Thawing Sentence Examples
What is man but a mass of thawing clay?
It was thawing and misty; at forty paces' distance nothing could be seen.
The fingers and toes flow to their extent from the thawing mass of the body.
They were pleasant spring days, in which the winter of man's discontent was thawing as well as the earth, and the life that had lain torpid began to stretch itself.
The microwave is the fastest method of thawing meat safely.
The ground remained frozen and so the thawing snows and heavy rain, combined and the flood resulted.
Always start thawing a pipe at the end nearest the tap.
In the winter, mulch helps protect your plants from damage due to freezing and thawing.
A top dressing of mulch helps preserve moisture and prevent freezing and thawing of the soil near the roots during the winter months.
You'll need to take steps not just to protect the plant, but to keep the pot itself from freezing, thawing and cracking.
AdvertisementRemember, when thawing turkey in the refrigerator; place your turkey on a dish so the thawing juices do not drip on other food.
This crossing might be hazardous, or even impossible, if the river is in spate after heavy rain or thawing snow.
When the frost comes out in the spring, and even in a thawing day in the winter, the sand begins to flow down the slopes like lava, sometimes bursting out through the snow and overflowing it where no sand was to be seen before.
Take in Clay and Ceramic Pots -- Clay and ceramic containers will crack if allowed to remain outside in the freezing and thawing weather.
Refrigerator thawing requires some advanced planning, as it may take at least 24 hours to thaw the meat for every pound of weight.
AdvertisementIt will take about 30 minutes per pound of meat when thawing in cold water.
Thawing your turkey in the refrigerator is the best method because turkeys are too large to thaw in a microwave and thawing in the sink is risky.
Advanced planning is needed for thawing your turkey in the refrigerator as it can take several days.
If you do not like the taste of microwaved meat and don't have time to use one of the other methods of thawing, you can cook food in its frozen state.
Children should not walk, skate, or ride on thawing ice on any body of water.
AdvertisementThe key to prehospital treatment is to avoid partial thawing and refreezing, which releases more inflammatory mediators and makes the injury substantially worse.
To thaw a frozen turkey, refrigerate the turkey, planning about six hours per pound for thawing.
If thawing out in a refrigerator, place the turkey on a plate to catch any debris and do not unwrap it.
If thawing your turkey in cold water, allow 30 minutes per pound.
The key to creating delectable dishes using frozen lobster tails is as much in the selecting and thawing as it is in the preparation.
AdvertisementHe opened the refrigerator and took out the fish that had been thawing.
Dean took a look at the thawing street in front of Bird Song and went out back and unhooked his bicycle.
The beast within had been restless the past two days, prowling the thawing area of her chest.
The thawing is associated with much pain, and in the case of the hand or foot this may be diminished by raising the part, so as to help the return of the venous blood to the heart.
For example glaciers shrinking, permafrost thawing, earlier flowering of trees.
Trials of the protocol resulted in considerably improved recovery on thawing of human spermatozoa compared with vapor freezing or conventional linear cooling.
Around a quarter of the terrain is covered with water - at this time of year gently thawing ice.
Follow any freezing or thawing instructions on the label.
Most of the seafood sold there has been frozen and is displayed in the case, slowly thawing out and losing freshness and flavor.
Regardless of the method you choose, you will want to start thawing your turkey well before Thanksgiving Day or it won't cook properly.
Thawing time will be approximately 30 minutes per pound.
The risk of bacteria growth and food borne illness makes thawing a turkey at room temperature on a counter, or outside, a bad idea.
This will insulate plants from the alternating freezing and thawing that occurs over the winter.
Storing these items outdoors, where freezing nd thawing can kill the spores, is helpful.
Because of their unique production process, the tiles are resistant to freezing and thawing, so they can be used both indoors and out, as well as for pools, fountains and spas.
Allow it to the thaw in the refrigerator or use the cold water method for thawing poultry.
The website also includes guidelines for safely thawing frozen meat, meat cooking guidelines and a cold storage food chart.
Thawing meat is a contest between you and the bacteria that may potentially grow in it.
All other methods of thawing meat put the meat in the danger zone that can make you sick.
The snow was thawing in the sunshine, the horses galloped quickly, and on both sides of the road were forests of different kinds, fields, and villages.
The evaporation from this large basin exercises a certain influence on the climate of the surrounding country, while the absorption of heat for the thawing of the ice has a notable cooling effect in early summer.
A thawing night is said to promote the flow, and it ceases during a south-west wind and at the approach of a storm; and so sensitive are the trees to aspect and climatic variations that the flow of sap on the south and east side has been noticed to be earlier than on the north and west side of the same tree.