Throwing Sentence Examples
It was like throwing herself against a wall.
Rainy hesitated before throwing open the door he guarded.
Throwing my voice into any object I pleased, to make it appear that the object was speaking instead of me.
She stepped into his view, and he dropped his arms, throwing back his head to suck in deep breaths.
Its importance, however, dates from the time of Rao Surjan, who succeeded to the chieftainship in 1554 and by throwing in his lot with the Mahommedan emperors of Delhi (1569) received a considerable accession of territory.
One was a wooden box with a projecting tube in which a combination of a concave with a convex lens was fitted, for throwing an enlarged image upon the focusing screen, which in its proportions and application is very similar to our modern telephotographic objectives.
After having withstood an attempt under Epaminondas to restore it to the Lacedaemonians, Byzantium joined with Rhodes, Chios, Cos, and Mausolus, king of Caria, in throwing off the yoke of Athens, but soon after sought Athenian assistance when Philip of Macedon, having overrun Thrace, advanced against it.
He almost immediately, however, returned to Germany and, throwing himself into the political fray in Berlin, was elected mamber for Freienwalde, in the first German parliament at Frankfort-on-Main.
In October 1868 a unique collection of ancient Augustan silver plate was discovered on the Galgenberg near Hildesheim by some soldiers who were throwing up earthworks.
A letter of Symmachus gives us interesting details as to public corn distributions of the 4th century, throwing some light on the population.
AdvertisementIn 1617 Prince Maurice of Orange committed himself definitely to the Calvinistic party, found an occasion for throwing Oldenbarnevelt and Grotius into prison, and in November of that year called a synod intended to crush the Arminians.
The trees have usually a straight trunk, and a tendency to a conical or pyramidal growth, throwing out each year a more or less regular whorl of branches from the foot of the leading shoot, while the buds of the lateral boughs extend horizontally.
Other Guebres occupied themselves privately with the collection of these traditions; and, when a prince of Persian origin, Yakub ibn Laith, founder of the Saffarid dynasty, succeeded in throwing off his allegiance to the caliphate, he at once set about continuing the work of his illustrious predecessors.
Many of the furious Terrorists now became quiet and active councillors or administrators, the First Consul adopting the plan of multiplying "places," of overwhelming all officials with work, and of busying the watch-dogs of the Jacobinical party by "throwing them bones to gnaw."
In addition to remains of architecture and sculpture, some of them of high merit, there have been found many inscriptions, throwing light on the cures attributed to the god.
AdvertisementThe arsenals of Pola and Cattaro were already in the hands of the insurgents; and the Emperor Charles, in the hope either of winning the favour of the new regime in Zagreb or of throwing an apple of discord between it and the Entente, signed a decree on Oct.
At once they proceed to make good their hold on the position they have secured by secreting and throwing out toxins which cause more or less injury to the tissues in their immediate neighbourhood.
In 1770 Captain Cook here beached his ship the "Endeavour," to repair the damage caused by her striking a reef in the neighbourhood of the estuary, which he could only clear by throwing his guns overboard.
Sometimes he is said to live in a shell, by throwing off which from time to time he increases the world; or in an egg, which at last he breaks in pieces; the pieces are the islands.
Pietas is represented on coins as a matron throwing incense on an altar, her attribute being a stork.
AdvertisementAccording to the qualities of raw silk used and the throwing operations undergone the principal classes of thrown silk are - (1) " singles," which consist of a single strand of twisted raw silk made up of the filaments of eight to ten cocoons; (2) tram or weft thread, consisting of two or three strands of raw silk not twisted before doubling and only lightly spun (this is soft, flossy and comparatively weak); (3) organzine, the thread used for warps, made from two and rarely three twisted strands spun in the direction contrary to that in which they are separately twisted.
At the same time he was in favour of making the creed of the Church as wide as possible - " not narrower than that which is even now the test of its membership, the Apostles' Creed " - and of throwing down all barriers which could be wisely dispensed with to admission to its ministry.
The importance of these writings as throwing light on the geography and history of India and adjoining countries, during a very dark period, is great, and they have been the subject of elaborate commentaries by modern students.
The substance, no doubt, of many of them Livy took from his authorities, but their form is his own, and, in throwing into them all his own eloquence and enthusiasm, he not only acted in conformity with the established traditions of his art, but found a welcome outlet for feelings and ideas which the fall of the republic had deprived of all other means of expression.
Whatever may have been the views of stockowners in the remote past, it is certain that during the middle ages the belief in "infection" was common amongst breeders, and that during the last two centuries it met with the general approval of naturalists, English breeders being especially satisfied of the fact that the offspring frequently inherited some of their characters from a former mate of the dam, while both English and Continental naturalists (apparently without putting the assertions of breeders to the test of experiment) accounted for the "throwing back" by saying the germ cells of the dam had been directly or indirectly "infected" by a former mate.
AdvertisementThe new government, with this experience before it, decided on trusting to private enterprise to supply the necessary food, and on throwing the whole cost of the works which the locality might undertake on local funds.
The mountains of Attica, which form its most characteristic feature, are a continuation of that chain which, starting from Tymphrestus at the southern extremity of Pindus, passes through Phocis and Boeotia under the names of Parnassus and Helicon; from this proceeds the range which, as Cithaeron in its western and Parnes in its eastern portion, separates Attica from Boeotia, throwing off spurs southward towards the Saronic Gulf in Aegaleos and Hymettus, which bound the plain of Athens.
By birth and marriage he was a Southerner, and the citizens of Norfolk counted on his throwing in his lot with them; but professional pride, and affection for the flag under which he had served for more than fifty years, held him true to his allegiance; he passionately rejected the proposals of his fellow-townsmen, and as it was more than hinted to him that his longer stay in Norfolk might be dangerous, he hastily quitted that place, and offered his services to the government at Washington.
His brows drew down in a scowl and he grabbed the dishtowel from his shoulder, throwing it on the counter.
She pulled two food cubes free and flung one towards the demons then dropped one where she stood. Turning, she grabbed Deidre's arm and ran hard. As before, nothing happened at first then the earth roared as it split apart. The ground trembled, throwing both of them down.
Let's just say he had a way of getting you to respond without throwing teacups around.
Don't let those devils get it! he cried, taking some bags of flour himself and throwing them into the street.
Instead, they have fun and learn from simple game activities like throwing dice and counting off squares as they move their marker ever closer to the goal.
Throwing a party with friends requires careful planning.
So it seems that the dynasty, which more than half a century later succeeded in throwing off the Assyrian yoke and founded the Median empire, was derived from this Dayukku, and that his name was thus introduced into the Median traditions, which contrary to history considered him as founder of the kingdom.
He travelled in Italy, and perhaps in Greece also, collecting antique statues, reliefs, vases, &c., forming the largest collection then extant of such works, making drawings from them himself, and throwing open his stores for others to study from, and then undertaking works on commission for which his pupils no less than himself were" made available.
The Norman power in Sicily was founded on a strong distinction between the ruling people and the many nations which they kept in peace and prosperity by not throwing in their lot with any one among them.
She accordingly agreed to recognize his claims to the chieftainship, thus throwing over Brian O'Neill, son of the murdered Matthew, The ceremony of "inauguration" among the ancient Irish clans was an elaborate and important one.
An ardent Liberal, he took an active part in party struggles under the Restoration, while throwing himself with equal vigour into the great work of historical regeneration which was going on at that period.
On both sides of the passage were numerous statues, among them that of Athena Hygeia, set up by Pericles to commemorate the recovery of a favourite slave who was injured during the building of the Parthenon, a colossal bronze image of the wooden horse of Troy, and Myron's group of Marsyas with Athena throwing away her flute.
Basil of Caesarea, throwing over the cause of Eustathius, championed that of Meletius who, when after the death of Valens he returned in triumph to Antioch, was hailed as the leader of Eastern orthodoxy.
Though produced by crossing, it now generally breeds true to colour, at times throwing back, however, to the silver greys from which it was derived.
The other, a narrowgauge line, crosses the Save at Bosna Brod, and follows the Bosna to Serajevo, throwing out branches eastward beyond Dolnja Tuzla, and westward to Jajce and Bugojno.
His Silesian and Austrian acquisitions were also very beneficial to trade, throwing open as they did the western markets to Hungarian produce.
During the stress of war, Zaleucus violated this law; and, on its being pointed out to him, he committed suicide by throwing himself upon the point of his sword, declaring that the law must be vindicated.
The maximum load on the engine is thus greater and more power is required than for fixed drums. Steam consumption is economized, whenever possible, by throwing in the clutches of both drums and hoisting in balance.
These communications had been severed on the Ottoman Empire throwing its lot in with the Central Powers three months after the commencement of the struggle.
The French had from the outset favoured operations on the further side of the Straits, and the expediency suggested itself of either throwing the whole Allied army in that direction, or else of diverting the reinforcements thither as a detached contingent.
The Takruri possess jagged throwing knives, which are said to have been brought from their original home in the L i pper Congo regions.
The Assyrian forces became a standing army, which, by successive improvements and careful discipline, was moulded into an irresistible fighting machine, and Assyrian policy was directed towards the definite object of reducing the whole civilized world into a single empire and thereby throwing its trade and wealth into Assyrian hands.
Plot he disregards, and he is fond of throwing his dialogues into regular dramatic form, with by-play prescribed and stage directions interspersed.
But the subject is now being vigorously studied, and, apart from its importance as a branch of descriptive chemistry, it is throwing light, and promises to throw more, on obscure parts of chemical theory.
Self-culture rather than the fulfilment of public or social duty, as in the moral teaching of Cicero, is the aim of his teaching; and in this we recognize the influence of the empire in throwing the individual back on himself.
The Thugs were a well-organized confederacy of professional assassins, who in gangs of whom 10 to 200 travelled in various guises through India, wormed themselves into the confidence of wayfarers of the wealthier class, and, when a favourable opportunity occurred, strangled them by throwing a handkerchief or noose round their necks, and then plundered and buried them.
Here he did most of his literary work and, throwing aside his unfinished plan of a translation from Origen's Hexaplar text, translated the Old Testament directly from the Hebrew, with the aid of Jewish scholars.
These artificial lakes are usually formed by throwing embankments across the lower extremities of valleys, and thus arresting and accumulating the waters flowing through them.
Tertullian (c. 160-240) uses it in both senses, of an oath, as in the passage of his treatise About Spectacles, where he says that no Christian " passes over to the enemy's camp without throwing away his arms, without abandoning the standards and sacraments of his chief."
He had, however, already begun to look sourly upon Aristotle and the current scholastic theology, which he believed hid the simple truth of the gospel and the desperate state of mankind, who were taught a vain reliance upon outward works and ceremonies, when the only safety lay in throwing oneself on God's mercy.
During his absence two priests from parishes near Wittenberg married; while several monks, throwing aside their cowls, left their cloisters.
They are interesting mainly as throwing light on the chronology of the reign.
Mulligan (1830-1864) throwing up intrenchments on Masonic College Hill, an eminence adjoining Lexington on the N.E.
Their victories had been due mainly to the guerilla tactics of the leaders of the type of without having accomplished anything beyond throwing supplies and troops into Coron, Modon and Patras.
In spite of his small stature, he held his own amongst the other heroes before Troy; he was brave, next to Achilles in swiftness of foot and famous for throwing the spear.
Then shaking off his lethargy Rudolph prepared to renew the war with the Turks; a move which Matthias met by throwing himself upon the support of the national party in Hungary.
This can be done by lifting up and throwing back the left half of the mantle-skirt as is represented in fig.
After an expedition in 1890 to Cilicia Trachea, where he obtained a valuable collection of inscriptions, Bent spent a year in South Africa, with the object, by investigation of some of the ruins in Mashonaland, of throwing light on the vexed question of their origin and on the early history of East Africa.
The revolution of 1830 had just inflicted a severe blow on the ecclesiastical party in France, and almost the first act of the new government there was to seize Ancona, thus throwing all Italy, and particularly the Papal States, into an excited condition which seemed to demand strongly repressive measures.
They spend their whole time buried in the hot desert sand, in which they construct burrows, throwing up at intervals small hillocks.
But in that year Lombe of Derby, disguised as a common workman, and obtaining entrance as such into one of the Italian throwing mills, made drawings of the machinery used for this process.
On his return, subsidized by the government, he built and worked, on the banks of the Derwent, the first English throwing mill.
Raw silk, being still too fine and delicate for ordinary use, next undergoes a series of operations called throwing, the object of which is to twist and double it into more substantial yarn.
The spinning or throwing which follows is done on a frame with upright spindles and flyers, the yarn as it is twisted being drawn forward through guides and wound on revolving bobbins with a reciprocating motion.
The shrinkage is the more noticeable in the throwing branch of the industry.
The term silk waste includes all kinds of raw silk which may be unwindable, and therefore unsuited to the throwing process.
The same term - gum-waste--is applied to " waste " made in the various processes of silk throwing; but manufacturers using threads known technically as organzines and trams call the surplus " manufacturer's waste."
The mountain chains which enclose Kagan sweep southward into the broader portion of the district, throwing off well-wooded spurs which break up the country into numerous isolated glens.
The widow then loosens and removes the shoe, throwing it some distance, and spits on the ground, repeating thrice the Biblical formula "So shall it be done," &c. Ilalisah, which is still common among orthodox Jews, must not take place on the Sabbath, a holiday, or the eve of either, or in the evening.
Biblical criticism, by throwing doubt on the infallibility of the Scriptures, was undermining the traditional foundation of orthodox Protestantism, and most of the Protestant Churches,.
The suggested origin of the name Antwerp from Hand-werpen (hand-throwing), because a mythical robber chief indulged in the practice of cutting off his prisoners' hands and throwing them into the Scheldt, appeared to Motley rather farfetched, but it is less reasonable to trace it, as he inclines to do, from an t werf (on the wharf), seeing that the form Andhunerbo existed in the 6th century on the separation of Austrasia and Neustria.
He sailed on the 21st of June, and after chasing the British frigate "Belvidera" (36), which escaped into Halifax by throwing boats, &c., overboard, stood across the North Atlantic in search of a West Indian convoy, which he failed to sight, returning by the 31st of August to Boston.
The coping of garden walls is important, both for the preservation of the walls and for throwing the rain-water off their surfaces.
Carnations and other plants that are throwing up flower stems, if wanted to flower in winter, should be cut back, that is, the flower stems should be cut off to say 5 in.
Another way of introducing the carbon is Darby's process of throwing large paper bags filled with anthracite, coke or gas-carbon into the casting ladle as the molten steel is pouring into it.
Upon that prince throwing himself into the hands of the Mahrattas, the place was resumed by the British in 1771 and again transferred to the nawab of Oudh, by whom it was finally ceded together with the district to the British in 1801, in commutation of the subsidy which the wazir had agreed to pay for British protection.
No sooner is the object of alarm scented or seen than each one seeks safety in the most inaccessible situations, which are often reached by a series of astounding leaps over crevasses, up the faces of seemingly perpendicular rocks, or down the sides of equally precipitous chasms. The chamois will not hesitate, it is said, thus to leap down 20 or even 30 ft., and this it effects with apparent ease by throwing itself forward diagonally and striking its feet several times in its descent against the face of the rock.
They use a stabbing spear, small throwing spears, and a broad-bladed short sword.
He tells how, when he had slowly taken in the doctrine of logical figures and moods, he put it aside and would prove things only in his own way; how he then heard about bodies as consisting of matter and form, as throwing off species of themselves for perception, and as moved by sympathies and antipathies, with much else of a like sort, all beyond his comprehension; and how he therefore turned to his old books again, fed his mind on maps and charts of earth and sky, traced the sun in his path, followed Drake and Cavendish girdling the main, and gazed with delight upon pictured haunts of men and wonders of unknown lands.
Parallel with this event the revival of learning was producing a great number of men who could write, and, more important still, of men who were throwing off the monastic habits of thought and passing into a new intellectual atmosphere.
Giorgio, with its large possessions, mainly in Corsica, formed during this period the most stable element in the state, until in 1528 the national spirit appeared to regain its ancient vigour when Andrea Doria succeeded in throwing off the French domination and restoring the old form of government.
He made a great speech on the second reading of the Irish Church Bill, and wrote a letter on the House of Lords, in which he said, "In harmony with the nation they may go on for a long time, but throwing themselves athwart its course they may meet with accidents not pleasant for them to think of."
Of the betrayed chiefs, many were laid low in a few moments; some, dismounting, and throwing off their outer robes, vainly sought, sword in hand, to return, and escape by some other gate.
In 1876 Danu Hassan, a descendant of the sultans of Jilolo, raised an insurrection in the island for the purpose of throwing off the authority of the sultans of Tidore and Ternate; and his efforts would probably have been successful but for the intervention of the Dutch.
He wrote a work throwing doubt on the canonical authority of the Apocalypse, which called forth a reply from Dr Leonard Twells.
The latter, judged as literature, is intolerably dull; but the former is valuable, throwing as it does considerable light on his personal sympathies as well as on the motives of important epochs in his career.
This seems an unlikely limitation, throwing an impossible amount of work upon the crew, and leaving each ship terribly weak supposing a naval battle had to be undertaken - as with some rival viking fleet, even before any Christian nation possessed a fleet.
At length, when the position was becoming quite untenable, he received through Zwingli a call to Zurich as professor of Greek and Hebrew, and formally throwing off his monk's habit, entered on a new life.
Soon after the death of his father in 1739, Josiah, then scarcely ten years of age, was taken away from school and set to learn the art of " throwing " clay, i.e.
The Cinque Port seamen returned in triumph, towing their prizes, after throwing the common soldiers overboard, and taking the knights to ransom according to the custom of the age.
By throwing in her lot with the Peloponnesian democracies and Athens, Argos seriously endangered Sparta's supremacy, but the defeat of Mantineia (418) and a successful rising of the Argive oligarchs spoilt this chance.
The cathedral of St John Baptist is the principal object of interest; Theodelinda's basilica of 59 0 was enlarged at the close of the 13th century by throwing the atrium into the main building, and the present fine blackand-white marble façade was erected about the middle of the 14th by Matteo da Campione, and restored in 1899-1901.
These commoners might be the several owners, the inhabitants of a parish, freemen of a borough, tenants of a manor, &c. The opening of the fields by throwing down the fences took place on Lammas Day (12th of August) for corn-lands and on Old Midsummer Day (6th of July) for grass.
Winnowing is performed by throwing up the grain on windy days.
The priest ties the cord around the waist as he pronounces the benediction upon the child, throwing upon his head at each sentence slices of fruit, seeds, perfumes and spices.
The exploration of Greenland has been continued, with few exceptions, by Danes who, besides throwing much light on problems in physical geography and Eskimo ethnography, have practically completed the map of the coasts.
Again, there are in the west two well-known instances of deficient reinforcement of the young, France and Ireland, in which countries the proportion of those under 15 falls respectively 75 and 32 per mille below the standard; throwing those over 60 up to 41 and 26 per male above it.
It was about this period that Israel had conquered Moab, thrusting it farther south towards Edom, and the subsequent success of Moab in throwing off the yoke, and the unsuccessful attempt of Jehoram of Israel to regain the position, may show that Edom was also in alliance with Moab.'
It runs north from Stockholm roughly parallel with the east coast, throwing off branches to the chief seaports, and also a branch from Bracke to Ostersund and Storlien, where it joins a line from Trondhjem in Norway.
Another important undertaking begun about the same time was the throwing of an East Indian weir dam (the only one in the United States) across the Colorado near Yuma, and the confinement of both sides of the lower Gila and Colorado with levees.
Numerous works of sculpture of all periods have been found, and also a very extensive series of inscriptions, some of them throwing much light upon the subject of temple administration in Greece.
The 5th from Diskata and the 4th from the Xeria, uniting in the Vistritsa valley, marched on Serfije, throwing out a flank guard to Grevena, while the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Divs.
During the long interval he recomposed his cabinet four times, first throwing out Zanardelli and Baccarini in order to please the Right, and subsequently bestowing portfolios upon Ricotti, Robilant and other Conservatives, so as to complete the political process known as "trasformismo."
The severity of the penalty, aided by a not unjust suspicion that the ministry sought to cover themselves by throwing all the blame on the admiral, led in after time to a reaction in favour ofByng.
One outcome of the disclosures connected with the Agapemone deserves passing mention, as throwing some light on the origin of the wealth of the community.
To succeed in the aim no small amount of dexterity was required, and unusual ability in the game was rated as high as corresponding excellence in throwing the javelin.
The silk manufacture, introduced at Lucca about the close of the 11th century, and in the early part of the 16th the means of subsistence for 30,000 of its inhabitants, now gives employment (in reeling and throwing) to only about 1500.
The twisting referred to is partly a vital and partly a mechanical act; - that is, it is occasioned in part by the action of the muscles and in part by the greater resistance experienced from the air by the tip and posterior margin of the wing as compared with the root and anterior margin, - the resistance experienced by the tip and posterior margin causing them to reverse always subsequently to the root and anterior margin, which has the effect of throwing the anterior and posterior margins of the wing into figure-of-8 curves, as shown at figs.
Under these acts a sanitary authority is authorized to take proceedings to restrain interference with the due flow of a stream or the pollution of its waters by throwing into it the solid refuse of any manufactory or quarry, or any rubbish or cinders, or any other waste or any putrid solid matter.
Throwing himself into the struggle with Spanish rule, he drew up the manifesto of William of Orange (1566).
It was then thought that, if the sepoys mutinied, they would march off to Delhi, and Wheeler contented himself by throwing up a rude entrenchment round the hospital barracks, where he thought that the Europeans would be safe during the first tumult of a rising.
He was also ambitious; and when, on the 4th of June, the Cawnpore garrison broke into open mutiny, he prevailed on them to stay and help him to carve a new kingdom out of the company's territory, instead of throwing in their lot with the Delhi empire.
On the 3rd of March he forced the pass of Madanpur, and took the whole of the enemy's defences in rear, throwing them into panic. On the 21st he began the siege of Jhansi, the stronghold of the mutineers in Central India, with a garrison of I i,000 men.
The bent of his mind was all towards the teachings of experience and against those of authority, and laws of nature certainly occupied far more of his thoughts than dogmas of religion; but when he mentions these it is with respect as throwing light on the truth of things from a side which was not his own.
Even Professor Weismann did not deny the possibility of the offspring throwing back to a previous mate.
Even now we know surprisingly little about the causes of variation, and not many years ago it was frequently asserted that there was no such thing as reversion or throwing back to an ancestor.
The ceremony of the Adonia was intended as a charm to promote the growth of vegetation, the throwing of the gardens and images into the water being supposed to procure a supply of rain (for European parallels see Mannhardt).
Though ignorant of the legal ritual and prayers, they performed the tawaf with enthusiasm, throwing themselves against the Ka`ba and clinging to its curtains as a child clings to its mother.
As the stones are thrown on the days of the fair, it is not unlikely that they have something to do with the old Arab mode of closing a sale by the purchaser throwing a stone (Biruni, p. 328).
The new poor law, by throwing the maintenance of the poor on the soil, encouraged landlords to extricate themselves from their responsibilities by evicting their tenants.
Arabia, was growing in power, and throwing in its lot with the Osmanli invaders in the reign of Selim I., it was promoted to the supreme amirate about 1517.
The main purpose he put before himself was to produce an economic revival in Spain by abolishing internal custom-houses, throwing open the trade of the Indies and reorganizing the finances.
The weapons of the Fijians are spears, slings, throwing clubs and bows and arrows.
Excavations were carried out here in 1908, but without throwing any important new light on the monument.
The democratic party in Rhodes now appealed to Athens for help in throwing off the Carian yoke.
He could never co-operate with the Roman Catholic confederacy at Kilkenny, which was under old English influence, and by throwing in his lot with the Celts only widened the gulf between the two sections.
The main line eastward from Agram passes through Brod, where it meets the Bosnian system, and on to Belgrade; throwing out two branch lines to Brcka and Samac in Bosnia, and several branches on the north, which traverse the central watershed, and cross the Hungarian ZAkAny, Barcs, Esseg, Erdar and Peterwardein.
Typhon's later career, " committing dreadful crimes out of envy and spite, and throwing all things into confusion," was parallel to the proceedings of most of the divine beings who put everything wrong, in opposition to the being who makes everything right.
And indeed, as he worked, his materials assumed such unmanageable proportions that he could not succeed in throwing them into a satisfactory form.
As throwing light upon the situation prior to the Maccabaean revolt this section of the book is of especial value.
The function of the barbarians everywhere was to cut the communications of commerce, and the nerves of the imperial administration, thereby throwing the invaded country back into a fragmentary condition from which a new order was to arise in the course of centuries.
They conferred their exemptions on the land they acquired, thus throwing the burden of taxation on the towns and the non-nobles with increasing weight.
The principle of the honey extractor (throwing the liquid honey out of the cells by centrifugal force) was discovered quite by accident.
In short Gedymin, recognizing the superiority of western civilization, anticipated Ivan the Terrible and Peter the Great by throwing open the semi-savage Russian lands to influences of culture.
The palaeobotanist thus endeavours to trace the history of plants in the past, with the hope of throwing light on their natural affinities and on the origin of the various groups.
In the following century the Turks themselves relinquished their conquests in Yemen, and the sultan of Sana established a supremacy over Aden, which was maintained until the year 1735, when the sheikh of Lahej, throwing off his allegiance, founded a line of independent sultans.
More than likely the girls were throwing the party - likely only for Alex.
Without warning, she dived at him, throwing her arms around his neck and pressing her body against his.
The inference was insulting - especially so since he had been throwing the money at her ever since they met.
The car weaved in a cloud of dust, throwing gravel at the trees.
Before Katie could respond, one of the nearby trees snatched her and flung her into the air. She soared above the treetops and let out a cry when she started to fall. A branch caught her and flung her back up. She saw Deidre and Toby sailing through the air in a similar fashion. The second branch almost missed her and snatched her around the leg before throwing her back up.
Throwing her over his shoulder like a sack of grain, he climbed the stairs.
She's always throwing it up to me — how good he is.
The National air Traffic Control System very recently crashed throwing air travel in to chaos.
A novel way of celebrating an anniversary or throwing a party?
Is it merely throwing insults to say that a particular opinion is morally bankrupt?
He will stay on the catwalk above, throwing flaming barrels at you.
The restaurant will be throwing a celebrity opening bash on 30th January 2003.
And women had discovered him, found him ' cuddly ', and were throwing teddy bears on stage.
There is a great satisfaction to be gained by throwing and catching a boomerang at the end of its mesmerizing flight.
Before throwing a boule, the player must remove from it any trace of mud or any other substance.
The throwing of the jack by one member of the team does not imply that he or she must play the first boule.
You'd have the blue rinse brigade waving their walking sticks at them and the local Chavs throwing bricks at them.
This decoration, like that seemingly carefree throwing of soft clay on her Japanese kick wheel, is taken to its limits.
He rose, and throwing off the black cassock and hat which had formed his disguise, he packed them away in a hand-bag.
I told you that what started those trumpets sounding was the angel taking the censer filled with incense and throwing it on the earth.
Later during the day the Iraqis mounted a counterattack throwing the US forces back by 1.5-2 kilometers.
This improves their ability to control the shoulder during the powerful concentric actions of the pectorals and anterior deltoid involved in throwing or serving.
He later became a dissenter, throwing over his original intention of going to Oxford University.
They began by throwing two beanbag dolls onto the mat so that they landed in different number squares.
Throwing two billion ink droplets every second, 1mm above the substrate puts the problem in perspective.
In Osaka, a young man drowned a homeless man by throwing him into a river in broad daylight.
Estrella, (O'Hara ), a Gypsy fortune teller at a carnival, transforms her clients into zombies by throwing acid on them.
Stop throwing me about, I'm getting giddy!
Tetsuo has the power to kill his enemies by throwing what look like either psychic bolts or booger globs at them.
The mate throwing a handful of tea directly into the boiling water of the kettle.
How about throwing up and suffering a blinding hangover?
It depicts Ken Taylor throwing a harpoon from his kayak on Loch Lomond in 1960.
Attacked by some particularly fierce bees, he defended himself by throwing a hatchet which flew up to the Moon.
The kids can try their hand at cactus lassoing and horse shoe throwing as well as making their own Indian headdress.
In the first 10 minutes, the teams resembled two boxers easing their way into a fight, throwing long-range jabs.
Throwing technique for the rounders ball and foam javelins.
McSorley's instant ejection was accompanied by jeers, the throwing of plastic bottles and a police charge.
Put an end to receiving junk mail, which you'll probably end up throwing away.
Some Win, Some Lose The slowdown is throwing into sharp relief the uniquely lopsided shape of Britain's TV market.
Ernie dropped his line and started taking the mackerel off the hooks and throwing them in a box on the floor of the boat.
I am far from throwing a wet blanket over any innocent mirth.
One last tip to consider prior to throwing the party is finding out where an expectant mom is registered.
He loved to play villains who came onstage always at the worst moment, throwing a monkey wrench into the plot.
He would have had 55000 morons doing ape impressions every week whilst throwing bananas at him.
The Egyptians made funeral shrouds from it and the Romans used it to make napkins which could be cleaned by throwing into the fire.
As you're aware we could n't outrun anything and except for throwing lumps of coal had nothing to fight back with.
Before they know it they are getting ready for bed instead of throwing a paddy because they didn't want to wash their teeth.
The term MARTIAL ARTS creates images of people in their white pajamas throwing kicks and punching at the air.
I wish I had a harmless pastime based on throwing out rubbish.
They were throwing pebbles on the beach, then started throwing them at him, then bigger stones, then rocks.
Once you've composted you'll hate throwing peelings into the ordinary bin.
Why settle for throwing ordinary rice when instead you can make the wedding so much more romantic by tossing rose petals?
He managed to get the Throwing & catching sorted pretty quickly so I told him to do a pirouette under the throw.
The ripe seed pods burst open with a loud pop, throwing the seeds several feet.
I am however very good at throwing party poppers.
That seems to me to be morally preferable than throwing away embryos that you can't use in an IVF program.
He did 3000 press-ups each morning whilst throwing a medicine ball into a hoop using his muscular backside.
A calling station would net q throwing darts shooting you a sense.
The cheating rabbi now cites a tenth century rabbi to show that characters on a page cannot appear by throwing ink at it.
This throwing movement involves the external shoulder rotators (the posterior shoulder muscles) and the arm extensors (the triceps ).
I mean, every week I see people throwing rubbish on the street like its a normal thing to do... .
Then there are night races and blinding sandstorms to struggle through not forgetting the odd throwing ax or javelin that may come your way.
Two spearmen, spears down, have round shields, whilst three spearmen throwing, have oval shields.
Then reports them even something like throwing darts shooting getting together with.
How do you come up with the idea of throwing a balloon like female opera singer through walls?
Leicester is a a proven sire, throwing kittens with wild faces.
My enemies have concentrated since winter 1995/96 on throwing a particularly horrible sexual slander against me.
Don't be fooled by the title ' McDonald's goes ' vegan ' - they are just throwing a sop at protesters.
Taking expressive freedom in throwing to an extreme, its conception seems comparatively spontaneous, different to his more complex assemblies.
Its formidable structure stood stark against the dull heavens, the street lamps throwing a weak light about its feet.
He has a knack for making a simple, cute song more substantial by throwing in a clever, little twist or two.
I love creating space - throwing rubbish away makes me feel very virtuous!
Throwing off the blanket of communist uniformity, Russia today is a nation of enormous diversity and tremendous vitality.
With the BNP throwing perhaps more vitriol at Kilroy and UKIP than any other party, it was clear he had them worried.
Itâs missing all the fun and games - the Britannia officersâ favorite game was throwing the wombat.
A gang of up to 7 men then wreaked havoc in the bar, throwing chairs and slashing the victim's face with glass.
These are aquatic plants with thick fleshy rootstocks or tubers embedded in the mud, and throwing up to the surface circular shield-like leaves, and leafless flower-stalks, each terminated by a single flower, often of great beauty, and consisting of four or five sepals, and numerous petals gradually passing into the very numerous stamens without any definite line of demarcation between them.
He entered upon the duties of his office on the 19th of July 1809, and at first he gained popularity by acceding to the urgent appeals of the people and throwing open the trade of the country to all nations.
He did good service in systematizing the operational laws of algebra, and in throwing light upon the nature and use of imaginaries.
He made one attempt to reconcile the disputes between the army and the politicians by a conference, but ended the barren discussion on the relative merits of aristocracies, monarchies and democracies, interspersed with Bible texts, by throwing a cushion at the speaker's head and running downstairs.
The white poplar is an ornamental tree, from its graceful though somewhat irregular growth and its dense hoary foliage; it has, however, the disadvantage of throwing up numerous suckers for some yards around the trunk.
In West Africa the Mpongwe believe in local spirits, just as do the Eskimo; but they are regarded as inoffensive in the main; true, the passerby must make some trifling offering as he nears their place of abode; but it is only occasionally that mischievous acts, such as the throwing down of a tree on a passer-by, are, in the view of the natives, perpetuated by the Ombuiri.
Myres, the Sigynnae of Herodotus were "a people widely spread in the Danubic basin in the 5th century B.C.," probably identical with the Sequani, and connected with the iron-working culture of Hallstatt, which produced a narrow-bladed throwing spear, the sigynna spear (see notice of "Anthropological Essays" in Classical Review, November 1908).
If any individual blow proves to be too hot, it may be cooled by throwing cold " scrap " steel such as the waste ends of rails and other pieces, into the converter, or by injecting with the blast a little steam, which is decomposed by the iron by the endothermic reaction H20+Fe=2H+Fe0.
The other mountain-systems display great complexity of formation; beginning with the Dinaric Alps and the parallel ranges of Bosnia, they run, as a rule, from north-west to south-east; the great chain of Rhodope traverses the centre of the Peninsula, throwing out spurs towards the Black Sea and the Aegean; farther west are the lofty Shar Dagh and the mountains of Montenegro and Albania, continued by the Pindus range and the heights of Acarnania and Aetolia.
The cathedral of St John Baptist is the principal object of interest; Theodelinda's basilica of 59 0 was enlarged at the close of the 13th century by throwing the atrium into the main building, and the present fine blackand-white marble façade was erected about the middle of the 14th by Matteo da Campione, and restored in 1899-1901.
They are skilful with the bow and in throwing stones, and they can easily kindle a fire, even in the wet season, by rubbing together two pieces of dry bamboo.
In several directions, and notably in administration, they carried their policy into effect; but the House of Lords (see PARLIAMENT) was an obvious stumbling-block to some of their more important Bills, and the Unionist control of that House speedily made itself felt, first in wrecking the Education Bill of 1906, then in throwing out the Licensing Bill of 1908, and finally (see LLOYD GEORGE, D.) in forcing a dissolution by the rejection of the budget of 1909, with its novel proposals for the increased taxation of land and licensed houses.
Rostov took the letter and, throwing the money on the sofa, put both arms on the table and began to read.
Much I need it! said Rostov, throwing the letter under the table.
The smoke of the campfires, into which they were throwing everything superfluous, made the eyes smart.
The officers were hurriedly drinking tea and breakfasting, the soldiers, munching biscuit and beating a tattoo with their feet to warm themselves, gathering round the fires throwing into the flames the remains of sheds, chairs, tables, wheels, tubs, and everything that they did not want or could not carry away with them.
Dolokhov who was in the midst of the crowd forced his way to the edge of the dam, throwing two soldiers off their feet, and ran onto the slippery ice that covered the millpool.
Seeing this the Emperor had a plateful of biscuits brought him and began throwing them down from the balcony.
Natasha, throwing a clean pocket handkerchief over her hair and holding an end of it in each hand, went out into the street.
But his comrade, throwing down the boots and drawing his sword, moved threateningly toward Pierre.
Dismounting at a cottage on whose wattle fence hung a signboard, GENERAL STAFF, and throwing down his reins, he entered a dark passage.
Steel quoits is a game probably derived from the ancient martial sport of Discus throwing.
He used it first to cure himself of a habit of throwing his head back when reciting in public.
Prince is not only asserting his total artistic control but publicly displaying his inability to resist throwing a very heavy spanner into his works.
This throwing movement involves the external shoulder rotators (the posterior shoulder muscles) and the arm extensors (the triceps).
I mean, every week I see people throwing rubbish on the street like its a normal thing to do....
The massively rumpled carpet in the Live room added an extra element of danger to throwing shapes which were in turn becoming increasingly bizarre.
He got off the couch and ran around, throwing himself forward and announced himself to be fully cured.
Throwing in a bit of scrambling along the ridge afterward is well worthwhile.
Club Description Based on striking, throwing and locking techniques, Jiu Jitsu provides an extremely effective self-defense system.
Elizabeth tries to hide her disappointment, she thinks I 'm throwing myself away by marrying this foolish, self-opinionated man.
There are laws to stop people throwing rubbish and sewage into the river.
Throwing off the shackles of religion had n't removed the crippling chains of shyness.
Do n't be fooled by the title ' McDonald 's goes ' vegan ' - they are just throwing a sop at protesters.
He is an excellant stud and is throwing 93% color on sorrel mares and 100% color on colored mares.
Daylight synchro prevents strong background light from throwing your subject into shadow.
Let 's just say he had a way of getting you to respond without throwing teacups around.
The next morning, the prince was pissed off, throwing a good old tantrum.
I never knew PH-UK had a daycare center... Someones throwing the toys out the pram.
Throwing For run-outs from my favorite cover-point and point positions I often throw underarm at the stumps.
There's a great pleasure to found in throwing an unknowing audience a curve ball set something up one way and completely surprise.
Bus vandalism The Wee 'G ' Bus has been particularly effective at highlighting the dangers of throwing stones at public transport.
I love creating space - throwing rubbish away makes me feel very virtuous !
Throwing back his shaggy maned head, he gave a high whinnying cry.
A gang of up to 7 men then wreaked havoc in the bar, throwing chairs and slashing the victim 's face with glass.
Derek was struggling to assemble the desk, so he deeply regretted throwing away the instructions.
She glared at at the mischievous-looking boy accusingly, but he was completely innocent of throwing the stone.
If despite all your efforts the product date is slipping meaningfully, start throwing features overboard.
They are learning the concept of throwing and catching, so these make excellent gifts.
Usually a friend or family member will offer to throw a shower, but there is nothing wrong with throwing your own as well.
Learning how to make baby shower favors is not only an easy and fun activity, but can save you a bundle of cash when it comes to throwing such an event.
Chances are, if you're throwing a large shower, you won't want to get into anything too elaborate.
Start by letting the mom-to-be know you're interested in throwing a shower for her and her baby.
Find out from the mom if there are any other friends or relatives who have mentioned throwing a baby shower.
Consider throwing a joint shower together, if others are agreeable.
Full-fledged tantrums often involve a child throwing herself on the floor, screaming, crying, and maybe even holding her breath until she turns blue.
It is also important that you don't escalate the situation by screaming, yelling, or in essence, throwing your own fit in response to hers.
Even after throwing everything out, there are going to be areas the kitten roamed that you haven't thought about; that is why many recommend waiting so long.
Spot had problems with throwing up, itchy skin, hair loss and what some cat owners know all too well, a bad odor.
After throwing out much of his original material, Kinney felt able to complete a book that was consistently funny and interesting throughout.
Although using fresh ingredients always results in the tastiest Daiquiri, sometimes you need a little help, especially when throwing a party.
Shred documents rather than throwing them out.
So if you have some old webbed furniture that could use some repair, try to spruce it up and bringing it back to life rather than throwing it away.
For instance, instead of just throwing away newspapers, plastic containers (such as soda or water bottles) or other goods, sort them out and take them to the local recycling center.
Instead of throwing out your old TV, DVD player, computer or cell phone, look for recycling programs!
There are many reasons why you should recycle ink cartridges as opposed to throwing them away.
Recycling is a responsible practice that computer users should engage in because it makes sense on so many levels and really isn't much harder than throwing the cartridges away in the garbage bin.
Learn more about the types of materials that can be recycled and start taking steps to make sure that you avoid throwing away items that are recyclable.
Environmental issues on land go beyond just the simple land pollution caused by uncaring folks throwing trash out of their car windows.
It also helps to have a budget in mind before you start throwing money around; it's easy to overspend on home goods, so a budget will help give you a reality check when you need it.
If you're a devoted fan of traditional décor try throwing in a modern piece for visual interest.
Well, for starters, if you're talking about doing more than throwing a new coat of paint on the wall, kitchen remodels can be complicated business.
If this is the case, try throwing one or two items about yourself into the mix and asking more questions.
Sure, some leagues were throwing in a small cash entry fee, but most of the time the fees paid for trophies or small monetary prizes.
If you're throwing a holiday party, make sure that your drink selection goes with the foods you are serving.
Green tomato recipes are tasty alternatives to throwing away the extra green tomatoes that don't ripen in your garden naturally.
Instead of throwing these pieces away, transform them into customized scrapbook embellishments.
Behavioral signs might include displaying aggressive behaviors, throwing or destroying objects or being argumentative.
The tension you feel inside will outlet itself into the ball as you squeeze or vigorously move it around your hand or throwing it back and forth.
These games let you "destroy" your Windows desktop by washing, painting, chopping, flame throwing, and more.
One issue to bear in mind, however, is that depending on how you've trimmed it, you may now need to wash your cami by hand instead of throwing it into the washing machine.
This way, you'll be able to zero in on the types of clothes you truly like, instead of haphazardly throwing sixty items over your arm to take to the fitting room.
Instead of throwing the apparel into a bag for the Salvation Army, a teen can exchange it for something he or she really likes with a gift receipt.
Party invitation - for those throwing a party after the ceremony.
If you are throwing your own graduation party or attending one that your friends are throwing, you can expect to hear a few graduation songs in between the hits.
In fact, if you are throwing your own, you might want to start getting a list of graduation songs together to better plan for an awesome party!
If your graduate is throwing a party, making a toast that includes the poem or quote of your choice is a great way to show that you care.
When done in a lightweight cotton, it’s super comfortable and breathable and perfect for just throwing on at a moment’s notice.
This helps to reduce waste as there is no need to worry about using or throwing away any surplus flour.
The choice of one's wedding dress generally indicates the type of reception one will be throwing in celebration.
It all depends on who is throwing the party and that person's budget.
Memorable wedding shower games are an important part of throwing the shower that makes it fun for the bride and for the guests.
We will be having a party when we return (I don't know if we will be throwing it or someone else will throw it for us).
If you're pressed for time and have friends or family who live nearby, considering throwing a "pitch in party" to ask for help getting ready for your special day.
Couples throwing an informal wedding can pick up inexpensive sand castle molds.
Create games that coordinate with the kind of themed bridal shower you are throwing.
Throwing a wedding shower often means stress for the hostess(es).
If you'd like, "forget" one of your shoes behind on the steps, perhaps in lieu of throwing your bouquet - the girl who picks up the shoe will be the next to find her prince!
When you are throwing the perfect Halloween wedding, it is only natural to want the best Halloween wedding favors to send home with your guests.
Slashing the dress with scissors, throwing paint on the dress or running through smoke (with safety precautions) are common themes for destruction.
This may be because he/she is throwing up the food just eaten.
Discuss why the items are so important to him and his feelings about throwing things away.
Tom's sex appeal helped him stand out from others in the genre -- women went crazy for him every time he performed, with many female fans showing their adoration by throwing underwear on stage.
Earlier this year, she was charged with second degree assault in New York for throwing a mobile phone at her housekeeper.
In January 2007, she pleaded guilty to misdemeanor assault for throwing her crystal-encrusted telephone at her maid, Ana Scolavino in March 2006.
Dalton then jumped on Bonaduce to hug him - Bonaduce retaliated by throwing Dalton over his back, sending him crashing face first into the stage.
Tito Ortiz - This Ultimate Fighting champion is throwing his gloves into the "Celebrity Apprentice'' ring.
It's no surprise really that former Laguna Beach resident Jason Wahler was arrested for being drunk in public, that seems to be the kid's thing, but throwing shoes?
As recently as 2009, Kelly admitted to purposely throwing herself down the stairs in order to get prescription pain killers from her doctor.
It's still surprising though when a celeb ends up committing a burglary, because they seem to be throwing their stardom away.
Since many infants possess the irritating habit of throwing off their shoes, socks become the next line of defense in protecting the temperature of baby's extremities.
You can take your family pajama sets one step further by throwing a matching dog shirt into the mix, an item which PajamaGram happily offers.
You can try opening a phone book, throwing a dart and calling the first vet it lands on, but that's not the best way of choosing veterinarians for dogs.
She threw up a chunk of grass the other day, then she started throwing up again today when I got home from school.
Dogs eat grass sometimes and they usually wind up throwing it back up.
Second, if she's throwing up and unable to eat and drink normally, she's bound to become dehydrated, and may even have a bowel obstruction.
My Chi has been eating grass and throwing it back up, and they both have blood in their stools.