Thorough Sentence Examples
He also gained a thorough acquaintance with the French language.
I'm just trying to be thorough.
But the king's French advisers were aware that Spain required a thorough financial and administrative reform.
There the education was more thorough, and the discipline stricter, than at Brienne.
Its evolution and the thorough application of its principles to actual church life came later, not in Saxony or Switzerland, but in France and Scotland; and through Scotland it has passed to all English-speaking lands.
In this position he earned a reputation as a politician of thorough straightforwardness and grit, and as one who would maintain British interests independently of party; and he shared with Mr Asquith the reputation of being the ablest of the Imperialists who followed Lord Rosebery.
The growth of Clerical influence in France engendered a belief that Italy would soon have to defend with the sword her newly-won unity, while the tremendous lesson of the Franco-Prussian War convinced the military authorities of the need for thorough military reform.
His Essai sur la societe des gens de lettres avec les grands was a worthy vindication of the independence of literary men, and a thorough exposure of the evils of the system of patronage.
Luther's reform was not thorough enough for them.
The next step in diagnosis is a thorough physical examination.
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If a thorough examination shows that there is no apparent trigger for the chronic nettle rash, do not be alarmed.
Each of the young ospreys received a thorough medical check.
It needs a thorough overhaul to keep pace with modern life.
Is simply unused to getting such a thorough cleaning.
AdvertisementThe tutorial in the game is thorough, encompassing nearly all of the attacks you can perform, and jumping from one character to the next is easy because they are all controlled the same way.
The doctor will perform a thorough medical examination to determine whether the explosive outburst was related to substance abuse, withdrawal from drugs, head trauma, delirium, or other physical conditions.
More detailed and thorough plans can be 50 or more pages.
Cool Chaser specializes in MySpace layouts, and can be a bit tricky to use, but the layouts are very thorough and thematic.
The difference is that the person using the text editor had a clear and thorough understanding of the code that is needed to make websites work in multiple browsers and on multiple platforms.
AdvertisementThe ones who harness their online presence to gain a more thorough and complete understanding of their customers and who utilize this data to more effectively interact with them will be the real winners.
Another very thorough site is Background City.
It's not the most thorough stylesheet ever created, but you could link thousands or millions of web pages to it.
It was too thorough for the majority of religious people.
These days they use a backhoe to do a thorough job.
AdvertisementLonghaired cats need thorough daily grooming to prevent their coats becoming matted.
They should therefore establish the mechanism for a thorough future review now.
It will be necessary for the student to gain a thorough understanding of boundary-layer meteorology and atmospheric turbulence.
Cylinders are first heated to drive off any residual moisture followed by thorough purging and evacuation process to create a clean baseline.
The course aims to provide students with a thorough grounding in the basic issues of cognitive, or experimental, neuropsychology.
The student will gain a thorough understanding of how a PC works, even if you have never seen one before.
Like the other sites mentioned, they have a fairly thorough explanation of what SEO is and why the services are needed, as well as listing certifications from the Search Engine Academy workshops.
In 1822, under the influence of John Mitchell Mason (1770-1829), the Associate Reformed Synod combined with the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, but the majority was too slender to make the union thorough.
At a time when many encyclopedias have capsulated and condensed important knowledge, the 11th edition is generally much more in-depth and thorough on its topics.
Twelve knights in each county are to make a thorough inquiry into all evil customs connected with the forests, and these are to be utterly abolished.
On heavy soils, however, the farmer cannot afford to curtail the time necessary for thorough cultivation of the land.
His father's History of India was published in 1818; immediately thereafter, about the age of twelve, John began a thorough study of the scholastic logic, at the same time reading Aristotle's logical treatises in the original.
Though this narrative is a mixture of truth and fiction, it may be said with certainty that a thorough study of the philosophy of Peripatetics and Pythagoreans, Stoics and Platonists, brought home to Justin the conviction that true knowledge was not to be found in them.
During the period of Leicester's governorship he remained in the background, engaged in acquiring a thorough knowledge of the military art, and in 1586 the States of Holland conferred upon him the title of prince.
He was a very agreeable companion and a thorough man of the world, singularly free from arrogance and pomposity; owing to his small stature, he was often known as "die kleine Excellenz."
Its rise and development and decay deserve a more thorough study than they have yet received.
Cleve, the first to make a really thorough study of these elements and their compounds.
He was a thorough Aristotelian, but by preference appears to have been drawn towards the mystical writings of the Neoplatonists and the pseudo-Dionysius.
The works of Raoul Rochette display a comprehensive knowledge of the whole subject, extensive reading, and a thorough acquaintance with early Christian art so far as it could be gathered from books, but he was not an original investigator.
But although oranges, pine-apples and some other fruits form important articles of commerce, it is only rarely that systematic and thorough methods of cultivation are prosecuted.
The battle of Austerlitz began early next morning and closed in the evening with the thorough and decisive defeat of the allies.
Considerable additions of later date, in the Decorated and Perpendicular styles, are due to the Despensers and to Beauchamp, earl of Warwick, while the present residential part is of various dates ranging from the 15th century down to the last half of the r 9th, when a thorough restoration, including the addition of a superbly ornamented clock-tower, was carried out.
Though a foreigner, he soon acquired a thorough knowledge of Rumanian, and was instrumental in helping to introduce that language into the church as its official language.
Thus from an early age he had considerable experience as an administrator, while his general education was very careful and thorough.
Augustus undertook the thorough reorganization of the equestrian order on a military basis.
His travels had convinced him that a full and comprehensive knowledge of classical antiquity could only be acquired by a thorough acquaintance with Greek and Roman monuments and works of art, and a detailed examination of the topographical and climatic conditions of the chief localities of the ancient world.
On his farm Smith carried out his experiments in deep and thorough draining, and also invented a reaping machine, the subsoil plough and numerous other valuable appliances.
He made himself master of practically every branch of medieval learning, and had a thorough knowledge of the sources and the bibliography of his subject.
A careful and thorough exegesis will show the hollowness of this justification.
A student of mining must receive thorough instruction in geology; he must study mining as practised in different countries, and the metallurgical and mechanical treatment of minerals; and he should have an engineering education, especially on mechanical and electrical lines.
As a foundation his education must be thorough in the natural and physical sciences and mathematics.
Constancy of composition of the raw materials and their careful and thorough admixture in constant proportions are therefore essential to the production of the required glasses.
The toluene fraction requires a more thorough washing with sulphuric acid in order to eliminate the thiotolene, which is sulphonated much less readily than thiophene.
Inside borders require frequent and thorough waterings.
In the course of the season the borders (inside) will require several thorough soakings of warm water - the first when the house is shut up, this being repeated when the vines have made young shoots a few inches long, again when the vines are in flower, and still again when the berries are taking the second swelling after stoning.
The periodical thorough cleansing of the vine stems and every part of the houses is of the utmost importance.
In the following campaign of 362 Mantineia, after narrowly escaping capture by the Theban general Epaminondas, became the scene of a decisive conflict in which the latter achieved Achaeans and jealousy of Megalopolis, was punished in 222 by a thorough devastation of the city, which was now reconstituted as a dependency of Argos and renamed Antigoneia.
His wise and thorough reorganization of the whole department contributed essentially to the victories of the Russians during the Napoleonic wars.
All the fossil plants and animals of every kind are brought from this continent into a great museum; the latitude, longitude and relative elevation of each specimen are precisely recorded; a corps of investigators, having the most exact and thorough training in zoology and botany, and gifted with imagination, will soon begin to restore the geographic and physiographic outlines of the continent, its fresh, brackish and salt-water confines, its seas, rivers and lakes, its forests, uplands, plains, meadows and swamps, also to a certain extent the cosmic relations of this continent, the amount and duration of its sunshine, as well as something of the chemical constitution of its atmosphere and the waters of its rivers and seas; they will trace the progressive changes which took place in the outlines of the continent and its surrounding oceans, following the invasion§ of the land by the sea and the re-emergence of the land and retreatal of the seashore; they will outline the shoals and deeps of its border seas, and trace the barriers which prevented intermingling of the inhabitants of the various provinces of the continent and the surrounding seas.
The Centralist government, after a vain attempt to defeat him by professing a more thorough Federalism, gave way to force, and Bustamante was allowed to leave the country.
Westcott's work for Smith's Dictionary of the Bible, notably his articles on "Canon," "Maccabees," "Vulgate," entailed most careful and thorough preparation, and led to the composition of his subsequent valuable popular books, The Bible in the Church (1864) and a History of the English Bible (1869).
On the second point, Richelieu's letters in many places indicate that his treatment of the great question of frontier would have been more thorough, but then he would not have been hampered in France itself.
Her thorough understanding of the king's character enabled her to retain her hold on him to the end.
The thorough mixing of the constituents is a most important item in the production of good concrete.
In the forcing-houses, where the crops are past, part of the sashes may be removed, so as to permit thorough ventilation.
In exegesis he is a pure Antiochene, basing his expositions upon thorough grammatical study, and proceeding from a knowledge of the original circumstances of composition to a forceful and practical application to the needs of his day and of all time.
Luther had but little trust in the "common man"; Zwingli was a thorough democrat.
He was, however, a thorough lawyer besides, inferior in scientific learning to two or three of his most conspicuous rivals, but well read in every department of law, and especially a master in all that relates to criminal and constitutional jurisprudence.
This large class of designers and craftsmen, to whom a thorough knowledge of the history of design is a necessity, follows and develops traditional lines.
Unlike his Randolph connexions, Peter Jefferson was a whig and a thorough democrat; from him, and probably, too, from the Albemarle environment, his son came naturally by democratic inclinations.
His thorough preparation enabled him to compete from the first with the leading lawyers of the colony, and his success shows that the bar had no rewards that were not fairly within his reach.
The educated classes characteristically furnished Federalism with a remarkable body of alarmist leaders; and thus it happened that Jefferson, because, with only a few of his great contemporaries, he had a thorough trust and confidence in the people, became the idol of American democracy.
Though this was not the thorough reform of which need was felt, the council itself gave the pope a satisfecit.
In 1904 Professor Waldstein expounded both in Europe and in America an international scheme for thorough investigation of the site.
At the same time he was a thorough gentleman and grand seigneur.
The materialism of Hobbes, the pantheism of Spinoza, the empiricism of Locke, the determinism of Leibnitz, Collins' necessitarianism, Dodwell's denial of the natural immortality of the soul, rationalistic attacks on Christianity, and the morality of the sensationalists - all these he opposed with a thorough conviction of the truth of the principles which he advocated.
His metaphysical method, however, is like Herbart's, not identifiable with his logic, and the latter has for its central characteristic its thorough restatement of the logical forms traditional in language and the text-books, in such a way as to harmonize with the doctrine of a reality whose organic unity is all-inclusive.
The thorough recasting that this involves, even of the thought of the masters when it occasionally echoes them, has resulted in a phrasing uncouth to the ear of the plain man with his world of persons and things in which the former simply think about the latter, but it is fundamentally necessary for Bradley's purpose.
The next grand-duke, Charles Frederick, who succeeded in 1828, continued his father's work, but his reforms were not thorough enough nor rapid enough to avert disturbances in 1848, when power was given to a popular ministry and numerous reforms were carried through.
In 1826 a beginning toward it was made in partially emancipating the neophytes, but active and thorough secularization of the missions did not begin until 1834; by 1835 it was consummated at sixteen missions out of twenty-one, and by 1840 at all.
The Christian attainment is nothing else than the thorough intellectual grasp of the absolute idea and the identification of our essential selves with God.
Harnack finds that our sense of the trustworthiness of the book " is enhanced by a thorough study of the chronological procedure of its author, both where he speaks and where he keeps silence."
Bochart was a man of profound erudition; he possessed a thorough knowledge of the principal Oriental languages, including Hebrew, Syriac, Chaldaic and Arabic; and at an advanced age he wished to learn Ethiopic. He was so absorbed in his favourite study, that he saw Phoenician and nothing but Phoenician in everything, even in Celtic words, and hence the number of chimerical etymologies which swarm in his works.
Previous legislative sanction for both expenditure and receipts in all their particular forms is absolutely necessary; so is thorough scrutiny of the actual application of the funds provided.
The Scottish church, hitherto without a definite constitution, soon espoused under his able leadership a logical and thorough Presbyterianism, which was expressed in the Second Book of Discipline, adopted by the assembly in 1577, and was never afterwards set aside by the church when acting freely.
Prerogative and privilege came more than once into collision, the abuses of purveyance and wardship were made matters of conference, though the thorough discussion of them was deferred to a succeeding session; while James's temper was irritated by the objections brought against his favourite scheme of the Union, and by the attitude taken up by the House with regard to religious affairs.
On the whole, the tendency of the most recent and thorough researches has been towards the opinion that Bacon's own account of the matter (from which, indeed, our knowledge of it is chiefly drawn) is substantially correct.
Numerous vies and eloges of Colbert have been published; but the most thorough student of his life and administration was Pierre Clement, member of the Institute, who in 1846 published his Vie de Colbert, and in 1861 the first of the 9 vols.
The best short account of Colbert as a statesman is that in Lavisse, Histoire de France (1905), which gives a thorough study of the administration.
Of Reptilia Chile is singularly free, there being recorded only eleven species - five saurians, four ophidians, one frog and one toad - but a more thorough survey of the uninhabited territories of the south may increase this list.
The most remarkable of these is that by Francis Quignonez, cardinal of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme (1536), which, though not accepted by Rome,' formed the model for the still more thorough reform made in 1549 by the Church of England, whose daily morning and evening services are but a condensation and simplification of the Breviary offices.
Four of the nominated members are selected on the ground mainly of their thorough acquaintance with " the reasonable wants and wishes " of the coloured races in South Africa.
He had no thorough preparation for the task, and for the period down to the death of Constantius (361) was practically dependent on Rufinus.
The boyhood and youth of Zachary Taylor were thus passed in the midst of the stirring frontier scenes of early Kentucky, and from this experience he acquired the hardihood and resoluteness that characterized his later life, although he inevitably lacked the advantages of a thorough education.
Wattenbach was distinguished by his thorough knowledge of the chronicles and other original documents of the middle ages, and his most valuable work was done in this field.
The sudden rise of the later Babylonian empire under Nebuchadrezzar, the son of Nabopolassar, must have tended to produce so thorough an amalgamation of the Chaldaeans and Babylonians, who had theretofore been considered as two kindred branches of the same original Semite stock, that in the course of time no perceptible differences existed between them.
The draft bill of 1901 had left the autocratic power of the sovereign unchanged; the colonial bill as passed by the commission completely reversed the situation, replacing the absolutism of the king by thorough parliamentary control.
A thorough use of this translation will not be possible until we have it in good critical editions, and acquaintance with its language ceases to be the monopoly of a few privileged individuals.
His record of the relations between England and other states proves his thorough knowledge of contemporary European history, and is rendered specially valuable by his researches among manuscript sources which have enabled him to expound for the first time some intricate pieces of diplomacy.
Charles was a thorough despot of the benevolent order, and had been deeply offended by the real or suspected share of the Jesuits in the riot of 1766.
He was a good palaeographer and had a thorough knowledge of archives and manuscripts; and he soon won a first place among scholars of the history of medieval France.
When, in the last decade of the 19th century, works of thorough architectural investigation and repair were undertaken in that building under the superintendence of Professor Luca Beltrami, a devoted foreign student, Dr Paul Muller-Walde, obtained leave to scrape for traces of Leonardo's handiwork beneath the replastered and whitewashed walls and ceilings of chambers that might be identified with these.
The steel used throughout the entire structure should be subjected to the most thorough chemical and mechanical tests and inspection, first at the mill and subsequently at the fabricating shops and the building, ensure that Used.
He was a thorough Calvinist, and entirely sympathized with the condemnation of the Arminians.
Conn Bacach O'Neill, ist earl of Tyrone, determined to bring the O'Donnells under thorough subjection.
A thorough examination of cycadean seeds has recently been made by Miss Stopes, more particularly with a view to a comparison of their vascular supply with that in Palaeozoic gymnospermous seeds (Flora, 1904).
But no systematic exploration was attempted until the British Admiralty undertook a thorough survey of the whole group by Philip Parker King (1826-1828) and Robert Fitzroy (1831-1836).
But Ito felt that his knowledge of foreigners, if it was to be thorough, should be sought for in Europe, and with the connivance of Choshu he, in company with Inouye and three other young men of the same rank as himself, determined to risk their lives by committing the then capital offence of visiting a foreign country.
Of the Quadrumana there are at least seventeen distinct species, and this number may be increased after a thorough exploration of the forested eastern plains.
We know his deep earnestness, and his thorough conviction of the truth of his new gospel.
The latter's uncle, George Leather, was engineer of the Great Aire and Calder Navigation Company, of the Goole Docks, and other similar works, and Fowler passed occasionally into his employment, in which he acquired a thorough knowledge of hydraulic engineering.
Smith himself more appropriately named it, from its effects, "thorough draining."
The principal features of this invention are, first, a much more thorough purification of the burner-gas than had been practised up to that time, both in a chemical and a mechanical sense, and second, the prevention of superheating of the contact substance, which formerly always occurred by the heat generated in the process itself.
He had become such a thorough Englishman in his views and prejudices, that by 1250 he was esteemed the natural exponent of all the wrongs of the realm.
The thorough saturation of the narrow space with aqueous vapour, and the presence of drain water in the cutting, were probably their chief preservatives - assisted by the high even temperature always found in the deeper headings of coal mines, and by the enormous compression of the confined air.
For the thorough study of the church of St Sophia, the reader must consult the works of Fossati, Salzenburg, Lethaby and Swainson, and Antoniadi.
In 1847-1848, during the reign of Abd-ul-Mejid, the building was put into a state of thorough repair by the Italian architect Fossati.
He travelled in Russia, European Turkey and Asia Minor, gaining a thorough knowledge of Greek, Turkish and several Slavonic languages.
The king and his ministers wished to strengthen the conservative element in the chambers, but only slight reforms were effected by the laws of 1874, 1876 and 1879, a more thorough settlement being postponed.
Those who wanted a more thorough revolution wrought up the crowd and even respectable citizens wished to have the Removal king among them and amenable to their opinion.
He had now acquired a thorough knowledge of the Greek language, and had formed a large collection of Greek manuscripts.
His thorough knowledge of the Servian language led him to reform the Cyrillic alphabet, in which several letters were redundant and certain sounds of the spoken language were unrepresented.
It added religious education to the evangelical preaching and the thorough discipline already established, and so completed the reformer's ideal of a Christian commonwealth.
He began his new rule by a vigorous attempt to assert his rights, warned the citizens of London not to withhold tithes, and decided appeals from the judgments of his suffragans during a thorough visitation of his province.
In 1827 Dumont d'Urville in the "Astrolabe" surveyed them much more accurately, but the first thorough survey was that of the United States exploring expedition in 1840.
But no thorough attempt was 33 0 made to separate the authentic works from those spurious works which had even then become mingled with them.
Here he came under the influence of the prior, Robert Barnes, made the acquaintance of Sir Thomas More and of Thomas Cromwell, and began a thorough study of the Scriptures.
In 1904 the British School at Athens began a thorough exploration of Laconia, and in the following year excavations were made at Thalamae, Geronthrae, and Angelona near Monemvasia, while several medieval fortresses were surveyed.
He was a thorough Bohemian, and after his death the whole story of his life connexion with Truth was very candidly told in a series of admirable articles in its columns.
After controverting the doctrine of the Millenaries, he urged various practical suggestions for the repression with a strong hand of current blasphemies, for a thorough revision of the authorized version of the Scriptures, for the encouragement of a learned ministry, and for a speedy settlement of the church.
The father, though enlightened, had been a thorough despot; the son was sluggish and stupid to the verge of imbecility, but the despotism remained.
Garstang must be followed by more thorough and intensive study before it can be possible to write in more than very general terms of anything but the well-known monuments left by Egyptian kings whose history is already tolerably familiar from other sources.
James was a thorough sportsman, and his taste for racing, in which he freely indulged, caused him to think but little of the speed of even the best English horses.
He concludes, on very thorough philological and other grounds, that this is with one possible slight exception the work of the same "Ambrosiaster."
These three peaks are formed of eruptive rocks, surrounded by Jurassic beds which have undergone a thorough metamorphosis.
Important additions to our knowledge of the fertile leaves and rhizomes of certain Rhaetic species of Dictyophylium and other genera have recently been made by Professor Nathorst of Stockholm, and Professor Richter of Quedlinburg has made a thorough investigation of the vegetative organs of Hausmannia,.
His good-conduct notes for this period describe him as "docile, patient, diligent, painstaking, thorough."
Consideration of these works is sufficient to show that Kant's mastery of the science of his time was complete and thorough, and that his philosophy is to be dealt with as having throughout a reference to general scientific conceptions.
The more thorough explanation of the relation between experience as critically conceived and the individual subject was the problem left by Kant for his successors.
His view of the ordinary logic was wide and comprehensive, though in his restriction of the science to pure form one can trace the influence of his earlier training, and it is no small part of the value of the critical philosophy that it has revived the study of logic and prepared the way for a more thorough consideration of logical doctrines.
This drastic scepticism is the first and the most thorough exposition of agnosticism in the history of thought.
The young girl was perfect at the job, not only thorough but perpetually happy to be doing even the most boring chore.
After an hour and a half of sore but thorough pleasure, they left, exhausted, with rosy cheeks, wet backsides and aching ankles for the warmth and comfort of Bird Song and mugs of steaming hot chocolate.
It would be at least four more weeks before the dairy would be in full production again, but each goat received a ration of oats and corn as well as a thorough examination.
Byrne was an outstanding employee who was thorough, conscientious, a self-starter and had missed but one day in the 15 years with the company.
Ms. Rosewater says the more thorough the investigation into Jeff's drowning, the better the chance to have a judge issue a death certificate.
Perhaps his continued attachment to the case was simple curiosity or his promise to Cynthia Byrne to be thorough, or, he reluctantly admitted, a reason to maintain contact with the attractive woman.
It was his job to develop a thorough knowledge and understanding of the accounting principles, concepts, regulations and techniques, applicable to the selected topics.
To fully actualize the entire world with the entire world is called thorough practice.
A thorough Environmental Impact Assessment, supplemented by further studies and liaison with key stakeholders, predicts no significantly adverse effects.
The biggest sin is to store your tent without giving it a thorough airing first.
We had a bonsai, whereas what we really needed was some thorough pruning.
Co-ordinators must ensure that pupils receive a thorough briefing prior to commencing their placement.
Thorough brushing by carers and the use of antibacterial gels and fluoride help to prevent dental caries and gum disease.
A thorough check of all the mains wiring found one loose earth wire.
Munir showed his experience by making a thorough needs analysis feel like social chit chat.
This is a book for anyone who genuinely wishes to gain a thorough comprehension of Advaita.
Where higher factors might appear desirable, a more thorough analysis of the problem should be undertaken before deciding on their use.
The unit is easily disassembled, enabling thorough cleaning.
A piano player of sorts, Race was unceremoniously hauled on stage and given a thorough public drubbing.
The conducted research will also involve a thorough evaluation of the methods on caretaker data.
A thorough examination of the scalp with a comb is the most effective method.
A thorough familiarity with all the key players in the UK book market is essential.
Only then will you want to give Mernit's book a thorough going-over.
He is on very solid ground, his thorough grasp of historical theology having already been ably demonstrated in earlier writings.
Then hoed with a short handled hoe Asparagus has been very thorough.
Golden Rule No 3 - Carry out a thorough induction Allows the employer to'set out their stall ' to new employees.
A more thorough testing of the system is carried out at monthly intervals.
This module is a thorough introduction to the preparation and shooting of material on DV.
Also, the thorough investigation of what happened in County Dublin by L.J. Arnold, was already in train.
The work of grace will gradually leaven the whole lump and a thorough conversion to Christ takes place.
You've written a very thorough op here, congrats.
Our goal is to develop a thorough understanding of the technology that underpins the message you want us to deliver.
The group has applied to conduct a thorough non-invasive study of this previously unstudied area.
In case of unscarred pylorus the perforation can be excised followed by a pyloroplasty; truncal vagotomy is then added after thorough peritoneal lavage.
Do not ever start a circuit training routine without a thorough warm-up that includes dynamic stretching.
Fast thorough washing should follow the fixing, in order to eliminate every particle of hyposulphite from the film.
His violent temper soon compelled him to resign this appointment, and for two years he and his son earned a precarious livelihood by translations in London - a practical education, however, exceedingly useful to the younger Forster, who became a thorough master of English, and acquired many of the ideas which chiefly influenced his subsequent life.
There can be no doubt that he hated the queen, and bitterly resented his long disgrace at court, and also that he sincerely wished for a thorough reform of the government and the establishment of some such constitution as that of England; and no doubt such friends as Adrien Duport and Choderlos de Laclos, for their own reasons, wished to see him king of France.
Perceval was a vigorous debater, specially excelling in replies, in which his thorough mastery of all the details of his subject gave him a great advantage.
For a thorough study of the early history of Wyoming Valley see 0.
The Instantiae of Gassendi appeared at Amsterdam in 1644 as a reply to the reply which Descartes had published of his previous objections; and the publication by Heinrich Regius of his work on physical philosophy (Fundamenta physices, 1646) gave the world to understand that he had ceased to be a thorough adherent of the philosophy which he had so enthusiastically adopted.
That method, however, implied a careful study and comprehension of the results which accrued to man from reason and revelation, and a thorough grasp of all that had been done by man in relation to those two sources of human knowledge; and so, in his preliminary writings, Thomas proceeds to master the two provinces.
In ancient times the country on both sides of the river was well irrigated below this point, the waters of the Tigris were under thorough control, and it and its lower tributaries, the 'Adhem and the Diyala, were made, by means of huge canals, to furnish great water-ways for the country between it and the Persian hills eastward.
The work of Zwingli as a Reformer, important and thorough though it was, did not concern itself mainly with church polity.
He also used other sources, and made a thorough study of the writings of Athanasius, but apart from some documents he has preserved, relating to the Arian controversy, he does not contribute much that is not to be met with in Socrates.
Egypt, however, refused to make thorough inquiry into the massacre, and was only prevented from occupying Raheita and coming into conflict with Italy by the good offices of Lord Granville, who dissuaded the Egyptian government from enforcing its sovereignty.
The simple classification employed by Professor James Geikie 3 into mountains of accumulation, mountains of elevation and mountains of circumdenudation, is not considered sufficiently thorough by German geographers, who, following Richthofen, generally adopt a classification dependent on six primary divisions, each of which is subdivided.
Though the young emperor was of too phlegmatic a temperament to be carried away by the prevailing excitement and of too practical a turn of mind to adopt wholesale the doctrinaire theories of his selfconstituted, irresponsible advisers, he recognized that great administrative and economic changes were required, and after a short period of hesitation he entered on a series of drastic reforms, of which the most important were the emancipation of the serfs, the thorough reorganization of the judicial administration and the development of local self-government.
At the end of the period of the concession the department comes into possession of the road and all its fixed appurtenances, and in the last five years of the period the department has the right to enter into possession of the line, and apply the revenue to putting it into a thorough state of repair.
While the consultation of authorities had been no less thorough, his style had become more free and less self-conscious; and the epic qualities of the theme were such as to call forth in the highest degree his powers of picturesque narration.
The yearly payments amount to $2.60 per acre under the present system; this amount covers the cost of maintenance and operation and also of a thorough drainage system, which is as important to the settler as irrigation.
Governor Tryon manifested no sympathy for the oppressed and sought only the thorough suppression of the disturbance, which was organized in the spring of 1768 by Regulators, " for regulating public grievances and abuses of power."
Having reached his ultimate subdivisions he subjects each to the most thorough and ingenious discussion.
With indomitable perseverance he applied himself to these subjects; although himself a teacher, he regularly attended the lectures of Ammonius Saccas, and made a thorough study of the books of Plato and Numenius, of the Stoics and the Pythagoreans.
That he himself had a thorough comprehension of it he showed in the Dialogue with the Jew Trypho.
With the scholar's dislike of textbooks, he rapidly acquired a thorough knowledge of the ancient historians, quickly passed on to medieval times, and here it was that he formed as the ideal of his life the study of universal history, the works of God as displayed in the history of the human race.
The lack of a thorough geological survey has perhaps prevented the discovery of other minerals - certainly it is responsible for a late recognition of the economic value of the known mineral resources.
It shows the influence of the Sepher Yesirah, is marked by the teaching of a celestial Trinity, is a rough outline of what the Zohar was destined to be, and gave the first opening to a thorough study of metaphysics among the Jews.
All these topics require thorough discussion before we can rest content with the definition of mathematics as the general science of magnitude; and by the time they are discussed the definition has evaporated.
From that day he became an acknowledged power in the House, and though addressing a most unfriendly audience, he compelled attention by his thorough mastery of his subject, and by the courageous boldness with which he charged the ranks of his adversaries.
The object to be lacquered, which is generally made of thin wl?ite pine, is subjected to singularly thorough and painstaking treatment, one of the processes being to cover it with a layer of Japanese paper or thin hempen cloth, which is fixed by means of a pulp of rice-paste and lacquer.
It was owing to their thorough organization, the secrecy and security with which they went to work, but chiefly to the religious garb in which they shrouded their murders, that they could, unmolested by Hindu or Mahommedan rulers, recognized as a regular profession and paying taxes as such, continue for centuries to practise their craft.
He is naturally influenced to some extent in what he says by his poor opinion of Bethmann Hollweg's capacities and by his own thorough knowledge of the Emperor's fickle and impetuous character.
In order to comprehend the mysteries of the Sumerian problem a thorough examination of the beginning of every one of these signs is, of course, imperative, but it is equally necessary that every phonetic Sumerian value and word-combination be also studied, both in connexion with the equivalent signs and with other allied phonetic values.
The American military authorities found that the most extraordinary measures for cleansing the city - involving repeated house-to-house inspection, enforced cleanliness, improved drainage and sewerage, the destruction of various public buildings, and thorough cleansing of the streets - although decidedly effective in reducing the general death-rate of the city (average, 1890-1899, 45.83; 1900, 24.40; 1901, 22.11; 1902, 20.63; general death-rate of U.S. soldiers in 1898, 6794; in 1901-1902, 7.00), apparently did not affect yellow fever at all.
Both sleeplessness and pain are sometimes due to the action of toxins absorbed from the intestine, and both of them may High sometimes be relieved more efficiently by thorough purgation than by narcotics.
He had a thorough knowledge of the private and indirect motives which influence politicians, and his genial attractive manner, easy temper and vivacious, if occasionally coarse, wit helped to confer on him a social distinction which led many to take for granted his eminence as a statesman.
Juba was a thorough savage; brave, treacherous, insolent and cruel.
Thorough safety checks are carried on every reconditioned stairlifts.
Includes a unique ' starting by rote ' approach plus a thorough and well-founded way of ' starting by note '.
In the midst of the thorough eye exam, the doctor discovered that a small sliver of metal had lodged in his eye.
I started to dig again and my metal spade hit something else metal a big clang went thorough everybody 's ears.
But as said above, inquiries cannot be allowed to be any less thorough in order to keep within estimated budgets.
The idea is to give you a thorough grounding in English literature from the medieval period to the present day.
Graduates have a thorough understanding of current practice in a range of heritage contexts.
What is lacking is a thorough investigation of the subject.
The Group Internet web site, established a year ago, is undergoing a thorough overhaul.
I 've done a fairly thorough amount of altering to get the cart to server our purposes.
There 's rather a lot of it and it seems thorough.
They do n't come much more thorough than this !
It 's as thorough an examination as any lawyer might ever need to read But this is no dusty tome.
Scottish Natural Heritage have commissioned him to do a thorough toponymic survey of the Beinn Eighe and the Loch Maree Islands National Nature Reserves.
You really need to push the point that you do thorough checks on the tradespeople listed and involved with the site.
The tweeter unit is derived from a thorough understanding of high frequency acoustics.
The more thorough the understanding of basic principles the more readily the detail can be slotted in, or created.
But if the bbc needs to yank up its socks with both hands, then the government 's pair need a thorough soapy bleaching.
Only a thorough analysis of your customer database can yield such insights.
Traveling with your baby or toddler requires thorough planning and much patience, but the reward is easier and more enjoyable travel.
Do thorough research before making a purchase, especially if you are buying a car from the owner as opposed to a dealer.
Typically, all you need to have to do thorough research is the car's vehicle identification number.
For more thorough information about the Nintendo DS and the great games available, check out LovetoKnow Video Games.
Each timeshare ad on these websites should have plenty of photos and a thorough description.
Prior to purchasing a home, conduct a thorough investigation to ensure everything is working properly.
Before purchasing a boat, you should also contact a marine surveyor to do a thorough survey of the vessel.
Give your golf clubs a thorough inspection from time to time to allow you to make small updates to your clubs.
A thorough review at shows a secure, yet simple mounting system for the GPS and a speedy way to enter an address thanks to QuickSpell.
Whether the cat is picked from a professional breeder or is a mixed breed found at the local shelter, a thorough medical history should be reviewed before any cat adoption decisions are made.
The first step is going to be a thorough cleaning of the area with an enzyme cleaner.
This is truly no easy feat, and most vets will need to perform a thorough examination and a few lab tests before a correct diagnosis can be reached.
Additional information may also be required in order to do a thorough check on your history.
The website is one of the most thorough websites related to identity theft and other types of fraud.
For a more thorough explanation of mediated divorces, check out the resources at Divorce Source and LovetoKnow's divorce counseling topics.
Memorial Sloan Kettering Hospital provides thorough research citations on their overview of the acai berry.
A thorough discussion of the subject is beyond the scope of a single article.
He or she should conduct a thorough physical examination that includes blood work and urinalysis.
It's always best to conduct thorough research on the field of homeopathy and find a doctor with the necessary credentials.
A painting is only as good as the canvas underneath, so you have to prepare your face for makeup with a thorough wash and moisturizing treatment.
Make sure you drink plenty of water to flush out impurities, and embark upon a thorough cleansing, toning and moisturising regime.
As they can be reused, it is important that eyelash extensions receive a thorough cleaning and are stored in a secure case.
This is a more thorough bleaching solution since it reaches every single tooth, a feat strips can't accomplish and is difficult to achieve with brush-on products you must apply yourself., a very thorough sunless tanning information site, offers reviews on sunless tanners.
When all else fails, a thorough search of the Internet may be necessary.
Each recipe category gives you an explicit and thorough description related to the ingredients, history, preparation and cooking methods, and any additional information relevant to that particular group of recipes.
An attention to detail and thorough research is our middle name, and you can trust that every piece of content, whether a single statement or an entire article, is filled with facts and appropriately edited.
Crack or saw the bones to allow quicker and more thorough extraction of the juices and the gelatine of the bones.
If you aren't sure how to get started in the craft, you can get a thorough scrapbooking introduction at the conference.
The best way to handle this type of chest pain is to start by getting a thorough medical check-up to rule out any physical disorders or conditions.
A thorough background check on the program's owners should be done.
A thorough wedding planner will research numerous wedding vendors to provide their client with a number of options.
When I did my 4th step I was amazingly honest and thorough.
For your treatment to be successful, your doctor needs to have a thorough understanding of your condition.
You need to contact a health care professional for a thorough evaluation.
When it comes to bedding, it can take some pretty thorough searching to find products that are as high in quality as they are affordable.
The instructions are detailed and thorough, but the special pieces of equipment and ingredients that most designs call for, including sugar glue and edible decorating powder, aren't likely to be on hand in a beginning baker's kitchen.
Advanced decorators that have a more thorough arsenal of equipment and knowledge about how to prepare complex cakes might want to tackle 3D models of the Death Star, life-sized lightsaber cakes, stand-up characters, or other challenges.
Idol fans are nothing if not thorough and soon reports were swirling about Pacitti's recording career.
A Web search for "weird scholarships" or "unusual scholarships" will land dozens of results, so do a thorough search if you're interested in applying for some of the odder scholarships that are available.
Of course, the intent of a major is to provide you with a thorough background and knowledge of one area of study, so even if you don't have strength in a particular area, you shouldn't hesitate to choose it as long as you have interest.
These degrees then help students develop a thorough grasp of these art areas, and put that education to good use in the business world.
Coursework usually includes classes to give students insight into legal system operations and offer a thorough understanding of legal and law theories.
River cruises allow you a thorough look at Europe.
Dog groomers can remove excess hair inside your dog's ear canals and give the ears a thorough cleaning.
When flea troubles arise, it's important to be as thorough as possible in treating the problems to break the cycle of infestation and provide relief for your pet and your household.
A thorough examination will reveal the cause of the skin problems and your vet can prescribe something to clear it up to stop the irritation.
Your vet can perform a thorough examination on your pet and take a skin scraping to check for mites.
If you do take them to the cottage, be sure to do a very thorough vacuuming before you leave to gather loose fur and dander from the floor, furniture and curtains.
I wouldn't hesitate to have your vet give your dog a thorough examination.
Some may not pertain to you, but the more thorough you are filling out the application, the more likely you are to be approved.
This method allows the dog's owner to send a sample of DNA swabbed from the dog's cheek into a special lab for a thorough analysis.
You can take your dog to the groomer for a thorough washing and regular cuts to prevent mats from caught shed hair and the dog's active lifestyle.
Thorough drainage should always be given, as stagnant moisture is very injurious.
What they want is thorough ripening in summer and a slight protection, such as dry litter, during the winter.
No plant better repays a thorough preparation, and we rarely see such fine specimens as in quiet nooks where it is sheltered by the surrounding vegetation.
These Ramblers have done infinite harm to the culture of Roses, and excepting the few kinds one really enjoys after a thorough trial, would be best abolished.
This is a very thorough text that would be a great addition to your library.
While a professional may do a more thorough job of cleaning air ducts (as they have special equipment), you can improve your air quality by cleaning the entry ways of the air ducts yourself.
If the work is being done by a contractor, don't sign off on anything until you've done a thorough walk through and inspection.
Prior to joining the team, writers go through a series of interviews and a thorough training program to ensure they are relating their expertise in an engaging, interesting, and informative manner.
The chemical reaction between the salt, soda, aluminum, and silver is enough to ensure a thorough cleaning.
In 2004 Slaters expanded to include a line of ladies wear and also features a very thorough line of clothing for big and tall men.
He or she may spend several hours at one location and visit any and all areas of the farm to perform a thorough check.
And of course, you want to be very mindful about giving them a thorough wash after each use.
Even though the coat is couture, it's a good idea to treat it just as you would any other coat - with a keen eye and a thorough inspection of every angle.
While a robe requires less thorough washing than other lingerie, it's still best to wash it lightly by hand after every use.
Take the time to do thorough financial research before making a decision.
Compare specific brands and models through thorough researching several options.
Since sales and promotional offers vary, be sure to conduct a thorough search before making a final purchase decision. - a great resource for home wine making, with details about equipment, types of wine, the economics of making your own wine, and even a thorough overview of corks.
Do a thorough inspection, being careful to take note of any parts that you will need to replace.
Before setting out on a winter camping trip, it's essential that you take your motor home or travel trailer to a knowledgeable professional for a thorough inspection.
Purchasing an RV is a significant investment, and you shouldn't choose a unit without conducting thorough research and reviewing all of the options available to you.
Most people who are in the market for a new smartphone will likely be interested in a thorough Palm Pre vs. iPhone comparison.
Not only are the reviews thorough, but the collection of cell phones covered is too.
From their very thorough chart, you can then click to peruse users' comments and reviews for more details.
Diagnosis begins with a complete medical history, including family history of cancer, and a thorough physical examination.
If the doctor has reason to suspect leukemia, he or she will conduct a very thorough physical examination to look for enlarged lymph nodes in the neck, underarm, and pelvic region.
A thorough family history should be taken at this time to determine if other people in the family are affected.
The diagnosis is made by taking a family history and a thorough examination of the child's eyes, heart, and bone structure.
Children with Marfan should have a thorough eye examination, including a slit-lamp examination, to test for dislocation of the lens as well as nearsightedness.
The best way to prevent the disease is by proper food handling and thorough hand washing, after using the toilet and whenever hands are soiled.
The specific type is sometimes determined by developing a thorough family history and by examining the patient and several close relatives.
Only after thorough testing can a correct diagnosis and determination of gender be made.
Nonetheless, if a careful, logical, and thorough evaluation is performed, the underlying cause generally can be diagnosed.
Diagnosis of FA involves a careful medical history and thorough neurological exam.
Diagnosis relies on the information gathered about the circumstances of the electric shock, a thorough physical examination, and monitoring of cardiovascular and kidney activity.
In some cases, the doctor will diagnose GERD after taking a thorough medical history, listening carefully for GERD symptoms, and doing a physical exam.
Despite thorough testing, however, an underlying cause cannot always be determined.
Systematic diagnostic interviews with parents and children provide opportunity for a thorough assessment of individual risk factors and family and societal dynamics.
Typically, before the doctor can make a diagnosis, a thorough medical history is obtained.
A thorough medical history and physical exam by a physician often reveals the presence of a fracture.
The first step in diagnosing juvenile dermatomyositis is the taking of a complete history and giving the child a thorough physical examination.
Thorough, consistent hand-washing practices and discouraging the sharing of clothes, towels, and stuffed toys are all helpful.
A thorough examination of the scene of death, including recording baby's position, collecting items from the surrounding area, and interviewing family members and/or caregivers, can sometimes point to an external cause of death.
An experienced physician can diagnose a myopathy by evaluating a child's medical history and by performing a thorough physical examination.
If the doctor suspects a genetic myopathy, a thorough family history will also be taken.
Another reason for these results may be that foster children are given more frequent and thorough medical and psychological care than their counterparts.
Children who fall below a particular weight range for their age or who dip below two or more percentile curves on the chart over a short period of time will likely have a more thorough evaluation to find out if there is a problem.
Children with symptoms of psychosocial disorders or other mental illness should undergo a thorough physical examination and patient history to rule out an organic cause for the illness (such as a neurological disorder).
Diagnosis of language delay requires a complete physical examination and a thorough developmental history, with special attention to language milestones.
To reduce the risk of infection, thorough and frequent hand washing and safe food preparation are essential.
Diagnosis of DM begins with a careful medical history and a thorough physical examination to determine the distribution of symptoms and to rule out other causes.