There-has-been Sentence Examples
About the facts of his life there has been much difference of opinion.
For sponge fishing no accurate statistics are available before 1896; in that year 75 tons of sponges were secured, but there has been considerable diminution since, only 31 tons being obtained in 1902.
Since 1899 there has been a steady increase both in imports and exports.
Lava streams and other signs of volcanic action abound, but there has been no igneous activity since the Spaniards took possession.
Since the pacification of the Sudan by the British (1886-1889) there has been some revival of trade between Gondar and the regions of the Blue Nile.
Russ a n Here there has been a development of the resources Asia.
Since the introduction of British rule there has been no serious trouble in the province.
In the five years 1881-1888 the rate was 8 08 marriages (16.1 persons) per thousand of the population, declining to 6.51 in 1891-1895; in recent years there has been a considerable improvement, and the Australian marriage rate may be quoted as ranging between 6.75 and 7.25.
The income of 60,741,418 in 1881 rose in 1899-1900 to 69,917,126; while the expenditure increased from 58,705,929 in 1881 to 69,708,706 in 1899-1900, an increase of 9,175,708 in income and 11,002,777 in expenditure, while there has been a still further increase since, the figures for 1905-1906 showing (excluding items which figure on both sides of the account) an increase of 8,766,995 in income and 5,434,560 in expenditure over 1899-1900.
In this instance it may happen that the work of intelligence has only been mimicked in nature by blind forces which have accidentally produced organic life; and Mill is disposed to hold that if the evolution of species should be clearly established as due to natural law - if there has been no creation by special interposition - the argument falls to the ground and theism (apparently) is lost.
AdvertisementThe thirty years which followed the publication of the Origin of Species were characterized chiefly by anatomical and embryological work; since then there has been no diminution in anatomical and embryological enthusiasm, but many of the continually increasing body of investigators have turned again to bionomical work.
As a result, however, partly of the usual want of work on the grasslands in certain seasons, there has been a considerable emigration to America.
The results of these investigations show that in Ceylon from the 3rd century B.C. onwards there has been a continuous succession of teachers and scholars.
The outline of the curve of a valley's sides ultimately depends on the angle of repose of the detritus which covers them, if there has been no subsequent change, such as the passage of a glacier along the v.alley, which tends to destroy the regularity of the crosssection.
The Mongol invasion, in the latter part of that century, wrought their ruin, however, and from that time to the present there has been a steady decline in the commercial importance of the Euphrates route, and consequently also of the towns along its course, until at the present time it is only an avenue of ruins.
AdvertisementJust below Mussaib there has been for all ages a great bifurcation of the river.
Since 1900, however, there has been considerable development, and the total mileage on the 1st of January 1909, was 1,866.92 m.
Moreover, although general opinion identifies our Artaxerxes with the first of that name, certain features suggest that there has been some confusion with the traditions of the time of Artaxerxes II.
In Spain there has been of late a more liberal attitude towards the Jews, and there is a small congregation (without a public synagogue) in Madrid.
But there has been considerable interference (ostensibly on humanitarian grounds) with the Jewish method of slaughtering animals for food (Shehitah) and the method was prohibited by a referendum in 1893.
AdvertisementOn the other hand, in modern times there has been an increasing tendency to depart from its.
An interesting example of the importance of his pioneer work is the fact that there has been a strong tendency to revert to the views which he advanced on the question of the Hittites in his early Oxford lectures.
In recent times there has been a good deal of activity in Venice in regard to the preservation of its artistic and architectural treasures.
Since Congress did not pass any formal act of admission there has been some controversy as to when Ohio became a state.
Since this time there has been no set-back to the prosperity of the city.
AdvertisementThe English doctrine that a verbal lease may be specifically enforced if there has been part performance by the person seeking the remedy has been fully adopted in nearly all the American states.
From the former there has been an export trade for many years which fluctuates remarkably according to the demand.
In the routine examination of crude petroleum it is customary to determine the specific gravity, and the amount of water and earthy matter in suspension; the oil is also frequently subjected to a process of fractional distillation in order to ascertain whether there has been any addition of distilled products or residue.
But from his time onwards there has been a continuous stream of admiralty reports, and we begin to find important cases decided on the instance as well as on the prize side.
The fact that its product is shut out of its natural markets, without gaining that of the United States, is also a great handicap. The civic status of the people is still unsettled, but there has been under American rule a notable advance in the well-being of the island.
For many years there has been a reaction against the all-cotton farming system.
In recent years there has been an immigration of Italians into Louisiana, which seems likely to prove of great social and economic importance.
It is sometimes said that since then there has been a countertendency, but it is impossible to prove such a statement conclusively except with the aid of future censuses.
Of late years, however, there has been a gradual assimilation of broader views by the leaders of Islam in Turkey, at any rate at Constantinople, and the revolution of 1908, and its affirmation in the spring of 1909, took place not only with their approval, but with their active assistance.
It thus appears that since early Tertiary times there has been a great change in the climate of Greenland.
Although the cost of transport from the remote forest regions of some districts is a serious consideration, this is not likely to be operative in reducing production until there has been a considerable and permanent fall in price, by which time new areas in those countries in which planting is now taking place will probably have come into bearing.
Its territory touches that of every South American nation, except Chile, and with each one there has been a boundary dispute at some stage in its political life.
Horses are used to some extent for riding, but very little for carriage and draught purposes, consequently there has been no great incentive for their breeding.
The depreciation and unstable character of the paper currency render it difficult to give a clear statement of receipts and expenditures for a term of years, the sterling equivalents often showing a decrease, through a fall in the value of the milreis, where there has been an actual increase in currency returns.
Since 1898 there has been an upward movement of exchange, the average rate for 1905 having been very nearly 16 pence.
In philosophy there has been a remarkable increase of activity, partly assimilative or eclectic and partly original.
Somogyi (sociology), and the late Augustus Pulszky In history there has been great activity.
In the branch of bionomics, however, concerned with the laws of variation and heredity (thremmatology), there has been considerable progress.
The importance of the general conclusions above formulated, as imposing a limit upon our powers of direct observation, can hardly be overestimated; but there has been in some quarters a tendency to ascribe to it a more precise character than it can bear, or even to mistake its meaning altogether.
But the Jews are no longer the obedient slaves of the oppressing power; there has been a national rising and armies have gone forth to battle.
To replace this cellular destruction there has been a demand for reinforcements on the home centres of the polymorpho-nuclear leucocytes - the bone marrow.
Healing by second intention, or granulation, is usually seen where there has been loss of tissue, or extensive damage.
It is well known that cancer may develop in places where there has been chronic irritation; an example may be found in cancer of the tongue following on prolonged irritation from a jagged tooth.
The length of roads has not greatly increased in Lower Burma, but there has been a great deal of road constuction in Upper Burma.
While these different feudal systems have shown a general similarity of organization, there has been also great variation in their details, because they have started from different institutions and developed in different ways.
The independence of the Peruvian courts has not been scrupulously maintained, and there has been much criticism of their character and decisions.
The government then had to readjust expenditures to largely diminished resources; but the obligation has been met intelligently and courageously, and since 1895 there has been an improvement in the financial state of the country.
The photographic method appears to have practically failed during recent years, since there has been no brilliant display upon which to test its capacity.
Since 1861-1862 there has been an independent Episcopal Native Church; but the Church Missionary Society, which in 1804 sent out the first missionaries to Sierra Leone, still maintains various agencies.
This continued until the old traditions were well-nigh exhausted, but since i88o there has been a distinct revival.
Little by little there has been developed a degree of skill which compares not unfavourably with the work of the old masters.
Since the last date there has been no complaint.
Of late, largely under the inspiration of Don Antonio Canovas, there has been a certain reaction in his favour.
It does not follow that faith in the Bible record is shaken, although in some quarters there has been a pronounced tendency to regard the history of the Egyptian sojourn as mythical; yet it cannot be denied that Egyptian records, corroborating at least some phases of the Bible story, would have been a most welcome addition to our knowledge.
He is generally said to have formed the acquaintance of Sir Philip Sidney, Fulke Greville and other eminent Englishmen, but there has been much controversy as to the facts of his life in London.
As a consequence there has been a tendency towards the formation of two opposing elements within the dominant party; the more radical seeking the promotion of what since 1902 has been known as the "Iowa Idea," which in substance is to further the expansion of the trade of the United States with the rest of the world through the more extended application of tariff reciprocity, and at the same time to revise the tariff so as to prevent it from "affording a shelter to monopoly."
Since 1896 there has been a strong independent movement in politics, marked by the organization of a League for Better City Government (1896) and a Municipal League (1900), and by the organization of postal primaries to secure the co-operation of electors pledged to independent voting.
The town hall is not large enough for an assemblage of all the voters, but actually the attendance is usually limited to about Zoo, and since 1901 there has been in force a kind of referendum, under which any measure passed by a town-meeting attended by 700 or more voters may be referred, upon petition of loo legal voters, to a regular vote at the polls.
Since the middle of the 19th century, in spite of the enactments of laws in Britain and elsewhere against the practice, there has been a recrudescence of belief in palmistry, and a new literature has grown up differing little in essence from the older.
When intercourse with the West began, and more especially when Western methods of government and education were first adopted in Siam, the tendency to utilize European words was very marked, but recently there has been an effort to avoid this by the coining of Siamese or Bali compound words.
No fair was then held, but from 1792 onwards there has been one yearly on the 10th of August.
James Hutton (1726-1797) had set forth (1788) the principle that during all geological time there has been no essential change in the character of events, and that uniformity of law is perfectly consistent with mutability in the results.
In Great Britain, whither they began to straggle over during the revolutionary troubles at the close of the 18th century, and where, practically unaffected by the clause directed against them in the Emancipation Act of 1829, their chief settlement has been at Stonyhurst in Lancashire, an estate conferred on them by Thomas Weld in 1795, they have been unmolested; but there has been little affinity to the order in the British temperament, and the English province has consequently never risen to numerical or intellectual importance in the Society.
In recent years there has been a great influx of Poles into these parts, attracted by the higher wages.
In all races there has been since 1890, throughout the country, a large increase in the proportion of girls among the pupils of each age-group; and this is particularly true of the group of 15 years and upwardthat is of the grammar school and high school age, in which girls were in 1900 decidedly preponderant.
Tin ores have been widely discovered, but though much has been hoped for from them, particularly from the deposits in the Black Hills region of South Dakota, there has been no more than a relatively insignificant commercial production.
By 1864 the proportion had fallen to 27.5%, and except for a temporary slight recovery after the close of the war there has been a steady progress downward since that time, until in 1908 only 9.8% of the commerce of the country was carried on under its own flag.
Of recent years there has been a great revival of interest in the improvement of inland waterways upon systematic plans, which promises better than an earlier period of internal improvements in the first half of the 19th century, the results of which were more or less disastrous for the state and local governments that undertook them, and only less so for the national government.
Of late years there has been a controversy among Anglican theologians as to the exact nature of the gif t conveyed through confirmation, or, in other words, whether the Holy Spirit can be said to have come to dwell in those who have been baptized but not confirmed.
The population is composed mainly of Englishor French-speaking people, but there are German settlements of some extent in Ontario, and of late years there has been a large immigration into the western provinces and territories from other parts of Europe, including Russians, Galicians, Polish and Russian Jews, and Scandinavians.
The decay of the wooden shipbuilding industry has lessened the comparative importance of the mercantile marine, but there has been a great increase in the tonnage employed in the coasting trade and upon inland waters.
As a result of the great care now used in watching over them there has been a small but steady increase in their numbers.
M N Intermixture may take place to any extent, and the more of it there has been the more difficult does it become to trace the transmission of a text.
In recent years there has been a tendency to diversify crops, Indian corn, wheat and oats being raised extensively in the "Cereal Belt."
Thus, where the judges who try an election petition report that there has been treating, undue influence, or any illegal practice by the candidate or his election agent, but that it was trivial, unimportant and of a limited character, and contrary to the orders and without the sanction or connivance of the candidate or his election agent, and that the candidate and his election agent took all reasonable means for preventing corrupt and illegal practices, and that the election was otherwise free from such practices on their part, the election will not be avoided.
The town is now occupied by a colony of Circassians, whose houses have been built with materials from the earlier buildings, and there has been much destruction of the interesting ruins.
The tendency to spin finer counts has been to some extent counteracted by the development of the flannelette trade, for which heavy wefts are used, and there has been again a tendency lately to use "condensor" or waste wefts, which has worked to the disadvantage of the spinners of the regular coarse counts spun at Royton and elsewhere.
In the United States there has been an arduous struggle over this question, and combinations of merchants have sometimes compelled favourable terms. In England, though the merchant has maintained a great part of the trade with shopkeepers, the developing trade with makers of shirts, underclothing, &c., is mainly done by the manufacturers directly, and perhaps the simplification of relations by direct dealing in the cotton trade has now reached a point of fairly stable compromise.
Since the Ship Canal made Manchester into a cotton port there has been a steady development of the raw cotton trade in Manchester, and many cotton brokers and merchants have Manchester offices or pay regular visits from Liverpool.
But of late years there has been an enormous influx of Anglo-Indian rupees, so that these have become practically the currency of the country, even to the frontier of China, and are now counted, instead of being valued as bullion.
Since the suppression of the monasteries there has been no legal establishment for professed persons in.
Regarding the occasion there has been almost as much controversy as regarding the date of its foundation.
Although there have been some changes in the thermal energy in the park since 1871, there has been no appreciable diminution.
The observance of that first Day of Intercession was followed by an immediate change, and unquestionably there has been progress ever since.
At the same time there has been a great accession of men to the missionary ranks from among other classes of society.
In this enterprise there has been great advance in Egypt among the Copts, and in 1899 the Pope signalized " the resurrection of the Church of Alexandria " by appointing a Patriarch for Egypt, Libya and Nubia.
With the city's growth in manufacturing there has been a large increase in the foreign element in the population.
Manufactures and Mines.-Since 1864, and more especially since 1875, there has been a remarkable development of manufacturing enterprise in Poland, the branch of industry which has shown the greatest progress being the textile.
Although there has been a decided increase in the number of both the primary and the secondary schools, nevertheless the school accommodation has in neither category of school kept pace with the growth of the population.
In more modern times there has been the same excavation of shallow pits, and sluicing, sifting and sorting, by hand labour, the only machinery used being chain pumps made of earthen bowls to remove the water from the deeper pits.
Such seems to have been Pitt's intention, though there has been much controversy as to how far Lord Fitzwilliam (q.v.) had been authorized to pledge the government.
As is commonly the case with plants which have been long under cultivation, there has been some doubt as to specific distinctions among the varieties of tea.
The increase in consumption there has been so small that it probably arises mainly from the increasing number of English and English-colonial visitors that spend portions of each year in the country.
Very little is known about the members of this school, and there has been much discussion as to whether the Pythagorean literature which was widely published at the time in Alexandria was the original work of 1st-century writers or merely reproductions of and commentaries on the older Pythagorean writings.
Lasker objected to these elastic paragraphs, an expression for which in recent years there has been abundant tise.
Owing to the excellence of the municipal system there has been a tendency to devolve thereon, in whole or in part, certain financial burdens on the plea of decentralization.
When there has been much apparent movement, and brilliant changes of colour in the aurora, magnetic disturbance has nearly always accompanied it.
This has happened not only in many places in Bohemia, but in Styria, and even in Vienna, where there has been a great increase in the Czech population and a Czech school has been founded.
Since 1882 there has been a Slav majority in the diet, and Italian has been disused in the proceedings of that body.
The fine exhibits from the Trenton potteries at the Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia in 1876 greatly stimulated the demand for these wares and increased the competition among the manufacturers; and since that date there has been a marked development in both the quantity and the quality of the product.
As to what India derived from Greece there has been a good deal of erudite debate.
The newer quarters, situated near the river, are laid out in the fashion of French cities, but the eastern parts of the town retain, almost unimpaired, their Oriental aspect, and in scores of narrow, tortuous streets, and busy bazaars it is easy to forget that there has been any change from the Cairo of medieval times.
Literature and the Press.Since the British occupation there has been a marked renaissance of Arabic learning and literature in Egypt.
In Sicily there has been continuous work on Greek sites at Camarina, Catania, Messina, and Syracuse; the most important results were obtained at Syracuse.
The principal herring market is continental Europe, Germany and Russia being the largest consumers, and there has been a growing exportation to the United States.
The term has no real chronological value, for there has been no universal synchronous sequence of the three epochs in all quarters of the world.
In Africa, where there has been no Bronze Age, the use of iron succeeded immediately the use of stone.
The term of senators is four years, that of representatives two years; and in the election of representatives since 1870 there has been a provision for "minority" representation, under which by cumulative voting each voter may cast as many votes for one candidate as there are representatives to be chosen, or he may distribute his votes (giving three votes to one candidate, or 12 votes each to two candidates, or one vote each to three candidates), the candidate or candidates receiving the highest number of votes being elected.
New elements no doubt came in under the Assyrian, Persian and Roman dominations, and in more recent times there has been much contamination.
In regard to the ethnic relations of the Berbers there has been much dispute.
In Burma, where the large waste area is being gradually brought under cultivation, there has been an almost uninterrupted increase in the area of the rice crop, and the rice export is one of the main industries of the province.
Only a few eruptions have been recorded of any of these, however, except Taal and Mayon, and there has been no great eruption of Taal since 1754.
Various other things indicate a separation of the islands from the mainland in quaternary times; since which, owing to the later southward movement on the continent of northern forms in glacial times, there has been a struggle for existence on the mainland from which the islands have largely escaped.
Mahommedans who do not acknowledge the spiritual authority of the Ottoman sultan, such as the Persians and Moors, look to their own rulers for the proclamation of a jihad; there has been in fact no universal warfare by Moslems on unbelievers since the early days of Mahommedanism.
Since 1880 there has been a rapid development in textile manufacture, for which the water power of the Piedmont region is used.
For the purpose of comparing the circumstances of the same community at successive periods this method is fairly trustworthy, assuming that there has been no material shifting of the age-proportions during the intervals.
In this respect Holland stands by itself; but in the others mentioned, with the exception of Ireland, both marriage and birth-rates are high and there has been a comparatively insignificant fall in prolificity.
The course of the marriage and birth-rates, set forth above, affords evidence that the control over both has been exercised of recent years to an unprecedented extent, and it will appear from what is stated below, that partly owing to this cause, partly, also, to improved hygienic conditions in western life, there has been an even more pronounced decline in the rate of mortality.
This bases the claim against the insurer upon a fiction, for there has been no loss of the subject insured; in fact, the payment has been for averting such a loss.
In respect to taxation also there has been a like course of readjustment.
Either by administrative survey or by judicial examination care is taken to see that there has been no improper diversion from the designed purposes.
To national debts there has been added a great mass of municipal and local indebtedness, which seems likely to equal, or even exceed in magnitude the liabilities of the central governments.
On the other hand, there has been a compensating advantage in the fact that improved machinery has been demanded for this class of work, and the British manufacturer has been stimulated by the American manufacturers, who have taken the initiative in the change of methods in printing.
The cy-pres doctrine has been either expressly or virtually applied to uphold them in several of the states, and in some there has been legislation in the same direction.
An important fact in connexion with the foreign commerce of the United Kingdom is that there has been a steady increase in imports, but there has been no corresponding steady increase in exports of British produce and manufactures.
This estimate is unquestionably conservative, for there has been no large influx of European blood to counterbalance the race mixtures of earlier times.
In the United Kingdom the chancellor of the exchequer, usually in April, lays before the House of Commons a statement of the actual results of revenue and expenditure in the past finance year (now ending March 31), showing how far his estimates have been realized, and what surplus or deficit there has been in the income as compared with the expenditure.
Where there has been local mischief due to inflammation the dead leucocytes must be removed, and this is done either by their being converted into pus in one mass, and making their way through the tissues to the nearest surface, whether of skin or mucous membrane, from which it can be discharged, or they may undergo a process of fatty degeneration and absorption, leaving behind in some cases cheesy matter, in others hard connective tissue.
For a long period there has been from that region an export of mammoth-ivory, fit for commercial purposes, to China and to Europe.
Owing to the uncertainty of these passages there has been much speculation regarding the original home of the Angli.
As there has been no further change in the doctrine, and no further reformation in discipline, we may leave the ecclesiastical history of Lamaism since that date unnoticed, and consider some principal points on the constitution of the Lamaism of to-day.
Finlay, in his History of Greece, has shown that there has been always a very close relation between the church and national life.
Raised beaches on the coast show that there has been a considerable elevation of the sea-bed.
Notwithstanding these disabilities, there has been in modern times a new development in the trade of some canals, born of a realization that for certain classes of goods water-transport is cheaper than the swifter railtransport.
All in all, the government has proved itself without power to protect the most valuable industries of the district, and for many years there has been talk of a regular territorial government.
As to what is an advancement there has been much conflict of judicial opinion.
Recently in budget debates in England there has been much comparison of the amounts yielded at different times by direct and indirect taxes respectively.
Next there has been misconception, arising from the same cause, in the constant attempt to charge the occupier of lands and houses with rates, although the real effect of the rates must be, as a rule, to diminish the value of the property affected like an old-established land tax, so that rates, properly speaking, do not fall upon either owner or occupier.
Excepting the embayment region, Missouri lies wholly within the Carolinian area of the Upper Austral life-zone; the There has been some controversy as to whether this condition is due to the elevation and corrosion of original flood-plain meanders after their development in a past base-level condition - which theory is probably correct - or to the natural, simultaneous lateral and vertical cut of an originally slightly sinuous stream, under such special conditions of stream declivity and horizontal bedstrata (conditions supposed by some to be peculiarly fulfilled in this region) as would be favourable to the requisite balance of bank cutting and channel incision.
What the vegetative increase has been since then (for there has been no immigration) is purely conjectural, as there are no available returns of births and deaths upon which an estimate can be based.
Copper ores are known to be quite widely distributed in the mountain districts, but there has been little work on any except some in Josephine and Grant counties; in 1908 the state's output amounted to 291,377 lb of copper.
During the decade 1891-1901 the mill industry passed through a period of depression due to widespread plague and famine, but on the whole there has been a marked expansion of the trade as well as a great improvement in the class of goods produced.
The economic value of the forests was originally great, but there has been reckless cutting, and the timber-bearing forests are rapidly disappearing.
Certainly there has been a great increase and development of the practice since the Oxford movement in the early part of the 19th century.
Since that epoch there has been comparative peace between the Druses and the government, largely because the latter, having learned wisdom, leaves the people very much to itself, maintaining only a small garrison of regular troops, and enlisting Druse police for service in Jebel Druz itself.
But in regard to date there has been a remarkable retreat from the earlier critical assertions.
The warden and chaplain are clergy, and the visitor is commonly a bishop. In one important regard there has been hesitation, and authorities like Dr Littledale and Bishop Grafton contend strongly for the primitive ideal of the convent as family, with a constitutional government, as against the later and widespread Jesuit ideal of the convent as regiment, with a theory of despotic rule and absolute obedience.
It is improbable that there has been any connexion by water between the two oceans here since Tertiary time.
As elsewhere in Spanish America, there has been German colonization, notably in Cocle province, where a large tropical estate was established in 1894.
Faxon, who in 1882 secured a negative vote by the town to the question whether "licenses be granted for the sale of intoxicating liquors"; subsequently there has been a similar vote each year.
For many years past there has been but little business in the Arches court, mainly owing to the unwillingness of a large number of the clergy to recognize the jurisdiction of what they deny to be any longer a spiritual court, and the consistent use by the bishops of their right of veto in the case of prosecutions under the Public Worship Regulation Act.
Since 1898 there has been a British consul at Basra (before that time he was a representative of the Indian government).
Up to 1861, as the area formerly under potatoes came back gradually into cultivation, the acreage under crops increased; but since that year, when the total crop area was 5,890,536 acres, there has been a steady and gradual decline, the area in 1905 having fallen to 4,656,227 acres.
In 1847 the number of acres under wheat was 743,871 and there has been a steady and practically continuous decrease ever since, the wheat acreage in 1905 being only 37,860 acres.
As the result of all these efforts there has been an enormous increase in the demand for fruit trees of all kinds.
Since then there has been a steady improvement, and in 1905-1906 the value of the produce was estimated at £300,000 and that of the quantity exported at £200,000.
In general there has been considerable improvement in the condition of agriculture since the introduction of railways, and in cvery province there is a royal commissioner entrusted with the duty of supervising and encouraging this branch of industry.
Since that year there has been a considerable natural increase and in 1910 the population was officially estimated at 2,400,000.
It is the more necessary to emphasize this fact as the present article must unavoidably be concerned principally with the most northern regions of the country of the Blacks - for since the days of Lepsius there has been little new investigation south of Haifa.
Since 1900 there has been no bonded debt whatever.
The orthodox later Jews reckoned the fifty days from the 16th of Nisan, but on this there has been considerable controversy among Jews themselves.
Agriculture.-After being much neglected, agriculture received renewed attention in 1892 and the following years up to 1904, when the area under crop reached a total of 259,611 acres; since the year named there has been no increase, and the area cultivated may be placed at about 250,000 acres.
Where there has been a union or disjunction and erection of parishes the evidence of the boundaries is the relative statute, order in council, or decree of commission or of court of teinds.
The Miocene flora, which succeeds to that just described, is well represented in Europe; but till recently there has been an unfortunate tendency to refer Tertiary floras of all dates to the Miocene period, unless the geological position of the strata was so clear as obviously to forbid this assignment.
When a wife dies leaving a husband of whom there has been issue born alive, he has by the courtesy a life interest in all her real estate and all her personal estate; if the wife die intestate and leave no other heirs the husband is entitled to all her real estate in fee simple.
Up until now, there has been no viable alternative.
From about April onwards there has been an almost palpable feeling in the air of profound unease.
Since there has been no demonstration of the predictive accuracy of the estimation of time varying parameters, even this argument fails.
However, there has been some field amalgamation especially along the central, flatter areas of the LCA.
In fact there has been a strong antipathy toward them.
Over the years there has been some debate to whether green tiger barbs are dyed.
Boston still plan to fill their vacant reserve berth on Press day for which there has been enormous interest from aspiring riders.
More information on seizure types There has been criticism that the word ' brainstorming ' is offensive to people with epilepsy.
Over the past two decades there has been a quiet revolution brewing.
Abstract There has been growing interest in the mechanisms underlying the oscillatory properties of the mammalian cerebral cortex.
Studies have shown there has been a large increase in waist circumference in young people.
Just from talking to fellow clarets it doesn't sound like there has been a massive take up of Clarets World.
Lately there has been growing recognition that the balance needs to be redressed to enable children to have status commensurate with their needs.
We can report that since 1997 there has been significant progress in achieving cyclical convergence.
However, there has been less work on phase transitions from oriented melt phases to crystal phases in block copolymers.
Weed population density may be markedly reduced using crop rotation but there has been little experimentation.
In cases where there has been trauma, facial nerve decompression may be justified.
Since 1997 there has been a dramatic shift in public opinion in favor of welsh devolution.
Regarding this question, there has been much disinformation.
In much of Europe there has been a real center politics which was quite distinctive from free market capitalism.
Nor can one deny that there has been considerable eccentricity in his treatment of his son.
That there has been a lack of serious analysis of the Ukrainian famine on the left is an understatement.
Within the last fortnight there has been a drop in the Pig sector.
Not to be too glum, there has been some movement.
It may seem that I am flogging this horse to death, but there has been considerable hype about RESPECT's electoral success.
In the past few days there has been a note of near hysteria on the issue of asylum seekers.
However, there has been little in-depth analysis of whether contemporary manifestations of antisemitism are more intense or serious than earlier incarnations.
For five millennia there has been human inhabitation on these islands.
Cocaine is also sometimes injected and there has been an increase recently in the number of people who inject steroids.
In recent years there has been quite a craze for the Polish or Check heavily weighted nymphs that imitate free-swimming caddis larvae.
In the rest of the park, which is utterly lawless, we can only conclude there has been an uncontrolled massacre.
Until recently there has been little consideration as to whether artifactual positive results can also be obtained in the in-vivo bone marrow assays.
Where there should have been scientific objectivity there has been voodoo medicine; patients who have sought care have had their trust abused.
In the last ten years there has been an increase in bed occupancy from 75 percent to 95 percent.
Already there has been public outcry over an American firm tracking patients with RFID.
The small birds like open ground for nesting sites and often nest in recently felled conifer plantations where there has been new planting.
To date there has been a marked refusal to be seen as prescriptive.
Over the last ten years there has been an increasing call to provide services for urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse.
Government statistics indicate that there has been decreasing reliance in the primary phase on separate provision (in special schools or units ).
When there has been no period of avoidance, each intake of the food is more likely to temporarily relieve rather than worsen symptoms.
Consequently there has been some partial reversion to wildlife habitat.
And there has been enormous progress in fighting river blindness, guinea worm, diarrheal diseases, and others.
If you can see daylight between the slates then there has been slippage and you need a professional roofer to fix it.
For the last three days there has been a minor sandstorm blowing.
Then we shall always find that there has been one striking idea which forced its way in on a brain sensitized by emotion.
This means that rather than the employe proving there has been discrimination, the employer has to demonstrate s/he has not violated the law.
However, there has been a seismic shift in recent years and it is now the consumer that calls the shots.
Despite extensive searches and several unconfirmed sightings there has been no news from Luke since and his current whereabouts remain a mystery.
For a variety of personal reasons there has been some slight slippage in the timetable.
Without doubt, there has been a huge improvement in the quality of synthetic speech over the last few years.
The number of people speeding has come down and there has been a significant reduction in deaths and injuries at camera sites.
Street Cleansing webpage There has been a paint spillage in the road - can you clear it?
Edgington says that the most complex chains are where there has been a marital split.
Since the Euro-election there has been no speech by a front-bench spokesman explaining why Conservatives want to be " In Europe " .
However, there has been absolutely no attempt to lip sync the characters ' voices, which is just the pits.
The Editor stated that " expert photographers declared there has been no tampering with the negatives.
Desire for mixed tenure There has been strong support in government for mixing tenure on newly built housing estates.
We thought we had won the scout trophy, only to be told, sorry there has been a mistake.
Indeed, from about April onwards there has been an almost palpable feeling in the air of profound unease.
For months there has been serious industrial unrest in the Post Office.
Several other cars in the vicinity have been damaged, plus there has been a spate of petty vandalism.
Moving away from the immediate vicinity of the harbor, there has been a fair bit of new building in recent years.
Unfortunately, there has been little or no research into the correct charging wattages of discharge lamps.
The Huguenot weavers went to Norfolk, too, which is why there has been some confusion.
Causes of OCD There has been a good deal of research carried out over the past few years regarding the causes of OCD.
The precarious position of the province on the borders of the country doubtless militated against an earlier industrial development, but since the separation from Belgium and the construction of roads, railways and canals there has been a general improvement, Tilburg, Eindhoven and Helmond all having risen into prominence in modern times as industrial centres.
It has original jurisdiction in cases of habeas corpus, mandamus and prohibition, and appellate jurisdiction in cases involving a greater amount than one hundred dollars; concerning title or boundary of lands, probate of wills; the appointment or qualification of personal representatives, guardians, curators, committees, &c.; concerning a mill, roadway, ferry or landing; the right of a corporation or county to levy tolls or taxes; in cases of quo warranto, habeas corpus, mandamus, certiorari and prohibition, and all others involving freedom or the constitutionalit y of a law; in criminal cases where there has been a conviction for felony or misdemeanour in a circuit, criminal or intermediate court; and in cases relating to the public revenues.
Both the British manager and the American manager, however, are supplied with a considerable number of daily, weekly and monthly reports, varying on different railways, which are not made public. The daily sheets usually include a summarized statement of the performance of every train on the line, covering the amount of business done, the destination of the loads, &c. For a number of years there has been a movement in Great Britain to require the inclusion of ton-mile statistics in the stated returns to the Board of Trade, but most railway managers have objected to the change on the ground that their own confidential information was already adequate for purposes of control, and that ton-mile statistics would require additional clerical force to a costly extent.
All cases where the prisoner has pleaded guilty are examined in the admiralty, and if in any case there is any reason to think that there has been any informality or that the prisoner has not understood the effect of his plea, such case is submitted to the judge advocate of the fleet for his opinion.
These tribes have been subject to the intrusion from the south of more recent Bantu folk, such as the Yao, belonging to the Ama-Zulu branch of the race, while from the north there has been an immigration of Hamito-Negroid peoples.
It cannot be denied that there has been actual deterioration of the native races, and elimination in their numbers, consequent upon contact with Europeans and Americans (see further, Polynesia).
On the use of the flag and uniform of an enemy for purposes of deception there has been some controversy, but it is supported by high military authority..
Each of these affidavits is to state that to the best of the deponent's knowledge and belief there has been no agreement and no terms or undertaking made or entered into as to the withdrawal, or, if any agreement has been made, shall state its terms. The applicant and his solicitor are also to state in their affidavits the grounds on which the petition is sought to be withdrawn.
In fact there has been an increase of philosophical intercourse between English and American universities, which is a hopeful sign of progress.
Since that year, however, there has been a steady flow of discoveries in prehistoric and early historic cemeteries, and, partly in consequence of this, monuments already known, such as the annals of the Palermo stone, have been made articulate for the beginnings of history in Egypt.
Unlike the ill-fated American communities, these hardy WUrttemberg peasants have flourished in Palestine, and their three colonies - at Jaffa, Haifa, and Jerusalem - are the most important European communities now in the country Since 1870 there has been a steady development of Jewish immigration, consisting principally of refugees from countries where anti-Semitism is an important element in politics.
Secondary Schools There has been consistent improvement in secondary school pupils attainment, particularly at GCSE level.
Government statistics indicate that there has been decreasing reliance in the primary phase on separate provision (in special schools or units).
In the past few years, there has been an attempt to revitalize the downtown area.
Lately, there has been a revival of interest in sundials.
Since then there has been a steady but growing rumble of discontent among tribunal users, advisers and the judiciary.
Nick, tho, points out that there has been a fair amount of serendipity involved in arriving at this sound.
In the past decade there has been a sevenfold increase in crime.
Overworked, and underpaid, Dutch midwives point out that, in recent years, there has been an increasing shortage of new midwives.
Instead, there has been a slowdown in house price growth.
Since the Euro-election there has been no speech by a front-bench spokesman explaining why Conservatives want to be " In Europe ".
There have however, been a number of periods when there has been a spurt of growth.
Once the symptoms begin to occur, they usually subside over several days without treatment provided there has been adequate time for acclimatization.
In the past decade there has been an outbreak of superhero films.
The Editor stated that expert photographers declared there has been no tampering with the negatives.
And it is best to concede that there has been no thoroughgoing analysis of the welfare effects of modern financial markets.
We wonder whether there has been a typographical mistake here.
It is quite untrue to claim that there has been any kind of a crackdown.
In the last three years there has been an upsurge in loyalist violence which has given cause for concern.
Not much happened in the first few thousand years of our time on earth; there has been a lot more change in the last 1000 years than in the 1000 before that.
In fact, there has been a correlation found showing a decrease in breastfeeding among infants who consistently use them.
It has now been almost 15 years since I contracted this disease, and thankfully, there has been very little further deterioration, and I am still going strong.
Most of the seafood sold there has been frozen and is displayed in the case, slowly thawing out and losing freshness and flavor.
As I understand it, there has been no true fighting, just posturing so far.
In recent decades, there has been an outcry within the pet product industry regarding the safety of clay cat litter.
The amount of alimony payable may be reduced if there has been a "substantial change in circumstances."
The trouble is that there has been too much misinformation and a lot of doubt cast by those who make their money via people's continued high-carbon habits.
Although there has been much debate regarding this, the industry seems to be moving in the direction that for a true soy candle to be called green, it must be made up of at least 85 percent of soybean oil.
With the rise of the personal computer, there has been a corresponding surge in the need for comfortable home office spaces.
Although major cosmetics companies in modern times attempt to use safer products, there has been a rise in the popularity of natural and organic cosmetics.
Once an account is opened, it may be possible to begin online trading almost immediately, assuming there has been some cash transferred into the account to get things going.
For years, there has been an argument to legalize marijuana for medical purposes.
Her spokesman at Outside Organization told The Sun newspaper, "We believe there has been a misunderstanding.
So far, there has been no comment from either Miller's or Law's representatives about the split.
From Flava Flav, Brigitte Nielsen, Adrianne Curry, and Christopher Knight (all of whom got their own VH1 series), to Charo and Vanilla Ice, there has been no shortage of personality.
So far, there has been no word on him dropping out of his current projects in various stages of production.
Maybe this split between Pink and Hart will be as "amicable" as her press release makes it sound (although there has been no word yet from Hart's camp).
Don't start fretting just yet super-fans, there has been zero confirmation from Probst or from CBS execs that the rumors have any truth to them.
So far, there has been no announcement that the filming or the scheduled 2010 release of the movie has been pushed back.
So far, there has been no comment from Lindsay's camp regarding her release from the project.
While western shirts have always had a lot going for them in terms of functional clothing features, there has been a recent surge in the popularity of this style.
Since fashion trends have infiltrated the world of children's clothing resulting in designs that may be too adult-like to meet the approval of some parents, there has been some backlash, particularly in more religious communities.
I'm assuming there has been some contact between your sister and son, and possibly their dogs too?
Fortunei. There has been much confusion between these plants, that universally known in gardens as S. japonica not being Japanese at all, but a native of China, its proper name being Skimmia Fortunei.
Chances are there has been some water leakage over the years and some parts of the wall may need to be patched, replaced or skim coated.Remove any damaged tiles and cut out damp or wet drywall.
While there has been a stigma associated with laminate flooring, it has made vast improvements in the past few years.
For the most part, you want to avoid trying to clean your silk tie unless there has been a disaster involving food or lipstick or something similar.
The use of pesticides there has been so concentrated that it has been reported to contaminate the ground water.
In the past decade, many things have changed in the meat industry and there has been increased concern about things like animal byproducts and GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms).
The other option, organic wool, is an excellent flame retardant as well as being organic if there has been nothing added to it. If you see wool on the material list, you may want to verify that it is indeed organic wool.
From chic tops to vivid handbags, it seems almost every garment and accessory out there has been touched in some way by a fierce animal print.
Since the release of the Xbox 360, there has been a selection of interesting game titles.
Recently there has been an upsurge of dangerous aliens landing on Earth with evil intentions.
The people who performed these atrocious crimes are much older than elementary-aged children, but there has been a lot of talk about the fact that they may have been playing violent video games since they were very young.
Every year since the beginning of this even there has been a Featured Tasting, which basically is a producer from Burgundy, France that brings their wines over to share and discuss in a group panel environment.
Throughout the last several decades, there has been an increase in the number of collectors interested in antique woodworking tools made by Stanley.
Developer Landon Fuller feels that there has been some misunderstanding.
Since there has been no report of an actual new iPhone 4G yet, it might just get you by.
Rarely, a Wilms' tumor is diagnosed after there has been bleeding into the tumor, resulting in sudden swelling of the abdomen and a low red blood cell count (anemia).
A rupture, in which there has been a separation within a nerve.
Spina bifida occurs worldwide, but there has been a steady downward trend in occurrence rates since about 1940, particularly in regions of high prevalence.
Stiff collars are generally used to support the neck when there has been a fracture in one of the neck bones.
Many studies have been mentioned relating to the benefits of massage and there has been research published as early as 1969 relating to the topic.
As health and nutrition have improved over the past few generations, there has been a gradual decrease in the average age for the onset of puberty.
As of the early 2000s, however, there has been a better understanding of the problems of pain, even in infancy.
Unfortunately, in the 1990s, there has been some concern about serious neurologic side effects from the vaccine itself.
Families adopting infants or children from countries in which there has been socioeconomic stress may find bone age assessment helpful in establishing the chronological age their adopted child has attained.
Since its inception, there has been debate about Head Start's effectiveness.
X rays may be taken to determine if there has been a head injury or abnormalities within the structure of the nose.
However, there has been talk of a housing bubble and often times in cases such as these, overpriced homes can see significant dips in value.
On the other hand, since there has been a lack of discussion about the photograph on fan sites and blogs, keep in mind that this may be a doctored picture of the star.
Ever since the Tickle Me Elmo craze of 1996, there has been a "Tickle Me" Sesame Street toy on the market, with the new edition for 2009 being the Elmo Tickle Hands.
Lately there has been a lot of press about the toxic contamination of ocean fish.
In recent years, there has been an upswing in vitamin D deficiency.
The concept of superfoods has been around since the early twentieth century; however, there has been a huge rise in the popularity of superfoods in the past decade.
The first world chess champion, Wilhelm Steinitz, took the crown in 1886; since that time there has been a world champion.
Over recent years there has been a move towards more unusual styles, and wedding bands can be crafted from a wide range of materials and in different styles.
However over recent years there has been an increasing interest in colored diamonds.
Do you feel that over the years there has been a general increase in public awareness regarding issues like gluten intolerance and food allergies?
Over the years, there has been much news and buzz regarding a supposed lost book of Nostradamus that predicted the world would end in 2012.
Statistics show there has been little improvement in student math performance and almost no improvement in reading.
There has been more improvement at the elementary level than there has been at the middle or secondary levels.
Through it all, though, there has been an effort to maintain the wholesome, intelligent air of the earliest books.
For nearly as long as there has been cinema, there have been scary movies.
At press time of July, 2011, there has been much speculation about how the Obama Administration's health care reform bill will affect the price of health insurance.
In the US, there has been a sevenfold increase in measles outbreaks due to parents refusing the vaccine for their children.
Since then, there has been good news and bad news regarding its presence in the diet world.
While there are hundreds of anecdotal accounts of people losing significant amounts of weight while using a diet patch, there has been no clinical research to substantiate these claims.
Although there has been controversy surrounding the bowl, it has definitely made a sensation.
Although Amy's potential is limitless, throughout 2007, there has been constant concern about her ability to follow through.
Since the infamous site Napster first appeared online, there has been a fierce debate about downloading music online.
While traditional high teas are a more formal, seated affair, there has been a more modern movement to turn tea parties into a more casual event.
With the incredible popularity of Walt Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean movies, starring big names like Johnny Depp and Kiera Knightly, there has been a rise in demand for pirate birthday party ideas in San Diego by young and old alike.
At the time our story starts, there has been peace between humans and Kzin for some time, and societal pressures are building among the Kzinti, yet some radicals wonder if war is worth the cost.
In fact, there has been such intense focus on its potential dangers in the media that many skincare manufacturers have formulated aluminum free antiperspirants to offer consumers another option.
Facebook continues to change and improve its layout and functionality, but there has been little mention of allowing users to change the look and feel of their own pages.
As the web developed into what is popularly known as "Web 2.0" there has been a tendency to try to make the content of a web page independent of the presentation.
The Supreme Court in 1871 decided in favour of West Virginia, and there has been no further question.
At the same time there has been a steadily These first three were joined in 1907 under the name of the United Methodist Church.
In 1870 the lake rose to an exceptional height, but since then, save in 1897, there has been only the normal seasonal rise.
A catena of opinions may be produced in favour of almost any theory; but formularies express the collective or average belief of any given period, and changes in them are a sure indication that there has been a general change in ideas.