Tinamus Sentence Examples
The "Tinamou" of Barrere has been identified with the "Macucagua" described and figured by Marcgrav in 1648, and is the Tinamus major of modern authors.'
Yet in minor characters there is considerable difference among them; and about sixty-four species are recognized, divided into the genera Tinamus, Nothocercus, Crypturus, Rhynchotus, Nothoprocta, Nothura, Taoniscus and Tinamotis.
The most numerous of these are the perdiz (partridge), the best known of which is the Tinamus maculosa which frequents the campos of the south, the inhambd (Crypturus), capoeira (Odontophorus), and several species of the penelope family popularly known as the jacutinga, j acu and jacu-assu.