Thurible Sentence Examples
During the mass an acolyte bore the thurible (Ordo VI.) and three assisted at the washing of the hands.
According to Sarum and Bangor, the thurible, as well as the lights, attended the Gospel to the lectern.
Perhaps the York rubric implies that this was done when it orders (which the others do not) the thurible to be carried round the choir with the Gospel while the Creed was being sung.
The thurible, the proper ecclesiastical term for the vessel in the Western Church, is usually spherical in form, though often square or polygonal, containing a small receptacle for the charcoal and covered by a perforated lid; it is carried and swung by three chains, a fourth being attached to the lid, thus allowing it to be raised at intervals for the volume of smoke to be increased.
Nobody can swing a thurible as energetically as an Anglo-Catholic Priest, and Father Philip is more energetic than most.