired of talking to you about it.
The walk was peaceful, the starry night and thrum of crickets easing her tired mind.
I guess I'm scared, but I'm too tired to tell, she answered.
She allowed a tired smile before returning the computer to her pocket.
The weight of those secrets robbed her of her appetite and made her feel tired again, even after a full night of rest.
She'd been too tired and cold to remember just how close to home she was.
Tired of puzzling over the world around her, Lana shrugged off the rucksack, pushed Jack over, and lay down with him.
But once back in bed, the complexities and the happenings of the day raised their heads like so many ghosts crying for attention in his tired brain.
I'm feeling really tired, she said.
She sighed, too tired to consider her next step.
The words were reasonable to her tired mind.
He said he was tired of the fighting.
In actuality, he was tired of not being in full control.
I thought you were tired of me.
I'm afraid you'll grow tired of me or this place.
I'm tired of being put down by you.
The normally upbeat girl with raven-colored hair and gray eyes appeared tired and worn down.
He was tired of her, and in love with the black-eyed Anne Boleyn, who refused to be his mistress.
They were both tired and cranky.
I.m tired of all this shit.
She is very tired, rolling her head as if to relieve a cramp in her neck.
She seemed totally immersed in some deep space deep within herself, or maybe she was just dead tired.
I got the distinct impression they were tired of being there.
It looks all looks very sad, very tired, unbelievably predictable.
With the goal yawning Smith's tired legs could only scuff the ball toward the line allowing Manton to clear.
If you are a dynamic self-starter not easily tired, then this could be for you.
Frankly people in the industry are pretty tired of it.
Over the next few days he became very tired, increasing his daytime sleep considerably.
Her affection tired very soon, however, and when she grew peevish, Hindley became tyrannical.
Along the road, in strong contrast to the guardian pines, toil a few tired wayfarers; and the story is told.
Time to say goodbye to the tired old whore of a town.
She also talks about being sick with bulimia and very tired on the royal yacht.
Conductors and engineers do get very tired and go home to rest.
At last they reached a great forest, and, being quite tired, they decided to rest awhile and look for nuts before going any further.
While in the Rostovs' ballroom the sixth anglaise was being danced, to a tune in which the weary musicians blundered, and while tired footmen and cooks were getting the supper, Count Bezukhov had a sixth stroke.
Having once more entered into the definite conditions of this regimental life, Rostov felt the joy and relief a tired man feels on lying down to rest.
The thought has come into my mind that I was already tired of it all, and that we must all die.
Methods vary, but there are a few general principles that can ease stress and provide relief for tired caregivers and their infants.
Infants, though tired, will often cry when they lack the ability to train themselves to fall asleep.
If he isn't having fun because he is overly tired, how can your party be a success?
Once he becomes too tired to hold his little head up, he has a soft, cushiony surface to rest on.
Too tired-Is it possible that your baby is simply too tired to sleep?
Too rested-Just as a child that is overly tired may have difficulty napping, a child that is too rested may not be able to go to sleep as well.
One or two puppies may be tired during your visit, which is fine.
For fifty-six seconds this languid feline duo proceeds to mew quietly back and forth as if engaged in the world's most tired conversation.
If you're afraid that wearing dark makeup on your eyes can make you look tired or worse, don't worry.
He thinks that if she's in the early stages of pregnancy she'll be too tired to dance.
Trust seems to be an issue and both of them appeared sad, angry and tired.
I believe that dogs get tired of eating the same thing every single day just as we would, so it's a good idea to rotate the foods you serve.
Suddenly tired, she sat at the table and held her head in her hands.
He looked as tired as she felt, his hair disheveled and dark circles beneath his blazing golden eyes.
A wary, tired edge was in her soft voice.
Her fatigued body ached while her tired mind struggled to keep her thoughts clear of emotion.
Still, maybe Alex was tired of the responsibility.
His voice sounded tired.
She woke in the morning feeling sore and tired.
I suppose it would be a lot of trouble to get ready, and you must be tired.
It's late and I'm tired.
The one night she'd been too tired to check on her cousins before bed … "Where's my phone, Brandon?"
Part of her hoped he was too tired to do anything, that he took a nap instead and she was able to free the necklace.
The Italians were tired of f,ghting, and the leaders of both factions looked exclusively to their own interests.
Nature was sufficient for the cure of most diseases; art had only to interfere when the internal physician, the man himself, was tired or incapable.
Madame Tallien also tired of him, and became the mistress of the rich banker Ouvrard.
The Peruvians were now heartily tired of revolutionary Pierola disturbances, and an insurrectionary outbreak in President.
The marriage was declared null by the pope, to whom Alphonso paid no attention till he was presumably tired of his wife.
Such porcelains, however, lack the velvet-like softness and depth of tone so justly prized in the genuine monochrome, where the glaze itself contains the coloring matter, pte and glaze being tired simultaneously at the same high temperature.
When Ferdinand was released in 1814 he came back to Madrid in the hope that his ambition would now be satisfied, but the king was tired of him, and was moreover resolved never to be subjected by any favourite.
Tiberius, however, soon became tired of the maternal yoke; his retirement to Capreae is said to have been caused by his desire to escape from her.
He was in front of a force of unknown strength which appeared resolved to stand its ground, his men were tired, and the cannon-thunder to his right rear proclaimed clearly that Grouchy had not made much headway on the Fleurus road.
When, after not a few displays of his strange humour, he professed himself tired of the capital, 23 Hume procured him a country abode in the house of Mr Davenport at Wootton in Derbyshire.
She soon tired of him, returned to Paris and gratified her whims in ways that caused some scandal.
The hopes he had aroused that, by a voluntary abdication, he would restore unity to the church, were vain; though called upon by the princes of France to carry out his plan, abandoned by his cardinals, besieged and finally kept under close observation in the palace of the popes (1398-1403), he stood firm, and tired out the fury of his opponents.
Pope's army and such of the troops of the Army of the Potomac as had been involved in the catastrophe were driven, tired and disheartened, into the Washington lines.
The principal palace of Mexico consisted of hundreds of rooms ranged round three open squares, of such extent that one of the companions of Cortes records having four times wandered about till he was tired, without seeing the whole.
After 12 to 15 years the heads become "tired," and should be grubbed up. The first year's crop, known as the "maiden" crop, is of small value but should be cut and the ensuing years of maturity will yield crops of about 130 bolts, green, per acre, worth £9, 15s.
Their scepticism and extortion had tired their subjects, and the mullahs gave Yusef a "fetva" authorizing him to remove them in the interest of religion.
Meanwhile the party was getting more and more disorganized, and the public were getting tired of the apparent mystification.
At the festival of Apollo at Leucas a victim flung himself from a rock into the sea, like the Hyperborean who was tired of life.
Meanwhile Anjou soon grew tired of his dependent position and of the limitations placed upon his sovereignty.
The Danish public, grown tired of realism, and satiated with pathological phenomena, returned to a fresh study of their own national characteristics.
As the boat from which He had been teaching passed to the other side, the tired Teacher slept.
But he soon tired of his new partner, and one morning Galswintha was found strangled in her bed.
Tired of the excesses committed by these Turks, the people of Bagdad beat or killed as many of them as they could lay hands on, and Motasim, not daring to act with severity against either his guard or the citizens, took the course of quitting the city.
The insurrection was quickly suppressed, but the citizens soon grew tired of a military government, and in 1848 and again in 1849 petitioned Congress for a government " purely civil in character."
In 1766, tired of sea-life, he went to study chemistry at Leipzig, and afterwards devoted himself to metallurgy and assaying at his native place with such success that in 1780 he was appointed chemist to the Freiberg foundries by the elector of Saxony.
He was proclaimed king at Carlisle, joined by the earl of Derby in Lancashire, evaded the troops of Lambert and Harrison in Cheshire, marched through Shropshire, meeting with a rebuff at Shrewsbury, and entered Worcester with a small, tired and dispirited force of only 16,000 men (22nd of August).
On their side, the Bulgarians were tired, far ahead of their supply depots, and losing more and more men daily from sickness.
Bruce threw his infantry reserve into the battle, the arrows of the English archers wounded the men-at-arms of their own side, and the remnants of the leading line were tired and disheartened when the final impetus to their rout was given by the historic charge of the "gillies," some thousands of Scottish campfollowers who suddenly emerged from the woods, blowing horns, waving such weapons as they possessed, and holding aloft improvised banners.
In only two points can Rabelais be said to be definitely polemic. He certainly hated the monkish system in the debased form in which it existed in his time; he as certainly hated the brutish ignorance into which the earlier systems of education had suffered too many of their teachers and scholars to drop. At these two things he was never tired of striking, but elsewhere, even in the grim satire of the Chats fourres, he is the satirist proper rather than the reformer.
At last, in 1369, tired with the bustle of a town so big as Padua, he retired to Arqua, a village in Euganean hills, where he continued his usual train of literary occupations, employing several secretaries, and studying unremittingly.
In the meantime he had grown tired of Irish life and was glad to accept Temple's proposal for his return to Moor Park, where he continued until Temple's death in January 1699.
But he soon began to grow tired of Ireland again and to pay visits in Leicester and London.
When tired of the broad daylight of American activity, he sought refuge and rest in the dim twilight of medieval legend and German sentiment.
It was raging from 1088 to 1091, and again from 1093 to 1096, when Robert tired of the losing game, pawned his duchy to his brother and went off on the First Crusade.
In 1277, however, the king grew tired of waiting, invaded the principality and drove his recalcitrant vassal up into the fastnesses of Snowdon, where famine compelled him to surrender as winter was beginning.
The fatal blow was administered by Philip of Burgundy, who, tired of maintaining a failing cause, consented at last to forget his fathers murder, and to be reconciled to Charles VII.
Question From Henrys own mind it was never long absent; he of the yearned for a male heir, and he was growing tired of kings his wife Catherine, who was some years older than divorce, himself, had few personal attractions, and was growing somewhat of an invalid.
The nation was evidently tired of the violent agitations of recent years.
Flanders tired of it, but fortunately for Edward III.
There were the friends of the Montmorency partyDamville at their head; Colignys relations; the king of Navarre; Cond; and a prince of the blood, Catherine de Medicis third son, the duke of Alencon, tired of being kept in the background.
In order to win back public opinion, tired of internecine quarrels and sickened by the scandalous Aggressive immorality of the generals and of those in power, policy and to remove from Paris an army which after having of the given them a fresh lease of life was now a menace to Directory.
By a twofold coup detat, parliamentary and military, he culled the fruits of the Directorys systematic aggression and unpopularity, and realized the universal desires of the rich bourgeoisie, tired of warfare; of the wretched populace; of landholders, afraid of a return to the old order of things; of royalists, who looked upon Bonaparte as a future Monk; of priests and their people, who hoped for an indulgent treatment of Catholicism; and finally of the immense majority of the French, who love to be ruled and for long had had no efficient government.
Tired but more at peace with the strange world, she stretched out on the couch to watch TV.
If he had a full night, he'd spend it killing vamps until too tired to pull the trigger.
Tortured by the thought she might have waited too long to realize what she had, she paced her room until too tired to stand.
Cynthia, as tired as she was, made her husband stop long enough to film the awe-inspiring display.
He could call the Cañon City prison and speak with another answering machine, or if he was lucky, another tired bureaucrat with no answers.
Even his groan sounded tired.
Tired and conflicted, she lay back on the bed, taking great satisfaction out of a real bed after the few days on the flimsy bed at the Sanctuary.
Although tired, sleep didn't come.
She gave a tired smile and responded with gentle sarcasm, "I have been working the past few weeks, sir."
Rhyn glanced from the rolling teal waves to his mate. Her words about Gabe were troubling, and he couldn't determine if she was purposely vague or really didn't know. Her pretty face was puzzled, and he frowned. She was beyond tired. Whatever was happening to her in the underworld, it wasn't good. Anger filled him. As much as he wanted to stay in the dream world in case it really was the last time he saw her, he couldn't help her while stuck in the dream.
Andre continued without any sign of slowing, until Katie stopped. Her head spun and she felt sick again. She was too tired to continue. The phantom appeared before her, pointing.
By morning, we'll probably be surrounded by shapeshifting demons and assassins out to get us. I'm tired of playing this game. I'm not going to be helpless anymore.
The city had a tired, old look about it, especially in neighborhoods like the purported residence of J. Cleary. ne fifty-seven Bascomb Place was a drab old building in a drab old section of the city with a faded "For Rent" sign permanently fixed to the front.
The first sign of the ground Dean spotted was a rain puddle reflecting the glow from the lights of the plane as the wheels touched the runway—one, two, three times before the tired aircraft glided to the taxiway.
You take the lead for a while—I'm tired of eating all the bugs.
Dean was surprised just how tired he was and happy to get a decent night's sleep before tackling the next day's 60-mile run to Pagosa Springs—leg two of the "Ride the Rockies Tour."
As sore and tired as his body felt, all aches and pains were forgotten with what was not a complete revelation, but a scenario that suddenly seemed plausible.
Mayhap it was tired from our trials, or mayhap it was trying to deceive us.
The one night she'd been too tired to check on her cousins before bed … "Where's my phone, Brandon?"
It appears that we have a new euphemism, "feeling a bit tired".
Tired of the decisions, tired of being at everyone's beck and call.
If you are tired and draggy feeling, go in and get a blood test to find out.
It used to attract true Bohemians, now it attracts tired London media types.
Tired cowboys drank warm bourbon on the wide steps of the Amarillo Hotel.
There's no point me trying to do anything that involves much brainpower when I'm that tired.
I finally got tired of the open windows in Opera so I got off my lazy bum and posted them.
Tired diction here, inappropriate register there; natural, unforced cadence here, resonant phrasing there.
After reaching the campsite at 1800, tired cold and very wet we set up camp and a campfire.
They stimulate circulation to reduce the risk of legs becoming tired or swollen.
Like the Community of Europe, nations tired of battling, tired of having the same cornflakes packaged in dishonestly different packaging.
Jenn, who teaches her children at home, would become cranky, tired and irritable during the day.
The game became quite stretched as players tired and Southwick although 2 up started to look edgy.
You must be getting sick and tired of visiting the Western Union agent, only to be sent away empty-handed.
You may suffer from long bouts of being tired, exhausted or unable to muster much enthusiasm for life like you usually do.
Still feeling a bit tired, but that may be due to Xmas excesses!
I eat too much in the same way I was tired when I had glandular fever.
Tired legs, a sore groin and weary calves kept him on the bench also for Wolves draw with Sheff Utd.
One 46-year-old Mason who joined the group eight years ago said he was tired of Cuban authorities " imposing ideas " on society.
You begin to feel tired, out of sorts, even grumpy.
They know that large scale immigration is against their interests and they are very tired of it.
If you are tired, then go for 10 minutes jog If you are not tired, then go for a 2 mile jog.
It's your last job of the day, a tired looking, cold and rather lackluster school house.
Struggling with her heavy cases and tired legs Rosemary fought her way by tube into central London.
Having felt very lively, well and bouncy up to 39 weeks, I started to feel tired, heavy and less well.
Tired wayfarer, gird up thy loins; look upward, march onward.
Are you tired of spending long, hard hours putting together your text newsletters?
Her mother had grown tired of her father's pace and many love affairs, preferring the elite society of Paris.
But I am growing increasingly tired of seeing the majority not getting my message and even being considered a lunatic.
As I had been decorating the marquee until after midnight I hadn't got much sleep but I didn't feel at all tired!
Gavin and I slowly got the metro then train back to the airport and sat there feeling very tired and awful.
At worst, it is an apology for the defunct neo-liberalism and tired post- modernism of the last decade.
All well tired we retired and awaited the morrow.
It was a huge hit with our testers and despite the delicate feel of the fabric its machine washable perfect for busy tired mums!
I was feeling very tired again in training, with heavy, aching muscles.
She has come clean after a mystery illness covered her skin in boils and made her constantly nauseous and tired.
The child may feel nauseous, tired or have a headache.
He had finally got tired. Lincou's shot was a classic forehand straight volley nick, set up beautiful and played quickly.
But, a mere novice, I was beginning to get tired.
There was not much scope for trainee obstetricians and Andrew soon tired of general duties.
Has swept across another insect oddball too tired to.
Their peoples are tired of corrupt ' Unions ' and corrupt oligarchs, whatever their foreign ideology may be called.
I regret that I did not measure this, but I was very hot and tired after a somewhat perilous cliff walk.
I hope that you are not getting tired of receiving my photos of the highly photogenic 73096 in action.
We are so pitiful, but we're tired.
He was tired of asking the Minister of Supply, Douglas Sandys, to clarify the true position.
Everyone was tired and we were also given press-ups for not having our berets on when we were formed up.
Norge apologized for being so tired and explained to me that it had been a very pressurized week.
We were both tired and he was going for a knock-out punch.
A tired and emotional Freddie Flintoff salutes your over-by-over reporter.
Tired of constantly revisiting sites to check for new articles?
The School tired to make me write right-handed for years.
Looking for a tired 3.8 E Type roadster to restore as a lightweight replica finances permitting.
They're the ones who ca n't ruffle the tired plot.
And of course my three grilled sardines with a healthy wedge of lemon and side salad of crisp tho slightly tired salad vegetables.
The enemy is never tired, never sated, never content with yesterday's brutality.
Are you on a yeast free diet and tired of eating sawdust or cardboard tasting bread?
It begins to manifest when The Pupil grows tired in her newly donned pointe shoes.
The mother looking somber, severe, fearful, angry in a tired kind of way.
The Scottish setting and dialog add a bit of exotic spice for readers tired of terror tales set in small town America.
He COULD be getting tired of all the six foot tall, absurdly beautiful starlets who boast all the intellectual depth of mayonnaise.
When we got to the car we were really sweaty and tired because of the high temperatures.
Getting a bit tired of the standard Sudoku puzzles?
Excessively tired quads can be a product of having too much of a vertical component in the running stride.
Gaultier bounced back after losing the opening game to win the second and third but visibly tired in the fourth as Ricketts tightened up.
I'm sorry son, I feel awfully tired all of a sudden.
She didn't feel tired, she just looked tired.
I was growing tired of living in Mayfair anyway.
Plus, I got tired of paying for the upgrades.
She seems to want a hug, although she does not seem tired.
Season Mode adds a welcome twist to the tired championship option.
Our detour had taken us over five miles wrong - very unkind to tired legs.
Now Julia Volkova looks slightly weary - she must be tired of hospital wards.
Shippers were rather tired of waterside wharves, with their lack of warehouse room, and lighterage was increasingly troublesome and expensive.
I was tired but happy and a little wistful when we finally arrived home.
This last fact was significant, as the new foreign secretary, a Sicilian deputy and a specialist on international politics, had hitherto been one of Signor Sonninos staunchest adherents; his defection, which was but one of many, showed that the more prominent members of the Sonnino party were tired of waiting in vain for their chiefs access to power.
Pope was never tired of girding at "Morality by her false guardians drawn, Chicane in furs, and casuistry in lawn"; while Fielding has embodied the popular conception of a casuist in Parson Thwackum and Philosopher Square, both of whom only take to argument when they want to reason themselves out of some obvious duty.
But his second wife, an ambitious intrigante, soon tired of her quiet life, and induced him to return to Turin and attempt to revoke his abdication.
But it is a long time since I have had any sleep, and I'm tired.
He was beginning to feel tired.
The child was indeed very tired.
The longer the Emperor remained in Vilna the less did everybody--tired of waiting--prepare for the war.
Back to Kate 's Story Wed 27 th April Another restless, tired day punctuated by small bursts of activity.
In fact, I had a raging hangover which was n't my fault at all and was extremely tired due to lack of sleep.
Tired old arguments that small schools cannot cope with the curriculum are now being thoroughly refuted in ways the public understands.
Watching the rehearsal you would n't have guessed that the company was tired.
Supplied in clear or teak to help lift and rejuvenate tired looking timber.
They 're the ones who ca n't ruffle the tired plot.
The enemy is never tired, never sated, never content with yesterday 's brutality.
Jacob, tired but happy, saunters down toward the ford to join his family.
With the goal yawning Smith 's tired legs could only scuff the ball toward the line allowing Manton to clear.
For tired looking lawns, a feed with liquid seaweed extract will give the grass a boost.
Tired of waiting It is shameful to make families wait so long for inquest verdicts, says Eric Allison.
We headed home tired but happy for a slump on the sofa.
Even on the bus, I could see the scratches and tired designs splattered with mud.
The NovaKur Special Joint Gel can also help sportsmen and sportswomen to calm and revitalize tired and strained joints.
Avoid sugary foods, which can make you tired in the long run Drink plenty of fluids - water your brain !
A dusty, tired, thirsty traveler, far away from home, meets his cousin.
After reaching from office male partner expects his wife fresh and sexy who is heavily tired of hardship.
She regaled me with her war stories, her eyes shining as she told of the countless near-misses I never tired of hearing.
Too tired to remove any mud from the bottom.
I 'm sorry son, I feel awfully tired all of a sudden.
However, one line escaped the tired limbs of the crew.
The little tired legs gave away in the end.
The beds posed as a tempting offer to relieve our tired eyes, but lunch beckoned.
Oh I loved you in spite of My tired feet in tight shoes.
Drives me wild, as he is tired, so is being an exaggerated tony blair - seems like hours gap every few words !
Choose 1 or all 4 products to pamper those tired tootsies !
By the time we reach the unrigged pitch, I was quite tired, and Nicola more so.
Tired again - wakeful night - I think both Eve & Jack.
N snuggles up to N when she gets a bit tired and has the most winsome smile; again what can I do?
Too tired to teleport the elf accepts his capture with a wistful glance at his former comrade.
Great to use after physical exertion, after a days work or workout at the gym revitalizing tired skin.
He was cold and tired, and, furthermore, he was hungry.
How can you stand to listen to banal music without getting tired of it?
She was tired of thecondescending tone he took when he discussed her fitness routine.
Larry and I are very tired after staying up late last night celebrating the New Year, but it was worth it to see the fireworks.
My doctor says I'm always tired and out of breath because I'm anemic.
The tired parents came up with a cunning tactic to get their kids to bed an hour earlier than normal.
Overly tired babies may also have a harder time falling asleep, than those that fall asleep as soon as they need to.
Attempts to wake your baby from his daytime slumber may result in a half-napped infant that is tired and vociferously upset.
As a parent, you will know when your baby gives you her "I'm too tired" cry that it's time to cut the stimulation and help your baby soothe to sleep.
Unfortunately, this method often backfires, as an overly tired baby may not experience a peaceful slumber and in fact will probably awaken earlier than usual, cranky and still tired.
For caregivers tired of rolling up sleeves at mealtimes (and still facing dirty sleeves after the meal), the coverall bib is the perfect solution.
Plan activities around your toddler's naptimes, so that she isn't overly tired, which can make her cranky.
The Babysense Secret is a great resource for tired parents.
Are you tired of your cold hardwood floors, or the old, ratty wall-to-wall carpeting that's laid down in a room or all through your home?
Tired of going to the supermarket or your local coffee shop on foot or by car to pick up your java?
Tired of spending hours upon hours doing your taxes by hand, or worse, paying someone lots of money to do them for you?
You're tired of your rented tennis racquet, and feel good enough about the strength of your game to take the plunge and buy your own.