Than Sentence Examples
He thinks you are better than us.
He has lived more than eighty years.
Alex had been hiding more than a father.
No one could have been more private than Josh.
Less than a week later she passed another milestone.
The school was more than a mile from their home, and the children trotted along as fast as their short legs could carry them.
It was high, much higher than he could reach.
I think that we may safely trust a good deal more than we do.
But I am making a simple statement that life is better now than it has ever been.
It was no fun to be pulled over the sharp stones in that way; but it was better than to be bitten by the wolf.
AdvertisementWe don't need our computers to be infinitely fast, just a whole lot faster than they are today.
It was light enough to see a long way in the deserted street and it seemed more like morning or evening than night.
You have more than one option.
But there was no shepherd in Scotland that could have done better than Sirrah did that night.
Alex seemed to be more comfortable around Morino than he was around his father's family.
AdvertisementEven when I studied most earnestly it seemed more like play than work.
It crossed her mind that Alex might be more than uncomfortable in these surroundings.
Whether you are rich or poor, live in the developed world or the developing world, life today is better and easier than it was a century ago by virtually any measure.
Actions spoke louder than words.
Analysts declared each successive generation might be "the first to have a lower standard of living than their parents."
AdvertisementWith respect to luxuries and comforts, the wisest have ever lived a more simple and meagre life than the poor.
It seemed to me that there could be nothing more beautiful than the sun, whose warmth makes all things grow.
We have time, just now, and I'd rather face the invis'ble bears than those wooden imps.
More than likely Alex didn't want to hear any more about danger, though.
Carmen couldn't make out more than a few words, but one of them was mare.
AdvertisementAlex would never cheat - not on someone he respected and admired more than anyone he knew.
I never had patience to arrange more than five or six groups at a time.
To him, it was no different than artificially inseminating a cow at his clinic... well, the concept wasn't.
More than that, he was willing to make concessions - in front of the children.
There's more than one but how many?
More than likely the correction was to prevent her from being embarrassed.
I guess the only thing he wanted more than that was a good woman and children.
I suppose no place is better than home on Christmas.
Some people just put more effort into distinguishing right from wrong than others.
He had access to his part much earlier than I did, so he was able to make some investments that really paid off.
This antibiotic seems to be working better than the previous one.
The medication they were giving her to clear up the congestion in her lungs was making her sleep a lot, but they thought that was better than having her upset all the time.
He said he felt bad about it, but conceded that Tessa had been less than honest with him on more than one occasion.
The trip to the airport and the flight to Illinois were both uneventful, the hotel accommodations better than they could have expected on such short notice.
The seclusion she knew well, having been brought up less than five miles from this house.
His kiss was no more out of line than her response.
Her erotic dreams were proof that he was becoming more than a friend to her, and that thought was troubling - both from the standpoint of her goals, and the fact that she was setting herself up for rejection.
The unknown can be worse than reality, and she had no idea what to expect on the flight.
It had taken more than an hour to get to school on the bus, making any after-school activities rare.
He and Sarah had done far more for her than could have been expected.
Not more than four hours ago he was so mad at her that he could hardly speak.
For the most part, the work she did for the Giddon family was little more than she would have done at home - with the exception that at home she probably would have made a sandwich instead of a meal.
So I've finally found something you're afraid of more than me.
Besides, I knew her far better than her husband.
I know better than that.
Until the attack was defended and defeated, Christmas mornings, autumn leaves, spring flowers and summer picnics were no more than passing dreams.
Molly is fun to be around, chatty and inquisitive and far less reserved than at our first meeting.
Consequently, it made more sense to submit to Alex than argue with him.
If he was in bed under the current circumstances, he must be sicker than he was letting on.
Her cheeks warmed with more than embarrassment.
Nonsense, you're not putting us out, but you're more than welcome to use the phone... and please call me Sarah.
Rephrasing the question would be nothing more than a distraction.
He gazed down at her with nothing less than adoration.
He grabbed her shoulders, pulling her roughly against him and kissed her lips in a demanding way that roused more anger than anything else.
But you have less than a month to go.
He wore a pulled up hoodie, but he was taller than our guy and Howie thought he was younger.
The town is delightful; much nicer than a mythical Idaho location they'd like me to believe.
They thought more of hunting and fighting than of learning.
Was the man capable of thinking of someone other than himself?
Of course, it went a lot deeper than that.
Crackling is much better than that faint wheezing.
Maybe it was more than that.
At the moment, it felt more domestic than romantic.
It couldn't have been more than a few seconds, but it seemed much longer.
In spite of the continual struggle for custody, he had felt more welcome at the Medena home than he had with his step-father's family.
It was hard to explain how her beauty was different than so many others, but it was.
According to Lisa, they were the closest thing to a family that she had other than her parents and siblings.
Allen had been drinking at the party a little more than usual.
Food was more a distraction than a desire.
That night, for the first time in more than a week, she tossed and turned in the bed, her sleep interrupted by memories of her family.
His remark about how she looked in the swimsuit made it obvious that he saw her as something more than a baby sitter or maid.
She had to come up with something better than that.
Of course, most of the boys she dated were much younger than Yancey.
It's our home and you're more than a sitter or maid to all of us.
The encounter had frightened him more than he would admit.
He was dead on when he said she was more afraid of her emotions than him.
No matter what happened, he would always be more than a fond memory - maybe a first love.
Actually, she'd rather get a room than stay in the house.
He stepped through the door, his expression less than friendly.
I could understand why he would be chasing her, but if I'd have known she'd go for a guy older than me...
The gray eyes held a glint of something more than humor, but his lips twisted into a satirical smile.
It was something more unsettling than friendship.
Did he suspect that she was beginning to feel more for him than simple friendship?
His tone was less than convinced.
The minute he detected something more than a platonic relationship, it was going to be good-by friendship.
The breakfast atmosphere was much better than supper.
Was he was feeling more than just friendship for her?
I can do better than that.
Those animals were more afraid of her than she of them, and he knew it.
Yet, one backward glance at the hard lines of the face over hers reminded her that there was more than the gentle side to him.
It can't be any more dangerous than driving around in Tulsa.
He deserved more than the sympathetic ear she had been lending him lately.
Following a long drive that consisted of little more than two ruts worn by vehicle tires, they came to the Marsh ranch.
Some day Michael would grow up and realize there was something more in life than conquest.
Don't you think that was more than a little distracting?
It's been more than that for a long time - or am I only imagining things?
There's no point in making it look any worse than it is.
Something is better than nothing.
Nothing she had ever experienced in her life was more painful than that moment, knowing his pain and not being able to say a thing to help.
They were offering more than she could make after several years' experience at the hospital in Tulsa.
It sounded more like a statement than a question anyway.
You're more important to me than that ranch.
I'm saying what we had together was more important than what I have now.
More than likely the unidentified rider was only another drifter.
Boys younger than Royce were working unsupervised.
Hopefully her voice sounded more composed than she felt.
Her feelings for Bordeaux had become more than mere friendship.
Cassie had to smile when Bordeaux positioned himself in a spot less than ten feet from her and pretended to settle down for the night.
The water wasn't much more than a drip and it took us a long time to fill the canteens.
No, it was more than that.
I hope you find this trip a little more comfortable than the last.
The house sits more than a mile off the snow plow route, so sometimes I'm snowed in for a week or so.
You do more work than the other two girls put together.
I guess his stepfather thought more of him than her.
Maybe he'd rather listen than talk.
She left the post office feeling better about Russell Cade than she did about herself.
Obviously he liked ranch work better than anything he had studied.
The idea was especially welcome, as she had become so organized that cleaning took no more than half the day.
She tried to work the muscles in her lower back with her fingertips, but the effort was worse than the benefit.
So far, deer and rabbits are easier for a few wolves to pull down than a healthy cow, but if the pack gets too big they may go after cattle.
To him it was nothing more than bringing home a gallon of milk or a sack of feed.
He was no more expressive around Mary than anyone else, but he often asked her opinion on things.
Her visits are nothing more than an inspection tour.
Actually, the bra and panties were far less revealing than a bikini.
She was little more than half-done and already he thought it was too much?
Maybe he simply wasn't capable of having a relationship deeper than surface friendship.
His voice was barely more than a whisper.
It was on one of these occasions that she wandered farther than she realized.
For him it was nothing more than a brief episode of pleasure.
I don't see how that's any different than you trying to protect me.
Other than the fact that she and Howard had already disrupted their lives enough for her, it was comforting to have her there.
Somehow I get the idea that you will find it harder to be idle than working.
I tried to ask you more than once, but someone was always interrupting and throwing a new kink in my plans.
When you offered me a job, were you thinking of me in any way other than a housekeeper?
He walked with a slight limp and looked older than thirty-six.
Years of only remembered dreams but now the real act is so much better than fantasying!
The summer you two came up here, I had a major crush on my handsome California cousin but you were seven years older than me and didn't know I existed.
However, while noticeable, his damaged appearance was less disagreeable than I expected.
He was history, in more ways than one.
I'm sure I made more of it than it deserved.
When I sleep normally, it takes a lot more than that to rouse me.
He's four years older than I am.
As if on cue, an old car with more rust than clear metal chugged to a stop at the dollar store.
The basement area was considerably larger than Quinn's small cabin lab-room, noticeably so with fewer plants and absent the desk.
A car horn outside woke him in less than five minutes.
It was the first occasion the dream took place close to the present time; less than four years ago!
Sunday was more productive than Saturday.
We were quieter than usual as we drove to our destination.
This will be a scientific announcement for the ages, more than DNA, cloning, everything!
I was, for a reason known to God alone, much more calm than the situation dictated.
Even Quinn showed more positive emotion than previously expressed.
Betsy was more than eager to comply.
After too much heated discussion, I agreed to give a less than specific tip saying I didn't believe the child was abducted.
We were on it, so to speak, less than two hours after the baby was taken.
Quinn worked on increasing the precision of time and location but it remained about the same; anything longer than a couple of days was a problem.
It was so heart wrenching to Martha she insisted Howie try more than once, in an effort to succeed.
Finding the most effective sources remained less than satisfactory.
This is so much higher than my grade level I'm getting a nose bleed.
I knew what I was about to say was far more than I wanted to offer.
I owe you more than you could ever know.
What could possibly be more important to us than saving lives?
I have more money than anyone deserves.
My point is, lacking knowledge is sometimes safer than possessing it.
Four and a half acres contained a barn larger than the LeBlanc's Peabody home, beautiful gardens and plush lawn.
In less than a month in early spring our lives were totally changed and we loved it.
A comfortable bed replaced the cot utilized in Peabody and absolute darkness proved more conducive to sleep than the leaked light that often snuck into our old quarters.
We considered the session might take much longer than usual.
We'd learned to accommodate one another's quirks with no more than a raised eyebrow.
I was less critical than my wife on the slow workings of the law.
I'd rather have entertained my house guest than listened to his sniveling and begging but alas, I do what I have to do.
It was now more than seventy-two hours after the kidnapping.
The downside of setting up identities was that someone would learn more detail about us than we'd previously released.
She was taller than Howie but rail thin and possessed an engaging smile, long blond hair and arresting blue eyes.
You brought our man closer to being identified than anyone else so you should kiss off any guilty feelings.
I really don't know any more than the man on the street.
I ignored her question rather than lie.
This ought to help the credibility issue; there's more to some tips than the police know, but haven't made public because it would enforce credence in a psychic connection for the tip.
Martha, free to indulge, surprised me by drinking more than her share, an uncommon practice on her part.
We're working on her self-confidence but it's still better than her mother's.
Molly appeared less shy around Howie than us, acting more casual toward him as if he was a member of her family.
I realize now my venture was doomed to failure from the start as my target was far better protected than I sensed.
She opens up for him; more than any other stranger.
She was seriously disturbed at keeping secretes from Howie; perhaps more so than he was, doing the same thing.
Now that Molly had confessed more knowledge than any of us suspected, I felt obligated to tell Martha the full story before she learned it from overheard conversation or from Molly directly.
It's not a solution but it will help a lot more than doing nothing while this guy may be getting closer.
I know the clerk down at Starbuck's more than I know my own mother.
It sounded more like a demand than a request.
Surely such sleuthing and cleverness deserves more reward than hiding in the bushes and watching the dogs of law ineptly do their duty.
The two were closer than they should have been.
She was far better than I at handling this type of emotion but just then, Molly skipped in the door.
There are four bedrooms, two more than they need and I've peeked in each, even testing the bed in one.
I could see Quinn's hand in the decision, far more than Martha's.
I can't think of a nicer reward than remaining here.
After that introduction, my wife listened; for more than five minutes, while Howie apparently continued to ramble.
There's an afternoon Amtrak train that makes the trip from South Station in Boston to Philly in less than five hours.
While the scenery was less than exciting, lunch was available.
I wondered if Howie's loss of memory had deeper roots than his later accident.
The girl was younger than Annie, but she was taken from her bed, same as Annie, and held for a week or more.
But this guy figured he was better than everyone else in the place.
I had more than an hour to wait at Philadelphia International Airport.
The hundred mile drive up the coast to Santa Barbara took more than two hours during which we chatted the entire way.
Thankfully, most times people react rather than ask questions.
The hospital was much more extensive than I expected.
I hoped to god my wife was smarter than John Luke Grasso.
She appears more outraged than frightened which is annoying.
It's far easier to calmly pen the words I said than it was to say them.
The phone rang more than a dozen times before a man with groggy voice answered.
Assistant Director Summerfield announced to the press at the height of the search, more than two hundred officers and volunteers were involved.
He preferred his life much simpler than it already was.
If she closed her eyes, she would have guessed him to be no older than her brother.
Are you sure Europe is worse than here?
No sooner had he opened his eyes than he heard the voice he least wanted to hear.
He was tall and lanky with a huge smile and close-spaced eyes that seemed more soulful than his youthful looks warranted.
Letting go of Gabriel was much harder than accepting her new mate.
More than enough, but once we reach the main Jeep road we're sure to see someone.
While Dean discounted hooligans as the source of his vandalism, he was more than happy to accept Brandon Westlake's timely rescue.
Bertha and I are a team, and she's a lot cheaper than renting one of those pricey new Jeeps.
How can a man be a philosopher and not maintain his vital heat by better methods than other men?
At this point the loss of her car was more an inconvenience than anything else.
Her soft touch did more than erase the worry from his brow.
There was no denying that Brandon was a private person - or that he had confided in her more than Rachel or Julia.
I first spoke to Martha, while not fully committed; I knew she was more sympathetic to Howie than her husband.
It was the last time we heard from Daniel Brennan for more than a week.
He's learning more about us than we're learning about him!
They must have been more than just suspicious of you.
More than a day followed until we'd chiseled, in ever increasing light, our precious opening.
He's a nice young man and I feel would make a far less labor intensive mate than Howie would have proved to be.
He really wasn't too much bigger than a cat, not when compared to an adult.
I require more than that.
He was her world, but she'd been nothing more than an afterthought, strung along with promises for years.
An hour of sleep was the longest he'd managed in over a week, and he felt more tired than when he lay down.
He sensed rather than saw that someone was in it, watching them.
Talon's boys are more violent than most of them.
She couldn't focus on anything farther away than her hand, and looking at her hand made her cry.
She wondered how many more there would be and doubted she'd last more than another day or two if he kept draining her blood.
His features were chiseled from golden granite, his blue eyes clearer than the Miami shallows.
In all their years together, they'd never been out of communication more than a few days.
It left him more hands-on with the western front than he'd been in hundreds of years.
He was even more striking than she remembered.
There were more than he expected, and he counted six.
Another part of her couldn't fathom how a man colder than a sociopath could be working for the side of good.
Someone knocked at the door before she could turn on more than the living room lights.
Bianca liked Jenn, though she felt there was more to the woman than she could pinpoint.
White hair, really big like Talon, these eyes that were darker than night, and when he talked, you could tell he didn't have a soul.
Bianca was warm and sweet, the kind of woman who deserved better than he'd ever have to offer.
Dusty said you're safer here than anywhere.
His thoughts went to the memory he wanted nothing more than to forget forever.
There's more than one-night stands.
There was something very different about this woman, and it was more than the feel of her energy flowing through him.
She was fully a part of him when they touched, as if he'd been missing more than a piece of his soul all these years and just now realized it.
Her evolving power told her more than she wanted to know, even before she faced him.
I can make more than one kind at once.
He glared at her, unable to shake the sense that if Bianca hadn't thought smarter than him, she'd be dead.
Bianca healed me earlier, and I thought I could do more than I could, especially since ....
This weekend looks worse than we thought.
He was expecting worse than a cat in Darian's room.
Yeah. I'd like nothing more than to round them all up into a stadium and wipe 'em clean.
For the first time in his life, he wondered what solutions other than execution would work.
He rubbed it, vexed, and spotted one zombie-vamp moving slower than the rest.
It was the worst place she'd ever been, worse than any horror movie, worse than any nightmare.
No woman would ever be more than second to a man like that, but being the woman who was second in his world sounded better than anything else she'd ever wanted.
She managed a nod at the eyes that had grown darker than the sky.
His skin was colder than snow, the power radiating off him like an arctic breeze.
She looked away, wanting nothing more than to disappear.
Dusty wanted nothing more than to order Darian back to Ohio to finish one mess before dragging them into another.
Talon stumbled, and Dusty froze rather than pounced, his head whipping around.
She turned to see the hall in disarray, a mist darker than night slowly creeping through the crowd.
Raindrops fell as if in slow motion, and lightning stayed, brighter than the midday sun.
He'd given her more than one as a child.
His brothers weren't any closer than they had been, but the sound of their voices made him realize how alone he'd really felt the past two weeks.
His erratic moods had grown more volatile the past couple of days, and she knew better than to draw his attention.
She didn't believe she'd turn into a princess any more than she believed she wanted anything to do with killing anyone.
Again he felt more was going on than the damn Watcher let on.
Jule refused to release her, sensing more danger toward her than to himself.
The woman's fate was suddenly of more concern to Jule than messing with the purple-eyed or green-eyed trolls.
Sometimes he did this after he'd hit her or screamed at her worse than usual.
It was better than any jewels he could buy her, because it meant something to him!
She'd sensed more danger from her father than from the man before her.
His voice was quiet and confident, and she felt like a visitor in his throne room rather than a woman talking to a stranger chained to her basement wall.
Running up the stairs to the main floor, she wanted nothing more than to return to the safety of her room.
She knew better than to relax around her father, whose hand was likely to fly at the drop of a hat.
She was worried about him, and he was touched by the idea she took pity on him when she herself was in more danger than he was.
Nothing more than a kid.
There was more to the boy's intentions than he let on.
He sensed rather than heard movement on the first floor.
Jule grunted at the first few blows that fell harder than any mortal could strike.
The needle was smaller than she remembered needles being, and she steadied her breathing before plunging it into his arm.
Nervous, she stabbed him harder than she intended to, and Jule groaned, closing his eyes.
His tingling senses awoke him, but he was too weak to do more than look around the room.
Maybe it was his delirium, but Jule thought the vamp looked larger than even Damian.
Jule's shaking had stopped, and he looked pale rather than flushed from a fever.
She wanted to think he was talking about more than her powers, but such an idea was out of the question.
Jule was so much bigger than her father.
But you're different than even Sean.
You're different than my father, too.
There were few things in life she was certain about, and one of them was that she'd felt safer with Jule during their short time together than she ever did with her father.
She suddenly felt more alone than ever and rubbed her stinging cheek.
Never met anyone more lost than I am.
If more than one person knows something, it's not a secret.
It's harder than I thought.
The kid was hard to read, and she guessed his anger had more to do with his struggle to understand his new role than the vamps who clearly had no respect for him.
Jonny glanced around the room, his hesitation giving more than one vamp confidence to draw their weapons openly.
Sometimes he gave her the creeps, and she suspected he was sharper than he let on.
Jule was beginning to think death was better than his weakened state.
She looked far less harmless than the Other.
It's better than letting him kill the neighboring rancher's cows or my rescue animals.
Yully's eyes closed, and she focused hard on feeling something other than Jule, whose presence still lingered in her body.
Try more than one.
She accepted Jonny's hand rather than Xander's and closed her eyes to the cold sensations of Transporting.
Jule's eyes glinted with the magic in his body, and the air around him shimmered in a different power than that of her father.
It took more effort than he thought to break the otherworldly connection binding them.
The number of beings capable of killing one was less than five, and the last thing they needed was an Original Being showing up to complicate matters.
I can't stay more than tonight.
He wouldn't order your mate killed any more than he would his.
We all serve the same cause of protecting those weaker than us from evil.
He still couldn't remember much more than what the Watcher and Original Vamp had told him.
It's worse than that.
Half a head shorter than Xander, Jule was speaking quietly to the vamp, whose arms were crossed and head tilted in consideration.
The Originals have a truce that's older than all of us combined.
My terms are far kinder for you than I'd give anyone else.
Jule obliged quickly, unwilling to keep the vamp close to his brothers' mates longer than necessary.
There were twenty of them, far more than the small house could hold.
One source of energy was darker than a stormy sky while another was as bright as the sun.
Yully let the power fill her and mix with the other energies, staving off panic that there was much more than she could ever control.
Darian didn't remember it any more than he remembered much of the thousands of years he spend enslaved by Jonny's predecessor.
Xander seemed like nothing more than a bored guest.
There was more to Xander than Damian could pinpoint.
He was taller than it by a head.
She lacked Jake's golden tongue, and her bluntness had gotten her in trouble more than once.
You've always thought yourself soooo much better than the rest of us, and I'm sick of your attitude.
Damian knew better than to trust the deceptive appearance of this type of creature.
Or more than one, Dusty typed.
You've got more than one rat to worry about.
By his tone, something was more wrong than the horrible costume.
Jule's smiles were less reserved than those of the other men despite his unfriendly appearance.
His fangs were long, his eyes burning with more than hunger.
She didn't expect it; she expected him to lie rather than point out the flaws in her desperate logic.
Rather than drink from her, he kissed her.
Her two canines were larger than before and gave her the appearance of a vampire.
The scars the Dark One created when he turned her Immortal were more faded today than yesterday.
She sensed more than saw the largest difference within her.
It was harder to resist him than it was Gabriel, which made her want to weep.
He was different than the last deity she'd slept with.
It's more of a cluttered box than a web.
Darkyn's daughter appeared frail and gaunt, her skin a shade or two darker than the white pillow beneath her head.
The other side of her face displayed facial features that were heavy rather than feminine, resembling her father's.
He wouldn't say much else, other than she cannot be fixed with the magic of Hell, Wynn explained.
Did he trust her or assume she knew better than to run?
She glanced back over her shoulder to see Darkyn standing where she left him, hands clasped behind his back, watching her with the cold smile that told her there was more going on than she suspected.
The bond creates more than dependency; it gives you a helluva lot of influence over him.
It was different than the other portals; there were no doors visible through this one, just a hole in the world.
The humans mean more to you than they do to me.
It wasn't the first time she'd heard such a thing, but it sounded far worse coming from the devil than it had Wynn.
Darkyn himself had shown some signs of being affected by her, perhaps not as much as she liked, but more than she ever expected.
The footsteps were soft, but it sounded like more than one person.
Unless more than Harmony had betrayed Gabriel.
He moved faster than she was able to follow.
She could summon Darkyn, though she feared his reaction to her leaving more than what these people would do to her.
He was older, in his mid-thirties, and the light took longer to appear in his eyes than it had the younger man.
Wishing she'd gone somewhere other than here.
There's a greater purpose than myself.
Darkyn drank more from her than before, leaving her lightheaded.
My ambition is far different than yours.
If he was half as creative at torturing people and planning his battles as he was in bed, he was more than capable of doing it.
She bit his neck harder than she had before, and he chuckled.
I know better than to trust Wynn, she said with a sigh.
If it does, wouldn't you rather take a chance to owe me than be in debt to Darkyn?
Her skin began to flush until it was pink enough to look human rather than the sleep of the dead.
She feared seeing them happy again, knowing she really was nothing more than a disposable stand-in until they were able to be together again.
There's more to the story than what you know.
I saw how you were created from a seventeen-year-old boy who wanted nothing more than for your mistress to love you.
It's more than fear.
Rather than incite her, it left her sleepy.
One might argue that manipulating the Future and unfettered access to the present provides more than enough influence.
She looked far different than Deidre recalled.
I can't imagine the impact of both on him when one is more than enough.
Darkyn's approach to the mating bond was much different than Gabriel's.
Her hope had been crushed in every other way – except that it stirred once more at the idea there was more to him than she knew.
Though she doubted he was capable of emotions like she was, he was capable of more than he claimed, too.
The light of the black fire was too dim for her to see much more than the outline of his form.
This time, there was more than insatiable lust and need in his kiss.
A feeling other than anxiety washed over her.
They'd never made official application for custody, but when they broached the subject with the authorities it was met with less than enthusiasm.
On Friday morning Bird Song's full complement of guests were treated to the usual bounty of Cynthia's baking, but with less zip and smiles than most days.
Maria was a wee bird of a woman—probably a teenager, Hispanic, and even shorter than Cynthia, who barely topped five feet.
What's bothering you—more than just you're going away?
It would cost more than seven dollars to have them dry cleaned and pressed.
She acts more sorry for the woman, or exasperated, than afraid of her.
It had been the mildest late winter in years and the lack of high country snow had opened the Jeep roads weeks earlier than usual.
Worse than what you did.
But the brief exercise failed to dispel the glumness for more than a few moments.
You've got more time on your hands than an unemployed whaler.
It's more than that.
Even the usually bored Dawkinses ooh-ed and aah-ed appropriately but the brothers seemed more interested in the locale of the various shots than the scenery and flora so beautifully presented.
He promised to return in an hour and ferry the group back to Bird Song, which was less than a mile away.
It seems more like days than hours.
Fred displayed a tad more interest in the mysterious find than the prior evening.
Randy continued to talk, more rapidly than necessary, mentioning a small wedding.
Dean could do little more than put his arm around her.
Cynthia didn't ask him to join her and he was more than happy to remain rocking a groove in the front porch decking.
I've chased more bad guys running Bird Song bed and breakfast than when I was a Parkside, Pennsylvania police detective.
Even the cat looked up, more from the cessation of her patting than Dean's expletive.
He'd traveled that road before, more than once.
I figured this county deserves a more astute sheriff than the current candidate, so I tossed my hat in the ring this morning.
Maybe that's why you were so damn quick to be willing to take less than fifty percent of the land!
Dean had no stomach for going any deeper than necessary and the water from the mine seepage was getting deeper.
The two drinks and lack of a third caused him to be more direct than normal politeness would dictate.
With an approximate date—or at least a year—and a first name, the chore would be infinitely easier than scouring decades for a nameless individual.
Billy Langstrom, behind the wheel of a red Jeep similar to but older than Deans', honked from across the street.
Once you've got the bug, you'd no more pass up a good bargain than a cold beer on a hot day.
Jenny is younger than any of us!
I was in the water fight myself when I was younger than you.
You're in better hands than I was being on Billy's team.
You're going to have to do much better than that, Mr. Dean.
When we married, I was twenty-eight and he was fifty-two—nearly twice my age—two years older than my father!
I kicked in more coins to our marriage than Paul ever did.
She seemed more genuinely shocked than irate.
Dean was more than just surprised by her request.
While the walk was less than a half-mile, Ouray's 7,800-foot elevation and the uphill rise caused Dean to quicken his breathing—one more reminder to get in shape.
The vehicle, older than Fred, sounded better than Dean's Jeep.
Besides, Dean thought, Randy—single or married—probably has more sense than to get knocked on his ass by a zillion pounds of water pressure aimed at his body.
In spite of all I said, his and Jen's baby has a lot better future than Billy Langstrom's.
They drove south from town and in less than a quarter mile, turned right onto what was locally known as the Camp Bird Mine Road.
Jennifer began snapping her small camera at the first vista until she realized she'd used more than half the roll.
After what seemed even longer than the Dean's first trip to the mine just two days earlier, they emerged into the basin where the valley floor was a sea of wildflowers.
The group left the Jeep and spent more than an hour on foot with Cynthia taking infinite care with each of her photos.
The escape was less than stealthy, and it was impossible to tell if there was more than one pair of feet.
It was a mine portal, smaller than the main entrance to the Lucky Pup.
The portal was smaller and dryer than the main mine entrance and seemed to lead downward from this elevated location.
Once is more than enough.
Darkness moved in quickly now, and he knew he'd soon need help and more light than a simple flashlight to locate a wreck, if in fact a vehicle had plunged to the valley floor, a hundred or more feet below.
He felt more than saw her shake her head no.
He knew the river lay far below and they'd negotiated less than half the distance.
They had crawled past it by no more than fifty feet.
Dean muttered an agreement as he began to open Dawkins's bureau drawers, more out of a nosy nervousness than anything sinister.
Why do you feel you are better equipped to be our next sheriff than your opponent?
Making judgment after the fact is far easier than before.
All I could think of was Randy and how lucky we are that he's got his act together in spite of this business with Jen—how much better off he is than Billy— and Jen than Melissa.
Back on the pavement, Dean pedaled past Tom, a well-known wild turkey who'd in past months adopted a location on the highway from which he never seemed to stray more than a few hundred yards.
He was built from the same mold—large and muscular, the kind of man more fitted to military special forces or UFC prizefighting than financial planning.
The visions were less invasive than those from others, like background music at a department store.
His look was intense, much different than the warmth he'd displayed earlier that afternoon.
Our kind tend to live much longer than the average human.
A few minutes later, Jake returned with a jug of water, appearing less than excited.
His visions were more than just his death; they were the first-person experience of the torturing and killing of many, many others, as if she were mutilating others.
Men like Jake wouldn't want to die any other way than honorably defending people like you.
You might as well make it on your terms, ordering him to submit, rather than begging and mauling him like an animal.
Sometimes I think you'd rather eat me than talk to me.
There are … creatures older than me in the universe, and they were fighting a turf war over who ruled what part of the universe.
He kneaded her breasts, wanting nothing better than to suckle her until she cried out in ecstasy.
You're more welcome in my bed than she is!
There was no crueler fate in this world than her own!
And if she told Damian who to kill, did that make her worse than them?
Who better to weed out traitors than the one who could see them for what they were?
Something more than Dusty killing bad guys was upsetting her.
Damian caught his eye and looked pointedly at Dusty, silently asking if the Guardian had done as he asked and told his boss that the Natural was more than a new recruit.
We had three in the last class, more than we've seen in a few hundred years.
He cared for Claire, or at least, he was attracted to her, and she didn't know if there was more than what she knew about them.
She held his hand longer than she should.
His blue eyes were colder than the sky on a winter morning in Virginia.
Jule had always said he inspired men to follow him, though he saw nothing different in what he did than what his deputies did.
The other two were too occupied by whatever happened to do more than glance at the newcomer.
She's in the early stages of pregnancy, no more than eight weeks.
Sofia asked with more emotion than she intended.
He wasn't like Dustin, who seemed more likely to kill a stranger than talk to one.
Exactly. But not everyone can do what we do, because we're, well, different than normal people.
He was worse than a woman PMSing.
In an organization of less than five thousand, that's a lot.
Linda says you're newer than me.
Linda was too easygoing to be affected by much of anything, and the men seemed more surprised than anything else.
She felt more compelled to him now than ever before.
She was more grateful to him in that moment than she'd ever been.
She looked healthier and happier than during their last two encounters, and Linda had let it slip that she and Rainy were talking again.
Dusty and Jule knew better than to pry what happened when he confronted Claire.
She kept the movies playing, focusing on nothing other than the brothers' time together.
His hair was brown rather than white-blond, his beautiful eyes deep set and large.
Her bruises were gone, and her two-toned eyes were calmer than they'd been.
She hesitated, sensing he would be angrier with her than Jule or Dustin had been.
He knew Sofia better than he knew Damian.
Good. Easier for me than Darian to readjust.
He wore nothing more than a T-shirt and jeans.
As they strode into the gardens toward an awaiting helicopter, she couldn't help but think she'd just stepped into something far greater than she could ever imagine.
Made of material softer than silk, the black dress she wore pooled at the top of her feet.
The tome was far heavier than she expected, made of something much different than cardboard and paper.
Her first deal was made more out of emotion than anything else.
Something jarred her, a flash of magic, one that made her more nauseous than what she saw happen next.
His eyes were blacker than Gabriel's, and his plain features deceptive.
Was what she felt for Gabriel nothing more than destiny and Immortal laws she knew nothing about?
His nose bore the appearance of having been broken and set incorrectly more than once.
This was too similar to what she physically felt towards Gabriel to be anything other than the Immortal bond that branded Darkyn's name across her shoulders.
Roger was a tiny man, no taller than Cynthia, with snowy white hair and sparkling blue eyes.
It used to be closed tighter than a kiddie cap on a pill bottle.
A teacher doesn't have to be smart—just brighter than the student.
But Fitzgerald had to be older than forty—he certainly looked it—a fact easily checked on his election application.
He's not much older than Randy.