Tethered Sentence Examples
Others don't like the confinement of being tethered to a machine while sleeping.
While none of us opted for involvement, Howie's insistence was the first time he hadn't acted like a tethered toddler.
They tethered their horses by a small thicket along the river bank.
We left pops tethered at the farm happily munching grass.
They were fed with hay during the annual inundation, and at other times tethered in meadows of green clover.
James also ruled out the possibility of a tethered balloon, but it would have been too close to the congested flightpaths over London.
The doctor has a balloon tethered in his garden which he uses to study the stars.
Kennel operators often keep dogs tethered on short ropes or chains or confined to tiny spaces.
He then crawled out of the hatch and was in open space (although securely tethered to the capsule, of course ).
At deco depth he did most of his stops, still tethered to the wreck.
AdvertisementThe more traditional horse drawn trailers are seen on many of the grassy verges throughout the area with horses tethered close by.
Faraday first succeeded by the simple but ingenious device of using a light magnetic needle tethered flexibly to the bottom of a cup containing mercury so that one pole of the magnet was just above the surface of the mercury.
The court itself is generally paved, and large enough to admit of three or four hundred crouching camels or tethered mules; the bales of merchandise are piled away under the lower arcade, or stored up in the cellars behind it.
Atmospheric profiles will be measured using tethered balloon and radiosonde launches.
The tame ducks were tethered at the entrance of the traps and the more ' calling ' the ducks did the better.
AdvertisementIn the churchyard wall is the bull ring where the farmers tethered the animals brought to market.
He then crawled out of the hatch and was in open space (although securely tethered to the capsule, of course).
What pedestrian could cope with 45 horses tethered together, galloping at full speed past a frequented crossroads?
Still in trauma from having their children taken from them, the mares will be re-impregnated and then tethered in a small wooden stall.
When most people think about BlackBerry PDA phones, they automatically think of corporate users who are constantly tethered to their mobile e-mail machines.
AdvertisementIf you're worried that you'll be stuck with old-fashioned, less technologically advanced phones because you aren't tethered to the company with a contract, don't be.
More daring souls will love the tethered ride about Niagara Falls.
Dean wished he'd taken time to dress more warmly as he hurried down the penstock path toward where Shipton's severed line had been tethered.
These clusters are then tethered to the surface via sulfide linkages.
Special Information for Snowboarders The front leg must be firmly tethered to the board by a safety strap.
AdvertisementSimon Simon is a male chimpanzee who was found tethered to a post at a gasoline station in Spain.
A number of horses tethered near a tree in the fields, where a fair is held in the summer.
However, many women dislike being tethered to a machine or feel that their birthing team pays more attention to the machines than their needs.
Sometimes one would circle round and round me in the woods a few feet distant as if tethered by a string, when probably I was near its eggs.
The main controller also comes with a port on the bottom for other peripherals, like the included tethered analog stick attachment.
For those more adventurous souls, take a tethered helium balloon ride over Niagara and experience the area from a wildly different viewpoint.
They rode through the village of Rykonty, past tethered French hussar horses, past sentinels and men who saluted their colonel and stared with curiosity at a Russian uniform, and came out at the other end of the village.