Thrush Sentence Examples
I had heard the wood thrush long before.
The hermit thrush, veery, song sparrow, red-eyed vireo, bunting, warbler and wren are among the song birds of the forests.
The mistle thrush will sing sometimes in spells of at least 3 hours.
The song-birds are well represented in the hermit thrush, wood thrush, Wilson's thrush (or veery), brown thrasher, robin, blue bird, bobolink, meadow lark, gold finch, &c. Among the game birds are the ruffed grouse (partridge), quail, prairie hen and wild turkey.
I also had superb views of female blue rock thrush and several rock bunting.
It has few distinctive species, but within its borders the southern mole and cotton-tail rabbit of the South meet the northern star-nosed and Brewers moles and the varying hare of the North, and the southern bobwhite, Baltimore oriole, bluebird, catbird, chewink, thrasher and wood thrush are neighbors of the bobolink, solitary vireo and the hermit and Wilson s thrushes.
Among land birds may be enumerated several varieties of eagle, vulture, falcon, owl, crow, jay, magpie, stork, quail, thrush, dove, &c. Pheasants are easily acclimatized; grouse and woodcock are indigenous on the uplands of the north; partridges, in all districts.
We saw many more bullfinches as well as at least three Grenada Flycatchers and another Bare-eyed Thrush.
Candida albicans is a yeast causing candidiasis or " thrush " in humans.
In winter I have seen flocks of fieldfare, redwing and mistle thrush plus the usual jackdaws, rooks, starlings and seasonal swallows.
AdvertisementBut without it, cryptococcal meningitis and oral thrush are the painful fates awaiting many people infected with HIV.
Oral thrush is also common when the immune system has failed, but quickly responds to oral medicine.
There is a lot more to it than just removing the slime, esp if thrush or anyhting is a regular occurance.
Where and when can I see a song thrush?
The camouflage may be good, but it does not fool the hungry song thrush.
AdvertisementThese include syphilis, herpes, genital warts, and thrush.
We saw a darker thrush partly hidden in tall grass which hopped out of view.
You may have thrush, chlamydia or herpes, which may not show in your sample.
I see a mistle thrush perching on a wall across the river, a species that I now realize we never saw in Mallorca.
In women, recurrent vaginal thrush may be a symptom of diabetes.
AdvertisementYour guinea's mouth may then become infected with oral thrush.
Others, like the song thrush, migrate to warmer areas.
Two hundred meters down hill from the bus station was a singing male blue rock thrush which was very obliging.
The exposed rocks of road cuttings sometimes support the Blue Rock Thrush, a winter visitor.
A little farther along was an elusive male Blue Rock Thrush and a noisy group of about twenty common waxbills.
AdvertisementAmong the smaller birds may be enumerated finches, the siskin, bullfinch, pipit, titmouse, wagtail, lark, fine-crested wren, hedge-sparrow, corn-wren, nut-hatch, starling, swallow, martin, swift, thrush, butcher bird, shrike, dipper, yellow-hammer, ortolan and a warbler (Accentor alpinus).
One early thrush gave me a note or two as I drove along the woodland path.
The song thrush will be helped by the increase in scrub and hedgerow habitats.
However, after the blackbirds had dispersed survival improved, whilst song thrush numbers continued to decline markedly.
Thrush produces a foul smelling black discharge in the affected sulcus of the frog.
Your guinea 's mouth may then become infected with oral thrush.
Thrush infections usually appear in the mouth (oral thrush) or genitals.
Sri Lanka Bush Warbler Only seen at the whistling thrush pool on Horton Plains mornings of 26th and 27th Sept 145.
Members of the thrush family are well-known for their fondness for berries.
In some years, irruptions of other thrush species occur, perhaps with the onset of unusually cool weather in southwest China.
The tit family, chaffinch, blackbird, and thrush are other common birds.
A little farther along was an elusive male Blue Rock Thrush and a noisy group of about twenty Common Waxbills.
Some babies develop thrush, which is a type of yeast infection in the mouth.
A baby with thrush often has white patches on the tongue and the inner aspects of the cheeks that do not wipe off.
Candidiasis can affect the skin, nails, and mucous membranes throughout the body including the mouth (thrush), esophagus, vagina (yeast infection), intestines, and lungs.
Thrush occurs in approximately 2-5 percent of healthy newborns and occurs in a slightly higher percentage of infants during their first year of life.
Besides other varieties of strep organisms, these organisms may include Candida albicans, which can cause thrush; Corynebacterium diphtheriae, which can cause diphtheria; and Bordetella pertussis, which can cause whooping cough.
As early as three months of age, however, the SCID child begins to suffer from mouth infections (thrush), chronic diarrhea, otitis media, and pulmonary infections, including pneumocystis pneumonia.
If older than 12 months, the child has persistent thrush.
Children with primary immunodeficiency syndromes are at increased risk of tooth decay and gum disorders as well as thrush and mouth ulcers.
There are often no symptoms of HIV in infants, but within a few months most infants who are infected show signs of opportunistic infections such as failure to thrive, chronic thrush, and persistent diarrhea.
It tends to cause fungal infections, including severe thrush that does not respond to usual treatment; severe diarrhea; and serious bacterial infections.
The infection is also called thrush, monilia, or yeast.
Check your baby's mouth for white patches that signal thrush, a candida infection of the baby's mouth.
Thrush is common in young babies and the infection easily passed back and forth between mother and baby.
Expect to be told to treat your baby for thrush, too, even if you can't see any white patches in the baby's mouth.
From a medical perspective, it is not entirely clear what makes some women more prone to vaginal yeast infections, also known as Candida or thrush.
Tea Tree oil can be used to treat thrush during pregnancy.
In some cases it does become readily apparent, with symptoms exhibited in conditions such as thrush (coating back of throat and tongue) or vaginal yeast.
Always choose a bra made from cotton to prevent thrush.
Plastic linings can trap moisture against your nipple and increase the chance of getting thrush.
There is one trogon - green and crimson, a brightly coloured ground thrush (Pitta), numerous woodpeckers and barbets; glossy starlings, the black and white African crow and a great variety of brilliantly coloured weaver birds, waxbills, shrikes and sun-birds.
The thrush is represented by a number of species, one of which, the sabia (Mimus), has become the popular song-bird of Brazil through a poem written by Gonsalves Dias.
One of the most perfect cases of mimicry in birds is presented by a Madagascar thrush or babbler (Tylas eduardi), which resembles feather for feather a shrike (Xenopirostris polleni), from the same island.
Birds of passage include the buzzard, kite, quail, wild fowl of various kinds, golden thrush, wagtail, linnet, finch and nightingale.
Highlights included austral Thrush, Austral Parakeet, Fire eyed Diucon and Chilean Swallow.
A Malabar Whistling Thrush was out in the open as we approached the spring, but a party of Grey-headed bulbuls was more elusive.
Spent 1 ½ hours at the pool but still no sign of the whistling thrush.
Of birds very few are indigenous; the jackdaw, blue solitary thrush, spectacled warbler, the robin, kestrel and the herring-gull.
The song birds and insectivorous birds include the cardinal grosbeak, scarlet and summer tanagers, meadow lark, song sparrow, catbird, brown thrasher, wood thrush, house wren, robin, blue bird, goldfinch, red-headed woodpecker, flicker (golden-winged woodpecker), and several species of warblers.
A finch (Nesospiza acunhae), a thrush (Nesocichla eremita), and a water-hen (Gallinula nesiotis) are the only land birds - the first two being peculiar to the islands.
Among the birds of the island are the eagle, hawk, petrel, owl, finch, peewit, diamond bird, fire-tail, robin, emu-wren, crow, swallow, magpie, blackcap, goatsucker, quail, ground dove, parrot, lark, mountain thrush, cuckoo, wattlebird, whistling duck, honeybird, Cape Barren goose, penguin duck, waterhen, snipe, albatross and laughing jackass.
There are many insectivorous birds; among the song birds are the hermit thrush, the wood thrush, the Wilson's thrush, the brown thrasher, the bobolink, the catbird, the oven bird, the house wren, the song sparrow, the fox sparrow, the vesper sparrow, the white-throated sparrow (Peabody bird), the goldfinch and the robin.