Throws Sentence Examples
The first throws no light upon the second.
It is unknown precisely how the Roman word came into use, though an explanation of the earlier official title, magister populi, throws some light on the subject.
It's the hunter that throws nature out of balance, selecting only the best game.
His life throws light on some phases of the ancien regime which are often overlooked by historians.
She throws herself in front of a van and fakes another orgasm, er, sorry, I mean injury.
Fitzherbert throws some light on the position of women in the agriculture of his day.
Although the character of the reforms throws remarkable light upon the condition of religion in Judah in the time of Josiah, it is to be observed that the writings of the contemporary prophets (Jeremiah, Ezekiel) make it very questionable whether the narratives are thoroughly trustworthy for the history of the king's measures.
The name has by some later Oriental writers been modified into Hindu Koh (mountain), but this is factitious, and throws no more light on the origin of the title.
In the circumstances, one must needs adopt the opinion of Fersen's contemporary, Baron Gustavus Armfelt, "One is almost tempted to say that the government wanted to give the people a victim to play with, just as when one throws something to an irritated wild beast to distract its attention.
The tapeworm, Taenia saginata, throws off eleven proglottides a day during its mature stage, and if this rate of increase were maintained for a year the total weight of its progeny would be about 550 grammes.
AdvertisementIn the former case the larva creeps along the tadpole until it reaches the branchial opening into which it darts, fixes its sucker, and then throws off its cilia.
If successful, the larva throws off its cilia and develops a dorsal papilla, a median ventral sucker and an additional pair of lateral suckers.
In this process it is aided by the stylet with which it actively bores its way, throws off its tail FIG.
Some one throws himself over a cataract or leaps into the crater of a volcano, and immediately a score or two follow.
By uttering a sacred formula the good spirit throws the evil one into a state of confusion for a second 3000 years, while he produces the archangels and the material creation, including the sun, moon and stars.
AdvertisementA simple method for condenser comparison is to charge the two condensers to the same voltage by a battery and then discharge them successively through a ballistic galvanometer and observe the respective " throws " or deflections of the coil or needle.
A peculiar passage, more valuable for the light it throws upon primitive ideas than for its contribution to the history of Abram, narrates the patriarch's visit to Egypt.
The picturesque account of the meeting with Rebekah throws interesting light on oriental custom.
The writer throws this introduction into his favourite scheme of seven acts, in this case symbolized by seven bowls.
He throws himself prostrate on the ground, with every feather on his body standing up and quivering; but he seems as if he were afraid of coming too near his mistress.
AdvertisementMore careful investigation, moreover, throws very considerable doubt on the possibility of the derivation of the priest's stole from the ancient neck-cloth (orarium) and of the diaconal stole from a napkin used in the liturgy.
In the Ligore ware the hammered ground-work is inlaid with a black composition of sulphides of baser metals which throws up the pattern with distinctness.
Earle's chief title to remembrance is his witty and humorous work entitled Microcosmographie, or a Peece of the World discovered, in Essayes and Characters, which throws light on the manners of the time.
It may, however, be granted that the possibility of lapse throws us open to the objections, ingenuous or disingenuous, of the sceptic; and we must remain exposed to them so long as we deal with our first principles as so many isolated axioms or intuitions.
The existence of this degraded class up to the Exile throws considerable light upon the phraseology of the prophets in referring to idolatry as adultery and the scenes connected with it as prostitution.
AdvertisementIt only rises from time to time above the level of a letter, through the extraordinary penetration, force, enthusiasm and elevation of feeling that the apostle throws into his treatment of more or less ordinary topics.
The small triangular section of the coastal plain in New Jersey north of Delaware Bay deserves separate treatment because of the development there of a pectiliar topographic feature, which throws light on the occurrence of the islands off the New England coast, described in the next paragraph.
His interest in philosophy led him to take a prominent share in the foundation of a society for discussing the new doctrines, and is further shown by his Common Place Book, one of the most valuable autobiographical records in existence, which throws much light on the growth of his ideas, and enables us to understand the significance of his early writings.
Palaeontology therefore throws no light on the question whether the metameric or the unsegmented Mollusca were the earlier.
He throws out the brilliant suggestion that the experience of the race is in a sense inherited by the individual; which is true in the sense that animal organisms become hereditarily better adapted to perform mental operations, though no proof that any elements of knowledge become a priori.
It is, according to him, something more than sensation, but less than perception; it is common to us with lower animals such as dogs; its operation consists in co-ordinating sensations into an aggregate which the subject throws back into space, and thereby has a consciousness of a total object outside itself, e.g.
In working out this process he supposes that reason throws into consciousness a priori categories, synthetic predicates a priori, or, as he also calls them, " dialectic percepts."
On getting the worm fairly out of the ground, it throws up its head with a jerk, and swallows it whole."
Approaching the Peshawar plains the Safed Koh throws off long spurs eastward, and amongst the foothills of these eastern spurs the Afridi Tirah long remained hidden from European eyes.
The Life (19m) of Mr Childers, by his son, throws some interesting side-lights on the inner history of more than one Gladstonian cabinet.
Formed partly by alluvium carried down by perennial streams from the mountains of Lebanon and Galilee, and fringed by great sand-dunes which the sea throws up, Phoenicia is covered with a rich and fertile soil.
The conception of the "Day of the Lord" is frequent and prominent in the prophets, and the sense given to the phrase by the people and by the prophets throws into bold relief the contrast between popular beliefs and the prophetic faith.
Old Faithful, at regular intervals of 65-70 minutes, throws up a column of hot water 2 ft.
The Giant, at intervals of 2 to 4 days or more, throws up a column to a height of 250 ft.
Further objections to the presence of silicon are that the resultant silica (1) corrodes the lining of the converter, (2) makes the slag froth so that it both throws much of the charge out and blocks up the nose of the converter, and (3) leads to rephosphorization.
The solitary incident of note in this period of his life is the ridiculous quarrel with Rousseau, which throws much light upon the character of the great sentimentalist.
The Clementine literature throws light upon a very obscure phase of Christian development, that of JudaeoChristianity, and proves that it embraced more intermediate types, between Ebionism proper and Catholicism, than has generally been realized.
The former he imitates in the maxims (-yv14at) he throws in and the speeches which he puts into the mouth of the chief actors; the latter in his frequent geographical digressions, in the personal anecdotes, in the tendency to collect and attach some credence to marvellous tales.
But more than this, it throws a remarkable light upon the solidarity of the Hellenic Dispersion.
The way in which the ulema are recruited and formed into a hierarchy with a vigorous esprit de corps throws an instructive light on the whole subject before us.
To effect the rescue of these incidents, he boldly admits the forgeries in the registers, abandons all the traditional dates, throws over Tschudi's account, and regards the shooting by Tell of the apple from his son's head as an "ornamental addition" to the tale.
It is almost impossible, without asceticism of a radically inartistic kind, to treat with the resources of instrumental music and free harmony such passages as that from the Crucifixus to the Resurrexit, without an emotional contrast which inevitably throws any natural treatment of the Sanctus into the background, and makes the A gnus Dei an inadequate conclusion to the musical scheme.
Once begun the breach widened, until Luther could contrast "our theology" with what was taught at Erfurt, and by September he began to write against the scholastic theology, to declare that it was Pelagian at heart, that it repudiated the Augustinian doctrines of grace, and neglected to teach the supreme value of that faith "which throws itself upon God."
In such vicissitudes as these Palestinian history proceeds upon a much larger scale than the national biblical records relate, and the external evidence is of the greatest importance for the light it throws upon the varying situations.
At Amsterdam there appeared in 1873 a highly interesting Correspondence with his academy friend and lifelong political adversary Groen van Prinsterer, which, although dating back to the early 'thirties, throws much light on their subsequent relations and the political events that followed 1848.
The problem of how life is to be carried out well is the one question which throws all other inquiries into the shade.
The metal is obtained from zinc blende (which only contains it in very small quantity) by dissolving the mineral in an acid, and precipitating the gallium by metallic zinc. The precipitate is dissolved in hydrochloric acid and foreign metals are removed by sulphuretted hydrogen; the residual liquid being then fractionally precipitated by sodium carbonate, which throws out the gallium before the zinc. This precipitate is converted into gallium sulphate and finally into a pure specimen of the oxide, from which the metal is obtained by the electrolysis of an alkaline solution.
Another publication, The Philosophical Radicals of 1832 (privately circulated in 1866), is interesting for the light it throws on the Reform movement of 1832 to 1842, especially on Molesworth.
On its east, between it and the coast, which it follows at a moderate distance, is a fertile strip difficult of access, and on the west it throws off so many lateral ranges and spurs, as to break up the country into a chaos of corrugated and precipitous hills and steep-sided valleys, each with a rapid perennial stream.
Even inference, though apparently not a classical word, throws back to the Stoic name for a conclusion.'
The determination too of the sense in which Kant's theory of knowledge involves an unresolved antithesis is for the logical purpose necessary so far only as it throws light upon his logic and his influence upon logical developments.
It throws light on many phases of the search for truth, upon the plain man's claim to start with a subject which he knows whose predicate which he does not know is still to be developed, or again upon his use of the negative form of judgment, when the further determination of his purposive system is served by a positive judgment from without, the positive content of which is yet to be dropped as irrelevant to the matter in hand.
The priest now throws some grains of rice upon the heads of the married pair in token of wishing them abundance; bouquets of flowers are handed to the assembled guests, and rosewater is showered upon them.
Nansen, In Northern Mists (1911), throws new light on the early history of Arctic exploration.
These lots are put in a heap, and an outsider is called in who throws one lot or kaivel upon each heap of fish.
On the west the edge of the plateau is broken by broad valleys, and the deeply indented coast-line throws out long rocky promontories towards Europe.
It throws off, in the latitude of Kaisarieh, a subsidiary range, the Binboa Dagh, which separates the waters of the Sihun from those of the Jihun.
An examination of these arguments throws light on two chief aspects of the relation between Homer and his " cyclic " successors.
In comparative morphology it provides many illustrations of important biological principles (such, for example, as substitution and change of function of organs), and throws new light upon, or at least points the way to new ideas of, the primitive relations of different organic systems in respect of their function and topography.
During this secondary fermentation the wine gradually throws down a deposit which forms a coherent crust, known as argol or lees.
No modern reader can endure to toil through the Intellectual System; its only interest is the light it throws upon the state of religious thought.
A long and eloquent letter to Burghley 2 throws additional light upon his character, and gives a hint as to the cause of his uncle's slackness in promoting him.
This throws a new light on the question, and from it the inference at once follows, that the forms are the permanent causes or substances underlying all visible phenomena, which are merely manifestations of their activity.
The inscription of Mesha throws welcome light upon his conquest of Moab; the position of Israel during the reign of Omri's son Ahab bears testimony to the success of the father; and the fact that the land continued to be known to the Assyrians down to the time of Sargon as "house of Omri" indicates the reputation which this little-known king enjoyed.
East of Skeppsholm an inlet, Ladugardslandsviken, so named from the proximity of the former royal farm-yard (ladugard), and bordered on the mainland by a quay with handsome houses called Strandvagen, throws off a narrow branch (Djurgardsbrunnsviken) and separates from the mainland an island about 2 m.
Her mother, Elizabeth, co-heiress of Aske in Yorkshire, was the earliest of that little band of women-friends whose correspondence with Knox on religious matters throws an unexpected light on his discriminating tenderness of heart.
On the settlement under van Riebeek, and the position in it which the so-called " free burghers " enjoyed, this candid Dutch writer throws an interesting light.
The illustration is valuable for the light it throws on the essential unity of diverse intellectual operations as well as for enforcing once more the Stoic doctrine that different grades of knowledge are different grades of tension.
Of the two last, the former sings of love well and sincerely, while the latter is represented by love songs replete with false sentiment and by some rather gross songs of maldizer, a form which, if it rarely contains much poetical feeling or literary value, throws considerable light on the society of the time.
The literary excellence of the work, and the flashes of light which it throws across a momentous but dark epoch of history, combine to give it exceptional importance among the relics of late Roman literature.
He gives a few biographical details in his Passages from the Life of a Philosopher (1864), a work which throws considerable light upon his somewhat peculiar character.
North of the Lukuga river the main chain throws out into the central zone, in a north-westerly direction, a secondary range known as the Bambara Mountains, which forms one of the boundaries of the Manyema country.
A date about 100-120 for the substance of the writing is accepted by the majority of modern scholars and throws real light upon the author's endeavour.
Their main channels bifurcate, and each new stream so created throws off its own set of distributaries to right and left.
Though, during the few remaining years of his life, Forster's political record covered various interesting subjects, his connexion with these stormy times in Ireland throws them all into shadow.
From its Coca branch to the mouth of the Curaray the Napo is full of snags and shelving sandbanks, and throws out numerous canos among jungle-tangled islands, which in the wet season are flooded, giving the river an immense width.
Alcohol also throws down the salt from aqueous solution, the composition of the precipitate varying with the amount of salt and precipitant employed.
The episode is important for the light which it throws upon Herod's relations with Rome and with the Jews.
Yet if on leaving the table we had been severally taken aside and asked which was the cleverest of the party, we should have been obliged to say ` the man in the green velvet trousers.'" This story is a little lamp that throws much light.
The determining feature of this is the Pagasaeus Sinus (Gulf of Volo), a landlocked basin, extending from Pagasae at its head to Aphetae at its narrow outlet, where the chain of Pelion, turning at right angles to its axis at the end of Magnesia, throws out a projecting line of broken ridges, while on the opposite side rise the heights of Othrys.
Thus the light which the science of language throws on Greek myths is extremely uncertain.
Zeus or Hera throws Hephaestus or Ate out of heaven, as in the Iroquois myth of the tossing from heaven of Ataentsic. There is, as usual, no agreement as to the etymology of the name of Hephaestus.
External evidence, which recognizes no universal deluge and no dispersal of mankind in the third millennium B.C., throws its own light upon the opening centuries of the second.
The line from Rome to Genoa runs along the coast throughout the entire length of Tuscany, and at Montepescali throws off a branch joining the Empoli-Chiusi line at Asciano, and at Follonica another to Massa Marittima.
Thus in the five years1907-1911inclusive an immense mass of new material was acquired which throws a flood of light on the archaeology at once of Egypt and the Sudan.
He throws a flood of light upon the manners and ideas of his own age; he sometimes comments with surprising shrewdness upon the broader aspects and tendencies of history.
The sources of light used should be arranged so that the objective throws an image of the light-source upon the object.
This deposit is of especial interest for the light it throws on the origin of the existing flora of Britain.
In this remarkable work Kant, proceeding from the Newtonian conception of the solar system, extends his consideration to the entire sidereal system, points out how the whole may be mechanically regarded, and throws out the important speculation which has since received the title of the nebular hypothesis.
The criticism of reason in its specific aspect throws fresh light on the limits to human knowledge and the significance of experience.
The Art of Hunger undermines and illuminates our accepted notions about literature and throws an unprecendented light on Auster's own richly allusive writings.
Alvaro then sees that it is Leonora and, in absolute despair, throws himself off a nearby cliff.
The throws are made to chest height & the passes become actual throws rather than just physically placing a ball in the other hand.
Every year, the CIOB throws a bash to hand out its Building Manager of the Year award.
Myakka specializes in high quality, hand crafted Indian furniture, along with throws, bedspreads, rugs, cushions and unique home accessories.
The added complexity of a thread throws up a number of problems.
Just like last week's game, missed free throws proved costly in both halves of the match.
The choice of crotchet, dotted crotchet, or minim for indications of tempo, throws the predominant grouping of the basic " pulse.
In the throws Garry Power won the discus for the second match in succession.
Including hand crafted throws, eiderdowns, cushions, table line, travel sets and baby gifts.
The said guest still enchanted by this behavior would like to carry on playing, so throws the ball one more time.
As she throws up in the toilet, the camera focuses on the dripping faucet in the sink.
A sports gearshift linkage for the Getrag 5-speed manual gearbox provides crisp, short throws between ratios.
The instructions on the cassette insert are not entirely clear but by playing with the computer for a few throws the process becomes simple.
Dave throws his arms around Harper even tho they have never met - Dave is slightly intoxicated.
A mud pot throws steam and boiling mud into the air.
Not the Caine mutiny The Head finally throws her hand in just before thereâs mutiny on board.
Section 12(3) throws the onus on the employer to show that the employe is not dealing as a consumer.
He throws away the intestines with the ordure, which produces putrefaction of the flesh with a stench if it remains inside.
It explores the innermost recesses of man's complex being, and throws its light into the central chambers of the heart.
At about this point the text, which is very repetitious, throws in some minor technical details.
Her range includes sumptuous silk wraps, elegant throws, warm winter velvet scarves and silk sarongs for the beach.
And the end of George V throws an illuminating sidelight on Palace politics.
A warrior, he throws sharpened spears to cut in deep.
This awful mob action throws a spotlight on issues far broader than a local event in small town America.
She throws a strop saying " What's the bloody point, eh?
Finally, tie the suture with at least six throws in your knot.
I have a cat who throws tantrums whenever he is locked out of the bedroom.
The frustration of her dreams being continually thwarted throws her further into the depths of despair.
And just as you relax, it throws in a final cruel twist.
It can be quite a brain twister trying to remember which hand throws what, where & when.
This is a character that the actor has no problem playing as he throws in a few comedic uppercuts to keep your attention.
Marino kept a minute entry of his expenses, a document of the highest value, not merely for the history of the building, but also for the light it throws on the private life of the great patricians who gave to Venice such noble examples of art.
The importance of the former lies in the simple cast of his religious thought, his independence of theological formulas, his constant adherence to the letter of Scripture, his quaint exegesis, and the light he throws on the circumstances of his time, especially (i) the feeling between Jews and Christian, and (2) the position and sympathies of the Christian subjects of Sapor II.
As any obstruction to the outflow of the contents throws an increased amount of work on the walls, in order to overcome the resistance, the intermittent strain, acting on the muscle cells, stimulates them to enlarge and proliferate, fig.
Tirpitz's book, in so far as his statements may be trusted, throws much light upon the circumstances in which German policy was directed or drifted in July 1914 into paths which inevitably led to war.
The original Being first of all throws out the nous, which is a perfect image of the One and the archetype of all existing things.
The big price of imported cloths throws the native consumer to some extent upon the local goods, and so stimulates the imports of yarn.
The former treatise is historically interesting for the light it throws on the development which the geometry of the sphere had already reached even before Autolycus and Euclid (see THEODOSrus OF Tripolis).
The alder is readily propagated by seeds, but throws up root-suckers abundantly.
Again, the eastern extremity of Parnes is joined by another line of hills, which, separating from Mount Oeta, skirts the Euboic Gulf, and, after entering Attica, throws up the lofty pyramid of Pentelicus, overlooking the plain of Marathon, and then sinks towards the sea at Sunium to rise once more in the outlying islands.
She usually feels the softest step and throws out her arms to ascertain if any one is near her.
That 's why God often throws a spanner into the works of our lives.
She throws a strop saying What 's the bloody point, eh?
The method reset for class InputStream does nothing and always throws an IOException.
There on the mount he challenges them, he throws down the gauntlet to who is the God who answers by fire.
The Play A coin is tossed to decide who throws first.
Any change to her body ie cold, tummy bug throws her out.
He occasionally throws in the odd waspish comment that gives you a slightly teasing impression.
Told largely through letters home and diaries, this book throws light on wartime conditions and the cause of women 's suffrage.
It throws in more money, wrested from the taxpayer, to employ more managers.
Because of her finicky attitude, Camille throws fits often.
Mix and match your fabrics and your colors in curtains, bedding, throws, pillows, and more.
Ladybug décor for nursery accessories can include appliquéd throws and pillows, framed needlework, and quilts hung on the wall.
Sure, Mommy and Daddy use the potty, but when children her own age begin upstaging her typical habits, this throws in an element of peer pressure.
Doctors Foster and Smith bedding for dogs includes bolster, orthopedic, nesting, specialty and travel beds, mats, pads, throws, pillows and bed accessories.
One Web site,, throws in shipping for free if you spend $49 or more.
After all, just think of all the food that your cat has to look forward to receiving when the baby throws things from his or her high chair!
In the early weeks of pregnancy, your cat's appetite may lessen, and you may even notice that she throws up from time to time.
Exotic style room divider screens and silky or satin pillows and throws would enhance Asian style sofas and chairs.
Accents include colorful blankets, ironware lamps and tables, antlers (either alone or crafted into items such as chandeliers or tables) and hide or skin rugs and throws.
You can often find window coverings, lamps, throws for rocking chairs, rugs, towels, and other items that are designed specifically to coordinate with a particular bedding pattern.
Throws-Purchase throws that feature biblical scenes and/or verses.
Quilts-Bring those quilts out of storage, and use them as throws, wall hangings, tablecloths and more.
Set out wicker baskets to hold extra throws, towels, and bath supplies.
If you've ever longed for an easy way to achieve casual elegance or a cozy sense of home without all the clutter, effort and expense, try incorporating decorative throws into your decor.
Decorative throws are the functional chameleon of interior design.
Black is a wonderful neutral that energizes and renews everything around it, and throws are an easy way to change a room as the mood strikes you.
If your rooms are becoming dinosaurs, design-wise that is, you can give them new life by incorporating a little of the latest color palette into your rooms in accessories like pillows and throws.
Throws are particularly effective because, depending on the material and design, they can add a variety of saturated colors to a small space without adding bulk.
Plaid throws are a good choice all year, not just around the holidays.
Whatever your style or color choices, throws can be a tactile delight too.
Modern curved designs and sparkling embellishments like gold thread and beads make quilted throws as much a work of art as your framed artwork.
If you have a little accessorizing in mind, don't forget to take some time to explore all the options available in decorative throws.
If you want to change the look of your room for a season, like spring or winter, there's no better way to lighten and brighten a room than by adding decorative throws or slipcovers.
A great way to incorporate the fleur de lis is with pillows, throws, and pieces of upholstery.
Hand-crafts such a quilts, throws and pillows are great ways to carry out the color theme throughout your den.
Use pillows and throws to add color and comfort, but don't use too many.
Blanket styled throws and stylized pillow designs are great texture and color contrasts to soften the overall interior design.
Feeling as though you are able to handle anything that life throws your way will help keep your stress levels down because you won't feel as though you can't control a situation.
Birdseed throws may be filled into miniature cups and tied with netting to resemble wedding bells.
Traditionally the bridal party throws the shower.
Recovery may seem like a remote possibility when someone is in the throws of an addiction, but it is possible if the alcoholic agrees to get help.
However, bed sets can be much more inclusive, with additional features such as a complete sheet set, extra pillowcases, throw pillows, curtains, even throws and small rugs.
Many bedding collections offer accessories such as throws, lamps and oftentimes, a matching rug.
You can upgrade your Martha Stewart bedding collection with accessories like decorative pillows and throws.
Textured cotton throws start at $60 for full retail or $29.99 on sale.
Look for decorative pillows and throws that match or contrast with the bedding at stores like Ross or Walmart.
Owen is threatening law suits against anyone who throws the words "home wrecker" in his direction, but US Weekly and People are having none of it.
The new cast of Dancing with the Stars follows the same formula of celebs and athletes, but throws in a politician for good measure.
It's usually not a big deal when a dog throws up grass, but when there are other symptoms involved it may be time to visit your vet.
He prefers to stay curled up in his crate, and constantly throws up.
From a dense tuft of leaves E. umbellatum throws up numerous stems, 6 to 8 inches high, on which golden-yellow blooms, in umbels 4 inches or more across, form a neat and conspicuous tuft.
A fragile plant, 4 to 6 inches high, with broad leaves, it throws out long slender rhizomes, wholly above ground, and thrives in sandy earth, in borders, or on the rock garden.
Imperata Sacchariflora - A hardy Grass, from the Amoor, with graceful foliage, forming a tuft, about 3 feet high, that throws up numerous flower-spikes, about 5 feet in height, bearing silvery plumes of flowers.
It grows 1 to 1 1/2 feet high, and throws up strong flower-stalks above the foliage, each with seven to fifteen purplish flowers, 1 to 1 1/2 inches across.
Finish the ensemble with a winter coat and you'll be ready for whatever the season throws at you and your little one.
There is also a confidence factor; you can sleep comfortably knowing that if a two year old climbs into your bed and throws up, the mattress will not be affected.
From soft gel seat cushions and sound amplifying telephones to soft snugly throws and large print playing cards, there are all sorts of gift ideas for senior citizens.
Each participant stands a predetermined distance from the bed sheet and throws their airplane at the sheet.
This one even throws a retro spin on things since it's 1980s-inspired.
Now it's time to play a game that throws you right into the fantastic world from the popular anime television series.
Although the game says that this is "tennis", it is rather a colorful 3D version of Pong, except Champ Bear grabs the ball and throws it back, rather than hitting it.
Another entertaining game in the Mario Kart series, Mario Kart Super Circuit takes the same ease of use found in other Mario games and throws racing (and banana peels) into the mix.
Ryu flips, wall runs, decapitates, throws shurikens, you name it.
Puzzle Fighter - Uses all your favorite Capcom fighting game characters and throws them into an incredibly addicting puzzle game that never gets old.
Don't forget the annoying ring out and fun-to-use throws.
Setsuka looks torn from the movie Memoirs of a Geisha and throws around an umbrella.
Super Mario Strikers is the newest addition to the series of games by Nintendo that takes everyone's favorite plumber and all of his friends (and enemies), and throws them into the sports arena.
A strong combo system links various attacks, special movies and finishing throws together into dramatic sequences of brutality.
On some sites, you can even purchase a full version of the game that throws in some extra features, options, and gameplay modes (including an un-timed, open-ended version).
Also, its editorial opinions are astute, valuable, generally on-target, and always carry weight, which it sometimes throws around.
Maybe you're at your local dance club and the deejay throws on an incredible beat.
You may prefer a more subtle use of reds by allowing gold to be the dominant color for furniture and draperies and then adding splashes of red in pillows, wall art, throws, rugs and other select décor objects.
Fleece blankets can be made as small throws or as larger blankets, although you will want to keep in mind that most fleece fabrics are 50 to 60 inches wide.
Hence, this exotic and bold mixture of lace ruffles and leopard combined with a plunging neckline throws the terms "daring", "sexy", and "Cirque de Soleil" into a single swimwear model.
Known for its high quality and durable products, Land's End throws its hat into the swim shorts ring with the Women's Short Torso Original Sport Tankini.
This way, no matter what nature throws at you, you'll be ready.
A candle can have up to 1 1/2 ounces of oil per pound of liquid wax, but this won't significantly increase the amount of scent it throws.
Given the fancy footwork, fast moves, twists and throws that can be part of a swing dance, it's important that both men and women have a full range of motion.
With Aries, you'll have a friend that will stand by you no matter what life throws your way.
He or she can accessorize with pillows and throws and memorabilia collected at games.
The store at offers bedding choices, and Target has throws available featuring drivers like Kasey Kahne, Dale Earnhardt Jr., and Jeff Gordon.
Sheets, comforters, throws, pillows, and other accessories feature a bandana-wearing skull on a dark background.
Permissive parents often "give in" to their children's wishes, hesitating on boundaries as soon as their child protests, gets angry, throws a tantrum, or expresses disapproval in some way.
Edward's family throws her a birthday party that does not end as well as one could hope.
He finally finds her and the medallion in Nepal and in his attempt to steal it from her, he grabs it after Marion throws it into flames.
According to Green Answers, the average American throws away nearly seven pounds of trash on a daily basis.
The Hustin Boot is a pull-on pair of tall boots meant to protect you from whatever the road throws your way--literally.
Ryan is a troubled teenager who is taken in by Sandy Cohen (Peter Gallagher) after his mom throws him out of his home.
Young Molly faces a dilemma when a frustrated Gus throws all of their toys into the garbage because they leave them out all the time.
In the cliffhanging final installment, Manual throws them off a cliff and the couple struggles to survive.
When Stacy throws a surprise birthday party for her, Jane grabs the microphone to sing karaoke and stuns herself and Stacy when she discovers not only can she sing, she sings really well.
The Chinese Wall - Deb is becoming more Jane each day, but when Deb's mother is looking for a lawyer for her divorce, it throws her for a loop.
She then throws the corresponding number of stones in a bucket.
The brief copy line on the outer envelope often determines whether a person throws the whole thing in the trash or opens and reads the materials.
The dismount, the throws, the positioning of limbs, and the number of cheerleaders involved are all ways to vary a stunt.
Nearly 50 patterns to crochet are provided here, from hair scrunchies to baby clothes, vests to scarves to throws and booties.
Knitters can find links to a variety of wool patterns, including sweaters, socks, slippers, mittens, afghans, throws, dishcloths, doll clothes, baby wear, and other miscellaneous projects.
When your digestive tract is sluggish and full of rancid slow-transit foods, it throws off the pH and allows less beneficial microbes to dominate.This can greatly affect your digestion.
Problems typically develop when you do a lot of repetitive and/or one-sided motions (swimming, basketball free throws) or use too heavy weights.
Feeding your body food made with lots of synthetic ingredients, such as hydrogenated oils and high fructose corn syrup, throws off your body's natural digestion process in addition to being common culprits of obesity.
Nothing throws off the most well-intentioned effort as a nasty injury.
What's the point of signing up for a free French tutorial that throws a lot of information your way, only to later find that the information provided is garbled or unclear?
The first player throws a jack (cochonnet) six to ten meters away with the caveat that the jack must be at least a meter from the circle.
The player who threw the cochonnet, throws his first boule.
A player on the next team throws a boule.
The player who is farthest from the cochonnet throws his boule.
They whisper back and forth so as not to be discovered shopping at Progressive, but then Flo throws her arms up in celebration and announces, "It's an office party!"
Having general protection for whatever life throws your way is important, which is why free instant life insurance quotes in England are so important.
One can only stare on in awe as this incredibly strong woman goes from one success to the next, despite whatever life throws at her.
The two had quite a flirtatious relationship, leading to much speculation in the tabloid media about whether or not Preston and Chantelle were in the throws of romance.
Worse is when Incubus throws in some 'Whoas' and 'Yeahs' in the middle of the song.
Pink throws some anger with You Make Me Sick, but in some strange way, it's a sweet song.
Although Elphaba is shown as melting when Dorothy throws water on her in the movie Wizard of Oz, in Wicked, Elphaba survives the attack and helps Glinda gain rule of Oz before leaving for good.
Even though you may want to throw a Super Bowl party, there is one unspoken (and sometimes actually spoken) rule of the big weekend - he who has the biggest television throws the biggest party.
Using an interesting reality TV concept on ABC, True Beauty throws a twist into traditional modeling and pageant shows by judging both inner and outer beauty.
Ramsay tastes most dishes before they go out, and he throws away things he doesn't like.
Resisting the lure, Luke throws himself off the floating city.
Modern sci-fi just throws out the speed of light as a limiting factor, plugs in a term like 'hyperspace' or 'warpspeed', and the need for Generation Ships is overtaken by events.
Her site offers many items for sale that depict her gothic fairies including prints, sculptures and throws.
Who throws a Halloween gala where no one dresses up?
Carmen throws herself whole heart into everything she does.
The floors were pale stone, the walls something called latte, the furniture in light woods and cream, highlighted by teal and lemon pillows and tasteful throws.
The first series contained six essays, the most notable being that "On the office of a Chaplain," which throws much light on the position of a large section of the clergy at that time.
The score having been counted, the leader then places the mat, usually within a yard of the spot where the jack lay at the conclusion of the head, and throws the jack in the opposite direction for a fresh end.
The operator, whose attention is thus attracted, inserts a peg in the jack, then throws over the speaking key of the cord circuit, and having ascertained particulars of the requirement places the other peg of the pair in the nearest multiple jack of the wanted subscriber, whom she proceeds to ring up. In the meantime the callinglamp has darkened; and each subscriber's line being equipped with a cut-off relay whose function it is to disconnect tl, e calling apparatus while the circuit is in use, the insertion o r a peg is immediately followed by the disappearance of the calling signal.
South of Palestrina again, the main mass of the Apennines throws off another lateral mass, known in ancient times as the Volscian mountains (now called the Monti Lepini), separated from the central ranges by the broad valley of the Sacco, a tributary of the Liri (Liris) or Garigliano, and forming a large and rugged mountain mass, nearly 5000 ft.
Muller tried to show that even sense experience throws us on the Infinite - which for him was the kernel of the idea of God.
Magna Carta throws much light on the condition of England in the early 13th century.
In some hydroids the founder-polyp, developed from a planula after fixation, throws out numerous outgrowths from the base to form the hydrorhiza; these outgrowths may be radially arranged so as to form by contact or coalescence a flat plate.
It precludes the explanation of any common features in the dissevered porciuns of the tropical area of vegetation by lateral communirations, and throws back their origin to the remotest geological antiquity.
Twenty-five miles below Basra the river Karun from Shushter and Dizful throws off an arm, which seems to be artificial, into the Euphrates.
To "heave the log," a man holds the log-reel over his head (at high speeds the man and portable reel are superseded by a fixed reel and a winch fitted with a brake), and the officer places the peg in the log-ship, which he then throws clear and to windward of the ship, allowing the line to run freely out.
By the aid of one front leg it places consecutive heaps of loosened particles upon its head, then with a smart jerk throws each little pile clear of the scene of operations.
It blots out much supposed knowledge, but throws a vivid and interesting light on the reconstrued process of history.
It is a new source which is here suddenly introduced, belonging apparently to a history of the Temple; it throws no light upon the relations between Judah with its priests and Israel with its prophets, the circumstances of the regency under the priest Jehoiada are ignored, and the Temple reforms occupy the first place in the compiler's interest.
There is a story of a priest named Onias preserved both by Josephus and in the Talmud, which throws some light upon the indecision of the religious in the period just reviewed.
To speak of " additional labour and capital " without reference to the kind and quality of the labour and capital, and the manner in which they are employed, organized and directed, throws very little light on agriculture.
The more subtle examples are inexhaustible in variety and resource; and perhaps the climax of subtlety is the almost entire absence of Leitmotif in the first scene of the third act of Gotterddmmerung, when Siegfried throws away his last chance of averting his doom.
When we contrast the expectations of the original writer and the actual events that followed, it would seem that the chief value of his work would consist in the light that it throws on this obscure and temporary revolution in the Messianic expectations of Judaism towards the close of the 2nd century.
It would appear that while the direct development throws light upon the special plan of organization of the Enteropneusta, the indirect development affords a clue to their possible derivation.
The difference of the ballastic throws taken with the two coils measured the intensity of the field in the space around the iron, and it also enabled a correction to be made for the nonferrous space between the iron neck and the centre of the thickness of'the inner coil.
It renders the task a more complicated one; at the same time it removes some serious difficulties and throws a flood of light on every group of the animal kingdom.
When we thus understand its origin, the tradition becomes really instructive, and may be translated into a statement which throws light on a number of points connected with the book, namely, that the Psalter was (finally, at least) collected with a liturgical purpose.
Burgers himself left the Transvaal a disappointed, heart-broken man, and a deathbed statement published some time after his decease throws a lurid light on the intrigues which arose before and after annexation.
The oil separates from the fat-cells and is found lying free, while the sulphuretted hydrogen evolved as one of the products of putrefaction reacts upon the iron of the blood and throws down a precipitate of sulphide of iron, which in course of time imparts to the limb a range of colour commencing in green and terminating in black.
The Athenian siege (415-13) is of the deepest importance for the topography of Syracuse, and it throws some light on the internal politics.
This fact throws a curious light upon the growth of the " Liberties.
His Latin, like that of Gallus, is far from classical, but he writes with spirit and throws a good deal of light upon 1 The Psalter is called after Margaret, the first wife of King Louis, who died in 1349, by a mere conjecture.
This condition may be realized to some extent in a manner that throws light on the general theory of the voltaic cell.