Those Sentence Examples
Those films are being made now.
Besides, those are my animals.
It isn't one of those things you can talk through, I guess.
For the most part, the facial expressions of those sitting around the table were sympathetic, but Dulce looked as if she was ready to break into tears.
Those eyes would be mocking her, or maybe filled with fear.
Those jeans make your legs look so long.
Do those two things even compare?
My parents used to listen to those old songs.
Those hospital corridors are long and the patients are relentless.
Those differences are part of what makes us unique.
AdvertisementThose words stayed in her mind all afternoon.
Just then his eye fell upon the lanterns and the can of kerosene oil which Zeb had brought from the car of his balloon, and he got a clever idea from those commonplace things.
Those dreams were the worst.
I'll take care of those details.
Brandon, we all agreed on those rules.
AdvertisementWhat was going on behind those fantastic eyes, she couldn't say, but Pete's jaw must have dropped a mile.
Instead of science proceeding at the slow speed of time, the only limit on its progress will be processor speed—and those two speeds hardly can be compared.
What was it he said that day in the mountains... a body could be lost in those hills forever?
If you only knew what those society women are, and women in general!
And that stupid set without whom my wife cannot exist, and those women...
AdvertisementWhy don't you protect those fantastic legs with some jeans and I'll take you to explore the woods.
She couldn't have forgotten those eyes.
I remember those things.
The wreaths were so nearly alike that none of those who were with the king could point out any difference.
As this business was to be entered into without the usual capital, it may not be easy to conjecture where those means, that will still be indispensable to every such undertaking, were to be obtained.
AdvertisementThose are the plain and simple facts.
I want those in my kitchen.
Yes, I know this sounds like one of those bad infomercials.
See those clouds; how they hang!
He's one of those country fellows who can sleep in the haymow and eat with the horses.
Those rules are very few.
Life is known for those.
Thanks. Those things give me the creeps.
Don't you ever try to use one of those on me again.
Those dreams tear him up.
It would be a shame to ruin those beautiful eyes with this sun.
Well, you can do those things there.
Those ideas were stolen from me.
See what you can do with those.
And if each of those billion people in turn shared a million of their life experiences, and you recorded them, you'd have an aggregate number of life experiences so large I had to look it up online.
What if a snake had been in those bushes?
I guess those are all excuses.
Those at the tables she passed quieted and watched.
Those demons Sasha killed really deserved it.
In those days, people had not learned to be kind to their enemies.
Those hoses pack a whale of a wallop.
Those colored suns are exactly in the same place they were when we came, and if there is no sunset there can be no night.
Two childish voices laughed merrily at this action, and Dorothy was sure they were in no danger among such light-hearted folks, even if those folks couldn't be seen.
Try hauling those off.
Are those the true and natural sentiments of man?
I was going to, but then I tossed you those rabbits - and the war was on.
Maybe it was the fact that he never smiled, or the loneliness in those green eyes.
Those were the last words spoken as I turned out the light.
Whatever was between those buildings must have burned down.
I was the only one to see those visions.
None came close to the successful track record of those tips identified as coming from the notorious Psychic Tipster.
I'd have to believe someone is smart enough to tie those crimes all together.
Are those places you named near Santa Barbara?
My job is to protect people like you from monsters like those in the alley.
His memories and thoughts played like home videos, similar to those of her mate, Damian, and his adopted brothers.
You can make your own rules within those duties, she said.
Water streamed through the gutters, and those cars out in the storm crawled block-to-block.
Those two will continue to send people to kill you, just like Jule and the swordsman.
I'm rebuilding as fast as I can, but it ain't easy finding new Guardians, let alone those who make good agents.
He didn't like that she was able to pull those memories free of the prison he'd sent them to.
I will never say those words!
Those fangs are so sexy.
You will soon learn that those who lose deals with me are a desperate lot.
Let him rummage around inside it and find all those treasures himself.
When he'd finished, he asked Fred, "How many of those trunks were sold in total?"
There was a clan of 'em, those Hutchins boys.
There's lots of reasons those records don't pick up a death but it would be nice to see it listed there.
Well, I have to admit he's all of those.
There's an eighty two percent chance he'll kill you, if you're not behind those walls, the man replied.
But he told me he'd give me a choice about whether or not I wanted to be with him, even though he's obligated by those laws.
Three weeks ago, he.d bargained his soul in exchange for her taking Rhyn off her list of those to be made dead-dead.
He walked a familiar path to a graveyard so old, not even legends remained about its location or the importance of those buried there.
I.m not bound by those rules of his.
I just wasn.t expecting to be confronted with … what were those things?
He hated those words, because he was the biggest and strongest of all Death.s assassins.
Go rescue him again, so he can kill more of the Immortals, like those you sacrificed to protect him the first time!
No one knows but those who are dead-dead.
The bombshell blonde always threw good dinner parties with fun themes; this theme had been Disco Night, complete with lava lamps, disco ball, tacky '70s music that still jammed out the open windows, and costumes for those who chose to wear them.
I like the sun and sky and ocean-- what is there to say other worlds have those?
Your father's betrayer planted a traitor among those closest to you.
She dozed as she drew, caught herself twice, then dropped into sleep, unaware that those who removed the boxes were coming next for her.
And if there were more of those monstrous spiders on board, she probably did not want to wander around opening doors at random.
All the men on Romas's planet were larger than those on hers.
Her gaze was immediately riveted to that of an alien unlike those of Romas's clan.
It was just as spectacular as those on earth, a brilliant mix of pinks, oranges, burnt yellows, reds, and purples.
Many were distant enough to be the size of her fist, while those closer were the size of football stadiums.
Other thoughts were skittering through her brain, those that reminded her she was no longer on her own territory and he hadn't told her something she hadn't heard before.
Lines had been drawn on the grass, large squares like those used for wrestling, with a circle in the center.
Those don't sound like good things.
He'd spoken to his sisters in depth and learned quickly just how different she was, their tales ranging from those that ought to anger him to those that amused him.
Well, you guess correctly, and for you those are nasty, for me, not so much.
He was more intrigued by the sight of soldiers in PMF grays as well as those in the regular military's black uniforms.
They'll use those names we were all given.
He didn't know the names of everyone in the latest generation of his Guardians yet, especially not those working in the field.
Not once have you uttered those words.
He was far enough away from the Sanctuary's fortress not to cause a threat to those there, so long as the two people buffering him stayed close.
Newspaper offices should have typewriters, not those damn computers.
Still, would she ever have wanted those things?
He heard those around him disputing in whispers and one of them insisting that he should be led along a certain carpet.
To live for myself avoiding those two evils is my whole philosophy now.
On hearing those words I said good-by to the holy folk and went.
Those standing behind noticed what a speaker omitted to say and hastened to supply it.
Among the innumerable categories applicable to the phenomena of human life one may discriminate between those in which substance prevails and those in which form prevails.
The unaccustomed coarse food, the vodka he drank during those days, the absence of wine and cigars, his dirty unchanged linen, two almost sleepless nights passed on a short sofa without bedding--all this kept him in a state of excitement bordering on insanity.
We should in fact have reached those two fundamentals of which man's whole outlook on the universe is constructed--the incomprehensible essence of life, and the laws defining that essence.
But then so was the scream of a mountain lion, and she had never seen one of those, either.
Could it grow strong enough to make her forget about those who depended on her?
She started to call out to him, but a pretty young Indian girl emerged from those same bushes.
Were those Comanche Indians that we stayed with?
Of course, it would be more profitable for the ranch if I culled those animals by taking them to the slaughter house.
The more they get to eat, the more offspring they will produce, and some of those offspring will need to stake out new territory.
Maybe he was one of those men who felt they needed to protect and care for all women.
I've pondered the events of those few months so often and so deeply I know if I don't at least commit the experience to paper I'll never move forward.
The pure uniqueness of what we did virtually demands that there exist somewhere a record of what transpired and the terrible toll the results exerted on those of us involved.
Those units I use have been utilized and tested thousands of times.
Maybe one of them is like those mushrooms you hear about that book you on a psychedelic vacation.
All those folks were going about their business and now they're dead.
This causes them to be drawn to those flowers in their search of pollen.
Everyone was tired so after perfunctory greetings over a single glass of wine for those of us drinking, we retreated to our sleeping quarters.
What about those we were accusing?
I realized those receiving our tips lacked a reason to share our absolute confidence.
God, don't you remember those first few weekends?
If you tell me every little thing you know or even suspect, I'll just drive away and let you walk down the lane to one of those farm houses we passed.
I wouldn't deny one's right to fulfill love, but doing so will have serious consequences on an untold number of lives, even those you're saving.
There's a particularly brutal rapist terrorizing a college in Indiana but Howie hates those.
Four murders are getting a lot of interest but those are out of the question too.
But you don't need those numbers; I understand you've done your homework searching public records.
How could a person keep their sanity under those circumstances?
When those occasions arose, Betsy stepped in and tried to talk Howie into the state of relaxation he required.
We could always go back to throw away phones but even those were suspect when our pursuer was a high level government agency.
There can't be too many of those sold.
What do we all do, take those fake papers and run off someplace and start over, or go into hiding?
Maybe do to us what they did to those victims.
Ronnie doesn't know any of those people and he keeps saying I should step up to the plate, like it's the least I could do 'cause he already tolerates me like a bad case of hemorrhoids.
Look, just tell the gathering how painful it is to have missed all those good times by not remembering this lovely woman everyone says is such a saint.
The fiend who did that is still out there; the one who killed those children and police officer and God knows who else!
Perhaps I shall make do with those that remain here before I follow the sun westward.
Howie refuses to leave without taking all those machines with him.
What everyone did to him makes me think of what those Pennsylvania Dutch folks do; shunning is it called?
Was he truly the only person capable of doing those wondrous deeds?
At the expense of sounding immodest, I must say I am one of those who can attain this state.
You can dig through those as well.
Only those touched by fate had such vivid memories that entered her mind unbidden.
Shouldn't you be saving those people so I don't blow them up?
It was where she belonged, now that she'd helped those that needed it and lost her brother.
She snapped into motion, but he deflected her next strike as easily as he had those of the vamps he killed.
Neither of those things would matter when dealing with Xander.
Jule, can the souls of those long dead still be freed, even if they're trapped in the ground?
And those notes aren't good enough.
He maintained a shield around it that made it invisible to those who didn't know where it was.
In fact, she did see him in those positions, and in many more.
The visions were less invasive than those from others, like background music at a department store.
I don't sleep with random men, especially those who aren't … you're not even human, are you?
No human's eyes glowed red, and their inhuman growls as she passed resembled those of animals.
His family's coat of arms, if they had those then.
Would she spend eternity like this, doomed to knowing only the dark secrets of those around her?
The Guardians knew that betrayal would be confronted by Dusty, and even those loyal to Damian feared him appearing unexpectedly at their door.
His power was checked but his unusual presence enough to draw the looks of those around them.
Damian's home videos played, intertwined with those of others, until a wave of power washed over her.
Jule's smiles were less reserved than those of the other men despite his unfriendly appearance.
She didn't like those boundaries one bit.
The thought of an eternity with someone incapable of caring for her was a nightmare beyond those she had already lived.
I'm one of those TV vampires.
Why would he want the dealer behind those who hurt her?
I didn't know what to do after you showed me those pictures, Rhyn.
He also generously awarded those who helped him win battles.
Instead, she wondered if those people she lived with would punish her if they knew what she was doing.
He added, "They settle ninety percent of those things before the judge gets his robes on."
Those were taken on a very clear day, in the late afternoon sun.
While Cynthia was proud of her son Randy's athletic achievements, she always saw those abilities as a means to an end—not an end in itself.
Fine. I can hardly wait to get elected so I can get rid of those two winners you hired before you bailed out.
They pulled up in a van full of guys dressed in those white biological suits that cover you head to toe.
Bertha and I are a team, and she's a lot cheaper than renting one of those pricey new Jeeps.
What should have been unfinished was the pie you had for last night's supper and all those Fat Tire Ales.
He could lie and tell them he was a police officer or sheriff and maybe squeeze some tidbit of information about recently released mom Patsy, but surely Fitzgerald would find out and tank his election ambitions, if those aspirations weren't already six feet under.
Absent one of those gizmos to see around corners or a newspaper with a hole in it to held high like all the really cool spies do, Dean tried the direct approach.
I could go down to the courthouse myself and learn all those answers.
She stood too near, perfumed and ram-rod straight, fixing him with a level and unfaltering gaze with those arresting eyes.
We talked about writing a will, but it was one of those things you never get around to doing—we're all going to live forever.
He never did make it back to Colorado in all those years—not even for a visit.
If I find out it was one of those Dawkins boys, I'll respond in like fashion, and out in the open, not hiding behind boulders.
As much as Dean wanted to press his guest on the possibility that the bones were those of her father, he realized such a question was tasteless and inappropriate.
You don't want all those ladies to make you stand in the corner if you don't have the right answers.
If anyone would know happenings forty years ago, those guys would.
Even more disconcerting, while Dean knew a small number of those present, he didn't spot a one of Fred's supportive cronies.
Violations, especially by those supplying alcohol to minors, should be dealt with severely.
You don't print up those signs and take out newspaper ads on that short notice.
His thoughts wandered to Billy Langstrom's love-widow Melissa, now absent even those precious two commodities with which to face the world.
He grumbled something about getting one of those "take a number" dispensers the big city post offices had, right below their self-serving signs applauding their high level of service.
I forgot to tell him about those silly bones he was interested in.
Sure. He was like those guys in the musicals—loveable rogues who roll into town and catch the eye of the local star-struck gal and sweep them off their feet.
He couldn't hold a candle to my real father—the one who was there for me all those years.
If in fact those reports were all lies, he may have never even entered the Lucky Pup.
But there's no way to prove it—a good attorney would rip those allegations apart like a wet newspaper.
No one worked the Lucky Pup in those days.
Brandon's feelings about the event were intense, even after all those years.
You will find much of your power diminished, especially among those who used to bow to you.
He was happy to sit on the sidelines and wait for those hard lessons to start.
The thought of letting him run those hands wherever he wanted thrilled the human in her and terrified the former goddess.
As a goddess, she had no need for those around her to trust her.
According to the dealer I cornered, there's been some skirmishing between those loyal to you and those who want to install someone else.
Demons – especially those personally trained by Darkyn – knew how to sense weakness.
What did he do to those who hadn't taken that final step but probably would soon?
At the first sign of real trouble, those who weren't had begun to show their true allegiances.
To appreciate, one had to feel, and those born deities were somehow numbed to the world.
I plan on returning to see what my brother is doing with all those histories he's not sharing.
Those huge hands had started to explore her body in a way that left her feeling feminine, delicate, and willing to let him take control in a way she never permitted him before.
The only emotions I felt had to be so intense and when they were, they still felt nothing like those I know now, she explained.
Deidre gazed at the strange human forest, whose trees weren't alive like those of her underworld.
It never sat well with him that those charged with enforcing Death's mission served not out of choice but obligation to the deity that stole their souls.
She didn't remember what those choices involved but didn't think it mattered.
Then there were those where Darkyn was stripping off her skin and sucking her blood.
She never realized how easily he read those around him until he was throwing her thoughts into her face.
Cora was a good woman, and Gabriel needed those in his life.
How terrible it must be to hunger for things that belong to someone else – especially when one of those things is your own daughter.
Who could deny looking at those smooth bronzed features and delicious chocolate eyes that he was an unusually handsome man?
Jonathan was one of those children people dream about having.
It was one of those perfect spring days that held the promise of summer.
It was one of those uncomfortable moments that left her wondering if the odometer was what he was interested in.
It wasn't what she had said, nor would she have used those words to describe her feelings.
I was thinking about the way you rode up and saved me from those dogs.
Somehow painting those rooms didn't have the same appeal.
His expression was bland, but those delicious chocolate eyes wandered over her face in a disturbingly familiar way before he shut the door.
He was one of those medical prodigies that mentally existed on a level too removed for most people to follow.
Speaking of preying on those weaker than you, I have an interest in your … patient.
You know those Christmas lights that are shaped like red chili peppers?
I've always liked those, she murmured, pensive.
Are you one of those serial killers who marks their victims?
The writing on the tablet was too faded to make out, and the symbols he did see looked nothing like those on the compass.
If you can duplicate, I'll need as many of those as I can get.
Would walking through it prevent more issues and fix those he had?
The footsteps of those entering the kitchen were solid against the stone floor.
He'd never thought of being locked out of the underworld as an advantage, but the soul Darkyn wanted wasn't likely one of those in the lakes on the mortal world.
Pretty sure those are both in the um, mortal … world, Deidre said.
Exactly and to collect souls of those who have died by other means.
Your expectations of those around you always were too low, Deidre.
You shouldn't make those kinds of jokes.
She's learned to appreciate life and those around her, following a diagnosis of a terminal illness.
You didn't quit because you wanted to, but because you had to after breaking those laws to spare me and Hazel, Katie added, patting her stomach.
You mean those little kids are angels?
All souls – even those of deities – came to Death eventually.
While he didn't want his death-dealers to fear him, he also recognized the look in her eyes and those of the assassins behind her.
I'm taking steps to remedy those issues.
Gabe checked all of those in the mortal realm, except for … He turned, realizing Harmony hadn't been in the lineup.
The only immortals on Death's list were those who were about to become dead-dead.
The cry startled those around her, and she glanced back at the kid, who stared in her direction.
No human --nor most of those in his organization --would dream of speaking to him like that.
My father feels it's important to recognize all those who support our family's success.
He drew the eye of every woman in the room and silenced those around her with his presence.
She looked around until her eyes met those of the death dealer.
When we placed Toby with you, we altered the minds of those in your immediate family circle.
We learned that those outside of this circle are less likely to be concerned about the appearance of the child.
You talk big behind those bars, little girl.
The scars were jagged and ugly, similar to those on her arms.
He was taller than average, over six and a half feet, built like a rock with wide shoulders and tapered abdomen and hips beneath a jumpsuit similar to those worn by the prisoners.
Why not go get a stupid nymph, whatever those are?
Those idiots last night said Ancients always pick the best blood monkeys.
No one knows we're here, except those seeking refuge.
I came out to thank you for bringing me here and saving me more than once from those things.
She heard several different languages spoken before those she passed fell silent.
Thought you'd learned something after all those years in Hell.
He had to protect her while keeping her from those who could help.
If, at the end of those two months, I haven't fixed things, you'll go back to your world.
At her entrance, those in the nearest circle with Ne'Rin ceased their activity and bowed, then stood in a line and waited.
Should his blood and those who carry it be exiled, the planet dies.
One of those distant suns was hers, and maybe, one of those distant suns might be Kiera's.
Evelyn had little regret for her actions in life, even those she probably should have.
At the moment he wanted nothing more than to reach out to her, and he was uncertain whether he wanted more to kiss those perfect lips or shake some sense into her.
Those who noticed her stopped to bow as she passed them.
Mansr's words returned to him, those that wanted him to be something other than a warrior.
The Council split on sanctioning me, and those whose support Jetr swayed for me are sending their armies to battle.
She sat down, growing oblivious to those around her as she manipulated and modified the battlefield.
The planet welcomed him home, reminded him that his own life-- and those of his people-- was tied to it.
I just issued the evacuation order for those remaining.
But it's too bad she didn't send you one of those itsy-bitsy outfits all the really cool skaters wear, he answered.
So you could show off those incredible legs of yours and I could watch your cute little boom-boom as I followed you, gliding around the rink.
He added, "When you're doing all those double Lutzes and triple Saulchows and stuff...just like on TV."
Belfair is on the planet Draghow now and those Draghonian men are something else!
He compared the letters in the book to those on the hems of the garments.
And there are 'teddy' guys, you know, guys who drool over those short little outfits that leave nothing to the imagination.
She wore those half-stockings that were supposed to be hidden by something far longer than what covered her pudgy legs, which were streaked with the stark blue of veins looking like a map of a very congested and curvy area.
She added, Perhaps I'll find one of those clocks that just flashes lights!
She used to talk of Annie all the time, tell us how brave her sister was, how she and the Reverend administered to the sick, and those women.
I bought her one of those phone cards so she can call without Shipton knowing about it.
He was able to ski from the summit, but only on those slopes and trails designated blue or green, novice or intermediate.
How's about I cook up those muffins and stuff.
In spite of the cold, I try to open the window to rid this room of the smoke and whiskey breath of those who visited here, but the frame is frozen fast.
Listen to the words— 'smoke and whiskey breath of those who visited here' and look at the pronoun.
He'll have to abandon it, if Annie Quincy really is—one of those girls.
You trust those to hold you?
No, I don't have any of those little playthings, at least not yet.
What those women had to endure.
Some of those ads are a chuckle but it's hard work.
There's only those few pages finished.
Now that you're going to make a little money on those gold coins, added to what you took in on that Flotsam Electronics stock last June, maybe you should consider seeing the light and turning Republican.
On those special nights I nervously leave the back door unlatched, and quietly steal to my bed.
Those two get along right well.
Piles of gear were stacked about while partners called out to those below, fed line and encouragement, while others watched, a number with anxious looks on their reddened faces as they looked downward.
Besides, you don't report to Corday or those guys—he's State, you're County.
My dearest Joshua has been absent for near a week now, bound to the duties of his calling, and those of his wife who is much involved in the charities of our city.
Perhaps, he thought, we are all owed contemplation of our actions, as a parting gift to those who succeed us so they might somehow learn from our deeds and mistakes.
Dean's mind churned the details of the recent happenings, trying to make sense of Shipton's orchestrated plunge to the river, and the strange reactions of those still sleeping beneath Bird Song's roof, and elsewhere.
Are you going to tell everyone...those awful stories about my great-aunt?
The building was a superb example of craftsmanship from an era when quality was meant to survive those skilled men who proudly worked it.
Aren't you going to ask me all those stock questions like 'Weren't you tempted?
Since the first time I stepped inside I had a sense of all of the love and happiness and peace those walls have witnessed.
Maybe now things will be quiet enough so I'll have time to contemplate all those high level philosophical concepts.
Of course, all of those conditions are unacceptable to the responsible drunk.
Why would I want those papers any more than I want Shipton's garbage?
But those things cost big bucks.
I've got too much going for me right now to be thinking about those jerks.
I can't understand those climbers....
If he thinks I'm going put those stupid things on my feet and swing down there like some mountain goat, he's crazier than I am for coming out here in the first place.
Beyond possessing those meager details, wife and stepfather were clueless.
Even the most ardent smoker wouldn't be outside in those skimpy duds.
I've read up on some of the stuff those fellas can do.
Think what those hundred-year-old drawers looked like to someone who didn't know what they were.
I am miserable in your absence yet the simple memory of you is enough to sustain me during those interminably long intervals when we are apart.
He had been with women before, but always those of questionable virtue.
His feelings towards Sarah resembled those toward his older sister, Emily, whom he idolized as a caregiver, teacher, and confident.
And those he has already created?
This is yours if you get those puppies bagged and ready to go in under three minutes.
Don't you want to try those on?
All those colors didn't come from a bottle.
Her eyes, her hair, those legs, the way she moved, her full, rich voice, but mostly that feeling when their eyes connected.
Are those the new Zanotti's?
Although he wouldn't have given up those days for anything, he felt this to be more like a family, closer to what life had been like as a human.
Let's go check on those desserts.
So, when are you going to show me what you've really got in those hands?
As he closed the door, Elisabeth asked, "Are you going to let me drive all those?"
Just long enough for him to grab one of those.
You had those kids wrapped around your finger.
As she descended, he thought, God, those legs make me dizzy.
Sarah really does want me to carve all those pumpkins, doesn't she?
Why are all those art supplies over there?
No, I want to watch those fingers at work.
Precisely. Many a man has tried to break through those walls, but you are the first to succeed.
And we already have all those supplies downstairs.
He pulled her close, murmuring into her hair, "Just so you know, I plan to take those ankle socks off with my teeth later."
I gave you one pass, but if you ever look at me like lunch again, I'll rip those fangs out of your head and shove them so far up your ass they'll reattach.
And if you had met her all those years ago, do you think you would have?
Josh and his group lost those rogues in Canada.
Don't all of the ruling pack have those abilities?
The smile with those full lips was sad, sweet and somehow innocent.
Let me get those.
Was that what Katie meant all those times she indicated his looks weren't his strongest point?
Those factors went together like sulfur and a spark.
Those eyes were warm, reflecting a mood somewhere between sober and light humor.
You'd better go in and get out of those wet clothes.
How about some of those left over biscuits instead?
She gazed up into those warm eyes.
What was going on behind those dark eyes?
She lifted her head and gazed into those delicious dark chocolate eyes.
It isn't one of those things that you tell someone until you've already become involved.
I can't tell you how wonderful those words sound.
I thought those were things you might like to buy.
And when he came out of those trees without you...
And when I came out of those trees, I thought the worst too... when I saw you and Josh together.
To be honest, thinking about the responsibility of making those decisions was overwhelming at times.
From the expression on Lori's face at those times, she didn't think the romance was over either – at least not for Josh.
It was best not to think about those things.
He hadn't issued an emergency order over the nets of those who worked for him, and he'd asked someone in the regular military to contact her rather than calling out his special security forces.
The PMF—Poor Man's Front—had started as a protest during the war against the elite that ultimately won and divided the American society between those who lived comfortably—and everyone else.
It's a feds hospital, wrapped in armor and surrounded by one of those biohazard elimination fields and landmines.
Past the fencing was a sandy stretch where the landmines awaited those foolish enough to cross.
We can do nothing here without supplies and without more men to replace those that have died the past few weeks, Larry said, frustration in his voice.
One of those with access was declared unfit; did he have enough scruples left to steal and hide three more keypads?
You're talking about high treason at the VP level at least to access those things.
With some dread, she hunched her shoulders to keep anyone from looking at her micro and opened those from Mr. Tim.
Those in the room obeyed, too stunned to speak on their way out.
Greenie—and those he was working with—would be crazy not to pursue her, once they found out what she did.
His movements were restrained and fluid, effortless like those of a great cat.
We can use those for supplies.
I have reason to believe that's about the only place that hasn't been infiltrated by those professing allegiance to East or West.
Lana never thought she'd end up in the middle of a forest, defended by the PMF against those who seemed to want to start a second East-West civil war.
The adversaries were regrouping, with one barking orders to those remaining.
The weight of those secrets robbed her of her appetite and made her feel tired again, even after a full night of rest.
I'll go to those I trust and warn them.
As sorry as she felt for all those who died, she felt relieved knowing she had the Horsemen and not Greenie or anyone who might inflict this level of damage to the country.
She looked back at the lines of those who fled, overwhelmed again.
She'd meet the same fate as those on the road to the bridge.
Of course, most of those travel days were by vehicle of some sort.
We turned those buildings into a makeshift hospital.
Of course, she'd spent the last twenty years in the competitive upper-class circles, learning how to keep out of the way of those who would use her to get to Mr. Tim.
They left the town and joined those in the field beside the river.
It's gotta be huge to contain all those people.
The strain was visible in the faces of many, though those he saw were in good health and fed.
Lana gazed at her, unable to shake her surprise that those in this small community were the opposite of what she expected.
A surprised silence fell over those in the street before someone bellowed.
Lana went, troubled that someone had discovered her and endangered the lives of those in the town.
I'll get those later, Mr. Tim replied.
And keep those keys safe.
She's bound by rules older than she is. She may have interfered somewhere she shouldn't have. There are Immortal Codes too old for even me to know and some that only the deities know. I think she violated one of those.
If you call me any of those things, I'll hang you upside down from this tree and watch you starve.
I will get you out, and you can do those things. We can do those things together. I swear it.
I don't know why I am the way I am. I don't even know much of the Immortal Code, just the few key parts Andre used to lecture me about. Loyalty to my brothers, my mate, the Immortals, humanity. Respect for Death and her domain. Other variations of those.
But I'd only kill things that threatened those who couldn't protect themselves.
You paid for two deaths. Gabe came to collect, and those two lives … disappeared. They're in my underworld right now, running from me.
Maybe Katie had known this was how it would end when they'd last met in his dream. Maybe this was his penance for being what he was. Rhyn didn't know, but he knew he couldn't choose his own interests over those of humanity.
Death lowered the hand displaying the end of the world scenario. The images of Gabe fighting demons switched to those of Katie on the beach under the moonlight. Rhyn's breath caught at the sight of her. She appeared exhausted, tattered, and drenched from the underworld rain. She'd never looked as beautiful as she did, even if she looked as if she'd just left the underworld. Toby was with her, pulling her from the beach towards the Sanctuary.
You'll never hear those words again.
Those are all the foster kids that have come to stay with us.
If you ask me, those Norfolk guys would be better off checking the airports than the bottom of the bay.
During those years no man had shared her life, but just before Dean was released from the Army, he received surprising word of his mother's second marriage.
He was one of those guys who drank beer all night, smoked Camels and never practiced while I broke my butt and sat on the bench.
Vinnie, those guys don't make mistakes.
What do you know about those two piles of dump?
No. It was just one of those unanswered details I picked up on and figured I'd ask.
There wasn't any bumping and grinding and those beds are noisy.
Scranton, Pennsylvania is one of those eastern cities whose past glories were years earlier than the memory of any living citizen.
You wouldn't believe what shit went on up there, just because I told a couple of those jerks what I thought about them pawing me.
I won't give those shit heads the satisfaction of seeing me cry.
Neither of those two ever did anything alone.
Dean knew if he were honest with himself he'd admit he was tickled pink during those few hours that it appeared Jeffrey Byrne's body had been found.
I didn't show those punks anything but my badge when I hassled them at Baratto's place last Sunday.
That must be coffee money for those clowns.
Those guys will get smart.
You sicced those gangster sons-of-bitches on Cynthia Byrne too!
I mean, I didn't pay much attention those times I saw him but it looks like the guy.
My notes about Cleary and our investigation in Scranton were down here when those bozos broke in.
Cleary, Corbin, any single guy, a motor home with paper Pennsylvania plates that checked in on the May dates we know— any of those things.
Saturday was one of those days with weather so perfect as to remember weeks after its passing.
I bought one of those answering machines and I let the phone ring until it gives my messages and I find out who's calling.
You're not drinking those awful manhattans are you?
Parkside would remain untainted and a favored place to live and raise healthy, God fearing children who would become model citizens like those to whom he spoke.
Yes, those city bad boys might continue to kill one another but the innocents of this fair city had little to fear for their own.
But those rigs can go for a lot of dough.
Might it have been one of those situations where Fred mentioned something to Cora Abernathy who told it to her second cousin, once removed, whose brother-in-law's best friend was seeing the sister of Arthur's housekeeper?
Look, I don't have those kinds of friends.
They had considered showing Jeffrey Byrne's picture to some of the bike tour workers, especially those volunteers manning the frequent rest stops where every biker would pass sooner or later.
He was suddenly not sure just how strong those misgivings were.
We don't talk about those years very much—my life before I met you.
She gazed at those smooth bronzed features and nodded.
When the gifts were all packed in the truck, Carmen left Alex at the truck and went back in to thank Mums and those who had remained at the house.
Josh towered over her, gazing down at her with those unreadable gray eyes.
It wasn't as if she were wearing a bikini, and her only physical attributes were a flat abdomen and smooth curves – well, those and her breasts, but they were over proportioned - out of balance, so to speak.
Alex was willing to assume one of those duties long before they were engaged.
It was one of those rare evenings when she regretted not having a television.
Those cool gray eyes studied her face reflectively.
Somehow those two statements don't seem to go together.
It was strange how something like those diamond earrings could stir her interest in the wedding, but it did.
Now she was beginning to think about those things during waking hours.
I didn't even know I was having all those feelings.
Those were the things that made loving him so satisfying – so exciting.
Those delicious chocolate eyes were so gentle.
If you want to feed those nasty things, have at it.
Those days were gone for him.
Those dark eyes were studying her intently.
Maybe she could take some of those classes.
Those delicious milk chocolate eyes and long black lashes were hypnotic.
It was one of those moments when the world ceased to exist around them.
It was going to be one of those evenings when lovemaking lasted gracefully for hours.
She moved close to him and gazed up into those delicious chocolate eyes.
Those are the things that have true value.
Those days were filled with the fun of taking care of the twins.
And then, all those times when she had come home late, talking about the babies.
She covered his hands with hers and gazed up into those delicious chocolate pools.
They would learn those things with or without children, but they could enjoy the intimacy of them much better when it was merely the two of them.
The calf could be injured, and she might develop a fear of those caring for her.
You be careful around those horses.
We agreed that I would make those decisions.
He glanced up sharply and a shadow passed over those warm eyes.
Those '65 Chevy trucks are worth a bundle now.
Those two traits had been important factors in her decision to marry him.
Those chores kept the dark side from moving in.
But those were things she pushed to the back of her mind.
She had forgotten how delicious those chocolate eyes could be.
Those dark eyes were pools of emotion.
He had said those words before, and he thought she was sorry now.
You leave those suitcases in the closet.
He was one of those people who came instantly wide awake and fell asleep with equal speed.
In those times there were even some kings who could not read.
Those are the ones we call antiques today.
If it required those things, the computer couldn't do it.
Those are only some of the most significant factors contributing to hunger in the world today.
Then I learned what those papers were, and that my father edited one of them.
Those are passages of which one would ask for more.
But to confine myself to those who are said to be in moderate circumstances.
Denisov came from those parts and knew the country well.
He had said those words on their wedding night.
There are those who would see the gates ruptured in pursuit of the mortal world.
You are all that stands between him and those who live in this world.
He didn't want those memories, though.
Jonny should know to respect the dead enough to bury or burn those he killed.
Neither of those things are possible, Guardian.
Who taught you to make those anyway?
We set up sensors and shit, and I can then go hunt down and kill those who are here.
One eye still glowed gold, the telltale sign of those born into the White God's family.
She wondered what a life surrounded by those with the luxury to care for one another was like.
I need those good memories.
The first lesson I taught Jonny was that those people closest to his target were vulnerabilities.
Suddenly, the secrets of those around him began to crack open.
You know I can't tell you those things.
Nothing happens to those who pass between worlds.
Do those who cross over have increased powers?