The-quality Sentence Examples
He wanted to spend the last ... all the quality time he could with Alfonso.
For the quality of Propertius's education, the poems themselves are the only, but a sufficient, testimony.
Attempts to breed these sheep in other countries have always resulted in a deterioration in the quality of the skins owing to some peculiarity of climate.
You can help improving the quality of this site.
The pitch of a musical sound depends on the number of cycles passed through by the fluctuations of the pressure per unit of time; the loudness depends on the amount or the amplitude of the fluctuation in each cycle; the quality depends on the form or the nature of the fluctuation in each cycle.
Another method of charge, known as the " measured service rate," is de - signed to make the subscriber pay in proportion to the quality and quantity of the service he takes.
Rent varies according to the quality of the soil.
Tobacco slightly diminished in weight at a little over I lb per head, while the gross receipts are considerably increasedby over 23/4 millions sterling since 1884-1885---showing that the quality consumed is much better.
Its author, with a considerable mathematical and mechanical bias, reckoned entirely with the quantity, not with the quality of his units, and relied almost implicitly upon his formulae.
It is not the quantity but the quality of the anatomical and bionomic characters which determines their taxonomic value, and a few fundamental characters are better indications of the affinities of given groups of birds than a great number of agreements if these can be shown to be cases of isomorphism or heterophyletic, convergent analogy.
AdvertisementThe water cranes or towers which are placed at intervals along the railway to supply the engines with water require similar care in regard to the quality of the water laid on to them, as also to the water troughs, or track tanks as they are called in America, by which engines are able to pick up water without stopping.
Both the quantity and the quality of the produce, and consequently its feeding value, must depend greatly upon the selection of the best description of roots to be grown, and on the character and the amount of the manures, and especially on the amount of nitrogenous manure employed.
The competition thus constitutes what is termed a " block test," and it is instructive in affording the opportunity of seeing the quality of the carcases furnished by the several animals, and in particular the relative proportion and distribution of fat and lean meat.
To add to the educational value of the display, information as to the methods of feeding would be desirable, as it would then be possible to correlate the quality of the meat with the mode of its manufacture.
The winning stallions are distributed in districts throughout Great Britain, and the use of these selected sires has resulted in a decided improvement in the quality of half-bred horses.
AdvertisementBy careful selection (the methods of which are described below) in the United States, the quality of the product was much improved, and on the recent revival of the cotton industry in the West Indies American " Sea Island " seed was introduced back again to the original home of the species.
A more elaborate method of selection is practised by some of the Sea Island cotton planters in the Sea Islands, famous for the quality of their cotton.
Carolina; the greatest care is taken to enhance the quality of the lint, which has been gradually improved in length, fineness and silkiness.
The rationale of this treatment is not fully understood, but the action appears to consist in the separation or decomposition of the aromatic hydrocarbons, fatty and other acids, phenols, tarry bodies, &c., which lower the quality of the oil, the sulphuric acid removing some, while the caustic soda takes out the remainder, and neutralizes the acid which has been left in the oil.
The commercial motive, again, had been one of the great motives of the crusade; and the class which was impelled by that motive would be both large and, in view of the quality of the Eastern goods in which it dealt, exceptionally prosperous.
AdvertisementSome wine and corn are produced, and the quality of the olive oil is good.
Almost any fatty substance can be employed in soap-making; but the choice is naturally restricted by the price of the fat and also the quality of the soap desired.
Iron ore, lignite, copper, mercury, molybdenite, nickel, platinum and other minerals have been found, but the quantity of each is too small, or the quality too poor, for them to be of commercial value.
Her intellectual honesty was as perfect as Frederick's own, and she was as incapable as he was of endeavouring to blind herself to the quality of her own acts.
Sixty dogs were shown, and it was said that such a collection had not been seen together before; while so even was the quality that the judges had great difficulty in making their awards.
AdvertisementIt is therefore to be expected that as time goes on the quality of " plantation " rubber will improve, and there would seem to be no reason why it should not eventually be fully equal to that of the " wild " rubber.
The point of next importance is the coagulation of the latex so as to produce rubber in the form and of the quality required by the manufacturer.
It was not an equal tax falling on all landowners, but the question as to whether a certain estate was to be taxed or not was decided according to the quality of the property, and not that of the owner.
There is a large staff of inspectors constantly visiting the various parts of the watershed, and in spite of many difficulties arising from vested interests, the work of purification is attaining completion, with a correspondingly great improvement in the quality of the river water.
It advocates unity of the monetary system throughout the entire state, with strict integrity in the quality of the coin, and the charge of a seigniorage sufficient to cover the expenses of mintage.
Rice has been cultivated in places, but without much success, although the quality produced compared favourably with the imported article.
Hungary is one of the greatest wine-producing countries in Europe, and the quality of some of the vintages, especially that of Tokaj, is unsurpassed.
The direct taxes, which go to the local budget of Annam, consist primarily of a poll-tax levied on all males over eighteen and below sixty years of age, and of a land-tax levied according to the quality and the produce of the holding.
Where the malnutrition is the effect of poorness in the quality of the blood, the results are of course more widespread.
Various acts from 1860 onwards have laid down laws as to the quality and cost of gas.
The quarry mines on the top of the hill near Tawmaw produce enormous quantities, but the quality is not so good.
Amber is extracted by Kachins in the Hukawng valley beyond the administrative border, but the quality of the fossil resin is not very good.
Canes vary very much in respect of the quality and also as to the quantity of the juice they contain.
The quantity of the juice is the test to which recourse must be had in judging the efficiency of the extraction, while the quality is the main factor to be taken into account with regard to the results of subsequent manufacture.
These separators are carefully protected by non-conducting cement and wood lagging, and are closed at the top to prevent loss of heat; and they will run for many hours without requiring to be changed, the duration of the run depending on the quality of the liquor treated and amount of impurities therein.
In Java and Mauritius, where very clean canes are grown, double-bottomed defecators are generally used, and to them, perhaps as much as to the quality of the canes, may be attributed the very strong, fine sugars made in those islands.
To make this apparatus more perfectly automatic, an arrangement for continually adding to and mixing with the juice the proper proportion of milk of lime has been adapted to it; and although it may be objected that once the proportion has been determined no allowance is made for the variation in the quality of the juice coming from the mill owing to the variations that may occur in the canes fed into the mills, it is obviously as easy to vary the proportion with the automatic arrangement from time to time as it is to vary in each separate direction, if the man in charge will take the trouble to do so, which he very seldom does with the ordinary defecators, satisfying himself with testing the juice once or twice in a watch.
The increase in the output for a given time obtained by the use of the Krajewski crusher has been estimated at 20 to 25% and varies with the quality of the canes; while the yield of juice or extraction is increased by I or 2%.
Tha`alibi, a writer of the 11th century, says that Askar-Mokram had no equal for the quality and quantity of its sugar, " notwithstanding the great production of `Irak, Jorjan and India."
Officers, commonly called wardens in England, were elected by the members, and their chief function was to supervise the quality of the wares produced, so as to secure good and honest workmanship. Therefore, ordinances were made regulating the hours of labour and the terms of admission to the gild, including apprenticeship. Other ordinances required members to make periodical payments to a common fund, and to participate in certain common religious observances, festivities and pageants.
Very slight differences in climate appear to cause very great differences in the quality of the tobacco, and ordinary meteorological records are of little use in determining the suitability or not of a region for a particular kind of leaf; this essential point must be determined by experiment.
The development of alfalfa cultivation is extending the area of cattle-breeding somewhat and is improving the quality of the beef Livestock.
A-se-itas, a scholastic Latin expression for the quality of existing by oneself.
He estimates the rank of a specimen by the quality of the chisel-work.
This is done several times, the number depending on the quality of graining that the expert desires to produce.
Many brilliant specimens of these mens work survive, their general features being that the motives are naturalistic, that the quality of the metal is exceptionally fine, that in addition to beautifully clear casting obtained by highly skilled use of the cera-perduta process, the chisel was employed to impart delicacy and finish to the design, and that modelling in high relief is most successfully introduced.
We must next consider the quality of a conductor called its electrical capacity.
There are very considerable differences between the values assigned by different observers, sometimes no doubt due to differences in method, but in most cases unquestionably depending on variations in the quality of the specimens examined.
Some cotton is raised as a rotation crop, but no care is taken to improve the quality.
They had also begun to realize that the quality of their ships was inferior.
Although at the present time a marvellous improvement has taken place all round in the quality of the carbide produced, the acetylene nearly always contains minute traces of hydrogen, ammonia, sulphuretted hydrogen, phosphuretted hydrogen, silicon hydride, nitrogen and oxygen, and sometimes minute traces of carbon monoxide and dioxide.
Red cedar (Cedrilla) abounds in the riverine flats, but the quality is poor and commercially valueless; and oaks are plentiful, but the wood is coarse.
Similarly from the side of logic. It is not the teaching of idealism alone but of the facts which logical analysis has brought home to us that all difference in the last resort finds its ground in the quality or content of the things differentiated, and that this difference of content shows in turn a double strand, the strand of sameness and the strand of otherness - that in which and that by which they differ from one another.
The proportion of rejected gold coin varies with the quality of the bullion, and frequently exceeds to %.
Excellent as the quality of the best New Zealand coal is, the cost of mining and shipping it prevents the growth of any considerable export trade.
Hence we must put down the quality or timbre as depending on the form.
It may, however, be stated here that certain experiments of Helmholtz appear to show that the epoch of the harmonics has not much effect on the quality.
Since the quality of the note sounded depends on the mixture of harmonics, the quality therefore is to some extent dependent on the point of excitation.
Koenig, Quelques experiences d'acoustique (1882) describes apparatus and experiments, intended to show, in opposition to Helmholtz, that beats coalesce into tones, and also that the quality of a note is affected by alteration of phase of one of its component overtones relative to the phase of the fundamental.
It is used in China, mixed with food, to give to mulch cows to improve the quality and increase the quantity of milk, and when mixed with lime as a size to impart a gloss to walls.
Rivals in fame, they were unlike in accomplishment, each having the quality which the other wanted.
Ships' cables of esparto, being light, have the quality of floating on water, and have long been in use in the Spanish navy.
They maintained order in the markets, settled disputes, examined the quality of the articles exposed for sale, tested weights and measures, collected the harbour dues and enforced the shipping regulations.
Some evidence as to the quality of the study of those languages in the schools is supplied by English commissioners in the Reports of the Mosely Commission.
The number of peach-trees, especially in the west part of the state, where the quality is of the best, is rapidly increasing, and in the yield of peaches and nectarines the state ranked thirteenth in 1899; in the yield of pears it ranked fifth; in apples seventeenth.
Good whisky is made in Maryland and in parts of Pennsylvania from rye, but all efforts in other states to produce from Indian corn a whisky equal to the Bourbon have failed, and it is probable that the quality of the Bourbon is largely due to the character of the Kentucky lime water and the Kentucky yeast germs. The average annual product of the state from 1880 to 1900 was about 20,000,000 gallons; in 1900 the product was valued at $9,786,527; in 1905 at $11,204,649.
Irish goats often yield a quantity of milk, but the quality is poor.
Geologically the anthracite and bituminous coals mainly belong to the same formation, the Carboniferous, and this is especially true of the better qualities; though it is stated by the United States Geological Survey that the geQlogic age of the coal beds ranges from Carboniferous in the Appalachian and Mississippi Valley provinces to Miocene (Tertiary) on the Pacific coast, and that the quality of the coal varies only to a very uncertain degree with the geologic age.
Oil was produced in 1908 in sixteen states., This productive area is divided by the United States Geological Survey into six fields (in addition to some scattering states) with reference to the quality of oil that they produce, such quality determining their uses.
Nevertheless it is the deficient quantity of the wheat raised in the British Islands, and not the quality of the grain, which has been the cause of so much anxiety to economists and statesmen.
The root of the wild plant is preferred to that of cultivated ginseng, and the older the plant the better is the quality of the root considered to be.
The lactometer constructed by Dicas of Liverpool is adapted for the determination of the quality of milk.
Any determination of density can be taken only as affording prima facie evidence of the quality of milk, as the removal of cream and the addition of water are operations which tend to compensate each other in their influence on the density of the liquid, so that the lactometer cannot be regarded as a reliable instrument.
No man of his time had a larger share of the quality called by the Italians of the day "virtue."
Its strength varies within very wide limits according to the quality and proportions of the constituents, and the skill shown in mixing and placing them.
The form and especially the quality of fruit is more or less affected by the stock upon which it is grown.
One of the expedients for inducing a state of fruitfulness in trees is the ringing of the branches or stem, that is, removing a narrow annular portion of the bark, by which means, it is said, the trees are not only rendered productive, but the quality of the fruit is at the same time improved.
The treaty was concluded with the Provinces, " in the quality of free States over whom the archdukes made no pretentions."
Finally, the improvement in the quality of the iron which resulted from thus completely freeing it from the gangue turned out to be a great and unexpected merit of the indirect process, probably the merit which enabled it, in spite of its complexity, to drive out the direct process.
Moreover, the quality of the resultant steel depends upon the temperature of the process, and this in turn depends upon the proportion of silicon, the combustion of which is the chief source of the heat developed.
The former of these ways is followed by the very skilful and intelligent blowers in Sweden, who, with the temperature and all other conditions well under control, and with their minds set on the quality rather than on the quantity of their product, can thus make steel of any desired carbon-content from o io to 1.25%.
It is found that in densely wooded districts furs are darker in colour than in exposed regions, and that the quality of wool and hair is softer and more silky than those from bare tracts of country, where nature exacts from its creatures greater efforts to secure food, thereby developing stronger limbs and a consequently coarser body covering.
The darkest and best come from Labrador and Hudson Bay, and the ordinary sorts from the northwest of the United States and, as with silver and other kinds, the quality is inferior when taken from warmer latitudes.
Formerly many skins were obtained from New Zealand and Australia, but the importation is now small and the quality not good.
A few black American specimens come into the market, but usually the quality is poor compared to the lighter furred animal.
The finest teas are produced at high elevations in Darjeeling and Ceylon and in the plains of Assam, but the quality from individual estates varies much from season to season, and even from week to week.
The practice of irrigating differs in different places with differences in the quality of the water, the soil, the drainage, &c. As a general rule, when the irrigating season begins in November the water may flow for a fortnight continuously, but subsequent waterings, especially after December, should be shortened gradually in duration till the first week in April, when irrigation should cease.
Meal derived from leguminous seeds makes the flesh firm and improves the quality.
The fine exhibits from the Trenton potteries at the Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia in 1876 greatly stimulated the demand for these wares and increased the competition among the manufacturers; and since that date there has been a marked development in both the quantity and the quality of the product.
Southwards the quality of the soil rapidly improves, and becomes the most fertile part of Egypt.
A proportionally large importation of timber is caused by the scarcity of native timber suitable for building purposes, the plantations of firs and pines being insufficient to produce the quantity required, and the quality of the wood being inferior beyond the age of about forty years.
The drama of the subject has in this instance not interested him at all, but only the forms and designs of the figures, the realization of the quality of flesh surfaces by the subtlest use of the graving-tool known to him, and the rendering, by methods of which he had become the greatest of all masters, of the richness and intricacy of the forest background.
And to say this implies no disrespect to the quality of early Scottish Latinity.
It is the character as acquired that affords the opportunity for selection, but the quality of responding to the environment so as to produce that character is transmitted.
There is little difference between the quality of the two woods, the variation being in the foliage and fruit.
Each field is measured, and an assessment placed upon it according to the quality of the soil without any attempt to fix the actual average produce.
This great rise in the supply, unaccompanied by an equal expansion of the market for Indian tea, involved the industry in great difficulties, to meet which it became necessary to restrict the area under tea as far as possible, and to reduce the quantity of leaf taken from the plant, thus at the same time improving the quality of the tea.
The first contains cases of the occurrence of the quality under investigation, colour, e.g., or heat, in varying combinations.
The method now proceeds on the basis of the first table to set f p rth the possible suggestions as to a general explanatory formula for the quality in question.
By and by these crafts or "offices" claimed the right of electing their master and of assisting him in examining the goods, and even of framing by-laws regulating the quality of the wares and the process of their manufacture.
Large numbers of sheep and Angora goats are reared on the plateau, and fair horses are bred on the Uzun Yaila; but no effort is made to improve the quality of the wool and mohair or the breed of horses.
The elevation of temperature produced by the friction of a journal is sometimes used as an experimental test of the quality of unguents.
The proof that Homer does not belong to that school - that his poetry is not in any true sense " ballad-poetry " - is furnished by the higher artistic structure of his poems (already discussed), and as regards style by the fourth of the qualities distinguished by Arnold - the quality of nobleness.
It seems likely that the quality of the wine produced in ancient times was scarcely comparable to that of the modern product, inasmuch as the addition of resin, salts and spices to wine was a common practice.
In the case of dry wines, the quality which is known as " body " (palate-fulness) is mainly dependent on the solid, i.e.
It was at one time thought that the quality of the bouquet was dependent upon the absolute quantity of these compound esters present, but the author and others have plainly shown that this is not the case.
It is frequently assumed that a wine is necessarily good because it is old, and that the quality of a wine increases indefinitely with age.
Owing, however, to the fact that viticulture has made much progress in South America, in California, in Australia and particularly in Algeria, and also to the fact that the quality of these Midi wines has fallen off considerably since the phylloxera period, the outlet for them has become much reduced.
Although the quantity produced is not so large as in Italy, the quality on the whole is decidedly superior to that of the latter country.
Then there is the quality of wine termed raya.
Wines Of Germany Although the quantity of wine produced in Germany is comparatively small and subject to great variations, the quality of the finer wines is, in successful years, of a very high order.
The use of pure culture yeast derived from many of the most famous European vineyards has also done much towards improving the quality.
It is usually inexpedient to apply manure directly to the flax crop, as the tendency of this is to produce over-luxuriance, and thereby to mar the quality of the fibre, on which its value chiefly depends.
At the same time it is desirable to have, as far as possible, stalks of equal length together, - all these conditions having considerable influence on the quality and appearance of the finished sample.
The last-named (SD and PSD) are dew-retted qualities shipped from Riga either as Lithuanian Slanitz, Wellish Slanitz or Wiasma Slanitz, showing from what district they come, as there are differences in the quality of the produce of each district.
The great South Wales coalfield, one of the largest in the kingdom, covers the greater part of Monmouthshire and Glamorganshire, the south-eastern corner of Carmarthenshire, and a small portion of south Pembrokeshire, and the quality of its coal is especially suitable for smelting purposes and for use in steamships.
Two-revolution machines, which, although with but one cylinder, have largely superseded perfecting machines, as their output has been increased and the quality of their work compares favourably with that of the average two-cylinder.
The crop naturally depends upon the quality of the soil, and upon the attention which the fibre has received in its various stages; the yield per acre varies in different districts.
Each class is subdivided according to the quality and colour of the material, and each class receives a distinctive mark called a baler's mark.
The relative prices of the different classes depend upon the crop, upon the demand and upon the quality of the fibre; in 1905 the prices of Daisee j ute and First Marks were practically the same, although the former is always considered inferior to the latter.
The relative quantities of oil and water depend upon the quality of the batch.
A sandy soil seems to suit it best, and the quality of the wood probably much depends on its place of growth.
The governors were directed to regulate religious instruction in secular schools, to prevent horse-stealing, to control subscriptions collected for the holy places in Palestine, to regulate the advertisements of medicines and the printing on cigarette papers, to examine the quality of quinine soap and overlook the cosmetics and other toilet articles - such as soap, starch, brillantine, tooth-brushes and insect-powder - provided by chemists.
The healthy organism can adapt itself to great varieties both in regard to the quality and quantity of food; but when health begins to fail much care may be required, and many ailments arise from dyspepsia.
Coal has been worked in the Tertiary beds along the Harnai route to Quetta, but the seams are thin and the quality poor.
The Stoics explained it as a transmission of the perceived quality of the object, by means of the sense organ, into the percipient's mind, the quality transmitted appearing as a disturbance_or impression upon the corporeal surface of that " thinking thing," the soul.
Complaints by crews as to the quality and quantity of the provisions on board are investigated by the consul, who enters a statement in the log-book and reports to the Board of Trade.
When transferred to the buyer's warehouses the bags are opened and each piece is examined by a public inspector in the presence of both buyer and seller, the quality of the opium being judged by appearance, odour, colour and weight.
In Malwa a flat scraper is employed, a small piece of cotton soaked in linseed oil being attached to the upper part of the blade, and used for smearing the thumb and edge of the scraper to prevent adhesion of the juice; sometimes water is used instead of oil, but both practices injure the quality of the product.
In American practice the use of steel in buildings of ten or more storeys, or in manufacturing plant where the floor loads are heavy and frequently " live " in the sense of causing vibration, has led to more careful specifications as to the quality of materials and character of workmanship, and it is the custom of the leading architects to have the structural frame inspected and tested during manufacture at the foundries, rolling-mills and shops by a firm of engineers making a speciality of such inspections.
The princes who now succeeded one another in rapid succession were mostly Greeks from the Phanar quarter of Constantinople who had served the palace in the quality of dragoman (interpreter), or held some other court appointment.
The time for the formation of an efficient surface films varies, according to the quality of the raw water, from a few hours to a few days.
The forests contain many trees which, on account of their fruits, nuts or berries, are valuable, irrespective of the quality of their timber.
A law of 1909 prohibited the pumping of certain mineral waters if such pumping diminished the flow or injured the quality of the water of any spring.
Burke did not believe that altered machinery was at that time needed to improve the quality of legislation.
His defence of Catholic relief - and it had been the conviction of a lifetime - was very properly founded on propositions which were true of Ireland, and were true neither of France nor of the quality of parliamentary representation in England.
This may be regarded as a fair example of the changes which take place in the quality of the gas during the distillation of the coal.
Consequently, to make it carry any further quantity in a condition not easily deposited, the oil would have to be completely decomposed into permanent gases, and the temperature necessary to do this would seriously affect the quality of the gas given off by the coal.
This multiplication of the seed-bearing branches might at first sight be considered advantageous; but in practice the quality of the grain is found to be inferior, as if the force that should have been devoted to the maturation of the grain were, in a measure, diverted and expended in the production of additional branches to the spike.
Many a strike has occurred in the midst of the harvest because the quality or quantity of the food served was not what it ought to have been.
The yield, which is rough, unequal and woody in texture, is called virgin cork, and is useful only as a tanning substance, or for forming rustic work in ferneries, conservatories, &c. Subsequently the bark is removed every eight or ten years, the quality of the cork improving with each successive stripping; and the trees continue to live and thrive under the operation for 150 years and upwards.
The town has also some repute for the quality of its printing, both in black and colour.
It was in the calm, resolute, skilful culling of such pleasures as circumstances afforded from moment to moment, undisturbed by passion, prejudices or superstition, that he conceived the quality of wisdom to be exhibited; and tradition represents him as realizing this ideal to an impressive degree.
We may observe, however, that while the latter term is used to denote the virtuous man, and (in the neuter) equivalent to End generally, the former is rather chosen to express the quality of virtuous acts which in any particular case is the end of the virtuous agent.
Exposure to cold after heat, the use of unripe fruit, and intemperance in eating and drinking should be forbidden; and the utmost care taken as to the quality of the food and drinking water.
The local administration endeavours to better the quality of live-stock by importing purer breeds, distributing prizes, and other measures; but the native farmers are slow to accept improvements.
Keeping fast hold of this idea of absolute position, Herbart leads us next to the quality of the real.
Its author, however, instead of being discouraged by this lack of success, continued his experiments, and in two years was able to turn out a product, the quality of which was not inferior to that yielded by the older methods.
It is an improvement upon the Shire due to the quality contributed by the Clydesdale, and it surpasses the Clydesdale in strength and substance, as a result of the Shire connexion.
Since in these systems the sine-condition can be fulfilled for several colours, the quality of the images of points beyond the axis is better.
Abbe, through the so-called delicate ray transmission, suggested a way by which the quality of the images of objectives can be observed.
The purity of the product depends upon the quality of the benzene from which the nitrobenzene was prepared.
Although the factors which determine these phenomena are not clearly understood, it is believed that the appearance of the males is connected with the increasing cold of autumn and the growing scarcity of food, and that the birth of winged females is similarly associated with decrease in the quantity or vitiation of the quality of the nourishment imbibed.
The comminuted mass, forming a more or less coarse meal, is either expressed in this state or subjected to a preliminary heating, according to the quality of the product to be manufactured.
Plumbago or graphite is largely used in the production of crucibles, not in the pure state but in admixture with fireclay; the proportion of the former varies with the quality from 25 to nearly 50%.
The former may be used as a bed for melting platinum in the same way as lime or magnesia, without affecting the quality of the metal.
Extra time is, however, undoubtedly useful to improve the quality of "technical" drafting which is not politically contentious.
Another source of endless amusement to us greenkeeping folk is the quality of ladies ' golf.
The comments on the uniform and the quality of the food endured on some of the farms proved quite amusing.
Small group sessions are used to critically appraise the quality of qualitative research.
Arrhythmia Awareness Week arrhythmia Awareness Week Arrhythmia Awareness Week is a campaign that aims to improve the quality of life for people living with Cardiac Arrhythmias.
Everyone was absolutely astonished by the quality of their performance.
As with a lot of punk or new wave artists The Members later albums never attained the quality of their first album.
Others will suffer the steady attrition of chronic health problems that diminish the quality of their life for much of their old age.
But if all cafes had banquettes of the quality of ' RK Stanleys ' then all would be well in the world.
However nothing has ever matched Maris Otter for the quality of the cask beer it produces.
Substance does not reside in Him and the quality of substance do not befall Him.
Our objective is to develop novel biosensors based on functionalised carbon nanotubes that boost the detection limits to improve the quality of our lives.
This may adversely affect the freshwater biota, and the quality of private water supplies.
Unless the quality of suckler calf production is maintained, the quality of finished cattle cannot be achieved.
You may think that there must be a catch somewhere, whether in the quality or hidden charges.
I was painfully conscious that the quality of what I was writing wasn't up to the standard I hoped for.
These groups will create a genuine change in the quality of world consciousness.
We have at our disposal a fully equipped darkroom which ensures that control is retained over the quality of all finished work.
Rural Areas The Labor Government will take measures to arrest the decline in the quality of life in rural areas.
For dementia The mission of For dementia is to improve the quality of life for people affected by dementia.
Vision is the most developed sense, but taste, sound and touch also enliven the quality of our writing.
The advantage of a standardized extract is that the quality control is more assured than for most preparations of the raw herb.
One would hope to be judged on the quality of one's work, not one's ability to wear impractical fancy dress.
I can personally vouch for the quality of the Lady Captain's bacon and egg flan.
The whole was let down by the quality of the CD which tended to make the music sound slightly foggy.
This evaluation, which measures the quality of fuzzy clustering, assigns a real number to the outputs of the used fuzzy clustering algorithm.
A bar graph is produced to indicate the quality of each answer.
The only grumble we have about the whole package is the quality of the bonus features.
The key elements were the quality of English gunnery and seamanship but also the inadequacy of Spanish gunnery.
City could not match the quality of football in the second half and there was a little hesitancy at times.
The intense heat, 90 per cent humidity and an obvious lack of refrigeration does not seem to affect the quality of the food.
The new book was a brave attempt to raise the quality of English hymnody.
Indeed, they say, the quality of service has greatly improved.
The movie playback is very jerky / keeps freezing / buffering or the quality isn't very good.
Up to £ 10, depending on the quality offered - not jerky streamed stuff, proper broadcast TV.
As lampshade manufacturers, we have a wealth of experience and pay great attention to both the quality and detail of our lampshade manufacturers, we have a wealth of experience and pay great attention to both the quality and detail of our lampshades.
Yet again the quality shines through with all 3 songs being very listenable.
To put our with eggplant made-to-order about the quality.
Second, the quality of the lay magistracy has never been higher.
The cues used by females may provide reliable information about the quality of the dominant males may provide reliable information about the quality of the dominant male in each queue.
An annual application of well-rotted manure either in autumn or spring will maintain the quality of the soil.
Owners will not knowingly misrepresent the characteristics of the breed not falsely advertize dogs nor mislead any person regarding the quality of the dog.
Her voice had the quality of a metal chair being scraped over rusty nails.
So it is a tribute to the quality of the writing that the show keeps a steady pace throughout with plenty of sharp one-liners.
Fully trained and qualified operatives will ensure that the product's high performance is reflected in the quality of all on-site activities.
If anyone has been unfortunate enough to have sampled the offerings at their franchised outlets will be aware how poor the quality is.
The effect of the harmonic overtones is then to modify the quality or character 5 of the note, independently of pitch.
Election to membership of the Royal Society of portrait painters is based solely on the quality of an artist's work.
However, the quality of the songs had become more patchy.
Writer/director Mark Steven Johnson must gain great plaudits for giving Affleck the quality of material with which to work.
It is also polyphonic depending on the quality of the PC's keyboard buffer.
These were much prized for the quality of their wool.
Care is intended to be of the highest possible standard so as to enhance the quality of life of patients, carers and families.
The likert scale ratings are an attempt to assess the quality of the observed practice.
Even the most cynical could not fail to be impressed by the quality of the presentations this year.
They were incredibly responsive to our needs and the quality of their work was of the highest caliber.
Having been establised for 11 years, the club has never scrimped on the quality of its performers.
The reason for going for the quality option is mostly for comfort, but also because cheaper clothes can look scruffy very quickly.
The Service also aims to improve the quality of their lives by rebuilding self-confidence, improving moral and supporting their families.
Around 10 per cent of patients will experience some unpleasant sensations of the face which may affect the quality of life.
Such trends, if generalisable, would have particularly serious implications for the quality of women's employment.
However, the quality of workmanship is very shoddy.
It is a bacterial soft rot which can cause a rapid reduction in the quality and market value of the potato crop.
Without doubt, there has been a huge improvement in the quality of synthetic speech over the last few years.
By rights he should be filling stadia by now, such is the quality of his music.
It is also required in the quality standard ISO 9001.
So far a scientifically valid approach to testing the quality of thatching straw or reed has not been devised.
Also, with the use of a quantity surveyor the quality of Haden's work is guaranteed.
The priority has to be protecting the quality of daughter tubers as they develop throughout the ridge.
Regulation 25(1)(b) gives water undertakers the discretion to decide which products would not adversely affect the quality of drinking water.
And these are some of the same folks who are supposedly evaluating the quality of paperless voting machines?
Consequently I cannot vouch for the quality of the ale, food or service.
Allan Turner do es not vouch for the quality of these courses.
I cannot vouch for the quality of any of the programs listed, nor am I responsible for the contents of the websites.
There will also be a " new, independent watchdog " to monitor the quality of roadworks.
Top Five Pubs You Must Visit The quality of a stag weekend depends a lot on the quality of the pubs.
Beauty is the quality in a painting through which the artist can ' bear witness to the Light ' .
Our focus will be to maximize the quality and consistency of the fermented wort or wash ahead of distilling.
The commission measured the quality of clinical care for three common conditions, including fractured wrists or elbows in children.
Alexander succeeded in taking a part of his forces across the river higher up during a night of torrential rain, and then he fought the fourth and last of his pitched battles in Asia, the one which put to proof more shrewdly than any of the others the quality of the Macedonian army as an instrument of war, and yet again emerged victorious.
Engine efficiency depends upon many variable factors, such as the cut-off, the piston speed, the initial temperature of the steam, the final temperature of the steam, the quality of the steam, the sizes of the steam-pipes, ports and passages, the arrangement of the cylinders and its effect on condensation, the mechanical perfection of the steam-distributing gear, the tightness of the piston, &c. A few values of the thermal efficiency obtained from experiments are given in Table XXI.
In another way no historian is less objective, for in his greatest works the whole narrative is coloured by the quality of his mind expressed in his style.
After even the finest things in Tannhauser, the Vorspiel to Lohengrin comes as a revelation, with its quiet solemnity and breadth of design, its ethereal purity of tone-colour, and its complete emancipation from earlier operatic forms. The suspense and climax in the first act is so intense, and the whole drama is so well designed, that we must have a very vivid idea of the later Wagner before we can see how far the quality of musical thought still falls short of his ideals.
But in the characterization of their heroes the Celtic imagination runs riot, and the quality of their persons and their acts becomes exaggerated beyond the bounds of any conceivable probability.
The general decline in the quality of these bodies, and especially their proneness to pass ill-considered or pernicious bills at the instance of private promotors, has led to the restriction in recent years of their powers by the insertion in the state constitutions of many provisions forbidding the enactment of certain classes of measures, and regulating the procedure to be adopted in the passing, either of statutes generally or of particular kinds of statutes.
To maintain the character of French goods in foreign markets, as well as to afford a guarantee to the home consumer, the quality and measure of each article were fixed by law, breach of the regulations being punished by public exposure of the delinquent and destruction of the goods, and, on the third offence, by the pillory.
This supposition is rendered probable by the fact that the opiums most prized by smokers are not those containing most morphine, and that the quality is judged by the amount of soluble matter in the opium, by its tenacity or " touch," and by peculiarities of aroma - the Indian opium, especially the Patna kind, bearing much the same relation to the Chinese and Persian drug that champagne does to y in ordinaire.
With "through" retorts charging machines feed the retorts at both ends, the scoop, which has a capacity of about 12 cwt., entering and discharging its contents twice at each end, so that the total charge is about 6 cwt., which is allowed from four to six hours to distil off according to the quality of the gas required.
Bishop Hurst, by his splendid devotion in 1876-1879, recovered the endowment of Drew Theological Seminary, lost by the failure in 1876 of Daniel Drew, its founder; and with McClintock and Crooks he improved the quality of Methodist scholarship. The American University (Methodist Episcopal) at Washington, D.C., for postgraduate work was the outcome of his projects, and he was its chancellor from 1891 to his death.
He always seemed to me to have an excellent heart, and that is the quality I value most in people.
The men of this party had both the quality and the defect of frankness in their opinions.
She felt the quality of the material.
The fit between the two patterns is quantified in order to measure the quality of the solution.
Indeed, the hurrying first movement, ' Moving On ', seems to sum up the quality of most people 's quotidian experience !
Additionally, a quotation from Fincher defines the quality of realism in the film.
However, in order to maintain the quality of teaching for everyone else, the University must act to recover debts.
In the culinary world, Scotland is renowned for the quality of its ingredients.
Renovation is required when the old green fails to support both the quality and quantity of play demanded by the golfers.
Evaluating the quality of life of patients with restless legs syndrome.
For the second consecutive year, UEA 's students have given a ringing endorsement of the quality of staff, teaching and student support.
Two new songs are also unveiled and the quality looks set to continue with more scratchy guitar and art punk rhythms.
The Government has encouraged the draft scrutiny of bills for the first time to improve the quality of legislation.
Showing love in deeds The quality of personal relationships within the school is characterized by a selfless generosity.
A series of experiments was done to see the effects of various minerals on the quality of plant growth.
Such trends, if generalisable, would have particularly serious implications for the quality of women 's employment.
It is not intended, by itself, to protect the quality of shellfish for consumption.
Would knowledge of shipowners ' names improve the quality of historical analysis?
Indeed this is the quality that most external silicate paints have.
But Sony did n't skimp on the quality of the screen.
Maybe we 're being unreasonably demanding, but the quality of the new Who has given us sky-high expectations.
Moreover, the meeting may have had an impact on the quality of spousal relationships.
In short, the quality subsisting in the essence of God is not a letter nor a sound.
Get inspired from successful implementation of ICT in the classroom to improve the quality of learning !
The NBS ' prime concern is always the safety of patients through maintaining the quality and sufficiency of the blood supply.
So the quality of our attention, and our selective awareness, controls what we summon forth from the field of infinite possibilities.
But even their efforts were surpassed by the quality of programs that made it through to final nominations.
Also, with the use of a quantity surveyor the quality of Haden 's work is guaranteed.
He explained the technicalities of a method that he hopes will improve on the quality of current speech synthesis systems.
The tie-dye T-shirt is fantastic, and I 'm very impressed with the quality.
I was stunned by the quality of the work; it is an example of triumph over adversity.
Our exceptional level of performance is underpinned by excellence in the quality of our staff, systems and procedures.
An efficient transport system is vital for economic wellbeing and the quality of life.
At stake is the quality of public services for ordinary people - and for the most vulnerable in society.
The works has played a major part in improving the quality of the treated wastewater released into the Medway Estuary.
Beauty is the quality in a painting through which the artist can ' bear witness to the Light '.
We were all impressed by the quality of the workmanship shown by the team from Tsakos in Montevideo.
The resource package includes step-by-step work sheets including ways to assess the quality of existing facilities and establish strategies for improvement.
I have to say the quality of the wreck diving blew me away.
I want to adulterate the lemonade with water so that we have more, but I am afraid of ruining the quality.
Technology continues to improve the quality of video baby monitors.
Of course purchasing multiple units may mean spending more money, but this doesn't necessarily affect the quality of each monitor.
Special features aside, the quality of your monitor is truly what matters.
If you were happy with the quality and the service before, you can rest easy that your flowers will get where they're going promptly.
The item pictured may or may not be representative of the quality of the dress you receive.
Climate plays a major role in the quality of the grapes used to make wine.
The problem isn't that you're necessarily going to have a hard time finding such a player, it's that most of them simply don't have the quality that an iPod offers.
Armed with information about how tables are constructed, you can check the quality of the tables you want to buy.
Keep in mind that the amount that you are able to spend will determine the quality of the rug you purchase as well as its size.
One-hundred percent down will be the most expensive but the quality and the comfort are superb.
If buying gold jewelry with stone insets like diamonds, rubies, emeralds or any other gemstones, always ask about the quality and purity of the stones used.
Always ask for a certificate of authenticity for the gold jewelry that you purchase and separate certificates specifying the quality of any gemstones that are a part of your gold jewelry collection.
A converter can give you HDTV pictures, but the quality will not be as high as the pictures received and displayed on a television that comes with the HDTV technology built into it.
Dimly lit viewing rooms enhance the quality of any plasma set and the recessed alcoves screen out ambient store light.
Not only will you get an idea of the size of the television, but you will also see the quality of the picture.
Not every rear-projection TV gives the same picture, and you should make sure that you are satisfied with the quality of the picture your new television will display.
Inspect the quality of the material and construction of bookshelves when you go out shopping.
LoveToKnow Buyers Guide has a staff of professional writers and editors who make it their passion to ensure the quality and accuracy of the work on this site.
The amount of megapixels a camera reproduces essentially equals the quality of the image resolution.
Keep in mind that the quality of the recording lessens the longer you record.
Megapixels determine the quality of the image resolution.
Order a similar variety of produce, veggies, meats and dairy, so you can judge the quality of the items they select and their condition once delivered.
Get recommendations, inquire about upcoming sales and ask for advice on which fishing pole manufacturers have the best reputations in the quality and performance department.
Pet stores vary in the quality and care of their animals.
Using the same technology as laptop PC screens, the quality is pretty good, but these TVs are not great at viewing from side angles.
When shopping online, however, consumers should always check shipping charges and times, compare prices, and investigate any warranties about the quality of their tree before completing a purchase.
Prices range from $20 to several hundred dollars, depending upon the quality and where it is manufactured.
It is also important to note the quality of the materials used inside of your refrigerator or freezer.
In this case, the higher the number is, the better the quality is (density in down is a good thing and will provide the best insulation).
If the turbidity test is 550 or higher, the quality of the item is high.
There are a few parts of the violin that you need to be familiar with so you can determine the quality and sturdiness of each part.
Bring a violin teacher to give you advice on fitting and the quality of the construction.
Yes, you'll pay more for a name like LG or Samsung, but keep in mind the quality of their parts is better and more features are usually included on the name brands.
If not, you should consider upgrade to a package with HD channels so you can enjoy the quality it provides or make sure you purchase an other HD source like a Blu-ray player.
Another mall-in the strip mall fashion-that has fewer retailers than most is the Quality Outlet Center on International Drive near Kirkman Road.
As you or your child progresses in ability, you may find the quality of the original instrument no longer supports the level of musicianship.
Charging a nominal fee such as $25.00 or $50.00 may help weed out the majority of the worst "free kitten" shoppers, and could improve the quality of the honest takers.
In fact, the quality of meat contained in pet food is generally unfit for human consumption, and to add insult to injury, large amounts of melamine are just another reason to be skeptical of commercial brand pet foods.
Take a good look at the quality of meat used in these foods.
There is a wide difference in the quality and digestibility of these two protein sources.
While these sources technically have protein, they are not the quality protein source your pet needs.
While the disease cannot be cured, you and your veterinarian can determine a health plan to maintain the quality of your cat's life.
Providing your cat with a safe indoor environment is the most important decision you can make in predicting the quality of its future.
Some people feel that it is unfair to keep a cat in the house because this does not give her the quality of life that being outside does.
Merging the categories of taste and quality are important, but when it comes to reviewing types of cat food, the quality of the food should outshine a taste test.
So when it comes to cat food ratings, regardless of performance reviews, you will want to investigate the quality of every brand before choosing a food for your cat.
Be careful of the quality of the food you buy.
One of the daunting missions of the Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA) is to maintain the quality and standards of its 41 recognized, pedigreed breeds.