Tiny Sentence Examples
Some are very tiny and some are very large.
Her voice was tiny and quiet.
I have two tame pigeons and a tiny canary bird.
Even the tiny rose petal lips looked pale.
He glanced down at the expensive loafers that now contained tiny grains of sand he'd never be able to flush out of the seams.
At Christmas time he scattered crumbs of bread under the trees, so that the tiny creatures could feast and be happy.
Her jewelry box was tiny and wooden.
She lifted the tiny hand and kissed it, tears filling her eyes again.
In the nest were some tiny, half-fledged birds.
You're just going to kill me, she said in a tiny voice.
AdvertisementBut not a trace could they find of the tiny creature they sought.
Tammy shrugged her tiny shoulders, the large blue eyes imploring her not to pry.
She nibbled on her lower lip with the tiny fangs.
Long-buried rage was bubbling upward, along with the tiny instinct he'd squashed thousands of years ago.
Roxanne smiled, and that tiny dimple danced at the corner of her full lips.
AdvertisementIt's is warm here in the south and I fear I can't keep my tiny trophy in my auto another day.
Her head was tipped to the side, resting on her tiny shoulder.
By the time she reached the top of the stairs, tiny flecks of light were dancing across her vision.
She looked tiny and frightened
The toilet flushed and Ethel returned, proceeded in the darkness by the tiny pinpoint light of her cigarette.
AdvertisementHis features softened as he gazed down at the tiny form.
Zach snuggled against him, turning his head and opening his tiny mouth in search of food.
And the price was about the same as the tiny Cape Cod house the LeBlanc's owned in expensive Massachusetts.
Rourk had highlighted several portions of Sean's tiny, neat writing.
Even with Cynthia's tiny height she was required to stoop to avoid the low ceiling.
AdvertisementPrinted brochures, gratis from Myrtle Somebody whose brother-in-law was a printer, were placed about town by tiny Tonya, an eight-year-old Latina waif hired by Fred for five bucks.
It lit up her features, and he saw the tiny fangs she was trying to hide.
The doe cried out again and heaved, expelling the tiny body.
It is most probable that this tiny volume was simply a sort of first lesson book for young neophytes when they joined the order.
Eureka stuck up her nose at such food, but the tiny piglets squealed delightedly at the sight of the crackers and ate them up in a jiffy.
The cab-horse, who never slept long at a time, sat upon his haunches and watched the tiny piglets and the kitten with much approval.
The Wizard now put the nine tiny ones back into his pocket and the journey was resumed.
Tiny countries willing to engage in free trade with their neighbors can prosper.
The tang of the untainted, fresh and free sea air was like a cool, quieting thought, and the shells and pebbles and the seaweed with tiny living creatures attached to it never lost their fascination for me.
The waist is trimmed with pink and green brocaded velvet, and white lace, I think, and has double reefers on the front, tucked and trimmed with velvet, and also a row of tiny white buttons.
There were no windows on the tiny craft, only the two of them and two benches long enough for them to stretch out on.
Near the end of her patience trapped in the tiny box of a spacecraft, she shot up when she felt the familiar pressure of them descending.
Water dripped from above and tiny snowballs cascaded down the slope, bouncing off his un-helmeted head and under his collar as his line scoured the bank of snow above him.
They were a soft, sable brown with specs of black that seemed to swirl in motion around her pupils like two tiny solar systems.
But he's going to miss the telephone and television -- and that tiny bedroom upstairs isn't exactly the Hotel Hilton.
Three pair of blue eyes stared back at her from the first stall, and tiny pink cleft muzzles lifted in a cute imitation of their mother's broken cry of joy.
Taking a deep breath, she hesitantly inserted her hand into the birth canal and carefully slid it along the tiny leg until she felt the muzzle.
The rest of the chickens were flogging all over the tiny coop, bouncing off the walls in a state of panic.
In the hay beside their mother, lay two tiny bodies, soft and clean.
The chickens fought for position in the tiny coop door as they watched her pour a bucket of water into the tire.
She baited the hook and threw it in the pond, watching as tiny waves rippled out from the bobber and gently lapped at the grassy shore.
The large soldier made her feel tiny hunched next to the wall.
He threw himself into one of the beat-up chairs in the tiny comms center.
That this one was in the middle of a town—even a tiny one—made her nervous.
Her room was tiny, and she heard others rustling in rooms nearby.
Elise needed no other motivation than her friend was in trouble, and Brady hadn't yet digested how such tiny devices could collapse the countries of the world.
At last, they arrived at a metal door that Mike swung open to reveal a tiny submersible docked.
Kiki froze halfway through the doorway, frowning. Kris breathed a sigh, wondering how one tiny woman could make him tense enough he wanted to raze the beach.
At the tiny and remote settlement of Les Chapieux, you stay at a small but very welcoming auberge.
We are a tiny dot of life suspended in a nearly infinite universe.
With Jack beside her, the tiny compartment was crowded.
He looked up instinctively, sensing something different about this thunder. It didn't sound like the rumbling thunder he'd heard in the mortal world. It sounded like an explosion in the sky. The jungle canopy blocked his view, so he leapt up to catch the branch of the nearest tree. He scaled the tree quickly, stopping only when he broke through the layers of leaves. More tiny explosions came, and he twisted to see what they were.
Satisfied, Rhyn rose, towering over the tiny woman with flaxen hair.
While not strictly a meat-and-potatoes guy, he felt more comfortable with a meal he could recognize, like the weekday special at Uncle Sally's Galley, not something tiny and exotic, wrapped in dainty strands of imported grass.
In spite of his love of music, no pocket recorder filled Dean's head with voices, strings or horns through tiny toy earphones— he'd leave that to the bikers who pedaled unaware of the sounds of birds and springtime around them.
The first curve frightened the hell out of him and he knew the brake pressure necessary to slow him from this speed could not be engaged all the way down the mountain without overheating the tiny pads to the point of ineffectiveness.
Her tiny fingernails dug into his hand as she eagerly nursed.
All talk hushed around the tiny table where their families shared their first and last meals of the day.
Redheaded Yully and tiny Bianca raced down the hallway towards the foyer, chasing the vamp Charles.
Was the tiny kingdom strong enough to help him seek his revenge against those who had imprisoned him beneath ground and killed his family?
There were a great many children whose cheerful voices and tiny forms darted by him several times.
Sami was led into the center of the tiny arena, and the guards moved away.
She smiled up at him sweetly, that tiny dimple playing at the corner of her mouth.
His tiny fist clutched the outer seam of her jeans.
Hesitantly she urged the car forward, catching her breath as the bridge creaked and groaned under the weight of the tiny car.
The road began to widen and after a sharp bend she came into the tiny town indicated on the map.
Wasn't that where she had seen the tiny blue flowers?
She pulled her pants leg up to reveal an army of tiny brown insects.
An unbelievable amount of blood was pumping from a tiny cut on her hand.
After a quick breakfast, she made a list of the items she needed and drove to the tiny town.
She adorned her earlobes with pearl earrings that matched the tiny row of buttons down the front of her dress.
A tiny yellow flower peeped from under the log and she leaned down to examine it.
Jessi shook her head and went to the tiny kitchen.
The tiny victory felt good, almost as good as the knowledge that the sexy beast every woman on the planet drooled over wanted her.
Some tiny part of her wanted to know how good he was that every woman who left his bed didn't know which way was up.
The tiny, withered, sickly body of Bem was animated by an heroic temper.
Between these, resting vertically upon the rostrum, appears the vomer; very variable in shape and size, often reduced to a mere trace, as in the Galli, or even absent, broken up into a pair of tiny splints in Pici.
The first larval stage is the "triungulin," a tiny, active, armoured larva with long legs (each foot with three claws) and cercopods.
When cut open, it displays an infinity of tiny leaf-buds and stems, and at intervals there exudes from it an aromatic resin, which from its astringent properties is used by the shepherds as a vulnerary, but has not been converted to any commercial purpose.
The ova of Anopheles are tiny black rodshaped objects, which are deposited on the water of natural puddles, ponds, or slowly moving streams, by preference those which are well supplied with vegetation; they float, singly or attached to other objects or clustered together in patterns.
Their slopes enclose well-watered valleys of great fertility, in which the Berber tribes cultivate tiny irrigated fields, their houses clinging to the hill-sides.
The range in size is a wide one - from the tiny humming-bird to the ema, rhea, or American ostrich.
In strong contrast to the ungainly toucan is the tiny humming-bird, whose beautiful plumage, swiftness of flight and power of wing are sources of constant wonder and admiration.
Zara became a free city under Italian sovereignty, but as a tiny isthmus without hinterland or islands.
The " primitive " vessels which have been found in Egypt are small in size and consist of columnar stibium jars, flattened bottles and amphorae, all decorated with zigzag lines, tiny wide-mouthed vases on feet and minute jugs.
These tiny animals, commonly known as mousedeer, are in no wise nearly related to the true deer, but constitute by themselves a special section of artiodactyle ungulates known as Tragulina, for the characteristics of which see ARTIODACTYLA.
Hornaday stated that but one live gorilla, and that a tiny infant, had ever landed in the United States; and it lived only five days after arrival.
Its site is now absolutely deserted, except that a tiny village, Sart, merely a few huts inhabited by seminomadic Yuruks, exists beside the Pactolus, and that there is a station of the Smyrna & Cassaba railway 1 m.
When it is remembered that the punching tool was guided solely by the hand and eye, and that three or more blows of the mallet had to be struck for every dot, some conception may be formed of the patience and accuracy needed to produce these tiny protuberances in perfectly straight lines, at exactly equal intervals and of absolutely uniform size.
In short, the little chisel becomes in his fingers a painters brush, and when it is remembered that, the basis upon which he works being simply a thread of silk, his hand must be trained to such delicacy of muscular effort as to be capable of arresting the edge of the knile at varying depths within the diameter of the tiny filament, the difficulty of the achievement will be understood.
Thenceforth Seto became the headquarters of the manufacture of cha-no-yu utensils, and many of the tiny pieces turned out there deserve high admiration, their technique being perfect, and their mahogany, russet-brown, amber and buff glazes showing wonderful lustre and richness.
They may be characterized as very elongated reptiles without limbs (unless with tiny vestiges of posterior limbs), without eyelids and external ear openings, with the teeth anchylosed to the supporting bones, a bifid slender tongue which is telescoped into its basal half, and with a transverse vent.
Chersydrus ranges from Madras to New Guinea; the body and tail are laterally compressed and form a ventral fold which is covered with tiny scales like the rest of the body.
On the other hand, there are thousands of very small species, and the tiny " fairy-flies " (Myynaridae), whose larvae live as parasites in the eggs of various insects, are excessivel y minute for creatures of such complex organization.
Tancred was a good soldier, though his tiny stature earns from Peter of Eboli the nickname "Tancredulus."
From all the preceding the tiny dik-diks (Madoqua) of NorthEast Africa differ by their hairy noses, expanded in some species into short trunks; while the widely spread klipspringer, Oreotragus saltator, with its several local races, is unfailingly distinguishable by its rounded blunt hoofs and thick, brittle, golden-flecked hair.
Most lizards live on animal food, varying from tiny insects and worms to lizards, snakes, birds and mammals, while others prefer a mixed or an entirely vegetable diet.
Pseudopus, the glass-snake, from Morocco and the Balkan peninsula to Burma and Fokien; also in the U.S.A., with the limbs reduced to a pair of tiny spikes near the vent, and a lateral fold along the snake-like body.
Walcott has described a tiny lamellibranch (Modioloides) from the inferior Cambrian, and he reports the gastropod (?) genus Chuaria from the preCambrian.
Some of its characteristic mammals and birds are the long-eared desert fox, four-toed kangaroo rats, Sonoran pocket mice, big-eared and tiny white-haired bats, road runner, cactus wren, canyon wren, desert thrashers, hooded oriole, black-throated desert sparrow, Texas night-hawk and Gambels quail.
So are the tiny Coniopterygidae, which are covered with a white powdery secretion, and have very small hind-wings.
Outside, on the north-east, is the grassy hollow of a tiny amphitheatre; on the west a line of earthworks runs in wider circuit than the walls.
The Nootkas of British Columbia regard it as a tiny man, living in the crown of the head.
The Carboniferous forerunners of the tiny club-moss were then great trees with dichotomously branching stems and crowded linear leaves, such as Lepidodendron (with its fruit cone called Lepidostrobus), Halonia, Lepidophloios and Sigillaria, the largest plants of the period, with trunks sometimes 5 ft.
The very small pups are of a beautiful quality, but too tiny to make into garments, and, as the aim of a good furrier is to avoid all lateral or cross seams, skins are selected that are the length of the garment that, is to be made.
In this assembly the voting power was somewhat differently distributed; but the attempt to make it bear some proportion to the importance of the various states, worked out so badly that Austria had only four times the voting power of the tiny principality of Liechtenstein.
Others pictured him to themselves as a tiny exc Lnt in the early dawn, as full-grown at noon, and as an infirm of man in the evening.
The familiar duckweed which covers the surface of a pond consists of a tiny green "thalloid" shoot, one, that is, which shows no distinction of parts - stem and leaf, and a simple root growing vertically downwards into the water.
The dirty streets full of petty traders, the gloomy bazaar with its multitude of tiny shops, the market squares, the blind alleys, the little gates in the dead courtyard walls, all give the place the stamp of a Tatar or Turkish town.
Its fame rests on Humboldt's publication of the tradition that great numbers of this tiny fish had been thrown out during the eruptions of Imbabura and other volcanoes.
Sand-flies are common, and in the eastern forests the tiny pium fly (Trombidium, sp.?) is a veritable pest.
From the Indian Ocean the Gulf of Oman is entered approximately where Persian territory begins at the tiny port of Gwattar.
Again, it was like the tiny mustard-seed which grew out of all proportion to its original size, till the birds could shelter in its great branches.
His own teaching that all must be given for God was illustrated by the devotion of a poor widow who cast into the treasury the two tiny coins which were all that she had.
Squirrels are confined to the eastern chain of islands from Basilan to Samar and to the Palawan-Calamianes group. In the southern islands there is a tiny species, the size of a mouse.
Down the edge of each a tiny rill glistens like silver, and this is the ever-plying shuttle that weaves the fairy fabric.
Most Persian women are small, with tiny feet and hands.
In winter a pair of very short white cotton socks are used, and tiny slippers with a high heel; in summer, in the house ladies go often barefoot.
Two other mosques in Delhi itself deserve passing notice, the Kala Masjid or Black Mosque, which was built about 1380 in the reign of Feroz Shah, and the Moti Masjid or Pearl Mosque, a tiny building added to the palace by Aurangzeb, as the emperor's private place of prayer.
W., and watered by a tiny tributary of the Guiers Mort.
Colombia also possesses many species of the beautiful little humming-bird, among which are the tiny Steganura Underwoodi and the sword-bill, Docimastes ensiferus, which were found by Mr Albert Millican on a bleak paramo 12,000 ft.
The treatment of the subject, the atmosphere which surrounds it, the delicacy in which the little prattling ways of the nuns, their jealousies, their tiny trifles, are presented, takes the reader entirely by surprise.
Such a monastery consisted of countless tiny huts of wattles and clay (or, where stone was plentiful, of beehive cells) built by the pupils and enclosed by a fosse, or trench, like a permanent military encampment.
From a moss-covered rock a tiny spring issues and has made a pool below.
His intent was to become sole lord and to aggrandize his tiny principality.
Yet there was that tiny shred - the chance that they would like the lifestyle.
Carmen lifted Matthew's tiny head in the crook of her arm and let his little body rest in her lap, using her other hand to guide the nipple into his mouth.
Their freight wagons used this route to deliver supplies to the tiny town of Ashley, but few people traveled the desert.
A tiny cry of his soul, and a spark reached out to her.
She sensed Jule, her father, and hundreds—no, thousands!—of tiny signatures surrounding them.
As much as it didn't make sense, as much as his day job terrified her … She wanted Darkyn, more so now that she knew he had a side – however tiny – that was capable of caring for her and only her.
Fitzgerald's entry was a flat trailer, pulled by a Jeep, bedecked with appropriate flags and bunting while a tiny speaker blared America the Beautiful.
Tiny blossoms struggled out of incredibly hostile locations, seemingly growing from the rocks themselves before celebrating their success in a brilliance of color.
Lydia pressed her body against him so tightly he could feel her quiver with each tiny step.
They were awaiting distribution by tiny Tonya the entrepreneur.
While the bulk of Martha's bones remained in an unknown West Coast landfill, the tiny digit was found in Brandon Westlake's pocket.
When Darkyn's demons had wiped out his village, a tiny stopover on their journey to enslave the mortal realm.
Tourists and locals alike bartered with vendors, and he entered a tiny silver shop, where he sensed the Immortal he sought.
The souls sensed their Keeper and rose from the floor of the deep lake to hover around him like suspended, tiny green lanterns.
A demon guarded the tiny spot, no larger than a meter square.
The dhjan had known nothing but war for over half his life, since exiled with his sisters to the tiny moon across the galaxy from his home of Anshan.
They had six legs with little pads for feet instead of toes and claws, a delicate snout not quite the length of an anteater's lined with fine hairs and tiny teeth used to vacuum up mold, dust, and dirt that was its main food source, and an odd habit of climbing walls with hidden suckers in its padded feet.
In recent years, the town of Ouray had attained international acclaim for its ice climbing park, located on the southern edge of the tiny town.
Light snow had begun to fall—tiny crystals hardly visible in the light of the lamp across the street.
Instead, he sauntered into the dining room and sat next to Edith as she halved a muffin and in tiny motions spread it with butter and marmalade.
That's why they visit birthplaces, places of monumental happenings like battlefields or sites of great tragedies— to absorb a tiny bit of what happened there.
As the doe strained, one tiny hoof emerged, and then disappeared as the contraction subsided.
Reaching under the tiny limb with a finger, she gently pulled the leg forward.
That this one was in the middle of a town—even a tiny one—made her nervous.
The petite woman started to run, ignoring the demons that swiped at her with talons large enough to take off her head with one swipe. She seemed immune to the demons' strikes. They fell away, as if hitting an invisible shield. The bizarre display drew more than Katie and Toby's attention. A ripple went through the demons, and they turned to watch the tiny woman sprinting towards them with flashing blue eyes.
In spite of his love of music, no pocket recorder filled Dean's head with voices, strings or horns through tiny toy earphones— he'd leave that to the bikers who pedaled unaware of the sounds of birds and springtime around them.
Whole fields were yellow with buttercups or white with the ghosts of dandelions whose tiny parachutes floated off, seeking fertile fields in which to propagate.
He watched as the tiny hands wiggled on the monitor, and even moved closer to examine the fetus.
Jonny's handwriting was harder to read, tiny and tight, where Czerno's held a calligraphic flair.
The serpent raised its ugly head, the beady black eyes measuring Megan as its tiny forked tongue flicked in her direction.
She glanced around the tiny room, thinking of her spacious apartment in L.A. There was no kitchenette here, only a small bath off the main room.
For reasons I can't quite fathom he reminds me of Tiny Tim.
One tiny percent sounds so innocuous, whereas $1 billion is a colossal sum.
A tiny acorn of an idea grew rapidly into a massive oak.
Coming back down the path, near where the Daffodils bloom, we found a tiny dead adder, some eight inches long.
A fantastic gift for a tiny babies, Lullaby Ellie is simply adorable.
Distant and faint gamma-ray burst afterglows will appear as tiny smudges of light even to the powerful UVOT.
Agios Georgios The tiny fishing harbor of agios Georgios The tiny fishing harbor of Agios Georgios with great fish restaurant overlooking the sea and just 5 minutes from Coral Bay.
Tiny teens with their eyes all aglow Know their parents won't be home tonight.
The fibers in the compost create air pockets in which tiny seeds can become stranded.
At the end of the airways are clusters of tiny air sacs.
Landing on the tiny airstrip at Lukla in the Everest region of Nepal is an adventure in itself.
Tucked down a tiny alley, which is almost impossible to find, is this little gem.
Each tiny alveolus is surrounded by a network of capillaries that joins veins and arteries.
A tiny structure deep within her brain called the amygdala caused a massive fear response.
The polyps behave like tiny sea anemones with stinging cells to capture the even smaller life in the plankton.
Then the tip of the catheter is expanded like a tiny balloon in the blocked or narrowed coronary artery.
A tiny sample of the marrow is then drawn (aspirated) into a syringe (a bone-marrow aspirate ).
Maldives Scattered across the Indian Ocean, due west of southern India, is a group of tiny coral atolls.
Seeing the Dalai Lama address an audience in 1993 - such a tiny man yet he filled the auditorium with his radiance.
Only the Tories and a tiny minority of the labor MPs would support a war without explicit UN authorization.
Cut a grape in half along its vertical axis leaving a tiny bit of skin linking the two halves.
As I stepped out into our tiny backyard to scream, the phone rang.
Situated just 300 yards from the beach, this tiny cottage was once the village bakery.
The tiny aperture that serves as both entrance and exit to this great basilica constitutes a danger to pilgrims.
As well as tiny exfoliating beads, it also contains vitamins A and E to encourage faster cell regeneration.
The main parties bicker about tiny modifications to our present course of complete stifling of the individual by the state, and economic stagnation.
A jejunal biopsy is a test to take a tiny sample of your child's jejunum.
She did a tiny bit of measuring with me and some addition [maths] and ' helped ' Chris with some packing.
The crew of the Sauropod hit trouble when their ship is pulled into a strange, tiny black hole.
Unlike the picture painted by PR critics, coalitions are seldom directed by the whims of tiny parties blackmailing large parties.
A tiny tompot blenny, undaunted by our stature, stands his ground.
In this type of psoriasis, tiny yellow blisters fade to leave a small brown stain.
A tiny blob on the sponge is enough to do the whole body.
From here a tiny slot through a calcite blockage looked down into darkness.
Prolonged applications of cold water contract the tiny blood vessels and thus the amount of blood in the part is lessened.
The skin contains a network of small blood vessels with tiny muscles in their walls.
The tiny caterpillars strip the flesh out of leaves causing brown blotches which become holes later.
The western side is older with tiny streets, traditional architecture and simple balconies brimming with bright purple bougainvillea and sweet jasmine.
The anchors look like they might fit on a tiny charm bracelet.
Each segment has four tiny bristles (tough hairs) underneath its body.
Earthworms, leeches, lugworms and marine worms bryozoans Bryozoans look like plants but actually consist of thousands of tiny animals.
Examine each branch and look for a pair of leaves where there are two tiny dormant buds in the leaf axil.
They range in size from the tiny duikers to the huge cape buffalo.
Five days is just a tiny bump compared to what can happen.
After a short but extremely bumpy drive to a neighboring compound, I find myself in a tiny, dark room in a hut.
Many such pets end their days confined in tiny cages by their inexperienced owners.
There is no other color in the room except a single pink camellia in a tiny vase on the counter.
I thought I was supposed to brush my teeth after eating each tiny individual candy in the pack.
Each case held a row of tiny, intricate carvings.
The tiny St James Church contains some superb carvings.
I turn, and there, just behind me, lies a tiny old man in a large casket.
There is an easy exit for the tiny first instar caterpillar to escape from the confines of its egg.
Pulmonary artery catheter â a tiny tube inserted into the artery connecting the heart to the lungs.
Opportunity this afternoon to visit the tiny coral cay of Two Isles.
They range from the tiny pink flowered common centaury through to the 1.5 meter tall Marsh Thistle.
At a recent pilgrimage of 50,000, one small chalice was quite adequate for the tiny number of communicants.
Our organic wedding cakes are made to order, with cream colored icing, decorated with fresh flowers and tiny gold cherubs.
You can find decorative lights in every shape and style, from hot chili peppers to classic tiny white lights.
This is Madonna, a tiny, five year old chimp who had been poached and taken to Qatar for the pet trade.
In the presence of sunlight, tiny plant species called phytoplankton use the nutrients to produce a greenish plant substance called chlorophyll.
You may also come across conch chowder - a keys specialty, tiny blue crabs - a Florida delicacy and fresh scallops.
Bell animalcules are tiny unicellular organisms that belong to a group called the ciliates.
An ameba, however, does not feed entirely on plants it is also carnivorous feeding on tiny ciliates.
It had a circlet of cilia very near its front end and what looked like tiny cilia on its protruding " nose.
Instead, there is a tiny gap called the synaptic cleft.
It gently cocoons a tiny 2.5kg (5lbs) newborn yet is strong enough to carry chunky toddlers!
Sensitive new testing kits can detect tiny amounts of potentially harmful toxic contaminants in foods.
Footnotes [1] ' According to this theory, matter is composed entirely of tiny, invisible, indivisible bits, called corpuscles.
A tiny corset worn by Kylie was designed by Mr Pearl, famous for having trained his own waist into an 18 inch corset worn by Kylie was designed by Mr Pearl, famous for having trained his own waist into an 18 inch corset.
Pretty sure I saw tiny air bubbles, so reckon they were synthetic corundum.
The tiny speckled maroon caribou rapidly devoured the three-day old courgette.
A close, careful visual check in good light may reveal the tiny hairline cracks spreading out like a spider-web over the tire walls.
He lived in a tiny wooden packing crate little more than a meter wide, with bars on the front.
Be sure to set camp away from tiny cracks, those possibly hiding the mouths of large crevasses.
The smoke has to trickle out through tiny crevices.
There were two tiny finger crimps but these only led me to dirty rock.
The fragment of coral, a tiny crinkle of pink like a sugar rosebud from a cake, rolled across the mat.
Worse still when they tried to bark at us nothing happened except for a tiny hoarse croak.
For a quarter of an hour, I trod this blazing sand, which was strewn with tiny crumbs of seashell.
In late summer the young are very common in the lower shore pools feeding on tiny crustaceans.
For keeping this tiny fox cub in the surgery for two days we were charged £ 40.24.
To stop mosquito bites itching apply a tiny dab of haemorrhoidal ointment.
The River Dove meanders slowly through a beautiful wooded dale, over a succession of tiny weirs.
Perhaps when they have seen huge spiders on T.V. being handled without mishap, the perceived danger from our tiny native specimens seems less.
I've actually done a tiny bit of work here today but it's still deathly quiet.
The scenery is even more spectacular in the afternoon as we walked past avalanche debris into the tiny village nestled under huge walls.
As we become progressively deformed - even in only tiny ways - different muscles learn to compensate.
Deciduous ancient woodlands run down tiny valleys to the seas edge and birdwatchers and naturalists delight in the abundance of wildlife.
Exellent condition, Plating 99 %, only one tiny dent on the second ' slide.
Can we understand the underlying engineering designs that allow this tiny nematode to survive and flourish?
A huge camera isn't necessary as many programs are shot on tiny digital cameras.
Each of the hydrogen atoms in each of the molecules of water in your brain is a tiny magnetic dipole.
The tiny amount of energy dissipated goes into heat, barely enough to warm your big toe, let alone a room.
So -- we have come a long way from a tiny scrap of paper to the second largest distiller in England!
Note- Jon is not, nor does he have a tiny dong.
The large works in pen and ink imitate the small marks of the tiny sketches, be they figurative images or abstract doodles.
A medical scan of a head or a heart might include many millions of these tiny colored dots.
For the mighty oceans are indeed made up of tiny droplets of water.
I was quite amazed when I saw a tiny duckling trailing her into the kitchen and over to her food bowl.
They run down tiny tear ducts into the nose.
All game activities are included and species range from the Big Five to the tiny blue duiker and rock hyrax.
In addition, a tiny minority have core capital funding earmarked for adult basic skills learning.
Even with the tiny inexpensive earpieces which come with portable Minidisc and CD players the bass is astonishingly good.
A photographic emulsion is made up of lots of tiny grains a few microns across.
The newer video endoscopes have a tiny, optically sensitive computer chip at the end.
We were trying to have a session on computers, which sounds like a tiny jazz ensemble playing.
This is normally prevented by a tiny messenger substance known as " GABA " which makes the nerve cells less excitable.
These are tiny organisms, too small to see with the naked eye, that sometimes cause illness in humans.
One girls caught an eyeful and screamed a little too loud, " That's tiny " .
Its eyes glowed bright green in the headlight, and he bared tiny fangs as he hissed at me.
It has finely divided, almost feathery leaves, and tiny flowers that form a cluster.
The hummingbird feeders which are also on the balcony mean you get to see these tiny hovering jewels just inches away.
Tiny mosses, hardy ferns or miniature bulbs will add extra interest.
The tiny harbor is now used by a local crab fisherman.
If anyone can suggest why such a tiny town was so fixated on telling the time please let me know.
Bacteria and tiny flagellates are pulled down toward the vacuoles by this flow.
Pure, shining moments strung like tiny seed pearls between big red flares of defeat.
The Great Shield was fatally flawed; in time the tiny fracture would grow into a gaping wound.
Some light pressure with a wire brush removed what tiny flecks of rust remained.
An alternative process is dissolved air flotation which injects tiny bubbles of air into the bottom of the tank.
On the other hand, a filter with tiny pores can trap small particles at the expense of inhibiting fluid flow.
Deaths from ecstasy in Holland are only a tiny fraction of the figures for Britain.
A tiny fragment of amber came to light during the analysis of a ditch soil sample.
The edges of each tiny hole are slightly frayed.
The tiny speckled ultramarine badger quickly devoured the moldy old spam fritter.
A short walk brings us to Red frog Beach to see the tiny poisonous red frogs.
As I gaze upwards I think of tiny seats, bad food, stale air and jet engines belching noxious fumes.
To ' seal ' this leak, a laser is used to burn a tiny area of the ocular fundus.
It is caused by a tiny gall wasp Andricus aries.
This ruby is toward the pinkish tones and has tiny garnets embedded in her.
Desmoulin's Whorl Snail is a tiny gastropod that lives in swampy grasslands.
Cervical mucus is secreted by tiny glands lining the canal.
This just might give you the tiny glimmer of optimism for your own script.
Can a tiny country find its way through the web of neoliberal globalization without compromising its autonomy or social gains?
Each female can produce up to half a million tiny eggs, each containing a globule of oil that makes the egg buoyant.
Goat's milk forms into much easier, small lumps and human milk into tiny little globules.
A tiny gnat, invisible to me, must have fallen close to the droppings and tempted the fish.
About a week later I bought some very tiny goldfish.
It was carved from deep sapphire blue goldstone which was full of tiny twinkling golden specks.
The best way to detect gravity waves would be to measure one of those tiny changes in distance they cause.
I have however, one minor, tiny little gripe, directed mainly at the media.
This tiny grizzly has caught itself a fish and is heading for the beach.
This represents the largest Tiny Technology grouping within an engineering school in the UK.
There is a slight uphill gradient, and a tiny handful of buildings appear on the skyline.
Bunjee was interred in our backyard, his grave marked with a tiny granite headstone.
Like a tiny flower bursting through souless concrete, the wise feel a heartbeat beneath their feet.
It's been great and has been a real hotbed of musical creativity, but it was tiny.
At one stage, closure of the tiny school looked imminent.
The herb's delicate flowers have five petals with tiny, almost imperceptible black dots along their margins.
Something about the diamond did not form correctly, or there are tiny imperfections within the stone.
A microchip is a tiny, totally inert electronic transponder about the size of a grain of rice.
Ink-jet printers spray ink-jet printers spray ink onto the page from a tiny print head.
Kittens can squeeze into tiny spaces and because they are so inquisitive, often end up in trouble!
When they hatch the first instar of the larval stage is very small and makes tiny holes in the leaf.
Just to see this tiny piece of beach was quite instructive.
The tiny distortions are measured by means of a laser interferometer.
Tiny Prints Birth Announcements Simple, modern and unique birth announcements, Christening invitations, Christening favors, photo announcements and birthday party invitations.
The stone beach is very attractive with an offshore islet sporting a tiny chapel to add to the romantic setting.
They cause tiny puncture wounds in the skin which are very itchy.
No problem said the janitor proudly fetching his tiny terrier into the studio.
A tiny jellyfish, barely the size of a 10 pence piece slowly pulses past, about six inches from my mask.
When only tiny bits remained, we poured boiling water from the expedition tea kettle over the surface to melt them.
Its going to be one of those thngs i will always remember, like i spotted a tiny keyhole into the future girl.
The Maldives is an enchanted paradise on the equator a necklace of tiny palm studded coral islands, surrounded by sparkling lagoons.
Both upper and lower mandibles contain rows of tiny bony structures called lamellae.
As part of the mission, Hayabusa dropped its tiny lander, Minerva, on the surface of the asteroid.
They have repaired many Acer, Toshiba, Time, Samsung, Fujitsu, Tiny, Compaq, eMachines and Advent laptops.
Tiny midge larvae (3mm long, orange or white) cause the damage.
The female flowers are tiny and occur at the leaf axils, where the leaf axils, where the leaf stalks join the twigs.
In Ireland, on a summer's morn, I saw a tiny leprechaun.
From the tiny minnow to the huge leviathan, do not all creatures that swim in the waters laud and magnify His great Name?
Skin will be tested by shining ultraviolet light to limited areas and by taking tiny skin samples.
There are always shoals of tiny fish and it is quite usual to see a few ling and perhaps scorpionfish.
The a are few tiny light marks to the satin lining inside.
A tiny amount of golden linseed will provide essential fatty acids, but only a tiny amount is needed.
But Mrs Bate has a small locket with a tiny picture of her mother and father inside.
It takes a couple of minutes to attach a tiny keystroke logger onto someone's keyboard.
The water in different mood falls over a rocky ledge, divides round a tiny island, home to a pair of wild mallard.
Primates range from tiny marmosets weighing only a few grams, to huge gorillas weighing 140 180kg.
With the remaining piece of yellow marzipan make eight tiny yellow wings and press these onto each side of the chicks.
To navigate the menus you use a pair of tiny left/right buttons and an up/down toggle.
A coral reef is a teeming metropolis built upon the living skeletons of tiny soft polyps.
This involves inserting a tiny microchip, smaller than a pea, under the dog's skin.