Them Sentence Examples
We'll take care of them together.
After lunch, all four of them went outside to play ball.
This was a very interesting experience to them.
He would drive them from place to place as his master wished.
A sudden gust of wind circled them and whispered words in her mind.
Why not let them live?
There were sparks between them from the start.
The four of them followed Felipa upstairs.
I tried vainly to put them together.
She retrieved them from her purse and handed them to him.
AdvertisementWhen I know them.
Who made them serfs of the soil?
We wouldn't want them to think we were doing anything immoral.
The sudden rush into space confused them so that they could not think.
But the pulling of them apart and pushing them together again was only a sleight-of-hand trick.
AdvertisementBut I want to be with them.
Jonathan was watching them intently.
I must have missed them.
Ed merely looked at them and then back at Carmen.
He bent over, picked up her clothes and tossed them to her.
AdvertisementThey put her through college and it was her intent to stay with them as long as they needed her.
The little man felt carefully in his pocket and pulled out the tiny piglets, setting them upon the grass one by one, where they ran around and nibbled the tender blades.
After that, whenever the children were hungry, they cried out, "Becos! becos! becos!" till the shepherd gave them something to eat.
Some of them thought that "Home" was a good subject.
Why had he hidden them - and why had he decided to reveal them?
AdvertisementFor her, losing them was painful enough, but losing a mate - that would be agonizing.
He looked through them and then handed them back without comment.
The shepherd soon lost sight of them in the darkness.
Ultimately it had cost them a child and her ability to have more.
You teach them to respect people.
In the First World War, we learned to treat wounds by washing them with a germicide.
Is it because winning the award gives them more confidence?
Instead, Felipa met them at the corral.
Yes; there was land below them; and not so very far away, either.
The shepherd and his dog could not keep them together.
Each of them hugged him and talked briefly to Destiny.
If you want something different, why don't you trade them in on something else?
But it took a good many years for them to grow as large and fine as they are now.
The aunt spoke to each of them in the same words, about their health and her own, and the health of Her Majesty, "who, thank God, was better today."
Dragging it up again wouldn't do either of them any good.
On the way back to the house, Alex offered to take them to the gulf for a family outing.
Carmen couldn't make out more than a few words, but one of them was mare.
The worst thing was their terror of reaching the bottom of this great crack in the earth, and the natural fear that sudden death was about to overtake them at any moment.
It often left them partially paralyzed, in wheelchairs or iron lungs (a term that's now all but forgotten and will likely send younger readers to Wikipedia).
I did not eat them; but I loved their fragrance and enjoyed hunting for them in the leaves and grass.
Alex had been the one who helped her see them as true family, and yet he was having issues accepting his own father.
I'm not ever going to know them if I never meet them, am I?
So he followed the Prince into the great domed hall, and Dorothy and Zeb came after them, while the throng of people trooped in also.
She fed them and gathered the few eggs they had laid after she gathered them yesterday.
People passing between them were a blur.
When you bring the babies home, can I come stay with you for a while and help take care of them?
I should have been with them tonight.
His clothing fitted his form snugly and was gorgeously colored in brilliant shades of green, which varied as the sunbeams touched them but was not wholly influenced by the solar rays.
Dorothy and Zeb jumped out of the buggy and ran after them, but the Sorcerer remained calmly in his throne.
With this he caught up two of the piglets and pushed them together, so that the two were one.
It is because there is no warm blood in them, remarked the Wizard.
Carmen brushed them away and returned to her prayer.
Maybe this vacation would give them some much needed time together.
It's who bought them.
The idea of making love in a strange bedroom was disturbing enough, but with only a door between them and the children, locked or not, it didn't feel right.
From behind them, Felipa's amused voice teased.
Jonathan was watching them, his mouth hanging open.
I told Morino last night that I would look at them before we left.
Everyone at the table was staring at them.
He was watching them dance.
I don't mean to insult them.
People are starting to wonder if you don't like them.
The top of the buggy caught the air like a parachute or an umbrella filled with wind, and held them back so that they floated downward with a gentle motion that was not so very disagreeable to bear.
These spires were like great spear-points, and if they tumbled upon one of them they were likely to suffer serious injury.
The roof beside them had a great hole smashed through it, and pieces of glass were lying scattered in every direction.
In the center of each plant grew a daintily dressed Mangaboo, for the clothing of all these creatures grew upon them and was attached to their bodies.
He led them within another but smaller circle of hedge, where grew one large and beautiful bush.
A sailor brought them to Los Angeles and I gave him nine tickets to the circus for them.
I include them to point out that history is discontinuous.
A fire was kindled at the bottom of a deep hole in the ground, big sticks were laid crosswise at the top, and meat was hung from them and turned on spits.
We also went nutting, and I helped them open the chestnut burrs and break the shells of hickory-nuts and walnuts--the big, sweet walnuts!
Words and images came tripping to my finger ends, and as I thought out sentence after sentence, I wrote them on my braille slate.
It is remarkable that we know so much of them as we do.
It would be easier for them to hobble to town with a broken leg than with a broken pantaloon.
Old shoes will serve a hero longer than they have served his valet--if a hero ever has a valet--bare feet are older than shoes, and he can make them do.
Not letting the abbe and Pierre escape, Anna Pavlovna, the more conveniently to keep them under observation, brought them into the larger circle.
The neighbors couldn't see into any of their windows, and they were far enough off the main road that the only traffic would be people coming to see them.
The shock of what happened gave way to fury as Felipa turned back to them.
But that was behind them.
Alex obliged and then the four of them continued to a lot where some horses grazed.
So the party was actually for him, not both of them.
If it had been for both of them, they would have invited some of her friends - like Katie and Bill.
He shared them with me.
Although she had said the words "I love you," several times, he had not uttered them.
Maybe it was good for them - I don't know, but I don't think it's going to be good for you - or Alex.
There are lots of them.
Schell regards sensors largely in terms of gameplay—but for our purposes, think of them passively logging your life.
The sparkle faded from his eyes, leaving them soft sweet chocolate pools.
She greeted them with a big smile, hugging each of them as if they were old friends she hadn't seen in a decade.
Carmen set her jaw and challenged them each with a stern look.
There had been two cancellations on a flight and Alex grabbed them.
Carmen leaned against the nursery window, gazing at them in awe - Alex at her side.
Maybe we would have felt this way with them if things had been different.
We're with them right now.
Could you get them out?
And you didn't pick them?
Lisa filled a cup for each of them, but Yancey wasn't interested.
The wildlife had probably taken care of them.
I don't want them using my phone.
She scooped the tomatoes into her hands and poured them into a bowl.
Without a word, he backed the car until they were close to the one that had pulled out in front of them.
Mrs. Marsh's face was white, and her eyes red and swollen, with dark circles under them.
Had he told them he was going to get her?
Yes, to take them away.
What makes you think I found them?
His lips crushed down on hers, bruising them as his fingers dug into her shoulders.
She smiled as she reached them.
There is a marked similarity to them.
You're the third person who wanted them.
I heard Quinn say yesterday that flight to Santa Barbara was full so maybe he drove all the way into Los Angeles to pick them up.
Then the boy picked up the reins, shook them, and said "Gid-dap!"
Then all three of them laughed heartily.
Many are the travellers I have spoken concerning them, describing their tracks and what calls they answered to.
But those tears were pleasant to them both.
They had to move forward, and leave the past behind them.
Alex had asked one of the men go into town and rent a car for them.
She had probably resurrected his memory of how Lori had tried to break them up.
He only sold them – for money.
Tossing the two of them into the same thought brought out the contrast.
After a few minutes of rest she'd go help them.
If it were any other man, she might think it was sexual frustration, but Brandon didn't appear to be interested in any of them.
He was a good-looking intern, but there simply wasn't a spark between them.
He slowed down beside them and lifted a brow to Adrienne.
Still, neither of them could afford to move out right now, so their relationship would have to remain a secret.
Watching the two of them, it was all she could do to control her own tears... especially knowing that this was at least partly her fault.
She rolled the pieces of meat in flour and fried them.
She had to go back to get them.
The adults ignored them, grazing contentedly on the deep grass.
I'm the only human they see most of the time, and I represent no harm to them.
They leave them for breeding purposes.
Should she ask him about putting them up?
There are some curtains and rugs in the attic - I'm sure you've already found them.
If you want to put them up, go ahead.
Between the two of us we ought to be able to carry them down to that room.
Sobering, Cynthia addressed them.
Unsure what to do with her hands, she rested them on his arms.
There are probably a half dozen of them waiting out there in the grass.
Why would he be upset with Mary for paying them a visit?
Mary strode down the path toward them, a hand shielding the sun from her eyes.
Were her feelings for Cade so obvious that he had detected them?
Now his girlfriend had caught them together.
With that, she left them alone.
The storm kicked up dust behind them, but they managed to beat it to the corral.
I closed my eyes and perhaps nodded off but when I opened them, Martha was standing there, without her robe, in only a sheer nightgown.
Unfortunately I couldn't tell them about the break in at Julie's place without it adversely impacting our anonymity.
This was one of them.
These latest grabs started up last fall so I'm looking at prison releases of sex offenders and going over them one by one.
My dog scared them away.
She told our neighbor Mildred she'd done something she regretted 'cause now she really liked this guy and thought maybe she'd messed things up between them.
While I hadn't given Quinn and Howie enough time to accomplish much, I called them anyway.
I asked her that one of them call me with the results.
I strolled up town, hoping to catch them.
If I can slip them, I may be able to help.
He even keeps in touch with some of them.
Shall I simply kill them all to be sure?
A motor home passed by, with California plates, only the open road of the entire country ahead of them.
It had been several days since I'd spoken to them.
Each and every one of them wants to kill us!
I was about to call them, it was so late and you hadn't come home.
Why don't the guys you pass them to get them themselves?
I telephoned their office with the intention of informing them myself.
It killed me not to use the chance to rub their noses in the fact I beat them to the punch on this!
She and Claire are probably still in the air somewhere or Quinn hasn't hooked up with them yet.
Eureka stuck up her nose at such food, but the tiny piglets squealed delightedly at the sight of the crackers and ate them up in a jiffy.
He believed, or at least suspected, that Miss Sullivan and I had deliberately stolen the bright thoughts of another and imposed them on him to win his admiration.
No more searching for frozen half-tires in the snow and stomping the water out of them.
I just didn't see any point in spending money on new clothes when my old ones still had a lot of wear in them.
When her attention returned to the others, she caught Señor Medena and Felipa watching them.
Sometimes he even did it when there was a room full of people between them.
The boxes were heavy, so carrying two of them was too much weight to handle.
They were having so much fun that even Alondra broke down and joined them.
While the band was on break, Eduardo entertained them with some Spanish guitar.
What could you give them here that you couldn't give them at home?
Was it another attempt to humiliate them - her?
She bit her lips to keep them from quivering and blinked her eyes to get rid of the blur.
A piñata had been hung from one of the banisters above and the children of some of the employees joined them.
Alfonso watched all of them intently.
It was rude to act this way to hosts who had invited them into their home on such a special occasion.
The driver took them to a Spanish design home a few miles from the hacienda.
How long did he think he could hide them - or avoid them, for that matter?
She silently folded them and put them in the suitcase while he watched.
Aside from his solemn expression, there was nothing in the way he acted with the children that might indicate anything was wrong between them.
But then, he had made it clear from the start that he didn't want any of them in his life.
He had tried his best to push them out of it.
Señor Medena said goodbye to them at the house, but Alondra and Felipa rode with them in the Limousine to the airport.
The files had been there all along and he had given her passwords and permission to look at them since they were first married.
Then again, maybe he figured she wouldn't understand them if she did look.
He didn't want anything to do with them, so they didn't exist.
Still, hiding from them wasn't going to solve anything - especially for his sisters.
That was the end of the conversation and neither of them brought the subject up again that night.
His father died shortly after Alex was born, so I never met either of them.
Would god take Destiny from them - a trade for the twins?
Yet it was a short period of time for so much to have happened to them.
As April slipped into May and the last threat of frost passed, she began planting them in the garden.
On the other hand, if he lost them, she would be sharing the loss of lifestyle.
Alex took them all to dinner to celebrate the birth.
But you kept trying to take me from them.
I would not have left them out of my will - I could not.
Headlights were backed up as far as the eye could see, waiting impatiently for someone to direct them away from the gridlock.
In those last moments when it was too late, she had decided to go with them.
Maybe friends didn't let friends drive drunk, but how did they stop them when there were so many?
It would be so disappointing for them.
That was the last thing she remembered until she opened her eyes again and found all three of them hanging over her.
She handed them to Howard, who watched her face with a puzzled expression.
Anything else they said faded down the hall after them.
It won't bring them back.
If someone tries to attack you, just point it at them.
It took them another thirty minutes or so to find the burned out shell of the car.
His assessment tore through her mind, digging up memories and laying them bare on the surface.
Grabbing her clothes and the towel, she took them to the laundry room.
Lisa glanced up to find Giddon watching them thoughtfully.
But when she asked Giddon to give Connie his phone number, he looked suspiciously from one of them to the other.
He started the car and they drove off, leaving Connie standing there on the curb looking after them with a troubled expression.
Sarah met them at the door, her puzzled gaze going from Giddon to Lisa.
Giddon removed the suitcases from his car and joined them at the door.
Lisa watched the two of them, sensing that there was something neither of them wanted to mention.
He bent down and retrieved her shoes, handing them to her.
Silence escorted them to the house.
The shear lust in them left her wishing he had looked elsewhere.
He towered over them both, the muscles in his arms and shoulders straining against his shirt as he hooked his thumbs in the front pockets of his jeans.
Sarah made an excuse of putting Tammy down for a nap and left them alone.
A deer watched them from the trees.
When you're riding an ATV you can cover more territory, and the animals have grown used to the sound of them.
Finally his big hands left her waist and moved to her shoulders, working out the stiffness in them, and then on to the back of her neck.
Somehow it seemed contrary to his character - any of them.
Both of them were surprised to see the blue truck parked in the yard when they returned.
I want the closeness of having them live with us.
He was sitting at a table across and down from them.
Did he know she had spied on them?
After last night, she had decided to keep things professional between them.
Neither of them was looking for a mate.
How could she answer them without implicating Yancey?
I can't believe that it's healthy to push them from your mind altogether.
Maybe if you took some pictures from the house and put them in your room.
You better not tell either of them just yet.
Outside, she stood on the porch a few minutes, studying the mountains around them.
What was it about them that drew her too them?
They might have considered her an innocent bystander in her relationship with Allen, but being on the sideline again would, at minimum, make them suspicious.
One evening, when Tammy was in bed and the three of them were relaxing in the family room, the telephone rang.
Do you tell all your boyfriends you love them?
In fact, until the death of her family, she rarely ever dreamed – or at least didn't remember them.
Instead, she collected a few small photos and arranged them all in one frame.
Going through the bills on the counter where Connie had promised to leave them, she decided to take them with her.
Len was eyeing Yancey's car and didn't see them until they stepped out the door.
They were several miles down the road before either of them spoke.
The cliff and surrounding mountains were now behind them.
She had been a fool to think there was anything between them.
She dragged the two suitcases from under her bed and began filling them with clothes from the closet.
She grabbed a handful of clothes from the drawer and threw them into the suitcase.
He grabbed a handful of her clothes from the suitcase and put them back in the drawer.
He calmly picked the clothes up and put them back in the drawer.
Someone was walking down the hall toward them.
Flipping a light on, he guided them to a corner and pulled the cloth from a painting.
The three of them walked abreast along a narrow road consisting of no more than two bare strips of dirt in the grass.
Don't pay them any mind.
An uncomfortable silence surrounded them for a while as Rachel diced tomatoes and Adrienne chopped the lettuce.
If Brandon hadn't shared his plans with the other girls, it wasn't her place to go blabbing them now.
Yeah, and you're the only one he shares them with - and you won't tell.
Neither of them is working today, and I'm sure they'd be delighted to join you.
I think I've convinced them that you're a trustworthy soul.
I made the mistake of telling her that parents of two of the girls wanted me here to protect them from thieves and murderers.
All right, I'll throw a few things together and stow them in your car before I leave.
Adrienne glanced at Brandon, who was now watching them.
All this was doing neither of them any good.
All the same, Brandon introduced them as his parents - and Adrienne as a friend he had met in Tulsa.
Nowadays they cart them off to some baby sitter they hardly know, just to get the kids out of their hair.
I reckon that's something that needs to be done, and them children would be better off with a woman looking after them.
Brandon should have told them, and when they finally made it to the barn, she said as much.
Since they all lived in the same apartment complex, and the evening was early, Adrienne invited them to her apartment for a cup of coffee.
Brandon was deliberately ignoring them.
The apartment door opened and Rachel stared out at them.
We can't expect them to make an exception for us.
I let our stupid house rules stand between us for a long time, but I was the one who finally broke them.
Julia brushed by them in the hall.
Something had to be done before he got them both killed.
The highway ahead of them was clear, except for one big truck coming their way... and a car approaching the highway to their right.
The little car pulled out in front of them.
Adrienne screamed again, and then the little car ahead of them was pulling off the road.
Should she hug them?
She finally opted to let them have their private moment.
It was too important - to both of them.
When Julie & Rachel returned, she told them that Brandon would be out at the ranch for a while.
When you went up to visit his parents, how much time did you spend with them, and how much time did you spend on the ranch?
Then, when we have kids, Mom could watch them.
And now you're trying to tell me that I don't fit into them either.
After all, I wasn't in them to begin with.
She wasn't going to let them all make her feel guilty.
Ridges of sparkling white sand surrounded the camp like a sleeping dragon, soaking heat from the sun - resting now so it could spit its fiery breath at them later in the day.
Then who is supposed to feed them?
Men get ideas when their wives are at home trying to be everything a man expects of them.
She made no effort to catch them, letting them fall at her feet.
Maybe he wasn't a saddle bum, but only a greenhorn would think he could live off the barren land that surrounded them.
Then they would have to hitch them back up again.
How could he leave them that way?
She dashed them away with the back of her hand.
If women weren't attracted to them, maybe men could control themselves.
The rest of the teamsters joined them and they all waited in silence as the horses approached and drew to an organized halt.
You reckon them Injuns knew we was around?
There had been an instant bond between them from the day they met.
You'll feed them and everything?
Pete and Royce joined them, their eyes lighting up when they saw the flapjacks.
Much as she enjoyed watching them eat crow for desert, she knew their shame would be forgotten by suppertime.
Wherever Bordeaux was, he was probably more comfortable than the rest of them.
If you want me to cook them, you'd better clean them up so they don't look like snakes.
She nudged them closer to him with the toe of her boot.
I like to watch them move and listen to them - I even like the way they smell.
Let them all think what they wanted.
In fact, why not give them a little show?
Each day brought them closer to the time he would be riding away permanently.
She was spoiling the men, but her decision to start home from Ashley was going to leave them in the lurch.
Still, leaving them wasn't going to be easy for her either.
Now that they were all together, it would be a good time to tell them.
Pete's attention was darting from one of them to the other.
She packed all the dishes and stashed them in the back of one of the wagons.
Horse and rider plunged down the side of the dune toward them.
She watched them talk for a few minutes.
Pete walked back to her, signaling to the other men to join them.
When they were all together he addressed them soberly.
She shuddered, wishing he was with them.
The sun turned the dunes orange red and then quickly sank, leaving them in pre-moon darkness.
The sand lay white around them like a blanket of snow.
The Indians were attacking them.
If you take them with you, it might give you cover if the Indians attack again.
They selected the most valuable food items and buried them.
Using the extra sand, they made fortifications and bedded down for the night behind them.
They converged then, and moved quietly across the sand, hoping the Indians didn't burst from the night to attack them.
That was probably why Bordeaux had instructed each of them to take a separate direction.
The white sand reflected the hot sun back at them until they were dripping with perspiration.
Heat waves blurred the dunes around them.
For the first time she thought about the fact that he had no commitment to them at all, yet he had risked his life for them.
It would have been easier to run off and leave them.
You want to lend me them glasses, Bordeaux?
Cassie could feel them all watching her as she settled to the ground.
How come them soldiers wanted you with them?
If any rays missed their bodies, the sand reflected it to them.
They were depending on her and she wasn't going to let them down.
Cassie cleaned the supper dishes as best she could with sand, and stored them in one of the packs.
They emptied all the water into four canteens and took four empty ones with them.
It took them over an hour to fill all the canteens.
Lord, she prayed, please don't let them get Chauncey - and then she knew nothing.
Maybe Pete and the guys had reached Ashley by now and a rescue mission was already under way to get them.
Silence fell between them and then he finally spoke.
She stared up at Bordeaux, whose attention was focused on the rock above them.
He removed his hand and they moved back against the rock wall of lava that swirled over them.
A few minutes later another horse came by, its hooves clattering loudly above them.
Was your horse following them?
Yes it was Indians and he was following them.
Finally they descended into a low place in the ravine, momentarily putting an outcropping between them and the Indians who waited.
The heat settled around them like a hot breath.
The landscape around them was bleak, almost as devoid of plant life as the white sands had been.
He squinted as he surveyed the black oven surrounding them.
The bay's ears were perked toward the wash below them.
As they watched, three Indians rode around a bend in the gully and passed below them.
Bordeaux urged the bay after them.
As they entered the Indian encampment, hostile black eyes turned to follow them.
As they approached, the sound of running water welcomed them.
But if you'd rather take them off, go ahead.
She slid down the rock and joined them, casting a sour look at Bordeaux as she brushed by him.
Don't insult them by refusing their hospitality.
I don't think I'm any better than them.
So don't take it out on them.
The desert and lava fields behind them, they made good time.
People gathered around them to ask questions.
No, Pete spotted them afore they saw us, so we got away.
Within a few minutes Fritz and Davis also joined them.
Neither of them had been in high spirits yesterday.
Once again she had let her desires drive them from her mind.
Bordeaux might not want to take them into their home.
Bordeaux wasn't like her father, and it wasn't fair to keep comparing them.
Were it not for the ranch, she might even feel happy for them.
Darcie folded her hands in her lap and stared at them.
Carmen tried to shut them out by thinking about something else, but her mind kept going back to the same thing.
Cassie clung to the seat to keep from falling out of the lurching buggy as Bordeaux took them out of town at a run.
There was no point in telling them that riding with Bordeaux hadn't been her idea.
Her father was walking toward them.
Mr. Rinehart regarded them both with obvious confusion.
They showed no indication of giving them any privacy.
Just trying to explain them can't do them justice.
Howie followed them, muttering he needed a distraction.
They still have them, or the big box stores.
Maybe I can remedy some of them of the ills.
They think they are anonymous on the web but I can trace them all.
I calmed Martha down and both Betsy and I spoke to all three of them, one by one.
You'll get tips from us and follow up on them the same as any tips.
Where do we do list them?
It's difficult out on the road to hide them more than a day or two.
You're thankful for any and all tips and investigate them regardless of source.
The old man and child were playing checkers in the comfortable den when a housekeeper called them to dinner.
Our group conducted only three cases as we now called them and none were noteworthy.
He stayed with them and was shocked when the car left the road, bumping into a secluded copse, frightening the girl.
We'd built up a library of recorded sessions but became concerned about properly securing them.
Did someone give them my license plate number?
She was unable to pin him down on the cases of ours she'd documented earlier but he practically admitted he was personally responsible for all them and more.
A curse on the lot of them, especially the state of Texas where the roads never end.
I'm ahead of them!
I nodded and filled them in.
Through Brennan's subtle urging, the authorities, ultimate recipients of our tips, were learning to deny them outright or down playing their importance.
Nor would most authorities offer any help in a search to find the source of their tips when they were forced to admit to them.
He tracked dozens of tips and put them together before he announced he was the tipster.
He got them to back off, at least for now.
I should know; I get almost all of them.
I can see where the local law enforcement people wouldn't be thrilled with these folks looking over their shoulder and pushing them.
It's easy to identify specific crimes and follow them up.
We don't even see them!
But you've heard from them lots of times.
The police sometimes don't even hear the entire tip... just enough to lead them in the right direction, and find the person.
If we write them down, we could get fired.
Then a woman in the background said something about them all moving to this keen town and the woman on the phone laughed, like it was a joke.
Quinn, Martha and especially Betsy looked perturbed at me for not updating them on my tete-a-tete with Howie but that could wait.
When the troops finally returned, a pall of disappointment hung over them like a shroud.
From the looks on the glum faces before me, he had neither told them anything nor was there success in their search for the killer.
There's a bunch of run away kids; I could try to pick the most likely but none of them look promising.
Let them all be pissed off at me; perhaps that would bring them closer together against a common enemy.
Even the police, who see the aftermath of terrible, gut-wrenching crimes, aren't forced to watch them actually happening.
I gathered them in the conference room and filled them in on what Merrill Cooms had told me.
I didn't give them the time of day, except to confirm what you told me on the record.
Now I've practically brought them into the fold.
Betsy sensed that there was friction between them.
If I am unsuccessful there are others who may hold the answers I demand and I now have plans to get them as well.
The going back business; finding missing kids; sometimes seeing them hurt.
Molly will find out, someone, this monster that's killing all these people; he'll find someone and force them tell.
It's unfair to keep them in the dark on this matter.
I'd planned to ask Quinn and Martha to come in so I could tell them what I'd learned but the more I considered it, I decided a phone call was sufficient.
Send them both out!
When Julie and I get back, I'll move them both into my house.
I get a lot of phone calls from people snooping for more information but I tell them I print everything I know.
They made bunches of them.
You can bet by now, he's dumped them.
I congratulated them both on a great job and terminated the call.
She kissed and hugged her daughter until I thought I'd have to pull them apart, but finally left in Howie's car for Boston and her flight.
After abbreviated greetings, I told them what I'd discovered.
It suddenly came to mind I hadn't told them Julie was on her way west and Molly was at our house.
Next I telephoned After to update them on Mr. Delabama's Canadian adventures.
I don't know what I mean except I can't stop dreaming of little children, all hurt and bleeding and I don't want to see them because it hurts too much, but I can't block them out!
I can't imagine them missing her Aunt Rose Abbott's service or at least calling in with their status.
People at the memorial service had contradictory stories and when Howie pressed them, no one seemed to have any real facts.
He's the only one who knew how to manipulate them.
Their house was lonely, and a little scary without them.
He was willing to personally alert the local police and have them check out the vehicle even without clear cut identification.
We never saw them.
Unless he was planning on getting them!
Both of them, mother and daughter, out walking that bitch dog.
I can see them at the crest of the hill.
Thankfully, he'd spotted my family and given them a ride home!
Betsy said as I hugged them both.
There were a half dozen messages from both Julie and Howie from California but in view of our frenzied day, decided to let them simmer until after a much relished glass or two of wine and Molly's carefully grilled hot dogs and cheese bread.
He swears he won't leave them behind.
Martha and Quinn made their own decision; you didn't chase them off.
Then she added, "Julie practically begged me to bring Molly out there and help the both of them to get back home, whatever it takes to do so."
If I hadn't taken time to apply my sleeping solution to the rag, I'd have been in the process of taking them just as that police car with its flashing lights came rolling up!
But what made the police seek out the woman and child and drive directly to them?
I dropped my women off at the terminal entrance of Logan Airport, amid kisses and a promise to see them in twenty-four hours.
I assure you, I have managed to contact all but three and if I located them I would get down on my knees before them and beg forgiveness, just like I've done with the others .
It was strange sitting here, talking to a confessed rapist, with the sound of what was probably more of them eating dinner behind me.
One of them might have even been responsible for Annie's murder.
Did you know some of them; the men who did what you did?
Don't get me wrong; I'm not condoning what we did but there were others who were much worse; sicko guys who really hurt their victims; sometimes killed them.
Was there one of them in particular you think might have been responsible for Annie's murder?
A few of the gents nodded off but the pastor would quickly bring them back we a raised voice and a fist pound, prompting a hearty Amen.
He scorned all the rest of us for not holding on to our prizes, as he called them.
My mind jingled with questions of recidivism of his souls, the operation he'd alleged to have personally endured and if others had followed suit, or, if he encouraged them to do so.
Even if they did, I can't see them telling him very much.
I'm a little tired of making other people's decisions for them.
Ben, could you start up Quinn's machines and see if maybe you could get them to work?
I told them what you said; they're like hiding out.
I was there when Quinn hid it after Martha locked them out and he had to pry a window.
I haven't done anything illegal and it's his opinion I have no legal responsibility to tell them anything I know about you people.
There is on one to connect me to New Hampshire though this little group who thought they were so clever hiding in that silly business in Keene might suspect that the one they hunted is now hunting them!
He had killed them in cold blood!
I staggered back to my room, away from the contented people playing around the pool, not wanting them to see me in tears.
I am a patient person by nature and fully expected to later take them one or two at a time.
Could you possible page them?
All of them are being stalked by a serial killer we're sure is now in town.
I could feel tears streaming down my face though I had no recollection of generating them.
While I followed them shopping I never imagined I'd be allotted the opportunity accomplish a daring strike so successfully and leave without a trace!
I could find them.
A realization he'd never touch them again didn't dispel the feeling I was prying into his world.
That was the scientist in Quinn, frustrated that within grasp he held the partnered ability with Howie to go where no one before them had ventured.
It's far easier to calmly pen the words I said than it was to say them.
Call my husband and Howie Abbott and summon them.
Then what shall I do with them, my dear?
Tell me where you have them!
While the killer's intentions were unknown, we knew Howie thwarted them both to their death.
We hacked open a can of baked beans with a screwdriver and ate them cold.
Adults would argue with her if she told them she wasn't leaving her brother, Jonny's, side until he was healed.
Dusty looked around them, gaze settling on the only car on the streets that didn't belong to him and wasn't on blocks.
He sensed rather than saw that someone was in it, watching them.
He took them to his condo on the beach for privacy.
None had time to grab the weapons under their cots before gunfire exploded through the garage door and slammed into them.
Her eyes cracked open, and she was startled to see a petite blonde woman in dark jeans standing between them.
He should've heard from one of them by now.
The towels on the towel rack appeared to have their creases ironed into them.
She changed and took the shears, hiding them against her body as she approached the door.
She felt his body heat from the short distance between them and recognized his scent from the sheets.
She must not have twisted one of the locks, even though she'd checked them all twice.