This-way Sentence Examples
I mean, that they didn't feel this way all the time.
I should have known you would feel this way.
Would she always feel this way about him and everything he touched?
Besides, this way I can save some money.
The histories and their relationship were destined to end this way.
In this way Voltaire, who had been an old man when he established himself at Ferney, became a very old one almost without noticing it.
But if you could trust him this way and there was no electricity, would it still be love?
The patio is this way.
I didn't think I would feel this way.
Maybe we would have felt this way with them if things had been different.
AdvertisementI promise to drop in and see you the very next time I'm up this way.
After having her wiggle her toes and move her ankle this way and that, he finally stepped back and observed her with a frown.
Whether he had arranged things to work out this way or not, her resources had been cut seriously.
I've never seen him this way before.
Not if they don't come back this way.
AdvertisementSlaves were treated this way.
She wondered if the dead man in her head, Darian, felt this way when he cried.
The halls narrowed and sloped, and he knew he'd been this way before even though he didn't remember when.
The vamps are heading this way.
After condemning the human to Darkyn, how did she deserve to feel this way?
AdvertisementThey could afford to buy him a horse of his own, but he would learn more this way.
It was ridiculous to fight with him this way.
He was the one who wanted her to communicate this way.
That was the problem with communicating this way.
Yeah. I drive this way every day.
AdvertisementTaxis quit coming this way after rush hour.
After he destroyed all her drugs, she'd suspected he'd react this way and had hidden another bottle in her bedroom.
Bit early fo' the tours to be comin' up this way.
It has always been this way.
I didn't expect you to arrive this way.
I passed Corday and his sidekick headed this way.
Do you think I want to be this way?
Were you born this way?
He wanted to scream; he wasn't used to women challenging him this way and had no idea how to turn this around.
I need it to be this way.
Letting her learn his secret this way would be disastrous.
Yes, but you've never felt this way about anyone before.
No woman had ever affected him this way.
Why did you let this happen, didn't you know it would end this way?
If you mean cold and muddy, no, but it isn't always this way.
It was unfair to string Josh along this way.
Well, if you ever get back up this way again, you be sure to drop by.
Why did things always seem to work out this way?
But Katie had planned it this way.
But you thought Alex would come all this way to hang over your bed?
I hate putting you out this way.
I'd bet one was your father, or you wouldn't feel this way.
Maybe all regular army-types thought this way.
It's what keeps the hospital functioning, so we can treat everyone who comes this way.
I sense her this way.
Whatever reason you have for talking about her this way – just stop.
If it sank up there, it'd most likely float up to the surface after a few days or a week and then drift back down this way with the tide.
You can still be there, but this way we're sure they'll find the place.
But this way he was closer to the goats.
He had given her no reason to feel this way.
Of course, she still shopped around for bargains, but this way it was fun – something she had not previously associated with shopping.
But then, he had never acted this way before, so it was hard to tell.
There are a lot of people down here wondering what happened to you... and if you'll ever get back down this way again.
You never acted this way then.
How could she let him leave this way when it might be the last time she saw him?
I hate being this way.
How could this wonderful thing tear us apart this way?
Maybe he could explain why Alex was acting this way.
They'd been friends since soon after Sofi found him, and Jenn had never acted this way around him before.
I would not have brought us this way if not.
If I would dress this way when I took them on a tour.
No. I dressed this way because I thought you would like it.
Continuing to let Alex treat her and others this way could cause their children to be intimidated by others the way Felipa was.
It hurt to watch him struggle this way.
Did all people feel this way when they got a divorce?
Let's not end it this way - with hard feelings.
Maybe it's best this way.
You didn't come all this way to hunt.
While governor he was a frequent contributor to the New Jersey Gazette, and in this way he greatly aided the American cause during the war by his denunciation of the enemy and appeals to the patriotism of his countrymen.
The discrepancies produced in this way are, however, very small, if care is taken to minimize the distance between the silver film and the photographic plate and to select a reasonably good piece of glass for the reseau.
In this way the scale can be viewed by a microscope of much higher magnifying power than can be employed for the photographed spectrum.
In this way he completed the later volumes, which were ready for publication when he died on the 10th of November 1774.
In this way we, as it were, bring the causal or primal term and its remotest dependent immediately together, and raise a derivative knowledge into one which is primary and intuitive.
In connexion with the problem of universals, he held that the diversity of individuals depends on the quantitative division of matter (materia signata), and in this way he attracted the criticism of the Scotists, who pointed out that this very matter is individual and determinate, and, therefore, itself requires explanation.
In this way his independence among the people to whom he ministers is to a large extent secured.
In these circumstances the state agreed to guarantee the interest on the capital, the sums it paid in this way being regarded as advances to be reimbursed in the future with interest at 4%.
In this way he has gone over a great portion of the field of physics, and in many cases has either said the last word for the time being, or else started new and fruitful developments.
In this way communication was established from both sides on the 16th of August, but it did not continue long, for the insulation had been ruined by Whitehouse's treatment, and after the 20th of October no signals could be got through.
In this way he was able to produce an apparatus which created continuous trains of oscillations suitable for the purposes of wireless telegraphy.
It was soon found that it could only be used to advantage in this way when the total resistance of the circuit, exclusive of the microphone, was small compared with the resistance of the microphone - that is, on very short lines worked with FIG.
In this way the Italians lost their military vigour, and wars were waged by despots from their cabinets, who pulled the strings of puppet captains in their pay.
John had oppressed his subjects in this way before he visited a district for purposes of sport, and the hardship was a real one.
In this way the hydroid colony becomes composed of two portions of different function, the nutritive " trophosome," composed of non-sexual polyps, and the reproductive " gonosome," composed of sexual medusaindividuals, which never exercise a nutritive function while attached to the colony.
In this way are formed the familiar feathery colonies of Plumularia, in which the pinnules are all in one plane, while in the allied Antennularia the pinnules are arranged in whorls round the main biserial stem.
In this way the medusa sinks from an independent per sonality to an organ of the polyp-colony, becoming a so-called medusoid gonophore, or bearer of the reproductive organs, and losing gradually all organs necessary for an independent existence, namely those of sense, locomotion and nutrition.
In this way we may distinguish, first, vegetative reproduction, the result of discontinuous growth of the tissues and cell-layers of the body as a whole, leading to (I) fission, (2) autotomy, or (3) vegetative budding; secondly, germinal reproduction, the result of the reproductive activity of the archaeocytes or germinal tissue.
In this way we see that just as advancing natural science was preparing the way for a doctrine of physical evolution, so advancing historical research was leading to the application of a similar idea to the collective human life.
The assistants employed at these dispensaries after a time appear to have gone into business on their own account, and in this way the dispensing chemists, as a class, appear to have originated.
Later, the axis branches by the formation of new growing-points, and in this way the complex system of axes forming the body of the ordinary vascular plant is built up. In the flowering plants the embryo, after developing up to a certain point, stopf growing and rests, enclosed within the seed.
In this way also the position of geography, at the point where physical science meets and mingles with mental science, is explained and justified.
In this way the surface of the land is divided into numerous natural regions, the flora and fauna of each of which include some distinctive species not shared by the others.
It should, however, in fairness be added that only notorious bloodsuckers, or obstinately resisting noblemen, were destroyed in this way.
In this way the later nobility of the thegns was in England substituted for the older nobility of the eorls.
But the connexion between nobility and the holding of land comes out in the practice by which the lord so constantly took the name of his lordship. It is in this way that the prefixes de and von, descriptions in themselves essentially local, have become in other lands badges of nobility.
In this way it is believed that the sub-aqueous cocoon in which the pupal stage is passed becomes filled with air.
In this way the fundamental laws were suspended not only in Poland but in St Petersburg and other parts of the empire during the greater part of the four years succeeding the grant of the constitution.
Nor do the people work on the holidays of the church, the number of days they lose in this way amounting to nearly one-third of the whole year.
Of all the princes who sought to advance their fortunes in this way the most dexterous and successful were those of Moscow.
In this way German influence was enormously increased, and was represented by men of considerable capacity holding the highest official positions, such as Biren, Miinnich and Ostermann.
In this way the development of Russian policy with regard to Turkey was checked for some years, but the project of confirming and extending the Russian protectorate over the Orthodox Christians was revived in 1852, when Napoleon III.
In many instances old level crossings have been replaced by over-bridges with long sloping approaches; in this way considerable expenditure has been involved, justified, however, by the removal of a danger to the public and of interruptions to the traffic on both the roads and the railways.
In this way smoothness of working is ensured, the cog-wheel being constantly in action with the rack.
In this way a train is distributed with great rapidity, especially if the points giving access to the different sidings are worked by power so that they can be quickly manipulated.
In this way Yahweh came to be called the Baal or " lord " of any sacred place where the armies of Israel by their victories attested " his mighty hand and outstretched arm."
In this way `Ophrah became the centre of the coalition under Gideon in the tribe of Manasseh.
In this way we account most simply for the uniformity in the direction in which the planets revolve, and for the mutual proximity of the planes in which their orbits are contained.
In this way we can reconcile the fact that the sun is certainly losing heat with the fact that the change in temperature has not been large enough to be perceived within historic times.
In this way he became strong enough to deal with the apostates of Judaea.
In this way several Frenchmen - Benoit de Boigne, Perron and others - rose in the Mahratta service to a position dangerous to the British.
The animals which are shipped in this way are necessarily of the best quality, because the freight on a superior beast is no more costly than on an inferior one, and the proportion of freight to sale price is therefore less.
In this way over a hundred embryos may result from a single egg.
In this way the mosaics of the two arches of the atrium and those of the Zeno chapel were cleaned and preserved.
In this way 1600 people are said to have perished, including the magistrates and clergy of the town of Kaufim, which the Kuttenbergers had taken.
When the weather is not favourable at the fruiting stage, the otherwise hardy cotton plant displays its great weakness in this way.
Many thousands of cattle are fattened annually in this way at remarkably low cost.
In this way we may return to the view that the First Crusade, at any rate, was fait ecclesiastique.
The predominance of the nobility in this way became as characteristic of feudalism in the Latin kingdom of Jerusalem as the supremacy of the crown was of contemporary feudalism in England; and that predominance expressed itself in the position and powers of the high court, in which the ultimate sovereignty resided.
Nor was the crown only limited in this way.
Greater freedom of moulding and the use of trefoil and cinquefoil may be, but need not be, explained in this way.
In this way curd, mottled or marbled soap is formed, and such mottled appearance was formerly highly valued as an indication of freedom from excess of water or other adulteration, because in fitted soaps the impurities are either washed out or fall to the bottom of the mass in cooling.
In this way Lanfranc set the seal of intellectual activity on the reform movement of which Bec was the centre.
Between this outlet and the Dipylon were found a boundary-stone, inscribed Epos Kepaµ€LKou, which remains in its place, and the foundations of a large rectangular building, possibly the Pompeium, which may have been a robing-room for the processions which passed this way.
It is also prepared by digesting precipitated mercuric sulphide with an alkaline sulphide fox some hours; it is said that Chinese vermilion owes its superiority to being made in this way.
The + sign is invariably employed in this way either to express combination or action upon, the meaning usually attached to the use of the sign = being that from such and such bodies such and such other bodies are formed.
Bevan collected the carbon dioxide obtained in this way over mercury.
In 1865 he started on a long canoeing cruise in his " Rob Roy " canoe, and in this way made a prolonged water tour through Europe, a record of which he published in 1866 as A Thousand Miles in the Rob Roy Canoe.
It is of interest to note that, although John Bunyan was bitterly opposed to Quakers, his friends, on hearing of the petition contemplated by them, requested them to insert his name on the list, and in this way he gained his freedom.
Various colonial products and the slave trade were favoured in this way.
In this way the fourth estate would be emancipated from the despotism of the capitalist, and a great step taken in the solution of the great " social question."
The latter discolours the sand and so one finds, round the coast and towards the upper margin of the zone between highand low-water marks, an under layer of black sand formed in this way.
A good deal of the Amur region was peopled in this way.
Stroh assumes that every reducible seminvariant can in this way be reduced.
In this way continuous working has been rendered possible, whereas formerly operations had to be stopped every twelve or fifteen hours to allow the over-heated blocks and furnace to cool down.
All the data required for standardizing the galvanometer can in this way be determined with accuracy.
In this way points can be found lying anywhere between c and d of fig.
In this way was sown the seed of future trouble between the two races.
The fact that the channels of thought during the middle ages were determined in this way is usually expressed by saying that reason in the middle age is subject to authority.
In God, who is pure form without matter, the archetypes of material things exist as eternal immaterial forms. In this way Gilbert was at once Aristotelian and Platonist.
The 14th and 15th centuries were the great age of German mysticism, and it was not only in Germany that the tide set this way.
This suggests that we should write; la as a l l3; and we find that the use of fractional indices in this way satisfies the laws of integral indices.
One of the relations most commonly illustrated in this way is the time-relation; the passage of time being associated with the passage of a point along a straight line, so that equal intervals of time are represented by equal lengths.
The expressions obtained in this way are called the first, second,.
It has been maintained that this tendency to a severance of the hybrid stock into its components must favour the persistence of a new character of large volume suddenly appearing in a stock, and the observations of Mendel have been held to favour in this way the views of those who hold that the variations upon which natural selection has acted in the production of new species are not small variations but large and " discontinuous."
It has been found by Sir William Herschel and others that the definition of a telescope is often improved by stopping off a part of the central area of the object-glass; but the advantage to be obtained in this way is in no case great, and anything like a reduction of the aperture to a narrow annulus is attended by a development of the external luminous rings sufficient to outweigh any improvement due to the diminished diameter of the central area.'
The alternate Fresnel's zones are blocked out or otherwise modified; in this way the original compensation is upset and a revival of light occurs in unusual directions.
In this way it may happen that although there is almost perfect periodicity with each revolution of the screw after (say) loo lines, yet the loo lines themselves are not equally spaced.
In this way the principal features of the phenomenon are accounted for, and Schuster has shown further how to extend the results to spectra having their origin in prisms instead of gratings.
In this way they give rise to a malignant new growth.
The room is driven in this way from one haulage road to another or to the boundary of the ore body.
In this way the whole floor is worked out and the mat of timber and overlying rock is gradually lowered and rests upon the top of the ore forming the floor below.
In some cases it has been found advantageous to quarry and crush rock for the purpose of using it in this way.
Cars, however, are too valuable to be used in this way for more than a few hours, and it is usual to erect large storage bins at the mine, at concentration works and metallurgical establishments, in which the mineral may be stored, permitting cars, wagons and vessels to be quickly emptied or loaded.
The difficulty of extinguishing an underground fire in this way is, however, very great, as on account of the poisonous products of combustion it is impossible to attack it except in the rear, and even there the men are always in great danger from the reversal of the FIG.
In this way is produced the crystalline, devitrified material, known as Reaumur's porcelain.
In this way the crucible is gradually filled with a mass of molten glass, which is, however, [[Table I]].- Optical Properties.
In this way the glass is extended into the form of a long cylinder closed at the lower end.
The size of cylinder which can be produced in this way depends chiefly upon the dimensions of the working platform and the weight which a man is able to handle freely.
The surface of the glass produced in this way may be modified by altering the surface of the rolling-table; if the table has a smooth surface, the glass will also be more or less smooth, but much dented and buckled on the surface and far from having the smooth face of blown sheet.
The name " patent plate " arose from the fact that certain patented devices originated by James Chance of Birmingham first made it possible to polish comparatively thin glass in this way.
In this way the so-called " fondi d'oro "of the catacombs in Rome were made.
In this way the medium velocity of the current may be diminished, and consequently the quantity of water discharged in a given time must, from the effects of friction, be considerably less than that which is computed from theory.
With v=o, the angular velocity of the cylinder is 2w; in this way the velocity may be calculated of the propagation of ripples and waves on the surface of a vertical whirlpool in a sink.
Example 3.-Analysing in this way the rotation of a rectangle filled with liquid into the two components of shear, the stream function 1//1 is to be made to satisfy the conditions v 2 /1 =0, 111+IRx 2 = IRa 2, or /11 =o when x= = a, +b1+IRx 2 = I Ra2, y ' 1 = IR(a 2 -x 2), when y = b Expanded in a Fourier series, 2 232 2 cos(2n+ I)Z?rx/a a -x 7r3 a Lim (2n+I) 3 ' (1) so that '?"
In this way bladders as large as an orange and containing secondary bladders, A each with a scolex, may arise from a single embryo.
Artificial heat may be resorted to in bad weather; in the States, cigar tobaccos and " White Burley " are usually cured in this way.
The mainland of Zeeland-Flanders was formerly also composed of numerous islands which were gradually united by the accumulation of mud and sand, and in this way many once flourishing commercial towns, such as Sluis and Aardenburg, were reduced in importance.
In this way the feudal county, or duchy, formed itself, corresponding in most cases only roughly to the old administrative divisions of the state, for within the bounds of the county there had often formed private feudal possessions too powerful to be forced into dependence upon the count, sometimes the vice-comes had followed the count's example, and often, on the other hand, the count had attached to his county like private possessions of his own lying outside its boundaries.
Reared in this way they are capable of marvellous endurance, marching during a raid twenty hours a day for eight or ten days together.
Astronomy seems in this way to have come chiefly from India.
When prolonged heating is required at very high temperatures it is found necessary to line the furnace-cavity with alternate layers of magnesia and carbon, taking care that the lamina next to the lime is of magnesia; if this were not done the lime in contact with the carbon crucible would form calcium carbide and would slag down, but magnesia does not yield a carbide in this way.
The Anophelinae have narrow bodies, and generally spotted wings, and when at rest keep body and proboscis in a straight line, often at a considerable angle with the supporting surface; in this way they can be distinguished from Culicinae, which have a humped-up thorax with which the proboscis forms an angle, and in the resting position keep the body parallel to the support.
But the most careful researches have failed to show any apparent modification produced in this way except what might be attributed to the surrounding conditions.
Legate was the last person burned in London for his religious opinions, and Edward Wightman, who was burned at Lichfield in April 1612, was the last to suffer in this way in England.
In this way was formed a broad disk of earth, floating on the circumambient air.
The censers or thuribles in Christian usage have been specially adapted to be swung, though there are in existence many early specimens of heavy weight and made of gold or silver which were obviously not meant to be used in this way and have handles and not chains.
In this way In Memoriam was dragged back from the very verge of destruction, and could be published, in its original anonymous form, in May 1850.
In this way he became the originator of that genetic or historical method which has since been applied to all human ideas and institutions.
Yet even in this way he helped to found the historical school in literature and science, for it was only after an excessive and sentimental interest in primitive human culture had been awakened that this subject would receive the amount of attention which was requisite for the genetic explanation of later developments.
In this way the danger of warping is averted, and exudations from the wooden surface are prevented from reaching the overlaid coats of lacquer.
The fall of many of the monuments, according to Bent, was caused by the washing away of the foundations by the stream called Mai Shum, and indeed the native tradition states that " Gudert, queen of the Amhara," when she visited Axum, destroyed the chief obelisk in this way by digging a trench from the river to its foundation.
In this way the development of the electrochemical industry is in a marked degree altering the distribution of trade throughout the world.
On the other hand he did not hesitate to inflict considerable injury on his own people, the Dutch, by the terms of the treaty with England (1689), when it became clear that only in this way could England's co-operation be secured.
They have also formed in this way certain alloys of definite composition, such as AuCd 3, Cu 2 Cd, and, more interesting still, Cu 3 Sn.
The bodies SbNa 3, BiNa3, SnNa 4, compounds of iron and molybdenum and many other substances, have also been isolated in this way.
In this way a question of the most temporary interest, concerning an individual of no particular eminence or importance, has produced one of the most impressive vindications of literature ever spoken or written.
In this way grew up the "religion of the poets," whose falseness and shallowness was patent even to contemporary thinkers.
In this way Baldwin was able to make himself into practical suzerain of the three Christian principalities of the north, though the suzerainty was, and always continued to be, somewhat nominal.
In this way Count Benckendorff received his initiation into the spirit of an Anglo-Russian rapprochement even before it actually resulted in an Entente.
In this way Tirol came to the dynasty which has ever since held it (save 1805-1814).
The control which he began in this way to exercise, both in Italy and in the provinces, over the "municipia" and "liberae civitates," by means of agents entitled (then or later) "correctores civitatium liberarum," was carried continually farther and farther by his successors, and at last ended in the complete centralization of the government.
In this way he restored the right method of study, a method which had been neglected since the days of Aristotle.
Recent limestones are being produced in this way and also in some places by the precipitation of calcium carbonate by sodium or ammonium carbonate which has been carried into the sea or formed by organisms. The precipitated carbonate may agglomerate on mineral or organic grains which serve as nuclei, or it may form a sheet of hard deposit on the bottom as occurs in the Red Sea, off Florida, and round many coral islands in the Pacific. Only the sand and the finest-grained sediments of the shore zone are carried outwards over the continental shelf by the tides or by the reaction-currents along the bottom set up by on-shore winds.
The best remedy in such cases is to prevent the air from gaining access to the coal by building a wall round the burning portion, which can in this way be isolated from the remainder of the working, and the fire prevented from spreading, even if it cannot be extinguished.
This fact having been fully demonstrated, acetylene dissolved in this way was exempted from the Explosives Act, and consequently upon this exemption a large business has grown up in the preparation and use of dissolved acetylene for lighting motor omnibuses, motor cars, railway carriages, lighthouses, buoys, yachts, &c., for which it is particularly adapted.
In this way the brake may be arranged to maintain a constant torque, notwithstanding variation of the speed.
In this way the effective horse-power and also the mechanical efficiency of a number of large marine engines, each of several thousand horse-power, have been determined.
In this way the diversity of human speech and the dispersion of mankind were accounted for; and in Gen.
In this way Boscovich explained the apparent extension of bodies consisting of atoms, each of which is devoid of extension.
In this way the science of hydrostatics may be built upon an experimental basis, without any consideration of the constitution of a fluid as to whether it is molecular or continuous.
In this way the principle of continuity, which is the basis of the method of Fluxions and the whole of modern mathematics, may be applied to the analysis of problems connected with material bodies by assuming them, for the purpose of this analysis, to be homogeneous.
Descartes's own attempts to deduce the different qualities and actions of bodies in this way are not of much value.
Then the result proves that the values of the coordinates and momenta remain distributed in this way throughout the whole motion of the systems. Thus, if there is any characteristic which is common to all the systems after the motion has been in progress for any interval of time, this same characteristic must equally have been common to all the systems initially.
The personnel, revenue, jurisdiction, ritual, even the faith of the Church, were in this way placed under the complete control of the territorial governments.
Moreover, the mightiest secular ruler was but a poor sinner dependent for his eternal welfare on the Church and its head, the pope, who in this way necessarily exercised an indirect control over the civil government, which even the emperor Henry IV.
The laity should read their New Testament, and would in this way come to feel the true significance of Christ's life and teachings, which, rather than the Church, formed the centre of Erasmus's religion.
In this way the Good was made to appear as an end imposed upon things from without by a creative intelligence instead of as an inner principle of adaptation.
From 1861-91 methylated spirits prepared in this way were allowed to be sold by retail in Great Britain in small quantities for domestic purposes such as cleaning, heating and lighting; but use in large quantities, or in manufacture, was only possible under special authority and under excise supervision.
Among the authors whose works were found specially serviceable in this way may be mentioned the Venerable Bede, who is credited with no fewer than 140 homilies in the Basel and Cologne editions.
In this way he would keep open the Namur road, and also that from Gembloux for Billow's arrival.
In this way only could the allies hope to obtain a decisive success against Napoleon.
The volume of a briquette can be found in this way if the area of the section by any principal plane can be expressed in terms of the distance of this plane from a fixed plane of the same set.
Remedies are intended to cover accidental variations from the exact standard and are now generally used only in this way.
Many of the oceanic islets are composed of coral limestone, which in this way becomes phosphatized; others are igneous, consisting of trachyte or basalt, and these rocks are also phosphatized on their surfaces but are not so valuable, inasmuch as the presence of iron or alumina in any quantity renders them unsuited for the preppration of artificial manures.
His music is in this way singularly expressive; its humour and pathos.
In this way the plant is supplied with nitrogenous food from the animal kingdom.
But this way too had to be given up, since even the smallest nationality would not allow itself to be absorbed, and during Taaffe's administration (1878) the idea came into favour of treating each nationality, and allowing it to grow up, according to its own idiosyncrasies; they were only to be restricted so far as the unity of the state rendered it absolutely necessary.
In this way there arose central boards for wool, cotton, oil and fat, hides and leather, and various metals - to name only the more important materials.
In this way a State debt of 35,069 millions of kronen was accumulated.
The commonest method of sacrifice was by hanging the victim on a tree; and in the poem Hdvamfil the god himself is represented as sacrificed in this way.
The master of the horse, The 'queen's' whose business it was to provide for the queen's first rail- ordinary journeys by road, was much put out by this way innovation.
They are often carried on floating ice to great distances, and to more southern latitudes than their own, no fewer than twelve Polar bears having been known to reach Iceland in this way during one winter.
It is clear that a man who is to be treated in this way by the congregation is not an official ruler over it.
Even a certain number of the monastic establishments came in this way into the possession of the feudal landowners, who nominated abbots and abbesses as they appointed the incumbents of their churches.
The necessity for reducing the revenue and cutting down the continued surplus was met in this way rather than by lowering the protective duties.
In this way is formed a ring of tentacles, the most characteristic organs of the Cnidaria.
These were the men who, a little later, at the bidding of their "benefactors," dissolved one inconvenient diet after another; for it is a significant fact that during the reigns of the two Augustuses every diet was dissolved in this way by the hirelings of some great lord or, still worse, of some foreign potentate.
In this way we must explain the great prevalence of the Latin language.
In this way thin laminae would form, lying at right angles to the direction of greatest stress.
In this way archaeology has greatly helped to bring the history of Israel into relation with the history of the ancient East, and in so doing has raised important questions as to the origin of Hebrew culture.
Amiatinus, was copied in this way in the time of Ceolfrid, Benedict Biscop's successor, as a present for Pope Gregory in 716.
It is in this way that the function of the seer is closely connected (as in the case of Balaam) with sacrifices.
Magic, astrology and alchemy - all the outgrowth of Neoplatonism - gave the first effectual stimulus to the observation of nature, and consequently to natural science, and in this way finally extinguished barren rationalism.
In this way jelly-fish progress feebly by the pumping movements of the umbrella.
In this way complicated cycles of alternating generations arise, which are described fully in Hydromedusae and Scyphomedusae.
In this way it acquired great wealth, becoming the owner of extensive estates in every part of the country and of highly productive properties in the towns.
Some time after the accession of Queen Elizabeth an attempt was made to improve the authorized Great Bible, and in this way to challenge the ever growing popularity of the Calvinistic Genevan Bible.
In this way the existence of bands in the infrared part of the spectrum has been predicted in the case of quartz and detected by experiments on the selective reflection of the material.
Commercial iodine may be purified by mixing it with a little potassium iodide and then subliming the mixture; in this way any traces of bromine or chlorine are removed.
With the approach of night their season of activity commences, when they may be occasionally seen gliding from tree to tree supported on their cutaneous parachute, and they have been noticed as capable of traversing in this way a space of 70 yds.
In this way the lad learns the principle of holding a puller, getting pace out of a lazy one, and leaving well alone with a nice free but temperate mover; he learns to do everything in a horsemanlike manner, and when he has raised himself to the pitch of a "fashionable" jockey, he will frequently be called upon to ride several horses a day at race meetings.
In this way Mt Whitney (14,502 ft.) came to be the highest summit in the United States (excluding Alaska).
In this way a few leaders may sometimes be able to obtain control of the nominating machinery of a city, or even of a state, for the local committees usually obey instructions received from the committees above them.
In this way he claimed that he had secured liberty in its rights without allowing it to degenerate into licence.
In this way they opened new trade routes to the Greeks, and extended the field of civilization.
In this way the notches d, e of the hinder part of the mantle-skirt of Anodonta are in the siphonate forms converted into two separate holes, the edges of the mantle being elsewhere fused together along this hinder margin.
In this way a continuous uniform fibre or strand of raw silk of indefinite length is produced.
The rivers Scheldt and Meuse were opened up in this way to riparian states by a decree of the French Convention of the 16th of November 1792.
The Romans and Germans protected themselves in this way.
He finds a remarkable agreement between the theoretical and experimental values, which it would be important to confirm with the more suitable instruments which are now at our disposal, as we might in this way get an estimate of the energy of translatory motion of the luminous molecules.
He quotes as an instance that Newton in this way added to the planetary appearances contained in Kepler's laws the gravitation of the planets to the sun, as a notion of causality not contained in the appearances, and thus discovered that gravitation is the cause of the appearances.
Figures of animals, however, were not the only inanimate things regarded in this way.
In this way two temperature points are obtained in the investigation - the higher giving a point on the equilibrium curve, the lower showing the non-variant point.
But in this case the concrete being still wet can adapt itself more or less to the shape of the adjoining bags, and strong rough walls can be built in this way.
In this way funds for war were placed at the free disposal of sovereigns, and, although the feudatories and their retainers still formed the most considerable portion of their armies, the conditions under which they served were altogether changed.
In this way two lines of inquiry originated.
In this way hardy rhododendrons of choice sorts, greenhouse azaleas, the varieties of the orange family, camellias, roses, rare conifers, clematises and numerous other plants are increased.
Gooseberries, currants, roses and many hardy 'deciduous trees and shrubs are easily propagated in this way if the cuttings are inserted in welldrained soil about the end of October or early in November.
In this way the india-rubber tree (Ficus elastica), for example, and many other tender plants may be increased with the aid of a brisk bottom heat.
By working in this way all round the ball, the best roots will be got out and preserved, and the ball lightened of all superfluous soil.
In this way such herbs as basil, marjoram, mint, sage, savory, thyme, balm, chamomile, horehound, hyssop and rue, as well as parsley, may be had throughout the season with almost the full flavour of the fresh herb.
In this way three crops are actually on the same beds at the same time.
In this way large quantities of manure are easily transported to any required spot, and although the work looks hard to an English gardener, the Frenchman says he can carry more manure with less fatigue in half a day than an Englishman can transport in a day with a wheelbarrow.
Cabbages will keep this way until March if the covering has not been put on too early.
In this way the charges on the field plates were continually replenished and reinforced.
Owing to the obstruction which they offer to drifting sands, artificial dunes are in course of time formed about them, and in this way they become at once more effective and less costly to maintain.
In this way the towns of Rotterdam, Schiedam, Vlaardingen and Maasluis have all gradually extended over the Maas dike in order to keep in touch with the river, and the small town of Delftshaven is built altogether on the outer side of the same dike.
Many fungi (Phallus, Agaricus, Fumago, &c.) when strongly growing put out ribbon-like or cylindrical cords, or sheet-like mycelial plates of numerous parallel hyphae, all growing together equally, and fusing by anastomoses, and in this way extend long distances in the soil, or over the surfaces of leaves, branches, &c. These mycelial strands may be white and tender, or the outer hyphae may be hard and black, and very often the resemblance of the subterranean forms to a root is so marked that they are termed rhizomorphs.
It has been calculated that the gas from a pair of old-fashioned blast-furnaces making i 600 tons of iron per week would in this way yield some 16,000 horse-power in excess of their own needs, and that all the available blast-furnace gas in the United States would develop about i,50o,000 horse-power, to develop which by raising steam would need about 20,000,000 tons of coal a year.
It was natural that olive and willow should have been chosen for the Palm Sunday ceremony, for they are the earliest trees to bud in the spring; their consecration, however, may be explained by the intention to Christianize a pagan belief, and it is easy to see how their mystic virtues came in this way to be ascribed to the palm also.
In this way he spent some dozen years, till 1541, when he was invited by Archbishop Ernst to settle at Salzburg, under his protection.
In this way the Norse ships were carried one by one, till the "Long Serpent" alone was left.
It not unfrequently happens, especially amongst Monocotyledons, that after growth at the apex has ceased, it is continued at the base of the leaf, and in this way the length may be much increased.
In this way two marked forms of leaf are produced - (I) Simple form, in which the segmentation, however deeply it extends into the lamina, does not separate portions of the lamina which become articulated with the midrib or petiole; and (2) Compound form, where portions of the lamina are separated as detached leaflets, which become articulated with the midrib or petiole.
It is in this way that cabbages and savoys are rendered more delicate and nutritious.
The values obtained in this way for waves having a period of one second and a wave-length of half an inch agreed very well with those obtained in the same cast-iron by Angstrom's method (see below), with waves having a period of i hour and a length of 30 in.
In time a tendency set in for members of the Third Order to live together in community, and in this way congregations were formed who took the usual religious vows and lived a fully organized religious life based on the Rule of the Third Order with supplementary regulations.
In this way he established the famous theorem that the intersections of the three pairs of opposite sides of a hexagon inscribed in a conic are collinear.
Epicurus in this way explains vision by substituting for the apparent action of a body at a distance a direct contact of image and organ.
In this way as the water sinks down through the porous subsoil or into the subterranean drains oxygen enters and supplies an element which is needed, not only for the oxidation of organic matters in the earth, but also for the direct and indirect nutrition of the roots.
Yet Shakespeare has not sinned in this way more grievously than Johnson.
In this way were gathered the materials out of which was afterwards constructed the most interesting biographical work in the world.
He hoped in this way to save his duchy, the last remnant of the domiriions of his house, from being annexed by Prussia.
Thus a nucleus and precedent has been formed similar to that by which the Zoilverein was begun, and it was hoped that it might be possible to arrange similar agreements with other states, so that in this way a common management for all lines might be established.
In this way it was possible to increase the war establishment, excluding the Landsturm, by about half a million men without adding to the burden in time of peace.
The high road from Kabul to Kandahar passes this way (another reason for supposing the Tarnak to be Arachotus), and the people live off the road to avoid the onerous duties of hospitality.
The heights calculated in this way for the under surface of the arc, have usually exceeded 100 M.; some have been much in excess of this figure.
The bank had in this way acquired a large reserve of gold, and in the new charter which was (after long delay) passed in 1899, a clause was introduced requiring the resumption of cash payments, though this was not to come into operation immediately.
All the old categories of members were maintained, but a fifth curia was added, in which almost any one might vote who had resided six months in one place and was not in domestic service; in this way seventy-two would be added to the existing members.
In this way the irrigation which is absolutely indispensable for the members of the orange tribe during the dry season is greatly facilitated, and even those trees for which irrigation is not so indispensable receive a more ample supply of moisture during the rainy season.
Then, to raise funds for the cause, he returned to America; his fervid appeals enabled him to collect about $60,000, which he spent on provisions and clothing, and he established a relief depot near Aegina, where he started works for the refugees, the existing quay, or American Mole, being built in this way.
In this way a large number of deities came to enjoy special reverence in restricted territories, eg.
In this way the heroic remedy failed, and to the internal difficulties were added international complications.
Warders in this way worked all day and performed night duty also for months without showing fatigue.
This is the natural and best method of seasoning, and timber treated in this way is more durable than that seasoned by artificial methods; the time taken, however, is much longer.
In this way the disease is spread rapidly, continually eating into the timber, which is first rendered brittle, and then reduced to powder.
In this way he absorbed in their integrity the raw materials for elaboration.
And in this way we pass on to the quantitative aspects of being.
Through a Latin translation made by Burgundio of Pisa in the 12th century, it was well known to Peter Lombard and Aquinas, and in this way it influenced the scholastic theology of the West.
From Byzantium the special skill in this art was transmitted in the 9th and 10th centuries to the Rhenish provinces of Germany and to Italy, and thence to the whole of western Europe; in this way the 18th century smith who wrought the Hampton Court iron gates was the heir to the mechanical skill of the ancient metalworkers of Phoenicia and Greece.
Even hard steel is treated in this way to form tubes for the highest hydraulic and steam pressures.
The Leblanc process thus remained the sole purveyor of chlorine in its active forms, and in this way the fact is accounted for that, at least in Great Britain, the Leblanc process still furnishes nearly half of all the alkali made, though in other countries its proportional share is very much less.
Perchlorates can also be made in this way.
The first application of this machine for the present purpose seems to have been made in 1875 and the number of patents soon rapidly increased; but although a large amount of capital was invested and many very ingenious inventions made their appearance, it took nearly another twenty years before the manufacture of alkali in this way was carried out in a continuous way on a large scale and with profitable results.
His command of money enabled him to take advantage of the poverty of his neighbours, and in this way he secured Vogtland and the county of Mansfeld.
Perceiving a molecular isonomy between them and the inorganic compounds of the metals from which they may be formed, he saw their true molecular type in the oxygen, sulphur or chlorine compounds of those metals, from which he held them to be derived by the substitution of an organic group for the oxygen, sulphur, &c. In this way they enabled him to overthrow the theory of conjugate compounds, and they further led him in 1852 to publish the conception that the atoms of each elementary substance have a definite saturation capacity, so that they can only combine with a certain limited number of the atoms of other elements.
The amount of forage that may be produced in this way is enormous; 50,000 to 80,000 lb of green fodder are grown per acre, which makes 8000 to 12,000 lb as field-cured.
In this way he calculated that he could have raised 1,000,000 men armed with modern weapons, but his chief difficulty would be money and transport.
It may be conjectured that, when he emerged from the purely Socratic phase of his earlier years, Plato gave himself to the study of contemporary methods of education and to the elaboration of an educational system of his own, and that it was in this way that he came to the metaphysical speculations of his maturity.
In this way the rainfall, alike from the northern and southern slopes of the Himalayas, pours down into the river plains of Bengal.
In this way the three great rivers of the Madras Presidency, viz., the Godavari, the Kistna and the Cauvery, rise in the mountains overhanging the western coast, and traverse the whole breadth of the central table-land before they reach the sea on the eastern shores of India.
In this way both Buddhism (q.v.) and Jains have almost been swallowed up by Hinduism; Sikhism (q.v.) is only preserved by the military requirements of the British, and even the antagonism between Hindu and Mahommedan is much less acute than it used to be.
In this way Kanishka and his Kashmir council became in some degree to the northern or Tibetan Buddhists what Asoka and his council had been to the Buddhists of Ceylon and the south.'
A floor can be most satisfactorily operated by hydraulic means, a platform cannot be so well worked in this way.
In this way the south of Italy, together with the adjacent island of Sicily, was converted into one political body, which, owing to the peculiar temper of its Norman rulers and their powerful organization, assumed a more feudal character than any other part of the peninsula.
In this way Ninib, whose chief seat appears to have been at Shirgulla (Lagash), became the sun-god of the springtime and of the morning, bringing joy and new life to the earth, while Nergal of Kutha was regarded as the sun of the summer solstice and of the noonday heat - the harbinger of suffering and death.
The astral theology of the Babylonian-Assyrian religion, while thus bearing the ear-marks of a system devised by the priests, succeeded in assimilating the beliefs which represented the earlier attempts to systematize the more popular aspects of the religion, and in this way a unification of diverse elements was secured that led to interpreting the contents and the form of the religion in terms of the astral-theological system.
Roberts concluded in this way that the average density of the Algol variables and their eclipsing companions is about one-eighth that of the sun.
Large proper motions can however be found in this way.
The position of the solar apex calculated in this way agrees satisfactorily with that found by the usual methods.
In this way the Presocratics and Sophists, and still more Socrates and Plato, threw out hints on sense and reason, on inferential processes and scientific methods which may be called anticipations of logic. But Aristotle was the first to conceive of reasoning itself as a definite subject of a special science, which he called analytics or analytic science, specially designed to analyse syllogism and especially demonstrative syllogism, or science, and to be in fact a science of sciences.
The expert on the other hand may be supposed, in the case of facts over which he has not himself brooded in the course of their acquisition, to approach them without any presumption this way or that.
By this way of abstraction they are made capable of representing more individuals than one."
The science of the form of thought abstracted in this way from its matter or content was regarded as of value both as propaedeutic and as canon.
If the roof be not horizontal, we may obtain in this way any form of conic section.
In this way a spot of light is obtained from each mirror.
Balance weights added in this way to a set of reciprocating weights are sometimes called bob-weights.
In this way the great Alexandrian school of Homeric criticism began with Zenodotus, the first chief of the museum, and was continued by Aristophanes and Aristarchus.
In this way there arose a conservative school who admitted more or less freely the absorption of pre-existing lays in the formation of the Iliad and Odyssey, and also the existence of considerable interpolations, but assigned the main work of formation to prehistoric times, and to the genius of a great poet.
In this way the action is made to begin almost immediately before the actual return of Ulysses.
Though Siva, too, assumes various forms, the incarnation theory is peculiarly characteristic of Vaishnavism; and the fact that the principal hero of the Ramayana (Rama), and one of the prominent warriors of the Mahabharata (Krishna) become in this way identified with the supreme god, and remain to this day the chief objects of the adoration of Vaishnava sectaries, naturally imparts to these creeds a human interest and sympathetic aspect which is wholly wanting in the worship of Siva.
In this way Gallicanism, which had once stood for all that was national and progressive, now came to mean subservience to a feeble autocracy already tottering to its fall.
But in the organs of sense these pores are specially adapted to receive the effluxes which are continually rising from bodies around us; and in this way perception is somewhat obscurely explained.
Presbyteries in various parts of the country were still disposed to disregard the presentations of lay patrons, and to settle the men desired by the people; but legal decisions had shown that if they acted in this way their nominee, while legally minister of the parish, could not claim the stipend.
Architecture has restored many of the larger churches from their disfigurement by partition walls and galleries - though much still remains to be done in this way - and has erected new churches of a style favourable to devotion.
He seems in this way to have educated in himself a very precise " electrical sense," making use of his own nervous system as a kind of physiological galvanometer.
One of the most important investigations he made in this way was to find out, as he expressed it, " what power of the velocity the resistance is proportional to."
The general dissatisfaction received a somewhat unguarded and intemperate expression in a letter sent to the justices of Marlborough by a gentleman of the neighbourhood, named Oliver St John, 6 in which he denounced the attempt to raise funds in this way as contrary to law, reason and religion, as constituting in the king personally an act of perjury, involving in the same crime those who contributed, and thereby subjecting all parties to the curses levelled by the church at such offences.
Gregory plied every one with questions, and in this way gathered a great mass of detailed information.
He delighted to keep himself in this way au courant with the latest developments, and lost no opportunity of establishing relations with men of scientific reputation.
Many of the foregoing towns are only villages in size, but their importance is not to be measured in this way.
In this way he obtained an amalgam, from which on distilling off the mercury the barium was obtained as a silver white residue.
The worst of this method was that the disease inoculated this way was exceedingly severe and very nearly proved fatal.
Prepared in this way it contains a small quantity of the unaltered chloride, which can be removed by ether or carbon bisulphide.
In this way the bodies of more or less nearly perfect animals, often standing in the Rotunda; but few other bones of any description have been found.
Only in this way could they hold their ground, however insecurely, in face of the religious reaction of the 1st century.
On the other hand, it is the glory of the Achaean league to have combined city autonomy with an organized central administration, and in this way to have postponed the entire destruction of Greek liberty for over a century.
In this way many fine mansions on Van Ness Avenue were destroyed, and the westward advance of the conflagration was stopped at Franklin Street, one block west.
In this way he produced a great many of the forms of equilibrium of a liquid under the action of surfacetension alone, and compared them with the results of mathematical investigation.
Operating in this way there is no difficulty in obtaining surfaces upon which a drop of water spreads, although from causes that cannot always be traced, a certain proportion of failures is met with.
Reasoning from some observations of Savart, Plateau finds in this way 4.38 as the ratio of the length of a division to the diameter of the jet.
Subsequent cultures or, as they are called, " subcultures," may be made by inoculating fresh tubes, and in this way growth may be maintained often for an indefinite period.
The various tissues affected are examined microscopically and cultures made from them; in this way the structural changes and the relation of bacteria to them can be determined.
In this way the characteristic features of the disease can be reproduced.
In this way secondary abscesses, secondary tubercle glanders and nodules, &c., result; in typhoid fever there is secondary invasion of the mesenteric glands, and clumps of bacilli are also found in internal organs, especially the spleen, though there may be little tissue change around them.
In this way conditions formerly believed to be the causes of disease are now recognized as playing their part in predisposing to the action of the true causal agent, viz.
We cannot, however, say that these play an important part in immunity, and even if it were so, the essential factor would be the development of the substances which act in this way.
In this way it was able to command at once individual attachment and universal power.
In this way the j ealousies of race and the necessities of nations have produced various national churches which are independent or autocephalous and yet are one in doctrine.
In this way the Russian Church became autocephalous, and its patriarch had immense power.
His errors in this way are of course, looked at from an absolute standard, unpardonable.
The reasons for its having impressed itself in this way and become thus familiar are in large part to be found in the characteristics noticed below.
It is inconceivable that one of the Twelve should have proceeded in this way in giving an account of Christ's ministry.
He walked with proud step, darting a haughty glance this way and that as if he felt himself lord of all.
Each of these served as an example of what might be achieved in the light of the new doctrine, which, taught in this way and in an admirably lucid style, was easily absorbed by many who found the more complete exposition in the Origin very hard to absorb.
In this way the ocellus becomes a true eye, very similar in plan to the eyes of Gastropods and other molluscs.
In this way he unconsciously opened the way for future trouble.
Many of them devour seed, as the corn weevils, Calandra granaria and C. oryzae, and in this way vegetation is severely injured, and its spread seriously checked.
It is in this way that weight forms a factor in flight, the wings and the weight of the body reciprocating and mutually assisting and relieving each other.
In this way the land is so deeply penetrated by the water that no part is more than 75 m.
In this way every good thing has its evil forerunner.
Now, as a woman is only half a man, in this way the number thirty was left incomplete, as it is in the moon's course.
In this way the history of numeral words furnishes actual proof of that independent intel lectural progress among savage tribes which some writers have rashly denied.
The raw meat eaten in this way is considered to be very superior in taste and much more tender than when cold.
The success of the expedition was in no small degree owing to the aid afforded by the several native chiefs through whose country it passed, and no one did more in this way than Dejaj Kassa or Kassai of Tigre.
Philosophy corrects in this way the abstractions which are inevitably made by the scientific specialist, and may claim, therefore, to be the only "concrete" science, that is to say, the only science which takes account of all the elements in the problem, and the only science whose results can claim to be true in more than a provisional sense.
In this way, and, so far as the present writer can see, in this way only, it is possible to understand the extraordinary revolution which converted Platonism, philosophical and dogmatic, into Academicism, scientific and sceptical.
In this way fixity of tenure and service was aimed at and to a certain degree enforced by the state.
In this way each country has a grouping of its own, though there is a common likeness, and the experience and practice of one country assist the financial study of another.
In this way the rivers in the delta slowly build themselves up into canals, which every autumn break through or overflow their margins, and leave their silt upon the adjacent flats.
Constantine Mavrocordato was in this way hospodar of Walachia at six different times, and paid on one occasion as much as a million lion-dollars (40,000) for the office.
The Colombian "Panama hat" is made from the fibres extracted from the ribs of the fanshaped leaves of still another species of palm, Carludovica palmata, while in the Rio Sinn region the natives make a kind of butter ("manteca de Corozo") from the Elaeis melanococca, Mart., by peeling the nuts in water and then purifying the oil extracted in this way by boiling.
The sac-like body built up in this way is attached usually to some firm object by its blind end, and bears at the upper end the mouth FIG.
In this way an exact comparison of the weights in vacuo can be computed, but of course the simplest way of arriving at the result would be by the construction of a strong air-tight case which can be completely exhausted of air by an air-pump, and in which the weighing can then be effected in vacuo.
The reaction is a perfectly general one, for the aniline may be replaced by other aromatic amines and the aldehyde by other aldehydes, and so a large number of quinoline homologues may be prepared in this way.
By the play of reactions induced in this way practically the whole of the SO 2 is ultimately converted into sulphuric acid, and at the same time the nitrogen oxides are always recovered with comparatively very slight losses and made to serve over again.
In the middle of the 14th century the weakness of the Delhi sovereigns tempted the governors of provinces to revolt against their distant master, and to form independent kingdoms. In this way the Bahmani kingdom was established in the Deccan, and embraced a part of the Bombay presidency.
Some British authors have referred to the latter of these well-marked species certain Ducks that from time to time occur, but they are doubtless hybrids, though the secret of their parentage may be unknown; and in this way a so-called Bimaculated Duck, Anas bimaculata, was for many years erroneously admitted as a good species to the British list, but of late this has been properly discarded.
In the large majority of cases the numbers 6, 7, 8 and 9 are 5+1, 5+2, 5+3 and 5+4, being named either directly from their composition in this way or as the fingers on the second hand.
We can, however, denote the result of the process by a symbol, and deal with this symbol according to the laws of arithmetic. In this way we arrive at (i) negative numbers, (ii) fractional numbers, (iii) surds, (iv) logarithms (in the ordinary sense of the word).
A fraction written in this way is called a decimal fraction; or we might define a decimal fraction as a fraction having a power of To for its denominator, there being a special notation for writing such fractions.
A number made up in this way may be called a decimal number, or, more briefly, a decimal.
This discount, of course, is not equal to the interest which the present value would produce at that rate of interest, but is rather greater, so that the present value as calculated in this way is less than the theoretical present value.
When a fold diminishes in this way it is said to "nose out."
In this way the exchequer grew into a law court of primary importance, instead of remaining merely a court of receipt.
In this way between he built up for himself a personal following within the Warwick Yorkist party; but the relative strength of this faction and the and of that which still looked upon Warwick as the ng.
In this way the Spanish alliance, unpopular in itself, was formed to liberate the king from the shackles imposed on him by the English constitution.
But the second danger could not be met in this way.
By the management of the princewho later in the reign was known as the prince consortthe great ladies of the household voluntarily tendered their resignations; and every obstacle to the formation of the new government was in this way removed.
But it was proposed that these extensions should be accompanied by an educational franchise, and a franchise conferred on persons who had paid twenty shillings in assessed taxes or income tax; the tax-payers who had gained a vote in this way being given a second vote in respect of the property which they occupied.
Methane cannot be burnt in this way even when there is much hydrogen present, and several other methods have been proposed, such as mixing with air and aspirating over copper oxide heated to redness, or mixing with oxygen and burning in a platinum tube heated to redness, the carbon dioxide formed being estimated by absorption in potash.
Undoubtedly the best process which has been proposed for the production of oil gas to be used in the enrichment of coal gas is the" Young "or" Peebles "process, which depends on the principle of washing the oil gas retorted at a moderate temperature by means of oil which is afterwards to undergo decomposition, because in this way it is freed from all condensible vapours, and only permanent gases are allowed to escape to the purifiers.
A man named Jacques in this way fasted at Edinburgh for thirty days in 1888, and in London for forty-two days in 1890, and for fifty days in 1891; and an Italian named Succi fasted for forty days in 1890.
At all events, traces of a cult of Marduk at Eridu are to be noted in the religious literature, and the most reasonable explanation for the existence of a god Marduk in Eridu is to assume that Babylon in this way paid its homage to the old settlement at the head of the Persian Gulf.
Thereafter, in papers published by the Cambridge Philosophical Society and the Geological Society of London, he entered largely into mathematical inquiries connected with geology, dealing with the effects which an elevatory force acting from below would produce on a portion of the earth's crust, in fissures, faults, &c. In this way he discussed the elevation and denudation of the Lake district, the Wealden area, and the Bas Boulonnais.
It might be put in this way - a really Divine personality, a really human experience.
He was led to it in this way.
In this way the constitution of 1819 was restored, and power passed into the hands of a bureaucracy.
Experience shows that it costs about 70 cents an acre to plough the land in this way.
The self or the will can no longer be looked upon as possessing a kind of imperium in imperio, " this way and that dividing the swift mind."
In this way the late Lord Penzance became dean on the retirement of Sir Robert Phillimore in 1875.
In this way all or most of the things commonly judged to be " goods " - health, strength, wealth, fame,' &c., - are brought within the sphere of the sage's choice, though his real good is solely in the wisdom of the choice, and not in the thing chosen.
In this way the utilitarian method is freed from the subversive tendencies which Butler and others had discerned in it; as used by Paley, it merely explains the current moral and jural distinctions, exhibits the obvious basis of expediency which supports most of the received rules of law and morality and furnishes a simple solution, in harmony with common sense, of some perplexing casuistical questions.
Katla caused very serious destruction in this way by converting several cultivated districts into barren wastes.
The eccentricity determined in this way is more than a degree in error, owing to the effect of the evection, which was unknown to Hipparchus.
In this way we get a number of over-kingdoms acknowledging only the supremacy of the Tara dynasty.
The coarb might be a bishop or only an abbot, but in either case all the ecclesiastics in the family were subject to him; in this way it frequently happened that bishops, though their superior functions were recognized, were in subjection to abbots who were only priests, as in the case of St Columba, or even to a woman, as in the case of St Brigit.
In this way it was possible for the chief to extend his power enormously.
Both Celtic chiefs and Norman nobles founded convents after Henry II.'s time, but the latter being wealthier were most distinguished in this way.
In this way a delicate test for slight traces of double refraction is obtained.
It was in this way that the rotary property of certain biaxal crystals was first established by Pocklington.
This fact has been employed for separating waves of large wavelength, and in this way waves of length 0 .
In this way a barrier was erected between the Christians of Nubia and those of Abyssinia.
In this way a mass of traditional interpretation of all kinds of observed phenomena was gathered, and once gathered became a guide to the priests for all times.
The problem of separating a possible effect produced in this way from the zodiacal light proper may seem to offer some difficulty.
In this way a mixture of the two asparagines was obtained, which were separated by picking out the hemihedral crystals.
Friction resists the motion of one surface upon another, but it may and frequently does confer the motion of the one upon the other, and in this way causes, instead of resists, the motion of the latter.
In this way a monochromat for glycerin of a numerical aperture 1.25 gives a relative numerical aperture of 2.50.
In this way it is only possible for diffracted rays to enter the objective.
Apparatus for a good dark field illumination has received much attention, because in this way ultra-microscopical particles can be made visible.
The native chrome-ironstone (Cr 2 O 3 FeO) may be used in this way as a source of such compounds, being fused in a reverberatory furnace, along with soda-ash and lime, the oxidizing agent in this case being atmospheric oxygen.
Thus in Lychnis an elongation of the axis betwixt the calyx and the corolla takes place, and in this way they are separated by an interval.
The wealth he amassed from the Congo he spent, no doubt, royally not only in this way but also on public improvements in Belgium; but he had a hard heart towards the natives of his distant possession.
On the other hand, a great advantage is gained in the absorption machine by using the direct heat of the steam, without first converting it into mechanical work, for in this way its latent heat of vaporization can be utilized by condensing the steam in the coils and letting it escape in the form of water.
The tank is filled with water, which is kept in agitation by means of a reciprocating paddle or piston; in this way the air escapes, and with proper care a block of great transparency is produced.
Among those who used in this way Menasseh's Vindiciae was Moses Mendelssohn.
At the same time they increase the movements of the stomach, and also in this way hasten digestion, an action which extends to the upper part of the bowel.
In this way the metal, owing to its high conductivity and low specific heat as compared to that of water, is kept at a temperature far below its melting point if the water is renewed quickly enough.
In this way a very large surface is exposed to the heat, and the ore, if containing sufficient sulphur to maintain the combustion, is perfectly burned when it arrives at the bottom; if, however, it is imperfectly sized or damp, or if it contains much earthy matter, the result is not very satisfactory.
Did you back-talk your parents this way?
No impression of the address would be left on the pad this way.
With it came the dreaded conclusion they'd not come this way earlier.
Whatever reason you have for talking about her this way – just stop.
Of course, she still shopped around for bargains, but this way it was fun – something she had not previously associated with shopping.
He was candid about the reasons why the arrangement has been made in this way.
Women who protested for an end to the war were often disparaged in this way.
Youthful enthusiasm is not rewarded in this way.
In this way your drawing become much more accurate.
Therapy Weekly CPD can be a valuable addition to your portfolio, so please do optimize its use in this way.
People who use the welfare system in this way allegedly take unfair advantage of their fellow citizens.
Please note, mailing list members have to positively affirm they want to have their details displayed in this way.
Moreover, the term ' intellectual barbarians ' is clearly meant ironically and was certainly intended to be taken in this way.
Many regulators have begun to act on the consumer's behalf in this way.
Information on suspected burglars, drug dealers and car thieves have been passed to police in this way.
In this way a unique record of the language people use in everyday conversation was constructed.
In this way she at first seems to back up a typically courtly idea of " love at first sight.
Nor can he in this way find deliverance from it.
Put it this way if I were to release the demos it would completely redeem her as an artist.
Single sex schools are not dissected in this way.
The courts have accepted that goods may be validly distrained in this way.
Tips on healthy eating Change your eating habits gradually, you are more likely to continue to eat healthily this way.
I am angry with the pre eclampsia for making me feel this way.
In this way we can study the energetics of the Sun.
Neither Bush not Kerry would be politically enfranchised in this way to sponsor American withdrawal from Iraq.
The first medicines assessed for Alzheimer's treatment work in this way and are called acetylcholine esterase inhibitors.
It is designed to take solutions in each direction, so lignocaine gel can be inserted in this way.
Fires can be cause in this way and rats can even gnaw through pipes, causing flooding.
But there are signs that offering instant gratification in this way may be losing its appeal.
Minerals formed in this way include gypsum, rock salt, and various nitrates and borates.
In this way does planning become the handmaiden of land monopoly.
I also have a £ 250 pair of headphones attached to a £ 200 headphone amp and playing back MP3s this way sounds incredible.
Catching in this way leads to dislocated hips in some meat chickens.
Clematis, evergreen honeysuckles and climbing or rambling roses are delightful when used in this way.
My mother hid her own illegitimacy this way for a long time.
It seems inequitable that a losing party should benefit in this way and that the Court Service should be unable to recover the money.
Open the door with your guiding arm - this way they can easily tell whether the door is moving inwards or outwards.
In this way a wonderful kaleidoscope of sound emerges which may be compared to varieties of pentecostal singing found around the world.
She began to scratch frantically, parting the litter this way and that, bits of white flying like snow onto the hall linoleum.
Perhaps this way we can grasp the magnitude of ' cultural deprivation ' .
In this way the frequency of the transition observed in the fountain can be related to that of the hydrogen maser.
These do not include the schools matinee or the youth drama attendees who were not evaluated in this way.
Is it really worthwhile trying to squeeze a few more megawatts from hydro power in this way?
They point up the poverty of false metaphysics to rid us of the temptation of doing metaphysics this way.
In this way people can be encouraged to think for themselves and benefit from the preaching ministry.
A consequence of psychological trauma is often depression; psychological trauma is routinely misdiagnosed in this way.
That people are compelled to divert resources in this way is surely a moral obscenity.
Only in this way can the plans of the financial oligarchy be blocked.
Fifty-five percent had at least one lucid dream and two had their first-ever lucid dream this way.
Any book donated in this way will have its own commemorative book plate.
We should not find so many places in this way as we could if we allowed these sectors to employ people on benefit plus.
Publishing intervisibility data for all the monuments in this way clearly avoids any preconceptions on the part of the authors and empowers the viewer.
The Housing Revenue Account Business Plan 2002, highlighted that the Council could no longer afford this way of replacing prefabs.
In this way the economic might of the French bourgeoisie also rested directly on the labor of the Russian proletariat.
Students who register in this way must submit a proposal to the Department Office by Monday 20 November 2006.
Is there any move to convert analog radios in this way and, if so, can you recommend any devices?
It was very reckless to go bail in this way.