Theme Sentence Examples
Carmen had chosen the colors pastel violet and light gray, with the theme being hearts and the flowers being forget-me-nots.
The antagonism between free labour and slave labour became the theme of many of his speeches.
Because we discuss topical subjects in this class, the main theme of each week might change at a moment's notice.
The incidents of this undertaking are the theme of Washington Irving's Astoria.
It, too, was done up in a race car theme with toys lining the side of the tub.
Maybe because it had the same theme of wrought iron and ivory as the hacienda - and maybe they had been visiting too long.
The bombshell blonde always threw good dinner parties with fun themes; this theme had been Disco Night, complete with lava lamps, disco ball, tacky '70s music that still jammed out the open windows, and costumes for those who chose to wear them.
Whatever question arose, a swarm of these drones, without having finished their buzzing on a previous theme, flew over to the new one and by their hum drowned and obscured the voices of those who were disputing honestly.
Here at last his long yearning for some great theme worthy of his historic genius was gratified.
Their great hulking forms and throaty grunts enhanced the theme of western frontier.
AdvertisementThen came the work in college--original theme writing with new ideals of composition or at least new methods of suggesting those ideals.
I know of those whose serene and wise speculations on this theme would soon reveal the limits of his mind's range and hospitality.
Why should a Ring-motif be transformed into the theme representing Walhalla?
I feel there is a recurring theme to my tests.
To paint a Joan of Arc who lives and dies inglorious is the theme she sets herself, and through most of the novel it is perfectly executed.
AdvertisementThe chivalrous courtesy which he showed to the captive princesses was a favourite theme for later rhetoricians.
But if we attend to the circumstances under which this theme arises, its purport and development become deep and natural.
The city offers biking, walking, and several exciting theme and water parks.
The fact that this theme is commonly called the " Ring-motif " is a glaring instance of what Wagner has had to endure from his friends.
The waters of the Rhine change into black mists which grow grey and thin, while the now sinister theme becomes softer and smoother.
AdvertisementThe dramatic capabilities of the subject are, however, great, and it afterwards attracted Schiller, who, however, seems to have abandoned it in favour of the similar theme of the Russian Demetrius.
The theme even extends to their food presentation.
A still more remarkable instance will be found in the third statement of the theme of the finale of the 9th symphony.
His monumental Vergleichende Geographie, which was to have made the whole world its theme, died out in a wilderness of detail in twenty-one volumes before it had covered more of the earth's surface than Asia and a portion of Africa.
Let us illustrate Wagner's mature use of Leitmotif by the theme which happens to be associated with Alberich's ring.
AdvertisementThis theme is not formally discussed, as in a theological treatise, but is rather, as it were, celebrated in lofty eulogy and application.
The lounge also has special theme nights where audience participation is encouraged.
The first book, after a short introduction upon the nature of theology as understood by Aquinas, proceeds in 119 questions to discuss the nature, attributes and relations of God; and this is not done as in a modern work on theology, but the questions raised in the physics of Aristotle find a place alongside of the statements of Scripture, while all subjects in any way related to the central theme are brought into the discourse.
The First Crusade, far more than any other, became the theme of a multitude of writings, whose different degrees of value it is allimportant to distinguish.
He was one of the earliest of English parliamentary orators; his speeches greatly impressed his contemporaries, and in a later generation, as Macaulay observes, they were "a favourite theme of old men who lived to see the conflicts of Walpole and Pulteney."
To begin with, 1 Though not relating exactly to our present theme, it would be improper to dismiss Nitzsch's name without reference to his extraordinary labours in investigating the insect and other external parasites of birds, a subject which as regards British species was subsequently elaborated by Denny in his Monographia Anoplurorum Britanniae (1842) and in his list of the specimens of British Anoplura in the collection of the British Museum.
Emerson, the poets Bryant, Longfellow, pre-eminently Whittier and Whitman, have spoken on this theme with no uncertain sound.
It was the sound I hated more on a telephone that Henri Mancini's version of Theme from Moon Glow or any other top one hundred hits of elevator music was, 'would you please hold'?
Whatever the titles of his discourses, "Literary Ethics," "Man the Reformer," "The Present Age," "The Method of Nature," "Representative Men," "The Conduct of Life," their theme was always the same, namely, "the infinitude of the private man."
Indeed, the ' theme ' is the chord progression itself.
The theme of the dialog was, building a critical successor generation.
Lingerie party supplies allow you to set a theme for your party and give your gathering a fun vibe.
In 890 they established themselves again at Ban, and ruled the Theme of Lombardy by means of an officer entitled Catapan.
This is illustrated by his love of Switzerland, his intense interest in the fortunes of that country, his design of writing " The History of the Liberty of the Swiss " - a theme, he says " from which the dullest stranger would catch fire."
Like nearly all his predecessors since Aelian, he adopted an alphabetical arrangement, though this was not too pedantically preserved, and did not hinder him from placing together the kinds of birds which he supposed (and generally supposed rightly) to have the most resemblance to that one whose name, being best known, was chosen for the headpiece (as it were) of his particular theme, thus recognizing to some extent the principle of classification.3 Belon, with perhaps less book-learning than his contemporary, was evidently no mean scholar, and undoubtedly had more practical knowledge of birds - their internal as well as external structure.
Their own poems soon became the theme of criticism and of comment; and, by the time of Quintilian and Juvenal, they shared the fate (which Horace had feared) of becoming textbooks for use in schools.
The key theme of the meeting was the growing divide over our position on the forthcoming euro referendum.
Thus, the theme of millennarian expectation has in the Bahá'à Faith been transformed into the theme of social reformism.
John P. Carr continued the virus theme by talking about inducing resistance virus-specific pathways to plant viruses.
As I was not sure what filled the side roundels of the cathedral I simply replicated the saints with books theme.
Unique handmade wedding stationery available in almost any color to match your theme.
The recurrent theme of the book is the politics of IT.
The holiday resort of Orlando offers people of every age a marvelous opportunity to enjoy the superb theme parks and sights of Central Florida.
The theme is predominantly aluminum, again emphasizing the lightness of the car, along with plush leather upholstery.
But I thought they were going for supercool instrumental for the main theme?
Hence, it is not surprising to see fewer instances of this theme across countries.
You can organize your basket around a theme or simply add a little bit of everything!
This was the central theme of Ritter's philosophy; his religion and his geography were one, and the consequent fervour with which he pursued his mission goes far to account for the immense influence he acquired in Germany.
His habit was, as he said, faire son theme en deux fawns, and he xlx.
The theme thus shows no trivial connexion with a stage-property, mechanically important in the plot; but it represents the desire for power, and what that desire means to each different type of mind.
His success encouraged the Academy to propose, in 1766, as a theme for competition, the hitherto unattempted theory of the Jovian system.
Dunbar works on the same theme in a shorter poem, known as Beauty and the Prisoner.
To the men of the middle ages, in any case, St Catherine was very real; she was ranked with the fourteen most helpful saints in heaven, and was the constant theme of preachers and of poets.
The most satisfying of Darer's paintings done in Venice are the admirable portrait of a young man at Hampton Court (the same sitter reappears in the "Feast of Rose Garlands"), and two small pieces, one the head of a brown Italian girl modelled and painted with real breadth and simplicity, formerly in the collection of Mr Reginald Cholmondeley and now at Berlin, and the small and very striking little "Christ Crucified" with the figure relieved against the night sky, which is preserved in the Dresden Gallery and has served as model and inspiration to numberless later treatments of the theme.
Besides such fine single woodcuts as the "Mass of St Gregory," the "St Christopher," the "St Jerome," and two Holy Families of 1511, Darer published in the same year the most numerous and popularly conceived of all his woodcut series, that known from the dimensions of its thirty-seven subjects as the "Little Passion" on wood; and in the next year, 1512, a set of fifteen small copper-engravings on the same theme, the "Little Passion" on copper.
The two were to perform a new variation upon the theme of Abelard and HeloIse.
Without entirel y break ing with the pseudo-classic method he had adopted in Don Carlos - the two lovers, Max Piccolomini and Thekla, are an obvious concession to the tradition of the French theatre - Wallenstein shows how much Schiller's art had benefited by his study of Greek tragedy; the fatalism of his hero is a masterly application of an antique motive to a modern theme.
Three times the author recurs to this theme, 137-154; 214-227; 361-385.
It is objected that in the 79th letter of Seneca, which is the chief authority on the question, he apparently asks that Lucilius should introduce the hackneyed theme of Aetna merely as an episode in his contemplated poem, not make it the subject of separate treatment.
The issue of this crisis in His rejection by the Jews at Jerusalem is the main theme of the book.
For this reason the book is at once the most brilliant and the most difficult of Hegel's works - the most brilliant because it is to some degree an autobiography of Hegel's mind - not the abstract record of a logical evolution, but the real history of an intellectual growth; the most difficult because, instead of treating the rise of intelligence (from its first appearance in contrast with the real world to its final recognition of its presence in, and rule over, all things) as a purely subjective process, it exhibits this rise as wrought out in historical epochs, national characteristics, forms of culture and faith, and philosophical systems. The theme is identical with the introduction to the Encyklopddie; but it is treated in a very different style.
But this form disappears with the decease of Greek national life, and on its collapse follows the romantic, the third form of art; where the harmony of form and content again grows defective, because the object of Christian art - the infinite spirit - is a theme too high for art.
Problems of the relation of the individual to society and industrial questions were to have formed the theme of the Wanderjahre; but since the French Revolution these problems had themselves entered on a new phase and demanded a method of treatment which it was not easy for the old poet to learn.
This doctrine of Attrition had not the undivided support of the theologians of the later medieval church; but it was taught by the Scotists and was naturally a favourite theme with the sellers of Indulgences.
If Beowulf, the champion of the Gautar, had already become a theme of epic song, the resemblance of name might easily suggest the idea of enriching history by adding to it the achievements of Beaw.
Such was the theme of a book, De state Ecclesiae, ad reuniendos dissidentes in religione Christianos compositus, published by one Justinus Febronius in 1763.
Camoens, in the Lusiad, if we may here group Portugal with Spain, was the first modern poet to compose an epic on a purely modern theme, vying with Virgil, but not bending to pedantic rules, and breathing the spirit of the age of heroic adventures and almost fabulous discoveries into his melodious numbers.
An ambitious didactic composition in hexameters, entitled Urania, embodying the astronomical science of the age, and adorning this high theme with brilliant mythological episodes, won the admiration of Italy.
Of Griffith's three sons, Owen, Llewelyn and David, the most popular and influential was undoubtedly Llewelyn, whose deeds and qualities were celebrated in extravagant terms by the bards of his own day, and whose evil fate has ever been a favourite theme of Welsh poets.
Religion, for example, seems altogether too vast a theme for him to embark on, and he usually prefers to deal with some single element or aspect.
General subject and outline of contents.-The theme of Lamentations is the final siege and fall of Jerusalem (586 B.C.), and the attendant and subsequent miseries of the Jewish people.
Preparation, both military and moral, alertness and patience were his constant theme.
Joseph was also required each day to write a Latin theme or declamation, though in other respects he seems to have been left to his own devices.
The theme in its main outlines is a popular one in biblical prophecy, but when these 53 verses are carefully examined and compared with prophetical thought elsewhere, several difficult problems arise, an adequate solution of which cannot as yet be offered.
Having been impressed by the failure of historians to allow for the influence of sea power in struggles between nations, he was led to make prolonged investigations of this general theme (see SEA Power).
In 1874, when Gladstone published his pamphlet on The Vatican Decrees, Lord Acton wrote during November and December a series of remarkable letters to The Times, illustrating Gladstone's main theme by numerous historical examples of papal inconsistency, in a way which must have been bitter enough to the ultramontane party, but demurring nevertheless to Gladstone's conclusion and insisting that the Church itself was better than its premisses implied.
Three years afterwards the same theme was rehandled with no less magnificent mastery in L'Homme qui rit; the theme of human heroism confronted with the superhuman tyranny of blind and unimaginable chance, overpowered and unbroken, defeated and invincible.
Not all the transactions in which Burke was a combatant could furnish an imperial theme.
As to the origin of this Matiere de Bretagne, and the circumstances under which it became a favourite theme for literary treatment, two diametrically opposite theories are held.
While the word points to God as the special theme of the theologian, other topics inevitably find entrance.
A few pages, ending in an unfinished paragraph, exhausted his remaining strength; but the theme which had employed him at Oxford more than forty years before, and had been a ruling idea throughout the long interval, was still dominant in the last days of his life.
For First six years the war with Philip had been a theme of barren Philippic. talk.
But, he adds, Demosthenes adopts this manner where it is justified by the elevation of his theme.
It is much to be regretted that the Atharva-Veda, which contains the magical formulae and incantations of the Vedic Indians, is still untranslated, though, by the very nature of its theme, it must contain matter of extreme antiquity and interest.
His constant theme was, that the party disputes were a struggle for power between the forces of revolution, which derived their strength from the fighters on the barricades, and the Christian monarchy, and that between these opposed principles no compromise was possible.
In his insistence on virginity as the specifically Christian virtue he set up the great theme of the church of the 4th and 5th centuries.
Born at Germanicia in Syria, and, before he mounted the throne, captain-general of the Anatolian theme, he had come under the influence of the anti-idolatrous sects, such as the Jews, Montanists, Paulicians and Manicheans, which abounded in Asia Minor, but of which he was otherwise no friend.
The poem is a rehandling of the great theme of Valmiki, but is in no sense a translation of the Sanskrit epic. The succession of events is of course generally the same, but the treatment is entirely different.
Besides the "Lake of Rama's deeds," Tulsi Das was the author of five longer and six shorter works, most of them dealing with the theme of Rama, his doings, and devotion to him.
In public speaking he often combined a rhetorical effectiveness and emotional intensity that might take the place of imagination, and enabled him, on the coldest theme, to move deeply the feelings of his auditors.
The family theme was Disney characters.
The TV theme was recorded in a wonderfully eccentric studio, which looked like a throwback to the 60s.
The main theme of "Voicebox," the long fictional narrative in the middle of the book, is communication.
The theme focuses on whether Eichmann can be induced to express remorse for his deeds.
Use a favorite nursery rhyme to give your baby shower a fun theme.
One area contributing to this theme is to examine how designers abstract the worksystem and how they represent this abstraction in their designs.
The theme of my PhD research is on process development for an expanded bed adsorption purification of recombinant protein.
The theme includes a dedicated course on race car aerodynamics.
African-American theme surrounded by high better for the.
Zut alors - Lakeside staff came with French dressing to the charter ball, which this year had a Moulin Rouge theme.
The theme for 2004 is anti-dumping policy; the 100th anniversary of the first anti-dumping policy; the 100th anniversary of the first anti-dumping legislation.
Chirac played the sorcerer's apprentice by making the main axis of his campaign law and order, a longstanding theme of the FN.
They seem to have attempted a country kitchen theme, ignoring the fine late Victorian architecture of the place.
The first (Très lent) opens with a flute and clarinet theme answered by the strings followed by harp arpeggios.
Nowhere else on planet earth can you find such a dazzling array of choices for a theme wedding.
The Hayward Gallery's new show draws together work by 50 contemporary artists loosely around the theme of tourism.
Finally, the issue of achieving a better work/life balance is now a major theme in government policy.
Methodological behaviorism is a dominant theme in the writings of John Watson (1878-1958 ).
Rather, the popular theme enables the poet to lament a time past when divine beneficence had been communicated through popular customs and traditions.
The other overpowering theme is what seems to be an out of control drug binge in suburbia.
Each newsletter will be centered around a topical theme and this quarter's theme is membrane biophysics.
The Professor returned to the theme first thing next morning, when the students emerged bleary-eyed from their tents.
Anita Shreve - All He Ever Wanted Curiously bloodless, given sexual passion is its theme, but reasonably well-written with a cliff-hanging plot.
It had no symbolic significance, just bothersome disjointed sequences that lacked a relevant theme.
The image of a child blowing bubbles is a commonly depicted theme by artists in 17 th century Dutch painting.
Beach wedding cakes Looking for beach theme wedding cake ideas?
We also have a large subsidized canteen which has theme days, which I enjoy.
The main theme will be the evolution from cave cartography to integrated speleological information systems.
From Cairo with Love - Personalized 18k gold and silver cartouches, pendants, and amulets with an Egyptian theme.
The theme tune isn't so bad; even tho I've never heard it before, it sounds quite catchy!
The Blessed Trinity would also be the central theme of the new catechism which was to come later.
Every Saturday night our talented chef Jimmy creates a food theme night.
This is a highly cohesive exhibition, which successfully shows the diverse nature of artistic interpretation of a singular theme.
Cherry cola bottles - a variation on the cola bottle theme - with a fizzy cherry cola taste.
For this unit you will be undertaking 4 commissions from a theme park called County Jungle.
With an emphasis on lightweight composites inside, the Sagaris represents the latest in TVR's thinking on the road racer theme.
Fifth on my list, would be the theme of freedom which must be at the heart of modern conservatism.
His unifying theme - and challenge to conventional theory - is the radical contingency of the metropolis.
An essential theme which will underpin the module is the concept of ' partnership ' and inter-agency cooperation.
The single currency was the theme of the Nineties.
You can find an equally daft article on a similar theme in the latest issue of the UK UFO Magazine (June 2003 ).
There will be time for quiet personal reflection and the Gospel theme will be depicted in Indian dance during the day.
Forget theme parks and rollercoasters, here's our selection of comfortably extreme days out with your little daredevil.
Today the internal weakness and corrosion of capitalism are so evident that they serve as the main theme for fascist demagogy.
The author explores the theme of inhibited sexual desires fully in his illustrations.
Another popular SF theme was that of the world dictator, the iron man, who rules the globe or the galaxy.
The rather disjointed effect fits the disturbing nature of the theme.
He has written widely on the theme of sport and sectarian division.
My national flag is a somewhat rarer example of a popular theme - Watford FC proudly emblazoned across the Cornish flag of St Piran.
This is a theme to which the pope himself constantly returns, and not only in major encyclicals.
On a gruesome theme we have the deliberate ceremonial evocation of deific or devilish forms.
Watersports, hiking, horseback excursions on the beach and theme parks are on the doorstep.
Therefore, we are entitled to say that the idea of death constitutes the central theme of this deeply existential poetry.
The second theme is that money is endogenous and not exogenous.
He was back in the UK in December, lecturing again on the theme of imperial federation.
This theme of a narrow escape often crops up in Scottish folklore.
We intend to establish on-line fora to ease communication across these networks and to create areas of our web site dedicated to each theme.
Each group has a theme, such as the Addams Family, college students, or sci-fi geeks.
I thought I was going insane, I kept singing the theme song to Big Cook Little Cook.
We find the theme of " divine kingship " wherever his sons go.
I had them all laughing when I sang my own rendition of the Gilligan's Island theme, substituting names when appropriate.
Its central theme is that of the mystical landscape of megaliths, burial mounds and Celtic legend.
The leaf motif was the connecting theme throughout Arts & Crafts jewelry.
Electrophysiology has remained a major theme of departmental research, culminating in the era of Sherrington and Eccles which transformed modern neurophysiology.
Singer utilizes 40 years of comic book background to create a believable nexus of characterisation built on a strong central theme.
Even traditional nursery rhymes were adapted to give a ' Potato Pete ' theme!
We know little about Yukino just now, but Popcorn has a strong Manga theme and Kacey looks very oriental here!
On the Equinox weekend, more than 185 photographers around the world created VR panoramas with the common theme of Bridges.
Eliot uses the parallelism to good effect, such that subject and theme are related but divergent at the same time.
We are only 15 mins from Alton Towers theme park!
Now senior parliamentarians on the Joint Human Rights Committee have taken up the theme.
Turn your favorite pastime into the theme for a perfect short break.
We are beginning to notice a theme developing; that Irish pubs often seem to have patriot British names - such as this place.
This theme, of the publicly recorded good death, lies at the historical root of western philosophy in the person of Socrates.
This theme is emphasized by the chrome portholes to the doors.
This strategy has a number of strands but its underlying theme ' car bad, bicycle good ' remains predominant.
The orchestral prelude begins with hushed strings presenting the ' Judgment ' theme.
The major theme in hazard preparedness is self reliance.
When engaging with Zulu society, the theme of the nation was in focus, in the shape of a metaphor of national rebirth.
Regulation of the press is a constantly recurring theme wherever the Commonwealth press gathers.
The hotel is extensively refurbished to a high standard with a nautical theme.
One recurring theme has been our perceived reluctance to tell the world of our successes and of our contributions.
These sites are so replete with cultural and social meanings that no theme or agenda would match their richness.
The beautiful Ellie's Love Theme shows a distinct jazz sensibility, whilst No Name Bar is a tougher customer altogether.
If you are having a Hawaiian theme party, ask your caterer to have the wait staff where Hawaiian shirts.
I liked the movie theme in which there is a big shootout in the parking garage and wanted to get that atmosphere.
The album produced the hit single, " Love ' s Theme " .
So we had a sit-down three course meal, 15-minute gospel talk on the Christmas theme, then two hours of a DJ.
We also solicit posters describing late-breaking results related to the theme of the conference.
Chirac played the sorcerer 's apprentice by making the main axis of his campaign law and order, a longstanding theme of the FN.
Lay down your inflatable spitfires, stop the Escape To Victory theme tune and give full throat to Don't Mention The War.
It is therefore a central theme for cultural studies, a basic study object.
Shillony develops this theme of " sacred subservience " in twenty-eight concise chapters grouped into nine sections.
Elaborating the theme she asked ' What is the effect of a harsh critical superego on the free associative process?
The main theme gets an airing again, courtesy of some wonderful bubbly analog synth lines.
I picked the " Travel " theme which is on the good side of slightly tacky.
They were at almost all the theme parks in good numbers, and were incredibly tame.
Each series of paintings generally tend to be linked with a particular theme, idea or color palette.
A recurring theme in her work is the romance of the inexplicable.
George To continue the theme of Healthy Eating why not make some herb flavored oil or vinegar to drizzle over your summer salads.
The application of evolutionary principles is an emerging theme.
Armed with a digital camera, each had to illustrate the theme of " old and new Cardiff " .
Only with an underlying theme of doubt can happiness be found.
Sustainable development is a cross-cutting theme which cannot be left to individuals or particular divisions within departments.
What had this got to do with our conference theme of promoting the school library.
Your wedding flowers usually tie to your wedding theme.
In 1965, Walt announced to the public his plans to bring to Orlando the world's most spectacular theme park.
About a mile west of the lock is the American Adventure theme park.
For all you adrenalin junkies here are the top theme parks and water parks to check out in the UK.
Disney, searching for an East Coast location for his second theme park, decided Orlando was just the place he was looking for.
You are here travel family travel theme parks and parks.. .
The remaining three years of their time at the center will be spent working on research projects centered on the theme of targeted therapeutics.
The finale reworks the opening orchestral theme from a minor tonality to a modal one.
Keeping up the hat trick theme they will all have new releases out on 28th August.
Throughout the exhibition, Bond film footage plays alongside memorable theme tunes.
His theme tune was Man Of Mystery by The Shadows.
A program of events has been organized to include a Halloween theme from drawing competitions to giant twister and snakes and ladders.
This is a relatively underdeveloped theme within policy research on clusters.
This is good because it combines Manfred's trade mark moog style with lots of jazz and rock undertones around a classical theme.
They are looking for works of up to 5,000 words from previously unpublished writers on the theme of hidden or secret London.
At this time, I hold myself more utterly vanquished, than ever his theme's weight overcame comic, or, tragic poet.
In 2003, the theme, ' Teaching is for Life ', explored the vocation to teach.
The games also include voice-overs, theme music and DVD video clips.
Then you could go straight into something like 6 Underground as the main theme... " I aint done no voodoo in years!
The piece contains the theme to which the words of popular hymn ' I vow to thee my country ' were set.
Noah and Jonah with be among their first topics, so there is a fairly watery theme to the first term's work!
Blue and white ornaments and ceramics fill niches and deep-set windowsills, and upstairs the bedrooms are co-ordinated in keeping with the theme.
On Still, the only song in English, the lyrical theme is the inner workings of the human body.
Tidiness is a big theme in the modern workplace.
In the words of the theme song, which sadly got excluded due to contract wrangles, ' you should be mine ' .
Twelve sentinel clipped yews, again reinforcing the time theme surround the lawn.
Another work, Verklaringe der Scheppenissen (1553) treats mystically the book of Genesis, a favourite theme with Boehme, Swedenborg and others.
To unite the Greek race in a war against the Persian empire was set up as the ultimate mark for ambition, the theme of idealists.
While the consultation of authorities had been no less thorough, his style had become more free and less self-conscious; and the epic qualities of the theme were such as to call forth in the highest degree his powers of picturesque narration.
Two shepherds, Amintas and Faustus, discuss the familiar theme of the respective merits of town and country life, and relate a quaint fable of the origin of the different classes of society.
Important as the ring is throughout the tetralogy, Wagner would no more think of associating a theme with it for its own sake than he would think of associating a theme with Wotan's hat.
The Rhine-daughters' exultant cry of " Rhine-gold " is there tortured in an extremely remote modulation at the end of a very sinister transformation of the theme; and the orchestration, with its lurid but smothered brass instruments, its penetrating low reed tones and its weird drum-roll beaten on a suspended cymbal, is more awe-inspiring than anything dreamed of by the cleverest of those composers who do not create intellectual causes for their effects.
In spite of the necessary allusions to the ominous theme of the curse, which would give any less great composer ample excuse for succumbing to the listener's sense of impending doom, Wagner's music speaks to us through the child-minds of the Rhine-daughters and terrifies us with the ruthless calm of Nature.
On the one hand, it may be said that one general theme - the salvation and final prosperity of the righteous - is visible throughout the work, that God is everywhere represented as the supreme moral governor of the world, and that the conception of immortality is found in both parts; the second part, though differing in form from the first, may be regarded as the historical illustration of the principles set forth in the latter.
The second was called for by the preference which the common law gave to a distant collateral over the brother of the half-blood of the first purchaser; the fourth conferred an indefeasible title on adverse possession for twenty years (a term shortened by Lord Cairns in 1875 to twelve years); the fifth reduced the number of witnesses required by law to attest wills, and removed the vexatious distinction which existed in this respect between freeholds and copyholds; the last freed an innocent debtor from imprisonment only before final judgment (or on what was termed mesne process), but the principle stated by Campbell that only fraudulent debtors should be imprisoned was ultimately given effect to for England and Wales in 1869.1 In one of his most cherished objects, however, that of Land Registration, which formed the theme of his maiden speech in parliament, Campbell was doomed to disappointment.
In speaking of the origin of Scholasticism - name and thing - it has been already noted that medieval speculation takes its rise in certain logical problems. To be more precise, central theme of Scholastic debate (see Nominalism, Realism).
A vivid new light is shed by him upon certain problems, such for instance as those of the imagination or intuition, the source of Art and the theme of the Aesthetic, upon pure will, the source of Economic of Rights and of Politics, treated by Economic. The more precise determination and configuration of the categories and their mode of acting, by means of which is negated and solved the concept of an external reality and of nature placed outside the spirit and opposed to it, led Croce to an absolute spiritualism, widely different from the pan-logicism of Hegel and his school, which only seemed to solve the dualism of spirit and nature and really opened the door to the notion of a transcendental God, as became clear in the development of Hegel's theory at the hands of the right wing of his school.
His name was the theme of the popular song of the moment - "C'est Boulanger qu'il nous faut"; the general and his black horse became the idol of the Parisian populace; and he was urged to play the part of a plebiscitary candidate for the presidency.
It represents a man in the act of turning a somersault over the horns of a charging bull, a unique rendering of a familiar theme in Minoan art.
Just as Don Carlos had led him to the study of Dutch history, so now his occupation with the history of the Thirty Years' War supplied him with the theme of his trilogy of Wallenstein (1798-1799).
His mastery of the English tongue, his dramatic power, his instinctive art of impersonation, which had become a second nature, his vivid imagination, his breadth of intellectual view, the catholicity of his sympathies, his passionate enthusiasm, which made for the moment his immediate theme seem to him the one theme of transcendent importance, his quaint humour alternating with genuine pathos, and above all his simple and singularly unaffected devotional nature, made him as a preacher without a peer in his own time and country.
In the same year Les Chansons des rues et des bois gave evidence of new power and fresh variety in the exercise and display of an unequalled skill and a subtle simplicity of metre and of style employed on the everlasting theme of lyric and idyllic fancy, and touched now and then with a fire more sublime than that of youth and love.
Half-witted men from the almshouse and elsewhere came to see me; but I endeavored to make them exercise all the wit they had, and make their confessions to me; in such cases making wit the theme of our conversation; and so was compensated.
The theme will not appeal to everyone and it is difficult to see any real-world counterpart for the role of the players.
Finally there is a reprise of the violin theme.
A fourth focus is upon the identity of 'medical education ' itself, and this resonates with theme 1 above.
In addition, temporary exhibitions are to be created regularly revolving around a central theme.
Like many of today 's fashions however, it was nothing new, just a rework of an earlier theme.
This Gothic was adapted by Hollywood, above all in reworking the vampire theme.
Paganini is to Rachmaninov 's Rhapsody on a Theme of... and hence is all good accessible stuff, musically at any rate.
A snappy rondo theme insists on dressing up in a different texture each time it returns.
The theme for the evening was tacky tartan and this was well epitomized in the sartorial splendor of several of the company.
Bring some real scary moments into your games, or even base them on a horror theme.
The second track ' Everyone 's to blame ' segues neatly into more an indie pop theme.
Side 1 has A Touch Of Velvet - A Sting Of Brass and Theme From Joe 90 from CC 5 segued together.
The theme of self-sacrifice for the sake of others is strongly rooted in the Christian tradition.
The beautiful Ellie 's Love Theme shows a distinct jazz sensibility, whilst No Name Bar is a tougher customer altogether.
The theme finally reappears in the pedals in the original key with a succession of diminished seventh chords above.
The theme of this year 's workshop, the seventh in the series, is Supporting Our Users.
The album produced the hit single, " Love ' s Theme ".
The cards are super, no smutty jokes or put-down humor, many have an ethnic theme.
He stands apart from other writers on this theme because he treats it as a spiritual conflict, not merely a sociopolitical reality.
Fun space cadet theme chest of drawers inscribed with " Rockets ", " Aliens " and " Lasers ".
Lay down your inflatable spitfires, stop the Escape To Victory theme tune and give full throat to Do n't Mention The War.
The Spokes web site is now running on a lighter, less colorful, plainer, simpler, theme.
Send up to 6 poems (40 lines Max per poem, includes stanza breaks) any style or theme.
Old style cabaret spiced up to a modern arty theme with wicked humor and steamy scenes for both boys and girls !
We learn about your industry, your company, the conference theme and gossip and funny stories about you and your guests.
Remember that subtlety is stylish; you do n't want to come across as overpowering with your theme.
Back when the site first started it might well have had a ' grittier ' and survivalist theme to it.
Armed with a digital camera, each had to illustrate the theme of " old and new Cardiff ".
In 1965, Walt announced to the public his plans to bring to Orlando the world 's most spectacular theme park.
The course brings together the buzz of a theme park ride with outdoor adventure and is a great day out for all the family.
You are here travel family travel theme parks and parks...
The afterlife was a large fun fair / theme park with roller-coasters, arcade machines, attractions, slides and ball pits.
Continuing this theme, the Protestant theologian Julio de Santa Ana challenges contemporary theologians to examine the policies of the State of Israel.
Ms Thornback suggested the Forum Working Group pursue the theme of values, perhaps using the Mount Cameroon project as concrete example.
An AHDS Information Paper exploring this theme greater detail, Identifying and Tracing Copyright Holders, is being planned.
Depending on your treasure hunt theme, you could really plan a spectacular bazaar that could rival the hunt itself for excitement !
The Tyndale Fellowship is holding its triennial conference on the theme ' Transforming the World '.
I will not insult your intelligence by indulging in a tuneless rendition of the theme from The Twilight Zone.
This is a good step in the right direction from previous box books, which give umpteen variations on a single theme.
This is good because it combines Manfred 's trade mark moog style with lots of jazz and rock undertones around a classical theme.
A prominent theme in the plays of William Shakespeare is that of the ambiguous or unjust accusation of infidelity.
Technological utopianism has been a major theme in European civilization at least since Francis Bacon.
Continuing the space theme, provision has also been made for the storage of many items that van drivers often need to accommodate.
Another of these minor poems is The Prais of Age, on the vanitas vanitatum theme.
At this time, I hold myself more utterly vanquished, than ever his theme 's weight overcame comic, or, tragic poet.
Then you could go straight into something like 6 Underground as the main theme... I aint done no voodoo in years !
Noah and Jonah with be among their first topics, so there is a fairly watery theme to the first term 's work !
Talking of kicks, this trip kicks your average theme park white-knuckle ride straight into touch.
During my four weeks stay in Minnesota I discovered that the MEMO 99 theme was not just a wishful thought.
The agelong battle between good and evil is a theme explored in countless works of literature.
Once you've found out the name of the new baby, you might want to inquire about the nursery theme.
For example, if the theme is sports items, purchase a colorful hat rack/shelf combination that has the baby's name in bold letters or order a team jersey with the family's last name on it to hang on the wall.
Another good option includes pictures, signs, and posters that feature the baby's name along with some type of character or design that matches the nursery theme.
All you have to do is decide which pattern, color, and theme that you like best.
Planning a room filled with the Pooh items or a nursery rhyme theme adds to the excitement that comes with expecting a child.
Once you decide your budget and whether you are going to style the room for a boy or girl, you can start looking at the multitude of theme choices for your new baby's room.
Characters are always popular theme choices, and you can find just about any character online or in your local department store.
Perhaps the best-loved of all nursery rhymes, Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star is a great choice for a baby room theme.
If you're looking for a cute theme for a baby girl nursery, consider Mary Had a Little Lamb.
This sweet theme is both fun and feminine.
For a baby girl, you can create a sweet floral nursery with a Ring Around the Roses theme.
Choose a beautiful piece of art to complement the theme.
There are so many cute Mother Goose nursery rhymes to choose from, so you'll have no difficulty finding the perfect theme for your little one's new bedroom.
Nursery rhyme bedding continues to be a popular nursery theme choice.
Lamps, rugs, wall murals, blankets, shelves, clocks, toy boxes, and storage bins can all feature nursery rhyme characters and play up the theme.
Nursery rhyme theme bedding doesn't just have to work for infants.
Many expectant parents can't wait to choose a theme for their baby's nursery.
However, with so many choices to make and supplies to purchase, choosing a theme can be a bit overwhelming.
Triumph-This stroller features a sailing flag theme and is suitable for three months and up with multiple seat positions.
Would you rather choose a theme that can be adapted as your baby grows from a newborn into a toddler and beyond?
Once you've gotten a good idea about how you want to proceed with your baby's room, it's time to choose a theme.
Some parents feel that a round bed or crib fits better into their nursery theme, as rounded cribs look more whimsical and childlike.
Before you can get started, you may want to choose a baby shower theme.
Once you've chosen a theme, you can look plan your centerpiece around it.
Of course, there are also many centerpieces that will fit perfectly with any baby shower theme as well.
Before you can begin searching for themed baby shower supplies, you and the other hostesses will need to choose a baby shower theme.
Another fun take on a dessert theme is an ice cream buffet.
This playful theme is perfect for your junior angler.
We've got lots of great decorating ideas to help you create a jungle theme that's sure to please your little monkey.
Look for paintings that echo the feminine theme with soft, pastels, pinks, stripes, and polka dots.
Sometimes, however, the available theme baskets just don't fit the occasion or the recipient.
However, after 1934, gangster films stopped being produced for some time due to an anti-violence production code.Looking to buy crime films with a gangster theme?
Otherwise, ensure the frame is secure enough to hang on the wall and keep an antique theme going.
Choosing flowers in season will save you quite a bit of money whether you want them simply to decorate your home, to give them as a gift, or to incorporate them into a wedding theme.
Create a theme that is for a solo giftee or for a family.
Available in several sizes, each model is designed with a specific theme in mind, so you can purchase a carrier particularly designed to match your pet's personality.
I met with the family and decided on a jungle theme.
It's like applying a mural piece by piece, and I selected my designs from the animal patterns and jungle theme category at the
Select patterns that accent your overall room theme.
When the first few litters arrive, breeders often choose a theme to help name the kittens and identify them as being from the same litter.
Sometimes, the theme centers around literature that focuses on science, in particular bugs.
Other times, the theme motto is just used as a catchy theme to launch a summer program to encourage youngsters to spend their summer reading, reading, and reading some more!
One of the reasons that this theme is so popular is that there are a slew of ideas to go with it.
Another recurring theme is parental approval.
If he or she loves books with a friendship theme or books about animals, ask a librarian for level-based recommendations that fall into those categories.
The stories in the Pre-School Library are listed by theme, including pets, bath time and shapes.
Classic stories with familiar storybook characters are beloved for good reason - they have a good theme or plot, and they appeal to children no matter what year they were born.
Programs often have a theme, such as cultural exploration or exploring wildlife.
Once enough points are earned, the cardholder can cash in the points for a prize related to their chosen theme.
Themed cards offer a variety of cards designed to fit a specific group of clients or employees, or to complement your business or program theme.
If you want to maximize your promotional impact by featuring your brand, theme or other message, an American Express Incentive Services Gift Card can make a perfect option.
Other rewards, such as free tickets to sporting events, concerts, or theme parks might be a worthwhile incentive for a business that can use these perks as employee bonuses.
Categories range from everyday purchases such as groceries, gas and clothing, to occasional purchases such as hotel stays and theme park visits.
The categories range from theme parks to grocery stores.
The first place to start is to decide on your beach theme.
The best way to approach furnishing your beach cottage once you've decided on the theme is to make a list of your ideal furnishings.
Once you've met these criteria, then you'll want to select the style of furniture that best suits your overall theme.
The color theme you've selected can be enhanced with a few well-chosen accent pieces to repeat certain colors and accentuate a contrasting color.
Sometimes a decorating style can encompass more than one theme or term.
While the ultimate style, design and theme you choose to take through your home should come from your personal taste, use your home's bones as a jumping off point for design ideas.
While you may know that you want to ultimately end up with a beach theme or a Tuscan theme, you may not know where to begin.
While you may have a general theme or color scheme in mind, cement it into place by pulling from an accent piece you already own and love.
Lay out the all the pieces at once on a large table and see if you can spot a common theme.
Then a tea party theme might be appropriate.
Everyone loves dessert, and dessert in itself can make a great baby shower food theme.
For an added touch of fun, combine your dessert theme with another, baby-related theme.
For example, if you choose a teddy bear theme, you can create teddy-shaped cakes, cupcakes with teddy adornments, and teddy bear cookies.
Of course, you may not want to go too deep into a theme with your food.
Whatever theme you choose for your gathering, the most important thing is to serve delicious food.
If you're looking for a nursery decorating idea that's whimsical and creative, a fish theme might be the perfect choice.
A classic fish theme works great for either gender.
For a feminine fish theme, start with pale, pink painted walls.
No matter which fish theme you choose for your baby's new room, you'll enjoy the flexibility and creativity you can use in this decorating scheme.
Choosing a baby shower theme involves coordinating the decorations with the cake.
Jungle theme nursery ideas can run the gamut from simple crib sets to a revamp of everything in the nursery.
If you still want to focus on the feminine side for your baby girl, then incorporate a little frilliness into the theme.
However, if you don't know the gender of your baby, but you still want to explore jungle theme nursery ideas, don't be afraid to go as deep into the jungle theme as you like.
The jungle theme can continue to be reworked as your baby grows, and it will continue to fit the room even when he or she is in elementary school.
Okay, now that you've decided to look for some jungle theme nursery ideas, where do you begin?
Do a Google search by using phrases such as "jungle nursery theme" and "jungle nursery ideas".
You can choose a crib set, and then find paint and accessories that will add to the theme.
Wall murals are a great way to incorporate a jungle theme.
A baby shower sailboat theme is a delightful idea for an anything but ordinary baby shower.
A baby shower sailboat theme is especially fitting for a little boy.
Now, that you've worked out these essential details, it's time to get down to the nitty gritty and begin using that baby shower sailboat theme.
Do an online search using the keywords "sailboat" and "shower theme", then sit back and browse until you find what you want!
You can find wonderful sailboat theme accessories at craft supply stores, such as Hobby Lobby or Michaels.
For an additional bonus, you could give the decorations to the guest of honor to use in the baby's nursery, especially if she is planning on using a sailboat theme.
Finally, however you decide to use the sailboat theme, have fun!
Today's chairs are designed with moms and dads in mind, and a rocking chair in your baby's nursery will be perfect, especially if the theme you've chosen incorporates something of the outdoors.
Before you can send the invitations, you need to decide on what theme you want to do for the baby shower.
Once you chose the theme, you will need to transfer the idea onto the invitation.
You want to make sure it catches the theme, while offering the essential information the guests will need.
With each theme, you will want the Christmas baby shower invitation wording to be just right.
Since a new baby was born on Christmas, embrace the Christmas baby by celebrating another new baby closer to home with a Baby Jesus theme.
Feel free to play with the Christmas theme.
If the baby is not going to be born until after the New Year, you can do a theme for Mommy celebrating her last Christmas without kids.
If mom and dad are calling their little peanut "Baby Elf" or Santa's Little Helper, go with it and use elves as the theme.
No matter what theme you decide on, you will have a very happy mom and baby-to-be.
Newborn baby gift baskets can also follow a particular theme.
Purchase a soap making kit from your local craft store, and choose a mold that fits your shower theme.
While we're on the theme of food favors, cookies also make a great favor display.
Decorate them with frosting to further enhance your theme, provide information about the upcoming arrival, or just use simple shapes to provide an endearing childlike ambiance.
Even better, Wal-Mart thrives off of seasonal business, so you can always find cute PJs for preemies to fit the theme of the latest holiday.
The first step in creating a Dr. Seuss nursery is selecting a specific book or character as the nursery's theme.
One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish has a nifty fish theme and a vibrant color scheme that would capture any baby's attention.
Moms can choose a book that they enjoyed as a child or just do Dr. Seuss's books as a general theme.
To use a specific book or story as the theme for bedding, find solids or prints in the colors featured in that book and look for iron-on characters to embellish the bedding.
Another fun way to incorporate a Dr. Seuss theme into wall décor is to use letter stencils to paint a quote onto the wall.
Dr. Seuss is a great nursery theme for parents who are tired of the same old pastel nursery décor.
Some parents actually know the gender, but they still prefer a more gender neutral theme.
In some families, an older child may be sharing a room with the new baby, and thus a gender neutral theme is a necessity.
Instead of starting with a color, you could choose a theme that will work for a boy or a girl.
Once you've selected your theme, then look for baby accessories and supplies that echo that theme.
For a sweet theme, they also offer pink or blue molded sugar baby feet, baby onesies, or a delicately painted rattle for a more intricate look.
Baby showers come with their own theme, the baby, but you can make it more specific than that.
Let everyone know in the invitation if the theme is one that requires their participation.
You can plan favors around the theme, like handing out ladybug bookmarks at a ladybug shower.
The cake usually incorporates elements of the color and theme into its design.
You've selected the general theme, but now it's time to get to work.
How do you play up the ladybug theme without overwhelming the room?
Murals can be created with peel-and-stick appliqués that are easily applied and just as easily removed once your baby has outgrown the ladybug theme.
If you aren't comfortable putting anything on the walls, you can play up the ladybug theme by painting the nursery furniture.
Check out the birthday party theme suggestions and game ideas.
Collections can be found divided between pattern, color, gender, theme, and finish.
If you haven't already done so, it's important to establish the overall theme of the shower before wording your invitations.
You can use the shower theme as a guide, or you can simply choose a pink or blue color scheme to enhance your cake.
The theme will affect your choice of supplies.
If so, you may be able to incorporate the theme into the corsage.
When you create your baby shower corsage choose appropriate colors for a baby girl or boy or follow the shower theme.
Following the theme of the shower is an option, too.
For example if the shower follows a Noah's ark theme, adding animal charms creates the coordinating touch.
Cake types generally fall into categories such as theme cakes (ex. cartoon characters), gift packages of related items, multiple unrelated gifts.
A simple diaper cake may not have a particular theme, but you can easily adapt a cake to fit any theme.
Whether you choose a traditional bouquet or a corsage designed around a specific theme, the new mother will cherish the thoughtfulness of your gift forever.
While some parents know the baby's gender beforehand, others want to be surprised, so this knowledge will probably play a big part in the colors and theme you choose.
Since many expectant moms and dads enjoy decorating the baby's nursery beforehand, if you don't know the baby's sex, you're more likely to choose a unisex theme that can fit a boy or girl.
The soft browns and yellows typical of a Beatrix Potter theme work with either gender.
An alphabet theme is functional and educational.
You can opt for packaged nursery sets in themes like the ones above or you can create a theme all your own.
Over time, you'll save time and money by opting for a theme that's suitable for any child.
In addition to selecting a theme and furnishing elements from a near limitless well of inspiration, it's crucial to plan for all other aspects as well.
For a peaceful and innocent nursery theme, Beatrix Potter nursery items can transform a room into a haven for your baby and for you on some of those sleepless nights.
For example, start with pale blue or yellow sheets and a cream colored blanket, and simply add a Beatrix Potter throw pillow to make the bed fit into the theme.
Potter's beloved characters make a wonderful nursery theme suitable for both girls and boys, and Beatrix Potter nursery items create a timeless appeal that children and adults love.
If you're considering Care Bear favors, you might already have a Care Bear baby shower theme in mind.
This theme is fun and can work well for a variety of reasons.
The variety of bear colors also make this a fun theme possibility for a mom-to-be of multiples.
You can purchase some ready-made favors with a Care Bear theme at party stores, online party retailers, or online auctions.
You can also make your own candy favors with a Care Bear theme.
Candles are well-liked favors for women, and you can easily adapt it to fit a Care Bear theme.
Just choose small glass votives or jar candles in a color that matches the bear of choice for the shower theme.
Since the rainbow is a well-known Care Bears symbol, any favor in a rainbow theme could be used as the shower favor, such as multi-colored candles, rainbow keychains.
Adorable and fun, Care Bear favors can add a special touch to a themed baby shower. use your creativity, and there are numerous ways to correlate this nostaligic theme into a favor.
Full of adorable characters, Looney Tunes makes an excellent theme for both boys' and girls' baby nurseries.
Especially if you don't know if your baby is a boy or a girl, this theme is one of few that can easily go either way.
A little decoration on the walls, a matching crib set, a mobile, and perhaps a matching lamp are all common items to pull together a nursery theme.
To really make the theme of your baby nursery transparent, some decals or murals on the walls are a great addition.
A stuffed animal or two, strategically placed, will accentuate your baby's nursery with Looney Tunes theme without going overboard.
There's no need to do the entire room up with your chosen baby nursery theme.
In both cases, a few rules of thumb apply; most cards are cute or sentimental and include pictures or words of wisdom that lend themselves to the baby theme.
Themed basket - Consider giving baby boy gift baskets that are centered on a theme.
For example, fill a basket with vintage and modern toy trucks, cars, tractors, and other automobiles, or choose a cowboy theme in which you give baby a stuffed horse, a baby-sized cowboy hat, and a blanket covered with pictures of horses.
Other themed baskets include a nautical theme that features items decorated with sailboats, anchors, and all things ocean-themed, or try an animal-themed basket with adorable stuffed animals and blankets, t-shirts, books, and more.
Toy-Themed gift baskets - Sticking to a theme helps the gift giver narrow down the selection of toys placed into the basket.
For a nautical theme, fill a basket with toys including a variety of boats, toy fish, sharks, sea horses, and turtles.
Sports basket - Choose a particular sports theme or add a variety of sports-related gifts to a basket.
When the toddler room has a specific theme, it can be fun to match the bed design to the room.
They can be "shaped" like a racecar or castle, or have a favorite character theme, such as Thomas the Train or Winnie the Pooh.
Specialty baby gift baskets are often designed with a particular theme in mind and can be found at a variety of online stores, but you might also consider creating your own unique gift basket to give to a new parent.
Shoppers can either choose the items they want placed in the basket, or select a specified basket theme that features correlated items.
Sometimes the special theme of the basket will dictate a variety of container options.
These types of gift baskets typically have a main theme and are very useful to new parents.
Another idea for a baby care basket theme is a diaper basket full of different sizes of diapers, diaper cream and a diaper disposal system.
All you need is a little creativity, a gift basket theme and time to put it all together.
Most soon-to-be parents already think of their little girl as a princess, and you can use this as a theme for your baby shower gift.
The actual princess theme can be interpreted in many ways, depending on the gift recipient's overall style and taste.
Other basket items in this theme may include a nightlight for the nursery, a bedtime book and a lullaby CD.
After you've chosen your particular unique baby girl gift theme, you can put everything together in an equally unique gift container.
In addition, many people like to match their window coverings or other fabrics in the room (such as lamp shades) to the bed linens, so the bedding can be a defining theme for a teen's whole room.
You can search by type of gift recipient (mom, dad, friend, etc), theme, holiday, or type of gift.
You may find that you are continuously drawn to a specific color or shade, or that a specific style or theme is repeated again and again.
Choose a theme to keep your design consistent.
These should be in keeping with the theme or style of your living room furniture.
I also favor ceramics, and lemons are a common theme in my collection.
The theme apparently was "castles" - with faux stone walls painted around the room, opening up to painted scenes of medieval castles.
Vanessa, who is always so vocally confident about her abilities, took her beauty shop theme slightly too literally.
Before embarking on a decorating theme, make sure to discuss the idea with your roommate.
Each contestant was randomly assigned a color which then would become their theme for decorating a studio apartment.
Host Clive Pearse told the designers it would be up to them how literally they took the color theme - would they use the color throughout their design, or only incorporate splashes?
Temple's room didn't have much of a theme - rather, she simply painted the walls yellow and accessorized the room.
Tym's work was a variation on the outdoor theme he used last week.
Buying furniture, choosing a dorm decorating theme, and even picking out space-saving appliances (like the famous micro-fridge) go a long way to making this home away from home more habitable.
The over-reaching theme for dorm furniture should be tall, thin and narrow.
Either way, your theme is the most important decision, and you have to settle on it before you can really begin.
A common device used in nursery design is theme decorating.
Yes, you can use flowers in a boy's room or a jungle theme in a girl's room.
Traditional - a masculine theme involving rich wood tones and leather furniture.
Once you decide on a general theme, focus on the games and amenities that you will include in your game room.
Whether you use a whole wall of sheet metal or just a few metallic wall accents, this is a wonderful way to bring excitement to your room's theme.
For instance, if you want a nautical theme, seashell accents and maritime themed wall art is a must.
By using a patriotic decorating theme, you can proudly display your patriotism while at the same time updating the look of your home with a popular design trend.
You can easily build an entire room's decor around a patriotic theme, or you can simply incorporate individual patriotic home décor pieces into your current décor as you see fit.
By selecting a quilt that incorporates patriotic colors of red, white, and blue, along with a star design theme, it is easy to bring patriotic design into your sleeping quarters.
The best time of year to locate decorating items with a patriotic theme is late spring and early summer, when retailers are marketing seasonal décor items for the Memorial Day and Independence Day holidays.
Using a sports theme in nurseries is a very popular nursery decorating option for babies and toddlers.
No matter what color your child's room is painted, or what style of furniture is in the room, you are likely to find more than one sports theme crib set that will work perfectly in the room.