Tersely Sentence Examples
He lowered his voice and spoke tersely.
The three moved with her, Pierre speaking tersely in French on the phone.
In some of his smaller books, however, he shows great powers of condensation and arrangement, and writes tersely enough.
The common practice of ordinary collectors, until at least very recently, has been tersely described as being to " shoot a bird, take off its skin, and throw away its characters."
Events soon appraised the ultra-Federalist judgment of American democracy, so tersely expressed by Fisher Ames as "like death.
So long as the characters of new fossils are only of specific and generic value, it is mostly possible to assign the birds to their proper place, but when these characters indicate new families or orders, for instance Hesperornithes, Ichthyornithes, Palaelodi, their owners are put outside the more tersely constructed classifications applicable to modern birds.