Tied-down Sentence Examples
We aren't tied down by the outdated dogma which holds Labor back.
My mind's not tied down like yours.
I can't imagine you being happy when you're tied down to one spot... one woman.
The lines of cardinal importance are (I) the rasceta or cross sulci, which isolate the hand from the forearm at the wrist, and which are the flexion folds between the looser forearm skin and that tied down to the fascia above the level of the anterior annular ligament.
The fifth is an example where the bud to which the shoot should be cut back is badly placed; a shoot resulting from a bud left on the upper side is apt instead of growing outwards to grow erect, and lead to confusion in the form of the tree; to avoid this it is tied down in its proper place during the summer by a small twig.
Yet nothing is less true; for the savage, more than the civilized man, is tied down at every step with superstitious scruples and restrictions barely traceable in higher civilizations except as primitive survivals.
Indeed there can be little doubt that Hamilton was intended by the university authorities who elected him to the professorship of astronomy to spend his time as he best could for the advancement of science, without being tied down to any particular branch.
The reed was attached to the purlins under strips of split hazel, which were then tied down with hemp twine.
We also had a securely tied down hide on the top of a scaffolding tower at Bentley Station for filming the rooks.
In some cases, you may even want to opt for a style with interchangeable lenses so you're not tied down to one tint.
AdvertisementMoreover, if you're tied down to a particular service provider, especially one running a CDMA-based network, your options may be more restricted.
While being tied down to a contract and worrying about hidden fees or surprise charges when accidentally exceeding the number of minutes or texts on a plan are some people's greatest fear, others like to pay as little as possible up front.
She didn't kick up a fuss because she had been told that if she got "out of control" she would be tied down on the bed.
Think of all the advantages to not being tied down in a relationship.
In many cases, the garters on the waist cincher are detachable, so you're not tied down to that particular style.