The-thing Sentence Examples
Maybe it was the thing with Dulce again.
In fact, the thing she found most attractive about Brandon was his smile.
And if they told about the thing that was there, then they'd get in trouble, for being there, in the place they weren't supposed to be in.
Or, maybe it was the thing with his father.
I think I might have just the thing.
As a mater of fact, he can't give me the thing I want most.
It seemed like the thing to do, Josh.
The water's cool and refreshing - just the thing after a hot day of work.
Change, or any natural phenomenon, is produced by the impression of a virtus or species on matter - the result being the thing known.
If during the continuance of the letting, the thing hired is entirely destroyed by accident, the lease is cancelled.
AdvertisementIt it absurd, therefore, to seek for a cause of the individuality of the thing other than the cause of the thing itself.
The name l'arte magiore, the greater art, is designed to distinguish it from l'arte minore, the lesser art, a term which he applied to the modern arithmetic. His second variant, la regula de la cosa, the rule of the thing or unknown quantity, appears to have been in common use in Italy, and the word cosa was preserved for several centuries in the forms toss or algebra, cossic or algebraic, cossist or algebraist, &c. Other Italian writers termed it the Regula rei et census, the rule of the thing and the product, or the root and the square.
He declared that he had preserved the thing in its substance, if he had not actually used the word; and this view of the matter was always officially maintained in the colonial office (which, significantly enough, dealt with Transvaal affairs) whatever the political party in power.
Voltaire had sent copies away; others had been printed abroad; and the thing was irrecoverable.
Experiments made by a person who possesses a good memory seem to show that the thing is very possible, especially if Darnley revised Crawford's notes.
AdvertisementIt lay in the nature of the thing that more precise utterances should be given on this subject, and these we find in the Thatsachen des Bewusstseyns and in all the later lectures.
But because he uses the language of the Greek mysteries, Philo never imitated the thing itself; and he is ever ready to denounce it in the bitterest terms. Clement and Origen really meant no more than he.
Thus defined, idealism is opposed to ordinary common-sense dualism, which regards knowledge or experience as the result of the more or less accidental relation between two separate and independent entities - the mind and its ideas on one side, the thing with its attributes on the other - that serve to limit and condition each other from without.
The seer, in the sense in which all antiquity believed in seers, is simply a man who sees what others cannot see, no matter whether the thing seen be of public or of mere private interest; but the prophet is an organ of Yahweh's kingship over His people - he sees and tells so much of the secret purpose of Yahweh as is needful for His people to know.
Among all the eight passages mentioned above, the most valuable is that from the Eudemian Ethics (A 8), which discriminates extraneous discourses and philosophical (Kai ie rois i wTEpLKOLS XIyocs Kai iv roas Kara 4cXoac41av, 1217 b 22-23); and it is preceded (A 6, 1216 b 35-37 a 17), by a similar distinction between foreign discourses (h¦Xorpioc Aoyoc) and discourses appropriate to the thing (oiKEioc Aoyoc Tor, 7rpayp,aros), which marks even better the opposition intended between dialectic and philosophy.
AdvertisementIt is not always a true apprehension of essence, but often, especially in physical matter, such as sound or heat or light, takes superficial effects to be the essence of the thing.
In combustion the particulae nitro-aereae - either pre-existent in the thing consumed or supplied by the air - combined with the material burnt; as he inferred from his observation that antimony, strongly heated with a burning glass, undergoes an increase of weight which can be attributed to nothing else but these particles.
In Germany, for example, Eugen Diihring (q.v.) was a realist, whose intention is to prove against Kant a knowledge of the thing in itself by attributing time, space and categories generally to the real world.
This third position isarelic of ancient metaphysical realism; although it must be remembered that Kant does not go to the length of Descartes and Locke, who supposed that from mere ideas we could know bodies and souls, but suggests that beneath the phenomena of outer and inner sense the thing in itself may not be heterogeneous (ungleichartig).
Hence it is the office of the theory of knowledge to show that the Ego posits the thing per se as only existing for itself, a noumenon in the sense of a product of its own thinking.
AdvertisementFichte thus transformed the transcendental idealism of Kant by identifying the thing with the object, and by interpreting noumenon, not in Kant's sense of something which speculative reason conceives and practical reason postulates to exist in accordance with the idea, but in the new meaning of a thought, a product of reason.
But as soon as the thing in itself is converted into something mental, metaphysical idealists must either say that there are as many suns as minds, or that there is one mind and therefore one sun.
Lastly, Fichte called this system realism, in so far as it posits the thing in itself as another thing; idealism, in so far as it posits it as a noumenon which is a product of its own thinking; and on the whole real idealism or ideal realism.
By changing the meaning of "noumenon " from the thing apprehended (voouµevov) to the thought (vOnya), and in the hypothesis of a common consciousness, he started the view that a thing is not yours or my thought, but a common thought of all mankind, and led to the wider view of Schelling and Hegel that the world is an absolute thought of infinite mind.
In reducing the thing in itself to a thought he projected the neo-Kantism of Lange and Cohen.
He tells us how from his youth he pursued physical and psychological studies, how at the age of fifteen he read Kant's Prolegomena, and later rejected the thing in itself, and came to the conclusion that the world with his ego is one mass of sensations.
At the same time, in spite of his sympathy with the whole development of idealism since Kant, which leads him to reject the thing in itself, to modify a priorism, and to stop at transcendent " ideals," without postulates of practical reason, he nevertheless has so much sympathy with Kant's Kritik as on its theories of sense and understanding to build up a system of phenomenalism, according to which knowledge begins and ends with ideas, and finally on its theory of pure reason to accord to reason a power of logically forming an " ideal " of God as ground of the moral " ideal " of humanity - though without any power of logically inferring any corresponding reality.
Reason, according to Wundt, is like pure reason according to Kant; except that Wundt, receiving Kantism through NeoKantism, thinks that reason arrives at " ideals " not a priori, but by the logical process of ground and consequent, and, having abolished the thing in itself, will not follow Kant in his inconsequent passage from pure to practical reason in order to postulate a reality corresponding to " ideals " beyond experience.
After this letter it cannot be doubted that Kant not only differed wholly from Fichte, both about the synthetic unity of apperception and about the thing in itself, but also is to be construed literally throughout.
The difficulty of personal idealism, on the other hand, is to reconcile the unity of the thing with the plurality of thinkers.
Kant, taking it in the mistaken meaning of Locke, converted it into the a priori category of the permanent substrate beneath the changes of phenomena, and even went so far as to separate it from the thing in itself, as substantia phenomenon from noumenon.
Robertson asserts (Historical Disquisition concerning Ancient India, p. 227) that the Arabs, Turks and Persians have no original name for the compass, it being called by them Bossola, the Italian name, which shows that the thing signified is foreign to them as well as the word.
Second, in puddling iron which is to be used as a raw material for making very fine steel by the crucible process, quality is the thing of first importance.
The term is in fact susceptible of two opposite connotations; on the one hand, it implies that the thing to which it is applied is only a copy; on the other that as a copy it is faithful and accurate.
Taking one thing with another, this is probably rather under than over the mark, and the cost of hunting three days a week, if the thing be really properly done, will most likely be nearer £ 2000 than £1500.
He painted with unceasing diligence, treating none but sacred subjects; he never retouched or altered his work, probably with a religious feeling that such as divine providence allowed the thing to come, such it should remain He was wont to say that he who illustrates the acts of Christ should be with Christ.
Paradoxical as it may sound, the truth seems to be that primary judgment, beginning as it does with the simplest feeling and sensation, is not a combination of two mental elements into one, but is a division of one sensible thing into the thing itself and its existence and the belief that it is determined as existing, e.g.
Lastly, all the authors of the above-quoted theories err in supposing that all judgment requires conception; for even Mill thinks a combination of ideas necessary, and Brentano, who comes still nearer to the nature of sensory judgment when he says, " Every perception counts for a judgment," yet thinks that an idea is necessary at the same time in order to understand the thing judged.
Now we have seen that all primary judgments signify more than this fact; they are also beliefs in the existence of the thing signified by the subject.
Hence secondary judgments, which no longer contain a belief that the thing exists, e.g.
As Mill pointed out, it cannot be implied that a centaur exists, since the very thing asserted is that the thing has no real existence.
All categorical judgment is an unconditional belief in the fact, signified by the copula, that a thing of some sort is (or is not) determined; but some categorical judgments are also beliefs that the thing is an existing thing, signified either by the subject or by the predicate, while others are not beliefs that the thing exists at all, but are only beliefs in something conceivable, or nameable, or in something or other, without particularizing what.
Finally, a universal judgment is often existential; but whether it is so or not it remains categorical, so long as it introduces no hypothetical antecedent about the existence of the thing signified by the subject.
A proposition is the consequent verbal expression of such a belief, and consists in asserting that the thing as signified by the subject is (or is not) determined as signified by the predicate.
Usually we leave the predicate indefinite, because, as long as the thing in question is (or is not) determined, it does not matter about other things, and it is vain for us to try to think all things at once.
In most judgments all we believe is that x is (or is not) y, that a thing is (or is not) determined, and that the thing signified by the subject is a thing signified by the predicate, but not that it is the only thing, or equal to everything signified by the predicate.
That judgment is true which apprehends a thing as it is capable of being known to be; and that proposition is true which so asserts the thing to be.
Secondarily, the thing itself is ambiguously said to be true in the sense of being signified as it is.
It is better to say what the thing is.
But the senses cannot lead to truth; thought and reflection must look at the thing on every side.
The former accounts for his acceptance of Kant's phenomenalism, combined with rejection of the thing in itself.
Not content with the barren assertion that the understanding makes nature, and that we can construct science only on the hypothesis that there is reason in the world, they proceeded to show how the thing was actually done.
This was the thing as it is by itself and apart from our knowledge of it - the something which we know, when and as we know it not.
If we wish, said Kant, to give a real existence to the thing in itself or the noumenon we can only do so by investing it with the attributes found in our own internal sense, viz.
On the 24th he sailed from the Hague, landing on the 26th at Dover, where he was met by Monk, whom he saluted as father, and by the mayor, from whom he accepted a " very rich bible," " the thing that he loved above all things in the world."
All the analogies of our life here lead us to conclude that we shall continue to live after death; and neither from experience nor from the reason of the thing can any argument against the possibility of this be drawn.
The fundamental doctrine of this work is that, on the hypothesis of free competition, exchange value is determined by the labour expended in production, - a proposition not new, nor, except with considerable limitation and explanation, true, and of little practical use, as "amount of labour" is a vague expression, and the thing intended is incapable of exact estimation.
By virtue of the passive principle the thing is susceptible of motion and modification; it is matter which determines substance (obvia).
Only here, instead of assuming something immaterial (and therefore unverifiable), we fall back upon a current of air or gas (irv€Uµa); the essential reason of the thing is itself material, standing to it in the relation of a gaseous to a solid body.
By its prompting the thing grows, develops and decays, while this " germinal reason," the element of quality in the thing, remains constant through all its changes.
Once assume that every character and property of a particular thing is determined solely by the tension in it of a current of Pneuma, and (since that which causes currents in the thing cannot be absolutely the same with the thing itself) Pneuma, though present in all things, must be asserted to vary indefinitely in quantity and intensity.
That the thing made a great flame, a great noise, and struck terror into the beholder is about the sum of it all.
For it was on the artistic rather than on the critical side of history that stress was almost universally laid in antiquity, and the thing that above all others was expected from the historian was not so much a scientific investigation and accurate exposition of the truth, as its skilful presentation in such a form as would charm and interest the reader.
History in this connexion is obviously not the record, but the thing to be recorded.
Broadly speaking his work in those very 'eighties was not so good as the labour, essentially delicate and fresh and just, of some years earlier, nor had it always the attractiveness of the impulsive deliverances of some years later, when the inspired sketch was the thing that he generally stopped at.
Spontaneity is pleasing, sometimes beautiful, but it is not in this instance the highest quality of the thing to be obtained.
The property in the thing seized, to the amount of the debt and expenses, became legally transferred from the debtor to the creditor, not all at once but in stages fixed by law.
However, the thing was done.
In this way all or most of the things commonly judged to be " goods " - health, strength, wealth, fame,' &c., - are brought within the sphere of the sage's choice, though his real good is solely in the wisdom of the choice, and not in the thing chosen.
What he really means is less paradoxically stated in the general proposition that " originally and in reality it is natural and (morally speaking) necessary that the will should be determined in every action by the reason of the thing and the right of the case,"` as it is natural and (absolutely speaking) necessary that the understanding should submit to a demonstrated truth."
The principle of this division appears to be a near or remote connexion between the possessor and the thing possessed.
The word investiture (from vestire, to put in possession) is later than the 9th century; the thing itself was an outcome of feudal society.
His voice is perfect, but the thing that is truly cool, is to hear Garcia solo on a blues song ala Clapton.
Four of us can't manage to combine lifting the thing up with doing up the pinch bolts.
Well, I guess the thing is not to get too hung up on the latest buzzwords.
You've got to be so precise with your lines and braking to actually make the thing go round the comers.
I bet someone who has suffered severe depression can tell you The thing is, you have to work it out for yourself.
So many people get caught up in the buying frenzy of wedding planning, that they lose sight of the thing that really matters.
Still quite gusty, no point in propping the thing up today.
For myself, I always thought the thing perfectly harmless.
Now to get to the thing that really infuriates me.
January isn't generally jolly, but it's already looking as if jelly is the thing this month.
The ball was actually the thing - Lucy's hideous monster - the Green Angel.
Looking at the thing from a purely moral point of view, what can be said?
At the hospital i had blood tests, another MRI but the thing i was most scared of was the lumber puncture.
On the way out, I was given a tape of the thing being manipulated by a professional movie puppeteer.
Thats the thing that will be saved in the baby scrapbook for the rest of the childs life.
Wouldn't his skin actually be the thing that gets spotty?
Wonder if anyone's tried replicating the thing using ceramic superconductors and then cooling the thing off with liquid nitrogen to see what happens.
I just assumed it was aimed squarely at the teenage girl market, and now I discover that the thing was actually quite tongue-in-cheek.
And all the women in Derby Was looking for his skin To make a fancy waistcoat For that was just the thing.
However it is no good simply jamming wodges of old-fashioned classroom training together with blocks of online learning and expecting the thing to scale.
But Ivan, wiser in his generation, knew that the thing was impossible, in view of the immense distance to be traversed, and the predominance of the Grand Turk from whom it would have to be wrested.
Whether a particular instrument is a lease, or an agreement for a lease, or a bare licence, is a question the answer to which depends to a large extent on the circumstances of individual cases; and the only general rule is that in a lease there must be an expression of intention on the part of the lessor to convey, and of the lessee to accept, the exclusive possession of the thing let for the prescribed term and on the prescribed conditions.
And we know the thing is true, because since the time of that interview there is no piglet to be found anywhere.
Why the boys should drive away, Little maidens from their play, Or love to banter and fight so well, That's the thing I never could tell.
They try to connect the person who wants to know something to the thing that person wants to know.
And remember, it can be obtained both by a plummeting cost and an increasing value of the thing to you.
Everything would be better made because the best way to make a thing could be multiplied across all occurrences of the thing.
However much value the labor can add to the thing is the amount of wage the person can earn.
A slip on which was printed, in raised letters, the word BOX was placed on the object, and the same experiment was tried with a great many articles, but she did not immediately comprehend that the label-name represented the thing.
The medium calls forth the thing it conveys, and the greater the medium the deeper the thoughts.
And now, when one wants to smooth the thing over, some conceit prevents your apologizing, and you wish to make the whole affair public.
The races, the English Club, sprees with Denisov, and visits to a certain house--that was another matter and quite the thing for a dashing young hussar!
And, worst of all, I am growing old--that's the thing!
Even before he gave that order the thing he did not desire, and for which he gave the order only because he thought it was expected of him, was being done.
Natasha quietly repeated her question, and her face and whole manner were so serious, though she was still holding the ends of her handkerchief, that the major ceased smiling and after some reflection-- as if considering in how far the thing was possible--replied in the affirmative.
No, Mamma darling, it's not the thing.
Pierre too drew near the church where the thing was that evoked these exclamations, and dimly made out something leaning against the palings surrounding the church.
The very question that had formerly tormented him, the thing he had continually sought to find--the aim of life--no longer existed for him now.
Freedom is the thing examined.
Verily, the thing I fear most for you all is what Allah will allow you to acquire of the splendor of this world.
Would n't his skin actually be the thing that gets spotty?
Wonder if anyone 's tried replicating the thing using ceramic superconductors and then cooling the thing off with liquid nitrogen to see what happens.
Sam always said just to sit back and listen, suss the situation out, keep quiet and let the thing unfold.
If you prefer a more relaxed shindig, a barbecue baby shower just might be the thing.
If you've been wondering how to store your china and other beautiful items in your home but you don't have a lot of space in your dining room, a corner china cabinet may be just the thing.
Then cottage chic style interior design may be just the thing to infuse your home with relaxed elegance.
If you're trying to give your bedroom a complete overhaul, but don't know where to start, looking at some bedroom decorating pictures can be just the thing to get your creative juices flowing.
Turning your bathroom space into an indulgent day-spa is just the thing to brighten up the dark days of winter.
If you are looking for a natural look, then this may be the thing for you.
The Bobbi Brown Pot Rouge Powder Pink blush may be just the thing to perk up cheeks and give that irresistible "flush"!
Heading to the gym after a difficult day can be just the thing for stressed out workers.
In fact, priced at $29.99, the Yogitoes Mseat Mediatation Cushion' may be just the thing.
They find it difficult to control their worry and may not be able to stop thinking about the thing that they have become fixated on that stresses them out.
Soon after, however, the Cartoon Network began shopping around for new projects for their newly named Adult Swim, a programming block for adults, and Dave Willis and Mike Maiello had just the thing to fit the bill.
But the thing is that I don't know what to do because I thought I was over him, because I started liking another guy.
But the thing is he is homeschooled so we wouldn't see each other a lot.
But the thing that nags at me the most is that I live right next door to her and I can't talk to her because I'd have a nervous breakdown.
You simply can't know if talking about might be just the thing an adolescent needs in order to open up about his or her true feelings, and this is why you mustn't be apprehensive about bringing up the topic of suicide.
If you are looking for an elegant yet functional way to present the order of service and other information for your guests, then slim wedding programs might be just the thing.
Besides, you are only taking the thing that you are trying to remove, "nicotine".
If you're a fan of fashion and looking for something fun to play around with that relates to celebrities, dress up dolls might just be the thing!
Plus, whatever unscrupulous mistress is trying to sell it, will never be able to get the thing released without Tiger's express permission and signature.
If your daughter loves to accessorize, then visiting a Justice store is just the thing for accentuating all her fashionable outfits.
Hats and headbands look darling on tiny heads, and hair clips and bows are just the thing to tame a wayward curl or two.
If you're looking for an end-of-summer activity for you and your dog, pet lifestyle adviser Wendy Nan Rees has just the thing for you.
LoveToKnow's guest columnist Wendy Nan Rees has just the thing.
If you have a four-footed friend that's more diva than doggie, using OPI dog nail polish (aka OPI Pawlish) will be just the thing you need to unleash her attitude, style and flair.
The band certainly has a rock sensibility, but the thing that separates Mana from other bands is their ability to bring in other styles of music into the fold.
Next to the lights, the presents and the food, the thing that contributes the most significantly to the Christmas spirit is the music.
Brightly colored plastic and acrylic earring trees can look great and be just the thing to bring a bit of fun into a room décor.
If you are looking for a special item of jewelry for Mother's Day, birthstone necklaces might be just the thing!
Whether you are looking to share a special piece of jewelry with a loved one, a special friend or cherished family member, an interlocking friendship necklace might be just the thing!
If you like the style but not the price tag, creating a designer look by including items such as Chanel inspired bangles and other items of jewelry could be just the thing!
If you are looking for a gift for your wife, pearl necklace sets can be just the thing.
If, however, your wife loves to dress up in her finery, then a very ornate item may be just the thing.
Cycle fans - whether someone is a keen cycling spectator or has a passion for riding a bike, bicycle earrings could be just the thing.
You may find yourself sifting through a few other items as you look, but think of it as browsing through sales racks at a store for just the thing you're looking for.
A V-necked sweater, with or without sleeves, was the thing to wear on the college campus, golf course or while on a walk.
If you want to save money, but also have the benefits of organic products, then organic milk coupons could be just the thing!
If you want to save a little extra money, while also enjoying the benefits of organic productions methods, then perhaps organic food coupons are just the thing!
As women have known for centuries, a plus size cinching enhancing corset is just the thing to give support and improve the look of the figure, whether clothed or not.
For women who require extra warmth at nighttime, especially during the cold season, a plus size bed jacket may be just the thing you need to stay warm.
For those special events like anniversary dinners or cocktails with that special someone, a cocktail length creation is just the thing to turn heads.
Before you do find your hidden passion, do the thing that you have always wanted to do.
If you are an old hand, then adding a new pair to your sunglass collection may be just the thing for the upcoming season.
If they appear flimsy, cheaply made, the hinges don't move smoothly, they are uncomfortable, or if the logo is blurred, chances are they are not the thing.
You could center it, but as soon as you turned a corner or got in a small room, you had to get the thing back on track.
You'll be happy to hear that Microsoft has just the thing for you.
So, if you enjoy word games and everyone in your family refuses to play Scrabble with you because you know too many obscure words… this may be just the thing for your cold, winter evenings.
The controller, wireless of course, is by and large the thing that is going to separate the Revolution from its competition.
The saber uses batteries so you must charge the thing every once in a while.
However, things besides Napa Valley wineries will be reserved for another time and we will devote are time here to the thing that makes it great, the wine.
If you're considering a cell phone purchase, CNET cell phone reviews may be just the thing you need to make a decision.
In all of the years I have dined there, the thing that has struck me most is the consistency.
No, the thing to search for is community bulletin boards, the current events at parks, the club announcements at local bars.
I think the thing that really makes my day is when we get a handwritten letter from someone telling us how much they appreciate our product.
In a world of tankini halters, it may be just the thing you need to set yourself apart from the crowd.
Truth be told, you probably won't be able to wear this suit on a public beach, but in the private arena, this bikini may be just the thing you're looking for.
Be warned that this style isn't at all for the timid, but it's just the thing if you're seeking the most revealing V string style out there.
If you shy away from the beach because you are just not comfortable with exposing that much skin, a women's skirted swimsuit and the extra coverage it provides can be just the thing to make you feel comfortable playing on the shore.
For many women who hoped to see the end of giant ruffles and puffy shoulders, nostalgia changes everything, and a vintage 80s dress is just the thing for a lot of proms.
You could wear it with contrasting tights on cooler days, but in summer, the thing to do was go bare-legged.
Of course, that's not always the thing to wear when you want to look pulled together and polished.
If you live in a humid part of the country, or you have a problem with dampness in your basement, garage or another part of your home, a Sahara dehumidifier may prove to be just the thing you need to keep your home comfortable and dry.
Players announce the Thing cards and the other players chose a Description card that best fits the Thing card.
The person who called out the Thing card picks which description best goes with it and whoever tossed in that card wins the green card.
In candle making, the thing that is melted is wax, whether paraffin wax, soy wax, beeswax or some other kind of wax.
Votive candle molds are just the thing if you are thinking about making these distinctive little candles.
Whether you are planning a large Halloween barbecue or a small intimate Halloween dinner for two, a Halloween fragrance candle will be just the thing to add extra ambiance and atmosphere to a room.
Solar powered Christmas candles can be just the thing to add a festive touch to a garden or other outdoor space.
If you are looking for ways to decorate a Christmas window, plastic candles might be just the thing.
If you are looking to add some festive ambiance to your home this Christmas, but are looking for an alternative to traditional candles, Christmas electric candle warmers might be just the thing.
For those with a generous heart, a new propane grill could be just the thing to make his stomach gurgle in happiness.
Not exactly the thing that classics are made of, but then again, It's a Wonderful Life has a similar, box office flop story and went on to be one of the most cherished films of all time.
Diamonique engagement rings could be just the thing for couples looking for a beautiful ring at a budget price.
For couples who are looking to mark the special promises that they have made to each other, promise ring sets might be just the thing.
A yellow canary diamond mens wedding band may be just the thing for couples who are looking for wedding rings with a difference.
If you are looking for a low cost alternative to commercially printed engagement invitations, then free printable engagement invitations may be just the thing.
Free online engagement announcements can be just the thing for sharing your news with people around the world.
An online engagement announcement can be just the thing for the twenty-first century couple.
A chocolate diamond eternity ring could be just the thing if you are looking for something a little different.
You can make a homemade biscuit which will be just the thing for your beef stew or chicken pot pie recipe.
If you're looking for a nice weekend set of Ralph Lauren luggage in canvas and leather, the two-piece duffle and hand/shoulder bag by Polo Ralph Lauren might be just the thing.
A personalized suitcase can be just the thing to help a child see that travel can be a grand and even glamorous adventure; one that's oodles of fun!
The subject is not important, but the depth of your feelings and the conviction in your voice may be just the thing you need to snare him!
Well, when it comes to turning on your Aries man, the chase is the thing.
The third card relays the thing you need to keep in mind.
If your kids are ready for the challenge of a more unusual coloring book, looking beyond the typical character-oriented coloring books might be just the thing.
Add the thing you are willing to do, and then decorate the coupon with artwork to match the message.
Planning a day trip might be just the thing on Father's Day.
If he loves to fish, new hooks or a new hat might be just the thing.
When you are looking for a quick treat but also want to save some money, fast food coupons could be just the thing!
The Superman sneaker is just the thing you need to put a smile on his face and wings on his feet.
The platform shoe available at Heels For You is just the thing to wear with a frilly negligee.
A pair of Sam Edelman fur boots might be just the thing a stylish woman needs to ensure her fashionable status all winter long.
While boots may be just the thing to keep your toes warm in winter, with today's newer materials, there are lightweight boots that are perfect for year-round use.
A Bulova men's moon phase watch might be just the thing for a man looking for an elegant watch with a difference.
A yellow lampwork bead bracelet watch might be just the thing.
Therefore what is absolutely the thing to have this year might be outdated next year.
If you are seeking an alarm clock that tells you the weather as well as the time, then perhaps a NOAA alarm clock will be just the thing for you!
A women's mesh two-tone watch could be just the thing for a lady looking for an everyday watch that combines fashion and flare.
A watch from the elegant range of Marc Jacobs pendant watches can be just the thing for someone who is looking for top quality jewelry design combined with excellent time keeping functionality.
For women who are looking for a watch with style, an animal print ladies watch might be just the thing!
If you are a fan of the film or are simply looking for something a little different, a Star Wars alarm clock might be just the thing!
When looking for a watch for a nurse, fashionable quartz watches could be just the thing.
Movado watch bands are just the thing for giving a tired-looking watch a new look.
Baseball alarm clocks could be just the thing for a sports fan.
A Swiss Army alarm clock or watch can be just the thing for someone who is looking for style combined with great time keeping features.
It may not have the bells and whistles of alarm clocks that have more complex features, however for people who are looking for a reliable and stylish alarm clock, the Jelly alarm clock could be just the thing.
If the above describes you, then Christian yoga may be just the thing you've been looking for.
Used computer monitors may be just the thing to outfit your home office or small business, especially now that the Christmas season is behind us and a lot of folks are looking to sell used equipment.
Regardless of what you feel is the right decision regarding the Idaho cheerleaders, they have said in numerous interviews that they are amazed that the thing that launched them into national stardom was a uniform controversy.
Of course the thing that everybody loves about the school mascot is the antics at the games.
While a big fancy planner might be the thing you need to get yourself organized, the truth is you don't have to spend a dime to get it--there are many free printable organizer pages online so that you can get yourself organized in no time.
If you're itching to begin a new cross stitch project, these free charts are just the thing to get you started!
I know, leaving your craft space doesn't exactly sound like the thing to do when you're working on getting ideas for crafts, but it really is a great idea.
I was going to donate it to Project Linus when I finished, but after spending six months on the thing I decided I should keep it for myself.
Computer monitors are notoriously unreliable when it comes to giving you the correct color, and you don't get to touch things, smell them, or otherwise use your senses to determine if the thing you think you want is really what you want.
If you are looking for a workout that is not only fun but sure to help you burn a lot of calories fast, then a hula hoop workout is just the thing.
An electronic text translator might be just the thing for a business traveler who simply needs to get through the day.
This Extreme Low Rider Hipster from Victoria's Secret looks like just the thing to cover your assets without showing your undies to the world.
The mix of beautiful models and music has proved to be just the thing the company needed to solidify its brand.
For a proper Kansas City Chiefs pajama set, the Men's Crew Issued Sleepwear Package is just the thing.
If you are going for Eros, sometimes buying something racy or different than your dearest would normally wear might be just the thing.
This added touch may be just the thing needed to make this gift that much more special.
Find the perfect style for your mini skirt that's reminiscent of the 1960s, or discover just the thing for your knee-length A-line dress.
If you're feeling a little shy or want something understated, pink satin panties may be just the thing your wardrobe is looking for.
If you are tired of basic black and white styles, then seeking out some sexy sports bras may be just the thing you need to take your workout to a whole different level.
Dedicated MP3 search engines could be just the thing to make your search a little less painless.
Part of the thing that propelled the single to so much attention was the controversy it generated, both from conservatives and gay rights groups.
Overall the thing to remember with graduation invitations is to send them in a timely manner to each and everyone one of the people you want to attend the ceremony and celebration.
Ellison just wants the heightened senses to go away, but Sandburg convinces him that the thing to do is to get them under control.
If you are a fan of the famous Godzilla series of movies, then you probably remember one of the most popular and revered of them all; Godzilla vs. The Thing.
The American film was edited from the Japanese version, and retitled Godzilla vs. The Thing.
Then a fun little sparkle enhancement may be just the thing you need.
If you're the do-it-yourself type - you just can't say no to a good project - then one of these treatments might be just the thing.
It may be just the thing you need to achieve that fresh-from-the-salon look without much effort.