Threw-up Sentence Examples
She threw up again, sick and weak.
I rushed to a rest room and threw up a meal I didn't remember eating.
Ed threw up his head and snorted.
Rhyn threw up his hands in surrender.
He threw up his hands in defeat and disappeared upstairs.
This time she was actually so sick she threw up.
Jessi recognized the wall the teen girl threw up.
Meanwhile Bennigsen had prepared for a fresh undertaking, and leaving Lestocq with 20,000 Prussians and Russians to contain Bernadotte, who lay between Braunsberg and Spandau on the Passarge, he moved southwards on the 2nd, and on the 3rd and 4th of June he fell upon Ney, driving him back towards Guttstadt, whilst with the bulk of his force he moved towards Heilsberg, where he threw up an entrenched position.
In this period of anarchy the native princes of Glamorgan had their principal demesne, not at the camp but a mile to the north at Llystalybont, now merely a thatched farmhouse, while some Saxon invaders threw up within the camp a large moated mound on which the Normans about the beginning of the 12th century built the great shellkeep which is practically all that remains of their original castle.
In February 1772 he threw up his place to be free to oppose the Royal Marriage Act, on which the king's heart was set.
AdvertisementAt length he threw up his situation and returned to Paris (1745).
In 1868 he threw up his career in England and settled in the United States, where he held the professorship of English and Constitutional History at Cornell University till 1$71.
With bitter indignation Swift denounced the simony and threw up his chaplaincy, but he was ultimately reconciled to Berkeley by the presentation to the rectory of Agher in Meath with the united vicarages of Laracor and Rathbeggan, to which was added the prebend of Dunlavin in St Patrick's - the total value being about 230 a year.
Tradition tells that Uffa, who probably threw up the earthworks called the Castle Hill, established the capital of East Anglia here about 575.
When Hamilton continued to press his odious pretensions they quarrelled (1765), and Burke threw up his pension.
AdvertisementBut Giraldus threw up his post, indignant at the indifference of the bishop to the welfare of his see.
Tradition claims that King Athelstan threw up defensive earthworks here, but the existing castle is attributed to Joel of Totnes, who held the manor during the reign of William the Conqueror, and also founded a Cluniac priory, dedicated to St Mary Magdalene.
The open audition threw up lots of great talent.
But the king, and even Kollontaj, despairing of success, now acceded to the confederation; hostilities were suspended; the indignant officers threw up their commissions; the rank and file were distributed all over the country; the reformers fled abroad; and the constitution of the 3rd of May was abolished by the Targowicians as "a dangerous novelty."
Robert Devereux, earl of Essex, came over in 1599 with a great army, but did nothing of moment, was outgeneralled and outwitted by Tyrone, and threw up his command to enter on the mad and criminal career which led to the scaffold.
AdvertisementHe threw up arms to protect face, hair on forearm singed off, burned holes in cap....
She threw up a chunk of grass the other day, then she started throwing up again today when I got home from school.