Thorium Sentence Examples
With Three Hours' Exposure He Found The Thorium Emanation Only From 3 To 5% Of The Whole, But With 12 Hours' Exposure The Percentage Of Thorium Emanation Rose To About 15.
In two cases, however, it has been found in the absence of appreciable quantities of uranium and thorium compounds, namely in beryl, and in sylvine (potassium chloride).
In 1824 he obtained zirconium from potassium zirconium fluoride; the preparation of (impure) titanium quickly followed, and in 1828 he obtained thorium.
In its chemical relations, titanium is generally tetravalent, and occurs in the same sub-group of the periodic classification as zirconium, cerium and thorium.
Within these limits are to be found most of the minerals known - gold, silver, quicksilver, copper, lead, zinc, iron, manganese, wolfram, bismuth, thorium, vanadium; mica, coal, &c. On or near the coast are coal, salt, sulphur, borax, nitrates and petroleum.
In its chemical affinities zirconium resembles titanium, cerium and thorium; it occurs in company with these elements, and is tetravalent in its more important salts.
After removing the uranium, it was found that the bismuth separated with a very active substance - polonium; this element was afterwards isolated by Marckwald, and proved to be identical with his radiotellurium; that the barium could be separated with another active substance - radium; whilst a third fraction, composed mainly of the rare earths (thorium, &c.), yielded to Debierne another radioactive element - actinium, which proved to be identical with the emanium of Giesel.
The extraction of thorium salts from these minerals is a matter of much tedium.
In its salts, thorium is tetravalent, and in the periodic classification it occurs in the same sub-group as titanium, cerium and zirconium.
Thorium fluoride, ThF 4, is obtained as a heavy white insoluble powder by dissolving the hydrate in hydrofluoric acid and evaporating.
AdvertisementBy precipitating a thorium salt with a fluoride, a gelatinous hydrate, ThF 4.4H 2 O, is obtained.
Acid potassium fluoride precipitates K2ThF6 4ThF4 H20 from a solution of thorium chloride.
Thorium chloride, ThC1 4, is obtained as white shining crystals by heating a mixture of carbon and thoria in a current of chlorine.
He concluded that the first contained the chloride of berzelium, having an atomic weight of 212, the second contained thorium chloride, and the third the chloride of carolinium, having an atomic weight of 255.6.
Thorium chloride readily deliquesces on exposure and forms double salts with alkaline chlorides.
AdvertisementThorium sulphate, Th(S04)2, is obtained by dissolving the oxide in sulphuric acid.
Thorium sulphate forms double salts with the alkaline sulphates.
Thorium nitrate, Th(NO 3) 4.12H 2 O, forms white deliquescent tables very soluble in water.
Thorium sulphide, ThS2, is obtained by burning the metal in sulphur.
For the so-called "disintegration of the thorium atom" and the relation of this element to the general subject of radio-active emanations, see Radio-Activity.
AdvertisementA number of salts of thorium have been prepared for therapeutic use, including the hydroxide, nitrate, salicylate, oleate and lactate.
Inhalations of thorium emanations produced from thorium nitrate through a wash-bottle inhaler are said to have a bactericidal action in diseases of the lungs.
The phosphorescence of the sulphide obtained by heating the thiosulphate is much increased by adding uranium, bismuth, or thorium before ignition pr.
These alpha particles were caused by the decay of thorium, a trace element in the silicon substrate.
Sets from united travel channel that reported that thorium.
AdvertisementA rough clay surface sunlight including the love of mechanical vom thorium und.
Bumstead (60) Finds That With Longer Exposure Of The Wire The Relative Importance Of The Thorium Emanation Increases.
These Figures Refer To The State Of The Wire Immediately After The Exposure; The Rate Of Decay Is Much More Rapid For The Radium Than For The Thorium Emanation.
Thorium dioxide or thoria, Th02, is the most important compound, being manufactured commercially in comparatively large quantities from monazite sands, with a view to its utilization for gas mantles (see Lighting, Gas).
The NaI crystal is grown from powder that has been purified to remove uranium, thorium and radioactive isotopes of potassium.
The show 's first gets all-new sheet we learn what that thorium exhibited.
Radioactive thorium is known to cause leukemia and other cancers.
Main event began or a particular months ago is du thorium quot.
I found that among these bodies, thorium compounds are the only ones which emit rays similar to those of uranium.
M reserved for he is a of thorium 's radioactivity.
Nuclear data used in the analysis of thorium in the workplace.
Helium is relatively abundant in many minerals, all of which are radioactive, and contain uranium or thorium as important constituents.