Thread Sentence Examples
He picked at a thread on the couch, his mind obviously lost in deep thought.
She looked down and plucked at a loose thread on her dress.
Darian felt a thread of warmth in the hallway.
But I seem to have lost the thread of my discourse.
She looked away and fumbled with the needle and thread she'd found in a sewing kit.
Use a thread that's similar to your fabric.
He was the eldest of a family of six sons and a daughter, and the only one who survived childhood; his own life in youth hung by so mere a thread as to be again and again despaired of.
We do make thread and cotton dresses of cotton.
And again he twisted the screw with the stripped thread, and again it turned uselessly in the same place.
The chromatin substance increases in amount; the thread stains moie deeply, and in most cases presents a homogeneous appearance.
AdvertisementTake a piece of thread of length AA', and fix it at its extremities by means of pins at the foci.
The thread is now stretched taut by a pencil, and the pencil moved; the curve traced out is the desired ellipse.
Philip Galley (Dr_Galley) Wed, 28 Jun 2006 Religion Thread WEll said Adam.
The reduction is brought about simply by the segmentation of the spirem thread into half the number of segments instead of the normal number.
C, Nuclear thread segment ing.
AdvertisementThe most important author whose writings rank as classical is Miron Costin, who either took up the thread where it was left by Simion and Ureche and wrote the history of Moldavia from 1 5941662, or continued the history from where (probably) Evstratie had left it (c. 1630-62).
The thread is resumed in the account of the separation of the patriarch and his nephew Lot, who divide the land between them.
Skeat takes the ultimate root to be kar, to move, especially in a circular motion, seen in "curve," "circle," &c. The word "worm" is applied to many objects resembling the animals in having a spiral shape or motion, as the spiral thread of a screw, or the spiral pipe through which vapour is passed in distillation.
The use of an eyepiece with a cross thread is essential to this measurement.
After the microscope has been so adjusted that the image of the object to be measured falls exactly in the plane of the cross threads, the object is moved by the micrometer until one edge of the object is exactly covered by a thread.
AdvertisementThen the object is moved by the micrometer till the image of the other edge is covered by the thread in the eyepiece, and the micrometer is again read.
There is no danger of this thread turning acrimonious.
Clicking noises, echo, very ambient, switching back to a main melodic thread.
There is a ' book thread ' buried deep in off topic.
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AdvertisementIf things go wrong, it's better to have the thread break than tear the fabric.
He learned to make long-tagged thread laces; and many thousands of these articles were furnished by him to the hawkers.
The lastnamed are specially numerous on the tentacles and on some other regions of the body, and produce the well-known "thread cells," or nematocysts, so characteristic of the Coe lentera.
This sicula, which had originally the shape of a hollow cone, is formed of two portions or regions - an upper and smaller (apical or embryonic) portion, marked by delicate longitudinal lines, and having a fine tabular thread (the nema) proceeding from its apex; and a lower (thecal or apertural) portion, marked by transverse lines of growth and widening in the direction of the mouth, the lip or apertural margin of which forms the broad end of the sicula.
It is the chief seat of ribbon weaving in Germany, and manufactures thread, lace, braids, cotton and cloth goods, carpets, silks, machinery, steel wares, plated goods and buttons, the last industry employing about 15,000 hands.
It was subsequently given by Joseph to his brother-inlaw Brons, whose grandson Perceval is destined to be the final winner and guardian of the relic. The Merlin forms the connecting thread between this definitely ecclesiastical romance and the chivalric atmosphere of Arthur's court; and finally, in the Perceval, the hero, son of Alain and grandson to Brons, is warned by Merlin of the quest which awaits him and which he achieves after various adventures.
Flax was cultivated at a very early period in Ireland and was both spun into thread and manufactured into cloth.
Yet again we must remember that the leading questions of a European inquirer may furnish a savage with a thread on which to string answers which the questions themselves have suggested.
Among the original land-holders were Matthew Grant and Thomas Dewey, ancestors respectively of General ' In the township of Windsor Locks (pop. 1910, 3715), immediately north, cotton yarn and thread, silk, paper, steel and machinery are manufactured.
Some of them are skilled workers of brass, and the Brunei women make very beautiful cloth, interwoven and embroidered with gold thread.
Works are a spider's thread, up and down which she continually travels, and which is never broken; so works lead a soul downwards to the Earth, and upwards to the Lord."
We heard from potential customers in some of the earlier replies in this thread.
Thread style height adjustment - simply rotate the seat to the desired height.
Featuring white cultured freshwater baroque pearls threaded with pink thread and a 9 carat gold clasp.
The design of the embroidery is of flowers and leaves worked in gold thread and the flowers are defined with simulated pearl beads.
In the long litany of public relations catastrophes which have marred Labor's good name, there is one common thread.
Then they had to be spun into a thread, like modern knitting wool.
In the world of our chosen abstraction - that of sequential execution of a method - it looks like our thread has hung.
Great game and reminiscent of In Memoriam, tho not quite so fiendish, but a shared thread of the Sol Invictus.
A loop of thin thread only one-sixteenth of a grain in weight caused a temporary flexure.
There are pages listing thread colors and shade numbers for cotton embroidery floss and sewing threads - his main tying materials.
The thread of liquid spatters into a glass, a head of white froth forming on the murky tea.
I just edit the forum so that any posts to a thread like cheddar gorge don't count toward your total.
Cut the rest of the thread away which will require a hacksaw and vise.
Another useful email function is the ability to send a friend a link to a thread you think they may find interesting.
Three weights of very high twist, high quality cord perfect for warping, knotting, macrame and anything requiring a strong thread.
We have universal lathes for chuck and bar work with 12 driven tool stations, for turning, milling and thread cutting.
The instrument consists of a bell glass, from the inside of which is suspended a copper needle by a fine silken thread.
The deep spiral groove means that waste is removed quickly and the center screw thread helps the drill to pull itself into the material.
It proved highly successful and was also taken up by local housewives as a sewing thread superior to the older linen thread.
I work on the frame machines now, that twist the silk thread around to make the net.
And the web of life's colors needs each single thread For the dance to continue unbroken.
Well its quite undeniable that this thread is a debate just among astrologers and serious students.
This article looks at that particular thread in more detail by examining some of the concepts behind organic and biodynamic viticulture and vinification practices.
Before this thread is over taken by guitar geek wank fodder... .
Up shot the game play pool Yahoo glittering, quivering tentacle of Rosium, vibrating for a few moments like a thread of silver.
A thread is then pinned down between them, and on each side of this thread three others are pinned down parallel with it and 6 in.
In these shops the few Moorish industries are carried on, such as embroidery in gold and silver thread, the making of kid slippers of every kind and colour, the manufacture of gold and silver ornaments.
As the glass cylinder, driven by a motor, revolves upon its axis while also advancing (by means of a screw thread on the axis), all portions of the picture are successively brought under the beam or pencil of light and cause a beam of varying intensity to fall on the selenium cell.
Were no such machine recognized, the thread of consciousness would be cut and orderly experience impossible; we must all go mad.
The inner membrane is continuous with the wall of the hollow thread at a spot immediately below the aperture in the outer wall, so that the thread itself (f) is simply a hollow prolongation of the wall of the inner capsule inverted and pushed into its cavity.
Many points in the development and mechanism of the nematocyst are disputed, but it is tolerably certain (I) that the cnidocil is of sensory nature, and that stimulation, by contact with prey or in other ways, causes a reflex discharge of the nematocyst; (2) that the discharge is an explosive change whereby the in-turned thread is suddenly everted and turned inside out, being thus shot through the opening in the outer wall of the capsule, and forced violently into the tissues of the prey, or, it may be, of an enemy; (3) that the thread inflicts not merely a mechanical wound, but instils an irritant poison, numbing and paralysing in its action.
In other cases the two nuclei place themselves side by side, the nuclear membrane between them disappears, and the contents fuse togethernuclear thread with nuclear thread, and nucleolus with nucleolusso completely that the separate constituents of the nuclei are not visible.
The first account, although now essential to the canonical history, clearly gives a less authentic account of the change from the " judges " to the monarchy, while the second is fragmentary and can hardly be fitted into the present historical thread (see Saul).
But the recovery of successive historical nuclei does not furnish a continuous thread, and if one is to be guided by the historical context of events the true background to each nucleus must be sought.
It needs little reflection to perceive that the position of Jerusalem and Judah was now hardly one of independence, and the conflicting chronological notices betray the attempt to maintain intact the thread of Judaean history.
But the thread of the history is broken, and apart from an allusion to the favour shown to the captive Jehoiachin (with which the books of Jeremiah and Kings conclude), there is a gap in the records, and subsequent events are viewed from a new standpoint (§ 20).
At whatever spot an insect becomes entangled in the frame, the vibration set up by its struggles is transmitted along the nearest radiating thread to the centre and thence up the trap line to the shelter where the occupant lurks awaiting the signal.
The Theridiidae eject on to the insect from their spinning mamillae drops of liquid adhesive silk; the Argyopidae, steadying it with the tips of their long front legs, sweep additional strands of silk over it with the legs of the hinder pair; the Agalenidae, attaching a long thread to a point hard by, run round and round the victim in circles, gradually winding it up beyond all hope of breaking loose.
The head is smaller, often occupied almost entirely above in the male by the very large eyes, which in some species are curiously double in that sex, one portion being pillared, and forming what is termed a "turban," the mouth parts are aborted, for the creature is now incapable of taking nutriment either solid or fluid; the antennae are mere short bristles, consisting of two rather large basal joints and a multi-articulate thread.
The Eskimo woman did not weave, but was expert in sewing and embroidering with sinew thread by means of a bodkin.
By reducing the tension to one quarter of its previous amount, the number of ventral segments will be seen to be increased to two, indicating that the first harmonic of the thread is now in unison with the solid, and consequently that its fundamental is an octave lower than it was with the former tension; thus confirming the law that n varies as S IT.
Opposite to the abbey church (see below) stands the town hall (1879-1882), which originated in a bequest by George Aitken Clark (1823-1873), and was completed by his relatives, the thread manufacturers of Anchor Mills.
The outside of the cylinder was cooled by water circulating round a spiral screw thread in a narrow space with high velocity driven by a pressure of 120 lb per sq.
Those include mites, termites (or white ants), thread blight, grey blight, caterpillars (naked or in bags) and caterpillars armed with stinging hairs to protect them, and borers, red and black, some of which eat the core out of the wood, while others content themselves with eating only the bark.
If a helix be described round the screw, crossing each turn of the thread at right angles, the distance between two corresponding points on two successive turns of the same thread, measured along this normal helix, may be called the normai pitch; and when the screw hns more than one thread the normal pitch from thread to thread i lay be called the normal divided pitch.
Two maids were turning up the hem and hurriedly biting off the ends of thread.
The quest for divine immortality is a main thread of all the ancient myths associated with this constellation.
A reentrant lock must be released by the thread that acquired it.
Disconnect the regulator (left hand thread) with a suitable spanner.
Debs Hallsworth (debsuk) Mon, 29 May 2006 Religion Thread I ca n't because of who I am.
I replied in the thread, reminding him to check on the forum rules about exposure.
Lower part of both sides is decorated with concentric U-shaped rows of glass beads applied in lazy stitch technique on beige thread.
The " 9/11 self inflicted " thread has now had its name changed by persons unknown.
Backed with cream fabric (in two pieces) sewn with black cotton thread in overcast stitch.
Structural sewing is with black cotton thread; applique with beige thread.
The new group would be the world 's largest producer of industrial sewing thread with over 40 per cent of the United Kingdom market.
Arrowheads were bound to the shaft with sinew thread.
The common thread, from the office of Tony Blair to the slit trenches of local politics, is fear.
I have been avoiding Diet thread due to inability to do it, blaming a stinking cold at the moment !
A thread of narrative runs through, and it 's all as subjective as hell.
However, the information about pipe and tabor playing in Gloucestershire for the Cotswold Morris is very fragmentary and difficult to thread together.
Pre 1977 1/2 model year bikes used a unique thread size for the tappet block hold-down screws.
Historical events often come about with a large dose of fluke and a tenuous thread of intention.
Please see the reply that I have given TODAY to KAVITHA in the thread entitled " GARMENT IMPORT TO THE US ".
Perhaps turn this into it 's own sticky thread?
She undertook ecclesiastical commissions, and researched metal thread embroidery.
Programs should only be terminated from their main thread of execution to allow the DPMI host to clean up properly.
Thread your way between the vehicles and join the throngs of tourists along the path into the gorge.
Tippets must be attached with a loop-to-loop connection otherwise the tippet material may cut the thread of the leaders made from this material.
This is all down to the 32 thread, T1 processor allowing for 32 simultaneous operations.
And the web of life 's colors needs each single thread For the dance to continue unbroken.
Any thread created using the Threads Module will unmask this signal prior to entering user code.
Clicking on will take you to the first unread post within the thread.
January 03 2004 Keith Lines cleans out a thread hole before refitting the valve spindle covers.
We have only subtext, a fragile thread of thought that veers wildly from line to line.
Before this thread is over taken by guitar geek wank fodder....
The weft thread is wound on a shuttle which is passed through the shed to create the cloth.
Thread the ends of the yarn through the jingle bells, using three or four bells per yarn end, and knot off the thread so the bells won't slide off the ends of the yarn.
Again, you can make your own bows and glue or attach the bows to the barrette, Velcro, or band by using hot glue or thread.
Use a needle and thread to sew five of these filled tubes together to form the arms, legs and torso.
Thread pieces of ribbon through the holes, and leave the ends long.
Secure ribbon at the pinched end and thread the ends of the ribbon through holes in the base of the pacifier.
Seamstresses can make baby clothing; knitters can create hats, mittens, socks, and booties; and those with basic needle and thread skills can put together bibs and burp clothes for pennies on the dollar.
Make your buying decision based on the thread count; the higher the thread count, the more absorbent the towel.
You will also want to consider the thread count of the bed sheets you are purchasing.
The thread count number indicates the number of threads per square inch on the sheets.
The higher the thread count, the softer the bed sheets will feel.
Try and buy shoes that use a synthetic thread like polyester-based thread.
Most stores will have a 'notions' section which will have needles, pins, thread, and more.
Plus, on Slickdeals, you can even post in the thread called Help Me Find a Deal and other bargain hunters may just provide you with assistance in getting the low cost electronics you are looking for.
In the same thread, it will also determine an estimate of how much money you will be handing over should you surrender most custodial rights of your children.
It seems counter-intuitive, but selecting a heavy-duty thread that's stronger than the fabric may cause the fabric to tear at stress points.
Reels are used like huge spools of thread, but in this case they're used for tubing or electrical cable.
Getting the thread tension just right may take a couple of tries, so don't ruin your painstakingly cut pattern pieces by using them to refine your stitch quality.
Prepare your sewing machine carefully according to the manufacturer's instructions and test your thread setup on a starter scrap before you begin working with the pattern pieces.
Be sure to insist on outdoor foam inserts that repel moisture, fabric that's moisture and UV resistant, and sturdy construction that uses heavy-duty thread.
If you're not handy with a needle and thread, have some custom made.
Give the old needle and thread a try if you're handy; sometimes the result is nearly unnoticeable.
Simple jobs can be done with a needle and thread.
There might be a foreign object preventing the wheel from rolling or perhaps thread, string or hair is wound around it.
All sheets vary in quality depending on the thread count.
The higher the thread count the more dense and solid the fabric is.
Many fine and luxury sheets have a high thread count and this is a good way to compare products.
The leaves and strings make thread and needles and the sap actually lathers with water to form a crude type of soap.
The common thread is a passion for style and design and a willingness to be continually learning.
Luxury bedding is made from the finest of fabrics, including natural fibers such as silk, linen and cotton, the quality of which is measured by thread count.
The finest bedding has a thread count in the range of 275 to 1,050 -- with the higher range indicating a truly luxury fabric.
There are infinite choices in bedding, from 600 thread count luxurious sheets to budget bedding in colorful prints.
If you're talented with a needle and thread, you may opt to sew the cushions yourself.
Modern curved designs and sparkling embellishments like gold thread and beads make quilted throws as much a work of art as your framed artwork.
Using colorful ribbons, thread through and eye loop and then tie each egg onto the painted twig, Make sure when you tied the ribbon onto the tree that you do so with a nice bow.
Drapery clip rings that thread onto the rod and gather the material below are the perfect way to make a statement with your windows.
Thread streams of lights through house plants or place a strand inside a large crystal bowl along with snow tipped pine, ivy or holly, add cranberries and silk magnolia blossoms for a touch of Southern charm.
Thread four pieces of beef onto each skewer.
While most people do use thread to stitch on their layouts, you may want to try stitching with no thread to add a subtle and understated embellishment.
This technique is also handy for times when you don't have thread that matches the supplies you are using on your scrapbook layout.
This is just one thread in the fabric of adolescence.
Liquid Thread is an adhesive for fabric.
If a seam comes undone, you lose a button or beading; you simply glue the seam or replacement piece on the dress with the Liquid Thread.
If you don't have Liquid Thread or you would rather sew, make sure you have a small sewing kit with same color thread as your gown.
To repair a button, you want use double thread on your needle.
If you have a loose seam, you only need a single thread.
Dress tape is a great tool for fixing a problem until you have access to a needle and thread.
After starting with the gum wrapper chain, you can either sew the sections of the dress together using a strong thread or floss or weave them together, much the same way the chain was created.
If you plan ahead and use the wrappers from your favorite gum, you're not out any money other than the money for thread, embellishments and possibly the pattern.
In some cases, couples choose to use the actual rings, in which case they may be secured onto the pillow using thread.
High quality linens have a higher thread count.
Thread count-If the discounted bed in the bag set you're considering includes a sheet set, what is the thread count?
Remember, the higher the thread count, typically the more luxurious the sheets are.
If you are going to put together a look of the tropics for a bedroom right now, look for sheets with higher thread counts.
Fashion luxury bedding differs from regular bedding in that it is softer, more elegant, and has higher thread counts.
Embroidered patterns are often created by using thread the same hue as the towel.
The metal rings that are installed directly to the drapery make it very easy to thread just about any rod through the grommets.
A higher thread count indicates that there are more threads per square inch of the material.
Higher numbers can indicate a softer material, depending on the size of the thread.
An inexpensive comforter may have a thread count of 180, while a step up would be 250 or 500.
However, you might be okay with a lower thread count or a polyester cotton blend.
In addition to its aesthetic appearance, take into consideration the comforter thread count and weight.
This will also have an impact on the way the comforter feels; a high thread count usually yields a very soft touch.
You might prefer a lace curtain that is made of a rosebud chain lace pattern or lace sewn with a metallic thread or several colored threads running through it.
To determine the sheet's real thread count, look for a mark on the label that states the thread count and what type of ply is used.
They have the standard six pockets, contrast thread detail, a zipper fly and snap front and are made of rugged cotton.
Dark jeans with five pockets festooned with rhinestones and pink thread detail.
You can also get a red thread and rhinestone option.
The top and pockets are ribbed and top-stitched in contrasting thread.
If you have something specific in mind and it isn't in stores, you don't have to be very handy with a needle and thread to add some ruffles to a plain pair of leggings.
Each post in a thread displays the post's author, the time it was published, and its content.
Students can respond to specific posts in a thread, ask questions about someone else's comments, or post an entirely new thread.
Just drill a hole in the finished bar, thread onto a rope, and tie a knot.
The thread I used was a strong thread (like rug thread) that I had from another project I had done.
Apply some glue to the carpet fabrics and set it back in place, sew the snag back in place with needle and thread or simply replace the tile with a new one.
Red Thread Adoption Boutique offers a unique bracelet set for mothers and daughters.
The thread bracelet is then tied onto the wrist of a friend where it is worn constantly.
The most popular material for making friendship bracelets is embroidery thread or floss, however any type of thread will work equally well.
Each bead has an internal thread that allows it to be screwed or twisted onto a section of the bracelet or necklace.
The threading material is often silver plated, gold plated, sterling silver or nylon thread.
These handmade bracelets, popular with adolescent girls, members of the surfer culture, and those who enjoy handmade jewelry, are usually constructed from strong thread or embroidery floss.
The thread is knotted repeatedly to create a striking pattern, and the ends are braided.
A common thread you will find between all of the categories is the attachment to graffiti culture.
Invented in the 1950's using some experimental spinning techniques, the theory behind it is the production of fibers that measure less than one denier (a unit of thread measurement).
Unfortunately, it took many more years and some Japanese ingenuity before their textile scientists were able to reliably produce and weave that thin thread into something useful.
A shirt perfect for spring or summer in bright green, blue or orange, it's made of 2-ply broadcloth and features contrast thread in the buttons and buttonholes for added interest.
In fact, the common thread through almost all of the positive reviews on Review Centre is the well-trained, helpful, and unobtrusive staff.
Solus organic bedding is made from 100 percent organic cotton and has a 285 thread count, which makes it a silky and comfortable addition to your bed.
This would include the thread being used to sew it together.
Forums - If you're a member of a good video game forum, search for or request a "Buy, Trade, Sell" thread.
Walking between the line of good and evil, two worlds hang on a thread.
Singer was one of the first manufacturer's to offer a personal sewing machine to replace the labor-intensive task of sewing with needle and thread.
If the thread jams the machine may not be threaded properly.
The site gives advice on the two most important parts of the machine, the needle and thread, as well as tension adjustments.
From there, visit the threads that interest you most and comment, or start a new thread of your own.
For these, you can oftentimes find a small plastic loop near the top of the phone where you can thread the string.
A newer approach is to thread a long, thin tube through the artery that leads to the aneurysm.
Children may find extended periods of play with a toy, whether it was purchased in a store or found in the home (recycled plastic containers and empty spools of thread, for example).
Males and females are about 5 mm and 10 mm long, respectively, with the diameter of a strand of thread.
Other symptoms that may be associated with tics and tic disorders include obsessive thoughts; difficulty concentrating or paying attention in school; forgetfulness; slowness in completing tasks; losing the thread of a conversation.
Eyebrow threading utilizes thread that is twisted around the hairs in a straight line, so it pulls out more hair in one pass than tweezers when pulled sharply.
Eily311 on YouTube gives a very thorough demonstration of how to thread your brows at home.
Before you venture onto your face with the thread and risk a mishap for all to see, you may want to practice on a small area of one of your legs first.
When you do master the art of threading your own brows, the expense of having unwanted hair removed from that area will be cut down to the cost of a spool of thread.
Feather extensions are a hybrid of hair extensions and the thread wrapped vacation braids so many women opt for while tanning somewhere tropical.
To assemble, attach the filament line to one chair, thread the slinky onto the line, and then attach to the second chair.
If you are handy with a needle, thread and sewing machine, you can turn your talent into a profitable business.
This includes the restriction of using glue, thread or other fastening devices, which are not paper related.
Thread fishing line through the hole and then tie it into a knot.
Use a needle and thread to string several little stars together into a garland.
Ask lots of questions, and have the salesperson demonstrate how to thread the needle and bobbin.
Before there were sewing machines, there were needles and thread.
Everyone should have a good supply of sharp needles and a variety of thread colors on hand for replacing buttons and doing minor alteration work.
If you aren't a seamstress, you should still have thread in the house that matches most of the clothing you wear, plus black, brown, and white to cover sewing emergencies.
Sewing thread is usually either cotton, rayon, or polyester.
You can also find silk thread for hand sewing.
Match the type of thread to the type of fabric you are working with, or just keep a wide variety of cotton thread on hand.
You might also need some yarn or tapestry needles if you use heavier thread.
Never use them on anything that isn't fabric or thread, and your scissors will last a long time.
Keep track of your essential items like thread, and replace them when you get low.
Load the machine with the desired color of thread.
Of course, if the design requires more than one color, you will have to change the thread color as needed in the pattern.
This catch-all phrase can apply to any number of small items that you use to create a project, including thread, trim, embellishments, tools, and other supplies.
The Internet also has hundreds of crafts stores to choose from, whether you are looking for one-of-a-kind, artisan-created notions or just a spool of white thread.
Nancy's Notions has everything for the seamstress from fabric to thread.
You could also hang or place a thread storage rack in your sewing area.
These great little gadgets can hold tons of thread, and are great for holding lengths of ribbon, rick-rack, and other embellishments, too.
A list of notions, such as buttons, zippers, interfacing, thread, shoulder pads and etc., are also notated on the back, making it the equivalent of a convenient shopping list.
If you don't already know how to sew or if you don't feel the need to invest in a machine, you can easily sew a hem with a simple needle and thread.
Having various colors of thread at hand will eliminate a trip to the store, which is important if you need to sew on a button while getting ready for work early in the morning.
If your sewing machine has an embroidery function, you can personalize the dog bed with a contrasting thread color.
Kenmore Serger Model 16677 - Sears' most popular serger, this model has a thread capacity of up to four threads and features two needles.
Even if you've been handy with a needle and thread for decades, you may discover a great new pattern or the "in" print of the season.
Thread the elastic through the casing and adjust it to fit the doll.
No matter which Anne Cole collection you shop, know that the underlying thread throughout the different looks is one of elegance and sophistication.
One individual claims to be running this show and every item is made with the highest quality crochet thread.
A pair of scissors can trim trailing threads and bandages, and if you bring a needle and thread, you can reattach a swimsuit strap or fix an embarrassing hole right in the restroom, changing room, or cabana.
You want to stitch the hood on with heavy duty thread and stitches so that it will stand up to the rigors of your child!
You also need a polyester or texturized nylon thread, as these will hold up the best and help ensure a long life for your suit.
If all else fails, and you're handy with a needle and thread, change the location of your padding pocket to make it fall in the best spot.
Each kit includes an instruction sheet, red heel socks, buttons, black thread, a needle, a pom-pom, red yarn, example photo, and an adoption certificate.
You will need to supply your own stuffing, needle and thread, but everything else you need is included.
Place the Pillow Pet™ into a white pillowcase and tie off the open end with a piece of twine, thread or unwaxed dental floss.
Additionally, avoid using a shaver on fabrics that are embroidered, as it is very likely that the delicate thread will be snipped and then unravel.
Read the customer reviews of the product and see what stands out as the common thread.
Thread your wick through the hole in the bottom of the mold.
They are easy to apply to the wick, just thread it through and squeeze the tabs so the wick can't move.
Thread the buttons before you attach them to the candle holder for a more homespun appearance.
Thread ribbon through your ornament for hanging.
It's also nice to have paint, glitter, a ruler, a compass, yarn, ribbon, sewing thread, embroidery floss, and other embellishments.
Use a tapestry needle and heavy thread or string, made a long garland or popcorn, cranberries, or a combination of popcorn and cranberries.
With a heavy needle, use thread or fishing line to make hangers.
Cross two sticks or twigs and weave colored yarn or thread around the cross to make a woven diamond shape.
Thread them onto heavy yarn or string and tie at both ends.
One thing that seems to be a common thread among successful Hollywood couples is the fact that only one person is in the spotlight.
Look for ones with a cotton thread count of at least 400 or higher.
As a 2008 comment thread on the AfterEllen site shows, many Indian lesbians are finding support from their friends, social groups such as Washington D.C.-based "Khush Girls" (an offshoot of the "Khush D.C." queer advocacy organization).
Here is an additional thread that talks about SEO-friendly ways to prevent the theft of your work. has been managing its celiac support thread for quite a while, though Curezone is a far simpler and organic experience than forums.
The handles are also almost always stitched with yellow thread.
A ready-made craft bag can be tailored to your specialty, with interior zippered compartments to hold varying sizes of needles, thread, thimbles, finger guards and embroidery rings.
If you use invisible thread, it's strong and won't be seen.
Go all out and choose absolutely everything, including your fabric, embroidery thread and font style.
If you are skilled with a needle and thread, try repeating the tiny stitching that matches the rest of the lining.
In addition, you can add embroidery in the thread color, font and lettering of your choice.
To really impress them, consider investing in 300 count thread sheets and watch them melt.
Punch a hole near the top of the cardboard and thread a piece of thin red ribbon through it for a hanger.
Begin by collecting pine cones from outside, then drill a hole in the top of each pine cone and thread a wire through for a hanger.
If the backpack is canvas or fabric, you can thread ribbon around the edges.
Once dry, use a sewing needle to thread thin string through each of the eight corners.
If you aren't particularly handy with a needle and thread, then you may want to enlist the help of a friend or family member.
Thread the string through the hole and tie the skewers together securely.
Thread the string through the hole and tie it securely to the skewers.
The theme of learning is a common thread that connects all reincarnation belief systems.
While thread count is important when choosing bedding, it's not the sole indication of quality.
A higher thread count can sometimes the individual threads are thinner and less durable.
Generally, a thread count of 250 to 300 is sufficient for discount bedding.
While some sheets at the 300-thread count feel just fine, if you're really looking for sheets that feel smooth and silky against your skin, you're going to want to look for a higher thread count.
Polyester-based thread is typically stronger than cotton-based threads and withstand weathering from moisture and damp very well.
With features like shock absorbing soles and Fast Twist and metal thread receptacles which are present to aid traction without destroying the golf green, you can play for hours not ever having to think about your foot comfort.
Next, thread your laces straight up each side, criss-crossing only before threading the last hole.
At the last hole, tighten the laces and thread into the last hole without criss-crossing.
The radio serials were broadcast in 15 minute segments that aired each day, and each segment ended with a dangling thread that was picked up in the next day's episode.
Each segment ended with a dangling thread that would be picked up in the next day's episode.
If your thread contains spoiler information you are required to note in the subject line that the post will contain spoiler information.
Finally storyline C is a thread that lasts throughout the season, usually an arc that edges forward with each show.
In fact, a skilled bead craftsperson could thread together a beautiful body made from these delicate beads to use as an example for a tattoo artist.
Beaded watch bands are either threaded using elastic thread which allows some give in the band, allowing it to be fitted over the wrist while still sitting snuggly on the arm, or strung onto a bead wire or thread with no stretch.
If you're handy with a needle and thread, you might take great pleasure making bamboo yoga clothes in original styles.
An example is a visual chart showing a bead being strung on a thread, and then laying out the ten beads that the student should thread.
What would not work in this method would be to give the child a thread, a box of beads, and then say, "Thread ten of them, then you're done!"
The package still includes everything you need (fabric, thread, a needle, the pattern), but the pattern is not printed on the fabric.
The easy patterns page offers free easy crochet patterns for beginners, plus a link to more patterns to try once you're a little more comfortable with your hook and thread.
As you become more adept at cross stitching, look for designs that involve more stitches and more thread colors.
Then stitch the open part closed by hand, using a thread that matches the fabric and trying to make the stitches as invisible as possible.
Using thread that either matches or goes nicely with your fabric, stitch straight lines across the quilt.
Kits are great because they usually include almost everything you need to complete a project, from the needlepoint fabric to the thread, instructions, and photographs.
Needlepoint is a fun, classic craft, and you can use it to produce beautiful works of art from fabric and thread.
To make things more confusing, people often use "embroidery" as a general term for stitching, but it can also define a specific decorative thread art.
They both involve fabric, thread, and a needle, but that's where the similarities end.
Quilters included many other items in crazy quilts, beyond just fabric and thread.
Beads can also be strung on thread of silk, satin, nylon or cotton.
I recommend using plain a yarn of a different color for the first row, so then you can find where to thread back through this row to secure it.
Remember to thread the machine properly through the front feed and check for tightness as the yarn is pulling through, so that it does not knot and break the machine.
Crochet thread is responsible for some of the most beautiful, intricate lacework ever made.
Thread crochet has traditionally been used for doilies, tablecloths, curtains, bedspreads, chair sets, hats, bags, edgings, lacy frilly babywear and womenswear.
Those who prefer thread to yarn crocheting are affectionately called "Threadies."
Thread crochet is special because it's all handmade and cannot be reproduced by any machine.
Pineapples are still a common design for thread crochet today; they are said to suit both Colonial and modern decor.
It is time consuming, but you get a real sense of accomplishement when you have crocheted a tablecloth or even a doily using crochet thread.
Steel hooks are most commonly used with cotton thread.
Make sure you use the correct hook and thread size when following a pattern.
If you are used to yarn, you may have developed a long stroke with your hook, which will have to be shortened as the sized shaft of steel thread hooks is much shorter.
If you use the "knife" method of holding your hook, it may be worth trying the "pencil" method for thread crochet.
This involves two beads and a plain leather or rubber thread.
Fat thread crochets up much more quickly than fine thread, giving you almost instant gratification.
Another thing many of these patterns have in common is that they are worked with more than one strand of thread at a time.
A needlepoint artist's expression comes out in the selection of a pattern and the use of color and thread.
There are several different manufacturers that make thread from cotton, rayon, even silk and other materials.
Needlepoint thread comes in a dizzying array of colors, textures and finishes, from matte cotton floss to metallic.
For some projects such as needlepoint rugs, you can use yarn instead of thread.
They are particularly helpful when smoothing out a multiple-piled thread or to keep a silk or ribbon thread from twisting.
It is amazing to see the range of creativity that is out there and what normal people like you can do with thread, beads, paint, fabric, paper or whatever their medium is.
There are huge numbers of knitting supply stores on the Internet, selling just about any kind of thread you can imagine.
Other things you will want to add to your quilting supply include thread, scissors, measuring devices, and other sundry "notions."
Thread is one of the most important additions to your quilting supply.
If you have all this beautiful fabric but don't have the right thread to sew it together, what good is it?
Both the color and the composition of thread you need will vary depending on the type of fabric you are using, but it's a good idea to purchase a wide variety of 100 percent cotton thread spools to have on hand.
Many stores sell thread collections, which are an easy way to build up your quilting supply quickly.
Instead, focus your attention on fabric and thread and let your imagination run wild.
A simple way to save them is to punch a hole in the top left corner and thread some yarn through.
Cut out the mini angel toppers and stick back to back and hang from a gold thread from the center of the pop up.
Shoeboxes, for instance, are not great for storing archival materials, but they've fine for thinks like knitting needles, crochet hooks, art supplies or embroidery thread.
Some less expensive embroidery supplies needed to create that perfect project include thread and needles.
Special thread is sold that is suitable for machine embroidery.
In general, there are two types of cotton thread or floss used for hand embroidering.
Stranded cotton -- Six mercerized cotton thread strands are twisted loosely together.
Artistic Thread Works -- Get answers to all of your embroidering questions.
However, it also uses two or more colors of yarn or thread so the reverse side is as decorative as the front.
You can find kits that offer all of the basic supplies, including the pattern, material, and thread.
Once you've become more familiar with the craft, however, you may want to select your own patterns, material, and thread.
Eventually, you will accumulate a large supply of cross stitch thread to choose from.
Once you've chosen your thread, you'll need to choose your fabric.
You'll also need scissors, fabric scraps, thread, a glue stick, and a seam ripper.
You should sew along the line by holding your top thread to prevent it from being pulled under.
Cross stitch really isn't an expensive hobby, although of course thread and material choices can make a difference in how much money you spend on your craft.
However, once you've bought thread for a few patterns, you soon accumulate quite a collection of colors and textures that can be used in many projects.
If not, be sure to stock up on the thread, needles, and other supplies you need to create a beautiful piece of finished needlepoint.
Thread the needle and insert it through the wrong side of the tie fabric.
Knot the thread on the back of the tie to finish the monogram.
Use the needle and thread to stitch the fishing bobbers and sinkers to the lampshade at regular intervals.
Animals, cut from paper plates or construction paper and decorated with any number of details can then be hung with thread from different points on the spiral.
Thread the hearts together with the ribbon.
Thread 14-inch lengths of string through the holes and secure them with a knot that's bigger than the hole.
Thread a crystal bead to the middle of each wire.
Then, all a crafter has to do is add the appropriate fabric and thread and set the machine to work.
Thread the ribbon through the hole and tie a bow.
Fold one of the sides of the felt around the water bottle, and then fold the other side and stick with glue.To secure the seams, sew your bag using a needle and thread.
Use the hot glue to put the ends of the braids together, and again, secure it with a needle and thread.
Before you get started, gather three to five colors of embroidery floss, a clipboard to hold your thread steady, measuring tape, and a pair of scissors.
If you don't have a clipboard handy, you can use a safety pin or a piece of masking tape to secure the thread to any stationary surface.
Always be sure to check the manufacturer's suggestions for bead and thread sizes.
Baste all the layers together in a large X with a colorful thread that shows up well.
Choose thread in a color to blend or contrast with the quilt.
Cross stitch is a popular textile craft using needle and embroidery floss or thread on cloth to make a picture or design.
If you like to use ribbon to package your handmade soaps, cut a plastic hanger and thread ribbon spools across the base.
The finished canvas will surely become a treasured painting in thread, suitable for framing and proud display.
Many of Debbie's designs come with a stitch guide with a colored photograph of the finished needlepoint and a thread list.
Many of these shops help with yarn or thread selection and other issues to assure the best results.
Thread the button through the elastic loop to close the bag.
You can string the beads on jewelry wire or sturdy thread.
When it is long enough to wrap around your wrist and leave enough room to slide at least two fingers between the thread and your wrist, it's time to finish.
Leaving about one inch of thread from the knot, snip the remaining loose strands with your scissors.
Patterns for bracelets range from very simple to complex; they can be twisted, braided, and woven from embroidery floss or from heavy craft thread, which tends to be less glossy than floss.
Some patterns require fairly long pieces of floss or craft thread.
You'll also need tape or paper clamps, pins, or thumbtacks to hold your floss or thread in place.
For instance, this simple twisted bracelet uses two colors of floss or thread an would be perfect for a beginner.
Although sewing is traditionally part of the scouting experience, many girls prefer to create without a needle and thread.
Thread a water soaked wooden skewer through the lobster tail meat.
Not finding a thread you're interested in there?
If you're handy with a needle and thread, consider finding a few vintage patterns to construct shirts to wear with your cone bra.
Use a safety pin to thread the elastic through the waistband casing.
Using the safety pin, thread one of these through the casing.
When you buy the fur, consult with an assistant at the shop as to the best thread, explaining that this is for sleepwear, not a costume.
Sew the elastic tape inside the waistband with the stretch thread, overlapping the fabric and sewing casing to cover it.
Silicone is one of the most hypoallergenic materials there is, which is why it's often used as surgical thread.
Not exactly handy enough with a needle and thread to create your own boudoir anime apparel?
The common thread in the music is bluesy, gritty guitars, minimal production, and raw vocals.
The free music downloads on the site's weekly thread are all offered by the bands themselves.
Poke a hole in the top and hang with string or thread.
The Red Star is a wandering planet in Pern's star system, and thread is an indigenous form of Red Star 'fauna' that, when the two planets are close enough, tries to migrate from one planet to the other.
Thread falls like rain, but can be burned in the air by the flaming breath of the giant dragons.
When Dragonflight begins, Pern has gone through an unusual period, during which, due to the vagueries of its orbit, the Red Star has not passed close enough to Pern to drop thread for some time (some hundreds of years).
The non-Weyr population has become used to life without thread and resent the tribute they must pay to keep the Weyrs living in luxury to fight a threat that may not exist any more.
Fairy tales and the stories, games, and ideas we weave from them help spin a thread that binds us all together.
The romantic thread woven into the Half Blood Prince has him matched up with co-star Jessie Cave who says he is a good kisser.
Trailer Addict is always a source of the latest movie trailers, and of course that's also where you'll find a feature trailer for the movie in addition to a long thread of commentary from fans.
The common thread of all elves is that they are creatures of magic.
The plot thread masterfully connects these good guys and it does the same for evil.
A thread face lift can be an affordable and convenient solution for those looking to improve their appearance.
Known as the official alternative to traditional face lifts, a thread lift is a cosmetic surgery procedure considered to be much less invasive.
Geared toward those aware of the early signs of aging appearing on their skin, a thread lift can help to relieve these symptoms, especially facial sagging on the jawline and cheeks.
Able to be performed in just a couple of hours, many patients go through a thread lift without the need for any anesthesia and can even return to work immediately following the procedure.
Fortunately for many women who cannot afford to miss much time out of their real lives in the name of beauty, there are very few side effects to a thread lift.
This is how the slang term "lunch hour face lift" was coined in reference to thread lifts.
One thing people getting a thread lift should NOT expect is an extreme alteration.
A consultation with your cosmetic surgeon should tell you what your options are and whether or not you are a good thread lift candidate.
The non-invasiveness and outpatient aspect of a thread means you save not only time but expense as well.
As a general rule, the best prospects for a thread face are those between the ages of 30 and 60 who do not have many cosmetic issues on the face.
Many seek out a thread lift due to its low cost and convenience, however you are still out time and money if it was never designed to work for you in the first place!
Put simply, a contour thread lift is a thread face lift that uses the patented Contour Threads.
Back in the day, if a woman had a skin tag, she removed it by tying thread around the base of the tag so tightly, the tag's blood supply was cut off.
There is virtually no risk of infection, but it is still wise to use precautions and run some rubbing alcohol over the thread before tying it on the tag.
Tying dental floss or some thick thread around the tag and leaving it will remove the tag after a few days.
When the topic of Internet social usage and adults comes up, often the immediate response is that the main thread of interest is sex.
The uniform should be double-stitched with costume-grade thread.
This is a thicker, tougher thread than most streetwear is made with, and it's designed to handle the extreme stresses of dancing and rapid, repetitive movement.
However, the choices in thread color and font are fairly extensive,.
Look for a coat that seems tailored to fit your body in a color you will enjoy wearing, then consider thread colors and a logo or your name.
I feel more like a ship's sailor in a storm, with shredded sails with someone handing me a needle and thread.
While importation of raw cotton increases importations of cotton thread and of cotton stuffs have rapidly decreased.
A large nematocyst, with everted thread, is seen in the right-hand ectodermal cell.
A second contraction may take place later, immediately preceding the segmentation of the thread.
It has been suggested that synapsis may be connected with the early longitudinal splitting of the thread or with the pairing of the chromosomes, but it is possible that it may be connected with the transference of nucleolar substance to the nuclear thread.
Gold-working, the making of arms and musical instruments, wood-carving, cotton, silk and gold thread weaving are of importance.
Similarly the thread of the Judaean annals in Kings is also found in 2 Samuel, although the supplementary narratives in Kings are not so rich or varied as the more popular records in the preceding books.
From this event dates the beginning of the secular strife between England and France which runs like a red thread through medieval history.
The chitinous layer is usually strengthened by thread like thickenings which, in the region close to the outer opening of the tube, form a network enclosing polygonal areas, but which, through most of the tracheal system, are arranged spirally, the strengthening thread not forming a continuous spiral, but being interrupted after a few turns around the tube.
Passing back from the centre of the web to the underside of an adjoining leaf or some other sheltered spot runs a single thread, the trap line affording passage to the spider to and from the sheltered spot and the snare itself.
This characteristic is of great economic importance, the natural twist facilitating the operation of spinning the fibres into thread or yarn.
It also distinguishes the true cotton from the silk cottons or flosses, the fibres of which have no twist, and do not readily spin into thread, and for this reason, amongst others, are very considerably less important as textile fibres.
In India it is known as Nurma or Deo cotton, and is usually stated to be employed for making thread for the turbans of the priests.
The project of a Crusade and of an attack on Constantinople wove themselves into a single thread, in a way which very definitely anticipates the Fourth Crusade of 1202-1204.
In every direction can be seen luxuriant valleys through which rivers thread their silvery way, wild chasms, magnificent waterfalls - that of Maletsunyane has an unbroken leap of over 600 f t.
In Nemertines the everted proboscis is retracted in the same way as the tip of a glove finger would be if it were pulled backwards by a thread situated in the axis and attached to the tip. The comparison may be carried still further.
The central thread just alluded to is represented in the Nemertean proboscis by that portion which is never everted, and the tip of the glove by the boundary between the evertible and non-evertible portion of the proboscis - a boundary which in the Metanemertini is marked by the presence of a pointed or serrated stylet.
To render the elongation evident, another wire is attached to its centre S2, this last having a thread fixed to its middle of which the other end is twisted round the shaft of an index needle or in some way connected to it through a multiplying gear.
The chief manufactures are silk brocades, gold and silver thread, gold filigree work, German-silver work, embossed brass vessels and lacquered toys; but the brasswork for which Benares used to be famous has greatly degenerated.
The operation is repeated with the thread in the oxidizing flame.
When Theseus landed on the island to slay the Minotaur, Ariadne fell in love with him, and gave him a clue of thread to guide him through the mazes of the labyrinth.
Its industrial establishments comprise tobacco, yarn, thread, linen and woollen cloth manufactories, bleaching and dyeing works, breweries and oil and flour mills.
Among the larger private establishments there existed in the same year seven breweries, one brandy distillery, two jam, two soap and candle factories, two building and furniture works, a factory for spinning thread, one iron and steel works, one paper and one ammonia and soda factory, and one mineral-oil refinery.
During excavations in Broad Street in 1874 many fragments of glass were found.; amongst them were part of a wine-glass, a square scent-bottle and a wine-glass stem containing a spiral thread of white enamel.
Among its products are cotton goods, especially mercerised goods, for the manufacture of which it has one of the largest plants in the country; rubber, thread, elastic fabrics, suspenders and buttons.
Wellhausen, however, remarks with justice that the thread is abruptly broken at vii.
Even if there were no such unmistakable expressions as these, the most cursory glance into Saint-Simon's writings is enough to reveal the thread of connexion between the ingenious visionary and the systematic thinker.
This machinery was operated by waterpower, then first used in the United States for the spinning of cotton thread; and from this may be dated the beginning of the factory system in Rhode Island.
It is, in fact, velvet that has passed through all the usual stages of manufacture except the cutting of the thread along each wire and the withdrawal of the wires.
In short, the little chisel becomes in his fingers a painters brush, and when it is remembered that, the basis upon which he works being simply a thread of silk, his hand must be trained to such delicacy of muscular effort as to be capable of arresting the edge of the knile at varying depths within the diameter of the tiny filament, the difficulty of the achievement will be understood.
If the electrified tray is touched with the sealing-wax or ebonite rod, it will not be discharged, but if touched with a metal wire, the hand, or a damp thread, it is discharged at once.
Let a metal ball be suspended by a silk thread, and the canister lid so fixed to the thread that when the lid is in place the ball hangs in the centre of the canister.
The materials are bound together by a tough white thread which is formed by a secretion of the kidneys of the male.
The principle is to have a constriction in the tube above the bulb so proportioned that when the instrument is upright it acts in every way as an ordinary mercurial thermometer, but when it is inverted the thread of mercury breaks at the constriction, and the portion above the point runs down the now reversed tube and remains there as a measure of the temperature at the moment of turning over.
For convenience in reading, the tube is graduated inverted, and when it is restored to its original position the mercury thread joins again and it acts as before.
A correction has, of course, to be made for the expansion or contraction of the mercury thread if the temperature of reading differs much from that of reversing.
Among its manufactures are fertilizers, bottles, carbonated beverages, flour, beer, shoes, silk thread, aprons, brooms, leather, bricks, and tiling and structural iron.
These truths, however, were hidden from Aristotle's successors, who for the most part lost the thread which Socrates had put into their hand.
Thread and flannels are also made.
According to the qualities of raw silk used and the throwing operations undergone the principal classes of thrown silk are - (1) " singles," which consist of a single strand of twisted raw silk made up of the filaments of eight to ten cocoons; (2) tram or weft thread, consisting of two or three strands of raw silk not twisted before doubling and only lightly spun (this is soft, flossy and comparatively weak); (3) organzine, the thread used for warps, made from two and rarely three twisted strands spun in the direction contrary to that in which they are separately twisted.
A silk " throwster " receives his silk in skein form, the thread of which consists of a number of silk fibres wound together to make a certain diameter or size, the separate fibre having actually been spun by the worm, and this fibre may measure anything from Soo to woo yds.
It is the spinner's business to straighten out these fibres, with the aid of machinery, and then to so join them that they become a thread, which is known as spun silk.
All silk produced by the worm is composed of two substancesfibroin, the true thread, and sericin, which is a hard, gummy coating of the " fibroin."
The fallers are travelled forwards by means of screws, and when at the end of the screw are dropped automatically into the thread of a receiving screw fixed below, which carries the fallers back to their starting point to be risen by cams into the top pair of screws thus to repeat their journey.
The machine is fitted with 20 to 40 of these bobbins placed side by side, and its product is known as " slubbing roving," it being now a soft, thick thread of silk, measuring usually either 840 or 1260 yds.
If a 2-fold or 3-fold yarn is needed, then two or more ends of the spun thread are wound together and afterwards conveyed to the twisting frame for the purpose of putting the needed twist in the yarn necessary for weaving or other requirements.
The fibre and nibs have to be cleaned off by means of a gassing machine so constructed that the end of silk (silk yarn) is frictioned to throw off the nibs, and at the same time is run very rapidly through a gas flame a sufficient number of times to burn off the hairy and fibrous matter without injuring the main thread.
It manufactures buttons, chemicals, starch, leather, tobacco, silk thread, paper, and hempen goods, as well as beer and wine.
Each upright bearing carrying the shafts of the revolving disks also carries a neutralizing conductor or wire ending in a little brush of gilt thread.
The figures are worked in silver and gold thread and coloured silks.
The manufacture of linen thread, introduced about 1720 by Christian Shaw, daughter of the laird of Bargarran, gave way in 1812 to that of cotton thread, which has since grown to be the leading industry of the town.
In a regularlyformed straight branch covered with leaves, if a thread is passed from one to the other, turning always in the same direction, a spiral is described, and a certain number of leaves and of complete turns occur before reaching the leaf directly above that from which the enumeration commenced.
The calorimeter tube was calibrated by a thread of mercury weighing 19 milligrams, which occupied eighty-five divisions.
For whatever explanation may be offered of the miraculous element in Elijah's life, it must obviously be one that accounts not for a few miraculous incidents only, which might be mere excrescences, but for a series of miraculous events so closely connected and so continuous as to form the main thread of the history.
He is girt with the sacred thread round his naked body under the breasts.
For example, if the falling body s is attached by a thread to the pendulum of a timepiece, it may be used to stop it and indicate the approximate time at which the tremor occurred.
The thread was secured by a spiral notch in the stick.
Roman times an iron hook on the top held the thread (106) as in modern spindles.
Netters are common, of rib bones, pointed (107); the thread was wound round them.
The antherozoid is a spirally-coiled thread of protoplasm, furnished at one end with a pair of cilia.
Legnano is the seat of important cotton and silk industries, with machine-shops, boiler-works, and dyeing and printing of woven goods, and thread.
Goethe had lost the thread of his romance and it was difficult for him to resume it.
The trouser string of this dress is not the usual kamarband, but is made of untwisted cotton thread called kalawa.
Rajputs also wear this thread, similar in make and length, but the knots are different.
In man, as the noblest of created things, the Trinity is seen most perfectly reflected; intellectus (vous), ratio (X6yos) and sensus (& ivota) make up the threefold thread of his being.
Among the manufactures are cotton and woollen goods, thread and printing presses.
Colmar is the centre of considerable textile industries, comprising wool, cotton and silk-weaving, and has important manufactures of sewing thread, starch, sugar and machinery.
The thread spun by the jenny could not, however, be used except as weft, being destitute of the firmness or hardness required in the longitudinal threads or warp. Arkwright supplied this deficiency by the invention of the spinning-frame, which spins a vast number of threads of any degree of fineness and hardness.
The pitch of a screw is the distance, measured parallel to its axis, between two successive turns of the same thread or helical projection.