Time-serving Sentence Examples
He was at that time serving as a lieutenant in the Prussian life-guards at Potsdam.
He seems, in fact, to have agreed with the foreign policy of the Tories and with the home policy of the Whigs, and naturally incurred the reproach of time-serving and the hearty abuse of both parties.
Baron Cuvier in his Eloge historique of Fourcroy repels the charge, but he can scarcely be acquitted of time-serving indifference, if indeed active, though secret, participation be not proved against him.
De Quincey has said that the book is equally divided between "empty truisms and time-serving Dutch falsehoods."
No crusade ever had a truer laureate than the author of " The Virginia Slave Mother," " The Pastoral Letter " - one of his stinging ballads against a time-serving Church- " A Sabbath Scene," and " The Slaves of Martinique."
He is best known for his time serving successive chancellors of the Exchequer at HM Treasury.
Afterwards the constant and easy changes of allegiance, as one faction or the other was in the ascendant, the wholesale confiscations and attainders, the never-ending executions, the sudden prosperity of adventurers, the premium on time-serving and intrigue, sufficed to make the whole nation cynical and sordid.