Times Sentence Examples
Destiny woke several times during the night, but went back to sleep when she saw Carmen was there.
At times, we still do this today.
She had shut Katie off many times when she had tried to tell her things.
The phone rang ten times before Lisa gave up.
How many times have I offered to let you stay with me - free?
Her age must have been mentioned at least a half-dozen times in the last six trips.
The phone rang several times and then dropped the call.
He might be irritating at times, but he was never boring.
Carmen dozed in the chair a few times off and on until about midnight.
She woke several times briefly; once to see Len and an older officer with white hair talking in the hallway outside her cubicle in the emergency room.
AdvertisementIf you can prove I'm guilty, I'll be willing to die nine times, but a mind's eye is no proof, because the Woggle-Bug has no mind to see with.
This made me so angry at times that I kicked and screamed until I was exhausted.
Two or three times we stopped to rest under a tree by the wayside.
In fact, at times she had been almost brutally clear that she was no longer interested in him.
I've told myself that a hundred times.
AdvertisementI've been through this so many times I could do it in my sleep.
It's got to be a drag at times, and lonely.
Dean was sure the old man and his dilapidated old Scout had done this a thousand times before.
Even so, she caught Alex watching her with a strange expression several times.
They all leaned on each other in hard times.
AdvertisementBy that time the Giddon family would have felt the need to feed her two more times.
Two times she had been back to visit her siblings, both times at Christmas.
A month ago she would have said she might never marry, and yet it had crossed her mind a number of times since she met Bordeaux.
Many times she had thought the same.
In Cade's case, that was probably a blessing at times.
AdvertisementI did so from a Times Square pay phone.
There's one I chat with some times.
Love, what I do to you would kill a demon many times over.
She had been over every inch of his body numerous times without seeing the marking.
She's had some tough times, but we can hope for the best with this visit.
There are times it can come back and bites you on the butt.
Not that there weren't times he gave me ample provocation.
I saw him a few times.
Even after he went to work, he called her several times a day to see if she needed anything.
He carefully worked the ATV down a steep washed out trail that threatened to overturn the vehicle several times.
In fact, he had displayed that emotion several times.
Maybe it would be wise to separate the two at times.
Fritz kept watching her and Royce even snickered a few times.
You've told me a zillion times.
We've been all through this a zillion times.
He jabbed at the fire a few times.
Several times they scared up a covey of quail and once even a wild pig.
Which made three times you were broaching the subject of matrimony and I thwarted your attempts.
We never travelled much except to come up here to New Hampshire a few times.
Those units I use have been utilized and tested thousands of times.
Howie only came to New Hampshire a couple of times.
I've spoken with Cooms, a few times.
We'd discussed this point among ourselves numerous times over the past months.
I shot him six times before he reached my car.
During the interim we learned the sad news of the death of the Alabama Deputy Sheriff who was shot multiple times after stopping the kidnapper of eight year old Jennifer Morley.
His paper work checks out and he's visible but blurry a half dozen times on hotel video cameras.
He was so incensed; he'd try as many times as it took.
The few times Howie was out of ear shot, the rest of us gossiped about his love life like back fence crones but failed to reach a consensus.
Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau both climbed the peak multiple times and praised it in their writings.
But you've heard from them lots of times.
Often times both are absent when love is involved.
We tackle our work; professionally and without rancor to one another in spite of a pall of indecision that oft times seeps in like a chill from a leaky window frame.
I'm well practiced in this art as I've done so many times before!
He wants to stop this so-called Psychic Tipster who'd nearly caught him several times.
He knows he has nightmares and tosses and turns but he doesn't realize he talks out loud lots of times.
We would if he'd let me bracket enough times instead of quitting just because he gets tired.
As big a pain Quinn is at times, I know he's as committed as the rest of us to helping as many kids as possible.
It rang a dozen or so times before I half-fell down the stairs and located it.
Since he'd dropped into seclusion there were any number of times I could have used his council.
She wrote it lots of different times and tore it up.
He gets stymied at times because of lack of access to certain information sources.
Look, just tell the gathering how painful it is to have missed all those good times by not remembering this lovely woman everyone says is such a saint.
I squinted several times.
No, though I admit with head bowed, I lusted after her in my mind enough times.
Thankfully, most times people react rather than ask questions.
He so insisted on multiple times that none of us either questioned him.
While we'd both been witness scores of times, neither of us had paid much attention.
The phone rang more than a dozen times before a man with groggy voice answered.
He'd dreamt many times about his sister and his family, but she'd never talked to him directly.
She'd tried the door many times and determined if it didn't open, it was because he didn't want it to.
Keep the door locked at all times, okay?
He obeyed and sat across from her, shifting in his seat several times under her gaze.
We've done this a million times!
Several times she'd thought Dusty had the upper hand and could've killed the leering vamp, and several times, he'd stopped, once with a glance at his watch.
She rushed forward, screaming when Talon's dagger fell twice, thrice, five times.
I've tried to run away so many times.
She paused to listen, looked at the ground, and changed directions three times before she heard the sound of water flowing.
She punched slowly a few times until she was certain she'd corrected her punch.
The quarterly conference held four times a century with the highest ranking station commanders was coming up soon, and he had more pressing issues to resolve before it launched.
Instead, she watched a man many, many times her strength gently clean the blood from her arm in unhurried, methodical strokes.
Exactly. You'll be holding her hair for her in the bathroom several times a day.
They entered a large neighborhood and drove the same few blocks a few times before stopping in front of a large adobe hacienda walled off from its neighbors.
We're cousins, several times removed.
She lay still, the man in the corner so silent she had to look several times to make sure he was still there.
He turned and made his way through the doors he suddenly remembered traversing many times the past few days.
The depth of Claire's betrayal made him wish he could kill her again a thousand times over!
His canines were four times the length of hers.
What I plan on doing to you would kill a demon ten times over.
Darkyn is not an easy person to understand or live with, and I'm still not certain at all what to think of him at times.
After Ralph died in 1980, I remembered our good times in Colorado forty years before when we were kids, and I started coming back.
He missed the small girl and her shy smile a hundred times a day.
He and his buddies finished first six or seven times in a row.
When I got home, I played it over and over, a hundred times, I'll bet, and just cried and cried.
The way was totally familiar— twice today, three times in as many days.
It wasn't a new sight—he'd spent far too many years as a police officer not to have seen it, uncounted but never forgotten times.
Fred's changed his bow tie three times and you're bouncing around here like a November turkey.
They even jailed him a couple of times, just for being rowdy.
But as many times as David Dean considered picking up the telephone, it remained snuggled in its cradle unless Cynthia was answering it.
Then he smiled, no doubt remembering past times with David Dean—times he regretted similar words.
He was a bit wild at times, but a good kid.
Was human-Deidre going through the same pain many times a day at Darkyn's hands?
Deidre recalled dealing with him many times before without remembering exactly what they'd discussed.
At other times, it didn't, because her own emotions were too hard for her to control.
Gabriel was reminded of the many times he'd expressed something human to the goddess he'd loved for thousands of years.
Deidre tested them three times but was afraid of pissing off Gabriel by disobeying him so early in the day.
Times had definitely changed.
In the last week he had been out on night calls three times.
That made it hard to protect her at times.
And yet, in spite of her comment about only being there for a short time, Lori came back several times to visit Destiny.
Several times the telephone rang and he hurried to answer it as if he were expecting a call.
He was human, and there had been times that he had slipped, but it wasn't because he was thinking only of himself.
How many times had he met her?
She lay down several times and then got up again.
Several times she made a sound that was like she was talking.
That might happen a few times.
The mare strained several times over a period of time.
As if it were no particular problem, he said they had lost vital signs in flight a couple times.
She had been doing that several times a day every since he went to the hospital.
Many times she caught herself wondering what Alex would do and what he would want her to do under the circumstances.
Apparently he had been there several times.
The phone rang four times and Carmen was ready to hang up when Katie answered.
Catching him up on things at the office had been simple enough, as someone was there to visit him several times a week.
That evening she caught him watching her several times.
His fingers poised over the keys several times as if he were going to type more.
I can't tell you how many times I've had a hen set until the last few days and then leave the nest, spoiling the eggs.
She had indicated many times that she could live anywhere... any way.
Most of the times, conversation with Dr. Wynn was like talking to a robot.
He'd roamed the palace that was his home many times before returning to live out of the tiny cabin he preferred in the Everdark forest.
She told him a million times there was no way she was going to marry him then turn around and die.
The past few months, I've come close to breaking it hundreds of times to keep the underworld from shutting down.
Her hands fumbled with the keys three times before she managed to unlock the door.
The hands spun several times while the icons around its edges glowed, danced and finally settled back in place.
He searched Deidre's apartment from top to bottom several times, seeking the item he needed to fulfill his part of a deal.
Pacing, she tried to calm herself, as she had been both times the portal did work for her.
I ask myself that a few times a day.
Do you want to know how many times I walked away from past-Deidre?
Whatever she faced there was a million times better than whatever she faced away from him.
She breathed deeply several times, nerves and instincts unsettled.
She went to the kitchen and made him a cup in silence, glancing at him a few times as he propped his head up with both his hands.
The creature repeated her name several more times while she examined her body.
He made his way through the castle with the black stones as he had many times during his long stay.
He changed mechanically, as if accustomed to removing bloody clothing several times a day.
The three creatures continued to hunt through the fallen, sometimes eating, most of the times pushing body parts aside in search of something.
He'd almost died many times, and in many cases, for the sake of his brothers.
You could've killed me a million times over, but I'm your mate.
Most…well, all but you come from the elitist circles of their times.
You try but you can't protect me, Rhyn, which you've proven a dozen times over.
Most of the times, things just never get better.
An hour later, Katie stood in a similar-looking fortress several times the size of the Caribbean Sanctuary.
The cafeteria was four times the size of the one she was used to, and she lingered in the doorway, finally catching the attention of a convent member.
She blinked a few times as tears lined her eyes.
She awoke six more times willing the nightmare to be over.
She held her forearm out to the door as she approached, glancing again at the gold band around her wrist that Romas had emphasized she needed to wear at all the times.
The man she just passed was a foot taller than Romas and one and a half times as wide.
His sister appeared calm but glanced at him several times.
He said nothing but let her strike several times before shifting to the offensive.
He'd tried to block all memories of a happier time for fear he'd never see such times again.
She expected to be left behind many more times.
I almost died a million times over, and if I didn't know how to enable the shields on the escape pod, I would have burned up in the atmosphere, and if that didn't kill me, then hitting the planet-- He held up a hand, planting it across her mouth when she refused to stop.
One and a half times what we have now.
Leyon will be near you at all times.
Her feet were cold on the wooden floor, and she'd caught herself looking down many times to see if she made grass grow here, too.
He'd fought forces five times the size of his and won.
It's one of the few times we've been without guests since we opened and we'll practically have a full house next week with the Ice Festival coming up.
The phone rang twice while he worked, both times answered by Fred who sounded as if he was booking another guest.
In the eighteen-nineties Ouray had three thousand people living in town, three or four times as many as today.
He rose and crossed to the fireplace and began to bank the fire as the hall clock struck eleven times.
My guess is she sets the damn alarm multiple times every night.
Dean explained to his wife the number of times in his police career he'd seen battered women refuse to follow through when confronted by their abusive mate.
But not even in the worst of times did they ever regret for a moment abandoning their life in the East for this quiet mountain hamlet they now called home and their sometimes hectic life of running a country inn.
The Deans had utilized the site a half dozen times, including, in December, the council-sponsored full moon nighttime outing, followed by a dip in the town's hot spring pool.
These are the times for information.
I do lots of times.
If we keep saying that enough times, perhaps we'll believe it.
Edith's managed to slip out and meet me a half dozen times over the years, but that's it.
He can just change the title from Saint among the Sinners to Sinner among the Saints, The Life and Times of a Mine-Town Hooker.
She must have fallen on hard times to have been forced into the life she ended up leading.
I voted for Franklin Delano Roosevelt five or six times.
Even if you were a hundred, you'd only have voted four times.
That's all the times he ran for president!
You must have wondered about Fred's past at times.
I love the old geezer but the few times he starts talking about the old days, I tune him out.
Three times what we paid you for it!
Nope. It'll seem like old times.
At times my heart soars like an angel at the gates of paradise at the mere thought that a part of him is now a part of me.
Nine times out of ten, in these here capers, it's the she who's doing the deed.
Not that she's made any sense the other times we've had a conversation.
My baby stirred within me today and were I not so bundled in winter garb the few times when I venture out, surely all the wagging tongues in town would know of my maternal state.
He gets a bit vexatious at times.
You and me have beaten this bush a few times before, partner.
When he finished eating, he called the Indiana number, letting the phone ring a dozen times.
The word is he fell a pretty fair distance and bounced a couple of times.
It gets to be a pain at times.
The telephone in faraway Indiana rang, first in their agreed sequence, then twenty times before Dean gave up and turned out the light.
In between, he telephoned Indiana a dozen more times.
Sort of like old times, ain't it?
Don't mean old times are better than new times.
I called dozens of times.
Even if it was Bird Song where she stayed, the place must have been altered a dozen times in the last century.
Jackson had lost count of the times she found 'The One', only to have her heart broken months or years later.
At times he couldn't reach, and it would be up to Sarah.
They'd make it a game night or sit around getting wasted on twenty-year old scotch recounting countless, crazy times they had through the years.
She smiled, thinking of the many times they played "Wingman" for each other and all the times he had nursed her through heartache.
Thinking about all the times he nursed her through heartache, she now realized how difficult it must have been for him to witness her pain.
She danced around him, running her hands over him, at times tickling his ear with a sexy whisper.
He had tried to teach her to play the piano many times through the years, but she always became bored within a week or so of practice and gave up.
I have to admit, I have thought of you many times over the years, probably would have hooked up with you again if it were not for Jackson's threats.
He patted his chest a few times.
And if you'd gone down there one of the zillion times he's invited you in the last two years, he wouldn't feel obligated to come up now.
Since Katie had invited him up several times, she had obviously matured enough to forgive him.
Was that what Katie meant all those times she indicated his looks weren't his strongest point?
The kid was heavy and Carmen stumbled several times.
She managed to get to the house without falling more than five times.
They had shared so many memories - so many good times.
She tried to help him drive Alex from her mind, but at times it seemed an impossible chore.
Katie glanced at him questioningly a few times, but he gave his attention to his food.
And just because Alex went out with Lori a few times a while back doesn't mean he's unfaithful to me.
Did you know he's already called Lori several times this week?
The phone rang four times before a sleepy male voice answered.
I've been openly courting Carmen from day one, but all I have to do is see Lori a couple of times and you think we're romantically involved.
How many times do you have to be told no?
There will be times like that for both of us.
To be honest, thinking about the responsibility of making those decisions was overwhelming at times.
From the expression on Lori's face at those times, she didn't think the romance was over either – at least not for Josh.
More than likely their marriage would be strained at times, but he couldn't picture it ever being dull.
She'd tried to contact Mrs. Watson several times the first week at the Peak before giving up.
Yes. And how they got divorced, my grandfather four times over.
He'd heal four times faster than a normal human, but it wasn't fast enough.
A civil war where both sides have enough dangerous shit to destroy the world twenty times over.
He was bigger than Brady by a head and one and a half times as wide.
Keep it on you at all times.
These are scary times.
There was no way she could do enough damage to Charlie from four times as far to allow her to escape.
I've died a few times and lived to tell about it.
I had done it so many times.
I woke up with my heart pounding many times.
Mrs. Thompson checked on me a few times.
Phil Riley, Janice's husband, telephoned Virginia several times but there was no additional news.
He always took a bathing suit along on his trips but more times than not he was too busy to use them.
His route to Philly looked like a drunkard's path, zigzagging a series of country roads that were at times crowded with local traffic.
Naw. Jeff would hit all of the districts a few times a year, spend two, sometimes three days depending on the need.
I gave him a general overview and he picked the times, unless something hot was cooking.
Norfolk called three times today.
But it was more than Dean's charity that kept the two together, although at times Dean questioned the relationship as well as his sanity for putting up with the old man.
Detective David Dean had been seeing Attorney Ethel Rosewater three or four times a month for more than two years.
I surely don't know what you guys figure you'll find as many times as you've looked around.
I've read about it lots of times.
The unearthly shrill of the telephone shattered the scene, once, twice, three times before Dean clawed at the instrument and grumbled something.
Vinnie, there aren't any 'old times.'
He's called three or four times.
Ridner's been in it lots of times.
Now you blow four times that on one meal!
Dean's multiplication table of 44, the number of rented apartments, wasn't perfect, but that number times even a reasonable monthly rental lessened any sympathy he might have felt for the woman's financial plight.
Cleary had bumped into him only twice, maybe three times but he had no recollection of the dates.
On the spur of the moment he picked up the phone and dialed Cece Baldwin, a number he now had committed to memory from the many unsuccessful times he'd made the call.
The first sign of the ground Dean spotted was a rain puddle reflecting the glow from the lights of the plane as the wheels touched the runway—one, two, three times before the tired aircraft glided to the taxiway.
I mean, I didn't pay much attention those times I saw him but it looks like the guy.
Ethel, less than attractive in the best of times, looked horrible.
Dean tried Cece Baldwin's number several more times without success.
Dean woke up feeling as if a truck had hit him, backed up and rolled over him a couple more times just to make sure.
Although they'd been together but a half-dozen times, each remained with him, indelibly imprinted in his memory.
They tried a couple of times to telephone Mrs. Porter back in Parkside but weren't able to get through.
He told her about Cynthia and she talked about someone named Jack who was a med student whose family thought she was a jerk and they both decided life was too damned complicated and lots of the times it sucked, but not at times like this.
At times it seemed that she might be afraid of him.
He's a little over protective at times, but he means well.
Considering the number of times she had pushed his hands away, it must be her breasts.
In any case, I've walked that path many times from or to the creek at night.
The phone ran six times and then stopped.
In fluid movements, he shook out a noose, swung it a few times to get momentum and then threw it at the limb.
Lori had said it so many times when they were younger.
He's come to you three times now, Carmen.
Both times Josh had walked away without harming Alex.
It was mostly used by deer, but she had been up it a number of times with her father.
She told me numerous times what a great lover he was – like I wanted to know, she added sarcastically.
What about all the times he had spoken to her lately?
It was actually a bit of a nuisance to go out to breakfast at times, but mostly they had completed chores and were on their way to some outing.
She sipped her coffee a few times and finally gave up.
Several times during the day, that empty feeling returned.
Other times reality took over.
It doesn't give a good clean shave, so I use one of these a couple times a week.
Right now he might accept the idea of 3 times a day.
Many times people gave up trying and adopted – only to immediately become pregnant.
Several times she had the phone in her hand, ready to call Katie.
And then, all those times when she had come home late, talking about the babies.
You had every right – so many times, but you didn't.
A few times he looked up at her, as if to ask what was on her mind.
He didn't need to know that the other times she had been there with Josh.
So you said - several times.
No doubt that got old at times.
Once he had told her that there would be times in their marriage when they would regret giving up their freedom.
Of course, there had been good times.
He said nothing more, but several times during the meal she caught him watching her in a strange way.
He started to speak several times, and then stopped.
This was only the second time she had seen him in that condition — both times since he married Lori.
We've been through some hard times.
She'd been testing him several times a day, astonished to learn just how quickly he was growing into his new powers.
She'd seen him trying to train the Black God a couple of times but never in the ring with any of the vamps.
Jonny's bathroom was four times the size of hers.
For months, he'd black out several times a day and wake up somewhere else, usually with the room around him in shambles.
She'd sparred with Darian hundreds of times and never noticed the way he smelled or the heat of his body against hers.
He'd felt a need to apologize the last two times he spoke to Vara, but never would.
There were a great many children whose cheerful voices and tiny forms darted by him several times.
He identified several major flaws in her defense, struck them multiple times to confirm, and caught her wrist to stop her.
She ran as she had so many times before.
How many times had she docilely allowed him to do just that?
Memon presided over all before him, at times as still as the statues lining the halls and at times barking orders for more wine or shouting at servants who placed food wrong on the tables.
At times, I doubt either of you are loyal to me.
It was times like this that she realized how much they had in common.
He doesn't appear to be, but I had to stop and let him rest several times before he got to the barn.
Let's see how many times it takes you.
Yes, he was joking, and she had referred to him as a Texan many times.
The phone rang four times before he answered.
We've taken the men up there a few times.
There had been few times in her life when she felt as bad as she did now.
How many times do I tell you this man is not for you?
How many times had she almost lost him already?
Life might get stressful at times with you Carmen, but I'll never be bored.
I've seen you in the elevator a few times.
How many times had she made the statement that the job was made for her?
She rejoined the party and even danced a few times with Denton, who was perplexed by her sudden change in mood.
She glanced at his somber profile several times on the way home, but they never spoke.
How many times had she been told this was a fool's mission?
You see houses a hundred years old standing in areas where tornadoes occur a number of times a year.
Several times that evening, she caught herself comparing him to Denton.
He's called the store three times in the last week.
Denton could be a royal snob at times, but this time he had outdone himself.
As much as he looked forward to a life with Megan, at times the thought was intimidating.
You'll have times – everyone does, but you'll make it together.
The two times in his life he recalled people seeing his eyes – which glowed like the red gem at his mother's throat – were not pleasant.
He let the sensations outside of his mind distract him while he checked his watch a few times.
Multiple times, Laurie said at last.
I've seen every episode a million times, Ingrid said with her normal dramatic flare.
Jessi rang the doorbell four times, nervously pacing in front of the closed door.
She was one of his frequent guests, visiting him several times each month.
He didn't wait for her, and she paused a few times along the way to the food court to argue with Ashley via texts about talking to Xander.
We're fuzzy on the dates and times, but he's planning something tonight and Friday afternoon.
The physical connection was making it hard to control her emotions and the memory of the other times he'd kissed her.
It was likely why Jessi changed her mind so many times about last night.
Although in late Tertiary times widely spread over southern Europe and India, giraffes are now confined to Africa south of the Sahara.
Consequently, during the hot season in Upper India, and at all times except during the rains in the more southern districts, elephants keep much to the denser parts of the forests.
In addition to various sounds produced at other times, an elephant when about to charge gives vent to a shrill loud 'trumpet'.
We must learn to issue from ourselves, transport ourselves back to other times, and become children again in order to comprehend the infancy of the human race.
Count Casimir Batthyany attacked him in The Times, and Szemere, who had been prime minister under him, published a bitter criticism of his acts and character, accusing him of arrogance, cowardice and duplicity.
Between the casting of the first and the thirty-third ballot, Garfield, who was the leader of Sherman's adherents in the convention, had sometimes received one or two votes and at other times none.
The process of fermentation in the preparation of wine, vinegar, beer and bread was known and practised in prehistoric times.
This ocean, already diminished in area, retreated after Oligocene times from the Iranian plateau, Turkestan, Asia Minor and the region of the north-west Alps.
Professor Suess, to whom the above description is due, finds that the Mediterranean forms no exception to the rule in affording no evidence of elevation or depression within historic times; but it is noteworthy that its present basin is remarkable in Europe for its volcanic and seismic activity.
Consalvi's rule, in times of singular difficulty and unrest, was characterized by wisdom and moderation.
Fabricius was regarded by the Romans of later times as a model of ancient simplicity and incorruptible integrity.
The castle was restored in modern times.
Her works are in very deed the echo of our times.
In later times they were addressed not only to the gods, but to human beings.
In the first place, with a given size of particles, the direction of complete polarization indicated by (23) is a function of the colour of the light, the value of 0 being 3 or 4 times as large for the violet as for the red end of the spectrum.
The duchy afterwards changed hands several times, one of its holders being Charles of Valois, natural son of Charles IX.
Gerdien himself makes I + -I_ considerably larger than Simpson, and concludes that the observed value of p is from 30 to 50 times that calculated.
The conductivity, which varies as the product of n into the mobility, will thus vary inversely as the pressure, and so at 36 kilometres will be one hundred times as large as close to the ground.
If then the risk under trees exceeds that in the open in Hungary and the United States, at least five or six times as many people must remain in the open as seek shelter under trees.
The German populations of these lands seem in Roman times to have been scanty, and Roman subjects from the modern Alsace and Lorraine had drifted across the river eastwards.
When the weather is temperate, mushrooms will appear in about a month after the bed has been made, but at other times a much longer period may elapse.
But this genealogy, though it is attributed to Hesiod, is apparently post-Homeric; and it is clear that the Ionian name had independent and varied uses and meanings in very early times.
The church of St Luke is Perpendicular, enlarged in modern times.
We shall suppose they did it upon great consideration and weighing of the matter, and it would be very strange and very ill if we should disturb and set aside what has been the course for a long series of times and ages."
Gold is found chiefly in placers, and in colonial times the output was large, but the deposits were long ago exhausted and the industry is now comparatively unimportant.
The site was occupied in very early times, as the discoveries since 1882 show.
The cella of the temple of Heracles underwent considerable modifications in Roman times, and the discovery in it of a statue of Asclepius seems to show that the cult of this deity superseded the original one.
On the east and west the ravines already mentioned afforded, in the main, a sufficient protection, so that a massive wall was unnecessary, while near the south-eastern angle a breastwork was formed by the excavation of the natural rock, 2 which in later times was honeycombed with tombs.
Close to this temple on the west is the site of the gate known in later times as the Porta Aurea, through which the modern road passes, so that no traces now remain.
The yield of corn varies from six to ten times the amount sown.
In Roman times Sardinia, relatively somewhat more prosperous than at present, though not perhaps greatly different as regards its products, was especially noted as a grain-producing country.
A large variety of materials have been used in their manufacture by different peoples at different times - painted linen and shavings of stained horn by the Egyptians, gold and silver by the Romans, rice-paper by the Chinese, silkworm cocoons in Italy, the plumage of highly coloured birds in South America, wax, small tinted shells, &c. At the beginning of the 8th century the French, who originally learnt the art from the Italians, made great advances in the accuracy of their reproductions, and towards the end of that century the Paris manufacturers enjoyed a world-wide reputation.
He vehemently opposed the persecuting acts now passed - the Corporation Act, the Uniformity Bill, against which he is said to have spoken three hundred times, and the Militia Act.
One of the strongest towns in Silesia it was besieged several times during the 17th and 18th centuries.
The building has been restored in modern times to serve as a court of justice and a prison.
The strongly fortified castle which he erected at the same time had the unfortunate result of making the infant town an object of contention in the Thirty Years' War, during which it was five times taken and retaken.
At times he acted as viceroy in William's absence; at times he led the royal forces to chastise rebellions.
In respect cf hospitals and the treatment of the sick his energy and knowledge were of enormous advantage to his country, both in times of peace and of war, and the unrivalled accommodation for medical treatment possessed by Berlin is a standing tribute to his name, which will be perpetuated in one of the largest hospitals of the city.
During his residence in Holland he lived at thirteen different places, and changed his abode twenty-four times.
Vulcan was the most important - perhaps in early times the only - deity worshipped at Ostia, and the priesthood of Vulcan was held sometimes by Roman senators.
His standpoint was at all times purely Athenian.
Pericles' home policy has been much debated since ancient times.
Amongst the Romans, private hospitality, which had existed from the earliest times, was more accurately and legally defined than amongst the Greeks.
Destroyed by barbarian invaders in the 7th century the town recovered its importance only in comparatively modern times.
Curtius places the original Prytaneum south of the Acropolis in the Old Agora, speaks of a second identical with the Tholos in the Cerameicus, and regards that of Pausanius as a building of Roman times (Stadtgeschichte, p. 302).
A large sugar-beet industry has also sprung up here in modern times.
As the story was reproduced, variations were freely introduced according to the bent of different times and peoples; in the Persian version Alexander (Iskander) became a son of Darius; among the Mahommedans he turned into a prophet, hot against idols; the pen of Christian monks made him an ascetic saint.
It appears in early times, when Thessaly was mainly governed by a few aristocratic families, as an important city under the rule of the Aleuadae, whose authority extended over the whole district of Pelasgiotis.
The publication of his best-known work, True Religion Delineated (1750), won for him a high reputation as a theologian, and the book was several times reprinted both in England and in America.
It has, however, been revived in modern times under the name of "New Delft."
In modern times it has been more criticized than read.
The fact that the kings were often absent from England, and that the justiciarship was held by great nobles or churchmen, made this office of an importance which at times threatened to overshadow that of the Crown.
At Selinitza, near Avlona, there is a remarkable deposit of mineral pitch which was extensively worked in Roman times; mining operations are still carried on here, but in a somewhat primitive fashion.
The natural antipathy between the two sections of the race, though less evident than in former times, is far from extinct.
The town was several times plundered by the Danes in the 9th century; it was laid waste by Dermot O'Brien in 1071, and was burned in 1137.
The traveller and farmer are at times annoyed by the mosquito.
The building of the Canadian Pacific railway through almost continuous rocks for 800 miles was one of the greatest engineering feats of modern times.
Three times captured by the Russians, in 1791, 1807 and 1828, and twice restored by them, in 1792 and 1812, it was finally left in their hands by the treaty of Adrianople in 1829.
He also was provost of Edinburgh at various times, and it is a remarkable instance of the esteem in which the lairds of Merchiston were held that three of them in immediate lineal succession repeatedly filled so important an office during perhaps the most memorable period in the history of the city.
The Annales, which are in seven books, deal with the history of Bavaria in conjunction with general history from the earliest times to 1460, and the author shows a strong sympathy for the Empire in its struggle with the Papacy.
The translation of Aristotle's Politics, the revision of Plato, and, above all, the translation of Thucydides many times revised, occupied several years.
Though the jus divinum of presbytery is not now insisted upon as in some former times, Presbyterians claim that it is the church polity set forth in the New Testament.
The municipal authority in those times claimed the right to exercise a censorship over the citizens' private life.
Cases of discipline are now comparatively rare, and, when they do occur, are not characterized by the bigoted severity which prevailed in former times and was rightly denounced as unchristian.
There were five presbyteries holding monthly meetings and annual visitations of all the congregations within their bounds, and coming together in general synod four times a year.
In Roman times it flowed, in its lower course, much farther north than at present, along the base of the Euganean hills, and entered the sea at Brondolo.
As far west, therefore, as the Cordillera, there is no evidence that any part of the region was ever beneath the sea in Mesozoic times, and the plant-remains indicate a land connexion with Africa.
The service is governed by the international telegraph regulations, but is subject to local inspection and interruption in times of political disorder.
In the geological history of France there have been two great periods of folding since Archean times.
In Tertiary times the Central Plateau was the theatre of great volcanic activity from the Miocene, to the Pleistocene periods, and many of the volcanoes remain as nearly perfect cones to the present day.
Forage Crops.The mangold-wurzel, occupying four times the acreage of swedes and turnips, is by far the chief root-crop in France.
This system, however, which is opposed by a powerful party, I has at various times undergone modifications.
The expenditure of the government has several times been regulated for as long as six months upon this system.
From the receveur is demanded a security equal to five times his total income.
In times of peace the carroccio was in the keeping of some great family which had distinguished itself by signal services to the republic.
Stralsund was founded in 1234, and, though several times destroyed, steadily prospered.
The Cinque Ports from the earliest times claimed to be exempt from the jurisdiction of the admiral of England.
In early times the war of the Epigoni was a favourite subject of epic poetry.
It was disputed in earlier times whether the temple was dedicated to Zeus or Athena.
It follows, therefore, that the maritime importance of the island dates back to pre-Dorian times.
He found the light of the sun to be 300 times more intense than that of the moon, and thus made some of the earliest measurements in photometry.
In ancient times a brook flowed down the valley of the Kidron, and it is possible that a stream flowed also through the Tyropoeon valley.
Speaking generally, it is probable that the water supply of Jerusalem in ancient times was better than it is at present.
The " castle of Istakhr " played a conspicuous part several times during the Mahommedan period as a strong fortress.
Indeed, the site of Jericho has shifted several times.
It lies in a healthy, hilly district, and has grown in modern times from a village into a large residential town.
Rhodes was famed in ancient times for its delightful climate, and it still maintains its former reputation.
The winds are liable to little variation; they blow from the west, often with great violence, for nine months in the year, and at other times from the north; and they moderate the summer heats, which are chiefly felt during the months of July and August, when the hot winds blow from the coast of Anatolia.
Whatever the racial affinities of the early inhabitants may have been, it is certain that in historic times Rhodes was occupied by a Dorian population, reputed to have emigrated mainly from Argos subsequently to the "Dorian invasion" of Greece.
The sites of Lindus, lalysus, and Camirus, which in the most ancient times were the principal towns of the island, are clearly marked, and the first of the three is still occupied by a small town with a medieval castle, both of them dating from the time of the knights, though the castle occupies the site of the ancient acropolis, of the walls of which considerable remains are still visible.
Rhodes was again famous for its pottery in medieval times; this was a lustre ware at first imitated from Persian, though it afterwards developed into an independent style of fine colouring and rich variety of design.
The breaking up of the old Archean foundation block began in Cambrian and Ordovician times.
In this valley were laid down, either in Eocene or Oligocene times, a great series of lake beds and thick accumulations of brown coal.
The length of telegraph lines in use is 46,300 m., and the length of wire nearly three times that distance.
Cook examined the bay in the pinnace, and landed several times; but by no endeavour could he induce the natives to hold any friendly communication with him.
The vessels became separated, and both at different times visited New Zealand.
In Victoria the law has been altered five times, and in Queensland and South Australia seven times.
From its pleasant situation in a hilly, wooded district near the headwaters of the Cray stream, Orpington has become in modern times a favourite residential locality for those whose business lies in London.
The battle of Lund was, relatively to the number engaged, one of the bloodiest engagements of modern times.
In the beginning of the 18th century Wangeroog comprised eight times its present area.
The Times was glad to employ his ready pen, and as one of its ablest leader-writers he made his influence widely felt.
In Pagan times Berchta had the rank of a minor deity.
The former Royal Dockyard was made over to the War Office in 1872 and converted into stores, wharves for the loading of troopships, &c. The Royal Artillery Barracks, facing Woolwich Common, originally erected in 1775, has been greatly extended at different times, and consists of six ranges of Brick building, including a church in the Italian Gothic style erected in 1863, a theatre, and a library in connexion with the officers' mess-room.
It contains models of the principal dockyards and fortifications of the British empire, naval models of all dates, and numerous specimens of weapons of war from the remotest times to the present day.
Several eruptions are recorded in Roman times.
They were known in Roman times, and many votive altars dedicated to Apollo and the nymphs have been found.
The potter's clay of Ischia served for the potteries of Cumae and Puteoli in ancient times, and was indeed in considerable demand until the catastrophe at Casamicciola in 1883.
During the 9th and 10th centuries the Netherlands suffered cruelly from the attacks of the Northmen, who ravaged the The in- shores and at times penetrated far inland.
They broke down the intense narrowness of the life of those feudal times, enlarged men's conceptions and introduced new ideas into their minds.
In modern times hepatoscopy still survives among primitive peoples in Borneo, Burma, Uganda, &c.
From the traces of a Roman road between Nantwich and Middlewich, and the various Roman remains that have been found in the neighbourhood, it has been conjectured that Nantwich was a salttown in Roman times, but of this there is no conclusive evidence.
In Roman times a small town called Icosium existed on what is now the marine quarter of the city.
Compelled by the second Restoration to retire into private life, he devoted his leisure to writing the history of his times, an occupation for which his previous employments well fitted him.
Many of the ancient oaks that remain in England may date from Saxon times, and some perhaps from an earlier period; the growth of trees after the trunk has become hollow is extremely slow, and the age of such venerable giants only matter of vague surmise.
Neumayr finds evidence of the existence of a continent between Africa and South America, which protruded into the central North Atlantic, in Jurassic times.
In prehistoric times the river ran straight on along the valley of the Chiana and joined the Tiber near Orvieto; and there was a great lake, the north end of which was at Incisa and the south at the lake of Chiusi.
The Serchio (anc. Auser), which joined the Arno at Pisa in ancient times, now flows into the sea independently.
At the time of his death The Times observed that "it is acknowledged on all hands that in him the Dominion has lost one of the ablest men that it has yet produced."
It is not uncommon for its entries to be five to ten times the length of other encyclopedias.
It was well known during the middle ages, and was largely used by William, archbishop of Tyre, for the first six books of his Belli sacri historic. In modern times its historical value has been seriously impugned, but the verdict of the best scholarship seems to be that in general it forms a true record of the events of the first crusade, although containing some legendary matter.
Over a large part of England this was fixed at 1200 shillings, or six times that of the ceorl.
In modern times the manor was held by Wynne Ellis (1790-1875), who left a valuable collection of paintings to the nation.
It is in the attempt to supply the place of this continuo (or _ figured bass) by definite orchestral parts that modern per formances, until the most recent times, have shown so radical an incapacity to grasp the nature of 18th-century instrumentation.
A subject so vast and so incapable of classification cannot be discussed here, but its aesthetic principles may be illustrated by the extreme case of the trumpets and horns, which in classical times had no scale except that of the natural harmonic series.
These instruments thus produced, in Haydn's and Beethoven's times, a very remarkable but closely limited series of effects, which, as Sir George Macfarren pointed out in the article "Music" in the 9th edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, gave them a peculiar character and function in strongly asserting the main notes of the key.
Chamber-music. - Bach's and his contemporaries' combinations with the harpsichord show the natural fondness, in his day, for instruments of a tone too gentle for prominent use in large rooms, or indeed for survival in modern times.
The presence of these parasites seems at times to have little effect on the host, and men in whose system it is calculated there are some 40-50 million larvae have shown no signs of disease.
St Mary's church was opened in 1903, but occupies a site which bore a church in Saxon times, though the previous building dated only from 1786.
The great blot on his memory is his cruelty, which at times was frightful, and showed itself in its full fierceness in the punishment of persons accused of witchcraft, soothsaying or magical practices.
This material dates from the earliest times down to the commencement of our era.
The population of Babylonia was of many races from early times and intercommunication between the cities was incessant.
A man was only bound to serve so many (six ?) times, but the land had to find a man annually.
When there were two mothers, the two families shared equally in the father's estate until later times when the first family took twothirds.
A father could disinherit a son in early times without restriction, but the Code insisted upon judicial consent and that only for repeated unfilial conduct.
In early times the son who denied his father had his front hair shorn, a slave-mark put on him, and could be sold as a slave; while if he denied his mother he had his front hair shorn, was driven round the city as an example and expelled his home, but not degraded to slavery.
Elba was famous for its mines in early times, and the smelting furnaces gave it its Greek name of A' OaNia ("soot island").
In Roman times, and until 1900, however, owing to lack of fuel, the smelting was done on the mainland.
The whole system provides the means of giving sufficient back-pull to the cable to make it grip the drum P, round which it passes several times to prevent slipping.
Thus the speed on a line at which the repeater is situated exactly midway will be four times that of the line worked direct.
To each group is connected a set of apparatus; hence during a complete revolution of the arms a pair of instruments (at station A and station B) will be in communication four times, and the intervals during which any particular set of instruments at the two stations are not in connexion with each other become much smaller than in the case of fig.
It consists in punching, by means of " a puncher," a series of holes in a strip of paper in such a way that, when the strip is sent through another instrument, called the " transmitter," the holes cause the circuit to be closed at the proper times and for the proper proportionate intervals for the message to be correctly printed by the receiving instrument or recorder.
Hence for sending both a dot and a dash, reverse currents of short duration are sent through the line, but the interval between the reversal is three times as great for the dash as for the dot.
In the case of the dash the ink-wheel is brought into contact with the paper by the first current as before and is pulled back by the reverse current after three times the interval.
When the key is released the condensers and cables at once begin to return to zero potential, and if the key is depressed and released several times in rapid succession the cable is divided into sections of varying potential, which travel rapidly towards the receiving end, and indicate their arrival there by producing corresponding fluctuations in the charge of the condenser C3.
Morse and Gale, who assisted him, found, however, that the distance of the plates up and down the canal must be at least three or four times the width of the canal to obtain successful results.
In 1904, during the RussoJapanese war, war news was transmitted for The Times by wireless telegraphy, the enormous importance of which in naval strategy was abundantly demonstrated.
In other words, the intervals of silence are nearly 400 times as long as the intervals of activity.
Two pictures byMorales, unfortunately retouched in modern times, are preserved in the cathedral.
These electric pulses were made to act on an electromagnet at the receiving station, which, in accordance with Page's discovery, gave out a sound of a pitch corresponding to the number of times it was magnetized or demagnetized per second.
The line of circuit passed through the secondary of the induction coil I to the line, from that to the telephone T at the receiving station, 'See Journal of the Telegraph, New York, April 1877; Philadelphia Times, 9th July 1877; and Scientific American, August 181 This term was used by Wheatstone in 1827 for an acoustic apparatus intended to convert very feeble into audible sounds; see his Scientific Papers, p. 32.
The movements of the shaft are controlled by relays and electro-magnets which operate in response to the action of the subscriber whose telephone is fitted with a 'calling mechanism which, when the subscriber calls, earths the line a certain number of times for each figure in the number of the wanted subscriber.
Many circuits have been " loaded " in the manner proposed by Pupin during recent years, especially in underground cables, and it has been found in practice that the transmission value of these when loaded is approximately from three to four times their value unloaded.
But Augustus, who was the first to give to Italy a definite political organization, carried the frontier to the river Varus or Var, a few miles west of Nice, and this river continued in modern times to be generally recognized as the boundary between France and Italy.
Towards the north-east, the point where the Julian Alps approach close to the seashore (just at the sources of the little stream known in ancient times as the Timavus) would seem to constitute the best natural limit.
This great valley—one of the most considerable on the southern side of the Alps—has attracted special attention, in ancient as well as modern times, from its leading to two of the most frequented passes across the great mountain chain—the Great and the Little St Bernard—the former diverging at Aosta, and crossing the main ridges to the north into the valley of the Rhone, the other following a more westerly direction into Savoy.
Previous to the year 1154 this channel was the main stream, and the two small branches into which it subdivides, called the Po di Volano and Po di Primaro, were in early times the two main outlets of the river.
The space thus included was known in ancient times as Venetia, a name applied in the middle ages to the well-known city; the eastern portion of it became known in the middle ages as the Frioul or Friuli.