That-one Sentence Examples
The human lived here for a few years with a boyfriend that one of Darkyn's demons killed.
I should have seen that one coming.
You can thank Fate for that one.
You can thank my predecessor for that one.
You are one lucky woman to go to bed with that one.
I guess that one slipped my mind.
I am not going to touch that one.
I am so leaving that one alone.
We didn't know that one.
Not that one had anything to do with the other, but the technology of surrogacy would have been inconceivable back then.
AdvertisementShe blamed Jonny for that one.
You can blame Jule for that one.
Then he mocked in sing-song voice, "'Just as long as I get that one pretty piece with a view!'"
It grows harder when you meet that one life, doesn't it?
No one will fault you for taking that one step further and cleaning house, Dr. Wynn said with a faint smile.
AdvertisementIsn't that one of the signs I'm starting to deteriorate?
While the Ouray winters were far less severe that one might think, they did have a way of wearing out their welcome, like company that won't go home.
Such an unlikely spot for a home site, and yet, the remains of a chimney gave indisputable proof that one had existed at some point.
I'm surprised she didn't figure that one out right away.
I think helping Lisa has made me realize that one person can make a difference.
AdvertisementBut I'm not sure there's any accurate way of proving that one way or the other.
Yes. I'm sorry so many buildings are gone but that one block is enough.
I asked her that one of them call me with the results.
Pleased that one thing was going right, Damian tucked the phone away.
Fred suggested that one of the letters might be in error so the group continued to look at the puzzle on the basis Cynthia had first suggested.
AdvertisementLike I'm going to lose sleep over that one!
Where's that one you gave me for my birthday last year?
I wanted that one night with you.
I guess we can shelve that one for a while.
Well, I have a whole year to figure that one out.
Upon entering the music room, she grabbed her throw pillow, sat in her usual chair and cooed, "Pleeeeze do that one about the clouds, the one you always lock the door for?"
Of course, he liked the land around her farm - but building a house was a major investment, especially that one.
We finished the season with eight losses and that one tie.
He could answer that one without any effort—he hadn't decided.
Don't wait up for the Easter Bunny for that one.
I was eating crow on that one within a few days.
I never saw that one coming, though, he said.
He couldn't remember what happened, only that one of his episodes had come on when he was in the pillar of magic.
It disturbed him deeply that one of his children was so distressed.
I'm thankful that one of those things is me.
His remark punctured a hole in her thin armor and she exploded, slamming the papers onto her desktop so hard that one of the pages floated to the floor.
Hadn't she seen that one in the book?
You can thank the Original Watcher for screwing up that one.
But I was so shrewdly taxed with posing as a strong-minded woman and a philosopher that one fine day I said to myself, ` What, I wonder, is philosophy?'
The county court, consisting of three commissioners elected for six years but with terms so arranged that one retires every two years, is the police and fiscal authority.
A Cnossian didrachm exhibits on one side the labyrinth, on the other the Minotaur surrounded by a semicircle of small balls, probably intended for stars; it is to be noted that one of the monster' s names was Asterius.
When the trumpets take it up they make a remarkable change at its iith bar, for no other reason than that one of the notes, though perfectly within their scale, and, indeed, already produced by them in the very same bar, is so harmonized as to suggest the freedom of an instrument with a complete scale.
He proposed that one ship should be provided with the means of making an interrupted current in a circuit formed partly of an insulated metallic wire connected with the sea at both ends by plates, and partly of the unlimited ocean.
The four telephones on a circuit are so wired that the relays 9-- P ..,, connect two of the bells between each wire and fl-- 0 7-..9 *"y earth, and further that one of each pair of bells responds to positive and the other to negative o-- pulsations.
When a series of the modifications of an anatomical structure has been sufficiently examined, it is frequently possible to decide that one particular condition is primitive, ancestral or central, and that the other conditions have been derived from it.
It has been the habit of biologists to use the terms variation, selection, elimination, correlation and so forth, vaguely; the new school, which has been strongly reinforced from the side of physical science, insists on quantitative measurements of the terms. When the anatomist says that one race is characterized by long heads, another by round heads, the biometricist demands numbers and percentages.
Even as to the discipline of the Roman clergy it is only in certain limited cases that one can speak of ecclesiastical jurisdiction.
Supply and Distribution of Energy in PlantsIt is well known that one of the conditions of life is the maintenance of the process which is known as respiration.
Experience with epidemics, dearly bought in the past, has shown that one fruitful cause is the laying open to the inroads of some Fungus or insect, hitherto leading a quiet endemic life in the fields and forests, large tracts of its special food, along which it may range rampant without check to its dispersal, nutrition and reproduction.
Thus, for example, in a mountain range at right angles to a prevailing sea-wind, it is the land forms which determine that one side of the range shall be richly watered and deeply dissected by a complete system of valleys, while the other side is dry, indefinite in its valley systems, and sends none of its scanty drainage to the sea.
According to Moslem traditionists Mahomet declared that one of his descendants, the imam of God, who would fill the earth with equity and justice, would bear the name of al-mandi.
Like Cleisthenes of Sicyon and Periander of Corinth, he realized that one great source of strength to the nobles had been their presidency over the local cults.
In the college itself the voting - secret and by ballot throughout - is by majority; and since this majority consists, under the actual system, of very conservative elements (the landowners and urban delegates having 8ths of the votes), the progressive elements - however much they might preponderate in the country - would have no chance of representation at all save for the curious provision that one member at least in each government must be chosen from each of the five classes represented in the college.
It was agreed that one rap should mean "no" and three "yes," while more complicated messages were - and are - obtained in other ways, such as calling over or pointing to letters of the alphabet, when raps occur at the required letters.
The main distinguishing features consist in the fact that one of the inner pieces of the perianth becomes in course of its growth much larger than the rest, and usually different in colour, texture and form.
In place of the six stamens we commonly find but one (two in Cypripedium), and that one is raised together with the stigmatic surfaces on an elongation of the floral axis known as the "column."
It is possible, therefore, that one early account of David was that of an entrance into the land of Judah, and that round him have gathered traditions partly individual and partly tribal or national.
But the bulk of the work consists of problems leading to indeterminate equations of the second degree, and these universally take the form that one or two (and never more) linear or quadratic functions of one variable x are to be made rational square numbers by finding a suitable value for x.
The arable land was divided into two or, more usually, three fields, which were cut up into strips bounded by balks and allotted to the villagers in such a way that one holding might include several disconnected strips in each field - a measure designed to prevent the whole of the best land falling to one man.
His remarks on this subject are so accurate that one might imagine they came from a storemaster of the present day.
It is true that one season of the series, that of 1887, was hot and droughty, but the following summer was exceedingly wet.
Like nearly all his predecessors since Aelian, he adopted an alphabetical arrangement, though this was not too pedantically preserved, and did not hinder him from placing together the kinds of birds which he supposed (and generally supposed rightly) to have the most resemblance to that one whose name, being best known, was chosen for the headpiece (as it were) of his particular theme, thus recognizing to some extent the principle of classification.3 Belon, with perhaps less book-learning than his contemporary, was evidently no mean scholar, and undoubtedly had more practical knowledge of birds - their internal as well as external structure.
In 1889 the convicts were placed under the care of a supervisor of convicts, and in 1905 the law was amended so that one or more supervisors could be appointed at the will of the governors.
Starting with the three isomeric compounds, he found that one gave two tribrombenzenes, another gave three, while the third gave only one.
On the decease of the founder of the club, the members agreed to purchase a silver cup to be run for annually, and it was intended to pass from one to the other, like the whip at Newmarket, but before starting for it, in the year 1792, it was decided that the winner of the cup should keep it and that one should be annually purchased to be run for in November.
Thomas Moore, who warmly eulogizes Emmet, with whom he was a student at Trinity College, records that one day when he was playing on the piano the melody "Let Erin remember," Emmet started up exclaiming passionately, "Oh, that I were at the head of 20,000 men marching to that air!"
This last number exemplifies the fact that one signed real number, such as o, may be correlated to many of the n cardinals, such as 2.
This unity of the man in his work makes it difficult, for one who knew him, to be sure that one rightly gauges the purely literary significance of the latter.
It follows, too, that when there is a number of substances, all essential for the elaboration of living material, and when one of these is present in minimal proportion, that one substance rules the production, just as the effective strength of a chain depends on the weakest link.
Perfectly pure distilled sea-water dissociates, to an infinitesimal degree, into hydrogen (H) and hydroxyl (HO) ions, so that one litre of such water contains 1 X 10 7, or 1 part of a gram-molecule of either hydr010,000,000 gen or hydroxyl (a gramme-molecule of hydrogen is 2 grammes, or of hydroxyl 17 grammes).
The only place of this name we know is Daventry, but it seems more probable that Patrick's home is to be sought near the Severn, and Rhys conjectures that one of the three places called Banwen in Glamorganshire may be intended.
Rhyolitic lavas frequently are more or less vitreous, and when the glassy matter greatly predominates and the; crystals are few and inconspicuous the rock becomes an obsidian; the chemical composition is essentially the same as that of granite; the difference in the physical condition of the two rocks is due to the fact that one consolidated at the surface, rapidly and under low pressures, while the other cooled slowly at great depths and under such pressures that the escape of the steam and other gases it contained was greatly impeded.
In simple substances like potassium chloride it seems evident that one kind of dissociation only is possible.
This notion is fundamental in the present theory because we will find that one of the most valuable artifices for finding invariants of a single quantic is first to find simultaneous invariants of several different quantics, and subsequently to make all the quantics identical.
Therefore every form of degree 2, except of course that one whose weight is zero, is a perpetuant.
But that one step, from the abstract to the concrete, was precisely that which the character of Lagrange's mind indisposed him to make.
It could not escape notice that one and the same symbol, such as -1 (a - b), or even (a - b), sometimes did and sometimes did not admit of arithmetical interpretation, according to the values attributed to the letters involved.
It soon became evident that one course, and one only, lay open to President Kruger if he desired to avert a catastrophe.
The two thousand odd rifles which had been distributed among the Uitlanders were then given up. With regard to the inducements to this step urged upon the reform committee by the high commissioner, it is only necessary to say with reference to the first that the grievances never were considered, and with reference to the second it subsequently appeared that one of the conditions of the surrender of Jameson's force at Doornkop was that the lives of the men should be spared.
Certainly, however, in historical times the division holds good, and it is worthy of remark that one of the points about the northern barbarians which struck the ancient Greeks and Romans most forcibly was the fact that they wore trousers.
There seems to be little doubt, notwithstanding, that one of the chief functions of the nerve cell is that of the propagation of a trophicj influence along its axon.
It consists in an unequal number of chromosomes passing over to each of the daughter nuclei, so that one may become hypochromatic, the other hyperchromatic. When this happens the resulting cleavage of the cytoplasm and nucleus is also unequal.
It is said that one of Zaleucus's laws forbade a citizen, under penalty of death, to enter the senate-house bearing a weapon.
Battles and scenes of destruction are so fully described in other instances that one must believe that when nothing is related nothing special occurred.
The walled city of London was a distinct political unit, although it owed a certain allegiance to that one of the kingdoms around it which was the most powerful for the time being.
Such is their fecundity that it has been asserted that one female (probably of P. vestimenti) may in eight weeks produce five thousand descendants.
From the Dorah to the Khawak pass (or group of passes, for it is seldom that one line of approach only is to be found across the Hindu Kush), which is between i i,000 and 12,000 ft.
The most plausible explanation of this is that one or more masses of matter move around the sun, whose action, whether they are inside or outside the orbit of Mercury, would produce the required modification in the force.
The explanation of these recurring phenomena is that a great cloud or distended stream of meteors revolves around the sun in a period of 331years, and that one portion of the elliptical orbit intersects that of the earth.
The minaret, notwithstanding that one side and parts of two other sides have perished, is one of the finest mosque towers in existence.
Early in 1847 it was announced that one of the two members for the university of Oxford intended to retire at the general election, and Gladstone was proposed for the vacant seat.
Originally, the story of Perceval was of the character of a folk-tale, and that one of remarkable importance and world-wide diffusion.
On the whole, the Hebrew statement of the successive stages of creation corresponds so nearly to that in the Babylonian epic that we are bound to assume that one has been influenced by the other.
The fountain Pirene, "behind the temple," still exists, but so much earth has accumulated about it that one now approaches it by going down a ladder.
The water is so crystal clear that one inadvertently steps into it.
We cannot help objecting that one who was so powerful could have been kindlier and sounder if he willed.
The most important part, however, which this type of instrument seems to have played in the history of astronomy arises from the fact that one of them was in the possession of Bessel at Konigsberg during the time when his new observatory there was being built.
One drum is usually fixed to the shaft, while the other is loose, with a screw link or other means of coupling, in order to be able to adjust the two ropes to exactly the same length, so that one cage may be at the surface when the other is at the bottom, without having to pay out or take up any slack rope by the engine.
Speaking loosely, we may say that there is a probability P/(P+p), amounting to certainty in the limit, that one of these systems, selected at random, will be in the normal state after a sufficient time has elapsed.
Mayow perceived the similarity of the processes of respiration and combustion, and showed that one constituent of the atmosphere, which he termed spiritus nitro-aereus, was essential to combustion and life, and that the second constituent, which he termed spiritus nitri acidi, inhibited combustion and life.
Garrick was surrounded by many players of eminence, and he had the art, as he was told by Mrs Clive, " of contradicting the proverb that one cannot make bricks without straw, by doing what is infinitely more difficult, making actors and actresses without genius."
Even at this time he had religious doubts; it is interesting in view of his later work that one cause of his perplexities was the difficulty of ascertaining the true reading of certain passages in the Greek New Testament.
Every one knows that one at least of these older books, The German Theology, was a great favourite of Luther's; but there are many more in Hasak's collection which breathe the same spirit of piety and spiritual emulation.
The laws of the Carolingian empire provided that one excom municated by the Church who did not make his peace p within a year and a day should be outlawed, and this general principle was not lost sight of.
The inconsistency of selling funeral requisites in the temple of Libitina, seeing that she is identified with Venus, is explained by him as indicating that one and the same goddess presides over birth and death; or the association of such things with the goddess of love and pleasure is intended to show that death is not a calamity, but rather a consummation to be desired.
Some who saw it report the act to the Pharisees; the Sanhedrim meets, Caiaphas declares that one man must die for the people, and henceforward they ceaselessly plan His death.
The two forks are fixed so that one vibrates in a vertical, and the other in a horizontal, plane, and they are so placed that a converging beam of light received on one mirror is reflected to the other and then brought to a point on a screen.
If the two interfering waves, being still of same length X, be in opposite phases, or sõ that one is in advance of the other by 2X, and consequently one produces in the air the opposite state of motion to the other, then the resultant wave is one of the same length X, but the excursions of the particles are decreased, being the difference between those due to the component waves as in fig.
And in reality it would be difficult to account for this feature except on the supposition that one who had lived through the events had been accustomed, when required to give a comprehensive sketch of the history of the ministry and sufferings of Jesus, to relate the facts in the main as they happened; and that a hearer of his has to a considerable extent reproduced them in the same order.
But the verdict was looked upon with suspicion, and it was known for a fact that one of the jurymen had received a large sum of money for distribution amongst his colleagues.
But just as quickly as they showed themselves ready to do this, did they also always break their promises, so that one could not really say which of these two courses may truly have been easier to them, and from the beginning of the war scarcely a year passed without bringing such change of mind."
It must excite our surprise that one who used his pen so freely should have escaped the pains and penalties which invariably overtook minor offenders in the same kind.
He described their speeches and proceedings, caricatured their motives, denounced the exercise of the right of private judgment, and set forth the divine right of bishops in such strong language that one of the queen's councillors held it to amount to a threat against the supremacy of the crown.
Casimir the Great even tried to make municipal government as democratic as possible by enacting that one half of the town council of Cracow should be elected from the civic patriciate, but the other half from the commonalty.
It must, however, be noted that one class of the measures taken to punish the old governing part of the population of Poland has been very favourable to the majority.
The English version, taken from the account by Joseph Livesey in the Staunch Teetotaler, January 1867, is that one Richard Turner, a Preston artisan and popular temperance speaker, declared at a meeting about 1833, that "nothing but tee-teetotal would do."
But there is also a greater degree of similarity between them than can be explained by accidental coincidence, and there is thus an a priori case for the theory that one of the two is a revision of the other, or that there was an older version, now lost, which was the original of both.
It shows so much mastery that one is compelled to believe that Raibolini must before then have practised painting for some few years.
In the ancient world there was only one Western theologian who came directly under the influence of Neoplatonism; but that one is Augustine, the most important of them all.
Since about 1866, spurred on by the consciousness that one of their own race, Benito Juarez, had risen to the highest positions in the gift of the country, they have taken greater interest in public affairs and are.
The principal palace of Mexico consisted of hundreds of rooms ranged round three open squares, of such extent that one of the companions of Cortes records having four times wandered about till he was tired, without seeing the whole.
In later years, between 1536 and 1550, numerous editions of Tyndale's New Testament were printed, twenty-one of which have been enumerated and fully described by Francis Fry.9 " The history of our English Bible begins with the work of Tyndale and not with that of Wycliffe," says Dr Westcott in his History of the English Bible, p. 316, and it is true that one of the most striking features of the work of Tyndale is its independence.
Tradition says that one of the Gnostic sects known as the Ophites caused a tame serpent to coil round the sacramental bread and worshipped it as the representative of the Saviour.
But as early as 558 in Gaul the bread was arranged on the altar in the form of a man, so that one believer ate his eye, another his ear, a third his hand, and so on, according to their respective merits!
It is possible that one brother may be a Hindu, while another is a true Sikh.
Halley added in his edition (1710) a restoration of Book viii., in which he was guided by the fact that Pappus gives lemmas "to the seventh and eighth books" under that one heading, as well as by the statement of Apollonius himself that the use of the seventh book was illustrated by the problems solved in the eighth.
The temperature depends largely, of course, on altitude, so that one may quickly pass from perpetual snow above 8000 ft.
In this role he slays monsters, the boar Twrch Trwyth, the giant of Mont St Michel and the Demon Cat of Losanne (Andre de Coutances tells us that Arthur was really vanquished and carried off by the Cat, but that one durst not tell that tale before Britons!).
As long as even the meagre realism of the Kantian thing in itself is maintained, the account of there being one sun is simply that one thing causes different phenomena in different minds.
According to Lotze, the connexion required by reciprocity requires also that the whole of every reciprocal action should take place within one substance; the immaterial elements act on one another merely, as the modifications of that substance interacting within itself; and that one substance is God, who thus becomes not merely the primary but the sole cause, in scholastic language a causa immanens, or agent of acts remaining within the agent's being.
Finally, he supposed that one spirit is in another, and all in the highest spirit, God.
Nevertheless he believes that, when we can apply measures to the combination of empirical appearances, then we can apply the logical principle as causal law to this combination, and say that one appearance is the cause of another, thus adding a notion of causality not contained in the actual observations, but specializing the general notion of causality.
He preached to crowded congregations, and, when Lord Shelburne acceded to power, not only was he offered the post of private secretary to the premier, but it is said that one of the paragraphs in the king's speech was suggested by him and even inserted in his words.
Then there is the group of serins (Serinus), to which the canary belongs, that one is in doubt whether to refer to the vicinity of the greenfinches or that of the redpolls.
The possibility that it had been brought to England by Cabot or some of his successors earlier in the century is not to be overlooked, and reasons will presently be assigned for supposing that one of the breeds of English turkeys may have had a northern origin;' but the of tenquoted distich first given in Baker's Chronicle (p. 298), asserting that turkeys came into England in the same year - and that year by reputation 2524 - as carps, pickerels and other commodities, is wholly untrustworthy, for we know that both these fishes lived in the country long before, if indeed they were not indigenous to it.
It is obvious that one who spent all his time in reading and in writing,.
It need only be stated here that in 1899 Kabarega was captured by the British and deported to the Seychelles, and that one of his sons (Yosia, a minor) was subsequently recognized as chief in his place, though with very restricted powers, the province being virtually administered directly by the British government.
It is true that other religions have been called missionary religions, and that one of them long held first place in the religious census of mankind.
But it is not necessary that one unvarying range of temperature should be kept up at whatever pains or risk.
The old-fashioned stereotyped flower garden that one met with almost everywhere is rapidly becoming a thing of the past, and grounds are now laid out more in accordance with their natural disposition, their climatic conditions and their suitability for certain kinds of plants.
This did in a certain measure reconcile the political parties, but did not reconcile the army, which, already dissatisfied with the king's marriage, became still more so at the rumours that one of the two unpopular brothers of Queen Draga, Lieutenant Nicodiye, was to be proclaimed heirapparent to the throne.
It is therefore very improper that one man should be considered fit to discharge the duties of both, and that by this means the ecclesiastical order should interfere with the monastic life, and the rule of the monastic life in turn interfere with the interests of the churches."
But while he openly declares religion to be "strange to common sense," the practical result at which Charron arrives is that one is not to sit in judgment on his faith, but to be "simple and obedient," and to allow himself to be led by public authority.
Frankland, when in 1858 Kekule published a paper in which, after giving reasons for regarding carbon as a tetravalent element, he set forth the essential features of his famous doctrine of the linking of atoms. He explained that in substances containing several carbon atoms it must be assumed that some of the affinities of each carbon atom are bound by the affinities of the atoms of other elements contained in the substance, and some by an equal number of the affinities of the other carbon atoms. The simplest case is when two carbon atoms are combined so that one affinity of the one is tied to one affinity of the other; two, therefore, of the affinities of the two atoms are occupied in keeping the two atoms together, and only the remaining six are available for atoms of other elements.
Fish are caught in great numbers in the rivers and marshes, chiefly barbel and carp, and the latter attain so great a size that one is a sufficient load for an ass.
He was himself a Tory, not from rational conviction - for his serious opinion was that one form of government was just as good or as bad as another - but from mere passion, such as inflamed the Capulets against the Montagues, or the Blues of the Roman circus against the Greens.
One scribbler abused Johnson for being blear-eyed, another for being a pensioner; a third informed the world that one of the doctor's uncles had been convicted of felony in Scotland, and had found that there was in that country one tree capable of supportin the weight of an Englishman.
Lysias lifted up his voice to denounce Dionysius as, next to Artaxerxes, the worst enemy of Hellas, and to impress upon the assembled Greeks that one of their foremost duties was to deliver Sicily from a hateful oppression.
During the night following the interment, called the Night of Desolation, or that of Solitude, the soul being believed to remain with the body that one night, fikis are engaged at the house of the deceased to recite various portions of the Koran, and, commonly, to repeat the first clause of the profession of the faith, There is no God but God, three thousand times.
There is probably a superstitious reason for the preference shown by the dead for offerings of this kind; no wish is commoner than that one may receive bread and beer that had gone up on to the altar of the local god, or with which the god had been sated; something of the divine sanctity still clung about such offerings and made them particularly desirable.
The mould was single, so that one side of the tool was the open face of metal.
Petrie considers that one of the kings buried at Abydos, provisionally called Nar-mer and whose real name may be Mer or Beza, preceded Menes; of him there are several inscribed records, notably a magnificent carved and inscribed remembered that even Manetho attributes to him ninety-four years; its length probably caused the ruin of the dynasty.
We know that one idea suggests another, and that volitional movements are the outcome of ideation.
But we must bear in mind that one very important consequence of the Viking raids was to annihilate the geographical remoteness which had hitherto separated Denmark from the Christian world.
This sweet song of Schack von Staffeldt's, however, was early silenced by the louder choir that one by one broke into music around him.
It is on such principles as these that one could proceed to a general pacification, and give birth to a league of which the stipulations would form, so to speak, a new code of the law of nations, which, sanctioned by the greater part of the nations of Europe, would without difficulty become the immutable rule of the cabinets, while those who should try to infringe it would risk bringing upon themselves the forces of the new union."
It must be remembered that one of the great advantages of concrete is that five-sixths of its total mass may be provided from local sand and gravel, on which no carriage has to be paid.
If, however, a series of leaves from the same tree be examined in pairs, the fact that one leaf from the tree is known to possess an abnormal number of veins makes it probable that the next leaf chosen from the same tree will also be abnormal-or, in other words, the fact that leaves are borne by the same tree establishes a correlation between them.
The evidence that the correlation between sexually produced brethren is the same as that existing between the asexually repeated organs on an individual body renders it impossible to accept Weismann's view that one of the results produced by the differentiation of animals and plants into two sexes is an increase in the variability of their offspring.
It seems simple, almost jejune; so thin and weak that one wonders how it can have formed the foundation for a system so mighty in its historical results.
Of the two chief methods of working bronze, gold and silver, it is probable that the hammer process was first practised, at least for statues, among the Greeks, who themselves attributed the invention of the art of hollow casting to Theodorus and Rhoecus, both Samian sculptors, about the middle of the 6th century B.C. Pausanias specially mentions that one of the oldest statues he had ever seen was a large figure of Zeus in Sparta, made of hammered bronze plates riveted together.
First, Socrates, whilst he conceived that the physicists had mistaken the field of inquiry, absolute truth being unattainable, maintained, as has been seen, that one opinion was better than another, and that consistency of opinion, resulting in consistency of action, was the end which the human intellect properly proposes to itself.
Snipe (Gallinago coelestis) abound at certain seasons, in such numbers that one gun has been known to make a bag of one hundred brace in a day.
It is calculated that an Indian power-loom weaver working 72 hours a week can turn out 70 lb of cloth, while a European working 54 hours can turn out 468 lb, and that one Lancashire weaver can do the work of six Indian power-loom weavers and nine hand-loom weavers.
His life was often in danger, but his ready wit always saved it, and it was said that one bon mot would preserve him for a month.
Stars of the class to which the Algol type of variables belongs will appear to us to vary only in the exceptional case when the plane of the orbit passes so near our sun that one body appears to pass over the other and so causes an eclipse.
In the East the freedom of the will was so insisted on, that one may regard Greek theology as essentially Pelagian.
This is apparent from the fact that one of the conditions of peace proposed by Abdalmalik before the battle of Dair al-Jamajim had been that henceforth the Irakian troops should be paid equally with the Syrian.
So severe indeed was the discipline he exercised, that one of the chief missionaries, who by a secret warning had rendered possible the escape of Nasr from Merv, paid for it with his life.
The obligations of downright villeins became to that degree settled and regular that one of the ordinary designations of the class was custumarii.
Analogical inference requires that one particular is similar to another, induction that a whole number or class is similar to its particular instances, deduction that each particular is similar to the whole number or class.
The real point is their interdependence, which is so intimate that one sign of great philosophy is a consistent metaphysics, psychology and logic. If the world of things is known to be partly material and partly mental, then the mind must have powers of sense and inference enabling it to know these things, and there must be processes of inference carrying us from and beyond the sensible to the insensible world of matter and mind.
In the second place, it is in the form in which it was raised in connexion with the individualistic theory of perception with which the Stoics started, that one question of fundamental importance, viz.
He accepts an ultimate antinomy as to the finiteness or infinity of " the unconditioned," yet applies the law of the excluded middle to insist that one of the two alternatives must be true, wherefore we must make the choice.
Argand had been led to deny that such an expression as i 2 could be expressed in the form A+Bi, - although, as is well known, Euler showed that one of its values is a real quantity, the exponential function of --7112.
In another research dealing with the nature of alum he showed that one of the constituents of that substance, alumina, is contained in common clay, and further that the salt cannot be prepared by the action of sulphuric acid on alumina alone, the addition of an alkali being necessary.
Sometimes the long life of the serpent and its habit of changing the skin suggested ideas of immortality and resurrection, and it is noteworthy that one Indian snake-festival occurs after or at the sloughing, when the sacred being is thus supposed to become purified.'
The German government asserted that one of its consuls had been insulted, and demanded an indemnity of $30,000 (about L2800), a demand to which Nicaragua only submitted after all her principal ports had been blockaded.
It is not to be supposed that one of these great geologists was necessarily in the wrong; each had right on his side.
We first suppose that one point 0 of the body is fixed, and take this as the origin of a right-handed system of rectangular co-ordinates; i.e.
Again, the normal pressure between two surfaces disappears from the equation, provided the displacements be such that one of these surfaces merely slides relatively to the other.
Again, if the displacements be such that one curved surface rolls without sliding on another the reaction, whether normal or tangential, at the point of contact may be ignored.
For suppose as before that one of the bars is removed.
To obviate the unsteadiness of motion which this tends to cause, the shafts are provided with a second set of cranks at right angles to the first, connected by means of a similar coupling-rod, so that one set of cranks pass their dead points at the instant when the other set are farthest from theirs.
It is seldcm that one of these effects is produced without at the same time producing the other; but the classification of Willis depends upon which of those two effects, even supposing them to occur together, is the practical object of the mechanism.
F = T1 Ti = T1 (I ef9) Ta(ef 1)j When a belt connecting a pair of pulleys has the tensions of its two sides originally equal, the pulleys being at rest, and when the pulleys are next set in motion, so that one of them drives the other by means of the belt, it is found that the advancing side of the belt is exactly as much tightened as the returning side is slackened, so that the mean tension remains unchanged.
We may likewise conclude that this conflict performs circles round the wire, for without this condition it seems impossible that one part of the wire when placed below the magnetic needle should drive its pole to the east, and when placed above it, to the west."
Maxwell saw that it was unphilosophical to assume a multiplicity of ethers or media until it had been proved that one would not fulfil all the requirements.
If, however, we are to attach weight to English writers of the latter half of the 17th century, we shall find that one of Bacon's greatest achievements was the impetus given by his New Atlantis to the foundation of the Royal Society.
Louvois (March 26, 1670) refers to a report that one of Fouquet's valets - there was constant trouble about them - had spoken to Dauger, who asked to be left in peace, and he emphasizes the importance of there being no communication.
It is maintained that one or other of these mixtures is absolutely necessary to enable Europeans to continue long to flourish in the tropics.
He died on the 24th of November 1572, and at his funeral in St Giles' Churchyard the new Regent Morton, speaking under the hostile guns of the castle, expressed the first surprise of those around as they looked back on that stormy life, that one who had "neither flattered nor feared any flesh" had now "ended his days in peace and honour."
Almost the only positive clue we hold to the date of these poems is the fact that one of the most characteristic of them, " Engelbrekt," was written by Thomas, bishop of Strengnas, who died in 1443.
It is a curious commentary on the theories of Duns Scotus that one pupil, Francis, should have taken this course, while another pupil, Occam, should have used his arguments in a diametrically opposite direction and ended in extreme Nominalism.
We are thus led to the important conclusion that according to this hypothesis Neumann's triangle is necessarily imaginary, that one of three fluids will always spread upon the interface of the other two.
If the initial disturbances are small enough, that one is ultimately preponderant for which the measure of instability is greatest.
The same lesson emerges when we note that one such apostolic "pillar" stood outside the Twelve altogether, viz.
Lafar has stated that 20% of the cows in Germany suffer from tuberculosis, which also affected 17.7% of the cattle slaughtered in Copenhagen between 1891 and 1893, and that one in every thirteen samples of milk examined in Paris, and one in every nineteen in Washington, contained tubercle bacilli.
But Catiline's hopes were again disappointed; once more he failed to obtain the consulship (64); and, moreover, it soon became apparent that one of the new consuls, Cicero, was mysteriously able to thwart all the schemes of the conspirators.
But the definite description of Gargantua in the title as "Pere de Pantagruel," the omission of the words "second livre" in the title of the first book of Pantagruel while the second and third are duly entitled "tiers" and "quart," the remarkable fact that one of the most important personages, Friar John, is absent from book ii., the first of Pantagruel, though he appears in book i.
It is inconceivable that one of the Twelve should have proceeded in this way in giving an account of Christ's ministry.
Moreover, when he had learned that the duke had parted with New Jersey he convinced him that it was a great loss, and in the effort to save what was possible, Staten Island was taken from the proprietors on the plea that one arm of the Hudson flowed along its western border.
Recent observations, however, make it very doubtful whether aquatic Crustacea can hear at all, in the proper sense of the term, and it has been shown that one function, at least, of the so-called otocysts is connected with the equilibration of the body.
The land under their rule gradually increased in size, and it is said that the name of Reuss was applied to it owing to the fact that one of its princes married a Russian princess, their son being called "der Russe," or the Russian.
Henceforth the Jewish past, - that one path back to the beginning of the world, - was marked out by the absolute laws of mathematics and revelation.
From experiments made with this model, Penaud calculates that one horse-power would elevate and support 85 lb.
They are the highest points that one meets in travelling from Skagway along the course of the Yukon to Bering Sea.
It is addressed to Diophantus and conveys a moral, that one should work and not dream, illustrated by the story of an old fisherman who dreams that he has caught a fish of gold and narrates his vision to his mate.
Short spikes may fall from the culm as a whole; or the axis of a spike or raceme is jointed so that one spikelet falls with each joint as in many Andropogoneae and Hordeae.
Abbot at Mount Wilson, with instruments and methods in which Langley's experience is embodied, has reduced it greatly, having proved that one of Langley's corrections was erroneously applied.
The fact that one of the characters jumps on another's back, and the rather promiscuous kissing which takes place, are nothing to the liberties usually taken in contemporary plays.
It was probably forgotten at the time (though Lord Kimberley afterwards publicly stated it) that one of the chief reasons why the Gladstone government had granted the retrocession of the Transvaal after Majuba, was the fear that the Cape Colonial Dutch would join their kinsmen if the war continued.
The belts are moved laterally by the forks of a striking gear pressing on the advancing sides of the belts, and the pulleys are arranged so that the belts either wrap round the loose pulleys, or can be shifted so that one wraps round a fixed pulley, while the other still remains on its loose pulley.
Semon called this stage the Pentactula, and supposed that, in its early history, the class had passed through a similar stage, which he called the Pentactaea, and regarded as the ancestor of all Echinoderms. It has since been proved that the five tentacles with their canals are interradial, so that one can scarcely look on the Pentactula as a primitive stage, while the apparent simplicity of the Synaptidae, at least as compared with other holothurians, is now believed to be the result of regressive vlu.
The resemblance of the flooring-plates to the ambulacral ossicles of a starfish is so exact that one can explain it only by supposing similar relations of the water-canals and their branches (podia).
But the first had grown weaker as the custom arose of dividing family estates between brothers, on the principle that one should take the Norman, the other the English parts of a paternal heritage.
There is an ancient tradition of the savages of the vicinity that one of their gods descending the Maranon and another ascending the Amazon to communicate with him, they opened the pass called the Pongo de Manseriche.
The air is so clear that one can see from the Acropolis the lines of white marble that streak the sides of Pentelicus.
However strange it may seem, we have to suppose that one by one in the course of long historical evolution somites have passed forwards and the mouth has passed backwards.
Turning from our knowledge of Spirit to our knowledge of Matter, nearly all that one can affirm or deny about " things external is," according to Locke, not knowledge but venture n or pre- Knowledge sumptive trust.
An instance of this is given in the Philosophical Transactions (1768), where it is stated that one seedling plant in the Cambridge botanic garden was divided into eighteen parts, each of which was replanted and subsequently again divided, till it produced sixty-seven plants in one season.
If this be true it follows that one of the chief function of ethics must be criticism of mistaken attempts to find a criterion of morality superior to the pronouncements of the moral consciousness itself.
They faintly suggested that one or two moral heroes of old time might have realized the ideal, but they admitted that all other philosophers (even) were merely in a state of progress towards it.
Such are the evangelical principle of " doing as you would be done by the principle of justice, or " giving every man his own, and letting him enjoy it without interference "; and especially what More states as the abstract formula of benevolence, that " if it be good that one man should be supplied with the means of living well and happily, it is mathematically certain that it is doubly good that two should be so supplied, and so on."
With regard to the bacillary type, at first both organisms were considered to be identical, and the name bacillus dysenteriae was given to them; but later it was shown that these bacilli are different, both in regard to their cultural characteristics and also in that one (Shiga) gives out a soluble toxin, whilst the other has so far resisted all efforts to discover it.
All appointments to the senate and to fellowships were made on the principle that one half of those appointed should be Roman Catholics and the other half Protestants; and in such subjects as history and philosophy there were two courses of study prescribed, one for Roman Catholics and the other for Protestants.
He made a strenuous effort to found a university in Dublin, and proposed to endow it with the revenues of St Patrick's, reasonably arguing that one cathedral was enough for any city.
In order to isolate a polarized pencil of rays with a rhomb of Iceland spar, it is necessary to have a crystal of such a thickness that the emergent streams are separated, so that one may be stopped by a screen.
Lord Rayleigh has pointed out that all theories are defective in that they disregard the fact that one at least of the media is dispersive, and that it is probable that finite reflection would result at the interface of media of different dispersive powers, even in the case of waves for which the refractive indices are absolutely the same.
It is said with probability that one of the early kings of Aragon, Peter I., could write no other letters than the Arabic. The Mozrabes were treated under the kings of the recunquest as separate bodies with their own judges and law, which they had been allowed to keep by the Moslem rulers.
It is possible that one reason why most of the attempts to add new species to the list of our domestic animals in modern times have ended in failure is that it does not answer to do so in cases in which existing species supply all the principal purposes to which the new ones might be put.
From this formula it follows, for example, that one obtains a system of a in.
All these reactions take place concurrently, so that one molecule of a diglyceride may still retain its ephemeral existence, whilst another molecule is already broken up completely into free fatty acids and glycerin.
A battery of vessels is so arranged that one vessel can always be made the last of the series to discharge finished meal and to be recharged with fresh meal, so that the process is practically a continuous one.
It has been suggested that one at least of the flowers, that originally described by Mr Carruthers from the Inferior Oolite of Yorkshire as Beania gracilis, may have been borne by a member of the Ginkgoales.
The specimens are very fragmentary, and all that can be said is that one of the forms may be allied to oak, another to fig, a third to Sapindus, and the fourth may perhaps be near to elm.
So large a proportion of the trees still belongs to the flora of North America that one is apt to overlook the fact that among the more specialized plants some of the largest American orders, such as the Compositae, are still missing from strata belonging to the Cretaceous period.
He'd also been anonymously voted least popular by a disgruntled Guardian on their online discussion boards, and he was about 99 percent sure Jule was leading the pack on that one as his latest attempt to win some bet with Damian about their diverse leadership styles.
The concept of Death being humanlike in form, that she was permanently bound to him… "Nope. Can't handle that one yet," she said, grinding her teeth.
He could answer that one without any effort—he hadn't decided.
Xander said he spoke to the Oracle, and the Oracle confirmed that one world would die.
Whether he actually wanted that one was debatable, but he certainly acted pleased with it.
How very desolate must that one be.
Suggesting CBMs has become so axiomatic of conventional wisdom in situations of perplexity that one hesitates to follow such a well-trodden path.
Interesting to note that one contributor believes that nine more years and we'll turn into a truly barbaric country.
I know he knows the truth, but he knows it with a biased mind that one day must remove the blinkers it wears!
Results of dot blot and RT-PCR showed that one of the six samples was positive for HSVd.
The spoken word is kept to an absolute minimum, defying the usual cacophony that one is used to within the Hollywood mainstream.
He claims that one of his distinctions at school was that he was once called a cad by the Headmaster.
It also finds that one in three companies expect to reduce capital expenditure in 2003.
Some would argue that the pool of resources for equal division should also include the capital stock that one generation inherits from past generations.
You must then ensure that one document accompanies each consignment.
They passed electric current through them and, much to their amazement, found that one shone.
I prefer an alternative derivation from Latin " rem legere " meaning the " right thing " that one has to choose.
In addition to the 10 miners originally entombed it is feared that one of the rescue parties has perished.
The dust board allowed this in the same sort of way that one can use a blackboard, chalk and a blackboard eraser.
Neither stick has a ferrule, nor any indication that one was ever fitted.
The sniper rifle is dead accurate too, meaning that one shot in the head is enough to kill almost any foe.
There are some misguided fools who imagine that one can achieve spiritual excellence without adhering to the Sunna.
A technology futurist might argue that one of the micropayment schemes from the 1960's is going to be set up real soon now.
We showed that one or more proteins encoded by gene 1 of infectious (IB) virus have a dominant impact on pathogenicity.
Hal's theory, which he practiced on others, was that one must get hardened.
What sets modern hedonism apart from the traditional hedonist is the degree of control that one has over pleasure felt.
According to William, Athelstan's alleged illegitimacy was the grounds that one Alfred used in an attempt to prevent Athelstan being crowned.
In Russia, for example, the high abortion rate has been blamed for the fact that one in five couples are now infertile.
By claiming that one of those moments earlier nolan project infinity.
In promoting an internationalism, I feel that one should be wary of ignoring responsibilities in one's own backyard.
The contract states that one of my main task is to run Isis.
I hope it's that one of me in my stripey jumper.
She meant " co-operate " is that one of peter Kay 's?
But did you know that one of the best natural plant sources is lamb's lettuce?
We have heard that one reason for the wording in the Bill is due to reserved matters over which the Assembly has no control.
The source states simply that one of the great nobles had knighted him.
The knowledge that one will be caught is the most effective persuader.
Then she let another string go, I gently plucked that one.
It is unlikely that genetically modifying primates would ever provide that one vital difference between a treatment and none.
May need to enlist the help of the big pussycat for that one!
An important element in making historical bassoon reeds is the cane that one uses to construct the reed.
She had great scorn for the notion that one should be able to laugh at oneself.
The one at the top of the packet looked a bit skanky so I didn't plant that one.
I heard that one of my friends is gonna get a male stripper just for me.
The window outside is so deliciously tempting - I'll leave that one for you to discover!
Rafters restaurant, upstairs, is home to the door from the condemned cell that one formed part of Edinburgh's old tolbooth.
The problem was that one of the infra-red transmitters was not working.
From this it follows that one can, quite " reasonably, " opt to reject the trinity.
My sister said that one of her neighbor's cats brought an enormous wood pigeon in after forcing it through the cat flap.
And while you're figuring that one out, switch on your telly and watch some American wrestling.
Hadrian didn't do anything wrong, David was just that one step ahead.
It must not be held to imply that one nation imitates the course pursued by another, nor that the points of resemblance between them are transmitted by tradition from one to the other, but merely that all are subject to one law, inasmuch as this is based on the human nature common to all alike.
The focal length of the objective and the distance between the optical centre of the lens and the webs are so arranged that images of the divisions are formed in the plane of the webs, and the pitch of the screw is such that one division of the scale corresponds with some whole number of revolutions of the screw.
If we even stop for an instant to ask ourselves how a word ought to be spelled, the deeper we ponder that one word by itself the more hopeless grows the hesitation.
A few peasants of Lombardy still believe that one who has received extreme unction ought to be left to die, and that sick people may be starved to death through the withholding of food on superstitious grounds.
Since one horse was capable of doing the work required, Rumford remarked that one horse can generate heat as rapidly as nine wax candles burning in the ordinary manner.
The method of stating the rational constitution of bodies by comparison with water he believed capable of wide extension, and that one type, he thought, would suffice for all inorganic compounds, as well as for the best-known organic ones, the formula of water being taken in certain cases as doubled or tripled.
Nevertheless Napoleon ordered the preliminary agreement to be considered as a definitive treaty, and on the 2nd of April gave instructions that one of the refractory cardinals should be carried off secretly by night from Fontainebleau, while the pontiff was to be guarded more closely than before.
After that date the evidence goes strongly to show that one political dominion was spread for a brief period, or for two brief periods, over almost all the area (see later).
But not only is the combining power or valency (atomicity) of the elements different, it is also observed that one element may combine with another in several proportions, or that its valency may vary; for example, phosphorus forms two chlorides represented by the formulae PC1 3 and PC1 51 nitrogen the series of oxides represented by the formulae N 2 0, NO, (N203), N 2 O 4, N205, molybdenum forms the chlorides MoC1 2, MoC1 3, MoC1 4, MoC1 5, MoCls(?), and tungsten the chlorides WC1 2, WCl 4, WC1 5, WC16.
On the one hand, it may be said that one general theme - the salvation and final prosperity of the righteous - is visible throughout the work, that God is everywhere represented as the supreme moral governor of the world, and that the conception of immortality is found in both parts; the second part, though differing in form from the first, may be regarded as the historical illustration of the principles set forth in the latter.
By the Simony Act 1713 if any person shall for money, reward, gift, profit or advantage, or for any promise, agreement, grant, bond, covenant, or other assurance for any money, &c., take, procure or accept the next avoidance of or presentation to any benefice, dignity, prebend or living ecclesiastical, and shall be presented or collated thereupon, such presentation or collation and every admission, institution, investiture and induction upon the same shall be utterly void; and such agreement shall be deemed a simoniacal contract, and the queen may present for that one turn only; and the person so corruptly taking, &c., shall be adjudged disabled to have and enjoy the same benefice, &c., and shall be subject to any punishment limited by ecclesiastical law.
In this case the vines are usually planted so that one can be trained up under each rafter, or up the middle of the sash, the latter method being preferable.
Since then his apathetic successors have neglected to bring to light this splendid work; and it is only by knocking off some of the plaster that one can get a glimpse of the sculptures, which are perfect as on the day they were carved."
Dalton's idea that elements preferentially combined in equiatomic proportions had as an immediate inference that metallic oxides contained one atom of the metal to one atom of oxygen, and a simple expansion of this conception was that one atom of oxide combined with one atom of acid to form one atom of a neutral salt.
The account in the Book of Kings is so phrased that one might naturally infer from it that Sennacherib was assassinated by his sons immediately after his return from the disastrous campaign in Palestine; but in point of fact, as it now appears, the Assyrian king survived that campaign by twenty years.
If the two interfering waves, being still of same length X, be in opposite phases, or sõ that one is in advance of the other by 2X, and consequently one produces in the air the opposite state of motion to the other, then the resultant wave is one of the same length X, but the excursions of the particles are decreased, being the difference between those due to the component waves as in fig.
It is perhaps even more noteworthy that figures thought to be cherubs have been found at Zenjirli, within the ancient North Syrian kingdom of Ya'di (see Jeremias, Das Alte Testament im Lichte des Alten Orients, pp. 350 f.); we may combine this with the fact that one of the great gods of this kingdom was called Rakab'el or Rekub'el (also perhaps Rakab or Rekub).
Richard Head in his Life and Death of Mother Shipton (1684) says, "the body was of indifferent height, her head was long, with sharp fiery eyes, her nose of an incredible and unproportionate length, having many crooks and turnings, adorned with many strange pimples of divers colours, as red, blue and dirt, which like vapours of brimstone gave such a lustre to her affrighted spectators in the dead time of the night, that one of them confessed several times in my hearing that her nurse needed no other light to assist her in her duties" Allowing for the absurdity of this account, it certainly seems (if any reliance is to be placed on the so-called authorities) that the child was phenomenally plain and deformed.
It is probable that one explanation - namely, that of protection - covers all cases of ant-mimicry; and this explanation lies in all probability in the immunity from the attacks of most insectivorous enemies that ants enjoy, and especially from predaceous wasps of the family Pompilidae which annually destroy thousands upon thousands of spiders to feed their larvae; and since more than one observer has testified to the fear and abhorrence these wasps have of ants, it is needless to look farther for the benefit ant-mimicry is to spiders.
It follows, therefore, except for mechanical losses, that one charge of cryolite lasts indefinitely, that the sodium and other impurities in it are not liable to contaminate the product, and that only the alumina itself need be carefully purified.
As in the case of the casket letters, it is alleged that forgery was employed to interpolate sufficient evidence of Mary's complicity in a design of which it is thought credible that she was kept in ignorance by the traitors and murderers who had enrolled themselves in her service, - that one who pensioned the actual murderer of Murray and a would-be murderer of Elizabeth was incapable of approving what her keen and practised intelligence was too blunt and torpid to anticipate as inevitable and inseparable from the general design.
When, as in the case of eye bars, it is imperative that one part should differ materially in section from the rest, this part may be locally thickened or thinned, or a special part may here be welded on.
One of the most interesting phenomena of Egypt is the mirage, which is frequently seen both in the desert and in the waste tracts of uncultivated land near the Mediterranean; and it is often so truthful in its appearance that one finds it difficult to admit the illusion.
The chief monuments of the period - are certain inscribed tombs at Assifit; it appears that one of the kings, whose praenomen was Miker, supported by a fleet and army from Upper Egypt, and especially by the prince of Assiflt, was restored to his paternal city of Heracleopolis, from which he had probably been driven out; his pyramid, however, was built in the old royal necropolis at Memphis.
Thus by combined induction and identification we apprehend that one and one are the same as two, that there is no difference between a triangle and a three-sided rectilineal figure, that a whole must be greater than its part by being the whole, that inter-resisting bodies necessarily force one another apart, otherwise they would not be interresisting but occupy the same place at the same moment.
Its second premise is indeed merely a particular apprehension that one particular is similar to another, whereas the second premise of induction is a universal apprehension that a whole number of particulars is similar to those from which the inference starts; but at bottom these two apprehensions of similarity are so alike as to suggest that the universal premise of induction has arisen as a generalized analogy.
Faraday first succeeded by the simple but ingenious device of using a light magnetic needle tethered flexibly to the bottom of a cup containing mercury so that one pole of the magnet was just above the surface of the mercury.
He realized that one of the most potent factors in the Milner situation was the attitude of the Cape Dutch, and in March 1898 at Graaff Reinet Milner called upon the Dutch citizens of the Cape, " especially those who had gone so far in the expression of their sympathy for the Transvaal as to expose themselves to charges of disloyalty to their own flag " to use all their influence, not in confirming the Transvaal in unjustified suspicions, not in encouraging its government in obstinate resistance to all reform, but in inducing it gradually to assimilate its institutions, and the temper and spirit of its administration, to those of the free communities of South Africa, such as Cape Colony or the Orange Free State.
The lake is a novel and popular bathing resort, the specific gravity of the water being so great that one cannot sink or entirely submerge oneself.
The houses of the city were all made of glass, so clear and transparent that one could look through the walls as easily as through a window.
Give not the merchant nor the fishermen the prize; But give it to that one who is wisest of the wise.
All genetic conditions that one would reasonably wish to alter would also be altered.
When a person learns to do one job and specializes in that one job, she gets really good at it.
These laws provide recourse in the event that one citizen infringes on the rights of another.
It was very difficult to walk over, the ties were wide apart and so narrow that one felt as if one were walking on knives.
It is not necessary that one should be able to define every word and give it its principal parts and its grammatical position in the sentence in order to understand and appreciate a fine poem.
When I find my work particularly difficult and discouraging, she writes me letters that make me feel glad and brave; for she is one of those from whom we learn that one painful duty fulfilled makes the next plainer and easier.
It is, however, in her daily life that one can best measure the delicacy of her senses and her manual skill.
The time that one of Miss Keller's friends realizes most strongly that she is blind is when he comes on her suddenly in the dark and hears the rustle of her fingers across the page.
The finer traits of Miss Keller's character are so well known that one needs not say much about them.
When I came, her movements were so insistent that one always felt there was something unnatural and almost weird about her.
She noticed that one of the puppies was much smaller than the others, and she spelled "small," making the sign at the same time, and I said "very small."
On being told that she was white and that one of the servants was black, she concluded that all who occupied a similar menial position were of the same hue; and whenever I asked her the colour of a servant she would say "black."
She does not realize that one can be anything but kind-hearted and tender.
One morning she was greatly distressed by finding that one of the dogs had a block fastened to her collar.
It was hoped that one so peculiarly endowed by nature as Helen, would, if left entirely to her own resources, throw some light upon such psychological questions as were not exhaustively investigated by Dr. Howe; but their hopes were not to be realized.
This is like the effect of the slow dwelling on long words, not quite well managed, that one notices in a child who is telling a solemn story.
All use of language is imitative, and one's style is made up of all other styles that one has met.
While my townsmen and women are devoted in so many ways to the good of their fellows, I trust that one at least may be spared to other and less humane pursuits.
Perhaps it seemed to me that I had several more lives to live, and could not spare any more time for that one.
But that one word expressed an entreaty, a threat, and above all conviction that she would herself regret her words.
She had a fan in her hand that one of the ladies had given her to hold.
It had grown so dark that one could not distinguish the uniforms ten paces off, and the firing had begun to subside.
Prince Vasili gave him a look of stern inquiry, as though what Pierre had just said was so strange that one could not take it in.
Rostov got out of their way, involuntarily noticed that one of them was bleeding, and galloped on.
His looks thanked her for offering him his freedom and told her that one way or another he would never cease to love her, for that would be impossible.
I'd sleep a bit and then again go and kiss the relics, and there was such peace all around, such blessedness, that one don't want to come out, even into the light of heaven again.
The roof was so constructed that one could stand up in the middle of the trench and could even sit up on the beds if one drew close to the table.
To this he replied that one should not deprive a wife of one's embraces and gave me to understand that that was my duty.
Berg, closely buttoned up in his new uniform, sat beside his wife explaining to her that one always could and should be acquainted with people above one, because only then does one get satisfaction from acquaintances.
It goes without saying that one must be conscientious and methodical.
The light was so strong and the snow sparkled with so many stars that one did not wish to look up at the sky and the real stars were unnoticed.
To get better acquainted she asked that one of the young ladies should come into her box for the rest of the performance, and Natasha moved over to it.
But with that one nothing is spoiled.
The officer appeared abashed, as though he understood that one might think of how many men would be missing tomorrow but ought not to speak of it.
He saw the senior officer lying on the earth wall with his back turned as if he were examining something down below and that one of the soldiers he had noticed before was struggling forward shouting "Brothers!" and trying to free himself from some men who were holding him by the arm.
He did not sing like a trained singer who knows he is listened to, but like the birds, evidently giving vent to the sounds in the same way that one stretches oneself or walks about to get rid of stiffness, and the sounds were always high-pitched, mournful, delicate, and almost feminine, and his face at such times was very serious.
See what that one has behind in the cart....
There was within him a deep unexpressed conviction that all would be well, but that one must not trust to this and still less speak about it, but must only attend to one's own work.
Why didn't you bwing that one?
Sometimes the sky seemed to be rising high, high overhead, and then it seemed to sink so low that one could touch it with one's hand.
Now her face and body were often all that one saw, and her soul was not visible at all.
If in a thousand years even one man in a million could act freely, that is, as he chose, it is evident that one single free act of that man's in violation of the laws governing human action would destroy the possibility of the existence of any laws for the whole of humanity.
May need to enlist the help of the big pussycat for that one !
One felt sickened at the prospect of a suffering animal, but there was nothing in the best human circumstances that one could do.
The one at the top of the packet looked a bit skanky so I did n't plant that one.
I remember saying to Armstrong that one needed to stick pins into Maudling to get him to respond.
The window outside is so deliciously tempting - I'll leave that one for you to discover !
But the tenacity of that one man made it possible to fight on until finally the tide miraculously turned.
Not that one would have thought so from the tenor of the debate around that particular part of the Bill.
It is such a good story that one never tires of hearing about the king and all his women.
Rafters restaurant, upstairs, is home to the door from the condemned cell that one formed part of Edinburgh 's old Tolbooth.
From this it follows that one can, quite " reasonably, " opt to reject the Trinity.
It is trite law that one cannot take an advantage from one 's breach of contract.
The double glazing industry is unanimous in the opinion that one should never use linseed oil putty with dg units.
Senn suggests that one of the presuppositions of the seeker service is that unbelievers cannot worship God.
Yet this time, reversed - due to that one earlier evening, strongly underlining just how much they need each other.
I even spotted the stage hands whooping up the applause to that one.
My sister said that one of her neighbor 's cats brought an enormous wood pigeon in after forcing it through the cat flap.
And while you 're figuring that one out, switch on your telly and watch some American wrestling.
Hadrian did n't do anything wrong, David was just that one step ahead.
Suprisingly, research suggests that one of the best remedies for lack of productivitiy is self-empowerment.
You may find that it's easier to start out with a comforter set, baby accessory, or a simple blanket, and work your color scheme and décor pattern from that one item.
The Mayo Clinic reports that one probable cause may be the long QT syndrome.
Matters that once seemed so important to me became irrelevant-things like jewelry, designer clothes, sports cars, or the latest gadgets all seemed so useless and unnecessary when I knew that one morning, I might not wake up.
For example, the Churches of Christ believe that one must confess his or her belief publicly, then be baptized for the remission of sins before becoming a Christian.
In essence, this means that one family may wait only a few months, while another may wait several years.
It's hard to believe that one small human can demand so much stuff, but that's the way it is with babies.
It's always a good idea to check the couple's registry, as the items listed will be things that one or both of the individuals would like to own.
Do not assume that one single portfolio will work for all and every artwork, unless your artwork is very, very standardized.
People spend most of their money on a set of clubs hoping to find that one magical club that can win or lose a game.
If a GPS has the features you want, then go for that one.
If you decide that one specific model isn't for you, you won't have to look too hard to find another option.
Knowing how to buy a flat screen TV doesn't mean walking into the nearest electronics store, looking at the best picture on display and picking that one.
However, check with your state's dealer's license procedures and rules because that one state license is good for any wholesaler in that state.
Additionally, the Internet offers so much more variety that one store simply cannot provide.
New laptops--both in terms of recent models and unopened--are generally priced the same, if not competitively, so you don't have to worry that one Asus laptop will be hundreds cheaper somewhere else.
Under the “IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers” (or “SCSI and RAID Controllers” depending on the computer) just confirm that one of the listings says “SATA.” If it does, then the computer supports SSDs.
Three of my four cats seemed relatively un-phased by the change, but I noticed that one of my cats would mess with her ears, shake her head and was bothered when her ears were touched.
I hope your vet is able to diagnose the cause of the sneezing because I am fresh out of ideas on that one.
There is evidence that one booster will provide enough protection to cover an indoor cat for up to three years.
I was told by my vet that one out of three cats suffer a forl at some point in their lives, so all the more reason for you to try to start when your cat is young, and brush his or her teeth a minimum of at least two times a week.
A woman discovered two short-legged strays under her car and noticed that one of the kittens born from the strays had short legs as well.
It is a sad statement of current times that one of your duties as a pet owner is to periodically review the cat food recall list.
Statistics state that one in two workers will actually get the promotion and raise they request with the proper research and approach.
For example, if a person has family members living in Australia, an international phone card can be purchased that is only good for calling that one country.
Use all the additional funds you would have used to pay on the other loans toward that one debt.
You then owe money to that one single lender and you send a single monthly payment.
Hiring a lawyer can absolve the issue of non-disclosure, and eliminate a claim that one party was "taken advantage of."
This technique requires that one spouse speak at a time while the other spouse actively listens.
The fact that one partner has engaged in sexual activities with someone who is not his or her spouse is a serious issue.
A presumption is made that one spouse intended to gift the other with the funds or property in question.
If the couple owns a primary residence as well as a vacation property that are equal in value, the couple may agree that one person should keep the house and the other one will retain ownership of the vacation property.
The Court can make any determination that it considers to be fair, which may mean that one person gets nothing and the other one is awarded 100 percent of the marital property.
Every day that one parent is absent from the home is a time when they are not in contact with their children.
Parents understand that they no longer get along with each other or that one of them betrayed the other, which is the reason why they are dissolving the marriage.
The divorce settlement may direct that one person is responsible for paying a particular debt, but if that individual does not pay it, the creditor can come after the other spouse for payment.
Flip the cushions every now and then so that one side doesn't fade or break down faster than the other.
The point of a solar energy system is that one day you will recoup your initial investment.
There are so many helpful organic herbal remedies that one can be produced for almost any situation.
Scientists and researchers caution that one study is not enough from which to draw conclusion.
Your table - The shape of your table will be important when you are shopping for tablecloths and table runners of course, but that one is easy.
You may find that one really special item may be more expensive than purchasing three or four smaller items, but that one expensive item may also provide significantly more impact in the room.
Of course, consumers aren't foolish, and manufacturers know that one of the best ways to promote new products is to offer free samples.
Once I realized that one only needed a little here and there to enhance or change the appearance, I started to read all I could about the makeup industry.
Not only do its notes resound with a seeming inability to blend successfully, they seem practically incongruous - and it's only then that one begins to appreciate just how adventurous Parker really is.
The pigment is surprisingly rich and long lasting, which is quite a feat for a creamy product that one would expect to slide right off as the day wears on.
The company claims that one can expect these results no matter how sparse, brittle, short or thin your current lashes are.
The beauty with this set is that one end is a lip stain, and the other is a gloss.
Others merely use the Internet to augment their wardrobe with that one perfect item to fill out their closet.
A Cult of Mac review points out that one of the most appealing features is the fact that the cover has magnet designed to hold the Smart Cover open, describing it as "a rather more useful feature than you might think."
As easy as a zombie is to drink, I assure you that one too many of these tasty drinks will turn you into an extra from the Night of the Living Brain Dead.
Remembering that one of the primary goals is to seek a balance between what is eaten and how it is produced, farming and transportation issues are significant.
A teacher knows how to light that one special spark that makes each student shine.
If you find that one technique is not working for you, or you do not enjoy doing it, try another until you find several that are right for you.
A 2006 poll by found that one in every five U.S. teens -- 14 percent of girls and 24 percent of boys -- admits to using the Internet at least once to plagiarize information for school assignments.
It really is true that one man's trash is another man's treasure, and these treasures can cost a fraction of a new set of clothing.
But doesn't being in love mean that you don't love anyone else but that one person?
Trusting that one talk geared toward sex education for teens will keep them abstinent until their wedding night is an ignorant way of thinking.
If the company does both, consider which package will be cheaper and go with that one.
However, rather than gauging how popular a gift may be, there are certain factors that one can use to evaluate if a gift will be well received by a teen.
While the choice is certainly a personal decision with repercussions that one may not sometimes think of, there are often reasonable motives behind the decision.
In any size group of teens, you can almost be guaranteed that one or more are dealing with these issues.
A great way to save money for a big purchase is to create another savings account just to save for that one item.
After you subtract the total of needed things and your savings amount from your earnings, subtract another amount to save for that one item.
Victoria Boutenko found that those that stick with it are the ones that do not allow that one bite.
Marriage and relationship experts universally agree that one of the best ways to stay connected to your spouse and maintain a good relationship is to set aside uninterrupted time together.
From how to dress to what to bring, the magical solution to all etiquette issues is found in that one piece of paper that presents upcoming nuptials to your world.
Honestly, I love the material stuff, but it does nothing to make me happy except for that one second I have acquired whatever it is.
Everyone knows active alcoholics and have seen the devastation in their lives as a result of alcohol, and if I can be that one example on how it can work, then I have accomplished my goal.
However, it is important to note that one does not have to be a victim of abuse to develop anorexia.
If you find that one treatment isn't working well, you can always try another or combine treatments for optimal results.
Some people believe that one can never fully recover from an addiction.
Various studies show that one hour spent outside daily is beneficial for treating SAD symptoms.
A microfiber is a fiber strand that measures less that one denier.
Imagine that one cake is a tennis ball or baseball, and make two cuts in the cake in the places that the stitching or lines would be on those balls.
The jury is still out on that one because normally the skin would have patchy spots and Jackson's is smooth.
Among the many pregnancy Old Wives tales, there is that one about not telling anyone you are pregnant until after the first trimester for fear of losing the baby.
Initial reports also state that one of the victims had defensive wounds on their body in an attempt to fend off their attacker.
Many have stated that one of the most annoying participants in Celebrity Apprentice is "…amazing" when he's sober, though most of the rest of the world has its doubts.
Seems like Lil Wayne just made a new addition to his growing brood of children, when news breaks that one more is on the way.
Tequila really likes to joke about being pregnant (again, most sane people really can't figure that one out), back in May, she also claimed she was once again pregnant.
Thank the Lord that one was scripted and not reality.
Of course, sometimes you just have to splurge on that one perfect piece of clothing that you see, and instantly fall in love with.
While the first item that comes to mind that one might have monogrammed is perhaps towels, there is now a wide selection of monogrammed kids clothes offered on the market.
With brands like Columbia and Obermeyer, you can buy from this website with the complete assurance that one of these suits will protect your child from all of the winter elements.
Just because you don't see a scholarship for which you are eligible on this list, it doesn't mean that one doesn't exist.
It is the organization's goal to place a dog in a home that is well suited to its needs so that it may live out the rest of its life with that one final owner who will honor the commitment until the end.
I howled with laughter the first time I heard that one.
Any person with disabilities that can show that one of these amazing dogs will enhance their quality of life and provide them with significantly increased independence can apply.
This is another way that one dog communicates to another that he is playing too roughly.
It's unlikely that one plan will work perfectly in your garden.
One of the best free printable guitar chord chart sites that one can use is at found right here on LTK.
If you suspect something might be a bit off with one of the tabs you are using, try to find another free transcription and see if that one works better.
In fact, when most people hear Hurt for the first time, they can't believe that one man is making all that sound.
Chances are good that one of them will just jump out and let you know it's the one you want to take home.
The main difference is that one panel glides past the other to open.
A single handle kitchen faucet rotates so that one way provides hot water and the other direction provides cold water.
Once the large price range amongst granite countertops is narrowed down to one stone, you may discover that one fabricator is selling a stone for $75 a square foot installed while another sells it for $100 a square foot installed.
Free from damage - finding that one of a pair of earrings is damaged is very frustrating, particularly when they are an old favorite.
You might find that one isn't enough and start a collection.
Take your time in selecting that one piece of jewelry that makes the statement you want to convey about your faith or represents the perfect gift to celebrate a religious milestone.
You can find camo shirts in more than just t-shirt styles, though that one is a popular one.
This means that one can easily browse through all of the various styles of suits, in a way that is just as easy as flipping a page.
What's especially surprising about this message, and the clothing line, is that it has punk rock roots; not necessarily a musical genre that one typically associates with walking the straight and narrow path.
You may not think much of socks, believing, like many do, that one pair is as good as any other, but once you see the attention to detail and technically advanced features of this particular sock, you may be forced to change your opinion.
Do note that one brand's extra large size may differ dramatically from another's, so it's wise to try them on prior to purchasing, especially if it's a line you're not familiar with.
Miessence states that one of their top people makes $20,000 per month.
Including an organic designation on a cosmetic or skin care product indicates that one of a number of regulating boards evaluated an ingredient or ingredients in the preparation and is confident that they meet a list of minimum guidelines.
Decide what you'd like to emphasize, whether it's your hips or legs or cleavage, and then choose club wear to flaunt that one part.
Famous plus size fashion models like Crystal Renn and Velvet d'Amour have successfully busted the myth that one has to be twig-thin to look gorgeous in clothes.
Contrary to popular belief, just being in the vicinity of a mold does not mean that one will get terribly ill.
When a tornado watch turns into a tornado warning it means that one or more tornados have actually been sighted or are indicted in the area by a weather tracking radar system.
It's important to note that one of the largest problems for teens getting enough sleep is school itself.
The bed is adjustable so that one half can be soft while the other half is firm.
Holistic medicine considers all aspects of an individual's health with the recognition that one system has an effect on other systems of the body.
The input perspective might suggest that one area of the brain is communicating awareness of the dreaming state to another part of the brain.