Thoroughly Sentence Examples
I promised you I'd investigate this as thoroughly as I could.
The climate is thoroughly continental.
Never had she felt such an intense and thoroughly delightful emotion.
Jackson thoroughly enjoyed watching her.
Yet he thoroughly believed in honesty and the like virtues.
He was instinctively and thoroughly convinced that it was impossible for him to live otherwise than as he did and that he had never in his life done anything base.
She wanted to explain herself more thoroughly but I shushed her and continued with business.
Long enough to be thoroughly turned on.
It was still early, but he would hang back for a bit and check things out thoroughly before going into action.
She had lived in an apartment by herself for several years now and thoroughly enjoyed the solitude.
AdvertisementThe ship was steered into the river, and there careened and thoroughly repaired.
Cromwell thoroughly approved of the enormous scheme of confiscation and colonization, causing great privations and sufferings, which was carried out.
All the piled up stress and remorse bubbled up and she was suddenly and thoroughly consumed with seething rage.
And the Directory of Public Worship has shaped and coloured, perhaps too thoroughly, the ritual and atmosphere of every group of Protestant Anglo-Saxon worshippers throughout the world, except Episcopalians.
The equipment of the standing army is thoroughly modern, the infantry being provided with Mauser rifles and the artillery with Krupp batteries.
AdvertisementMarconi's successes and the demonstrations he had given of the thoroughly practical character of this system of electric wave telegraphy stimulated other inventors to enter the same field of labour, whilst theorists began to study carefully the nature of the physical operations involved.
One day spent with the blind children made me feel thoroughly at home in my new environment, and I looked eagerly from one pleasant experience to another as the days flew swiftly by.
This conception, according to Lotze, is neither necessary nor thoroughly intelligible.
Also it requires a long series of years to give thoroughly representative results for any element, and few stations possess more than a year or two's dissipation data.
Although thoroughly devoted to the ideals of monasticism, he discharged his episcopal duties with remarkable zeal and fidelity.
AdvertisementAs regards the Brahman, he would doubtless be chosen from one of those other three classes, but would be expected to have made himself thoroughly conversant with the texts and ritual details appertaining to all the officiating priests.
Before he was thoroughly awake next morning everybody had already left the hut.
Strong testimony to the beneficial result of their labours was borne by a thoroughly impartial commission, presided over by Sir Godfrey Lagden, which in1903-1905investigated the status and condition of the natives of South Africa.
His intellect was profound and comprehensive, thoroughly qualified to grapple with the deepest problems of metaphysics, but by natural preference occupying itself mainly with the practical and moral.
With the Liberal reaction and strong reform movement which characterized the earlier years of Alexander II.'s reign (1855-1881) he thoroughly sympathized, and for some time he warmly advocated the introduction of liberal institutions of the British type, but when he perceived that the agitation was assuming a Socialistic and Nihilist tinge, and that in some quarters of the Liberal camp indulgence was being shown to Polish national aspirations, he gradually modified his attitude until he came to be regarded by the Liberals as a renegade.
AdvertisementHis Amphitryons is a free imitation of the Latin, yet thoroughly national in spirit and cast in the popular redondilha; the dialogue is spirited, the situations comic. King Seleucus derives from Plutarch and has a prose prologue of real interest for the history of the stage, while Filodemo is a clever tragi-comedy in verse with prose dialogues interspersed.
He is purely medieval in subject and spirit, his lyrics are perfect in form and expression, his diction thoroughly popular.
If, however, it were negative, the displacement of the liquids which tends to enlarge the surface of contact would be aided by the molecular forces, so that the liquids, if not kept separate by gravity, would at length become thoroughly mixed.
The study of language as it existed in Varro's day was thoroughly dominated by Stoic influences.
He was thoroughly alive to the importance of not arguing merely from the forms and meanings of words as they existed in his day, and was fully conscious that language and its mechanism should be studied historically.
On the latter occasion the work of destruction was carried out so thoroughly that only one house escaped; this being a quaintly decorated erection in the Marktplatz, which is now the Hotel zum Ritter.
During the four years of its existence it has been usual to say that the biography of Pitt is the history of England, so thoroughly was he identified with the great events which make this period, in so far as the external relations of the country are concerned, one of the most glorious in her annals.
Deprived of her most valuable colonies both in the East and in the West, and thoroughly defeated on the continent, her humiliation was the beginning of a new epoch in history.
Toland, writing at first professedly without hostility to any of the received elements of the Christian faith, insisted that Christianity was not mysterious, and that the value of religion could not lie in any unintelligible or self-contradictory elements; though we cannot know the real essence of God or of any of his creatures, yet our beliefs about God must be thoroughly consistent with reason.
It sought to look not a few facts full in the face, from a new point of view and with a thoroughly modern though unhistorical spirit.
The force is well controlled, and the work of cleaning and removing snow after a heavy fall is thoroughly and efficiently carried out.
The interior was transformed in the 18th century to the Renaissance style, and the whole church thoroughly restored in 1877-1896.
But the popes, thoroughly irritated and alarmed, and hopeless of aid from the East, turned to the family which was rising into power among the Franks of the West, the mayors of the palace of Austrasia.
The assault was thoroughly successful, although the column which was to enter the city by the Lahore gate sustained a temporary check.
Early study and travel had indeed furnished him with abundant material for rhetorical illustration; and he was also a great reader of newspapers, but he used to say that he knew in his whole life but one thing thoroughly, namely, the history of the English Civil War, and there were few occasions when he could not draw from it the needful illustration.
Of late years this mosque has been thoroughly restored, and one portion is now used as a museum in which all objects of interest discovered in the surrounding country are exhibited.
He was, it is clear, thoroughly penetrated with the instincts, the hopes, and the ideas of the Renaissance in the form which it took in France, in England and in Germany - a form, that is to say, not merely humanist but full of aspirations for social and political improvement, and above all for a joyous, varied, and non-ascetic life.
He had thoroughly convinced himself of the abuses to which monachism lent itself.
In the electrolytic method from o 5 to 5 grammes of ore are treated in a flask or beaker, with a mixture of io cc. of nitric and ro cc. of sulphuric acid, until thoroughly decomposed.
The West Gothic kings largely adopted Roman manners and culture; but, as they still kept to their original Arian creed, their rule never became thoroughly acceptable to their Catholic subjects.
The oldest church, the Dom (St Mary's), founded in 1215, was burned in 1547, and the present building dates from the second half of the 16th century, but has been thoroughly restored since 1883.
The residue is removed to a calico filter and thoroughly washed with boiling water, the wash water being reboiled and used time after time.
The mass, along with certain proportions of water, scrap-iron and mercury, is then placed in barrels, which are made to rotate so that the several ingredients are thoroughly mixed.
The chapel was built in 1484 by Matteo Civitali, a local sculptor of the early Renaissance (1436-1501); he was the only master of Tuscany outside Florence who worked thoroughly in the Florentine style, and his creations are among the most charming works of the Renaissance.
His mother was a lady of the Fadeyev family, by whom he was brought up as a member of the Eastern Orthodox Church and thoroughly imbued with nationalist feeling in the Russian sense of the term.
He was therefore not at all persona grata in Berlin, but the German imperial authorities learned by experience that he was an opponent to be respected, who understood thoroughly the interests of his country, and was quite capable of adopting if necessary a vigorous policy of reprisals.
In 1614 Cornelis Jacobsen Mey explored the lower Delaware, and two years later Cornelis Hendricksen more thoroughly explored this stream.
It was not until a large number of lives had been sacrificed, and many bushrangers brought to the scaffold, that the offence was thoroughly stamped out in New South Wales, only to reappear some years afterwards in Victoria under somewhat similar conditions.
In spite of a perhaps exaggerated admiration for his hero, Gruel displays in his work so much good faith, insight and originality that he is accepted as a thoroughly trustworthy authority.
It is the material of poetry not thoroughly worked out.
This whole prophecy, which is perhaps the most interesting in the Book of Daniel, presents problems which can never be thoroughly understood, first because the author must have been ignorant of both history and chronology, and secondly, because, in his effort to be as mystical as possible, he purposely made use of indefinite and vague expressions which render the criticism of the passage a most unsatisfactory task.
Perhaps the best criticism of Edwards's philosophy as a whole is that, instead of being elaborated on purely rational principles, it is mixed up with a system of theological conceptions with which it is never thoroughly combined, and that it is exposed to all the disturbing effects of theological controversy.
The enemy were thoroughly routed, but Campbell lost the opportunity of pushing the victory home by forbidding Outram to cross the bridge in pursuit if he thought he would lose a "single man," and by sending the cavalry away from the environs of the city at the critical moment.
He disliked his immediate chief Grenville, one of the Whigs who joined Pitt, and a man of thoroughly Whiggish aristocratic insolence, In 1799 he left the foreign office and was named one of the twelve commissioners for India, and in 1800 joint paymaster of the forces, a post which he held till the retirement of Pitt in 1801.
During the absence or illness of his father Gustavus repeatedly acted as regent, and was therefore already thoroughly versed in public affairs when he succeeded to the Swedish throne on the 8th of December 1907, the crown of Norway having been separated from that of Sweden in 1905.
This change was effected smoothly, for though William had many differences with Amsterdam, he had in Anthony Heinsius (van der Heim), who was grand pensionary of Holland from 1690 to his death in 1720, statesman whom he thoroughly trusted, who worked with him in the furtherance of his policy during life and who continued to carry out that policy after his death.
Thus, as in the case of many Roman coloni, thoroughly free settlers gradually lapsed into a state of perpetual subjection from which they could not emancipate themselves by legal means.
A thoroughly healthy, well-balanced, harmonious nature, accepting life as it came, with all its joys and sorrows, and living it beautifully and hopefully, without canker and without uncharity.
Then, being unlike other cavalry of the time, a thoroughly disciplined force, the Eastern Association cavalry rallied, leaving the pursuit to the Scots light horse.
By this time the rainy season has thoroughly set in, and the field is dammed up so as to retain the water.
The dress of the men was thoroughly Turkish except for their lambskin caps, that of the women half Greek, half Turkish.
As in Walachia at a somewhat later date, the Phanariote regime seemed now thoroughly established in Moldavia, and it became the rule that every three years the voivode should procure his confirmation by a large baksheesh, and every year by a smaller one.
Since 1828, when national political parties were first thoroughly organized in the state, the Democrats had been supreme, and carried Missouri on the pro-slavery side of every issue of free and slave territory.
But the treatment is thoroughly bad.
The English starling is stated to be the only European bird to have thoroughly established itself in the colony.
No better time could be found for establishing the Bond than the present, when the consciousness of nationality has been thoroughly aroused by the Transvaal war."..
The unspeakable vices of Mecca are a scandal to all Islam, and a constant source of wonder to pious pilgrims.8 The slave trade has connexions with the pilgrimage which are not thoroughly clear; but under cover of the pilgrimage a great deal of importation and exportation of slaves goes on.
Into this trench socalled " puddled clay," that is, clay rendered plastic by kneading with water, is filled and thoroughly worked with special tools, and trodden in layers.
The faces of the work may be of squared masonry, thoroughly tied into the hearting; but, in view of the expansion and contraction mentioned below, it is better that the face masonry should not be coursed.
This, if the dam had been thoroughly well constructed, either with hydraulic lime or Portland cement mortar, would have been easily borne.
A thoroughly trustworthy and experienced workman should be selected to lay the pipes, with instructions to set no pipes until he is satisfied that the depth of the drains and level of the bottoms are correct.
It was a fortunate circumstance that these disputes did not so thoroughly damp Newton's ardour as he at the time felt they would.
The terms were that they should give hostages, that they should depart for ever from Wessex, and that their king Guthrum should do homage to Alfred as overlord, and submit to be baptized, with thirty of his chiefs, Not only were all these conditions punctually fulfilled, but (what is more astonishing) the Danes had been so thoroughly cured of any desire to try their luck against the great king that hey left him practically unmolested for fourteen years (878892).
Even before his capture it seemed that Scotland was thoroughly tamed, and was destined to share the fate of Wales.
But so thoroughly was the spirit of the country roused, that many even of the new corporations were set against Jamess declaration, and he had therefore to abandon for a time the hope of seeing it accepted even by a packed House of Commons.
The ministry asserted, what no competent jurist would now think of denying, that parliament is sovereign; but they went heartily with Pitt in pronouncing the exercise of the right of taxation in the case of the American colonists to be thoroughly impolitic and inexpedient.
But it cannot be disguised that Burke had thoroughly persuaded himself that it was indispensable in the interests of English freedom to strengthen the party hostile to the court.
It is distinguished by a simple yet thoroughly philosophical treatment of the ideas of number and magnitude, as well as by the introduction of new abbreviated processes of computation, to which De Morgan always attributed much practical importance.
Thoroughly intellectualist, and rational, and supernaturalist, it has no one to champion it to-day, yet its influence is everywhere.
As an historian his breadth of view is remarkable for his time; for although thoroughly imbued with the classical spirit of the 18th century, he was able to do justice to the middle ages.
He was thoroughly and unchangeably a Jew.
The cathedral, founded in 1794 and finished in 1809, and thoroughly restored in 1903, can accommodate 5000 persons; it contains the tomb of Count Michael Vorontsov, governor-general from 1823 to 1854, who contributed much towards the development and embellishment of the city.
When Monge announced the intention of attacking Great Britain on behalf of the English republicans, the British government and nation were thoroughly alarmed and roused; and when the news of the execution of Louis XVI.
Enclosed by Hanriot's troops and thoroughly cowed, the Convention decreed the arrest of the Committee of Twelve and of twenty-two principal Girondins.
The finances had been so thoroughly ruined that the government could not have met its expenses without the plunder and the tribute of foreign countries.
The immense mass of material has not yet been thoroughly sifted; and the passions of that age still disturb the judgment of the historian.
The wheat used for this purpose is carefully selected after the harvest of the previous year, and is thoroughly cleaned of foreign seeds.
These machines can only be used where the wheat ripens thoroughly standing in the field.
Fortunately, Biren was, sufficiently prudent not to meddle with foreign affairs or with the army, and these departments in the able hands of two other foreigners, who thoroughly identified themselves with Russia, Andrei Osterman and Burkhardt Miinnich (q.v.) did great things in the reign of Anne.
The climate is thoroughly Arctic. In the northern parts unbroken daylight in summer and darkness in winter last from two to three months each; and through the greater part of the country the sun does not rise at mid-winter or set at midsummer.
This pantheistic doctrine harmonized thoroughly with the Stoic view of human good; but being unable to conceive substance idealistically, they (with considerable aid from the system of Heraclitus) supplied a materialistic side to their pantheism, - conceiving divine thought as an attribute of the purest and most primary of material substances, a subtle fiery aether.
But however Oriental may have been the cast of mind that welcomed this theosophic asceticism, the forms of thought by which these views were philosophically reached are essentially Greek; and it is by a thoroughly intelligible process of natural development, in which the intensification of the moral consciousness represented by Stoicism plays an important part, that the Hellenic pursuit of knowledge culminates in a preparation for ecstasy, and the Hellenic idealization of man's natural life ends in a settled antipathy to the body and its works.
Finally in the exposition of Christian Justice the Stoic doctrine of the natural union of all human interests is elevated to the full height and intensity of evangelical philanthropy; the brethren are reminded that the earth was made by God a common possession of all, and are bidden to administer their means for the common benefit; Ambrose, we should observe, is thoroughly aware of the fundamental union of these different virtues in Christianity, though he does Cicero's works are unimportant in the history of ancient ethics, as their philosophical matter was entirely borrowed from Greek treatises now lost; but the influence exercised by them (especially by the De officiis) over medieval and even modern readers was very considerable.
In this respect his system presents a striking contrast to Cumberland's, whose treatise De Legibus Naturae (1672), though written like More's in Latin, is yet in its ethical matter thoroughly modern.
The German propaganda had done its work so thoroughly that a large section of the community were now entirely out of sympathy with Venizelos' war policy.
This bread is made by burying the materials for months, till the mass is thoroughly fermented and homogeneous, when it is dug up and cooked by baking or steaming.
He was critical rather than constructive, widely read and trained thoroughly both in languages and in science, but deficient in speculative power and original force.
The lower Shannon was more thoroughly occupied by the Norsemen, with which fact the rise of Limerick is associated.
One good result of the famine was thoroughly to awaken Englishmen to their duty towards Ireland.
Anselm was not thoroughly satisfied with this reasoning; it started from a posteriori grounds, and contained several converging lines of proof.
At his suggestion, or with his advice, the naval administration was thoroughly overhauled.
This is a thoroughly good example of the savage myths (as in Peru, according to Acosta) by which beasts and anthropomorphic gods and stars are all jumbled together.'
Nowhere else in the Greek world was the pleasure of the individual so thoroughly subordinated to the interest of the state.
Snow falls on all the higher mountain ranges, and on the highest the climate is thoroughly Alpine.
He was thoroughly unscrupulous, stopping at nothing to maintain the supremacy of the Mountain, and rendered it great service by his rapid work, by the telling phases of his oratory, and by his clear expositions of the problems of the day.
He gave it as a fief to Albert of Saxony, who thoroughly crushed out all resistance.
From one of the monks he also received instruction in logic; but the subtleties of the scholastic science were thoroughly distasteful to him.
The spread of Mahommedanism was so rapid in the first years after the conquest that it is impossible to believe that the country had been thoroughly christianized.
The monarchy became thoroughly hereditary, and one main source of anarchy was closed.
The measure was thoroughly popular with the nation, but it was industrially more injurious than a foreign invasion need have been.
The government under him was thoroughly bad, and the persecution of the Jacobins, that is of all those suspected of Liberal sentiment, ferocious.
The Italian prince had put himself into a thoroughly false position, in which the nearest approach to friends he could find were intriguing politicians who sought to use him as a tool, and where every man of honest principles, royalist or republican, looked upon him as an in- truder.
These additional burdens rendered it necessary that taxation and the budget should be thoroughly reorganized.
It naturally follows that bee-life is there regarded very slightly by cornparison, and the " bee-garden " in England becomes the " bee-yard " in America, where the apiarist when at work must thoroughly protect himself from being stung, and, safe in his immunity from damage, cares little for bee-life in getting through his task, the loss of a few hundred bees being considered of.
In France, Carbonarism began to take root about 1820, and was more thoroughly organized than in Italy.
Between 1870 and 1900 local trade and population increased rapidly, owing partly to improved means of communication; and the appearance of Cieza is thoroughly modern.
As soon as the material gathered is large enough to be thoroughly classified and critically examined, a true history of early Palestine will be within measurable distance.
Some of the species are thoroughly aquatic and have fully webbed toes, others are terrestrial, except during the breeding season, others are adapted for burrowing, by means of the much-enlarged and sharp-edged tubercle at the base of the inner toe, whilst not a few have the tips of the digits dilated into disks by which they are able to climb on trees.
That the Nights which we have are not the original translation of the Hezar Afsane is certain, for the greater part of the stories are of Arabian origin, and the whole is so thoroughly Mahommedan that even the princes of remote ages who are introduced speak and act as Moslems. It might be conceived that this is due to a gradual process of modernization by successive generations of story-tellers.
In other stories the scene lies in Persia or India, and the source is foreign, but the treatment thoroughly Arabian and Mahommedan.
A visit to Boston seems to have thoroughly confirmed the conclusion, to which reason had already led him, that he should cast in his fortunes with the colonists.
The great pirate city was not in fact thoroughly tamed till its conquest by France in 1830.
Both these vessels are mounted on a rocking base, so that the acid can be thoroughly agitated while the machine is being worked.
Distilled water is frequently used, as well as the water produced by the condensation of the steam from the engine, which of course must be thoroughly purified and filtered.
The frequent occurrence of such names as Asplenium, Adiantum, Davallia, and other Polypodiaceous genera in lists of fossil ferns is thoroughly misleading.
It is obvious that many of these Swiss Miocene plants will need more close study before their specific characters, or even their generic position, can be accepted as thoroughly made out; still, this will not affect the general composition of the flora, with its large proportion of deciduous trees and evergreens, and its noticeable deficiency in many of our largest living families.
All available evidence must be collected, thoroughly sifted, soberly weighed, and, lastly, the historian must be animated by a sincere love of truth and a calm impartiality.
At the present time the method adopted by Buchheim, or some modification of it, is the most scientific. As the result of painstaking investigations he grouped together all those substances having similar actions, giving to each group the name of its best-known or most thoroughly investigated member.
It is fine, tenacious and bright red, and represents the insoluble and thoroughly weathered impurities which are left behind when the calcareous matter is removed in solution by carbonated waters.
He was so meticulous - so thoroughly masculine and sexy.
How could he have been so ardent last night and then so thoroughly indifferent this morning?
As Dean served them, it was apparent any early attempts at public pleasantness were gone, replaced by growls and stares that announced how thoroughly they despised one another.
Sirian began to explain the positions thoroughly as she forced herself to nibble on her food.
His Holmes has exactly the right quality, quizzical and slightly acerbic, and his Watson is sensible and thoroughly likeable.
Wash slide thoroughly with water to remove the acetone - do not delay with this step.
And so I kept it; otherwise, Halford, you could never have become so thoroughly acquainted with its contents.
This should be added about 3 cm 3 at a time, and the contents of the flask thoroughly mixed after each added about 3 cm 3 at a time, and the contents of the flask thoroughly mixed after each addition.
You made her a thoroughly modern woman, sexually adventurous, uninhibited, a hunter.
We also spent an afternoon canoeing which I thoroughly enjoyed.
Alarmed, the Trust tried to unload; militant womanhood, thoroughly aroused, scorned compromise.
All are now thoroughly ashamed of their former behavior.
This was especially true in rural areas, where the weight of reformation thinking had not been thoroughly assimilated.
Thank you for organizing a brilliant thoroughly enjoyable bargain of a weekend.
They're dressed like geography teachers and look thoroughly bashful.
Turkey is thoroughly located in the Mediterranean sector of the Alpine orogenic belt.
I have sought to demonstrate that both these concepts are thoroughly biblical.
Do not use bubble baths, oils, soaps or talcum powder for seven days. After washing dry the wound thoroughly.
Reading that little lot makes a moderately confident cantor feel thoroughly inadequate.
An inspection in June had found the tripod disturbed and the guy ropes thoroughly chewed - probably by passing deer.
Slightly larger flagellates and small ciliates prompt the spines to bend and curl so as to entangle the prey more thoroughly.
The marvelous scope cinematography and ass kicking choreography kept things thoroughly entertaining. *** 48.
Mix together 1 tsp cinnamon with 1 tbsp icing sugar, then mix thoroughly with the ground almonds.
How to apply Apply twice daily to thoroughly cleansed skin.
Like the thoroughly discredited 'official communist ' PCF, these establishment parties of the left are clearly no answer for workers.
Much of his work was on computers and in his 11 years at the college Davies became thoroughly conversant with Fortran.
That's the end of Bingham's brave challenge as Ebdon has dominated frame ten for a 6-4 victory and a thoroughly convincing performance.
The legend of Perseus is updated and thoroughly debunked.
At what cost -- because most of those 88 per cent are thoroughly decent and humane people -- in Iraqi lives?
This line of action will ensure that the site can be thoroughly decontaminated, leaving it available for future development.
You freeze the dough after the first proving and continue the second process after the dough has thoroughly defrosted.
Ceramic tiles should be thoroughly degreased, rinsed and allowed to dry.
These people were, and are, thoroughly denominational.
A thoroughly deserving winner I'm sure you will all agree.
I thoroughly detest Mark E. Smith, for example - a nasty phony, in my opinion.
I'm sure that Waring, a notoriously reclusive figure, would have thoroughly disapproved of this.
The evidence that has been produced has been thoroughly discredited [2] .
This, we saw, is particularly true of philosophy which is thoroughly discursive.
I am thoroughly disenchanted with all this, which comprises waiting for people; pushing through crowds; & gazing at acres of tat.
My mates and I turned to each other, thoroughly disgusted.
Soon, however, thoroughly disillusioned with the Party system, he left the House of Commons for ever.
Of course they need to be well washed and thoroughly disinfected, ideally at the end of the breeding season.
One can be jailed for bringing the president into disrepute in any way, even tho his behavior may be thoroughly disreputable.
But today, the patchwork of land around has been thoroughly domesticated by its sale for ranch-style housing.
Thoroughly drenched, we grouped in the Tea Room & waited.
Kate winced, somewhat embarrassed to realize how thoroughly she could be swept off her feet by a dazzling façade.
This is a thoroughly engaging romp with a little kick.
Everyone was thoroughly engrossed in not looking like they were watching.
In the doorway stood Elizabeth thoroughly enjoying the changing emotions registering on her former husband's face.
Enough to say a thoroughly enjoyable evening was had by all.
From just £ 125 you can relax knowing your younger guests are being thoroughly entertained at your wedding!
By all accounts this will be a thoroughly entertaining evening!
And just in case you think that's a thoroughly lame excuse, we're not talking about the Queen Mother.
Dreamtime website Few bands confound the stereotyped expectations aroused by the words ' free improvisation ' as thoroughly as Dreamtime.
All the material has been thoroughly field-tested by the author.
When dealing with highly formalized sets of exchanges, like marriages, Bourdieu's analysis is thoroughly appropriate.
The whole set-up was quite informal but extremely friendly and a thoroughly pleasant experience.
Thoroughly frightened, Zamora threw himself on the ground.
It was thoroughly fumigated and returned to them later.
The fine sunny weather and the warm gentle breeze made for a thoroughly enjoyable evening.
Allow to thoroughly dry - this will also help to destroy any germs left behind by the flood.
Using a sterile dressing pack and sterile gloves, thoroughly swab the distal end of the catheter and cap with Betadine and methylated spirits.
Coat Length Medium/Long grooming Requirement Once a week Trimming None Requires Professional Groomer Grooming Cavaliers should be groomed thoroughly once a week.
This thoroughly illustrated handbook is the first complete how-to guide to the use of manual medicine techniques for sports injuries.
Add steamed veggies, salt and pepper; cook until thoroughly heated.
This product is safe to apply, thoroughly hygienic and is not classified as dangerous goods.
Workers solidarity in this type of context can take transnational forms but also be thoroughly imbued with nationalism.
Now, the converts are so thoroughly immersed in the belief system that they are prepared to engage in street battles.
He was, I am certain, a thoroughly good fellow, while I, no doubt, was an aggressive young imp.
Despite all that bullying streak within my recent development, the thoroughly decent good sort of chap was still there, firmly ingrained.
Thoroughly inspected prior home by customers out of the now to years.
All complaints will be thoroughly investigated by the Clerk to the Panel.
This is so the team can clearly see the jugular vein and also so the skin can be thoroughly cleaned.
It was Labor hopeful Nathan Oley who was thoroughly lacerated at the Columbia Road Tenants & Residents Association's hustings last night.
Before Pesach begins the house will be thoroughly cleaned to make sure that there is no leavened bread in the house.
Everyone remembers Peter as thoroughly likeable and easy going.
In contrast, the metallothionein gene in invertebrates, especially marine ones, has not been studied thoroughly.
On a wet, windy and thoroughly miserable Friday I decide to meet a couple of friends at Ascot.
Compton believes that the catalytic effects of nanotube electrodes are often misreported in the literature because the underlying science is not thoroughly investigated.
We thoroughly enjoyed seeing you and the lovely missus again, we don't meet up often enough.
The showroom looked thoroughly modern, following its renovation last year, with additional design touches now being introduced by Honda.
Stir in the flour thoroughly, then moisten with the stock.
All potting soil should be thoroughly moistened prior to filling your containers.
Today, many hundreds of millions of people are thoroughly familiar with all the minutiae of the vampire myth.
She may be, as I am told, a thoroughly nasty piece of work.
A thoroughly obnoxious woman, she is also Senior Under-Secretary to the Minister of Magic.
Pratt's keen eye for the visually opulent is a sometimes dizzying feast, tho always thoroughly rewarding experience.
The participating makers have thoroughly enjoyed being part of this highly original exhibition.
Juventus will go on to win the scudetto, but it will be a hollow triumph after being so thoroughly outplayed in this tie.
Who wouldn't appreciate a romantic weekend away, being wined and dined and thoroughly pampered?
If using the zest, scrub the skin thoroughly and avoid cutting or grating too deeply - the bitter white pith is best avoided.
The state apparatus has been thoroughly purged of all Fascist elements.
Rather they represented a thoroughly reactionary force which wanted to turn society backward.
All the existing material is being thoroughly reviewed, and in most cases added to, corrected, and entirely recast.
As long as the food is thoroughly reheated, it should be safe for your baby.
A new venue, a new committee to run a thoroughly rejuvenated OUCC?
It enables us to test systems thoroughly, train frontline responders, and highlight vulnerabilities.
Harry thoroughly enjoyed this final sequence and would have been happy to do retakes.
The new edition has been thoroughly and extensively revised and updated.
Pilot schools have also provided significant feedback on all the teaching resources, which have been thoroughly revised.
No support for a study on this topic unless thoroughly reworked.
It turned out to be thoroughly rotten, probably because the mast step had been steeped in rainwater for the last six years.
I thoroughly enjoyed myself and have already made two nice fat chunky roulades!
Graham Barber has thoroughly scrutinized the large surviving repertoire of the nineteenth century and selected these works as being fully worthy of resurrection.
Society tends to emphasize success, materialism, consumerism, is becoming thoroughly secular.
Once your dog is thoroughly wet you start applying the shampoo in the same order.
All swashes buckled and timbers thoroughly shivered or your money back!
Take one deck of regular playing cards, thoroughly shuffled.
Tiny flakes can stick to fingers so avoid rubbing the eyes or exposing sensitive skin when handling the material and wash hands thoroughly afterward.
This will ensure that the lime is thoroughly slaked.
These forests are probably good for wintering songbirds, but because of limited time we didn't bird there thoroughly.
It's not a thoroughly unlikeable film, but the female characters are thin and the gentlemen rather spineless.
Whilst they are unlikely to break into the mainstream they will be assured thoroughly deserved cult status.
Even such thoroughly immoral cultures as that of white slaveholders would seem sufficient to ground the sorts of national partiality she defends.
It was thoroughly well drained and had an abundant supply of water.
As a youngster Federer had a fierce temper, breaking rackets regularly and making himself thoroughly unpopular.
Make sure meat and poultry are thoroughly thawed before cooking.
This view may indeed seem traditional, but it voices a genuine concern that students should learn deeply and thoroughly.
And so he completed his thoroughly well-deserved victory to take the handsome trophy.
The party constitution is rewritten to make the leadership more thoroughly unaccountable to party members.
What may be good for some may be thoroughly unpleasant for others.
He was a liar from the beginning and that means, of course, that he is thoroughly unscrupulous.
It shows how thoroughly inventive you need to be and also goes back in time to an interesting middle-class upbringing in 1950's London.
So we felt thoroughly vindicated in resisting the rush to induce.
It doesn't help that the traditional image of ' an environmentalist ' is of a thoroughly well-meaning well-educated middle-class white person.
Acilius Glabrio, was a thoroughly honest man, and his assessors were at least not accessible to bribery.
As early as 1597 the Dutch historian, Wytfliet, describes the Australis Terra as the most southern of all lands, and proceeds to give some circumstantial particulars respecting its geographical relation to New Guinea, venturing the opinion that, were it thoroughly explored, it would be regarded as a fifth part of the world.
He further recognizes a progress in the production of vegetable and animal forms, though this part of his theory is essentially crude and unscientific. More important in relation to the modern problems of evolution is his thoroughly materialistic way of explaining the origin of sensation and knowledge by help of his peculiar hypothesis of effluvia and pores.
In the third part of this work he inclines to a thoroughly natural hypothesis respecting the genesis of the physical world, and adds in the fourth part that the same kind of explanation might be applied to the nature and formation of plants and animals.
His theory of the development of free-will (the objective spirit), which takes its start from Kant's conception of history, with its three stages of legal right, morality as determined by motive and instinctive goodness (Sittlichkeit), might almost as well be expressed in terms of a thoroughly naturalistic doctrine of human development.
The wood is very white, and, from its soft and even grain, is employed by turners and toy-makers, while, being tough and little liable to split, it is also serviceable for the construction of packing cases, the lining of carts and waggons, and many similar purposes; when thoroughly seasoned it makes good flooring planks, but shrinks much in drying, weighing about 58 lb per cubic foot when green, but only 331 lb when dry.
During recent years a number of fossil (Carboniferous and Permian) plants have been very thoroughly investigated in the light of modern anatomical knowledge, and as a result it has become st i s clear that in those times a large series of plants etisted ear ys intermediate in structure between the modern ferns tern of Cycaand the modern Gymnosperms (especially Cycads), dofiices.
With his father's aspiration of making Holy Russia a homogeneous empire he thoroughly sympathized in principle, but he disliked the systematic persecution of Jews, heretics and schismatics to which it gave rise, and he let it be understood, without any formal order or proclamation, that the severe measures hitherto employed would not meet with his approval.
About three months after his death, de Giers, who thoroughly approved of this attitude, died (26th January 1895), and his successor, Prince Lobanov, minister of foreign affairs from 19th March 1895 to 30th August 1896, endeavoured to recover what he considered Russia's legitimate influence in the Slav world.
It is difficult to learn thoroughly, owing to its many inflexions and accents, and its being largely a language of idioms. (See also Polynesia.) Administration and Trade.
The six books pass in review (1) the doctrine of the soul, in which Gersonides defends the theory of impersonal reason as mediating between God and man, and explains the formation of the higher reason (or acquired intellect, as it was called) in humanity, - his view being thoroughly realist and resembling that of Avicebron; (2) prophecy; (3) and (4) God's knowledge of facts and providence, in which is advanced the curious theory that God does not know individual facts, and that, while there is general providence for all, special providence only extends to those whose reason has been enlightened; (5) celestial substances, treating of the strange spiritual hierarchy which the Jewish philosophers of the middle ages accepted from the Neoplatonists and the pseudo-Dionysius, and also giving, along with astronomical details, much of astrological theory; (6) creation and miracles, in respect to which Gerson deviates widely from the position of Maimonides.
The prophets are thoroughly Oriental figures, and the interpretation of their profound religious experiences requires a particular sympathy which is not inherent in Western minds.
But, although his first speech on the bill for the prevention of cattle diseases excited the opposition of country members, and a subsequent speech against the suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act in Ireland was very unfavourably received, Mill thoroughly succeeded in gaining the ear of the House.
How can such a huge mass of general propositions as are necessarily included in a system of economics ever be thoroughly tested by an appeal to facts ?
Huxley expresses himself much more cautiously, as he recognizes that we do not know the continuity of nature so thoroughly as to be able to declare that this or that event is necessarily an interruption of it.
The siege was long protracted; the mass of the pilgrims were anxious to proceed to Jerusalem, and, as the altered tone of the author of the Gesta sufficiently indicates, thoroughly weary of the obstinate political bickerings of Raymund_and Bohemund.
But he thoroughly grasped its conditions, and in his great work on naval warfare (first published in 1891) he enunciated its principles with great cogency and with keen historic insight.
Clarkson first, and Buxton afterwards, whilst they urged all other means for the suppression or discouragement of the slave trade and slavery, saw clearly that the only thoroughly effectual method would be the development of legitimate commerce in Africa itself.
Moreover, they were essentially a wartrained army, for even in peace time their long marches to and fro within the empire had most thoroughly inured them to hardship and privation.
The verse remains a crux inter pretum, and no exegesis hitherto given can be deemed thoroughly satisfactory; but the interpretation of the whole book must not be made to hinge on a single word in a verse which might be altogether removed without affecting the general course of the prophet's argument.
It appears to be thoroughly reliable wherever it can be tested.
Well acquainted with the doctrines of Galen, he rejected them as thoroughly as Paracelsus did, and borrowed from the latter some definite ideas as well as his revolutionary spirit.
In the last quarter of the 19th century the conception grew clearer that morbid anatomy for the most part demonstrates disease in its static aspects only, and also for the most part in the particular aspect of final demolition; and it became manifest as pathology and clinical medicine became more and more thoroughly integrated, that the processes which initiate and are concerned in this dissolution were not revealed by the scalpel.
This mill is guaranteed to crush thoroughly and efficiently from 250 to 300 tons of canes in 24 hours.
The shaft Crystal- carries arms and blades fixed in such a manner that the mass of sugar is quietly but thoroughly moved, while at the same time a gentle but sustained evaporation is produced by the continuous exposure of successive portions of the mass to the action of the atmosphere.
The seed is now set; usually it is thoroughly mixed with a relatively large quantity of fine ashes, sand or meal, to facilitate thin and even sowing, and the surface of the bed is afterwards lightly brushed over with a broom; it is very important to avoid burying the seed at all deeply; a light covering of cloth or muslin, raised on short sticks, is often stretched over the bed.
About 480, however, Anaxilas thoroughly established his authority at Messene, and the types of coinage introduced by him persevere down to about 396 B.C., 2 when Anaxilas himself zealously supported his son-in-law Terillus in inviting the Carthaginians' invasion of 480 B.C. In 426 the Athenians gained the alliance of Zancle, but soon lost it again, and failed to obtain it in 415.
Neither of the heroines has any but the rudiments of a moral sense; but Roxana, both in her original transgression and in her subsequent conduct, is actuated merely by avarice and selfishness - vices which are peculiarly offensive in connexion with her other failing, and which make her thoroughly repulsive.
The estuary, which is one of the best roadsteads in Europe and could accommodate the combined fleets of Europe, is a deep and thoroughly sheltered indentation among chalky cliffs, running east and west for nearly 4 m., with a width of threequarters of a mile, narrowing to 930 yds.
But he was what Horace was not, a thoroughly good hater; and he lived at a time when the utmost freedom of speech and the most unrestrained indulgence of public and private animosity were the characteristics of men who took a prominent part in affairs.
This upland is an uplifted peneplain of subaerial denudation,' now so far advanced in a " second " cycle of weathering and so thoroughly dissected that to an untrained eye it appears to be only a country of hills confusedly arranged.
It was probably founded on the site of a Phrygian sanctuary, by Seleucus Nicator, before 280 B.C. and was made a free city by the Romans in 189 B.C. It was a thoroughly Hellenized, Greekspeaking city, in the midst of a Phrygian people, with a mixed population that included many Jews.
Furthermore it is so thoroughly adapted to running upon the desert sand that its digits are devoid of adhesive lamellae.
All who had any pretensions to enlightenment declared loudly that the country had been exhausted and humiliated by the war, and that the only way of restoring it to its proper position in Europe was to develop its natural resources and to reform thoroughly all branches of the administration.
Though this work evinces a thoroughly English love of compromise, yet it is not merely eclectic, but is animated throughout by the inspiration of his " old teacher, Lotze."
When the Semitic settlers of the age of Sargon, whom it is now common with some justice to call Akkadians (see Sumer), had become thoroughly merged in the population, there appeared a new immigrant element, the Amurru, whose advance as far as Babylonia is to be traced in the troubled history of the postGudean period, out of the confusion of which there ultimately emerged the Khammurabi dynasty.
To thoroughly overpower the troublesome Bit-Adini (see above, § 3, viii.), which had naturally been aided by the states west of the Euphrates, Shalmaneser II.
The legends represent the Latins of the historical period as a fusion of different races, Ligures, Veneti and Siculi among them; the story of the alliance of the Trojan settler Aeneas with the daughter of Latinus, king of the aborigines, and the consequent enmity of the Rutulian prince Turnus, well known to readers of Virgil, is thoroughly typical of the reflection of these distant ethnical phenomena in the surviving traditions.
Cleanthes, pointing out that from a nature thoroughly evil we can never prove the existence of an infinitely powerful and benevolent Creator, hazards the conjecture that the deity, though all-benevolent, is not all-powerful.
But Sicily never became thoroughly Roman; no roads were constructed, so that not a single Roman milestone has been found in the whole island.
Indeed, since the Samaritans subsequently accepted the Pentateuch, and claimed to inherit the ancestral traditions of the Israelite tribes, it is of no little value in the study of Palestinian history to observe the manner in which this people of singularly mixed origin so thoroughly assimilated itself to the land and at first was virtually a Jewish sect.
The paradox of the theory of judgment is due to the ideal of identity, and the way in which this is evaded by supplementation to produce a non-judgmental identity, followed by translation of the introduced accessories with conditions in the hypothetical judgment, is thoroughly in Herbart's manner.
His speculations were thoroughly in harmony with the ideas and sentiment of the time, and his historical arguments, especially his long array of testimonies to the work of Peisistratus, were hardly challenged.
The Ada sincera Martyrum by Ruinart was replaced by the thoroughly uncritical and inexact Actes des martyrs of Gueranger.
At these times she is wanton and extravagant in her cruelty, killing apparently for the gratification of her ferocious and bloodthirsty nature, and perhaps to excite and instruct the young ones, and it is not until they are thoroughly capable of killing their own food that she separates from them.
There was then a short lull in the persecution; but on the death of Gaiseric (477) and the accession of Hunneric it broke out again with greater violence than ever, the ferocity of Hunneric being more thoroughly stupid and brutal than the calculating cruelty of his father.
The people, thoroughly Protestant, were excited by the proofswhich they thought were afforded that the real object of the Tractarians was to reconcile England with Rome; and practices which are now regarded as venial or even praiseworthysuch as the wearing of the surplice in the pulpit, and the institution of the weekly offertorywere denounced because they were instituted by the Tracta.rians, and were regarded as insidious devices to lead the country ROmewards.
They were like monstrous fireflies that could thoroughly pulverize a man in their iron jaws !
Mixing the Putty Ensure that you mix the putty very thoroughly, or the setting time will increase dramatically.
In the wake of 9/11 architects and engineers are thoroughly reexamining the assumption and methods that were previously state of the art.
Tired old arguments that small schools cannot cope with the curriculum are now being thoroughly refuted in ways the public understands.
Target Renegade is still a brilliant game today, chopping Double Dragon thoroughly in the windpipe.
Once rinsed thoroughly, empty containers should be disposed of through normal household waste routes, not recycled.
I thoroughly enjoyed myself and have already made two nice fat chunky roulades !
Only because their imagination is thoroughly saturated with Christian symbol and doctrine are they able to manifest a fully realized and believable heaven.
All swashes buckled and timbers thoroughly shivered or your money back !
He read it thoroughly and, when he failed to find anything useful, discarded it with a loud snort of disgust.
It 's a thoroughly disgusting sensory story about a depraved little so-and-so called Sydney who collects his nasal excretions to make a Boogeyman.
These forests are probably good for wintering songbirds, but because of limited time we did n't bird there thoroughly.
Before applying the fertilizer, spike the lawn with a fork or with a spiking machine and water the area thoroughly.
It 's not a thoroughly unlikeable film, but the female characters are thin and the gentlemen rather spineless.
If it 's a thoroughly modern affair, maybe you can all travel together in a stretch limousine, except the groom of course.
Prior to manufacture, each Manhattan Toy® design is thoroughly tested to comply with the most rigorous international standards for children's products.
Having test-driven the car, it is vital to inspect it thoroughly.
If this method is used, tonometer heads should then be rinsed thoroughly in sterile saline or boiled water and wiped dry.
But the first to be vanquished in the war will be the thoroughly rotten democracy.
Hand harvesting and judicious use of modern vinification techniques ensures the resultant wines are packed with fruit and thoroughly modern in style.
Drain the spaghetti thoroughly then stir into the sausage mixture and divide between warmed serving bowls.
It does n't help that the traditional image of ' an environmentalist ' is of a thoroughly well-meaning well-educated middle-class white person.
Dilute the entire bottle of cleaning solution with two cups of water and combine thoroughly before using.
Prospective parents need to educate themselves thoroughly on their state's laws as well as the various types of infant adoptions that are available.
The case worker should be easy to contact and thoroughly knowledgeable in the issues that surround your particular case.
Be sure you stir it thoroughly and check the temperature before giving it to baby.
Be sure you clean her diaper area thoroughly.
After all, you want someone that will look out and care for your child as thoroughly as you do, right?
Visit the childcare facilities together, screen and interview the caregivers and always thoroughly check references.
Exercise good hand washing techniques - ensure that all family members wash and dry their hands thoroughly.
Make sure all the items are thoroughly washed before you begin.