Thecal Sentence Examples
This sicula, which had originally the shape of a hollow cone, is formed of two portions or regions - an upper and smaller (apical or embryonic) portion, marked by delicate longitudinal lines, and having a fine tabular thread (the nema) proceeding from its apex; and a lower (thecal or apertural) portion, marked by transverse lines of growth and widening in the direction of the mouth, the lip or apertural margin of which forms the broad end of the sicula.
Some of the thecal plates, infrabasals I B, basals B, and orals 0 are forming around the bodycavities r.pc and l.pc; p is the water-pore.
Beneath each food-groove was a radial water-vessel and probably a nerve and blood-vessel, all which structures passed either between certain regularly arranged thecal plates, or along a furrow floored by those plates, which were then in two alternating series.
These two types are, in the main, correlated with two gradual differentiations in the minute structure of the thecal plates.
Chirocrinus-alter, one of of the nervous, waterthe Rhomb i fera, showing the reduced vascular and blood-vas number and regular arrangement of the cular systems, testified thecal plates, and the concentration of to their Pelmatozoan ancestry.
These either are close to the mouth or are removed from it upon a series of ambulacral or subambulacral plates not derived immediately from thecal plates, or are separated from the oral centre by hypothecal passages passing beneath tegminal plates.
The stereom and stroma become arranged in folds and strands at right angles to the sutures of the thecal plates; in higher forms the stereom-folds are in part specialized as pectini-rhombs.
The generative organs arid coelom probably did not send extensions along the rays into the brachioles; but apparently nerves from the aboral centre, after passing through the thecal plates, met in a circumoral ring, from which branches passed into the plate under each main food-groove, and thence supplied the brachioles.
The thecal plates, however irregular in some species, always show defined basals and a distinct plate ("radial") at the end of each ambulacrum; they are in all cases so far affected by pentamerous symmetry that their sutures never cross the ambulacra.
The former might be placed with Diploporita, were it not for a greater intimacy of correlation between ambulacral and thecal structures than is found in Cystidea as here defined.
AdvertisementPelmatozoa in which epithecal extensions of the food-grooves, ambulacrals, superficial oral nervous system, blood-vascular and water-vascular systems, coelom and genital system are continued exothecally upon jointed outgrowths of the abactinal thecal plates (brachia), carrying with them extensions of the abactinal nerve-system.
In some forms at least, pores between (not through) the ambulacral elements, or between them and the thecal plates, seem to have permitted the passage of extensions from the perradial water-vessels.
At the same time the thecal plates degenerated into spicules.