Tiles Sentence Examples
In the modern church of St Stephen (1854) are preserved tiles from the former Cistercian abbey of Bordesley, founded in 1138, of which the site may be traced at Bordesley Park, 2 m.
The principal industries include paper-making, brewing, the making of nets and twine, bricks, tiles and pottery, tanning and oil-refining, besides saltworks and seed-crushing works.
The reservoir is supplied by a conduit of 6th-century tiles connected with an early stone aqueduct, the course of which is traceable beneath the Dionysiac theatre and the royal garden in the direction of the Upper Ilissus.
But the more impetuous members of the aristocratic party climbed on to the roof, stripped off the tiles, and stoned Saturninus and many others to death.
Flexible tubing for electric wires (first made at Chelsea 1889) and art tiles are important products.
Where any epitaph was set up - an immense number are destitute of any inscription at all - it is always painted or engraved on these slabs or tiles.
Paper, spirits, wire and nails, leather and tiles are the chief products of the manufactures.
Their houses are built of timber and thatch, or clay tiles, except in the Karst region, where stone is more plentiful than wood.
Beyond the wall line on that side vestiges of ancient buildings are visible in various directions, and the plain is strewn with fragments of bricks, tiles and rubbish.
Such attractions as the buildings possess are due rather to the richly coloured tiles with which many of them are adorned, or to inscriptions, like the Kufic inscription, dated A.D.
AdvertisementSituated in a region where there is no stone, and practically no timber, Bagdad was built, like all the cities of the Babylonian plain, of brick and tiles.
Depending on coloured tiles and gorgeous fabrics for their rich effects, nothing of the buildings of the times of Harun al-Rashid or Mamun, once counted so magnificent, have come down to us.
The town has manufactures of bricks and tiles, and a considerable agricultural trade.
Underneath the surface are beds of sand, gravel and clays, the last affording material for the manufacture of brick, tiles and pottery.
It is a huge ornate building with minarets and a lofty cupola faced with shining blue tiles.
AdvertisementThe principal exports are Portland stone, bricks and tiles and provisions, and the imports are coal, timber, garden and dairy produce and wine.
Flint has important manufacturing interests, its chief manufactures being automobiles, wagons, carriages - Flint is called "the vehicle city," - flour, woollen goods, iron goods, cigars, beer, and bricks and tiles; and its grain trade is of considerable importance.
The place does a considerable trade in the making of bricks, bottles, earthenware, pottery, tiles and paper.
The department imports coal, lime, stone, salt, raw sulphur, skins and timber and exports agricultural and mineral products, bricks and tiles, and other manufactured goods.
Thenceforth everyone who built a house was strictly charged not to cover it with reeds, rushes, stubble or straw, but only with tiles, shingle boards or lead.
AdvertisementMuch of the material was obtained from the destroyed houses of the unfortunate Jews, but the stone for the bulwarks was obtained from Caen, and the small bricks or tiles from Flanders.
It is a handsome mausoleum faced with blue and white glazed tiles, standing under the shade of some magnificent silver poplars.
Broken bricks or tiles and broken furnace slag are sometimes used, the essential points being that the aggregate should be hard, clean and sound.
The theorem, then, seems to have been arrived at by induction, and may have been suggested by the contemplation of floors or walls covered with tiles of the form of equilateral triangles, or squares, or hexagons.
The doorway of one room (now in Berlin Museum) was decorated with polychrome glazed tiles with the name of King Neterkhet.
AdvertisementThey are all inhumation burials, of the advanced iron age, and date from the 7th to the 4th century B.C., falling into three classes - those without coffin, those with a coffin formed of stone slabs, and those with a coffin formed of tiles.
The city has grain elevators, and manufactures of bricks and tiles, foundry and machine shop products, carriages and wagons and flour.
One of the most important points in the system is the coating of the tiles with lime.
The tiles coated with lime are set out on the shore near the lowwater mark of spring tides, at the beginning of the spatting season.
Various methods are adopted for keeping the tiles in place and for arranging them in the position most favourable to the collection of spat.
A wooden frame-work often surrounds the heap of tiles to prevent them being scattered by the waves.
The tiles with the young oysters on them are placed in enclosures during the winter, and detroquage is carried out in the following summer.
In England the use of tiles has been tried on various occasions, in Cornwall on the river Fal, at Hayling Island and in Essex, but has nowhere become permanently established.
They are classified under the respective heads of porcelain and earthenware, tiles, arms and armour, textile fabrics, needlework and embroidery, metal-work, wood carving and mosaic-painting, manuscripts, enamel, jewelry and musical instruments.
It need scarcely be said that tiles have rather increased in value than deteriorated in the eyes of the connoisseur, that the ornamentation of metal-work, wood carving and inlaying, gem and seal engraving, are exquisite of their kind, and that the carpets manufactured by skilled workmen, when left to themselves and their native patterns, are to a great extent unrivalled.
One especially, the Grotta dei Bassirilievi, has interesting reliefs cut in the rock and painted, while the walls of another were decorated with painted tiles of terracotta.
The church of High Halden, in the neighbourhood, is remarkable for its octagonal wooden tower constructed of huge timbers, with a belfry of wooden tiles (shingles), of the time of Henry VI.
That which flows from the lower incisions is often collected on tiles or on a concave piece of the prickly pear (Opuntia), but is less crystalline and more glutinous, and is less esteemed.
The chief industries are distilleries for perfumes and manufacture of olive oil, of pottery and of tiles, besides a great commerce in cut flowers.
He envied the brutes; he envied the very stones on the street, and the tiles on the houses.
Among its manufactures are dairy products (there is a large creamery), canned goods, flour and grist mill products, gasoline engines, well-machinery, barbed wire, tiles, ploughs, windmills, cornhuskers, and hay-balers.
The great labour and cost incurred in procuring stones in adequate quantities, and the difficulty of carting them in wet seasons, soon led to the substitution of "tiles," and soles of burnt earthenware.
The substitution of cylindrical pipes for the original horse-shoe tiles has still further lowered the cost and increased the efficiency and permanency of drainage works.
Besides cloth, which forms its staple article of commerce, it has manufactories of various linen and woollen wares, machines, railway wagons, glass, sago, tobacco, leather, chemicals and tiles.
Among the city's manufactures are terra-cotta tiles, pottery, rugs, refrigerators and salt.
The two inner enclosures were faced with enamelled tiles and represented hunting-scenes.
The road was paved with stone and its walls on either side lined with enamelled tiles, on which a procession of lions is represented.
Nebuchadrezzar says that he covered the walls of some of them with blue enamelled tiles "on which bulls and dragons were pourtrayed," and that he set up large bulls and serpents of bronze on their thresholds.
The majority of Hova houses were formerly built of layers of the hard red soil of the country, with high-pitched roofs thatched with grass or rush; while the chiefs and wealthy people had houses of framed timber, with massive upright planking, and lofty roofs covered with shingles or tiles.
But the introduction of sun-dried and burnt bricks, and of roofing tiles in the central provinces has led to the general use of these materials in the building of houses, large numbers of which are made in two storeys and in European fashion.
But in spiral flowers we have a different arrangement; thus the leaves of the calyx of Camellia japonica cover each other partially like tiles on a house.
Other industries are cotton-spinning, brewing, tanning, iron-founding, and the manufacture of bricks, tiles, soap, flour, ironmongery and ice.
Dean said, in a volume that caused an elderly matron from Mobile to spill her dominoes and then knee the table and dump her companion's tiles.
When using cork tiles they are often sealed with a water based acrylic but a wax coating is also available.
Original features abound - a bread oven alcove, exposed A frames with pegs, wooden paneled stairwell and original floor tiles.
There were large amounts of pottery in these sections, particularly tiles and transport amphorae, but also table, utility and cooking wares.
The tiles in the bathroom were also made by an east Anglian and friend, Nigel Henderson.
Roof finishes are offered to complement local architecture and include for example, fiberglass shingles, concrete or clay tiles or natural slate.
The walls are faced with rough ashlar and the roofs are covered with tiles and lead.
The other bamboo tiles are represented by green bamboos only.
The first floor bedroom has a vaulted ceiling and en-suite bathroom with sunken bath, turquoise resin wall tiles and contemporary glass wash basin.
The tiles can be clipped onto a 8mm diameter steel rod, rope or nailed onto a wooden batten.
Fiber cement ridge tiles tend to be screwed along the outside edges into the top battens on each roof slope.
Existing hard flooring such as PVC Composition tiles (including bitumen based ' Marley ' tiles) Tile may be left in place.
It was dark with forest boughs That brushed the walls and made the mossy tiles Part of the squirrels ' track.
Whichever tiles you opt for, both sets are presented in a beautiful solid mahogany cabinet.
A former caretaker at the school confirmed that ceilings in the school were made from asbestos tiles.
The surface of the concrete was finished by hand before the mosaic of tiles, mirrors and handmade ceramics was applied.
Hidden behind walls and tiles, Geberit Duofix supports wall hung sanitaryware and includes an integral cistern.
Repairs to cob walls using cob or cob blocks or cob tiles. iii.
These chrome plated storage baskets simply stick to your tiles with the use of cleverly concealed suction pads - no holes needed!
We were shown a huge consignment of custom made alphabet tiles that will be used in local primary schools.
In typically extravagant yet classical Italian style, the 17th century cupola is formed by green and yellow majolica roof tiles.
Ceramic tiles should be thoroughly degreased, rinsed and allowed to dry.
This book traces the history of delftware tiles, describes how they were made and explains the differences between Dutch and English delftware tiles.
The monument is surfaced in an irregular mosaic of white and near-white tiles that evoke the desolation and grandeur of the Antarctic ice.
Edwardian fireplaces are uk stockists of original and reproduction Edwardian fireplaces are uk stockists of original and reproduction edwardian fireplaces, mantles, tiles and accessories.
Rather than the usual cladding of beige tiles, Leicester Square has impressive black granite facings.
Plastic floor tiles, cushion flooring, roofing felts, ropes, and blankets can also contain asbestos.
The floor is laid in colored tiles, the hearth made comfortable with a home made rug & highly polished steel fender.
Return to top Can anybody fix tiles, or should you use a specialist tile fixer?
Tiles the original image with versions that have been horizontally flipped, vertically flipped, and both horizontally and vertically flipped.
It has polished wooden floorboards throughout except the kitchen which has quarry tiles.
The slightly shabby nature of the tiles would actually be an advantage as things wouldnt be quite so glaring.
A tantalizing glimpse of the axed V&A Spiral in the form of samples of the fractal tiles which would have covered the building.
Or how to clean the grout in between bathroom tiles, .. .
Wipe tiles with a damp cloth or sponge to remove excess grout.
Each island holds a collection of small churches and red tiles houses found tucked among the pine-clad hillsides.
Quarry or Ceramic tiles Follow the basic requirements above, using a latex leveling compound to fill the joints between the tiles.
These tiles have a life expectancy of 50 years or more.
Let job stand for about 5 minutes then wipe the tiles and grout joints with a dry lint free cloth.
Unlike tiles that have nibs to locate them on a batten, every double lap slate needs to be twice nailed.
The range now includes Sandringham interlocking pantiles, which require just 10 tiles per m² .
The roof had red pantiles except at the back, where some of the original old English plain tiles remained.
All have 40-degree slope gable roofs with either concrete pantiles (the majority) or flat tiles.
Floor of red quarry tiles; raised plinths for the benches remain; some heating vent grilles down aisle.
It did, but promptly closed because of problems with poorly applied tiles (perhaps they should have employed Polish plumbers ).
Finally we have had all the ' wet ' areas tiled with the best quality porcelain tiles.
But the problem on the £ 800,000 project was that the curved roofline ruled out the use of normal single lap roof tiles.
With a traditional cement/sand screed a wait of at least 3 weeks would have been required prior to fixing tiles.
I have just had a new sand and cement screed installed and I want to fix large terracotta floor tiles.
Mix the Grout to the manufacturers recommendations and then spread it over the tiles using the rubber squeegee.
Like Tantrix, it was invented in New Zealand and uses wonderfully tactile Bakelite tiles.
Floor finishes consist mainly of pre-cast terrazzo paving with areas of ceramic tiles, vinyl and carpets.
The tiles and ceramic tesserae used in the mosaics were made at the factory, but the deep red tesserae used in the mosaics were made at the factory, but the deep red tesserae were imported.
The tiles and ceramic tesserae used in the mosaics were made at the factory, but the deep red tesserae were imported.
The tunnel is lined with 200,000 glazed white tiles.
Galleries display delicate examples of encaustic tiles, from single, rather plain, patterns, to vast wall panels.
Where the method of suspension was no intact tiles were defined as plain tiles.
Will the heat affect the tile adhesive or tile adhesive or tiles?
Once a single house, now used as two, with terracotta tiles in both gables.
The students made their own clay tiles in response to the Reading Abbey tiles.
He also raised concerns about imported clay roof tiles entering the UK around 10 per cent cheaper than domestic clay roof tiles.
This can be prevented by installing moisture barrier beneath the roofing tiles.
The only touch of color can be found in the deep blue mosaic tiles in the walk in oval shower.
We have a park down town and everyone in the school made a totem poles for it and we made clay tiles.
Best of all are the glazed tiles in peacock blues, turquoise and deepest ultramarine.
The lower walls are paneled in English walnut above which they are lined with acoustic tiles.
Often, in freezing weather, the sodden roots can actually dislodge tiles.
Built in 1979, the house has weatherboard to the side elevations and tiles to the front.
In the local museum are tiles used for stamping cakes of sulphur, which show that the mines, at any rate from the 3rd century, were imperial property leased to contractors.
Amongst the most marked features of the change that has taken place since 1875 are the growth of religious and philanthropic establishments; the settlement of Jewish colonies from Bokhara, Yemen and Europe; the migration of Europeans, old Moslem families, and Jews from the city to the suburbs; the increased vegetation, due to the numerous gardens and improved methods of cultivation; the substitution of timber and red tiles for the vaulted stone roofs which were so characteristic of the old city; the striking want of beauty, grandeur, and harmony with their environment exhibited by most of the new buildings; and the introduction of wheeled transport, which, cutting into the soft limestone, has produced mud and dust to an extent previously unknown.
The chief episode in his uneventful pontificate was the visit of Constans to Rome; the pope received him "almost with religious honours," a deference which he requited by stripping all the brazen ornaments of the city - even to the tiles of the Pantheon - and sending them to Constantinople.
The ground is covered with fragments of tiles and pottery of the classical period, and it is probably a hastily built encampment of historic times rather than a primitive fortification, as there are no prehistoric traces (Orsi in Notizie degli scavi, 1903, 442).
According to a British consular report for 1904 there were 153 manufacturing establishments in the city producing cotton, linen and silk textiles, leather, boots and shoes, alcohol and alcoholic beverages, beer, flour, conserves and candied fruits, cigars and cigarettes, Italian pastes, chocolate, starch, hats, oils, ice, furniture, pianos and other musical instruments, matches, beds, candles, chemicals, iron and steel, printing-type, paint and varnish, glass, looking-glass, cement and artificial stone, earthenware, bricks and tiles, soap, cardboard, papier mache, cartridges and explosives, white lead, perfumery, carriages and wagons, and corks.
The principal industries are in bricks and tiles, tallow and macaroni.
In house decoration of all kinds - furniture, wall-papers and hangings (which he preferred to paper), carpet-weaving, and the painting of glass and tiles, needlework, tapestry - he formed a school which was dominated by his protest against commercialism and his assertion of the necessity for natural decoration and pure colour, produced by hand work and inspired by a passion for beauty irrespective of cheapness or quickness of manufacture (see Arts And Crafts).
The limited supply and high price of these tiles for a time impeded the progress of the new system of draining; but the invention of tile-making machines removed this impediment, and gave a stimulus to this fundamental agricultural improvement.
From the cave we have advanced to roofs of palm leaves, of bark and boughs, of linen woven and stretched, of grass and straw, of boards and shingles, of stones and tiles.
Problem is some of the black adhesive from the vinyl tiles is stuck firmly onto the quarry tiles.
However at rafter pitches close to the minimum pitch for the tiles water leakage problems will occur.
The resin flooring is a big improvement on the tiles it replaced.
The use of glaze on ridge tiles varies from type to type.
Floor of ornamental tiles; plastered and painted walls; roof of close-set rafters and a ridge purlin, all 19thC.
We also found a large quantity of roofing tiles.
Rich Mexican quarry tiles and attractive scatter rugs cover the floors.
Ceramic tiles designed by the calculations of scattering coefficients have been installed for the sidewalls of a 400-seat concert hall.
Use craft foam shapes, felt, old scrabble tiles and jigsaw pieces - whatever you can find !
Plain tiles should be fixed with either ring shank nails with a thick strong nail head or screwed.
Resin slates not made in a press can often be more variable than clay tiles due to the wet nature of the process.
The cat was sitting in the spa bath handing Ted the tiles.
Their work incorporates fifty different abstracted tags and marks, housed within repeat speech bubbles and screen printed onto pastel colored tiles.
She followed the yellow signs for the clinic, her feet squeaking loudly on the polished tiles.
I ca n't express how much I hate coming in from a night on the tiles, stinking of smoke.
Will the heat affect the tile adhesive or tiles?
The quality is carried through to the natural stone travertine tiles to create a luxurious relaxing feel.
To bring out the color in the tiles beeswax and turpentine polish can be used.
In that sort of environment I would use Quarry tiles or the fully vitrified type.
We found stacks of box flue tiles and voussoir tiles in the hypocaust chamber where we would expect to find stacks of flat tiles.
The west tower has the basic form of a 13th C. Sussex build, finished with the ubiquitous Sussex Cap of red tiles.
We have also found a great product that we recommend to all our clients is to consider using interlocking mat tiles from The Cartwheel Factory for a portion of the floor and to either carpet or hardwood on the rest of the floor.
The Home Depot - lets you shop for roof tiles online at one of the most popular home repair superstores in America.
If your bathroom floor, wall paint and tiles consist of muted colors, you may want to buy bath towels that contain those colors.
Many metal roofing materials can be shaped and colored to look like other roofing styles, like Spanish tiles.
Be sure there are no hiding places, such as open vents or ceiling tiles where the cat can hide.
If you live somewhere that gets a lot of sun most of the year, you should seriously consider having solar power roof tiles installed on your house.
Solar power roof tiles, on the other hand, are designed to blend with the roof, making them more attractive, harder to spot and very difficult to remove.
Solar power roof tiles are continually evolving to become more versatile and attractive, so that they are not just on the roof, they also become a seamless part of the roof.
Anyone who has been unimpressed with the grid-like look of the standard panels (although these too are constantly evolving) will be delighted to see that the solar tiles look very like standard roof tiles.
Not only can you get tiles that look like shingles, increasingly, you can get tiles that are wavy to work on a Spanish-style roof.
You can now purchase attractive solar roof tiles.
If you have clay styled tiles on your roof, you can replace them with solar designed tiles that look like the real thing.
Finish the room with soft, neutral or earthy wall color and a backsplash made of either natural stone tiles, handmade ceramic tiles or unglazed terracotta tiles.
Keep your floor tiles as large as possible to minimize grout lines and create the illusion of open space.
New porcelain tiles are available in finishes that mimic fabric, leather and metal, all of which can add subtle texture to the room.
Natural stone backsplashes with oversized porcelain floor tiles and a wild patterned granite can all tie into the same design, provided colors flow and most of the textures remain the same.
They cut birchwood tiles for the floor, painted away the "Sword in the Stone" motif, and created a simple, clean bedroom sure to give the feeling of "blank canvas" to potential buyers.
They wanted to their new kitchen to have a warm, Tuscan feel, with terra cotta tiles, marble counter-tops, and stainless steel appliances.
Bamboo flooring comes in prefinished, laminated planks, unfinished planks, and in finished or unfinished parquet-like square tiles.
Several companies manufacture new ceiling tiles in the old, traditional designs.
The same goes for tiles, roll-away cabinets and many smaller, yet functional sinks.
If the cabinets take up 80 percent of your budget, opt for plainer or lower cost tiles and accessories to round out the job.
Rough, irregular tile; highly-polished glazed tiles, often with painted Italian designs; and terra cotta clay tiles are all commonly used for countertops, back-splashes, and floor coverings.
Wall décor is kept to a minimum with large statement pieces like tapestries, metal grilles, and decorated tiles.
Flooring materials tend to be tiles made from ceramics or terracotta, wide wooden planks, travertine, terrazzo, or marble with decorative inlays.
Another exotic pattern is Sultan which features jewel-toned blues and reds like those in old Moorish tiles.
This attractive home style is also sometimes referred to as Spanish Modern or Spanish Mediterranean and usually features elements such as stucco walls, terracotta roof tiles, and wrought iron details.
Other commonly seen color schemes of this style utilize warm oranges and reds inspired by terracotta tiles and pottery.
Brightly painted tiles can be used to brighten up backsplashes or can be used for the floor itself.
Wall Decor Shops -- features murals, paint-by-number designs 3-D, puffy wall stickers, peel and stick chalkboards and white boards, and even tile-sized appliqués to put on your kitchen or bathroom tiles.
You can establish a room's rural motif with rustic floors in wooden planks, stone, or ceramic tiles.
Warm colors, rich tapestries, scrolled ironwork, beautiful tiles, and elegant marble were just some of the materials and textures used in the beautiful villages of the past, and they are echoed in homes throughout the world today.
Old world Europe featured rich pottery, classic wrought iron, brilliant ceramic dishes and tiles, and pewter and copper pieces.
Turn your ceilings from ho-hum to wow with decorative ceiling tiles.
Even ceiling tiles with a subtle design can spruce up your room, or you can go all out and opt for eye catching styles to make your ceiling truly distinct.
Obviously, the first reason most people opt for unique and decorative tiles is that they look great.
Ceiling tiles add a sense of warmth and character to a room, and they are one of those little finishing touches that can really pull a look together.
Likewise, if you're stuck with a dated look, like popcorn paint finish ceilings, these tiles can cover up a multitude of past decorating sins with ease.
Ceiling tiles add insulation, which can help keep your home warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer - and your energy bills down.
Ceiling tiles help with the acoustics of a room.
Some ceiling tiles help absorb sound, which is perfect if you play an instrument or simply want to be able to watch TV at a decent volume while everyone else is sleeping!
Tiles come in a range of different materials, from tin to polymer plastic, but the most common kind of ceiling tiles are made from fiberboard.
Don't worry - you don't HAVE to install your ceiling tiles yourself.
Keep in mind that some of the specifics of the installation process will depend on your tiles and your ceiling material, but the basic process is outlined below.
Before you buy your tiles, measure your ceiling.
Tiles can be attached to smooth ceilings with glue.
First, you will want to make sure that the glue works well with your ceiling (sometimes, even smooth ceilings will begin to chip under the weight of the tiles - meaning they could end up falling on your head!).
Put up a few tiles in a few different parts of the ceiling and wait a few days to see if they stay up.
Provided your tiles stay in place, start by cutting the tiles you need to make your border.
Don't try to cut border tiles in different sizes - they should be a uniform size around the room.
Start with your border tiles, if using, or simply use the full size tiles to work around the outside of the room.
Have you installed ceiling tiles in your home?
Bamboo comes in tiles, roll goods and click-in-place planks, as well as in a variety of varnishes and stains.
Retro bathrooms make use of chrome fixtures and black-and-white checkerboard tiles.
Embossed tin ceiling tiles are a unique ceiling finish best suited to older homes with other period details.
If you have a historic home with some tin ceiling tiles still intact, you may be able to match the existing pattern.
Tin ceiling tiles come in a wide array of finishes to suit various decors.
A single, light paint color will bring attention to the pattern of the tiles while not drawing too much attention to the ceiling.
Multiple colors will further highlight the tiles, but may make the ceiling the dominant feature in the room.
If you like the appearance of tin, you may not wish to finish your ceiling tiles.
If this is the case, you should still seal the tiles with a clear polyurethane.
Embossed tin ceiling tiles can be an excellent design element for almost any room, but they do require more care than the modern plaster ceiling.
If you want to add more drama to your modern bathroom, think about choosing tiles for your walls or floor.
Create a French country look with a light marble top, copper accents, distressed wood and colorful tiles in fruit patterns.
When creating a rustic country style decor for your home, it is not a simple equation of distressed weather worn wood plus rugged tiles equals a country style interior.
Vinyl, concrete, tiles and rubber all make good choices for mud room floors.
Because a small bathroom still needs to contain all of the elements of a larger bath you need to carefully choose the fixtures, tiles, colors, lighting, sinks, countertops, and so on.
Once you have determined these elements, you then have a wide variety of tiles and tile designs to choose from.
Small metal tiles can be configured into a wide array of patterns that offer playful texture and shine to the space.
A brushed or polished stainless steel will provide a more modern design, while warm bronze or copper tiles combined with classic ceramic tiles and traditional color schemes add timeless style to a bath.
Because metal tiles can be a little more expensive than ceramic or glass, it is best to keep the metal to a backsplash area or a single wall.
You can also use metal tiles as accents in between ceramic, granite or marble.
Some manufacturers have also recently created porcelain tiles that look like real hardwood.
For a more classic design scheme choose flat finished glass tiles and intersperse them with ceramic or marble.
Many glass tile companies offer mosaic tiles, which can be configured into an incredible array of patterns.
Ceramic tiles are still the most widely used by homeowners because there is such an amazing array of styles, colors and sizes to choose from.
Many homeowners choose to play it safe with neutral-hued ceramic tiles, but adding a few accents here and there can make your bathroom a much more interesting space.
You can place small tile squares as spacer between the larger tiles turned to at an angle for a diamond shape.
This paint color repeats the color found in the common style of terra cotta tiles used throughout homes, especially in foyers, gardens and of course kitchens.
Glass and stone tiles are the most common, but there are many other possibilities.
Mirrored tiles are becoming popular (yes they get fingerprints on them, but they look spectacular) as are pressed tin tiles.
If you really can't resist using a dark color in the bathroom, try to balance it with light accessories, floors, and tiles.
Painting bathroom tiles isn't a very complicated job.
Old and ugly tiles are quite common in older homes and they can be very expensive to remove.
Applying paint can be a great way to mask the ugly tiles and create a great new look.
Bathrooms often see quite a bit of moisture which will affect the quality of the new paint job over time, so painting tiles in a bathroom is usually seen as more of a temporary fix than a permanent one.
Painting over kitchen tiles is also common and a great way to spruce up the busiest room in the house.
Give all of the tiles a light sanding to ensure proper adhesion of the primer and paint.
Use a primer that is labeled for use on tiles or other atypical surfaces.
Having said all of this, it's important to point out that only the tiles that aren't going to be in the direct path of water (such as the shower) should be painted.
It's easy to find tiles that have the fleur de lis painted on them, and they can be used in all sorts of ways.
If you're updating your bathroom or your kitchen backsplash, consider using hand painted decorative ceramic tiles to personalize the space.
Hand painted and decorative tiles can frequently be customized for a statement that's all your own.
Hand painted, decorative ceramic tiles have been around for centuries.
Artisans have been producing iconic tiles, such as the Delft tiles of Holland or multi-colored Portuguese tiles for use in homes around the world.
Traditionally used as decorative wall tiles, hand painted tiles have graced the walls of many styles of homes.
While the words "hand painted tile" may bring to mind images of flat, white tiles with an image of a piece of fruit or a fruit basket on them, made popular during the 80s and 90s, today's hand painted tiles are completely different.
Three dimensional tiles with the image in relief are painstakingly painted in rich details to make the decorative tile a true work of art.
Every company uses a different method of production when it comes to making their tiles.
Other companies, such as Brittany and Coggs of New Hampshire paint their tiles in layers, rubbing off the top layer of glaze from the relief portion of the tiles to allow the base layer to show through.
These tiles are hand dipped in vats of glaze, one by one to give you a tile with a very personal touch.
Arts and Crafts tile producer, Motawi subtly imprints their tiles during their forming process.
These tiles are made of compressed clay dust; while they are compressed the shape of the image is imbedded in the top of the tile.
You may be thinking to yourself, decorative tiles sound beautiful but will they fit in with my style?
Decorative, hand painted tiles are available in modern, traditional and transitional styles.
Decorative tiles include circles, diamonds and multi-color abstract shapes.
If you enjoy whimsy, decorative tiles can really enhance your home.
While hand painted tiles work well in any décor, it's in traditional design that they really shine.
If you have a beach house, a cabin in the woods, or you're just passionate about a specific design, such as Fleur de lis or even rooster's, decorative tiles were made for you.
Decorate a beach house bathroom with a border of tiles painted like waves.
Use tiles that form pine trees around your fireplace surround in your cabin in the woods, and cover your kitchen backsplash with chickens, roosters or grape vines if these are your passions.
If you are looking for some wall décor for a kitchen or for a bathroom, consider using decorative hand painted ceramic tiles.
Staple up ceiling tiles attach to the studs.
The staples blend right in with the pattern of the tiles and are invisible once you're done.
Nail powder coated tiles directly to the studs in the case of a room with no ceiling.
Snap and lock powder coated tiles together across a ceiling for a seamless look.
This is found in the natural coloration of the Italian clay tiles used on floors and steps.
Decorating with mirror wall tiles is a great way to add a little glamour, brighten up a space and add dimension without spending a lot of money.
Mirror wall tiles are versatile, functional and inexpensive.
Mirror wall tiles are particularly great for people living in small spaces and those who have rooms that don't get a lot of natural light.
Mirror tiles come in a few different sizes but the most common is 12" x 12".
If you have a smaller area that won't accommodate such large tiles they can also be found in smaller square inch varieties.
There's no limit to where and how mirror tiles can be used.
Use tiles as a backdrop for a wall of built-in shelves.
Cover a side table or console table in mirror tiles to create a glamorous 1950s Hollywood-era piece of furniture.
There's really no limit to what can be done with mirror tiles, so use your imagination and be creative.
Mirror tiles are easy to use but there are a few things to keep in mind.
If you're doing a whole wall in mirror tiles remember to install them before the baseboards and other finishing details.
When deciding where to install the tiles, think about what items will be reflected.
When purchasing the tiles for your project you might want to get a few extras in case any of them crack or break.
Mirror tiles are great for all sorts of projects.
Glass tiles, stone and ceramic combine to form murals of bamboo, birds, shimmering rainbows, animal prints and abstract designs.
The mosaic tiles are pieced together in the factory and then cut into numbered sheets.
You can fill your backsplash with one type of tile, one tile along the counters and another behind the cooktop, or a mix of two tiles throughout both areas.
Tiles that are 6-inches in height will only fit 3 high on a backsplash, while tiles that are 3-inches in height will fit 6 high.
Therefore, smaller tiles will give you more pattern to work with than medium sized tiles.
Large format tiles will give you fewer grout lines, leading to a contemporary look.
Choices for your backsplash may include 12-inch marble or onyx tiles lit from behind, 6 x 12-inch glass tiles set in a running bond, or 18-inch metallic finish tiles that fill the space with only one vertical grout line every 18-inches.
Mosaic tiles are small tiles 2-inches in size or smaller.
Use mosaics all over your backsplash for a contemporary look, or create a focal point behind your cooktop with mosaic tiles while you use a more traditional tile along the counters.
Subway tile is the name given to any rectangular shaped tiles.
The traditional size for a subway tile is 3 x 6-inches, but you can find these tiles in 1 x 2-inches, 4 x 8-inches, 2 x 6-inches or even 4 x 12-inches.
Subway tiles can be offset in what is called a running bond pattern for a traditional look, or stacked horizontally or vertically on top of one another for a modern look.
If you choose to use square tiles on your backsplash, consider how you want them laid.
Square tiles can be laid straight, diagonally or both.
Four inch tiles actually measure 5-inches on the diagonal, so this pattern would fill the full 18-inches for a tone-on-tone design without cut pieces.
Run subway tiles in a running bond along the counters, and use a herringbone pattern behind the cooktop or use straight tiles along the counters and diagonal behind the cooktop.
Use a tile mural behind your cooktop, and scatter matching decorative tiles through the field on the counters.
Cut 2-inch decorative tiles into the center of every 4 full tiles set on the diagonal along the counters.
Use a matching decorative border to frame the tiles behind the cooktop and add additional color and detail.
Backsplash and wall tiles are meant to complement your home and your décor.
Stone and ceramic tiles hold up well to moisture and won't crack if they're properly installed.
Shiny tiles are slick, which making it easy to slip when the tiles get wet.
Handmade tiles come in matte, glossy and crackled finishes, can be used on walls and some floor applications and will have some degree of variation in color.
The tiles themselves may be matte, glossy or crackled in finish and can come in sizes up to 12 x 24-inches as well as mosaics and mid-range sizes of various shapes and colors.
Ceramic floor tiles are a durable option for any floor of your home.
Ceramic floor tiles can be rustic or contemporary in style, will come in sizes 6-inches, 12-inches 18-inches in size and can also be installed on walls.
Since handmade tiles are made to order, select a palette of colors that complements the room and mix the colors together in a random pattern.
Get your inspiration for colors from throw pillows, window treatments and rugs and throw in some decorative tiles every so often for additional detail and design.
The number of ways to use ceramic tiles on a kitchen backsplash are endless.
For modern kitchens, use a machine made ceramic tile in a bold hue and intricate design, such as red mosaic tiles in a repeating pattern.
Handmade tiles have a soft and undulating appearance that will add subtle detail and a rich dimension to the backsplash.
Look for Italian tiles that shift in color from deep green to gray with hints of smoky blue and burgundy.
Outline the room in a row of 6-inch tiles laid straight, and then inlay a border of the same tiles in 2-inch mosaics.
Two or three rows of mosaics will be followed with 12-inch tiles set on the diagonal in the center.
Ceramic tiles were made for shower walls.
For modern showers, look for ceramic tiles in new sizes such as 4 x 12-inches and stack the rectangular tiles on top of one another, rather than offsetting them.
Formal, master bathroom showers can make use of handmade, decorative tiles.
Take your cues from the surrounding areas and let the tiles come to life by playing up their natural shapes, finishes and beauty.
Use ceramic tiles in all areas of the home to create a showplace where you live today.
Seen in wrought iron gates, tiles, walls, stone and glass, the fleur de lis image brings subtle detail to all areas of the home.
If handmade tiles containing the fleur de lis image grace the bathroom or backsplash walls, complete the artisan look with a handmade copper sink embossed with the fleur de lis design.
This type of ceramic is also used to make tiles, flower pots and candle holders.
Tile and mosaic borders or decorative tiles hung individually to create a pattern.
Scatter a few brightly colored mosaic tiles on a coffee table to serve as coasters.
The tiles used in these indoor bathrooms reflected the Art Deco geometric patterns.
The popular, small, octagon-shaped, white tiles graced the floors, often combined with black accent ones.
The wall tile was a mint green typically bordered with black tiles; however, pink was often used instead of the green.
Incorporate a fleur de lis copper sink, or some scatter some decorative tiles hand painted with the image across the backsplash to add detail to and authenticity to the design.
Complement the border with handmade tiles in a lighter color on the walls and a rich, dark floor tile to anchor the design.
Fleur de lis images can be found in fabrics, tiles, sinks and household decorations.
There are countless manufacturers and distributors of ceramic, stone and glass tiles in the market today.
Studio Moderne breaks open the ceramic tile playing field with textured, large format tiles in brilliant shapes and colors.
Tumbled stone tiles, textured and faux painted walls, dramatic draperies; adding texture to the room is a great way to introducing Old World style.
Walker Zanger has over 55 years of a stellar reputation in the stone tile industry as a manufacturer and distributor of some of the world's best tiles.
Zanger offers tiles made from a wide range of materials.
In addition to floor tile, you can select some very decorative wall tiles for use in entryways, dining rooms, kitchens, and bathroom.
Moroccan Kesh tiles can give your room a romantic ambiance, include some decorative border tiles with a few accent tiles for a personal and unique design.
Not only does the company offer stone tiles, but it also carries natural stone slabs that you can use on kitchen and bathroom cabinets.
Finish the floors with industrial tiles and use one wall for accent by painting it a matching color to your cabinets.
From wall prints to backsplash tiles, sunflowers are sure to bring some charm to your day.
Choose some decorative backsplash tiles, sunflower print curtains or some framed wall prints and your kitchen will instantly become warmer and more inviting to see.