Thor Sentence Examples
The Varangian god Perun was probably Thor himself under a Slavonic name (Russian perun, "thunderbolt").
Odin's wife was Frigg; their sons were Thor (the thunder-god) and Balder, whose myth is well known in English poetry.
Human sacrifices to Thor and the other gods are not often mentioned.
The name thoria (after the Scandinavian god Thor) was first given in 1815 by Berzelius to a supposed new earth which he had extracted from several rare Swedish minerals.
Wednesday was assigned to the planet Mercury, the equivalent of the Germanic god Woden; Thursday to Jupiter, the equivalent of Thor; and Friday to Friga, the goddess of love, who is represented by Venus among the Romans and among the Babylonians by Ishtar.
In the German mythology the army of darkness is led by Hel, the personification of twilight, sunk to the goddess who enchains the dead and terrifies the living, and Loki, originally the god of fire, but afterwards "looked upon as the father of the evil powers, who strips the goddess of earth of her adornments, who robs Thor of his fertilizing hammer, and causes the death of Balder the beneficent sun."
Some mythologists have compared the hammer of Hephaestus with that of Thor, and have explained it as the emblem of a thunder-god; but it is Zeus, not Hephaestus, who causes the thunder, and the emblems of the latter god are merely the signs of his occupation as a smith.
Thor wor five hundred o ' me men ti be buried, eftor sic a neet.
Georgia has no unusual among los quot the wpt deeb Thor hansen.
Frigg is his wife, and several of the gods, including Thor and Balder, are his sons.
AdvertisementTi was probably the same god of whom early Roman writers speak under the name Mars (see T y x), while Thunor was doubtless the thunder-god (see Thor).
Among these were Odin (Woden), Thor (Thunor) and Tyr (Ti); so also Frigg (Frig), the wife of Odin (see Frigg, Odin, Woden, Thor, Tyr).
This event is celebrated every June in the ceremony of "Riding the Common" - in which a facsimile of the captured pennon is carried in procession to the accompaniment of a chorus "Teribus, ye Teri Odin," supposed to be an invocation to Thor and Odin - a survival of Northumbrian paganism.
Georgia has no unusual among los quot the wpt deeb thor hansen.
I ' th ' morn thor wor five hundred o ' me men ti be buried, eftor sic a neet.
AdvertisementThe huge thunder god, Thor, always carried his hammer with him.
And by that, I mean you'll be able to play other players (PVP) to your heart's content without worrying about the guy who's forty levels higher than you wielding the ultra-rare Hammer of Thor.
Thor Industries acquired the original Dutchmen company in 1991.
Thor has grown to be the largest manufacturer of RVs in the world.
A second states that he came upon people who tied a child to a fir tree and wanted to sacrifice him to the Norse god, Thor.
AdvertisementStaring Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, Natalie Portman, Jaimie Alexander, Anthony Hopkins and many more, the film version of Thor is set to be a production of epic proportions.
Not much has come forward yet regarding the plot of the film but one of the film's taglines highlights that Thor learns how to be a true hero when the Asgard come to invade planet Earth.
Like Thor, the film will be released in 3D digital.
Olger Danske and Barbarossa, and depend ultimately on an identification with the gods of the Northern Pantheon, notably Thor.
Indeed, such may very well have been the case with Frey, the chief god of the North after Thor and Odin.
AdvertisementIt is worth noting also that some of the leading families of Norway are said to have claimed descent from giants, especially from Thrymr, the chief opponent of Thor.
Besides the anthropomorphic " giants, " mentioned above, Northern mythology speaks also of theriomorphic demons, the chief of which were Midgar6sormr, the " worldserpent," and Fenrisulfr, a monster wolf, the enemies of Thor and Odin respectively.
A space apparently partitioned off contained figures of Thor or Frey and perhaps other gods, together with an altar on which burned a perpetual fire.
A day was to come when Odin and Thor would fall in conflict with the wolf and the world-serpent, when the abode of the gods would be destroyed by fire and the earth sink into the sea.
Thor, Odin and Fricco (by whom he probably means Frey).
The highest point in the neighbourhood of Baden is the peak of the Hoher Lindkogel (2825 ft.), popularly called the Eiserne Thor, which is ascended in about three hours.
His name is identical with the Teutonic word for thunder, and even in Sweden the association of Thor with the thunder seems not to have been forgotten.
Outside the Teutonic area he has close affinities not only with Jupiter or Zeus, but still more with the Lithuanian god Perkunas, whose name (which likewise means "thunder") appears to be connected with that of Thor's mother (FiOrgyn).
The Thor made an absolutely perfect flight, straight as an arrow, to 3000ft, where it deployed a small drogue ' chute.
Thor Heyerdahl Bold explorer who risked his life in reed boats to prove idiosyncratic theories of how early man crossed the seas.
While Thor and Tinker Bell are common dog names, you can find many that are more unusual.