Tingling Sentence Examples
Her body was tingling from his tease.
Strange tingling ran down her arm.
His tingling senses awoke him, but he was too weak to do more than look around the room.
She shivered at the tingling massage traveling across her scalp and into her brain.
Slowly it descended, leaving a wake of tingling nerves.
Hope and anger raced through her, her body tingling with more than his magic.
His fingers slid down her arms in a tingling caress as he relinquished the embrace.
It was all she could do to remain upright on tingling weak legs.
There is a sensation of burning, tingling and numbness in the mouth, and of burning in the abdomen.
This is described by women as a wave of heat passing over the body, sometimes accompanied by redness, sweating or tingling.
AdvertisementHuman Fire highlights all The Promise's strengths, including all-out rockers, spine tingling ballads and extended epics.
A cold, tingling sensation entered my body, giving life to muscles that I thought I had lost the use of for ever.
A subtle, tingling sensation ran across my skin.
Heard the spine tingling roar of a big black-maned lion at close quarters?
Human Fire highlights all The Promise 's strengths, including all-out rockers, spine tingling ballads and extended epics.
AdvertisementReport any odd symptoms like tingling, numbness or weakness asap to a doctor who knows.
With a tingling spine, I took a photocopy, attached a post-it with the words something like this...?
Hywel stuck on the pads, which made a mild tingling feeling.
The Symptoms The symptoms of RSI include aches, pain, numbness, tingling, weakness and cramps.
While in hospital after surgery I developed tingling around the lips and muscle cramps and bone pains.
AdvertisementThe other is an effect on the nerves which can cause constipation and numbness and tingling in the fingers and toes.
Feeling numbness or tingling in the arms or legs.
Some people feel nauseated and generally unwell, and tingling of the fingers is quite common.
She was still tingling with excitement from the standing ovation she received at the ballet.
In another garden tree a Dunnock gives a short trill of it 's tingling song.
AdvertisementAt the first sign of that familiar tingling sensation, go to your kitchen and try this time-tested folk remedy.
Normally, this kind of hype is enough to get a healthy skeptic's snake-oil sensors tingling, but in this case the claims appear to be legitimate.
They have also added refresher chemicals to produce a pleasant tingling sensation upon application.
When you roll on this product, you will notice an immediate tingling.
Vitamin B12 injections can have side effects ranging from rashes to numbness and tingling in the extremities.
These salves give the skin a tingling sensation as they are absorbed.
A tingling sensation may be felt and is often the result of metabolic problems, toxin explosion, infection or traumatic injury.
The tingling feeling experienced when hands begin to wake up can rouse you from sleep.
Numbness and tingling sensation causing sleep disruption is only one symptom of CTS.
Do not shake or bang your hands on things in order to wake them up if you wake up with numb fingers or tingling.
Nocturnal support braces for your wrists and hands can help reduce the tingling sensation that disrupts your sleep.
The child has tingling or other unusual sensations followed by numbness in certain parts of the body.
The neurological status of the patient should also be evaluated for such symptoms as numbness and/or tingling in the lower extremities.
Typically, 50 to 80 percent of children with oral herpes experience a prodrome (symptoms of oncoming disease) of pain, burning, itching, or tingling at the site where blisters will form.
Children often feel the tingling at the site before the sore appears.
Parents should begin the treatment at the first sign of tingling or redness, which can reduce the time to two to four days.
Antiviral creams Zovirax and Denavir should be applied within the first 24 hours of feeling the tingling or discomfort, before the plaster erupts.
For example, the herpes prodrome consists of pain, burning, tingling, or itching at a site before blisters are visible while the migraine prodrome consists of visual disturbances.
The interplay of these factors can produce effects ranging from a mild tingling to instant death.
However, following a low-voltage shock, parents should consult their healthcare provider if the child has any noticeable burn to the skin, any numbness, tingling, or vision, hearing, or speech problems, no matter how mild.
The first symptom is a tingling or mildly painful itching sensation in the area where the sore will appear.
Numbness and tingling are decreased or abnormal sensations caused by altered sensory nerve function.
This same combination of numbness and tingling can occur in any region of the body and may be caused by a wide variety of disorders.
People of all ages experience episodes of numbness and tingling.
Episodes of numbness and tingling are more common among people with diabetes, hypothyroidism, alcoholism, malnutrition, or who experience mechanical trauma, especially to their limbs, neck or spine.
Sleeping with the arms above the head or sitting with the legs tightly crossed frequently cause numbness and tingling.
A healthcare professional should be consulted when instances of numbness or tingling last for more than a few hours.
For limbs that have "fallen asleep," restoring circulation by stretching, exercising, or massaging the affected limb can quickly dissipate the numbness and tingling.
Parents should monitor children who complain of numbness or tingling that lasts for more than a few minutes and fails to improve.
In more severe cases, there may be a loss of pulse below the fracture site, such as in the extremities, accompanied by numbness, tingling, or paralysis below the fracture.
Severe poisoning can also lead to tingling in the scalp, fingers, and toes, muscle contractions, an elevated heart rate, rapid breathing, large drops in body temperature and blood pressure, vomiting of blood, and coma.
One to seven hours after the bite, the victim begins to experience the effects of the venom, which include tingling at the wound site, weakness, nausea, vomiting, excessive salivation, and irrational behavior.
The procedure is painless; the child feels only a slight tingling or tickling.
This condition is characterized by numbness and tingling.
The various swellings and enlargements throughout the body may press on nerves, causing sensations of local tingling or burning and sometimes result in muscle weakness.
Some report various physical sensations, including tightness in the chest, tingling sensations, tremor, hearing echoes, or a feeling of pressure inside the head.
Many people are able to anticipate an outbreak when they notice a warning sign (a tingling sensation, called a prodrome) of the approaching illness.
The pills can be taken for three to five days as soon as sores are noticed or when an outbreak tingling sensation occurs.
The skin turns pale, and the person experiences numbness or tingling in the affected part until warming begins.
The patient may report feeling numb or a tingling sensation.
During the first weeks or months, people often experience tingling, a burning sensation, or a sensation resembling shocks from an electric current.
About 80 percent of all amputees over the age of four experience tingling, itching, numbness, or pain in the place where the amputated part used to be.
Phantom pain-Pain, tingling, itching, or numbness in the place where the amputated part used to be.
Gastrointestinal symptoms may include swelling and tingling in the lips, tongue, palate or throat; nausea; cramping; diarrhea; and gas.
A Jacksonian seizure is a partial seizure characterized by tingling, stiffening, or jerking of an arm or leg.
Sensory seizures cause numbness or tingling in one area.
Since a tingling sensation is felt upon successfully pulling a hair follicle completely from its root, a neurodermatologic connection may reinforce hair pulling as a means of tension relief.
Do not be alarmed if a tingling sensation and redness of the scalp occurs upon application, as this is a normal occurrence when using the Scalp Treatment.
Some patients have reported feeling a slight tingling or a warm sensation in regards to laser hair removal.
This combination of pill and cream is usually sufficient to combat any feelings of warmth or tingling.
Another pregnancy sign is tender or tingling breasts.
If you are experiencing numbness, tingling, or pain in one of your legs while you are pregnant, you may be suffering from sciatic nerve pain.
A person suffering from coeliac disease may experience periods of irritability or a tingling sensation in his hands and feet.
You may also feel a tingling sensation in your limbs as a result.
They are characterized by a tingling or soreness around the mouth, followed by the appearance of a fluid-filled blister that scabs and eventually heals.
Here are a few short ghost stories to set your spine tingling.
Joint pain, muscle cramps, anemia, mouth sores, skin rash, dental disorders and tingling in the legs and feet are sometimes present as symptoms of gluten intolerance.
That tingling, sometimes numb feeling that carpal tunnel sufferers experience can morph into extreme pain.
Would people still be afraid to go in the water if the theme from Jaws hadn't been so spine tingling?
A slight non-painful tingling may be felt during or after the treatment.
If you apply milk to the area as soon as you feel burning and tingling, you will start the healing process right away.
You may experience some tingling upon initial application of the product from the natural fruit acids it contains.
Slight swelling, red skin and skin tingling are experienced by a few patients.
You may feel some tightening or tingling, which is normal.
This type of rash is also known as prickly heat because of the tingling sensation some may experience.
Yully wouldn't be home yet, and there was no tingling of power that would indicate the Other was present.
Darkyn's lie detector skill gave Deidre a tingling at the base of her skull that she took to be a red flag.
Back and forth, back and forth, in a way that left her skin tingling and her feeling as if she was falling under some sort of spell.
When put to the lip, the juice of the aconite root produces a feeling of numbness and tingling.
It varies in intensity, being often of the most agonizing character, or less severe and more of a tingling kind.
The initial indications of the disease were cutaneous itching, tingling and formication, which gave place to actual loss of cutaneous sensation, first observed in the extremities.
But sooner or later peripheral neuritis develops, usually beginning with sensory disturbances, tingling, numbness, formication and occasionally cutaneous anaesthesia.
Darkyn was always right; the sense he gave her to gauge when someone around her had an ulterior motive was tingling.
She had few instincts, unlike Kiera's hyperactive intuition, but she felt a definite tingling.
The pain is often associated with a vague deep ache in the limb, sometimes mild tingling, but rarely numbness or weakness.
Vincent rides cymbal crescendos and pensive pattering to equally tingling ends, his restrained electronic gurgles providing ambiguous accents.
With fingers numbed by this tingling pain, Feel I'm dying every moment of this silicone day.
You may take over-the-counter painkillers to relieve pain, burning, tingling or numbness.
Reduced blood flow to the skin may cause pallor, pain, coldness of hands and feet and sometimes numbness or tingling.
Cold sores usually start with a tingling, itching sensation on the lip, followed by blisters which weep, forming a scab.
In another garden tree a Dunnock gives a short trill of it's tingling song.
At the same moment Natasha, without drawing breath, screamed joyously, ecstatically, and so piercingly that it set everyone's ear tingling.
You may get slight redness and itching, burning and tingling of the skin where a patch has been.
Patients in whom, for purposes of diagnosis, it has been electrically excited, describe, as the initial effect of the stimulation, tingling and obscure but locally-limited sensations, referred to the part whose muscles a moment later are thrown into co-ordinate activity.