The-end Sentence Examples
Possibly not, but that was the end result.
Carmen thought that might be the end of the conflict.
She stepped closer to Alex, her hands balled into fists at the end of stiff arms.
That was the end of the conversation and neither of them brought the subject up again that night.
At the end of January, Princess gave birth to the first foal on the ranch that wasn't sired by Ed.
That was the end of the conversation.
Directing Connie to the house would be difficult, but Lisa could wait at the end of the drive.
He replaced the photo on the end table.
What lay at the end of that path?
The tablet that she tucked under her mattress at night contained all sorts of conclusions at the end of that trail.
AdvertisementHe closed his book and placed it on the end table and rose lithely from the chair.
She flicked the whip so that the end of it snapped on his shoulder - a warning, no more.
With lightning speed, he caught the end of the whip in his hand and jerked violently, catching her off balance and pulling her off her feet.
At the end of the pool, it seeped back into the ground between some more rocks.
If you need anything, my room is at the end of the hall.
AdvertisementAt the end of the hall, a steep set of stairs led to the attic.
By the end of the second day, she had adapted to the guests and felt completely at ease - a state that Claudette apparently wanted to shatter.
He sat on the end of the bed and watched reflectively as she ate the ice cream.
Jane, our GPS, as Betsy named her, didn't let us down and we found our friend's cabin at the end of a dusty road, hungry for dinner after a six hour drive.
That's the end of it?
AdvertisementTwo horses were tied up and there was a wagon and mule at the end of the street.
I could see mountains, high hills, at the end of the street ahead of me.
The light was coming from under a closed door at the end of a hallway.
The tip we offered must be the end of our involvement.
If what I'm seeing isn't some kind of joke, I'm at the end of the yellow brick road.
AdvertisementIf we thought that was the end of the glitches, we were foolishly naïve indeed.
I feel terrible I slipped up and they traced the phone call but it's not the end of the world.
The house sits on a slight rise, at the end of a long driveway and I had never visited at night.
I felt my way to the back of the house and realized I couldn't see the end of my nose.
It seemed hours I was left alone until shouting voices announced the end of our ordeal.
She reached the exit at the end of the hall and now faced a shorter hallway leading into what may have been a kitchen at one time.
She waited for the end to come.
Run to the end of this hall, then go out the double doors to the left.
He strode toward the end of the alley, wanting out of the rain as much as he wanted to talk to the intriguing woman over his shoulder.
He'd nearly reached the end of the alley when the hair on the back of his neck rose like it did when a Watcher was present, only this was no Watcher.
Jule snapped off the end of the arrow in his shoulder, not about to bleed to death before he'd killed the immortal.
Yully stopped at the end of the driveway and squeezed her eyes closed, tormented by her conscience.
At least he'd know who the traitors were by the end of the night.
Deidre felt herself breathless and consumed before the end of their first kiss, yielding to the intensity of his kiss and the firmness of his touch.
I mean, why else did you want to ask me out to dinner at the end?
It was a tragic love story, one she knew the end to and dreaded seeing how it came to be that way.
The only gold is gonna be away in back, at the end.
Then she added, We don't have time to go all the way to the end.
Sure, they made a dumb mistake, but it's not the end of the world.
Never mind there were only three hundred die-hard fans with nothing else to do in attendance for the end of the year outing of a last place team.
His sole venture at the end of a rope was the prior winter in Ouray's ice climbing park, under even more tenuous circumstances.
She was quick to see her mistake and had no intention of compounding it at the end of a shotgun.
The real celebration of Fred's release from jail didn't begin until the pair returned to Bird Song where Cynthia had baked a fresh apple pie, complete with vanilla ice cream, tagged on to the end of a healthy lunch.
The death-dealer gave her another long look before she pointed to the stainless steel box at the end of the kitchen.
Gabriel reached the end of the assassins and turned to gaze at the lake with its souls.
He moved to sit on the trunk at the end of the bed, close enough to see the details of her features without being too tempted to take her in his arms.
She could help Gabriel and the souls, even if her whole world crashed at the end of the week.
What if something happens to you at the end of the deal?
Human Deidre was probably terrified, a bloody mess who would do whatever Darkyn told her at the end of the week in exchange for him sparing her more pain.
By the end of the week, she won't want Gabriel anyway.
Darkyn spoke as if he intended for her to remain that way, at least through the end of the deal.
Perhaps when she lost her soul at the end of the week or maybe, if she could help him recover his underworld, she'd tell Gabriel then.
Though she couldn't recall the thousand-year process it took to reach this very place, she knew the end results.
This was definitely not how she envisioned the end of her week.
That was the end of her stunned calm.
By the end of their conversation, he understood why she laughed, too.
By the end of it, she was sobbing.
At the end of the day, you're Gabe's, so he can do whatever he wants with you, as long as he follows the Code.
Heart flying, Deidre stood and moved to the end of the bed.
You're going to think I'm crazy by the end of this.
She paused near the end and turned back to see both Officer David and the woman watching her with disapproving looks and crossed arms.
We need to talk! he called cheerfully, then spun and started toward the conference room at the end of a lab that stretched the size of a football field.
And you randomly assign him new moms every few dozen years and then send Gabriel to pick them off at the end.
If you tell me to leave at the end of it, I'll never bother you again.
By the end of this ordeal, she'd be an alcoholic.
She eyed the door at the end of the hall, then her cell, and turned 360.
She sat on a trunk at the end of one bed.
I'll be a raving lunatic at the end of another week!
I'll come get you in a minute, Megan said, pushing a door open near the end of the hall.
At the end of her patience, she rose.
He said he only needed two months of my time, and even if he didn't do what he needed to at the end of it, he'd let me have my life back.
If, at the end of those two months, I haven't fixed things, you'll go back to your world.
She whirled to face him, moving too slow to hide the suitcase laid out on the trunk at the end of the bed in which Toby slept.
At the end of the day, he.d try to do what was right.
By the end of the conversation, she appeared relieved.
It was toward the end of her first week in the sprawling mansion that was her new home that she wandered down a hall previously unexplored.
His destination, the cave hidden at the end of the draw where he'd left nishani, had been swallowed.
Kiera asked, at the end of her patience.
By the end of the space journey, she was convinced he'd want nothing to do with her and desperate to see him.
Near the end of her patience trapped in the tiny box of a spacecraft, she shot up when she felt the familiar pressure of them descending.
She began counting and then reached over to the end table for a pencil and paper.
He was surprised to spot young Donnie Ryland, recognizable by his small stature and familiar jacket, running down the end of the trail.
These boys have tunnel vision, you're at the end of the dark and the train's on time.
He lay back and closed his eyes, trying to picture the sad death, the end of the sad life of a woman, now resurrected to importance after a hundred years of total obscurity.
Dean wondered if her throat was sore after her pre-dawn glass-breaking scream upon first seeing Edith Shipton's body slowly turning from the end of the sash.
By the time we got to the end of Annie's notebook, there was more than enough pages transcribed that anyone could decipher the last few pages.
Fortunate for him it was then near enough to the end of the line that his fall wasn't far enough to kill him.
At the end of this piece, she let out a guttural sob.
She could see Jackson didn't want to play, but she really wanted to hear him, had a feeling Sarah would win in the end.
He didn't look at Elisabeth until the end of the piece.
Elisabeth told her about Sarah and how they would never hear the end of it if she knew what had happened here.
At the end of the song, Sarah jumped up and hugged her.
They finally reached the end of the maze where they all gasped.
Slicing the end of the envelope open with one smooth movement, he placed the letter opener back where it belonged and shoved the drawer shut.
That's the end of it.
It was unseasonably warm for the end of February, but this was the time of year that they might expect a few nice days.
By the end of the meal, it was obvious that they had hit it off well together.
He tucked the pen in his pocket and returned the chart to the end of her bed.
I fought side by side with his older brother years ago at the end of the war; I know the type of honor that runs in his family.
If our paths cross, it will probably signal the end of the world, but if they do, I'll consider sharing.
He gave up everything to be with her, and they died quite old, holding hands even in the end.
He raised a critical eyebrow at the end of his inspection.
He didn't need more emotions to hamper his decision making, and he didn't need Tim to disown him at the end of this mess.
He looked like he was on vacation rather than facing the end of the world.
He was too hard to offer the type of empathy she wanted, but he was the man who'd been with her since the beginning of the end.
When it stopped, she twisted to see a crater at the end of the street near the river.
Death lowered the hand displaying the end of the world scenario. The images of Gabe fighting demons switched to those of Katie on the beach under the moonlight. Rhyn's breath caught at the sight of her. She appeared exhausted, tattered, and drenched from the underworld rain. She'd never looked as beautiful as she did, even if she looked as if she'd just left the underworld. Toby was with her, pulling her from the beach towards the Sanctuary.
She was close to completing training to become a physical therapist and would graduate at the end of the summer.
He'd fight the expense account battle at the end of the month.
There was nothing at Ninth and Locust but a boarded-up storefront and a stillness like the day after the end of the world.
Fortunately, room 22 was taken and they settled for adjoining rooms on the second floor near the end of the building.
Fred licked the end of his pencil and began making notes.
Fred went on to explain that a maroon late model car was waiting at the end of the driveway leading into Gruber's place.
There would be time enough to panic closer to the end of the tour.
There's still too many coincidences and things that don't add up and we'll probably never get the answers, but I agree—it looks like this is the end of the line if we can't locate him on this tour.
His birthday wasn't until the end of September, so it wasn't that.
It was a lazy day, more like the beginning of summer than the end.
He pulled the grass from his mouth and studied the end.
Intimacy was neither the sole purpose nor the end result of their relationship.
By the end of the first week she had to face another enemy — a thunderstorm.
It was a cool day for the end of June, and when he opened the car door, it sent a chill up her back.
He stopped at the end of the corral and leaned on the fence, staring off toward the tree.
He left and walked through the snowstorm to the Realtor sign hanging at the end of the long driveway.
The name of her long-dead daughter was the end of her family's lineage.
Jenn walked until she reached the end of the driveway.
If she fell victim to her desire for him, it would be the beginning of the end.
She said nothing, unconvinced she'd live to the end of the day.
Before the end of the night, there will be a test for you to prove your loyalty.
Of course, she was his wife and she would follow him to the end of the Earth - but what about him?
She had moved to Texas at the end of her junior year.
Natalie and Mathew were in their high chairs, Destiny and Jonathan sat on either side of her and Alex was at the end of the table.
That was the end of it.
He was obviously at the end of his endurance.
Natalie stood at the end of the hall, half hidden behind the wall, her eyes large and imploring.
In the end she let Felipa leave thinking all was well.
The roll of twine was getting small, and it was a nuisance to hold the spool while trying to turn pages, so she unrolled the rest of the twine and tied the end around her waist.
She was literally at the end of her rope, so flight into the woods was unwise.
I've found one on the end of a strange vine.
It fell, and I had nothing to do with it, but I'll be Machiavellian about it and simply appreciate the end result, Eden said and then paused.
I don't know what, but I'm pretty sure I don't want you walking off with my shit at the end of the week.
I have until the end of the week!
Bruises to broken bones to being sliced up ... nothing would be left of her at the end of the week.
I'll get what I want by the end of the week.
If he didn't take off his necklace before the end of the day, she might just have to … The thought made her panicky and eager.
At the end of her wits, Jessi held out her hand to the tall brunette.
Whatever Jonny was doing tonight, it was probably the beginning of the end.
With a nervous glance at the locked door, she began to realize this was probably not a day she'd live to see the end of.
No one chased her, and she stopped to hide in the shadows of the stone wall at the end of the drive to catch her breath.
The view peculiar to him is reached in the end as the crowning conception towards which all separate channels of thought have tended, and in the light of which the life of man in nature and mind, in the individual and in society, had been surveyed.
Upper margin of the end of the proboscis developed into a distinct finger-like process, much longer than the lower margins, and the whole trunk uniformly tapering and smooth.
From July to October the level of the Senegal shows a series of fluctuations, with, however, a general increase till the end of August or beginning of September, when the maximum occurs.
Owing to the historical past of Naples, and its social and economic condition at the end of the 17th century, the only study that really flourished there was that of law; and this soon penetrated from the courts to the university, and was raised to the level of a science.
At the end of the year, when the Austrians were approaching Pesth, he asked for the mediation of Mr Stiles, the American envoy.
Even at the end of August Sobieski had but 3000 men at his disposal to oppose to 60,000 Turks.
In October Clement gave power to a legate to depose him and bring him to trial, and the end was obviously in sight.
Golitsuin was a typical representative of Russian society of the end of the 17th century in its transition from barbarism to civilization.
But in the end they became less fanatical than the Murabtis, and Ya`kub el Mansur was a highly accomplished man, who wrote a good Arabic style and who protected the philosopher Averroes.
By the end of the month he was ready for service with a squadron of eight ships and brigs, and some small craft.
At the end of a month, she tells us, her earnings amounted to fifteen francs.
The mention of Liszt has led us to anticipate the end of the story, and we must revert to 1836, when the acquaintance began.
She found the maestro towards the end of 1837 dispirited by a temporary eclipse of popularity and in the first stage of his fatal malady, and carried him off to winter with her in the south.
The countship of Angouleme dated from the 9th century, the most important of the early counts being William Taillefer, whose descendants held the title till the end of the 12th century.
The breach between the queen's party and Albany's had widened, and the queen's advisers had begun an intrigue with England, to the end that the royal widow and her young son should be removed to Henry's court.
He was back in Scotland towards the end of June.
These ordinary ridge beds furnish a good supply towards the end of summer, and in autumn.
For a winter supply the beds should be made towards the end of August, and the end of October.
At the end of 1709 he went to Dresden for twelve months for finishing lessons in French and German, mathematics and fortification, and, his education completed, he was married, greatly against his will, to the princess Charlotte of BrunswickWolfenbiittel, whose sister espoused, almost simultaneously, the heir to the Austrian throne, the archduke Charles.
The bishops refused to allow a voice to any not of their own order, and in the end the decrees of Pistoia were supported by a minority of only three.
The Romans had, up to the end of the Republic, accepted only one official apotheosis; the god Quirinus, whatever his original meaning, having been identified with Romulus.
Though the bishop's see was removed to Christiansand in 1685, the Romanesque cathedral church of St Swithun, founded by the English bishop Reinald in the end of the 11th century, and rebuilt after being burned down in 1272, remains, and, next to the cathedral of Trondhjem, is the most interesting stone church in Norway.
From 1701 to 17 21 Collier was employed on his Great Historical, Geographical, Genealogical and Poetical Dictionary, founded on, and partly translated from, Louis Moreri's Dictionnaire historique, and in the compilation and issue of the two volumes folio of his own Ecclesiastical History of Great Britian from the first planting of Christianity to the end of the reign of Charles II.
Many attempts were made to shake his fidelity to the lost cause of the Stuarts, but he continued indomitable to the end.
The island had (probably since the end of the 9th century) been divided into four districts - Cagliari, Arborea, Torres (or Logudoro) and Gallura - each under a giudice or remained a prisoner at Bologna until his death.
After the political and territorial upheavals which marked the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th, all these concordats either fell to the ground or had to be recast.
A large variety of materials have been used in their manufacture by different peoples at different times - painted linen and shavings of stained horn by the Egyptians, gold and silver by the Romans, rice-paper by the Chinese, silkworm cocoons in Italy, the plumage of highly coloured birds in South America, wax, small tinted shells, &c. At the beginning of the 8th century the French, who originally learnt the art from the Italians, made great advances in the accuracy of their reproductions, and towards the end of that century the Paris manufacturers enjoyed a world-wide reputation.
Towards the end of the 12th century the town was in the hands of the Servian prince Stephen Nemanya, who there received hospitably the German emperor Frederic Barbarossa and his Crusaders.
Two years later she was reconciled to her husband, by whom she had no children; and, continuing to the end to intrigue both in Scotland and England, she died at Methven Castle on the 18th of October 1541.
Towards the end of the r8th century Mannheim attained great celebrity in the literary world as the place where Schiller's early plays were performed for the first time.
When, towards the end of his student-days in Berlin, he was acting as clinical assistant in the eye department of the Berlin Hospital, he noticed that in keratitis and corneal wounds healing took place without the appearance of plastic exudation.
Towards the end of the year Descartes was on his way to Italy.
Martos returned to the Bar in May 1874, and quietly looked on when the restoration took place at the end of that year.
In 1245 Albertus was called to Paris, and there Aquinas followed him, and remained with him for three years, at the end of which he graduated as bachelor of theology.
But in the end the superior military efficiency of the Swedes and Poles invariably prevailed.
Towards the end of his life Ivan was partially consoled for his failure in the west by the unexpected acquisition of the kingdom of Siberia in the east, which was first subdued by the Cossack hetman Ermak or Yermak in 1581.
The skip plays last, and directs his men from the end that is being played to.
Such a bowl is alive until the end is finished wherever it may lie, within the limits of the space.
On most English greens it is a "dead" jack and the end void.
In the United Kingdom the regular bowling season extends from May day till the end of September or the middle of October.
Foreigners were frequently granted the right of public hospitality by the senate down to the end of the republic. The public hospes had a right to entertainment at the public expense, admission to sacrifices and games, the right of buying and selling on his own account, and of bringing an action at law without the intervention of a Roman patron.
This was the name in common use when the Jesuits entered China towards the end of the 16th century, and began to send home accurate information about China.
By the end of the 15th century it had become one of the most prosperous towns of Holland, on account of its fisheries and its cloth-trade.
Towards the end of the 17th century the fortifications were greatly strengthened by Coehoorn, and in 1725 they were further extended.
Restored at the end of the war, it was again taken by the French under Pichegru in 1795.
The remains of the amphitheatre are scanty; many of its stones have gone to build the city wall, which must, therefore, at the earliest belong to the end of the classical period.
It was a cavalry melee, in which the common code of honour caused Macedonian and Persian chieftains to engage hand to hand, and at the end of the day the relics of the Persian army were in flight, leaving the high-roads of Asia Minor clear for the invader.
The earliest known French romance of Alexander, by Alberic of Besancon (or more properly Briancon), was, until the discovery of a fragment of ioq lines at Florence in 1852, known only through the German adaptation by Lamprecht the preacher, who wrote towards the end of the 12th century, and by the version made by a Poitevin poet named Simon in decasyllabic lines.
The struggle between ethical religion and the current worship became acute toward the end of the 7th century.
Thus, by the end of his seventeenth year his apprenticeship of study was There is, however, one true nest-building parrot, the greybreasted parrakeet (Myopsittacus monachus), which constructs a huge nest of twigs.
The decline of the Ottoman power, which began towards the end of the 17th century, was marked by increasing anarchy and lawlessness in the outlying portions of the empire.
It has then met at Lambeth, and after sitting for five days for deliberation upon the fixed subjects and appointment of committees, has adjourned, to meet again at the end of a fortnight and sit for five days more, to receive reports, adopt resolutions and to put forth the encyclical letter.
Harvest generally extends from the middle of August to near the end of September.
One end of a pipe is finished flat, the end of the other pipe being brought to a conical edge.
About the end of the year 1579 his wife died, leaving him one son, Archibald (who in 1627 was raised to the peerage by the title of Lord Napier), and one daughter, Jane.
At the end of this book occurs the note-"I could find no more of this geometricall pairt amongst all his fragments."
In earlier life he had been a zealous student of Kant and Hegel, and to the end he never ceased to cultivate the philosophic spirit; but he had little confidence in metaphysical systems, and sought rather to translate philosophy into the wisdom of life.
By the end of 1643 the Ulster Church was fairly established.
The development of the pastoral industry of Argentina from that time to the end of the century was remarkable.
A number of officers of the army and navy agreed to lend assistance to a revolutionary outbreak, and towards the end of July 1893 matters came to a head.
At the end of the year Matvyeev was raised to the rank of okolnichy, and on the 1st of September 1674 attained the still higher dignity of boyar.
Towards the end of the period, however, during the deposition of the Portlandian beds, the sea again retreated, and in the early part of the Cretaceous period was limited (in France) to the catchment basins of the Sane and Rhnein the Paris basin the contemporaneous deposits were chiefly estuarine and were confined to the northern and eastern rim.
The non-commissioned officers are, as usual in universal service armies, drawn partly from men who voluntarily enlist at a relatively early age, and partly from men who at the end of their compulsory period of service are re-engaged.
The first lasts four years, and at the end of this the pupil may obtain (after examination) the certificate of secondary studies.
At the end of this period he presents himself for a degree called the Baccalaurat de tenseignement secondaire.
At the end of Heraclius' reign he obtained through his mother's influence the title of Augustus (638), and after his father's death was proclaimed joint emperor with his half-brother Constantine III.
At the end of the war, Caesar bestowed upon Bocchus part of the territory of Massinissa, Juba's ally, which was recovered after Caesar's murder by Massinissa's son Arabion.
At the end of the Peloponnesian War Lysander restored the scattered remnants of the old inhabitants to the island, which was used by the Spartans as a base for operations against Athens in the Corinthian War.
In 1904 he was awarded a Nobel prize, and at the end of 1905 he became president of the Royal Society, of which he had been elected a fellow in 1873, and had acted as secretary from 1885 to 1896.
If the human soul is a force in the narrower sense, a substance, and not a combination of substances, then, as in the nature of things there is no transition from existence to non-existence, we cannot naturally conceive the end of its existence, any more than we can anticipate a gradual annihilation of its existence."
He quotes (p. 57) with approval Kant's words, "The death of the body may indeed be the end of the sensational use of our mind, but only the beginning of the intellectual use.
It was found in some abundance at the end of the 18th century in the copper mines of the St Day district in Cornwall, and has since been found at a few other localities, for example, at Konigsberg near Schemnitz in Hungary, and in the Tintic district in Utah.
Up to the end of the 19th century, little was thought of any locally-raised or locally-provided defensive forces, the mother-country being relied upon.
The fields of New South Wales have proved to be of immense value, the yield of silver and lead during 1905 being £2,500,000, and the total output to the end of the year named over £40,000,000.
Up to the end of 1904 Australia had produced silver to the value of £45,000,000.
The total value of copper produced in Australia up to the end of 1905 was £42,500,000 sterling, £24,500,000 having been obtained in South Australia, £7,500,000 in New South Wales, £6,400,000 in Tasmania and over £3,500,000 in Queensland.
The total value of tin produced in Australia is nearly a million sterling per annum, and the total production to the end of 1905 was £22,500,000, of which Tasmania produced about 40%, New South Wales one-third, Queensland a little more than a fourth.
Burke, Wills and King, when they found themselves so fearfully left alone and unprovided in the wilderness, wandered about in that district till near the end of June.
Accordingly a premiers' conference was held in Melbourne at the end of January 1899, at which Queensland was for the first time represented.
Before the end of 1906 fifty-two separate trades in Victoria had obtained special boards, by whose determinations their operations were controlled.
On the death of his elder brother in September 1843 Henry Smith left Rugby, and at the end of 1844 gained a scholarship at Balliol College, Oxford.
The origin of his family has been traced back as far as the end of the 14th century.
The company was organized at the end of 1858.
Not until the age of seventeen did he attack the higher mathematics, and his progress was much retarded by the want of efficient help. When about sixteen years of age he became assistant-master in a private school at Doncaster, and he maintained himself to the end of his life in one grade or other of the scholastic profession.
Of this period scarcely any record remains, but when at the end of the 3rd century the Franks began to swarm over the Rhine into the Roman lands, the names of the old tribes had disappeared.
Towards the end of the century, Charlemagne, himself a Netherlander by descent and ancestral possessions, after a severe struggle, thoroughly subdued the Frisians and Saxons, and compelled them to embrace Christianity.
In the northern Netherlands generally up to the end of the 14th century the towns had no great political weight; their importance depended upon their river commerce and their markets.
On the 18th of December 1573 Alva, who to the end had persisted in his policy of pitiless severity, left Brussels, carrying with him the curses of the people over whom he had tyrannized for six terrible years of misery and oppression.
He was entrusted with the defence of Transylvania at the end of 1848, and in 1849, as the general of the Szeklers, he performed miracles with his little army, notably at the bridge of Piski (February 9), where, after fighting all day, he drove back an immense force of pursuers.
Divination through the liver remained in force among the Assyrians and Babylonians down to the end of the Babylonian Empire.
Towards the end of the 11th century, when the tide of Norman invasion swept upwards along the Wye valley, the district became a lordship marcher annexed to that of Brecknock, but was again severed from it on the death of William de Breos, when his daughter Matilda brought it to her husband, Roger Mortimer of Wigmore.
The international Conference which met at Constantinople towards the end of 1876 was, indeed, startled by the salvo of guns heralding the promulgation of a constitution, but the demands of the Conference were rejected, in spite of the solemn warnings addressed to the sultan by the Powers; Midhat Pasha, the author of the constitution, was exiled; and soon afterwards his work was suspended, though figuring to this day on the Statute-Book.
The crisis of 1860, by which the office he held was abolished, was the end of his official career; for the rest of his life he was very prominent as the leader of the Federalist party in Bohemia.
There was a shoe trade in the town as early as the 17th century, and gloves were made from the end of the 16th century until about 1863.
Toward the end of his career at the bar, however, he changed from a general practitioner to a patent lawyer, and as such had a lucrative practice.
The catkins appear soon after the young leaves, usually in England towards the end of May; the acorns, oblong in form, are in shallow cups with short, scarcely projecting scales; the fruit is shed the first autumn, often before the foliage changes.
The chestnut oaks of America represent a section distinguished by the merely serrated leaves, with parallel veins running to the end of the serratures.
The actual building dates from the end of the 17th and the beginning of the 18th century, and contains a fine library with a collection of rare manuscripts and incunabula; near it is the small and old town of Tepl (pop. 2789).
During the next few weeks Cromwell appears to have made once more attempts to come to terms with Charles; but the king was inflexible in his refusal to part with the essential powers of the monarchy, or with the Church; and at the end of December it was resolved to bring him to trial.
Nonnus, the Greek poet, was born at Panopolis at the end of the 4th century.
It is this district that from the end of the 13th century was called the Dauphine d'Auvergne.
At the end of 1588 he went to Padua, to take his degree in canon and civil law, a necessary prelude in Savoy at that time to distinction in a civil career.
The cups are placed symmetrically on the end of the arms, and it is easy to see that the wind always has the hollow of one cup presented to it; the back of the cup on the opposite end of the cross also faces the wind, but the pressure on it is naturally less, and hence a continual rotation is produced; each cup in turn as it comes round providing the necessary force.
A small light sphere hanging from the end of 30 or 40 ft.
It was given about the end of the 18th century as based on some experiments, but with a footnote stating that little reliance could be placed on it.
In order to be sure that the heat was not due to the action of the air upon the newly exposed metallic surface, the cylinder and the end of the boring bar were immersed in 18-77 lb.
Worm wheel gearing is of very high efficiency if made very quick in pitch, with properly formed teeth perfectly lubricated, and with the end thrust of the worm taken on ball bearings.
In addition to the brakes on the lifting gear of cranes it is found necessary, especially in quickrunning electric cranes, to provide a brake on the subsidiary motions, and also devices to stop the motor at the end of the lift or travel, so as to prevent over-running.
By the end of the century nearly the whole of Rajputana had been virtually subdued by the Mahrattas.
A coarse screw-thread is formed in the upper part of the inner cup, and this screws on to the end of the iron bolt by which it is supported.
The different coils are prevented from adhering by a coating of whitewash, and the end of each nautical mile is carefully marked for future reference.
Grappling will be recommenced so as to hook the cable near enough to the end to allow of its being hove to the surface.
When this has been done an electrical test is applied, and if the original fracture is between ship and shore the heaving in of cable will continue until the end comes on board.
The ship now returns to the position of original attack, and by similar operations brings on board the end which secures communication with the other shore.
A large number of such sheets are prepared and placed together, one over the other, the end of the strip of the first sheet being connected with the beginning of the strip of the second, and so on to the last sheet, the whole representing the conductor of the cable.
A totally reflecting prism placed inside the glass cylinder projects the light which penetrates the film upon a selenium cell situated at the end of the cylinder.
A relay capable of working at the end of a long cable has long been a desideratum.
A, slip as received on recorder, using ordinary relays for translating on to second cable; B, slip as received on recorder, when interpolator is used at intermediate station, for sending on to second cable; C (four cells through a line, KR=3.6), signals with recorder under ordinary conditions; D, all conditions the same as in C, but magnifying relay inserted between the end of the line and the recorder.
The manufacture of the cable, begun early in the following year, was finished in June, and before the end of July it was stowed partly in the American ship " Niagara " and partly in decided to begin paying out in mid-ocean, the two vessels, after splicing together the ends of the cable they had on board, sailing away from each other in opposite directions.
She started from Valentia at the end of July, but fault after fault was discovered in the cable and the final misfortune was that on the 2nd of August, when nearly 1200 m.
He constructed one form of his coherer of a glass tube a few inches long filled with iron borings or brass filings, having contact plates or pins at the end.
By the end of 1901 this radio-telegraphy had been established by Marconi and his associates on a secure industrial basis.
He served with Commodore Chauncey, and then was sent from Lake Ontario to Lake Erie, where he took up the chief command at the end of March 1813.
He spent a year in prison at Perugia, and when peace was made at the end of 1202 he returned to Assisi and recommenced his old life.
On his recovery he set out on a military expedition, but at the end of the first day's march he fell ill, and had to stay at Spoleto and return to Assisi.
The pitcher is a development at the end of the tendril.
Heavy falls of snow in June are not uncommon, and only for a short time towards the end of July are the nights totally exempt from light frosts.
High districts covered with oaks and chestnuts succeed to this almost tropical vegetation; a little higher up and we reach the elevated regions of the Pollino and the Sila, covered with firs and pines, and affording rich pastures even in the midst of summer, when heavy dews and light frosts succeed each other in July and August, and snow begins to appear at the end of September or early in October.
At the end of the contract the landlord either cultivates his land himself or leases it, repaying to the improver part of the expenditure incurred by him.
Improvement contracts are granted for uncultivated bush districts, where one fourth of the produce goes to the landlord, and for plantations of fig-trees, olive-trees and vines, half of the produce of which belongs to the landlord, who at the end of ten years reimburses the tenant for a part of the improvements effected.
At the end of 1907 Italy was among the few Countries that had not adopted the reduction of postage sanctioned at the Postal Union congress, held in Rome in 1906, by which the rates became 23/4d.
Additional stamp duties and taxes were imposed in 1909 to meet the expenditure necessitated by the disastrous earthquake at the end of 1908.
These notes are of 50, 100, 500 and 1000 lire; while the state issues notes for 5, 10 and 25 lire, the currency of these at the end of October 1906 being 17,546,967; with a total guaraotee of 15,636,000 held against them.
By the end of 1901 the price of Italian stock on the Paris Bourse had, however, risen to par or thereabouts.
Split up into numerous and mutually hostile communities, they never, through the fourteen centuries which have elapsed since the end of the old Western empire, shook off the yoke of foreigners completely; they never until lately learned to merge their local and conflicting interests in the common good of undivided Italy.
At first, indeed, the term was apparently confined to the regions of the central and southern districts, exclusive of Cisalpine Gaul and the whole tract north of the Apennines, and this continued to be the official or definite signification of the name down to the end of the republic. But the natural limits of Italy are so clearly marked that the name came to be generally employed as a geographical term at a much earlier period.
Hunted to the ground and broken-hearted, Frederick expired at the end of 1250 in his Apulian castle of Fiorentino.
At the end of this century and a half, five principal powers divided the peninsula; and their confederated action during the next forty-five years (1447-1492) secured for Italy a season of peace and brilliant pro,sperity.
That campaign marked the beginning of the end for the Napoleonic domination in Italy as else- Collapse where.
In Spite of this success, however, it was not until the end of the month, and after desperate fighting, that the French penetrated within the walls and the defence ceased (June 29).
By the end of May the city was blockaded by land and sea, and in July the bombardment began.
By the end of July, after the hard-won victory of Milazzo, the whole island, with the exception of the citadel of Messina and a few unimportant ports, was in his hands.
Pressure from all sides of the House, however, induced the ministry to retain office until after the debate on the application to Rome and the Papal States of the Religious Orders Bill (originally passed in 1866)a measure which, with the help of Ricasoli, was carried at the end of May.
The irritation displayed by Bismarck at the Francophil attitude of Italy towards the end of the Franco-German War gave place to a certain show of goodwill when the great chancellor found himself in his turn involved in a struggle against the Vatican and when the policy of Thiers began to strain Franco-Italian relations.
By the end of September the idea had gained such ground in Italy that the visit was practically settled, and on the 7th of October Mancini informed Robilant (who was then in Italy) of the fact.
Though Depretis, at the end of his life in 1887, showed signs of repenting of the confusion thus created, he had established a parliamentary system destined largely to sterilize and vitiate the political life of Italy.
No further step was taken until, at the end of 1879, Rubattino prepared to establish a commercial station.
Mangash, seeing further resistance to be useless, submitted to Menelek, who at the end of February ratified at Makall the additional convention to the treaty of Uccialli, but refused to recognize the Italian occupation of the Mareb.
At the end of May the pope, in an allocution to the cardinals, had spoken of Italy in terms of unusual cordiality, and had expressed a wish for peace.
On the 15th of June the pope addressed to Cardinal Rampolla del Tindaro, secretary of state, a letter reiterating in uncompromising terms the papal claim to the temporal power, and at the end of July Cardinal Rampolla reformulated the same claim in a circular to the papal nuncios abroad.
At the end of 1889 Crispi abolished the differential duties against French imports and returned to the general Italian tariff, but France declined to follow his lead and maintained her prohibitive dues.
By adroit negotiations with Mangash the Italian general obtained the release of the Italian prisoners in Tigr, and towards the end of May withdrew his whole force north of the Mareb.
In October the rate of exchange was at par, the premium on gold had disappeared, and by the end of the year the budget showed a surplus of sixteen millions.
Towards the end of the 3rd century, the inroads of the Franks having been repelled by the emperor Probus, the city rapidly acquired wealth and importance.
Thus in the end of the 17th century the seed was sown which has at intervals brought forth recurrent crops of evolutional hypotheses, based, more or less completely, on general reasonings.
A still older road ran along the foot of the Volscian mountains past Cora, Norba and Setia; this served as the post road until the end of the 18th century.
In the end he was brought back to York, but not to the undivided see.
The recursus ad principem, in some form or other of appeal or application to the sovereign or his lay judges, was at the end of the middle ages well known over western Europe.
But they sat again for this purpose under Mary and Elizabeth and (save between 1640 and 1661) continued regular criminal sessions till towards the end of the 17th century as continuously and constantly as the king's courts (op. cit.).
Consistories and synods have till near the end of the 18th century.
She published also a small volume of religious poems, and towards the end of her career gave some public readings from her writings.
In the end the Marcomanni were driven out of Pannonia, and were almost destroyed in their retreat across the Danube.
It is said by Alton to have been introduced into Britain about the end of the 17th century.
To no town has the memory of one famous son brought wider notoriety than that which the memory of William Shakespeare has brought to Stratford; yet this notoriety sprang into strong growth only towards the end of the 18th century.
This is the case in the Fucaceae, and in a very marked degree in the Laminariaceae in question, where the assimilative frond is borne at the end of an extremely long supporting and conducting stipe.
In most Pteridophytes there is a single large apical cell at the end of each stem and root axis.
The branches of the stem arise by multiplication of the cells 01 the epidermis and cortex at a given spot, giving rise to a protuber ance, at the end of which an apical meristem is established.
The fibrous bands are generally formed towards the end of the years growth in thickness.
Both branches, although enriched by new facts, remained stationary so far as method is concerned until nearly the end of the 18th century.
In the end of the 9th century Iceland was colonized from Norway; and about 985 the intrepid viking, Eric the Red, discovered Greenland, and induced some of his Icelandic countrymen to settle on its inhospitable shores.
Moor in 1746, and Captain Coats in 1751, who examined the Wager Inlet up to the end.
The same year peace was concluded with Mithradates on condition that he should be put back to the position he held before the war; but, as he raised objections, he had in the end to content himself with being simply a vassal of Rome.
As usual with him, however, he failed to retain the confidence of his coadjutors to the end.
Towards the end of 1700 the need for the act was obvious, if the country was to be saved from civil war.
This, when fully developed, consists of two parts, but inserted by a single ribbon-like tendon upon the hinder surface of the femur, near the end of its first third; the caudal part, femoro-caudalis, expressed by Garrod by the symbol A, arises from transverse processes of the tail; the iliac part (accessorofemoro-caudal of Garrod, with the symbol B), arises mostly from the outer surface of the postacetabular ilium.
The innermost, the coprodaeum, is an oval dilatation of the end of the rectum, and attains its greatest size in those birds whose faeces are very fluid; it serves entirely as the temporary receptacle of the faeces and the urine.
The most important result is the proof that, until the end of the Cretaceous epoch, most, if not all, birds were still possessed of teeth.
Sir David Brewster modified his apparatus by moving the object-box and closing the end of the tube by a lens of short focus which forms images of distant objects at the distance of distinct vision.
It was an ancient pueblo, of considerable size and importance as early as the end of the 18th century.
His son Moses, who died about the end of the 13th century, translated the rest of Maimonides, much of Averroes, the lesser Canon of Avicenna, Euclid's Elements (from the Arabic version), Ibn al-Jazzar's Viaticum, medical works of IIunain ben Isaac (Johannitius) and Razi (Rhazes), besides works of less-known Arabic authors.
Of the same school were Menahem ben Simeon of Posquieres, a commentator, who died about the end of the 12th century, and Moses ben Jacob of Coucy (13th century), author of the Semag (book of precepts, positive and negative) a very popular and valuable halakhic work.
At the end of the century Isaac ben Moses, called Profiat Duran (Efodi), is chiefly known as an antiChristian controversialist (letter to Me'ir Alguadez), but also wrote on grammar (Ma`aseh Efod) and a commentary on the Moreh.
Ribot at the end of that year, when the Panama scandals were making the office one of peculiar difficulty.
The town dates from 1637, when it was located at the foot of the Cerro Santo and was called Nueva Barcelona; it reached a state of much prosperity and commercial importance before the end of the century.
Bacharach was a man of wide culture, and holds an honourable place among the pioneers of the Jewish Renaissance which was inaugurated towards the end of the 18th century.
The river begins to rise in the end of March and attains its greatest height between the 21st and the 28th of May.
By the end of it, any traces of heathen faith, and even of Scandinavian speech, must have been mere survivals.
The circumstances of his settlement in his two great fields of conquest were widely different; his position when he was fully established in his two insular realms was widely different; but the end has been the same in both cases.