Time-lapse Sentence Examples
In spite of the time lapse between practice sessions, she did well enough to win his praise.
We also use time-lapse microscopy to watch living cells as they grow and repair.
Time-lapse photography recorded the process, showing the building in a way that it never existed on the ground.
Creating time-lapse footage requires lots of patience, if the author 's experiences are anything to go by !
Core B is visible in the foreground of the time-lapse video in the sidebar.
The time lapse since you have had intimacy with a man makes your heart vulnerable to the attention your business partner has been giving you.
In human healthy volunteers, low doses of the extracts administered in a double-blind design against placebo increased reaction time end time-lapse estimation.
When using time-lapse VCR's, use the lowest time-lapse mode that will fit with the operational requirements of the site.
Clouds can move and change shape quickly as indicated in this 30 minute time-lapse mpeg video loop.
When using time-lapse VCR 's, use the lowest time-lapse mode that will fit with the operational requirements of the site.
AdvertisementTrack the movement of single cells in time-lapse microscope movies.
Keep in mind that capturing traffic patterns is a lot like time lapse photography and initially can be challenging for the novice photographer.
Time-lapse construction videos can show the details of how to build a roller coaster, while many historic videos offer amusement park fans a glimpse of the best rides of yesteryear.