Testis Sentence Examples
Recent research, however, points to these cords of the rete testis et ovarii as being derived from the coelomic epithelium instead of from the mesonephros.
In C. nigrescens and in some other species a zooid may contain a pair of ovaries, a pair of testes, or an ovary and a testis, although the males, females and hermaj phrodites do not differ from one another in external characters.
The efferent ducts are ciliated, and there is a patch of cilia at the point where they communicate with the cavity of each testis.
The testis is a single compact organ.
For some years he lived in seclusion in Cornwall and occupied himself with theological studies, producing among other books The Arte of Happines (1619) and Testis Veritatis, a reply to Richard Montagu's Appello Caesarem.
Many of the Ecaudata have remnants of oviducts, or Miillerian ducts, most developed in Bufo, which genus is also remarkable as possessing a problematic organ, Bidder's organ, situated between the testis and the adipose or fat-bodies that surmount it.
The adjuvant treatment consisted in chemotherapy like using in germ cell neoplasm 's of the testis.
Boys may have a swollen scrotum, which in rare cases, can lead to twisting of the testis (testicular torsion ).
But, about 1 in 4 males who get mumps over the age of 12 develop a painful swollen testis.
If this is necessary 2 further 1 cm cuts will be made to allow special instruments to be inserted to remove the testis.
AdvertisementHe had an undescended testis on the left side.
Four studies are now close to publication and I currently have funding for further work on the human fetal testis.
Further tests to stage the disease revealed a 1.5 cm tumor in the right testis.
The contralateral testis should always be fixed at surgery to prevent a recurrence.
Expression was negligible in rete testis and interstitial Leydig cells, and low in epididymis.
AdvertisementB, anterior portion more highly magnified (from Marshall and Hurst, after Sommer); cs, cirrus sac; d, ductus ejaculatorius; f, female aperture; o, ovary; od, oviduct; p, penis; s, shell-gland; t, anterior testis; u, uterus; va, vp, vasa deferentia; us, vesicula seminalis; y, yolk-gland; yd, its duct.
Boys may have a swollen scrotum, which in rare cases, can lead to twisting of the testis (testicular torsion).
The same lack of awareness is equally true of young men and testis cancer.
In many male animals, testis size is affected by photoperiod.
Addition of XPA specifically conferred full NER capacity on the testis tumor extracts.
AdvertisementWe diagnosed a left undescended testicular tumor and torsion of the left testis.
The mesothelial tissue surrounding the male internal reproductive organs is called the tunica vaginalis testis.
Testicular torsion is the twisting of a testis (testicle) such that the spermatic cord becomes twisted, cutting off blood flow to the testis.
Each testis receives blood through the spermatic cord.
When this happens blood supply to the testis is cut off.
AdvertisementThe resulting situation is an emergency, because the testis will die within hours if the blood supply is not restored.
The affected testis may appear to be slightly higher than the unaffected one.
Torsion is indicated if the radioactive fluid does not flow through the sore testis.
Surgery performed within the first six hours has an 80 to 100 percent chance of saving the affected testis.
This likelihood goes down the longer blood flow to the testis has been cut off.
During the procedure, the surgeon untwists the cord and secures the testis in place so that it cannot rotate again.
While waiting for surgery, the doctor may try to restore blood flow to the testis by hand.
This can help to save the testis if surgery is not possible right away.
Surgery is still necessary, however, even if blood flow to the testis has been restored, because it is very likely that torsion will occur again.
If the torsion is relieved within six hours, it is very likely that the testis will recover normal blood flow and function.
If the torsion continues for more than 24 hours, it is unlikely that the testis can be saved.
One testis is all that is necessary for normal growth and maturation, as well as normal fertility later in life.
This is frequently done after an occurrence of torsion, both to the torsed testis and the unaffected testis.
If the torsion is not corrected quickly, the testis usually loses function.
Only one healthy and functioning testis is required for normal growth and development and for normal fertility later in life.
Spermatic cord-The tissue that suspends the testis inside the scrotum.
In 5 percent of cases of undescended testes, the testis on one side is completely absent.
In 5 percent of cases, one testis is completely absent.
An adult man is three to 17 times more likely to develop testicular cancer if he has had a testis that did not descend naturally.
Surgery done to move the testis into the scrotum does not reduce the likelihood of malignancy but allows accessibility of the testes to screen for masses which will allow early treatment.
In 1-5 percent of children, a hernia results when a feature of fetal anatomy in the inguinal area of the groin (processus vaginalis, the space through which the testis or ovaries descend) fails to close normally after birth.
There are three pairs of spermathecae situated in segments III-V, a testis in V and an ovary in VI.
Each testis communicates by means of an efferent duct with a common collecting duct of its side of the body, which opens on to the exterior by means of a protrusible penis, and to which is sometimes appended a seminal vesicle.
The testis t occupies a median position in the coiled visceral mass.
In the male of Phyllodromia the rudiment of a vestigial ovary becomes separated from the developing testis, indicating perhaps an originally hermaphrodite condition.
The ovary (o) and the testis (t) of Ectoprocta are developed on the body-wall, on the stomach, or on the funiculus.
The male organs are usually a testis, a large seminal bladder and a protrusible penis.
The left inner gill-plate is also snipped to show the subjacent orifices of the left renal organ x, and of the genital gland (testis or ovary) y.
These forms are hermaphrodite, with an ovary and testis completely separate from each other on each side of the body, each having its own duct and aperture.
About the fifth week of human embryonic life the tunica albuginea appears in the male, from which septa grow to divide the testis into lobules, while the epithelial cords form the seminiferous tubes, though these do not gain a lumen until just before puberty.
From the adjacent mesonephros cords of cells grow into the attached part of the genital ridge, or testis, as it now is, and from these the rete testis is developed.
The sexes are distinct, and the ovary is frequently greenish in colour, the testis red.
The reproductive organs lie on the left side, near the aboral end, both ovary and testis being present in the same individual in some of the species.