Thymic Sentence Examples
T cell receptor gene rearrangement problems contribute to thymic involution by making the cells less resistant to apoptosis.
A11 Positive selection (mediated mainly by thymic epithelium) is believed to be the main process occurring in the cortex.
In the elderly only small nodules of active thymic tissue can be found.
Part of our ongoing work aims to derive thymic epithelial stem/progenitor cells from ES cells in vitro.
Thymic factors are being studied as therapeutic agents for Aids patients and cancer patients.
Thymic hormones are involved in the maturation of T lymphocytes.
Thymic activity and T-cell differentiation are abnormal in RA.
The use of thymic transplants and hormones has not led to improvement.
Thymic aplasia-A lack of T lymphocytes, due to failure of the thymus to develop, resulting in very reduced immunity.