Ties Sentence Examples
When Constantinople fell in 1453, the old ties between Venice and the Eastern empire were broken, and she now entered on a wholly new phase of her history.
Certainly he has no ties to Josh Mulligan of forty years ago, or the Dawkins, or the Lucky Pup mine.
But his measures speedily gave dissatisfaction to the Argentine or Creole party, who had long chafed under the disabilities of Spanish rule, and who now felt themselves no longer bound by ties of loyalty to a country which was in the possession of the French armies.
The nucleus of the invading horde was a small pastoral tribe in Mongolia, the chief of which, known subsequently to Europe as Jenghiz Khan, became a mighty conqueror and created a vast empire stretching from China, across northern and central Asia, to the shores of the Baltic and the valley of the Danube - a heterogeneous state containing many nationalities held together by purely administrative ties and by an enormous military force.
The chief portion of this rig is the derrick, Oil which consists of four strong uprights or legs held in Derrick position by ties and braces, and resting on strong wooden sills, which are preferred, as a foundation, to masonry.
In addition to th e se residents or natives of the locality, Shelley, Scott, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Clough, Crabb Robinson, Carlyle, Keats, Tennyson, Matthew Arnold, Mrs Hemans, Gerald Massey and others of less reputation made longer or shorter visits, or were bound by ties of friendship with the poets already mentioned.
Family ties are strong, and the women are not ill-treated, although they share in all kinds of manual labour.
Pinckney, like many other South Carolina revolutionary leaders, was of aristocratic birth and politics, closely connected with England by ties of blood, education and business relations.
The great earldoms of the West-Saxon period were allowed to lapse; the new earls, for the most part closely connected with William by the ties of blood or friendship, were lords of single shires; and only on the marches of the kingdom was the whole of the royal jurisdiction delegated to such feudatories.
But he preferred keeping himself at liberty to serve his countrymen unshackled by official ties, and declined the invitation.
AdvertisementIn the Pratt truss the struts were vertical and the ties inclined.
The struts and ties are called bracing bars.
Their way of life and place of residence, their acquaintances and ties, Natasha's occupations, the children's upbringing, were all selected not merely with regard to Pierre's expressed wishes, but to what Natasha from the thoughts he expressed in conversation supposed his wishes to be.
A great deal of how you wear your ties depends on how much you follow trends.
Ties are the ideal way to pull an outfit together and give it a polished, clean-cut finish.
AdvertisementCharles married Elizabeth, the sister of Casimir the Great of Poland, with whom he was connected by ties of close friendship, and Louis, by virtue of a compact made by his father thirty-one years previously, added the Polish crown to that of Hungary in 1370.
The bishops, individually and collectively, are thus the essential ties of Catholic unity; they alone, as the depositories of the apostolic traditions, establish the norm of Catholic orthodoxy in the general councils of the Church.
A very important feature of the faade is the portico or porch-way, which covers the principal steps and is generally formed by producing the central portion of the main roof over the steps and supporting such projection upon isolated wooden pillars braced together near the top with horizontal ties, carved, moulded and otherwise fantastically decorated.
Nearly all of the preceding were produced either at Amsterdam or Rotterdam, and, although out of place in a precise geographical arrangement, really belong to France by the close ties of language and of blood.
Of his lost works the most important was the Historia Gothorum, written with the object of glorifying the Gothic royal house and proving that the Goths and Romans had long been connected by ties of friendship. It was published during the reign of Athalaric, and appears to have brought the history down to the death of Theodoric. His chief authority for Gothic history and legend was Ablavius (Ablabius).
AdvertisementLeopold of Tuscany was a well-meaning, not unkindly man, and fonder of his subjects than were the other Italian despots; but he was weak, and too closely bound by family ties and Habsburg traditions ever to become a real Liberal.
The course of events harmonized with the anticlerical views of Talleyrand, and he gradually loosened the ties that bound him to the church.
Though such dragomans enjoyed by treaty the protection of the country employing them, they were by local interests and family ties very intimately connected with the Turks, and the disadvantages of the system soon became apparent.
The Howe truss had timber chords and a lattice of timber struts, with vertical iron ties.
The main suspension chains are carried across the centre span in the form of horizontal ties resting on the high-level footway girders.
AdvertisementThese ties are jointed to the hanging chains by pins 20 in.
On the abutment towers the chains are connected by horizontal links, carried on rockers, to anchor ties.
The anchor ties are connected to girders embedded in large concrete blocks in the foundations of the approach viaducts.
The lower flange and ties were flat wrought iron links.
Here are a few of the principal, ties.
They regarded themselves as separate from the rest of the world and bound together by peculiar ties.
Thus over a great part of Europe the Catholic Church was split up into territorial or national churches, which, whatever the theoretical ties which bound them together, were in fact separate organizations, tending ever more and more to become isolated and self-contained units with no formal intercommunion, and, as the rivalry of nationalities grew, with increasingly little even of intercommunication.
Though bound by family ties with both competitors, he regarded the situation from a purely political point of view.
In 1860 the people of Kentucky were drawn toward the South by their interest in slavery and by their social relations, and toward the North by business ties and by a national sentiment which was fostered by the Clay traditions.
Thus in a Venetian story the ingenious Beppo ties up Death in a bag and keeps him there for eighteen months; there is general rejoicing; nobody dies, and the doctors are in high feather.
Thus transition was made possible from an agnatic society based on blood ties to one based on contiguity.
The Church when it had once conquered the world allowed such precepts to lapse and fall into the background, and no one save monks or Manichaean heretics remembered them any more; indeed modern divines affect to believe that marriage rites and family ties were the peculiar concern of the Church from the very first; and few moderns will fail to sympathize with the misgivings of the barbarian chief who, having been converted and being about to receive Christian baptism, paused as he stepped down into the font, and asked the priests if in the heaven to which their rites admitted him he would meet and converse with his pagan ancestors.
While the federation of the provinces favoured the growth of a strong sentiment of Canadian individuality, the result of unification had been to strengthen decidedly the ties that bind the country to the empire.
Posts and railway ties are also made from ohia-ha (Eugenia sandwicensis).
The ties with Greek official Christendom were snapped for ever, and in subsequent ages the doctrinal preferences of the Armenians were usually determined more by antagonism to the Greeks than by reflection.
Even when cut off from its possessions on the mainland the city itself was not captured; its seafaring trade went on; and though by degrees the colonies were lost, yet the ties of race and sentiment remained strong enough to bind the Phoenicians of the mother-country to their kindred beyond the seas.
Thus Sisyphus fettered Death, keeping him prisoner till rescued by Ares; in Venetian folklore Beppo ties him up in a bag for eighteen months; while in Sicily an innkeeper corks him up in a bottle, and a monk keeps him in his pouch for forty years.
But whatever cause she might have found since marriage to complain of his rigorous custody and domineering brutality was insufficient to break the ties by which he held her.
Slight ties of soft cotton wool or worsted, or moist raffia, are then applied.
Care should be taken that the ties or fastenings do not eventually cut into the bark as the branches swell with increased age.
In training greenhouse plants the young branches should be drawn outwards by means of ties fastened to a string or wire FIG.
It is for this reason, for instance, that railroad rails are of constant uniform section throughout their length, instead of having those parts of their length which come between the supporting ties deeper and stronger than the parts which rest on the ties.
The tails when split into two or three, with small strips of narrow tape so as to separate the otherwise dense fur, formerly made very handsome sets of trimmings, ties and muffs, and the probabilities are, as with other fashions, such use will have its period of revival.
If the colour were less motley and the joins between the skins could be made less noticeable, it would be largely in demand for stoles, ties and muffs.
The best skins also provide excellent material for coats, capes, stoles, ties, collars, cuffs, gloves, muffs, hoods and light-weight carriage aprons.
They are excellent for trimmings of evening mantles and for children's ties, muffs and perambulator aprons.
In 1906 the commerce of the port, chiefly in lumber, cement, coal, cedar posts and ties, fodder and general merchandise, was valued at $3,018,894.
Taking up his abode in Fetter Lane, London, on his return, and continuing to reside there for the sake of intellectual society, even after renewing his old ties with the earl of Devonshire, who lived in the country till the Restoration,4 he worked so steadily as to be printing the De corpore in the year 1654.
In ecclesiastical matters his policy was also that of " reform from above," the 'complete subordination of the clergy to the state, and the severance of all effective ties with Rome.
Russia, justly offended, drew closer her ties with Prussia, where Bismarck was already hatching the plans which were to mature in 1866; and, if the attitude of Napoleon in the Polish question prevented any revival of the alliance of Tilsit, the goodwill of Russia was assured for France in the coming struggle with Austria in Italy.
The Coalition gained an absolute majority and the Independence party became the strongest political group. Nevertheless the various adherents of the dual system retained an actual majority in the Chamber and prevented the Independence party from attempting to realize its programme of reducing the ties between Hungary and Austria to the person of the joint ruler.
This concession of form having been made to the Magyars without the knowledge of the Austrian government, Prince Konrad Hohenlohe, the Austrian premier, resigned office; and his successor, Baron Beck, eventually (July 6) withdrew from the table of the Reichsrath the whole Szell-Korber compact, declaring that the only remaining economic ties between the two countries were freedom of trade, the commercial treaties with foreign countries, the joint state bank and the management of excise.
In the wave of successful rebellion, except at Khartum, few of the Egyptian garrisons were killed when the posts fell, long residence and local family ties rendering easy their assimilation in the ranks of the Mahdists.
Large tiles, a foot in length, were glazed completely all over, and used to line the walls of rooms; they were retained in place by deep dovetails and ties of copper wire.
This act had a significance beyond the fact that it established in the United States of America a flourishing church, which, while completely loyal to its own country, is bound by special ties to the religious life of England.
Thereafter he remained free from party ties.
In this process of transformation of the idea, which has become of importance for the history of the world, is revealed probably the genius of Paul, or at any rate, that of the young Christianity which was breaking its ties with Judaism and establishing itself in the world of the Roman empire.
Though each village is absolutely independent as far as its internal affairs are concerned, two or mere are often connected by administrative ties to form an Arsh or tribe.
He must be perfectly unembarrassed in the service of God, not bound by the common ties of life, nor entangled by relationships, which if he transgresses he will lose the character of a man of honour, while if he upholds them he will cease to be the messenger, watchman and herald of the gods.
They indeed rested their claims on the undeniable priority of their services to the faith, but they also appealed to their blood relationship with the Prophet as a corroboration of their right to the inheritance; and the ties of blood connected them with the Koreish in general.
The unfortunate fanatics were hunted down and massacred to the last man, and thereby the ties that bound the Abbasids to the ultra-Shiites were severed.
Rouen, bound by ties of trade to England, resisted for forty days; but it surrendered on the 24th of June 1204.
The priest ties the cord around the waist as he pronounces the benediction upon the child, throwing upon his head at each sentence slices of fruit, seeds, perfumes and spices.
It was not enough that his songs should give pleasure; his patrons demanded that he should recount faithfully the history and genealogy both of their own line and of those other royal houses who shared with them the same divine ancestry, and who might be connected with them by ties of marriage or warlike alliance.
Having married in due time, and a second time after the death of his first wife, he lived as a "householder" (grihastha) till the age of 24, when he renounced his family ties and set out as a religious mendicant (vairagin), visiting during the next six years the principal places of pilgrimage in northern India, and preaching with remarkable success his doctrine of Bhakti, or passionate devotion to Krishna, as the Supreme Deity.
But mere bodily rigours were not enough for Teresa; she felt the need of rising to a state of complete detachment from all earthly interests and ties.
Claudius's daughter Octavia drew still closer the ties which connected him with the imperial house.
It could, therefore, hold no prominent place in a condition of society which hardly recognized the state, as distinct from the members of the community, united by feudal ties.
His mind, strongly imbued with the theocratic ideal, saw more clearly than any other the enormous increase of influence which would accrue to a strictly celibate body of clergy, separated by their very ordination from the strongest earthly ties; and no statesman has ever pursued with greater energy and resolution a plan once formulated.
The ties which united Lot (the "father" of Ammon and Moab), Ishmael, Midian and Edom (Esau) with the southern tribes Judah and Simeon, as manifested in the genealogical lists, are intelligible enough on geographical grounds alone, and the significance of this for the history of Judah and Palestine cannot be ignored.
Although these European countries lying beyond our colonies are treated as separate nations, their inhabitants bear the same family names as the inhabitants of this colony, and maintain with them ties of the closest intimacy and relationship....
Orestes, after the deed, goes mad, and is pursued by the Erinyes, whose duty it is to punish any violation of the ties of family piety.
While Christians of the type of Aristo of Pella and Hegesippus, on the snapping of the old ties, were gradually assimilated to the great church outside, the more conservative section became more and more isolated and exclusive.
This was done, even by the poor or illfurnished, all of whom looked forward to the speedy end of the present dispensation, and were content, for the short remainder of this world, to live in common, and, while not repudiating earthly ties, to treat them as purely spiritual.
Anna's sympathies were in time diverted to the school of Jacob Cats, but Marie Tesselschade maintained close ties with Hoof t, who revised her translation of Tasso.
When he found himself opposed to Diomedes, with whom he was connected by ties of hospitality, they ceased fighting and exchanged armour.
The name of the life-index is given to a tree, animal or other object believed to be so closely united by sympathetic ties to a human being that the fate of the latter is reflected in the condition of the former.
All the wires and ties were of the best steel, capable of standing a strain of 100 tons to the square inch.
Coal is brought to the city from the coalfields by boats on the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers as well as by rail, and great fleets of barges carry coal and other heavy freight, such as steel rails, cotton ties, sheet iron, wire and nails, down the Ohio in the winter and spring.
Among his contemporaries he formed special ties of friendship with the painters Sandro Botticelli and Pietro Perugino.
The filling between the girders and floor beams consists of segmental arches of brick, segmental or flat arches of porous (sawdust) terra-cotta, or hard-burned hollow terra- - cotta voussoirs, or various patented forms of con crete floors containing ties or supports of steel or iron.
The longer they remained on the same plot, the more entangled became the ties of their economic dependence.
Their skill in and necessary devotion to the chase influence their whole mode of life; " their moral code is based upon a standard of physical culture and health."3 They live in small groups, every member of which is connected by family ties; between these groups, as in the case of the Yagans and Alakalufs, the vendetta is common.
Born from the loves of Bacchus and Circe, he is "much like his father, but his mother more" - a sorcerer, like her, who gives to travellers a magic draught that changes their human face into the "brutal form of some wild beast," and, hiding from them their own foul disfigurement, makes them forget all the pure ties of life, "to roll with pleasure in a sensual sty."
There has, been a long struggle between liberals and churchmen in Colombia, and at one time the latter completely lost their political influence over the government, but the common people remained loyal to the Church, and the upper classes found it impossible to sever the ties which bound them to it.
Fortunately for the duke of Guienne the majority of his subjects had no desire to become Frenchmen; the Gascons felt no national sympathy with their neighbors of the north, and the towns in especial were linked to England by close ties of commerce, and had no wish whatever to break off their allegiance to the house of Plantagenet.
But the leading men among the baronage were undoubtedly swayed by ambition and resentment, by family ties and family feuds, far more than by enlightened statesmanship or zeal for the king or the commonweal.
On these facts becoming known, Count Walewski, the chief of the French foreign office, who was united by ties of blood to the emperor, called on the British government to provide against the danger to which France was exposed.
The jubilee showed conclusively that, whatever politicians might say, the ties of blood and kinship, which united the two peoples, were too close to be severed by either for some trifling cause; that the wisest heads in both nations were aware of the advantages which must arise from the closer union of the Anglo-Saxon races; and that the true interests of both countries lay in their mutual friendship. A war in which the United States was subsequently engaged with Spain cemented this feeling.
The "age of small factions" was now succeeded by an age of great principles, and selfish ties of mere families and persons were transformed into a union resting on common conviction and patriotic aims. It was Burke who did more than any one else to give to the Opposition, under the first half of the reign of George III., this stamp of elevation and grandeur.
The duke of Grafton was its nominal head, but party ties had been broken, the political connexions of the ministers were dissolved, and, in truth, the king was now at last a king indeed, who not only reigned but governed.
He was bound by family ties to Louis, and he was obliged, as chief of the Holy Roman Empire, to protect the border princes.
Practically, however, this revolutionary aspect of the notion was kept for the most part in the background; the rational law of an ideal community was not distinguished from the positive ordinances and customs of actual society; and the " natural " ties that actually bound each man to family, kinsmen, fatherland, and to unwise humanity generally, supplied the outline on which the external manifestation of justice was delineated.
Finding, however, that it was advisable to cement the ties between the empire and the papacy, John gave unhesitating support to Lambert in preference to Arnulf, and also induced the council to determine that henceforth the consecration of the popes should take place only in the presence of the imperial legates.
Strabo held the inhabitants to be mere savages, addicted to cannibalism and having no marriage ties.
The ties created by fosterage were nearly as close and as binding on children as those of blood.
All the ties of caste, class, corporation and family were severed; the jealous despotism of Louis XIV.
Although he was connected by many ties to the British, he espoused the American cause on the outbreak of the War of Independence, and was a member of the first provincial congress (1775) of South Carolina, which in June made him a colonel of the Second South Carolina regiment; and he was a member of the second provincial congress (1775-1776).
Zamoyski was at first in favour of a member of the Báthory family, with which he was united by ties of amity and mutual interest; but on becoming convinced of the impossibility of any such candidature, he pronounced for a native Pole, or for whichever foreign prince might be found most profitable to Poland.
An immigrant, Hamilton had no particularistic ties; he was by instinct a " continentalist " or federalist.
The United Provinces were bound to him by religious interests, political considerations, and family ties alike, and he could not be indifferent when their position was threatened by France.
These cordial ties were loosened, however, by the fresh crisis in the Eastern Question after 1838.
He had no ties with Josh, but surely must feel sympathy for Lori.
Also use this plug-in to apply or remove accidentals to every note within a selected region and remove ties in any selected region.
Infliximab ties up a special protein in the body called tumor necrosis factor alpha or TNF a, which is involved in inflammation.
The watching public, too, seemed apathetic, none of the ties attracting large crowds.
They numbered in their hundreds and they made an impressive stage backcloth of white skirts, colored ties and shining bright faces.
Mander, in contrast, had strong union ties and was quite belligerent to the other two sites.
The site includes images of cricket ties and cricket blazers, and links to US and Canadian leagues.
The stylish pure cotton chemise is decorated with a subtle woven floral design and ties in a pretty bow on the neckline.
Wearing their ties and perfect hair, smelling like too much cologne.
That is, until the final crescendo, which ties up all the loose ends of the earlier exploits.
Soon after, they share one final moment in bed together - a celebratory sexual dalliance to effectively sever all emotional ties.
Avoid anything that will distract the interviewer's attention, for example dangly earrings, or wacky ties.
The majority of men donned black ties, and many women also wore some emblem of mourning.
In many of these fur-trade enterprises, kinship ties proved far more enduring than company loyalties.
My preference goes to sail ties permanently fitted to the sail at suitably reinforced eyelets.
Indeed without these vital ties it would be wholly impossible for the world of humanity to attain true felicity and success.
Attached to perimeter fencing posts with stretch rubber ties.
Its election candidates wear suits and ties, rather than skinhead haircuts and boots.
Short overskirt has a shaped hem which is longer at the back with ties to form bustle effect.
Without strong ties to Russia, Europe remains incomplete.
Within the society and environment theme TIES promotes interdisciplinary, applied research on understanding the interaction between society and the natural and built environments.
In the case of a timber joist floor the floor joist floor the floor joists should be tied to the walls by means of steel ties.
If a plastic kennel is made such that the ties can not be used the kennel may not be accepted.
A man who had kin in a village in which there was a specialty would profit by such ties in trading.
Jesus quickly makes his identity known in a way that shows there are ties that are stronger than blood kinship.
In all cases, the ties are tied with a reef knot, designed a ' purpose.
The three basic options are; not to do it at all, to use spiral lacing or to use sail ties.
Orders of 1 or 2 ties will normally fit through a standard letterbox.
Separated, each man tied to his country by ties of undivided nationalistic loyalty, none of these would have amounted to much.
Yet the ties between urban mass transit and long distance services are still loose.
Sporting some dodgy old mullets and wearing some truly hideous skinny ties and fetching shirts these guys were the REAL DEAL!
Loi quickly ties a dark green necktie around one before running along the bank, upstream and out of sight.
Alphabetical 2002 neckties - Choose from, novelty ties to stylish mens silk neckties that can be great gifts from dad's to teachers.
Neil Davis their two three family ties was.
The extended pawl allows for quick and simple release of the ties.
She had pigtails that may or may not have had pink ties.
Liberty 1 Piece drainable pouch comes with a choice of soft ties or clamps.
Winter wear for boys in the kindergarten was roll-neck blue pullovers, changing to gray shirts with blue ties higher up the school.
Would you believe that they are now going to ban railroad sleepers (railroad ties )?
Western diplomats fear that economic ties may produce deeper rapprochement.
People looked very resplendent in smart DJs, outstandingly LOUD TIES (well done Hutch, yet another triumph) and the like.
The negative skew is also important & ties in with market sentiment & RICs surveys over the last quarter.
He is always so smiley and he has music in his ties.
It was a logical step for Vodafone to seek ties with Manchester United.
They wear suits, they own ties, they mean business.
Pemba has strong ties with Oman - the Omani sultanate ruled Pemba and Zanzibar until the revolution of 1964.
Delivery & Returns Weddings & Bulk Orders - Do you provide sample swatches for your ties?
Gentlemen are required to wear jackets and either ties, cravats or polo neck sweaters in the Richmond Enclosure.
Renew those lost ties that do not hold the cover taut over the boat - loose covers collect water.
He ties the ribbons in my hair then asks me to do a twirl.
An official cover-up of those ties for more than a quarter century is finally unraveling.
The steel ties should be embedded in the masonry wall through purposely drilled holes.
The ' tied ' warps are dyed, the ties removed and then the warp is woven in plain weave.
Within two years Meaux, Poitiers, Angers, les ties de Saintonge, Agen, Bourges, Issoudun, Aubigny, Blois, Tours, Lyon, Orleans and Rouen were organized.
Several diplomatists in active service were approached, but, partly on account of their refusal, and partly from the desire of the Left to avoid giving so important a post to a diplomatist bound by ties of friendship or of interest to the Right, the choice fell upon Melegari, Italian minister at Bern.
Along with other English scholars, who had ties of close association with German learning and German savants, he was extremely reluctant in the last days of July 1914 to contemplate the possibility of war with Germany; but the violation of Belgian neutrality and the outrages committed in Belgium by German troops brought him speedily into line with national feeling.
His cosmopolitanism - which makes him in the modern Imperialist's eyes a "Little Englander" of the straitest sect - led him to deplore any survival of the colonial system and to hail the removal of ties which bound the mother country to remote dependencies; but it was, in its day, a generous and sincere reaction against popular sentiment, and Cobden was at all events an outspoken advocate of an irresistible British navy.
The spirit of courage and endurance which had enabled the Czechoslovaks to achieve their independence was now to inspire a further work of no mean significance - the consolidation of a free, democratic and enlightened republic in the heart of Europe, the most westerly outpost of the great Slavonic world stretching from the banks of the Elbe and the Danube to the Pacific Ocean, and at the same time a nation bound by ties of gratitude and common interest to the Anglo-Saxon and Latin races.
The consequent loosening of the ties between the individual provinces of the Church and the Apostolic See, combined with the capricious policy of the court at Avignon, which often regarded nothing but personal .and family interests, accelerated the decay of the ecclesiastical organism, and justified the most dismal forebodings for the future.
The life of a recluse is held to be the most conducive to that state of sweet serenity at which the more ardent disciples aim; but that of a layman, of a believing householder, is held in high honour; and a believer who does not as yet feel himself able or willing to cast off the ties of home or of business, may yet "enter the paths," and by a life of rectitude and kindness ensure for himself a rebirth under more favourable conditions for his growth in holiness.
By the treaty of Meaux (1229), her diplomacy combined with the influence of the Church to prepare effectually for the annexation of Languedoc to the kingdom,,, supplementing this again by a portion of Champagne; and the marriage of her son to Margaret of Provence definitely broke the ties which held the country within the orbit of the German empire.
Zamoyski was at first in favour of a member of the Báthory family, with which he was united by ties of amity and mutual interest; but on becoming convinced of the impossibility of any such candidature, he pronounced for a native Pole, or for whichever foreign prince might be found most profitable to Poland.
Facebook expands your number of weak ties.
Would you believe that they are now going to ban railroad sleepers (railroad ties)?
In addition to strengthening family ties, the net is also proving to help establish new friendships and renew existing ones through e-mail.
Abstract We study the variant of the well-known stable roommates problem in which participants are permitted to express ties in their preference lists.
Maggie gives Steph some sobering information - should she sever all ties with Woody?
A strategy which not only resulted in my own severing of ties but also the exit of leading comrade, Ian Donovan.
Doubts and tensions between the two sides further exacerbated after US President Carter announced the severance of ties with Taiwan in 1978.
The staff may wear tuxedo shirts with bow ties and blank pants or skirts.
Washington 's ties with India have grown from ' an uneasy co-existence during the Cold War to a true partnership ', he added.
Localism maintains the traditional ties of blood and kinship but undermines modern, universalist democratic ideals.
Mo is an upstanding citizen with ties to almost every family in Jersey.
Each volume retains its original early C17th wrappers of thin white paper, now within early C20th bindings of limp vellum with ties.
Because the guidelines generally stipulate that she must return to her home country at the end of one year, emotional ties can make the parting hard for everyone involved.
If you use bumper pads, be sure they fit snugly against the sides of the crib and keep all ties secured and as short as possible.
The choices include Velcro, buttons, snaps, and ties.
Do you know where to buy Jerry Garcia ties?
If you didn't know that you could purchase Jerry Garcia ties, then you will be surprised by what you can find at the following websites.
The art he created is showcased on many ties.
The ties are home to bright and vibrant colors, which is how his artwork flourished.
When you find out where to buy Jerry Garcia ties and buy one, you'll realize that you can wear it with a casual or business outfit.
The ties debuted in 1992 by Stonehenge, Ltd. Currently, any new ties that are released are either rehashes of older ties or original designs not by Garcia himself, but from artists basing the new artwork on old artwork.
They have over fifty silk ties to choose from in many different color schemes such as orange and green or blue, black, and gray.
The company also will sell to you in wholesale if you decide to order 100 or more ties.
A discount like this is good if you own a clothing store and would like to carry Jerry Garcia ties.
They can be more expensive than competitors, but they do carry some ties that aren't available from anyone else.
Another site with a selection of over 100 of Garcia ties is Absolute Ties.
Granted, most of the ties are available at competitors, but they seem to be on sale more consistently.
Absolute Ties does offer a grab bag of ties where you can get three ties for a certain price, usually saving you about $10-$20 if purchased separately.
Go to their website and after searching for Jerry Garcia Ties, click on the button "Find It in a Store" to see if it is available at your local Macy's.
Neckwear Outlet is your place to find discounted Garcia ties.
For the big and tall man, there's Extra Long Ties, which has a small selection of Garcia ties.
To find older Garcia ties, then check out Save On Ties.
Now you know where to buy Jerry Garcia Ties.
Make sure the ties are authentic by looking for that special Garcia signature indicating that it's his brand.
Unfortunately, they sometimes turn out to be real Social Security numbers already in use, which ties the immigrants' tax information to someone they don't even know exists.
When relationships are worth saving, hard work and perseverance go a long way toward mending the ties that once bound two lives.
What that will look like depends largely on whether or not the two of you have children or if there are business ties between the two of you, but the more in agreement the two of you can be, the easier it will be to cope with the divorce.
If you decide to add piping, buttons, or ties, now is the time to take measurements so you can get adequate quantities and sizes.
Purchase cushions that have Velcro or string ties that are used to attaché the pillow to the chair.
Look for cushions that have Velcro or string ties to attach them to the furniture frames.
Purchase pillows that have Velcro or string ties that attach them to the chair.
Purchase pillows that have Velcro or string ties that attach them to the back of the chair.
Try to find covers that attach to the furniture with Velcro ties (rather than the kind that fit over furniture without being tied to it) because it will be more secure.
Rustic style has close ties with nature and natural elements such as the granite rock often used to build rustic fireplaces.
You may need to use Velcro strips or ties in order to secure the cushions to the bench and keep from slipping.
If using ties, you'll need to sew a couple along the center edge of your cushion in addition to each end.
These have covers that close with small ties instead of a zipper or buttons.
You'll probably be able to find varieties with elastic bands, cotton ties or gripping foam under facings that hug the sofa fabric.
There are four sets of ties to ensure that it doesn't slip off the sofa.
Back ties and button closures ensure the slipcover is easy to apply.
Forty years ago, Ralph Lauren broke into the fashion apparel business selling men's ties.
You can weight each round if you wish, or you can simply go by total wins (a point system helps eliminate ties).
Wins, losses, and ties are maintained in the league's standings.
The ties from France are strong, as are the skills learned from the Germans and Native Americans.
Muscular and tall body types - Men with this body type look best in lay down collars for the shirt and bow ties rather than ties.
Accessories can include purses, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and hair ties.
Other speakers may include the class president, school principal, and of course the guest speaker, who is typically someone with ties to the community who has gone on to achieve success in his or her career.
Be sure and tell them if they must wear ties as well.
If the job keeps you out too late at night or ties up too much of your time, you'll never have time for anything else (including sleep).
It also ties in well with a Hippies themed birthday party.
There are dozens of vest colors to choose from, and thousands of style combinations from the array of tuxes, vests, and ties they offer.
A bride may choose to give out the cutters as favors, use them to make cookie favors, or make a cookie cake instead of a traditional one.The shape obviously ties into a wedding simply by being a tiered cake.
Ties are another important part of the beach wedding attire.
Bells have strong traditional ties to wedding ceremonies because they are packed with symbolism.
Think about your club and social network ties.
Ties-Some hookless shower curtains are comprised of ties at the top.
Keep in mind, however, that you may have to tie the ties individually, but this also allows you to make adjustments on the length of the curtain.
Any room can be spiced up or totally transformed when ribbons, bows, ties, studs, or just about anything is applied to your window valance.
Half of the fun is choosing the shower curtain, but the other half comes in creating a cohesive design that ties all of the décor together.
The open side closes with buttons, zippers or ties.
Though Affleck worked as a child actor, he's better know for more grown-up roles in such movies as School Ties, Dazed and Confused and Mallrats.
You can bet that broke up the engagement rather quickly, with Miller severing ties with Law.
The pallbearers wore pink ties, she wore a pink dress and tiara and her coffin was draped in a rhinestone-studded pink blanket.
With strong family ties to the movie industry, it's little surprise that Jake Gyllenhaal was bitten by the acting bug.
In a move that many a parent-managed celebrity has made, Usher is severing his professional ties with his mother, Jonnetta Patton, and keeping their relationship about family only.
The most recent rumor linked him to singer-actress Mandy Moore, although both have insistently denied any romantic ties.
He also appeared in two films with Affleck, School Ties and Chasing Amy.
Tina Yothers, who played younger sister Jennifer Keaton on television's Family Ties, gave birth to a baby boy on September 24, 2007.
Jason's older sister, Justine Bateman, is an actress best known for her role on the long-running series Family Ties.
Drew had another personal success shortly after her third and final rehab stay and officially cut ties to her professional relationship with her mother Jaid, who at the time, was Drew's manager.
Most were bit parts in programs such as Charles in Charge, Silver Spoons and Family Ties, interspersed with several TV movies (notably, she portrayed a young Grace Kelly in 1983's Grace Kelly).
Tina Yothers played Jennifer Keaton on the sitcom Family Ties from 1982 to 1989.
Tina Yothers is an actor who became famous for her role as Jennifer Keaton on the 1980s sitcom Family Ties.
The sitcom Family Ties was based on the trials and tribulations of the Keaton family.
Family Ties ran for seven seasons, and ended in 1989.
Though no reunion movies were made, in 1985 a 90-minute feature was aired, called Family Ties Vacation.
When Family Ties ended, acting roles seemed to dry up for Tina Yothers.
While still working on Family Ties, Tina Yothers sang her version of the song Baby I'm Back in Love Again, originally by The Raes.
Though the band never really took off, the song she sang on Family Ties was recorded as a single and Jaded was invited to play the song on the musical variety show Solid Gold.
While Yothers hasn't pursued much acting since leaving Family Ties, she did star in the stage production of Lovelace, the Musical.
With her many talents, it's surprising that Tina Yothers has managed to keep a fairly low profile since the end of Family Ties.
Tina Yothers played Jennifer Keaton on the sitcom Family Ties, from 1982 to 1989.
In the 1950's, polka dots became mainstream and could be found on everything from bikinis and bags to bicycles and bow ties.
For music-loving girls, the pop punk look is preferred, consisting of band T-shirts, often paired with ties, like Avril Lavigne, and topped with blazers.
Many men don't like ties, so chances are your boy won't like one either.
Elastic band ties are a nice compromise between the traditional and the clip-on.
Short-scale ties can also be purchased so that, after the service, your young man can loosen it up just like Dad does after a long day of work.
Boys traditionally wear suits or dress slacks, dress shirts and white ties, and girls are outfitted in white dresses and veils.
Sure, boys typically compete in the formal portion of a pageant dressed in suits or tuxes, but there is plenty of room for variation in the colors of the vests, shirts, and ties to accompany the suit.
From bow ties to double breasted suits, the formal wear your son competes in can vary from one competition to the next.
It has a brown satin ribbon belt that ties in the back.
A parent can expect to find miniature editions of the same blazers, ties, dress shirts, pleated or straight pants and shoe styles as you would find in the men's section.
This webshop has an amazing array of choices, and the ability to purchase cummerbunds, bow ties and vests separately.
Choosing multiple colors of bow ties and vests can give one tuxedo a variety of different faces by alternating the color of accessories while wearing the same tuxedo.
With older boys, they will wear suits exactly like men - those who are looking to establish their own style might experiment with ties and other accessories.
Holidays and other special occasions are the perfect time to pull out boys' holiday ties and dress up a drab wardrobe.
There are many options in holiday ties for today's boys.
Holiday ties may be synonymous with Christmas-themed ties for many people.
Christmas ties are some of the most versatile ties for your son's wardrobe.
You'll find Christmas ties in stores such as Old Navy and Sears starting around the beginning of November.
Absolute Ties - This site offers an excellent selection of Christmas ties in boys' sizes.
Wild Ties - Should you choose to go with a solid color, so your son can wear it all year long, you'll want to pay a visit to Wild Ties.
In addition to snowman and Santa ties, you'll also find ties for Christmas gift-giving featuring basketballs, soccer balls and even comic strips.
Fall is the perfect time to find holiday ties for boys.
Thanksgiving is another fall holiday that calls for turkey ties or ties featuring a myriad of fall leaves.
If you prefer ties that can be worn throughout the year for your son, then try choosing burnt orange, deep red or vivid yellows to reflect the changing leaves of the season.
You may have a harder time finding Halloween and Thanksgiving ties.
Neckties.com - One of the cutest ties for boys on this site is the spider web tie.
You'll also find a spooky bats tie and some cute bow ties.
While Christmas, Halloween and Thanksgiving may be obvious holiday occasions for ties, there are many other holiday events where it might be appropriate for your child to wear a tie.
Valentine's Day - Red ties and ties with hearts are perfect for this holiday.
St. Patrick's Day - Think bold green ties or ties with shamrocks and leprechauns.
Easter - While it is traditional for a boy to wear a tie to church on Easter Sunday, you'll also find a nice selection of Easter-specific ties in the spring.
These ties might feature bunnies, jelly beans or Easter eggs.
Fourth of July - American flag ties and ties with fireworks fit this holiday well.
Even the scruffiest of boys look debonair in boys' holiday ties, so take the time to shop around and find the perfect tie for your son.
One of the nice features of this site is that they will show which ties look best with each shirt.
Puddles also offers tuxedos, ties, vests and accessories.
Don't forget about bright green bow ties, which look great when worn with a patterned shirt that picks up all the details.
Hunt for boys' ties at Children's Ties and Bowties, where you can find clip-on cuteness in a stunning array of shades.
There are many different kinds of sailboat ties available to children, and this introduction to neckwear for kids will allow you to select from the nostalgic styles to the dressy-serious patterns.
These are smart ties to buy when a child is interested in a sailboat style, but they need to look a little dressier than usual.
Primary-colored ties are fun against bright long-sleeved shirts and with fun suspenders.
Parents should ask these questions prior to choosing ties for children, since safety is a primary concern.
Although there are many sites that offer sailboat ties, not all are specifically made for boys, and the length might be too great for a little guy.
Don't be afraid to add accessories, change shirt colors and use ties to change the look up for different occasions.
Students are encouraged to participate in order to build community and professional ties.
Serving over 16,000 students each term, GateWay Community College has strong ties with the Maricopa Skills Center and Maricopa Community College.
The school is known for its Baptist ties and is accredited by numerous known accreditation leagues.
Choose luggage with exterior pockets for small items such as swimwear, ties, or socks, and pack clothing tightly - several pairs of socks can fit inside a packed pair of shoes, for example.
Entertainment abounds, and some of these events have a strict dress code where gentlemen guests must wear tuxedos or suits and ties.
The breeder may also have ties with animal rescue groups.
I can make all my friends laugh because I even bathe my large dogs by having them stand as though they are in what we horse people would call cross ties, but without the ties.
When grown in beds they do not require sticks or ties; simply proper planting.
Tupelo wood is used today for furniture, millwork, veneer, plywood, bridge ties, crossties, crossing planks, and shipping containers.
Many people use old railroad ties or pressure-treated, rot resistant lumber to build their beds.
You can purchase plant ties at the same place you buy your garden structures.
You don't want to tie them tightly or it could hurt the plant, but the ties need to be sturdy enough to actually hold the plant up.
Avoid using railroad ties or pressure treated lumber, as both these types of wood harbor chemicals that make them unsuitable for gardening.
Traditional music notation has time signatures, rests, holds, ties, etc. that inform the player about how the music relates to time.
Recessed lights are wired together in series, where one fixture ties into the one before it.
If a man inherits an elaborate piece of jewelry with a deep family significance, he can proudly wear it not only as a symbol of the Celtic culture, but also of his family ties.
Don't forget about other big and tall men's fashion needs, such as appropriate dress shirts, ties, socks and shoes.
Skinny ties, skinny pants and fitted black jackets are a rocker tux must have.
Most men don't think about trendy belts when they're putting together their outfit, and that's a shame, because belts are more than practical, they can be the accessory that ties a look together.
Some men make such shirts their staple, others whip them out for weekend wear only after a long week of dressing in suits and ties, but nearly all modern men will occasionally don one.
No matter how careful you are, wrinkles will sometimes happen even to the best of ties.
That said, if you have a few great vintage silk ties, don't be afraid to wear them often - silk always looks great.
As a result, he requested that his ties be made in a thicker material to produce this more substantial shape.
Sometimes, skinny ties are in; at other times, men are advised to avoid them like the plague.
They'll know that longer ties are best for achieving enviable Windsor knots.
The company carries everything from suits, ties and sports coats to activewear, formalwear and sportswear.
A standard CEO look, men wear suits and high quality ties.
Boardroom attire includes high-quality wool suits and accessories that advertise your professional status such as gold watches and pricey ties.
In an era when men routinely wore hats and ladies wore hats and gloves, ties were part of a man's daily wardrobe, as much as a pressed suit.
If you're also looking for information on how to buy, clean and iron your ties, you can find it all right here.
You'll learn which ties work best with certain shirt styles and how to tie several different knots.
Someone who knows a lot about ties will also be able to advise you as to what knots to use with what shirt.
The Four-in-Hand is a smaller knot, long and narrow, and very good for wide ties made from a heavy fabric.
The Half Windsor is for standard shirt collars and wider ties made of light or medium weight fabrics.
Again, the best way to learn how to put on a tie using a variety of knots is by going to a high-end shop to buy good ties and getting hands-on instructions.
Casual environments are much less inclined to deem ties necessary.
Young men who've never worn school uniforms likely won't find themselves in the position of tying a tie until they're quite a bit older - those clip-on ties sure come in handy when you're a child!
Ideal for ties made of thicker materials, this knot is relatively simple to learn.
Bow ties were fashionable, but so were knit ties, which was a vast difference from the silk that had been so prevalent.
Some will require men to wear ties, while others won't.
Most men only need one, along with some really good shirts and ties and accessories.
You can't go wrong with ties that are solid colored, striped or dotted.
Small shirt patterns, however, such as the pin-stripe, sometimes go well with patterned ties as well, but the shirt pattern should never be too bold.
If you are tall and angular, you'll look great with striped ties.
If you are shorter and on the heavy side, dotted ties look perfect.
Here are a few tips for finding ties that don't break the bank-but don't look as inexpensive as they are.
Solid colors are usually hard to pull off when it comes to inexpensive ties, but busy patterns should have a bit of texture.
Cheaper ties don't always have the texture needed to accompany a busy pattern.
Choose ties that are under four inches wide; 3.25 to 3.5 inches are the most contemporary widths.
There are a few spots online that offer great savings on ties from well-known brands (and some unknown brands, too!).
Smart Bargains has a selection of discounted ties that range from $34.99 to $89.99.
There are quite a few similarly priced Brioni ties on the Smart Bargains website.
The Tie Bar has all of their handmade, one-hundred percent silk ties listed at just $15.00 or $20.00 for extra-long styles.
However, they are versatile ties with colors that err on the neutral side and low-key patterns.
Boardroom Ties is great for those who love funky patterns and splashes of color.
You can find ties here as low as $21.99, but you could pay as much as $28.99, depending on your taste.
Take care of your tie collection well and it can last you a very long time, no matter how much you paid, as long as you shop around for quality ties.
Jerry Garcia ties are known for their wild patterns, color, and buttery silk.
However, if you or your guy are into using ties to make a statement or you just gravitate toward patterns and colors that make others do a double-take, Jerry Garcia may be the brand you're looking for, after all.
That being said, there are some ties from this line that skirt the line between whimsical and straight-laced, and would be appropriate for a fairly conservative office setting.
Though not terribly original in design, if you or your gift-recipient love holiday ties, this is worth the purchase.
While it's easy to find these artsy silk ties online, some locations have more of a selection than others.
Wild Ties has novelty and designer ties, including those from Jerry Garcia.
Old World Limited is another site where you can find ties from Jerry Garcia.
Here, these ties run roughly $14.99 to $21.99.
Boardroom Ties has these ties for $32.99, which saves you about forty percent off of the recommended retail price.
You may have suspected as much based on the free-spirited style of most of the ties in this collection.
Most of us know of his success in the music world, and now we get to enjoy another facet of his talent-on ties.
While some Jerry Garcia ties cater almost exclusively to those who use their neckties to make an outrageous statement each day, there are a few others that even the most conservative man could wear without feeling uneasy.
Either way, get carried away by the color, the design, and the thought put into each of the Jerry Garcia ties.
Designer ties are nice, but not everyone has the budget to splurge on such high-ticket items.
You can still present a professional image with less expensive ties by knowing how to select patterns and materials that look like they cost more than they actually do.
For men who are just starting out in the business world, they might not have the money to spend on high-priced accessories, so finding quality ties at lower prices is important.
Ties fall between $14.99 to under $40.00.
You'll find themes such as nautical, floral, holiday, patriotic, insects, sports and even big and tall men's ties.
You can even find Geoffrey Beene and Kenneth Cole Ties for 50% off their retail prices.
If you need to buy big and tall men's ties for yourself or as a gift, don't worry!
Big and tall ties are different, of course, because of the additional length.
Big and tall men's ties are usually 61 inches to 62 or even 63 inches long.
With the wide selection of men's ties, you almost won't notice making the switch.
Big and Tall Guys has a product called Zipper Ties available for $16.00.
Huffman's Big and Tall has extra-long silk ties from designers like Christopher Hart and Jerry Garcia.
Extra Long Ties caters to the big and tall men.
If you're a big and tall guy who wears ties even from time to time, you'll need to shop the big and tall men's ties collections at your local department stores or online.
These professionals helped their customers select colors and fabrics that worked best for them and then chose accessories - ties, cuff links, socks, handkerchiefs - that matched and set off the shirts and suits.
It's easy to assume that salesmen selling men's designer ties are just out to snow-job you into spending a lot of money.
While they are in business to make a sale, the high-end shops rely on good word of mouth and repeat customers, so it behooves them to give you real assistance and help you select the best ties for your look.
Especially if you've just spent a substantial sum on your first good suit, it's natural to shy away from the cost of men's designer ties.
Well, bear in mind that a tie ties a suit together and it's the first item men and women take note of when they meet you.
Besides sales and promotions, you can get marked-down ties online at such sites as Tie Deals, which feature such designers as Gucci, Hugo Boss and Burberry at up to 60% off the retail price.
Did you know that there are multiple types of necktie knots you can wear to change up the look of your ties for different occasions?
Fine-gauged cotton knit ties and slender woven ties give easy sophistication for summer while lightweight scarves in multi lengths continue a layering theme.
Though they were essentially swaths of cloth in their earliest days, by the mid-1800s, they began to resemble contemporary bow ties.
However, bow ties make such a strong style statement that it's easily worth the time it takes to learn how to tie them.
Ties are available in a variety of fabrics, ranging from cotton to silk.
Some styles are much dressier than others; in fact, you may come across some downright casual bow ties from time to time.
They pair well with ties, but also work without them if you're dressing down.
This Web site is an ode to the funkiest vintage clothes and accessories for men, ranging from butterfly collar shirts and chunky platform shoes to sharp leather coats and skinny ties.
Still, when necessary, men did dress in black, double-breasted dinner jackets (previously considered extremely informal and even offensive) and matching ties.
This is the place to find high quality professional attire, casual shirts, elegant ties, cufflinks, winter coats, and so much more.
Dress shirts worn without ties were seen throughout 2009.
Men no longer felt the need to pair their dress shirts with ties.
However, be sure to choose ties with details that your shirt color brings out.
Avoid novelty ties completely and instead go for pinstripes, bolder stripes, textures, and other understated prints.
Avoid thick, business-savvy ties that look conspicuous.
Ties can be the trendy piece in your attire and can be a great conversation starter as well.
From a distance this gives the ties a textured look, but even the close-up reveals that same attention to detail that Salvatore engaged.
All of the ties in the 2010 line are in "executive" style, about three and a half inches at their widest point, and are made in Italy.
The prices tend to be about 30% less than mainstream retailers, but the ties may not be the most current styles.
Later, turtlenecks, double breasted sports jackets, wide ties with patterns, bell bottom and flare-leg pants, wide lapels, polyester pant suits, and Nehru jackets made it onto the scene.
In a more conservative vein, polo shirts became more popular, but even the business suits became more open to patterns and complementary, colored shirts and ties.
If men had to wear suits, many of them chose patterned ones and worked in colored shirts and patterned ties.
Ties were wider than those in decades before, sometimes up to five inches.
In some cases, complete opposites were simultaneously in fashion, like the slim-fitting mod suits and the flared pants, or the skinny and wide lapels and ties.
You can wear them without ties or choose a plain dark tie if you like.
The ties were usually worn in a bow or knot with the ends sticking out, much like the common bow tie.
Ties grew wider in the 1860s and were either tied in a bow or looped and then fastened with a stickpin.
Even snazzier options in Florsheim bamboo socks are available at Boardroom Ties, which sells ties and accessories at reasonable prices.
Other items in the Ralph Lauren collection include jeans, button-down shirts, sweaters, tee shirts as well as sport coats, suits and ties.
It has side pockets, inner ties and a belt closure.
It has a broad collar, a capelet-style back, is often double-breasted and usually ties or belts around the waist in a matching fabric.
A Jester hat comes with ties or without.
Many plus size cover-up swim shorts have pockets and drawstring ties, and are even worn for casual outings.
To draw attention to your waist, look for dresses (such as the wrap style) that enhance and whittle the waist with attached ties.
It has a topstitched stand-collar jacket with three-quarter sleeves and ties in front over a hidden snap placket.
It buttons up the front and ties at the waist.
Side ties create a flattering line that minimizes the waistline.
As one might imagine, a fishnet bra is constructed entirely of netted material that ties at the back.
It features a flattering halter top that ties at the neck and back and lifts and supports the bust.
The underwire top with string ties offers lift and support and the paneled bottom shows off the hips.
It features a roomy blouson top with a straight neckline and adjustable side ties.
The top ties around the neck and has a supportive elastic band.
A wrap dress wraps around the waist and ties to hold the dress in place.
It features an empire waist, back ties, low pockets and shell buttons.
You can opt for a pullover with back ties or a button-front style.
The overall cut of the costume and the blue crisscross ties down the bodice help define the waist, making this an ultra shape-friendly costume.
It is the perfect layering item, with wide short sleeves and a loose front that ties at the waist with a belt.
While it would appear to be a one-piece from the front, it has two ties across the back, exposing much more skin.
The Lace Trim Chiffon Robe is a bright-colored robe with scalloped lace trim and ties at the front and sleeves.
Designers who cater to the plus size market typically create their fashions with extra long waist and neck ties and may or may not include side panels to accommodate those curvier figures.
Novelty items may also include a selection of "over the hill" merchandise that ties in age with the ending of a career.
By choosing a gift that ties into his former career as well as his personal preferences, it is possible to meaningfully honor both the retiree's individuality and his years of service.
They are given for the fast, hard laugh and as soon forgotten, such as the cut noose - representing cutting ties with corporate jobs.
It is both a progressive college town and a port town with ties to many historical events, such as the Civil War and the War of 1812.
He went on to make ties, luggage, shoes and more before his death in 1953.
He started early in his quest for quality clothing, and in 1967, he introduced the Polo line of ties.
The track's bright red and orange color scheme emphasizes its ferocity and ties into the legend - they are the very colors that enrage fighting bulls.
The choices you made in the original game will now affect how other people and creatures react to you during play of the Suffering Video Game, Ties that Bind edition.
The creepy horror of The Ties that Bind video game is best experienced in the dark.
These Ties That Bind will keep you bound to your seat!
Unfortunately, the studio fell short in storyline by making it stray from any ties to the first movie.
They are located in Redmond Washington and the school has close ties to Nintendo.
Chicago also has ties to the first postcard printed as a souvenir in 1893.
Families have lifestyle commitments and ties to their community.
When these ties break-up, children, especially adolescents, are likely to experience a loss of hope.
Gangs are more prevalent in neighborhoods where the community network is weak, with few ties among individual residents or between residents and conventional community institutions.
Eliminating underlying social problems that lead to development of youth gangs and strengthening community ties can reduce the influence of gangs and deter gang crime that thrives when neighborhoods fail to work together.
New types (opposite sex, romantic ties) and levels (crowds) of peer relationships emerge.
While you can create an updo with some simple hair pins, you can find an array of clips, twists, ties and other hair accessories to make the perfect hairdo.
Additionally, check with the American Academy of Dermatology to find out if your doctor has ties to their organization.
The key to making it "Snow White" hair and not just the average black wig is the red ribbon that wraps around from bottom to top and ties in the upper right corner or right on top.
It does have the red bow that ties at the top, just as it should.
The guides themselves can be used as purely secular guides, or you can opt to purchase a Bible supplement that ties in with the lesson plans to focus on Christian values and selected Bible verses to accompany the regular lessons.
Before you cut ties with your current employer, explore whether your boss will allow you to work from home part- or full-time.
You can also tape hearts in your window to decorate for Valentine's Day or suspend them from the ceiling with ribbon ties in order to decorate for an anniversary party.
Look to purchasing garments that are either made out of stretchy fabric or are expandable via ties, adjustable waistbands, or elastic.
Despite being a superstar since the tender age of 15, Beyonce is well-known for her close family ties and down-to-earth personality.
Loosen the ties as your belly gets bigger, and then tighten again once you have the baby.
The surgical procedure cuts, ties, or blocks the tube.
While using the viewing instrument to see, the surgeon cuts, blocks, or ties the fallopian tube.
The apron version of this style often depends on string ties, resulting in a less formidable a design.
Both tops are bra-sized for added fit and comfort, while the top itself ties around the neck for adjustability.
It ties around your neck for adjustability and is incredibly soft to the touch.
This is a fun and flirty look with ties on both sides of the bikini bottom and the top.
Rag ties are fun and easy to add to the straps of your flops.
The bottoms have double string ties rather than single strings, but it's still very similar.
Body Glove has a specific swimwear collection, usually one per year, that features a great deal of string ties near the hips and bust.
The side ties are usually functional, but it is possible to find a pair of swimsuit bottoms with a continuous band around the hips.
String ties can be pulled to add a ruched affect to the sides of the shorts, but will have that same string tie accent that you might expect from a Valerie Bertinelli style.
The top is equipped with a shelf bra, and it ties at the side for a very flattering look.
Featuring the tiniest of string ties, you'll appreciate the fact that this bikini is fully lined and will not show through when wet.
Not only are the side ties slung low, but the front of the suit features a keyhole top that simply commands attention.
The background color of the suit is white, and the top ties around the neck.
The triangle top ties around her neck and features a smattering of rhinestones, while the bikini bottom, complete with side ties, sits low on the hips and also sports a set of rhinestones along the waistband of the swim bottom.
This style also features side ties, but this time the beauty contestant is looking away from the camera, off into the distance.
This look features a triangle top that ties around the neck and back and because of its slightly frilly design, provides interesting details for the eye like that of Ms. Prejean's suit.
This is a string bikini that appears quite sexy, and that features bikini bottom side ties that sit on the hips- just like Carrie's.
The triangle ties in the back secure the top of the suit, while side hip ties keep the bottom of the suit in its proper place.
The triangle top ties in the back and the boy cut short bottom is beyond cute.
At Urban Outfitters, you can get a sexy one-piece crocheted suit that is open at the back and sides and ties with halter straps.
It bears all the advantages of a bra-top combined with the fun ties of wearing a triangle.
Some feature halter ties around the neck and back, and most of the suits are quite low-cut in the front.
At Zimbio.com, you can scroll down the page to see a photo of Emma sporting a pretty lavender bikini with yellow string ties.
You will love the warm butter gold color and contrasting red ties of this look.
It has a halter top that ties around the neck and back, and a string bottom with the word "Sexy", in shiny rhinestones above the seat of the suit.